Greasy Fork is available in English.
Monitor whether the answer is complete, if not, automatically send a continue command.
// ==UserScript== // @name ChatGPT Monitor // @namespace // @version 0.4 // @description Monitor whether the answer is complete, if not, automatically send a continue command. // @author CyberSexy // @match* // @require // @run-at document-end // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; window.addEventListener('loadMonitor', function() { const element = document.querySelector('.text-2xl'); console.log("MyScript1: " + element); // 这个地方用来判断是否正在返回数据,利用text-2xl的这个类。这个类只在获取数据时候出现。 if (!element) { // Get the last element with class name "markdown" var latest = document.getElementsByClassName('markdown')[document.getElementsByClassName('markdown').length - 1]; // Store the latest element's content in a variable var dataZ = latest.innerHTML; //console.log("MyScriptFull: " + dataZ); // Remove <p> tags from the content dataZ = dataZ.replace(/<\/?p>/g, ''); // Check if the content ends with ".", ";" or "。"or"</pre>" // 你根据情况判断是否还要加,例如有的时候是问号。 var endsWithPunctuation = /[.;!!。]$/.test(dataZ) || dataZ.endsWith("</pre>"); console.log("MyScript2: " + endsWithPunctuation); //Extract the last 20 characters var last20 = dataZ.substr(dataZ.length - 20, 20); console.log("MyScript3: " + last20); if (!endsWithPunctuation) { var input=document.querySelector('textarea'); input.value="继续"; input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", { bubbles: true })); input.form.dispatchEvent(new Event("submit", { bubbles: true })); }; } } ) setInterval(function() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('loadMonitor')); }, 5000); })();