Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name 我只想好好观影 // @namespace // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @connect * // @run-at document-end // @require // @require[email protected]/dist/artplayer-plugin-control.js // @require // @require // @version 3.9.6 // @author liuser, collaborated with ray // @description 为了想看就看 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== //vue production[email protected] //vue dev[email protected]/dist/vue.js //按钮样式 // @note 按钮样式 GM_addStyle( ` .liu-btn{ cursor:pointer; font-size:1rem; padding: 0.6rem 1.2rem; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 3px; max-height:50px; } .play-btn { border-radius: 8px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bolder; background-color:#e8f5e9; } .play-btn:hover { background-color:#c8e6c9; } .play-btn:active{ background-color: #81c784; } .source-selector{ background-color: #141414; color: #99a2aa; padding:0.6rem 0.8rem; margin:0.5rem 0.875rem; border-radius:4px; } .source-selector:hover{ background-color: #1f1f1f; } .series-selector{ background-color: #141414; border-radius:3px; color: #99a2aa; font-size:16px; padding: 12px 16px; } .series-selector:hover{ background-color: #153a1d; } .playing{ border:2px solid #007011; } .selected{ border:2px solid #007011; } .liu-closePlayer{ border-radius:3px; background-color: #141414; float:right; color: #99a2aa; width:2rem; height:2rem; line-height:2rem; padding:0; margin:0.5rem 1rem; } .liu-closePlayer:hover{ background-color:#1f1f1f; color:white; } .love-support{ color:#99a2aa; background-color:tranparent; margin-right:32px; } a:visited{ color:#99a2aa; } a:hover{ font-weight:bold; color:#A8DB39; background:none; } ` ); //@note 剧集选择器布局 GM_addStyle( ` .series-contianer{ display:grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(4,1fr); grid-auto-rows:50px; grid-column-gap:16px; grid-row-gap:16px; margin-top:16px; height:524px; overflow-y:scroll; } .series-contianer::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } @media screen and (max-width: 1025px) { .series-contianer{ display:grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(6,1fr); } } ` ); //布局@note 整体布局 GM_addStyle( ` :root{ font-size:16px; font-family: BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI","Roboto","Oxygen","Ubuntu","Cantarell","Fira Sans","Droid Sans","Helvetica Neue",sans-serif !important; } :root::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } .TalionNav{ z-index:10; } .speed-slow{ color:#9e9e9e; } .speed-fast{ color:#4aa150; } .mannul{ margin:16px 0px 64px 14px; font-size:16px; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; } .authoralert{ font-size:16px; margin-left:14px; color:#F76965; } .liu-playContainer{ width:100%; height:100%; background-color:#1c2022; position:fixed; top:0; z-index:11; overflow:auto; } .liu-playContainer::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } .video-selector{ display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; margin-top:1rem; } .liu-selector:hover{ color:#aed0ee; background-color:none; } .liu-selector{ color:black; cursor:pointer; padding:3px; margin:5px; border-radius:2px; } .liu-rapidPlay{ color: #007722; } .liu-light{ background-color:#7bed9f; } .artplayer-app{ height:600px; } .playSpace{ display: grid; /* height:400px; */ margin:1rem; grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr; grid-row-gap:0px; grid-column-gap:1rem; margin-top:2rem; clear: both; } @media screen and (max-width: 1025px) { .playSpace{ display: grid; /* height:600px; */ grid-template-rows: 1fr 0.5fr; grid-template-columns:1fr; grid-row-gap:10px; grid-column-gap:0px; } } .seletor-title{ height:60px; line-height:3rem; background-color: #141414; color:#fafafa; font-size:1.25rem; padding: 0 1rem; } ` ); // 上传额外源的信息 const sourceupload = () => { let sourceAdded = prompt( "请输入自定义源,名称与链接用|隔开,每一项用英文逗号隔开,例子:XX资源|,YY资源|" ); GM_setValue("sourceAdded", sourceAdded); }; // 注册菜单按钮 GM_registerMenuCommand("自定义源", sourceupload); (function () { const _debug = 0; //@note debug const searchSource = [ //@note 内置搜索源 { name: "红牛资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "暴风资源", searchUrl: "", }, // { // name: "快帆资源", // searchUrl: "", // }, 失效 { name: "非凡资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "量子资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "ikun资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "光速资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "高清资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "天空资源", searchUrl: "", }, //有防火墙,垃圾 { name: "闪电资源", searchUrl: "", }, //不太好,格式经常有错 { name: "索#资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "飞速资源", searchUrl: "", }, //经常作妖或者没有资源 { name: "卧龙资源", searchUrl: "", }, //非常恶心的广告 // { "name": "8090资源", "searchUrl": "" },垃圾 可能有墙 { name: "百度云资源", searchUrl: "", }, // { "name": "#点资源", "searchUrl": "" }, { name: "淘片资源", searchUrl: "", }, // { "name": "ck资源", "searchUrl": "" }, { name: "快播资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "乐视资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "优质资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "丫丫资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "金鹰资源", searchUrl: "", }, { name: "快播资源", searchUrl: "", }, // { "name": "海外看资源", "searchUrl": "" }, // 说是屏蔽了所有##的IP,所以如果你有外国的ip可能比较好 // { "name": "68资源", "searchUrl": "" }, // {"name":"鱼乐资源","searchUrl":""},//速度太慢 { name: "无尽资源", searchUrl: "", }, //资源少 ]; const { query: $, queryAll: $$, isMobile } = Artplayer.utils; //工具函数 const tip = (message) => alert(message); // 判断是否为 Edge 浏览器 const isEdge = /Edge\/\d+/.test(navigator.userAgent); // 判断是否为 Chrome 浏览器 const isChrome = /Chrome\/\d+/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !isEdge; // 判断是否为 Safari 浏览器 const isSafari = /Safari\/\d+/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !isChrome; //--------------------------全局方法 //获取豆瓣影片名称 const videoName = isMobile ? $(".sub-title").innerText : document.title.slice(0, -5).replace(" ", ""); // debug方法 const log = (function () { if (_debug) return console.log.bind(console); return function () {}; })(); const htmlToElement = function (html) { //将html字符串转为element const template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = html.trim(); return template.content.firstChild; }; //速度为0不一定是无法播放,可能是源的防火墙阻止了测速,也可以试试。 const handleResponse = function (response) { // log("正在处理搜索的结果"); if (!response) { // log("返回结果错误,response is undefined"); return { r: false }; } if (response.list.length == 0) { // log("没有搜索到结果"); return { r: false }; } let video, found = false; for (let item of response.list) { // 对比名称、发行年、演员,只要有一个一样就算成功 let nameEqual = item.vod_name == videoName; let yearEqual = getVideoYear(item.vod_year); let actorContain = videoActor(item.vod_actor.split(",")[0]); if (yearEqual === true || actorContain === true || nameEqual === true) { video = item; found = true; // log(`资源匹配成功`); break; } } if (found == false) { return { r: false }; } let vod_name = video.vod_name; let playList = video.vod_play_url .split("$$$") .filter((str) => str.includes("m3u8")); if (playList.length == 0) { throw new Error("没有m3u8资源, 无法测速, 无法播放"); return { r: false }; } playList = playList[0].split("#"); playList = => { let index = str.indexOf("$"); return { name: str.slice(0, index), url: str.slice(index + 1), speed: -1, }; }); return { r: true, content: playList, vod_name: vod_name }; }; //播放按钮 class PlayBtn { constructor() { const e = htmlToElement( `<button class="liu-btn play-btn">一键播放</button>` ); $(isMobile ? ".sub-original-title" : "h1").appendChild(e); e.onclick = function () { initVue(); }; } } const playM3u8 = function (video, url, art) { if (Hls.isSupported()) { if (art.hls) art.hls.destroy(); const hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(url); hls.attachMedia(video); art.hls = hls; art.on("destroy", () => hls.destroy()); } else if (video.canPlayType("application/")) { video.src = url; } else { = "Unsupported playback format: m3u8"; } }; //获取电影的年份 const getVideoYear = function (outYear) { const e = $(isMobile ? ".sub-original-title" : ".year"); if (!e) { // log("获取年份失败,请检查!"); return 0; } return e.innerText.includes(outYear); }; //对比电影演员 const videoActor = function (outActor) { const e = $(isMobile ? ".bd" : ".actor"); if (!e) { // log("获取演员失败,请检查!"); return 0; } //log(`${outActor}:匹配结果${e.innerText.includes(outActor)}`) return e.innerText.includes(outActor); }; //下载 const get = function (detail) { //@note get log("正在请求:"); log(detail); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timer = setTimeout(() => { resolve({ r: false }); }, 3000); let defaultConfig = { method: "GET", timeout: 3000, onload: (r) => { clearTimeout(timer); resolve({ r: true, content: r.response }); }, onerror: () => { log("get请求error " + detail.url); resolve({ r: false }); }, onabort: () => { log("get请求abort " + detail.url); resolve({ r: false }); }, ontimeout: () => { log("get请求timeout " + detail.url); resolve({ r: false }); }, }; let config = Object.assign(defaultConfig, detail); GM_xmlhttpRequest(config); }); }; //下载m3u8的内容,返回片段列表 const downloadtsList = async function (url) { let domain = url.split("/")[0]; let baseUrl = url.split("/")[2]; let r###lt = await get({ url: encodeURI(url), }); if (!r###lt.r) { return { r: false }; } let downloadContent = r###lt.content; if (!downloadContent.includes("#EXTM3U")) { log("无法获取m3u8内容,请求网址为:" + url); log("下载的内容为"); log(downloadContent); return { r: false }; } let tsList = []; if (downloadContent.includes(".m3u8")) { //如果还是m3u8地址 let lines = downloadContent.split("\n"); for (let item of lines) { if (/^[#\s]/.test(item)) continue; //跳过注释和空白行 if (item == "") continue; if (/^\//.test(item)) { //如果是相对链接的话 let r###lt = await downloadtsList(domain + "//" + baseUrl + item); if (!r###lt.r) { return { r: false }; } tsList = r###lt.content; } else if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(item)) { //如果是绝对链接的话 let r###lt = await downloadtsList(item); if (!r###lt.r) { return { r: false }; } tsList = r###lt.content; } else { //那就只剩下替代链接的情况了 log("m3u8替代情况"); log(item); let contents = url.split("/"); contents[contents.length - 1] = item; log(contents); url = contents.join("/"); let r###lt = await downloadtsList(url); if (!r###lt.r) { return { r: false }; } tsList = r###lt.content; } } return { r: true, content: tsList }; } if (downloadContent.includes(".ts")) { //如果是ts地址 let lines = downloadContent.split("\n"); for (let item of lines) { if (/^[#\s]/.test(item)) continue; //跳过注释和空白行 if (item == "") continue; if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(item)) { //如果是http直链 tsList.push(item); } else if (/^\//.test(item)) { //如果是相对链接 tsList.push(domain + "//" + baseUrl + item); } else { //如果不是相对链接就把index.m3u8替换掉就行 let contents = url.split("/"); contents[contents.length - 1] = item; url = contents.join("/"); tsList.push(url); } } log(`测试列表为:`); log(tsList); return { r: true, content: tsList }; } log("未知状况"); log(downloadContent); return { r: false }; }; //app的整体结构,作为vue的渲染模板 //@note vueAppTemplate const vueAppTemplate = ` <div id="app"> <div class="liu-playContainer" v-show="ok"> <button class="liu-closePlayer liu-btn" @click="closePlayer"> <svg class="icon" width="50%" height="50%" viewBox="0 0 #### ####" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="4012"><path d="M587.19 506.246l397.116-397.263a52.029 52.029 0 0 0 0-73.143l-2.194-2.194a51.98 51.98 0 0 0-73.143 0l-397.068 397.8-397.068-397.8a51.98 51.98 0 0 0-73.143 0l-2.146 2.194a51.054 51.054 0 0 0 0 73.143l397.069 397.263L39.544 903.461a52.029 52.029 0 0 0 0 73.142l2.146 2.195a51.98 51.98 0 0 0 73.143 0L511.9 581.583l397.068 397.215a51.98 51.98 0 0 0 73.143 0l2.194-2.146a52.029 52.029 0 0 0 0-73.143L587.19 506.246z" p-id="4013" data-spm-anchor-id="a313x.search_index.0.i1.10e63a81F8aVUU" class="selected" fill="#ffffff"></path></svg> </button> <!-- 播放模块 --> <div class="playSpace"> <!-- 视频容器 --> <div class="artplayer-app"></div> <!-- 选集模块 --> <div class="series"> <div class="seletor-title">{{vod_name}}选集</div> <div class="series-contianer"> <button class="series-selector liu-btn" :class="{'playing':index==playingIndex}" style="color: #a3a3a3" v-for="(item,index) in playingList" :key="index" @click="playListSelect(index)" > {{,4)}} <!-- 固定宽度不够长 --> </button> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 源选择模块 --> <div class="sourceButtonList"> <button class="source-selector liu-btn" v-for="(item,index) in sources" :key="index" :class="{'selected':index==selectedSource,'speed-fast':item.speed>1}" @click="sourceSelect(index)" > {{}} {{item.speed}} m/s </button> </div> <!-- 一些说明 --> <p class="authoralert">请不要相信视频中的广告!</p> <div class="mannul"> <a class="love-support" style="text-decoration: #447006 wavy underline;" href="" target="_blank" >☕打赏可联系作者定制功能 </a> <a class="love-support" href="" target="_blank" >电报群</a > <a class="love-support" href="" target="_blank" >👉反馈</a > </div> </div> </div> `; //构建vue的实例 function initVue() { //@note initVue const e = htmlToElement(vueAppTemplate); document.body.appendChild(e); let vueInstance = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { //artplayer实例 art: {}, //标明是否搜到影片 ok: false, //资源中的片名 vod_name: "", //搜索源 searchSource: searchSource, //标记正在下载的资源,好debug sourceTesting: "", //所有搜索到的资源 [{name:"..资源",playList:[{name:"第一集",url:""}]}] sources: [], //标记选择的源 selectedSource: 0, //正在播放的选集总表 playingList: [], //正在播放哪一集 playingIndex: 0, //咖啡地址 coffeeUrl: "", //telegram地址 telegramUrl: "", //greasyfork反馈地址 feedbackUrl: "", }, methods: { //@note merge自定义源 mergeSource() { let sourceAdded = GM_getValue("sourceAdded", ""); //获取用户添加的额外搜索源 log(sourceAdded); //@ 兼容sourceAdded为null的情况 if (sourceAdded == "") return; sourceAdded.split(",").forEach((item) => { if (item === "") return; let name_url = item.split("|"); this.searchSource.push({ name: name_url[0], searchUrl: name_url[1], }); }); }, //测试速度 async testSpeed() { //@note testSpeed //this.sources //所有搜索到的资源 [{name:"..资源",playList:[{name:"第一集",url:""}]}] await Promise.all( (source, index) => { try { let name =; let url = source.playList[this.playingIndex].url; log("开始测速:" + url); let r###lt = await downloadtsList(url); // 如果无法获取index.m3u8 就直接无法测速 if (!r###lt.r) { this.sources[index].speed = 0; this.$forceUpdate(); return; } let tsList = r###lt.content; log("downloadList"); log(tsList); //随机选择8个切片下载 if (tsList.length > 10) { tsList = tsList.slice(0, 10); } else { tsList = tsList.slice(0, tsList.length - 1); } let downloadSize = 0; let startTime =; log("将要测试的列表为:"); log(tsList); for (let item of tsList) { let r###lt = await get({ url: encodeURI(item), responseType: "arraybuffer", }); if (!r###lt.r) { downloadSize += 0; } else { let response = r###lt.content; downloadSize += response.byteLength ? response.byteLength / #### / #### : 0; } } let endTime =; let duration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; let speed = downloadSize / duration ? downloadSize / duration : 0; this.sources[index].speed = Number(speed.toFixed(2)); this.$forceUpdate(); log(`${name}的速度为${speed}mb/s`); } catch (e) { log(e); this.sources[index].speed = 0; this.$forceUpdate(); } }) ); }, //选择源的按钮行为 sourceSelect(index) { let ct =; this.selectedSource = index; this.playingList = this.sources[index].playList; this.switchUrl(this.playingList[this.playingIndex].url);"video:canplay", () => { = ct; }); log("vod名称切换"); this.vod_name = this.sources[index].vod_name; log(this.vod_name) this.testSpeed().then(() => { log("测速完成!"); }); }, //选择剧集的按钮行为 playListSelect(index) { this.playingIndex = index; //打印playlist log(this.playingList); this.switchUrl(this.playingList[this.playingIndex].url); }, // 初始化Art播放器 initArt(url) { //@note initArt = new Artplayer({ container: ".artplayer-app", url: url, pip: true, fullscreen: true, fullscreenWeb: true, autoMini: true, screenshot: true, hotkey: true, airplay: true, playbackRate: true, setting: true, miniProgressBar: true, theme: "#00981a", moreVideoAttr: { crossOrigin: "anonymous", }, controls: [ { name: "resolution", html: "分辨率", position: "right", }, ], type: "m3u8", customType: { m3u8: playM3u8, }, // plugins: [artplayerPluginControl()], });"video:loadedmetadata", () => { = + "P"; }); log("初始化art实例完成,art:"); log(; }, //切换播放器的播放url switchUrl(url) {; //兼容safari if ( != url) { = url; } }, //关闭页面 closePlayer() { $("#app").remove(); }, async search(url) { let splitVideoName = ""; if (videoName.length >= 3) { splitVideoName = videoName.slice(0, 3); } else { splitVideoName = videoName; } let r###lt = await get({ url: encodeURI(`${url}?ac=detail&wd=${splitVideoName}`), responseType: "json", overrideMimeType: "application/json", }); if (!r###lt.r) { return { r: false, content: "搜索时网络出现异常" }; } let response = r###lt.content; log(response); return { r: true, content: response }; }, //处理搜索到的结果:从返回结果中找到对应片子 }, async created() { //@note created //初始化时开始搜索所有资源, 初始化sources 数组 // this.searchSource.forEach(); this.mergeSource(); //merge 用户添加的地址 await Promise.all( (item) => { //标记当前正在处理的资源 this.sourceTesting =; // search里自带解析函数,所以只要通过就说明搜索到了 let r###lt = await; if (!r###lt.r) { return { r: false, content: "搜索出现异常" }; } let response = r###lt.content; r###lt = handleResponse(response); if (r###lt.r) { log(`${} 搜到了`); let playList = r###lt.content; this.sources.push({ name:, playList, vod_name: r###lt.vod_name, }); if (this.ok == false) { this.ok = true; this.$forceUpdate(); this.playingList = playList; this.initArt(this.playingList[0].url); } } else { log(`${}没找到`); } }) ); // 此时还不能检测是否已经搜索完毕,因为前面发的是async // 因为Safari的xmlhttp方法在失败时不会返回reject导致Promise一直等待, // 导致后面的代码无法执行,所以需要手动实现timeout机制 // 结束以后ok还为false说明没搜索 if (this.ok == true) { //开始测速 if (isSafari) { tip("很可惜,Safari浏览器存在严重Bug,所以测速功能工作不正常。"); } log("开始测速"); await this.testSpeed(); } else { tip( "未搜索到资源,可能是豆瓣的电影名称和资源站的名称不一致,请反馈电影名称。" ); "" ); } }, }); } new PlayBtn(); })();