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A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.

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麟子 05.09.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 06.09.2023
Good 感谢大佬的脚本!
smile x 02.09.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 03.09.2023
Good very nice. Thanks
Abdurazaaq Mohammed 28.08.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 29.08.2023
Good it works
麟子 29.07.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 04.08.2023
Good 感谢大佬!
TheLonelinessOfHS 16.07.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 17.07.2023
Good 大佬666
DSun 07.05.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 07.05.2023
彭敏 23.02.2023
Last: iamfuguiAuthor 28.04.2023
OK 点开YouTube要刷新好几次

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