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YouTube Super Fast Chat

Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats

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// ==UserScript==
// @name                YouTube Super Fast Chat
// @version             0.68.2
// @license             MIT
// @name:ja             YouTube スーパーファーストチャット
// @name:zh-TW          YouTube 超快聊天
// @name:zh-CN          YouTube 超快聊天
// @icon                https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyfung1031/userscript-supports/main/icons/super-fast-chat.png
// @namespace           UserScript
// @match               https://www.youtube.com/live_chat*
// @match               https://www.youtube.com/live_chat_replay*
// @author              CY Fung
// @run-at              document-start
// @grant               none
// @unwrap
// @allFrames           true
// @inject-into         page
// @require             https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/475632/1361351/ytConfigHacks.js
// @compatible          firefox Violentmonkey
// @compatible          firefox Tampermonkey
// @compatible          firefox FireMonkey
// @compatible          chrome Violentmonkey
// @compatible          chrome Tampermonkey
// @compatible          opera Violentmonkey
// @compatible          opera Tampermonkey
// @compatible          safari Stay
// @compatible          edge Violentmonkey
// @compatible          edge Tampermonkey
// @compatible          brave Violentmonkey
// @compatible          brave Tampermonkey
// @description         Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats
// @description:ja      YouTubeのライブチャットの究極のパフォーマンスブースト
// @description:zh-TW   YouTube直播聊天的終極性能提升
// @description:zh-CN   YouTube直播聊天的终极性能提升
// ==/UserScript==
((__CONTEXT__) => {
'use strict';
/** @type {WeakMapConstructor} */
const WeakMap = window.WeakMapOriginal || window.WeakMap;
const DEBUG_LOG_GROUP_EXPAND = +localStorage.__debugSuperFastChat__ > 0;
const DEBUG_LOG_HIDE_OK = true;
const DEBUG_skipLog001 = true;
const DEBUG_preprocessChatLiveActions = false;
const DEBUG_customCreateComponent = false;
// const SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG = true; // for debug use
const SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG = typeof ResizeObserver === 'function' && CSS.supports('position-area:center');
// *********** DON'T REPORT NOT WORKING DUE TO THE CHANGED SETTINGS ********************
// The settings are FIXED! You might change them to try but if the script does not work due to your change, please, don't report them as issues
const ENABLE_REDUCED_MAXITEMS_FOR_FLUSH = true;         // TRUE to enable trimming down to MAX_ITEMS_FOR_FULL_FLUSH (25) messages when there are too many unrendered messages
const MAX_ITEMS_FOR_TOTAL_DISPLAY = 90;                 // By default, 250 latest messages will be displayed, but displaying MAX_ITEMS_FOR_TOTAL_DISPLAY (90) messages is already sufficient. (not exceeding 900)
const MAX_ITEMS_FOR_FULL_FLUSH = 25;                    // If there are too many new (stacked) messages not yet rendered, clean all and flush MAX_ITEMS_FOR_FULL_FLUSH (25) latest messages then incrementally added back to MAX_ITEMS_FOR_TOTAL_DISPLAY (90) messages. (not exceeding 900)
const ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM = true;                // Depends on whether you want the animation effect for new chat messages <<< DON'T CHANGE >>>
const USE_OPTIMIZED_ON_SCROLL_ITEMS = true;             // TRUE for the majority
const ENABLE_OVERFLOW_ANCHOR_PREFERRED = true;          // Enable `overflow-anchor: auto` to lock the scroll list at the bottom for no smooth transform.
const FIX_SHOW_MORE_BUTTON_LOCATION = true;             // When there are voting options (bottom panel), move the "show more" button to the top.
const FIX_INPUT_PANEL_OVERFLOW_ISSUE = true;            // When the super chat button is flicking with color, the scrollbar might come out.
const FIX_INPUT_PANEL_BORDER_ISSUE = true;              // No border should be allowed if there is an empty input panel.
const SET_CONTAIN_FOR_CHATROOM = true;                  // Rendering hacks (`contain`) for chatroom elements. [ General ]
const FORCE_CONTENT_VISIBILITY_UNSET = true;            // Content-visibility should be always VISIBLE for high performance and great rendering.
const FORCE_WILL_CHANGE_UNSET = true;                   // Will-change should be always UNSET (auto) for high performance and low energy impact.
// Replace requestAnimationFrame timers with custom implementation
const ENABLE_RAF_HACK_TICKERS = true;           // When there is a ticker
const ENABLE_RAF_HACK_DOCKED_MESSAGE = true;    // To be confirmed
const ENABLE_RAF_HACK_INPUT_RENDERER = true;    // To be confirmed
const ENABLE_RAF_HACK_EMOJI_PICKER = true;      // When changing the page of the emoji picker
// Force rendering all the character subsets of the designated font(s) before messages come (Pre-Rendering of Text)
const ENABLE_FONT_PRE_RENDERING_PREFERRED = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16;
// Backdrop `filter: blur(4px)` inside the iframe can extend to the whole page, causing a negative visual impact on the video you are watching.
// Data Manipulation for Participants (Participant List)
const DO_PARTICIPANT_LIST_HACKS = true;                     // TRUE for the majority
const SHOW_PARTICIPANT_CHANGES_IN_CONSOLE = false;          // Just too annoying to show them all in popular chat
const CHECK_CHANGE_TO_PARTICIPANT_RENDERER_CONTENT = true;  // Only consider changes in renderable content (not concerned with the last chat message of the participants)
// << end >>
// show more button
const ENABLE_SHOW_MORE_BLINKER = true;                      // BLINK WHEN NEW MESSAGES COME
// faster stampDomArray_ for participants list creation
// reuse yt components
// ShadyDom Free is buggy
// images <Group#I01>
const AUTHOR_PHOTO_SINGLE_THUMBNAIL = 1;  // 0 - disable; 1- smallest; 2- largest
const EMOJI_IMAGE_SINGLE_THUMBNAIL = 1;   // 0 - disable; 1- smallest; 2- largest
const LEAST_IMAGE_SIZE = 48;              // minium size = 48px
const DO_LINK_PREFETCH = true;                      // DO NOT CHANGE
// << if DO_LINK_PREFETCH >>
const ENABLE_BASE_PREFETCHING = true;               // (SUB-)DOMAIN | dns-prefetch & preconnect
const ENABLE_PRELOAD_THUMBNAIL = true;              // subresource (prefetch) [LINK for Images]
const SKIP_PRELOAD_EMOJI = true;
// << end >>
const FIX_SETSRC_AND_THUMBNAILCHANGE_ = true;       // Function Replacement for yt-img-shadow....
const FIX_THUMBNAIL_DATACHANGED = true;             // Function Replacement for yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer..dataChanged
// const REMOVE_PRELOADAVATARFORADDACTION = false;      // Function Replacement for yt-live-chat-renderer..preloadAvatarForAddAction
const FIX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_ON_ITEM_ADDITION = true;     // important [depends on <Group#I01>]
const FIX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_ON_ITEM_REPLACEMENT = true;  // [depends on <Group#I01>]
// BROWSER SUPPORT: Chrome 75+, Edge 79+, Safari 13.1+, Firefox 63+, Opera 62+
const TICKER_MAX_STEPS_LIMIT = 500;                       //  NOT LESS THAN 5 STEPS!!
// [limiting 500 max steps] is recommended for "confortable visual change"
//      min. step increment 0.2% => max steps: 500 =>  800ms per each update
//      min. step increment 0.5% => max steps: 200 => 1000ms per each update
//      min. step increment 1.0% => max steps: 100 => 1000ms per each update
//      min. step increment 2.5% => max steps:  40 => 1000ms per each update
//      min. step increment 5.0% => max steps:  20 => 1250ms per each update
const ENABLE_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_PROGRESS_STATE_FIX = true;    // for video playback's ticker issue. [ Playback Replay - Pause at Middle - Backwards Seeking ]
const SKIP_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_PROGRESS_STATE_FIX_FOR_NO_TIMEFX = false; // debug use; yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer might not require ENABLE_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_PROGRESS_STATE_FIX
// << end >>
const FIX_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY = true;                       // changed in 2024.05.02; updated in 2025.01.10
const USE_VANILLA_DEREF = true;
const FIX_DROPDOWN_DERAF = true;                        // DONT CHANGE
const CACHE_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU_FOR_REOPEN = true;                // cache the menu data and used for the next reopen
const ADVANCED_NOT_ALLOW_SCROLL_FOR_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU = false;   // pause auto scroll faster when the context menu is about to show
const ENABLE_MUTEX_FOR_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU = true;                // avoid multiple requests on the same time
const FIX_CLICKING_MESSAGE_MENU_DISPLAY_ON_MOUSE_CLICK = true;  // click again = close
const NO_ITEM_TAP_FOR_NON_STATIONARY_TAP = true;                // dont open the menu (e.g. text message) if cursor is moved or long press
const TAP_ACTION_DURATION = 280;                                // exceeding 280ms would not consider as a tap action
// const FIX_MENU_CAPTURE_SCROLL = true;
const CHAT_MENU_REFIT_ALONG_SCROLLING = 0;                      // 0 for locking / default; 1 for unlocking only; 2 for unlocking and refit
const RAF_FIX_keepScrollClamped = true;
const RAF_FIX_scrollIncrementally = 2;                          // 0: no action; 1: basic fix; 2: also fix scroll position
const FIX_MENU_POSITION_N_SIZING_ON_SHOWN = 1;       // correct size and position when the menu dropdown opens
const CHECK_JSONPRUNE = true;                        // This is a bug in Brave
// << end >>
const INTERACTIVITY_BACKGROUND_ANIMATION = 1;         // mostly for pinned message
// 0 = default Yt animation background [= no fix];
// 1 = disable default animation background [= keep special animation];
// 2 = disable all animation backgrounds [= no animation backbround]
const MAX_TOOLTIP_NO_WRAP_WIDTH = '72vw'; // '' for disable; accept values like '60px', '25vw'
const USE_ADVANCED_TICKING = true; // added in Dec 2024 v0.66.0; need to ensure it would not affect the function if ticker design changed. to be reviewed
const REUSE_TICKER = true;  // for better memory control; currently it is only available in ADVANCED_TICKING; to be further reviewed
// << end >>
const DISABLE_Translation_By_Google = true;
const skipErrorForhandleAddChatItemAction_ = true; // currently depends on ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM
const fixChildrenIssue801 = true; // if __children801__ is set [fix polymer controller method extration for `.set()`]
const SUPPRESS_refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ = true; // added in FEB 2024; true for default layout options; no effect if ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM is false
const NO_FILTER_DROPDOWN_BORDER = true; // added in 2024.03.02
const FIX_ANIMATION_TICKER_TEXT_POSITION = true; // CSS fix; experimental; added in 2024.04.07
const FIX_ToggleRenderPolymerControllerExtractionBug = false; // to be reviewed
const FIX_UNKNOWN_BUG_FOR_OVERLAY = true;       // no .prepare() in backdrop element. reason is unknown.
const FIX_MOUSEOVER_FN = true;  // avoid onMouseOver_ being triggerd quite a lot
// -------------------------------
const USE_OBTAIN_LCR_BY_BOTH_METHODS = false; // true for play safe
const FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_ACTIONMAP = true;       // To fix Memory Leakage in yt-live-chat-ticker-...-item-renderer
const FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_STATSBAR = true;        // To fix Memory Leakage in updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation
const FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_TIMER = true;           // To fix Memory Leakage in setContainerWidth, slideDown, collapse // Dec 2024 fix in advance tickering
const FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_DATACHANGED_setContainerWidth = true; // To fix Memory Leakage due to _.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.setContainerWidth()
const FOUNTAIN_MODEL_TIME_CONFIRM = 1600; // 800 not sufficient; re-adding?
const MODIFY_EMIT_MESSAGES_FOR_BOOST_CHAT = true; // enabled for boost chat only; instant emit & no background flush
rendererStamperObserver_: function(a, b, c) {
if (c.path == a) {
if (c.value === void 0 && !this.hasDataPath_[a])
this.hasDataPath_[a] = c.value !== void 0
this.rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_(a, b, c)
addStampDomObserverFns_: function() {
for (var a in this.stampDom) {
var b = this.stampDom[a];
b.id ? (this[SQa(b.id)] = this.rendererStamperObserver_.bind(this, a, b.id),
this.hasDataPath_[a] = !1) : Er(new Dn("Bad rendererstamper config",this.is + ":" + a))
// <<<<< FOR MEMORY LEAKAGE >>>>
// ========= EXPLANTION FOR 0.2% @ step timing [min. 0.2%] ===========
### Time Approach
// all below values can make the time interval > 250ms
// 250ms (practical value) refers to the minimum frequency for timeupdate in most browsers (typically, shorter timeupdate interval in modern browsers)
if (totalDuration > 400000) stepInterval = 0.2;  // 400000ms with 0.2% increment => 800ms
else if (totalDuration > 200000) stepInterval = 0.5; // 200000ms with 0.5% increment => 1000ms
else if (totalDuration > 100000) stepInterval = 1; // 100000ms with 1% increment => 1000ms
else if (totalDuration > 50000) stepInterval = 2; // 50000ms with 2% increment => 1000ms
else if (totalDuration > 25000) stepInterval = 5; // 25000ms with 5% increment => 1250ms
### Pixel Check
// Target Max Pixel Increment < 5px for Short Period Ticker (Rapid Background Change)
// Assume total width <= 99px for short period ticker, like small donation & member welcome
99px * 5% = 4.95px < 5px [Condition Fulfilled]
### Example - totalDuration = 280000
totalDuration 280000
stepInterval 0.5
numOfSteps = Math.round(100 / stepInterval) = 200
time interval = 280000 / 200 = 1400ms <acceptable>
### Example - totalDuration = 18000
totalDuration 18000
stepInterval 5
numOfSteps = Math.round(100 / stepInterval) = 20
time interval = 18000 / 20 = 900ms <acceptable>
### Example - totalDuration = 5000
totalDuration 5000
stepInterval 5
numOfSteps = Math.round(100 / stepInterval) = 20
time interval = 5000 / 20 = 250ms <threshold value>
### Example - totalDuration = 3600
totalDuration 3600
stepInterval 5
numOfSteps = Math.round(100 / stepInterval) = 20
time interval = 3600 / 20 = 180ms <reasonable for 3600ms ticker>
// =======================================================================================================
// image sizing code
// (d = (d = KC(a.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? lc(oc(d)) : null)
//   function KC(a, b, c, d) {
//     d = void 0 === d ? "width" : d;
//     if (!a || !a.length)
//         return null;
//     if (z("kevlar_tuner_should_always_use_device_pixel_ratio")) {
//         var e = window.devicePixelRatio;
//         z("kevlar_tuner_should_clamp_device_pixel_ratio") ? e = Math.min(e, zl("kevlar_tuner_clamp_device_pixel_ratio")) : z("kevlar_tuner_should_use_thumbnail_factor") && (e = zl("kevlar_tuner_thumbnail_factor"));
//         HC = e
//     } else
//         HC || (HC = window.devicePixelRatio);
//     e = HC;
//     z("kevlar_tuner_should_always_use_device_pixel_ratio") ? b *= e : 1 < e && (b *= e);
//     if (z("kevlar_tuner_min_thumbnail_quality"))
//         return a[0].url || null;
//     e = a.length;
//     if (z("kevlar_tuner_max_thumbnail_quality"))
//         return a[e - 1].url || null;
//     if (c)
//         for (var h = 0; h < e; h++)
//             if (0 <= a[h].url.indexOf(c))
//                 return a[h].url || null;
//     for (c = 0; c < e; c++)
//         if (a[c][d] >= b)
//             return a[c].url || null;
//     for (b = e - 1; 0 < b; b--)
//         if (a[b][d])
//             return a[b].url || null;
//     return a[0].url || null
// }
/// ------
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byyvH5t0hKc
// yt-live-chat-ticker-creator-goal-view-model
// no ticker effect on timing
"id": "ChwKGkNQS0pyNV9NdG9vREZVYlB6Z2FkRHWFUv2E",
"initialTickerText": {
"content": "Goal",
"styleRuns": [
"startIndex": 0,
"length": 4
"tickerIcon": {
"sources": [
"clientResource": {
"imageName": "TARGET_ADD"
"showGoalStatusCommand": {
"innertubeCommand": {
"clickTrackingParams": "CCQQ7NANIhMI58DT_ef5rhMVxMW1Cx4qBzTz",
"showEngagementPanelEndpoint": {
"engagementPanel": {
"engagementPanelSectionListRenderer": {
"header": {
"engagementPanelTitleHeaderRenderer": {
"actionButton": {
"buttonRenderer": {
"icon": {
"trackingParams": "CCgQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"command": {
"clickTrackingParams": "CCgQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"commandExecutorCommand": {
"commands": [
"clickTrackingParams": "CCgQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"liveChatDialogEndpoint": {
"content": {
"liveChatDialogRenderer": {
"trackingParams": "CCkQzS8iEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"title": {
"runs": [
"text": "Super Chat Goal"
"dialogMessages": [
"runs": [
"text": "Join the fun by participating in the goal! "
"text": "Learn more.\n",
"navigationEndpoint": {
"clickTrackingParams": "CCkQzS8iEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM="
"runs": [
"text": "How to participate",
"bold": true,
"textColor": 4294967295
"text": "\n"
"text": "1. Press \"Continue\"\n2. Purchase a Super Chat \n3. Watch the progress towards the goal\n4. Celebrate achieving it with the community!",
"textColor": 4294967295
"confirmButton": {
"buttonRenderer": {
"size": "SIZE_DEFAULT",
"isDisabled": false,
"text": {
"simpleText": "Got it"
"trackingParams": "CCoQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"accessibilityData": {
"accessibilityData": {
"label": "Got it"
"clickTrackingParams": "CCgQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"hideEngagementPanelEndpoint": {
"identifier": {
"tag": "creator_goal_progress_engagement_panel"
"trackingParams": "CCUQ040EIhMI58DT_ef5rhMVxMW1Cx4qBzTz"
"content": {
"sectionListRenderer": {
"contents": [
"creatorGoalProgressFlowViewModel": {
"creatorGoalEntityKey": "EgtieXl2SDV0MGhLYyG7BzhF",
"progressFlowButton": {
"buttonViewModel": {
"onTap": {
"innertubeCommand": {
"clickTrackingParams": "CCcQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"commandMetadata": {
"webCommandMetadata": {
"ignoreNavigation": true
"liveChatPurchaseMessageEndpoint": {
"trackingParams": "CCcQ8FsiEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM=",
"titleFormatted": {
"content": "Continue",
"styleRuns": [
"startIndex": 0,
"length": 8
"progressCountA11yLabel": "Super Chat goal progress: $0 out of $1"
"trackingParams": "CCYQui8iEwjm0Iz72rbKBxXT1EQBJekHNQM="
"identifier": {
"tag": "creator_goal_progress_engagement_panel"
"identifier": {
"tag": "creator_goal_progress_engagement_panel"
"engagementPanelPresentationConfigs": {
"engagementPanelPopupPresentationConfig": {
"creatorGoalEntityKey": "EgtieXl2SDV0MGhLYyG7BzhF",
"shouldShowSetUpFlowOnMobile": true,
"a11yLabel": "See Super Chat goal",
"loggingDirectives": {
"trackingParams": "CCQQ7NANIhMI58DT_ef5rhMVxMW1Cx4qBzTz",
"visibility": {
"types": "12"
// ------
const { IntersectionObserver } = __CONTEXT__;
let _x69;
try {
_x69 = document.createAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "nil").addEventListener;
} catch (e) { }
const pureAddEventListener = _x69;
if (!pureAddEventListener) return console.warn("pureAddEventListener cannot be obtained.");
/** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor; // YouTube hacks Promise in WaterFox Classic and "Promise.resolve(0)" nevers resolve.
const [setTimeout_] = [setTimeout];
// let jsonParseFix = null;
if (!IntersectionObserver) return console.warn("Your browser does not support IntersectionObserver.\nPlease upgrade to the latest version.");
if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'object') return console.warn("Your browser is too old.\nPlease upgrade to the latest version."); // for passive and once
if (typeof CSS === 'undefined' || typeof (CSS || 0).supports !== 'function' || !CSS.supports('left', 'clamp(-100%, calc( -100% * 0.5 ), 0%)')) {
return console.warn("Your browser is too old.\nPlease upgrade to the latest version."); // for advanced tickering
// necessity of cssText3_smooth_transform_position to be checked.
const cssText3_smooth_transform_position = ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM ? `
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer > #items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
position: static !important;
`: '';
// fallback if dummy style fn fails
const cssText4_smooth_transform_forced_props = ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM ? `
/* optional */
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
height: auto !important;
min-height: unset !important;
#items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
transform: translateY(0px) !important;
/* optional */
`: '';
const cssText5 = SET_CONTAIN_FOR_CHATROOM ? `
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip, yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer, yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer #image, yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer #image img {
contain: layout style;
#items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: layout paint style;
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: style;
#item-scroller.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: size style;
#contents.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, #chat.style-scope.yt-live-chat-renderer, img.style-scope.yt-img-shadow[width][height] {
contain: size layout paint style;
.style-scope.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer[role="button"][aria-label], .style-scope.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer[role="button"][aria-label] > #container {
contain: layout paint style;
yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, yt-live-chat-membership-item-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, yt-live-chat-paid-message-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, yt-live-chat-banner-manager.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: layout style;
tp-yt-paper-tooltip[style*="inset"][role="tooltip"] {
contain: layout paint style;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
` : '';
const cssText6b_show_more_button = FIX_SHOW_MORE_BUTTON_LOCATION ? `
yt-live-chat-renderer[has-action-panel-renderer] #show-more.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer{
top: 4px;
transition-property: top;
bottom: unset;
yt-live-chat-renderer[has-action-panel-renderer] #show-more.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer[disabled]{
top: -42px;
`: '';
const cssText6c_input_panel_overflow = FIX_INPUT_PANEL_OVERFLOW_ISSUE ? `
#input-panel #picker-buttons yt-live-chat-icon-toggle-button-renderer#product-picker {
contain: layout style;
#chat.yt-live-chat-renderer ~ #panel-pages.yt-live-chat-renderer {
overflow: visible;
`: '';
const cssText6d_input_panel_border = FIX_INPUT_PANEL_BORDER_ISSUE ? `
html #panel-pages.yt-live-chat-renderer > #input-panel.yt-live-chat-renderer:not(:empty) {
--yt-live-chat-action-panel-top-border: none;
html #panel-pages.yt-live-chat-renderer > #input-panel.yt-live-chat-renderer.iron-selected > *:first-child {
border-top: 1px solid var(--yt-live-chat-panel-pages-border-color);
html #panel-pages.yt-live-chat-renderer {
border-top: 0;
border-bottom: 0;
`: '';
const cssText7b_content_visibility_unset = FORCE_CONTENT_VISIBILITY_UNSET ? `
yt-img-shadow {
content-visibility: visible !important;
`  : '';
const cssText7c_will_change_unset = FORCE_WILL_CHANGE_UNSET ? `
/* remove YouTube constant will-change */
/* constant value will slow down the performance; default auto */
/* www-player.css */
html .ytp-contextmenu,
html .ytp-settings-menu {
will-change: unset;
/* frequently matched elements */
html .fill.yt-interaction,
html .stroke.yt-interaction,
html .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__fill,
html .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__stroke {
will-change: unset;
/* live_chat_polymer.js */
html .toggle-button.tp-yt-paper-toggle-button,
html #primaryProgress.tp-yt-paper-progress,
html #secondaryProgress.tp-yt-paper-progress,
html #onRadio.tp-yt-paper-radio-button,
html .fill.yt-interaction,
html .stroke.yt-interaction,
html .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__fill,
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content: '補';
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text-wrap: nowrap;
flex-shrink: 0;
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align-items: flex-start;
`: '';
// Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfytz-igsuc
const cssText17_FIX_overwidth_banner_message = `
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#reaction-control-panel-overlay[class] *[class] {
will-change: initial;
`: '';
ticker-bg-overlay {
display: block;
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/* .r6-closing-ticker is provided in ADVANCED_TICKING */
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/* DO NOT use .r6-width-adjustable ~ .r6-width-adjustable  => very laggy */
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--r6-transition-duration: 0.2s;
.r6-width-adjustable {
--r6-transition-duration-v: var(--r6-transition-duration);
transition: var(--r6-transition-duration-v);
.r6-width-adjustable-f {
--r6-transition-duration-v: 0s;
.r6-closing-ticker[class] {
--r6-transition-duration-v: var(--r6-transition-duration);
.r6-width-adjustable {
--r6-min-width: 0;
min-width: var(--r6-min-width);
.r6-width-adjustable-f {
--r6-min-width: max-content;
.r6-closing-ticker[class] {
--r6-min-width: 0;
` : '';
// const cssText19_FOR_ADVANCED_TICKING = `
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//   left: clamp(-100%, calc( -100% * ( var(--ticker-current-time) - var(--ticker-start-time) ) / var(--ticker-duration-time) ), 0%);
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// }
//   /*
// ticker-bg-overlay-end {
//   position: absolute;
//   right: 0px;
//   top: 50%;
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//   all:unset;
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//   border: 0;
//   padding: 0;
//   margin: 0;
//   contain: strict;
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// }
// /*
// .ticker-no-transition-time, .ticker-no-transition-time [id] {
//   transition-duration: 0s !important;
// }
// [r6-advanced-ticking] .style-scope.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer ~ .style-scope.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer:not(.r6-closing-ticker) {
//   transition-duration: 0s !important;
// }
// */
// .r6-width-adjustable ~ .r6-width-adjustable {
//   --r6-min-width: max-content;
// }
// .r6-closing-ticker[class] {
//   --r6-min-width: 0px;
// }
// .r6-width-adjustable {
//   min-width: var(--r6-min-width, 0px);
// }
//   /*
// .r6-width-adjustable {
//   transition-duration: var(--r6-transition-duration, 0s) !important;
// }
// .r6-width-adjustable-first {
//   --r6-transition-duration: 0.2s;
// }
// .r6-width-adjustable ~ .r6-width-adjustable-first {
//   --r6-transition-duration: 0s;
// }
// .r6-closing-ticker {
//   --r6-transition-duration: 0.2s;
// }
//   */
// /*
//   ey.style.position = 'absolute';
//   ey.style.right = '0px';
//   ey.style.top = '50%';
//   ey.style.display='block';
//   ey.style.width='1px';
//   ey.style.height='1px';
//   ey.style.opacity = '0';
//   em.style.display = 'block';
//   em.style.position = 'absolute';
//   em.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
//   em.style.width = '200%';
//   em.style.top = '0';
//   em.style.bottom = '0';
//   // em.style.height = '100%';
//   // em.style.left = '-50%';
//   // em.style.left = "clamp(-100%, calc( -100% * ( var(--ticker-current-time) - var(--ticker-start-time) ) / var(--ticker-duration-time) ), 0%)";
// */
// `;
const addCss = () => `
@property --ticker-rtime {
syntax: "<percentage>";
inherits: false;
initial-value: 0%;
.run-ticker {
--ticker-bg:linear-gradient(90deg, var(--ticker-c1),var(--ticker-c1) var(--ticker-rtime),var(--ticker-c2) var(--ticker-rtime),var(--ticker-c2));
yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer #items > * > #container.run-ticker,
yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer[class] #items[class] > *[class] > #container.run-ticker[class]
background: var(--ticker-bg) !important;
yt-live-chat-ticker-dummy777-item-renderer {
background: #00000001;
yt-live-chat-ticker-dummy777-item-renderer[dummy777] {
position: fixed !important;
top: -1000px !important;
left: -1000px !important;
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pointer-events: none !important;
z-index: -1 !important;
contain: strict !important;
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pointer-events: none !important;
user-select: none !important;
max-width: 1px !important;
max-height: 1px !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
visibility: collapse !important;
display: none !important;
yt-live-chat-ticker-dummy777-item-renderer #container {
background: inherit;
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@supports (color: var(--general)) {
html {
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yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer:not([allow-scroll]) #item-scroller.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
overflow-y: scroll;
padding-right: 0;
yt-icon[icon="down_arrow"] > *, yt-icon-button#show-more > * {
pointer-events: none !important;
#continuations, #continuations * {
contain: strict;
position: fixed;
top: 2px;
height: 1px;
width: 2px;
height: 1px;
visibility: collapse;
@supports (overflow-anchor: auto) {
.no-anchor * {
overflow-anchor: none;
.no-anchor > item-anchor {
overflow-anchor: auto;
item-anchor {
width: 100%;
transform: scaleY(0.00001);
transform-origin:0 0;
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visibility: visible;
content-visibility: visible;
contain-intrinsic-size: auto 1px;
pointer-events:none !important;
#item-scroller.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer[class] {
overflow-anchor: initial !important; /* whenever ENABLE_OVERFLOW_ANCHOR or not */
html item-anchor {
height: 1px;
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top: auto;
left: auto;
right: auto;
bottom: auto;
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@supports (color: var(--pre-rendering)) {
@keyframes dontRenderAnimation {
0% {
background-position-x: 3px;
100% {
background-position-x: 4px;
.dont-render[class] {
/* visibility: collapse !important; */
/* visibility: collapse will make innerText become "" which conflicts with BetterStreamChat; see https://greasyfork.org/scripts/469878/discussions/197267 */
transform: scale(0.01) !important;
transform: scale(0.00001) !important;
transform: scale(0.0000001) !important;
transform-origin: 0 0 !important;
z-index: -1 !important;
contain: strict !important;
box-sizing: border-box !important;
height: 1px !important;
height: 0.1px !important;
height: 0.01px !important;
height: 0.0001px !important;
height: 0.000001px !important;
animation: dontRenderAnimation 1ms linear 80ms 1 normal forwards !important;
pointer-events: none !important;
user-select: none !important;
#sk35z {
display: block !important;
visibility: collapse !important;
transform: scale(0.01) !important;
transform: scale(0.00001) !important;
transform: scale(0.0000001) !important;
transform-origin: 0 0 !important;
z-index: -1 !important;
contain: strict !important;
box-sizing: border-box !important;
height: 1px !important;
height: 0.1px !important;
height: 0.01px !important;
height: 0.0001px !important;
height: 0.000001px !important;
position: absolute !important;
top: -1000px !important;
left: -1000px !important;
[rNgzQ] {
opacity: 0 !important;
pointer-events: none !important;
const win = typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : (this instanceof Window ? this : window);
// Create a unique key for the script and check if it is already running
const hkey_script = 'mchbwnoasqph';
if (win[hkey_script]) throw new Error('Duplicated Userscript Calling'); // avoid duplicated scripting
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const setTimeoutX0 = setTimeout;
const clearTimeoutX0 = clearTimeout;
const setIntervalX0 = setInterval;
const clearIntervalX0 = clearInterval;
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const isEmptyObject = (obj) => {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false;
return true;
const firstObjectKey = (obj) => {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof obj[key] === 'object') return key;
return null;
class LimitedSizeSet extends Set {
constructor(n) {
this.limit = n;
add(key) {
if (!super.has(key)) {
let n = super.size - this.limit;
if (n > 0) {
const iterator = super.values();
do {
const firstKey = iterator.next().value; // Get the first (oldest) key
super.delete(firstKey); // Delete the oldest key
} while (--n > 0)
removeAdd(key) {
function deepCopy(obj, skipKeys) {
skipKeys = skipKeys || [];
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj.map(item => deepCopy(item, skipKeys));
const copy = {};
for (let key in obj) {
if (!skipKeys.includes(key)) {
copy[key] = deepCopy(obj[key], skipKeys);
return copy;
class Mutex {
constructor() {
this.p = Promise.resolve()
*  @param {(lockResolve: () => void)} f
lockWith(f) {
this.p = this.p.then(() => new Promise(f).catch(console.warn))
const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => {
const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject };
return class PromiseExternal extends Promise {
constructor(cb = h) {
if (cb === h) {
/** @type {(value: any) => void} */
this.resolve = resolve_;
/** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */
this.reject = reject_;
let qWidthAdjustable = null;
/** @type {typeof PromiseExternal.prototype | null} */
let relayPromise = null;
/** @type {typeof PromiseExternal.prototype | null} */
let onPlayStateChangePromise = null;
const reuseId = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`;
const reuseStore = new Map();
let onPageContainer = null;
const customCreateComponent = (component, data, bool)=>{
const componentTag = typeof component === 'string'  ? component : typeof (component||0).component === 'string' ? (component||0).component  : '';
if(REUSE_TICKER && data.id && data.fullDurationSec){
// bool (param c) is true by default; just force it to reuse no matter true or false
if (!bool) {
// show a warning if it is false.
console.warn('[yt-chat] REUSE_TICKER: reuse bool is false');
const record = reuseStore.get(`<${componentTag}>${data.id}:${data.fullDurationSec}`);
const cnt = kRef(record);
if(cnt && cnt.isAttached === false){
const hostElement = cnt.hostElement;
if(hostElement instanceof HTMLElement && hostElement.isConnected === false && hostElement.parentNode === null && hostElement.getAttribute('__reuseid__')===reuseId ){
// console.log(952, cnt.hostElement.parentNode)
// debugger;
if (hostElement.hasAttribute('__nogc__')) {
Promise.resolve(hostElement).then((hostElement) => {
// microtask to provide some time for DOM attachment.
hostElement.isConnected && hostElement.removeAttribute('__nogc__');
//  ------- follow rm3 -------
// a.prototype._initializeProtoProperties = function(c) {
//         this.__data = Object.create(c);
//         this.__dataPending = Object.create(c);
//         this.__dataOld = {}
//     }
// a.prototype._initializeProperties = function() {
//     this.__dataProto && (this._initializeProtoProperties(this.__dataProto),
//     this.__dataProto = null);
//     b.prototype._initializeProperties.call(this)
// }
// ;
if(!cnt.__dataInvalid && cnt.__dataEnabled && cnt.__dataReady ){
// console.log(12883);
if (!onPageContainer) {
let p = document.createElement('noscript');
p.style.all = 'unset';
onPageContainer = p;
onPageContainer.appendChild(hostElement); // to fix some issues for the rendered elements
cnt.__dataInvalid = false;
cnt.__dataEnabled = true;
cnt.__dataReady = true;
// cnt._initializeProtoProperties(cnt.data)
// window.meaa = cnt.$.container;
if (cnt.__data) cnt.__data = Object.assign({}, cnt.__data);
cnt.__dataPending = {};
cnt.__dataOld = {}
cnt.wasPrescan = cnt.wasVisible = !1
// try{
//   cnt._setPendingProperty('data', Object.assign({}, cntData), !0);
// }catch(e){}
// // cnt.__dataInvalid = false;
// // cnt._enableProperties();
// try {
//   cnt._flushProperties();
// } catch (e) { }
// cnt.ready();
return hostElement;
// console.log(12323)
// setTimeoutX0(()=>{
//   console.log(window.meaa.parentNode)
// }, 1000)
// ------------ commented ------------
// cnt.__dataInvalid = false;
// cnt.__dataEnabled = false;
// if (cnt.__dataPending && typeof cnt.__dataPending === 'object') cnt.__dataPending = null;
// if (cnt.__dataOld && typeof cnt.__dataOld === 'object') cnt.__dataOld = null;
// if (cnt.__dataCounter && typeof cnt.__dataCounter === 'number') cnt.__dataCounter = 0;
// if ('__dataClientsInitialized' in cnt || '__dataClientsReady' in cnt) {
//   cnt.__dataClientsReady = !1;
//   cnt.__dataLinkedPaths = cnt.__dataToNotify = cnt.__dataPendingClients = null;
//   cnt.__dataHasPaths = !1;
//   cnt.__dataCompoundStorage = null; // cnt.__dataCompoundStorage = cnt.__dataCompoundStorage || null;
//   cnt.__dataHost = null; // cnt.__dataHost = cnt.__dataHost || null;
//   if (!cnt.__dataTemp) cnt.__dataTemp = {}; // cnt.__dataTemp = {};
//   cnt.__dataClientsInitialized = !1;
// }
// try{
//   cnt._flushProperties();
// }catch(e){
//   console.warn(e)
// }
// for (const elm of cnt.hostElement.getElementsByTagName('*')) {
//   if (elm.is) {
//     const cnt = insp(elm);
//     cnt.__dataInvalid = false;
//     cnt.__dataEnabled = false;
//     if (cnt.__dataPending && typeof cnt.__dataPending === 'object') cnt.__dataPending = null;
//     if (cnt.__dataOld && typeof cnt.__dataOld === 'object') cnt.__dataOld = null;
//     if (cnt.__dataCounter && typeof cnt.__dataCounter === 'number') cnt.__dataCounter = 0;
//     if ('__dataClientsInitialized' in cnt || '__dataClientsReady' in cnt) {
//       cnt.__dataClientsReady = !1;
//       cnt.__dataLinkedPaths = cnt.__dataToNotify = cnt.__dataPendingClients = null;
//       cnt.__dataHasPaths = !1;
//       cnt.__dataCompoundStorage = null; // cnt.__dataCompoundStorage = cnt.__dataCompoundStorage || null;
//       cnt.__dataHost = null; // cnt.__dataHost = cnt.__dataHost || null;
//       if (!cnt.__dataTemp) cnt.__dataTemp = {}; // cnt.__dataTemp = {};
//       cnt.__dataClientsInitialized = !1;
//     }
//     try {
//       cnt._flushProperties();
//     } catch (e) {
//       console.warn(e)
//     }
//     if (elm.nodeName === 'YT-ICON') {
//       // console.log(2133, JSON.stringify( cnt.__data))
//       const qq = Object.assign({}, cnt.__data)
//       console.log(1232466)
//       const _qww = cnt;
//       cnt.__data = new Proxy(Object.assign({}, qq), {
//         get(target, p) {
//           console.log(12838, p)
//           if (p === 'icon') {
//             window.wmk = _qww.hostElement;
//             //  debugger;
//           }
//           return target[p]
//         },
//         set(target, p, v) {
//           console.log(12839, p)
//           target[p] = v;
//           if (p === 'icon') debugger;
//           return true;
//         }
//       });
//       Promise.resolve(cnt).then((cnt) => {
//         cnt.__data = Object.assign({}, qq);
//       });
//     }
//     // let q = elm.nextSibling;
//     // let h = elm.parentNode;
//     //             elm.remove();
//     //           h.insertBefore(elm, q);
//     // console.log(2233, elm)
//   }
// }
// ------------ commented ------------
//  ------- follow rm3 -------
// console.log('[yt-chat] reuse')
DEBUG_customCreateComponent && console.log(component, data, bool);
const cntData = this.data;
reuseStore.set(`${cntData.id}:${cntData.fullDurationSec}`, mWeakRef(this));
const valAssign = (elm, attr, val) => {
if (typeof val === 'number') val = val.toFixed(3);
if (!(Math.abs(elm.style.getPropertyValue(attr) - val) < 1e-5)) {
elm.style.setProperty(attr, val);
return true;
return false;
let playEventsStack = Promise.resolve();
let playerProgressChangedArg1 = null;
let playerProgressChangedArg2 = null;
let playerProgressChangedArg3 = null;
let dntElementWeak = null;
let timestampUnderLiveMode = false;
const updateTickerCurrentTime = () => {
if (resistanceUpdateDebugMode) {
if (!dntElementWeak || !kRef(dntElementWeak)) dntElementWeak = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer'));
timestampUnderLiveMode = true;
const dntElement = kRef(dntElementWeak);
const v = timestampUnderLiveMode ? (Date.now() / 1000 - timeOriginDT / 1000) : playerProgressChangedArg1;
if (dntElement instanceof HTMLElement && v >= 0) {
valAssign(dntElement, '--ticker-current-time', v);
// ================== FOR USE_ADVANCED_TICKING ================
const timeOriginDT = +new Date(performance.timeOrigin);
let startResistanceUpdaterStarted = false;
let resistanceUpdateLast = 0;
let resistanceUpdateBusy = false;
const resistanceUpdateDebugMode = false;
const allBackgroundOverLays = document.getElementsByTagName('ticker-bg-overlay');
// const rgFlag = {};
const resistanceUpdateFn = (b) => {
if (!resistanceUpdateDebugMode && allBackgroundOverLays.length === 0) return;
resistanceUpdateBusy = false;
const t = Date.now();
const d = t - resistanceUpdateLast;
if (d > 375) {
resistanceUpdateLast = t;
const resistanceUpdateFn_ = () => {
if (!resistanceUpdateBusy) {
resistanceUpdateBusy = true;
const startResistanceUpdater = () => {
if (startResistanceUpdaterStarted) return;
startResistanceUpdaterStarted = true;
document.addEventListener('yt-action', () => {
}, true)
setIntervalX0(resistanceUpdateFn_, 400);
if(resistanceUpdateDebugMode) startResistanceUpdater();
function dr(s) {
// reserved for future use
return s;
// return window.deWeakJS ? window.deWeakJS(s) : s;
const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);
const indr = o => insp(o).$ || o.$ || 0;
const getProto = (element) => {
if (element) {
const cnt = insp(element);
return cnt.constructor.prototype || null;
return null;
const logFn = (key, f) => {
return Function.prototype.bind.call(console.log, console, `%c ${key}`, 'background: #222; color: #bada55', f);
const assertor = (f) => f() || (console.assert(false, `${f}`), false);
const fnIntegrity = (f, d) => {
if (!f || typeof f !== 'function') {
console.warn('f is not a function', f);
// return; // M44
let p = `${f}`, s = 0, j = -1, w = 0;
// return; // M44
for (let i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++) {
const t = p[i];
if (((t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') || (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z'))) {
if (j < i - 1) w++;
j = i;
} else {
// if(p.length > 44 && p.length < 50){
//   (window.skam|| (window.skam=[])).push(p);
//   return false;
// }
//     if(p.length >  405 && p.length < 415 ){ //350 450
//  //  [353, 411, 411, 411]
//       // if(p.length >= 350 && p.length<=450){
//       //   (window.skam|| (window.skam=[])).push(p.length);
//       // }
//       (window.skam|| (window.skam=[])).push(p);
//       return false;
//     }
// if(p.length < 50) return true; else return false;
// return; // M44
let itz = `${f.length}.${s}.${w}`;
if (!d) {
return itz;
} else if (itz !== d) {
console.warn('fnIntegrity=false', itz);
return false;
} else {
return true;
const px2cm = (px) => px * window.devicePixelRatio * 0.026458333;
const px2mm = (px) => px * window.devicePixelRatio * 0.26458333;
let createElement_fountain_model_fn = null;
let createElement_fountain_model_enabled = null;
document.createElement4719 = document.createElement;
document.createElement = function (a) {
if (createElement_fountain_model_enabled) {
const r = createElement_fountain_model_fn(a);
if (r) return r;
return document.createElement4719(a);
const _config_ = () => {
try {
return ytcfg.data_;
} catch (e) { }
return null;
const flagsFn = (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) => {
// console.log(700)
if (!EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) return;
if (USE_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST_ONLY_WHEN_KS_FLAG_IS_SET ? EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list === true : true) {
// EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_test_maintain_stable_list = true; // timestamp toggle issue
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list = true;
// console.log(701)
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_test_reuse_components = true;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_tuner_should_reuse_components = true;
// console.log(702);
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_scoped_node_methods = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_scoped_query_methods = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_scoped_readonly_properties_batch_one = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_parent_node = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_children = false;
EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_shadydom_free_last_child = false;
//   EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.enable_button_behavior_reuse = false;
const uf = (config_) => {
config_ = config_ || _config_();
if (config_) {
window._ytConfigHacks.add((config_) => {
if (DISABLE_Translation_By_Google) {
let mo = new MutationObserver(() => {
if (!mo) return;
let h = document.head;
if (!h) return;
mo = null;
let meta = document.createElement('meta');
meta.setAttribute('name', 'google');
meta.setAttribute('content', 'notranslate');
mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
const isContainSupport = CSS.supports('contain', 'layout paint style');
if (!isContainSupport) {
console.warn("Your browser does not support css property 'contain'.\nPlease upgrade to the latest version.".trim());
const isOverflowAnchorSupport = CSS.supports('overflow-anchor', 'auto');
if (!isOverflowAnchorSupport) {
console.warn("Your browser does not support css property 'overflow-anchor'.\nPlease upgrade to the latest version.".trim());
const fxOperator = (proto, propertyName) => {
let propertyDescriptorGetter = null;
try {
propertyDescriptorGetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, propertyName).get;
} catch (e) { }
return typeof propertyDescriptorGetter === 'function' ? (e) => {
try {
return propertyDescriptorGetter.call(dr(e));
} catch (e) { }
return e[propertyName];
} : (e) => e[propertyName];
const nodeParent = fxOperator(Node.prototype, 'parentNode');
// const nFirstElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'firstElementChild');
const nPrevElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'previousElementSibling');
const nNextElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'nextElementSibling');
const nLastElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'lastElementChild');
let groupCI = [];
let groupDI = 0;
const [console_] = [console];
const console1 = {
log(...args) {
if (!SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG) return;
if (groupDI === 1) return grouppedConsoleLog(...args);
return console_.log(...args);
warn(...args) {
if (!SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG) return;
if (groupDI === 1) return grouppedConsoleWarn(...args);
return console_.warn(...args);
debug(...args) {
if (!SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG) return;
if (groupDI === 1) return grouppedConsoleDebug(...args);
return console_.debug(...args);
const grouppedConsoleLog = (...args) => {
for (const arg of args) {
if (typeof arg !== 'string') break;
if (arg.endsWith('OK')) return;
groupCI.push(['log', ...args]);
const grouppedConsoleWarn = (...args) => {
groupCI.push(['warn', ...args]);
const grouppedConsoleDebug = (...args) => {
groupCI.push(['debug', ...args]);
const groupCollapsed = (text1, text2) => {
if (!SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG) return;
if (groupDI !== 0) console_.warn('groupDI in groupCollapsed fails', groupDI);
groupCI.length = 0;
let w = 'groupCollapsed';
if (DEBUG_LOG_GROUP_EXPAND) w = 'group';
groupCI.push([w, `%c${text1}%c${text2}`,
"background-color: #010502; color: #6acafe; font-weight: 700; padding: 2px;",
"background-color: #010502; color: #6ad9fe; font-weight: 300; padding: 2px;"
const groupEnd = () => {
if (!SHOW_DEVTOOL_DEBUG) return;
if (groupDI !== 0) console_.warn('groupDI in groupEnd fails', groupDI);
if (groupCI.length >= 0) {
let withContent = false;
for (const entry of groupCI) {
if (entry[0] === 'group' || entry[0] === 'groupCollapsed') continue;
if (entry[1] === '[Begin]' || entry[1] === '[End]') continue;
withContent = true;
if (withContent) {
for (const entry of groupCI) {
const args = entry.slice(1);
let colorHighLight = '';
for (const arg of args) {
if (typeof arg !== 'string') {
colorHighLight = '';
if (arg === 'OK' || arg === 'NG') {
colorHighLight = arg;
} else {
if (arg.endsWith(' OK')) colorHighLight = 'OK';
else if (arg.endsWith(' NG')) colorHighLight = 'NG';
let print = args;
if (colorHighLight) {
print = [args.map(e => `%c${e}`).join(' '), ...args.map(e => {
if (colorHighLight === 'OK' && e.includes(colorHighLight)) return "background-color:rgb(29, 29, 29); color:rgb(57, 215, 83); font-weight: 600;";
if (colorHighLight === 'NG' && e.includes(colorHighLight)) return "background-color:rgb(29, 29, 29); color:rgb(215, 133, 57); font-weight: 600;";
return "background-color:rgb(29, 29, 29); color:rgb(231, 231, 231); font-weight: 400;";
groupCI.length = 0;
// const microNow = () => performance.now() + (performance.timeOrigin || performance.timing.navigationStart);
const EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY = "ytI-ce-registry-created";
const onRegistryReady = (callback) => {
if (typeof customElements === 'undefined') {
if (!('__CE_registry' in document)) {
// https://github.com/webcomponents/polyfills/
Object.defineProperty(document, '__CE_registry', {
get() {
// return undefined
set(nv) {
if (typeof nv == 'object') {
delete this.__CE_registry;
this.__CE_registry = nv;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY));
return true;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
let eventHandler = (evt) => {
document.removeEventListener(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY, eventHandler, false);
const f = callback;
callback = null;
eventHandler = null;
document.addEventListener(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY, eventHandler, false);
} else {
const promiseForCustomYtElementsReady = new Promise(onRegistryReady);
const renderReadyPn = typeof ResizeObserver !== 'undefined' ? (sizingTarget) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let ro = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
if (entries && entries.length >= 1) {
ro = null;
} : (sizingTarget) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let io = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
if (entries && entries.length >= 1) {
io = null;
/* globals WeakRef:false */
/** @type {(o: Object | null) => WeakRef | null} */
const mWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' ? (o => o ? new WeakRef(o) : null) : (o => o || null);
/** @type {(wr: Object | null) => Object | null} */
const kRef = (wr => (wr && wr.deref) ? wr.deref() : wr);
const { insertBeforeNaFn, appendChildNaFn } = (() => {
// native methods
const dummyElement = document.createElement('dummy-388');
const HTMLElement = dummyElement.constructor;
const insertBefore = HTMLElement.prototype.insertBefore;
const appendChild = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild;
return {
insertBeforeNaFn: (parent, node, child) => {
insertBefore.call(parent, node, child);
appendChildNaFn: (parent, node) => {
appendChild.call(parent, node);
const insertBeforeFn = (parent, node, child) => {
if ('__shady_native_insertBefore' in parent) parent.__shady_native_insertBefore(node, child);
else parent.insertBefore(node, child);
const appendChildFn = (parent, node) =>{
if('__shady_native_appendChild' in parent) parent.__shady_native_appendChild(node);
else parent.appendChild(node);
let __LCRInjection__ = 0; // 0 for no injection
const LCRImmedidates = []; // array of sync. func
let getLCRDummyP_ = null;
// lcrPromiseFn
const getLCRDummy = () => {
/* remarks */
// YouTube uses `<ps-dom-if class="style-scope ytd-live-chat-frame"><template></template></ps-dom-if>` to create yt-live-chat-renderer
// <ps-dom-if> is located inside ytd-live-chat-frame#chat in main frame
// <ps-dom-if>.hostElement is located as iframe's yt-live-chat-app > div#contents > yt-live-chat-renderer
// direct createElement or createComponent_ will make the emoji rendering crashed. reason TBC
return getLCRDummyP_ || (getLCRDummyP_ = Promise.all([customElements.whenDefined('yt-live-chat-app'), customElements.whenDefined('yt-live-chat-renderer')]).then(async () => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
let dummy = document.querySelector(tag);
if (!dummy) {
let mo = null;
const ytLiveChatApp = document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-app') || document.createElement('yt-live-chat-app');
const lcaProto = getProto(ytLiveChatApp);
let fz38;
let qt38=0;
let bypass = false;
dummy = await new Promise(resolve => {
if (typeof lcaProto.createComponent_ === 'function' && !lcaProto.createComponent99_ && lcaProto.createComponent_.length === 3) {
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] lcaProto.createComponent_ is found');
lcaProto.createComponent99_ = lcaProto.createComponent_;
lcaProto.createComponent98_ = function (a, b, c) {
const z = customCreateComponent(a,b,c);
if(z !== undefined) return z;
// (3) ['yt-live-chat-renderer', {…}, true]
const r = this.createComponent99_(a, b,c);
const componentTag = (typeof a === 'string' ? a : (a||0).component) || `${(r||0).nodeName}`.toLowerCase();
if ( componentTag === 'yt-live-chat-renderer' && !bypass) {
qt38 = 1;
__LCRInjection__ =  __LCRInjection__ | 1;
// r.polymerController.__proto__.handleLiveChatActions471_ = r.polymerController.__proto__.handleLiveChatActions_;
// r.polymerController.__proto__.handleLiveChatActions_ = function (arr) {
//   preprocessChatLiveActions(arr);
//   return this.handleLiveChatActions471_(arr);
// }
for (const f of LCRImmedidates) {
LCRImmedidates.length = 0;
resolve(r); // note: this dom is not yet adopted, but promise resolve is later than ops.
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] element found by method 1');
return r;
lcaProto.createComponent_ = lcaProto.createComponent98_;
// console.log('[yt-chat] lcaProto traditional');
const pz38 = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
fz38 = () => {
const t = pz38[0]
if (t) {
qt38 = 2;
__LCRInjection__ =  __LCRInjection__ | 2;
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] element found by method 2');
mo = new MutationObserver(fz38);
mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('yt-action', fz38, true);
bypass = true;
if (mo) {
mo = null;
if (fz38) {
document.removeEventListener('yt-action', fz38, true);
fz38 = null;
console.log(`[yt-chat-lcr] lcr appears, dom = ${document.getElementsByTagName(tag).length}, method = ${qt38}`);
// if (lcaProto.createComponent99_ && lcaProto.createComponent_ && lcaProto.createComponent98_ === lcaProto.createComponent_) {
//   lcaProto.createComponent_ = lcaProto.createComponent99_;
//   lcaProto.createComponent99_ = null;
//   lcaProto.createComponent98_ = null;
// }
} else {
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] lcr exists');
return dummy;
const { addCssManaged } = (() => {
const addFontPreRendering = () => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | Fonts Pre-Rendering");
let efsContainer = document.createElement('elzm-fonts');
efsContainer.id = 'elzm-fonts-yk75g'
const arr = [];
let p = document.createElement('elzm-font');
for (const size of [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]) {
p = document.createElement('elzm-font');
p.style.fontWeight = size;
for (const size of [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]) {
p = document.createElement('elzm-font');
p.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto';
p.style.fontWeight = size;
for (const size of [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]) {
p = document.createElement('elzm-font');
p.style.fontFamily = '"YouTube Noto",Roboto,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif';
p.style.fontWeight = size;
for (const size of [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]) {
p = document.createElement('elzm-font');
p.style.fontFamily = '"Noto",Roboto,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif';
p.style.fontWeight = size;
for (const size of [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]) {
p = document.createElement('elzm-font');
p.style.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
p.style.fontWeight = size;
console1.log('number of elzm-font elements', arr.length);
HTMLElement.prototype.append.apply(efsContainer, arr);
(document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(efsContainer);
console1.log('elzm-font elements have been added to the page for rendering.');
let isCssAdded = false;
function addCssElement() {
let s = document.createElement('style');
s.id = 'ewRvC';
return s;
const addCssManaged = () => {
if (!isCssAdded && document.documentElement && document.head) {
isCssAdded = true;
document.head.appendChild(dr(addCssElement())).textContent = addCss();
return { addCssManaged };
const { setupStyle } = (() => {
const sp7 = Symbol();
const proxyHelperFn = (dummy) => ({
get(target, prop) {
return (prop in dummy) ? dummy[prop] : prop === sp7 ? target : target[prop];
set(target, prop, value) {
if (!(prop in dummy)) {
target[prop] = value;
return true;
has(target, prop) {
return (prop in target);
deleteProperty(target, prop) {
return true;
ownKeys(target) {
return Object.keys(target);
defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) {
return Object.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
const setupStyle = (m1, m2) => {
const dummy1v = {
transform: '',
height: '',
minHeight: '',
paddingBottom: '',
paddingTop: ''
const dummyStyleFn = (k) => (function () { const style = this[sp7]; return style[k](...arguments); });
for (const k of ['toString', 'getPropertyPriority', 'getPropertyValue', 'item', 'removeProperty', 'setProperty']) {
dummy1v[k] = dummyStyleFn(k);
const dummy1p = proxyHelperFn(dummy1v);
const sp1v = new Proxy(m1.style, dummy1p);
const sp2v = new Proxy(m2.style, dummy1p);
Object.defineProperty(m1, 'style', { get() { return sp1v }, set() { }, enumerable: true, configurable: true });
Object.defineProperty(m2, 'style', { get() { return sp2v }, set() { }, enumerable: true, configurable: true });
return { setupStyle };
function setThumbnails(config) {
const { baseObject, thumbnails, flag0, imageLinks } = config;
if (flag0 || (ENABLE_PRELOAD_THUMBNAIL && imageLinks)) {
if (thumbnails && thumbnails.length > 0) {
if (flag0 > 0 && thumbnails.length > 1) {
let pSize = 0;
let newThumbnails = [];
for (const thumbnail of thumbnails) {
if (!thumbnail || !thumbnail.url) continue;
const squarePhoto = thumbnail.width === thumbnail.height && typeof thumbnail.width === 'number';
const condSize = pSize <= 0 || (flag0 === 1 ? pSize > thumbnail.width : pSize < thumbnail.width);
const leastSizeFulfilled = squarePhoto ? thumbnail.width >= LEAST_IMAGE_SIZE : true;
if ((!squarePhoto || condSize) && leastSizeFulfilled) {
if (imageLinks) imageLinks.add(thumbnail.url);
if (squarePhoto && condSize && leastSizeFulfilled) {
pSize = thumbnail.width;
if (thumbnails.length !== newThumbnails.length && thumbnails === baseObject.thumbnails && newThumbnails.length > 0) {
baseObject.thumbnails = newThumbnails;
} else {
newThumbnails.length = 0;
newThumbnails = null;
} else {
for (const thumbnail of thumbnails) {
if (thumbnail && thumbnail.url) {
if (imageLinks) imageLinks.add(thumbnail.url);
function fixLiveChatItem(item, imageLinks) {
const liveChatTextMessageRenderer = (item || 0).liveChatTextMessageRenderer || 0;
if (liveChatTextMessageRenderer) {
const messageRuns = (liveChatTextMessageRenderer.message || 0).runs || 0;
if (messageRuns && messageRuns.length > 0) {
for (const run of messageRuns) {
const emojiImage = (((run || 0).emoji || 0).image || 0);
baseObject: emojiImage,
thumbnails: emojiImage.thumbnails,
const authorPhoto = liveChatTextMessageRenderer.authorPhoto || 0;
baseObject: authorPhoto,
thumbnails: authorPhoto.thumbnails,
let kptPF = null;
const emojiPrefetched = new LimitedSizeSet(PREFETCH_LIMITED_SIZE_EMOJI);
const authorPhotoPrefetched = new LimitedSizeSet(PREFETCH_LIMITED_SIZE_AUTHOR_PHOTO);
function linker(link, rel, href, _as) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (!link) link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = rel;
if (_as) link.setAttribute('as', _as);
link.onload = function () {
link: this,
success: true
link.onerror = function () {
link: this,
success: false
link.href = href;
link = null;
const cleanContext = async (win) => {
const waitFn = requestAnimationFrame; // shall have been binded to window
try {
let mx = 16; // MAX TRIAL
const frameId = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1';
/** @type {HTMLIFrameElement | null} */
let frame = document.getElementById(frameId);
let removeIframeFn = null;
if (!frame) {
frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.id = frameId;
const blobURL = typeof webkitCancelAnimationFrame === 'function' && typeof kagi === 'undefined' ? (frame.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'text/html' }))) : null; // avoid Brave Crash
frame.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin'; // script cannot be run inside iframe but API can be obtained from iframe
let n = document.createElement('noscript'); // wrap into NOSCRPIT to avoid reflow (layouting)
while (!document.documentElement && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn); // requestAnimationFrame here could get modified by YouTube engine
const root = document.documentElement;
root.appendChild(n); // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL
if (blobURL) Promise.resolve().then(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL));
removeIframeFn = (setTimeout) => {
const removeIframeOnDocumentReady = (e) => {
e && win.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false);
e = n;
n = win = removeIframeFn = 0;
setTimeout ? setTimeout(() => e.remove(), 200) : e.remove();
if (!setTimeout || document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
win.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false);
while (!frame.contentWindow && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn);
const fc = frame.contentWindow;
if (!fc) throw "window is not found."; // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL
try {
const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, getComputedStyle } = fc;
const res = { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, getComputedStyle };
for (let k in res) res[k] = res[k].bind(win); // necessary
if (removeIframeFn) Promise.resolve(res.setTimeout).then(removeIframeFn);
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
const HTMLElementProto = fc.HTMLElement.prototype;
/** @type {EventTarget} */
const EventTargetProto = fc.EventTarget.prototype;
// jsonParseFix = {
//   _JSON: fc.JSON, _parse: fc.JSON.parse
// }
return {
animate: HTMLElementProto.animate,
addEventListener: EventTargetProto.addEventListener,
removeEventListener: EventTargetProto.removeEventListener
} catch (e) {
if (removeIframeFn) removeIframeFn();
return null;
} catch (e) {
return null;
let xoIcjPr = null;
const xoIcjId = `xoIcj${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`;
const xoIcjPost = window.postMessage.bind(window, xoIcjId);
window.addEventListener('message', (evt) => {
if ((evt || 0).data === xoIcjId) {
const t = xoIcjPr;
if (t !== null) {
xoIcjPr = null;
const timelineResolve = async () => {
let t = xoIcjPr;
if (t === null) {
t = xoIcjPr = new PromiseExternal();
await t.then();
cleanContext(win).then(__CONTEXT__ => {
if (!__CONTEXT__) return null;
const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, animate, getComputedStyle, addEventListener, removeEventListener } = __CONTEXT__;
const wmComputedStyle = new WeakMap();
const getComputedStyleCached = (elem) => {
let cs = wmComputedStyle.get(elem);
if (!cs) {
cs = getComputedStyle(elem);
wmComputedStyle.set(elem, cs);
return cs;
const isGPUAccelerationAvailable = (() => {
// https://gist.github.com/cvan/042b2448fcecefafbb6a91469484cdf8
try {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
return !!(canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl'));
} catch (e) {
return false;
const foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU = (() => {
if (isGPUAccelerationAvailable) return null;
const pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'visibilityState');
if (!pd || typeof pd.get !== 'function') return null;
const pdGet = pd.get;
let pr = null;
let hState = pdGet.call(document) === 'hidden';
// let cid = 0;
pureAddEventListener.call(document, 'visibilitychange', (evt) => {
const newHState = pdGet.call(document) === 'hidden';
if (hState !== newHState) {
// if (cid > 0) cid = clearInterval(cid);
hState = newHState;
if (!hState && pr) pr = pr.resolve();
// cid = setInterval(() => {
//   const newHState = document.visibilityState === 'hidden';
//   if (hState !== newHState) {
//     hState = newHState;
//     if (!hState && pr) pr = pr.resolve();
//   }
// }, 100);
return (() => {
if (pr) return pr;
const w = ((!hState && setTimeout(() => {
if (!hState && pr === w) pr = pr.resolve();
})), (pr = new PromiseExternal()));
return w;
// window.foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU = foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU;
let rafPromise = null;
const getRafPromise = () => rafPromise || (rafPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
requestAnimationFrame(hRes => {
rafPromise = null;
const foregroundPromiseFn = foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU || getRafPromise;
const iAFP = foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU ? foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU : typeof IntersectionObserver === 'undefined' ? getRafPromise : (() => {
const ioWM = new WeakMap();
const ek = Symbol();
/** @type {IntersectionObserverCallback} */
const ioCb = (entries, observer) => {
/** @type {PromiseExternal} */
const pr = observer[ek];
const resolve = pr.resolve;
let target;
if (resolve && (target = ((entries ? entries[0] : 0) || 0).target) instanceof Element) {
pr.resolve = null;
* @param {Element} elm
* @returns {Promise<void>}
const iAFP = (elm) => {
let io = ioWM.get(elm);
if (!io) {
io = new IntersectionObserver(ioCb);
ioWM.set(elm, io); // strong reference
let pr = io[ek];
if (!pr) {
pr = io[ek] = new PromiseExternal();
return pr;
return iAFP;
let playerState = null;
let _playerState = null;
let lastPlayerProgress = null;
let relayCount = 0;
let playerEventsByIframeRelay = false;
let isPlayProgressTriggered = false;
let waitForInitialDataCompletion = 0;
// let aeConstructor = null;
// << __openedChanged82 >>
let currentMenuPivotWR = null;
const beforeParticipantsMap = new WeakMap();
// << end >>
// << if onRegistryReadyForDOMOperations >>
let dt0 = Date.now() - 2000;
const dateNow = () => Date.now() - dt0;
// let lastScroll = 0;
// let lastLShow = 0;
let lastWheel = 0;
let lastMouseUp = 0;
let currentMouseDown = false;
let lastTouchDown = 0;
let lastTouchUp = 0;
let currentTouchDown = false;
let lastUserInteraction = 0;
let scrollChatFn = null;
// let skipDontRender = true; // true first; false by flushActiveItems_
// let allowDontRender = null;
// ---- #items mutation ----
let sk35zResolveFn = null;
// let firstList = true;
// << end >>
class RAFHub {
constructor() {
/** @type {number} */
this.startAt = 8170;
/** @type {number} */
this.counter = 0;
/** @type {number} */
this.rid = 0;
/** @type {Map<number, FrameRequestCallback>} */
this.funcs = new Map();
const funcs = this.funcs;
/** @type {FrameRequestCallback} */
this.bCallback = this.mCallback.bind(this);
this.pClear = () => funcs.clear();
this.keepRAF = false;
/** @param {DOMHighResTimeStamp} highResTime */
mCallback(highResTime) {
this.rid = 0;
this.funcs.forEach(func => Promise.resolve(highResTime).then(func).catch(console.warn));
/** @param {FrameRequestCallback} f */
request(f) {
const cid = this.startAt + (this.counter = (this.counter & 1073741823) + 1);
this.funcs.set(cid, f);
if (this.rid === 0) this.rid = requestAnimationFrame(this.bCallback);
return cid;
/** @param {number} cid */
cancel(cid) {
cid = +cid;
if (cid > 0) {
if (cid <= this.startAt) {
return cancelAnimationFrame(cid);
if (this.rid > 0) {
if (this.funcs.size === 0 && !this.keepRAF) {
this.rid = 0;
function basePrefetching() {
new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
win.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", resolve, false);
}).then(() => {
const hostL1 = [
'https://www.youtube.com', 'https://googlevideo.com',
'https://googleapis.com', 'https://accounts.youtube.com',
'https://www.gstatic.com', 'https://ggpht.com',
'https://yt3.ggpht.com', 'https://yt4.ggpht.com'
const hostL2 = [
'https://fonts.googleapis.com', 'https://fonts.gstatic.com'
let link = null;
function kn() {
link = document.createElement('link');
if (link.relList && link.relList.supports) {
kptPF = (link.relList.supports('dns-prefetch') ? 1 : 0) + (link.relList.supports('preconnect') ? 2 : 0) + (link.relList.supports('prefetch') ? 4 : 0) + (link.relList.supports('subresource') ? 8 : 0) + (link.relList.supports('preload') ? 16 : 0)
} else {
kptPF = 0;
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | PREFETCH SUPPORTS");
if (ENABLE_BASE_PREFETCHING) console1.log('dns-prefetch', (kptPF & 1) ? 'OK' : 'NG');
if (ENABLE_BASE_PREFETCHING) console1.log('preconnect', (kptPF & 2) ? 'OK' : 'NG');
if (ENABLE_PRELOAD_THUMBNAIL) console1.log('prefetch', (kptPF & 4) ? 'OK' : 'NG');
if (ENABLE_PRELOAD_THUMBNAIL) console1.log('preload', (kptPF & 16) ? 'OK' : 'NG');
for (const h of hostL1) {
if (kptPF === null) kn();
// if (kptPF & 1) {
//   linker(link, 'dns-prefetch', h);
//   link = null;
// }
if (kptPF & 2) {
linker(link, 'preconnect', h);
link = null;
for (const h of hostL2) {
if (kptPF === null) kn();
if (kptPF & 1) {
linker(link, 'dns-prefetch', h);
link = null;
if (DO_LINK_PREFETCH) basePrefetching();
const { notifyPath7081 } = (() => {
const mutexParticipants = new Mutex();
let uvid = 0;
let r95dm = 0;
let c95dm = -1;
const foundMap = (base, content) => {
let lastSearch = 0;
let founds = base.map(baseEntry => {
let search = content.indexOf(baseEntry, lastSearch);
if (search < 0) return false;
lastSearch = search + 1;
return true;
return founds;
const contentSet = new Set(content);
return base.map(baseEntry => contentSet.has(baseEntry));
let participantsForSpliceWR = null;
class IndexSpliceEntry {
* @param {number} _index
* @param {number} _addedCount
* @param {any[]} _removed
constructor(_index, _addedCount, _removed) {
this.index = _index;
this.addedCount = _addedCount;
this.removed = _removed;
get __proxy312__() {
return 1
get type() {
return 'splice'
get object() {
return kRef(participantsForSpliceWR); // avoid memory leakage
const spliceIndicesFunc = (beforeParticipants, participants, idsBefore, idsAfter) => {
let foundsForAfter = foundMap(idsAfter, idsBefore);
let foundsForBefore = foundMap(idsBefore, idsAfter);
const nAfter = foundsForAfter.length;
const nBefore = foundsForBefore.length;
const indexSplices = [];
const contentUpdates = [];
participantsForSpliceWR = null;
for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < nBefore || j < nAfter;) {
if (beforeParticipants[i] === participants[j]) {
i++; j++;
} else if (idsBefore[i] === idsAfter[j]) {
// content changed
contentUpdates.push({ indexI: i, indexJ: j })
i++; j++;
} else {
let addedCount = 0;
for (let q = j; q < nAfter; q++) {
if (foundsForAfter[q] === false) addedCount++;
else break;
let removedCount = 0;
for (let q = i; q < nBefore; q++) {
if (foundsForBefore[q] === false) removedCount++;
else break;
if (!addedCount && !removedCount) {
throw 'ERROR(0xFF32): spliceIndicesFunc';
const entry = new IndexSpliceEntry(
removedCount >= 1 ? beforeParticipants.slice(i, i + removedCount) : []
i += removedCount;
j += addedCount;
foundsForBefore = null;
foundsForAfter = null;
idsBefore = null;
idsAfter = null;
beforeParticipants = null;
participantsForSpliceWR = indexSplices.length > 0 ? mWeakRef(participants) : null;
participants = null;
return { indexSplices, contentUpdates };
customElements.get("yt-live-chat-participant-renderer").prototype.notifyPath=function(){  console.log(123);  console.log(new Error().stack)}
VM63631:1 Error
at customElements.get.notifyPath (<anonymous>:1:122)
at e.forwardRendererStamperChanges_ (live_chat_polymer.js:4453:35)
at e.rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_ (live_chat_polymer.js:4451:12)
at e.rendererStamperObserver_ (live_chat_polymer.js:4448:149)
at Object.pu [as fn] (live_chat_polymer.js:1692:118)
at ju (live_chat_polymer.js:1674:217)
at a._propertiesChanged (live_chat_polymer.js:1726:122)
at b._flushProperties (live_chat_polymer.js:1597:200)
at a._invalidateProperties (live_chat_polymer.js:1718:69)
at a.notifyPath (live_chat_polymer.js:1741:182)
function convertToIds(participants) {
return participants.map(participant => {
if (!participant || typeof participant !== 'object') {
console.warn('Error(0xFA41): convertToIds', participant);
return participant; // just in case
let keys = Object.keys(participant);
// liveChatTextMessageRenderer
// liveChatParticipantRenderer - livestream channel owner [no authorExternalChannelId]
// liveChatPaidMessageRenderer
'yt-live-chat-participant-renderer' utilizes the following:
authorName.simpleText: string
authorPhoto.thumbnails: Object{url:string, width:int, height:int} []
authorBadges[].liveChatAuthorBadgeRenderer.icon.iconType: string
authorBadges[].liveChatAuthorBadgeRenderer.tooltip: string
authorBadges[].liveChatAuthorBadgeRenderer.accessibility.accessibilityData: Object{label:string}
if (keys.length !== 1) {
console.warn('Error(0xFA42): convertToIds', participant);
return participant; // just in case
let key = keys[0];
let renderer = (participant[key] || 0);
let authorName = (renderer.authorName || 0);
let text = `${authorName.simpleText || authorName.text}`
let res = participant; // fallback if it is not a vaild entry
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
console.warn('Error(0xFA53): convertToIds', participant);
} else {
text = `${renderer.authorExternalChannelId || 'null'}|${text || ''}`;
if (text.length > 1) res = text;
return res;
// return renderer?`${renderer.id}|${renderer.authorExternalChannelId}`: '';
// note: renderer.id will be changed if the user typed something to trigger the update of the participants' record.
const checkChangeToParticipantRendererContent = CHECK_CHANGE_TO_PARTICIPANT_RENDERER_CONTENT ? (p1, p2) => {
// just update when content is changed.
if (p1.authorName !== p2.authorName) return true;
if (p1.authorPhoto !== p2.authorPhoto) return true;
if (p1.authorBadges !== p2.authorBadges) return true;
return false;
} : (p1, p2) => {
// keep integrity all the time.
return p1 !== p2; // always true
function notifyPath7081(path) { // cnt "yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer"
if (path !== "participantsManager.participants") {
return this.__notifyPath5036__.apply(this, arguments);
if (c95dm === r95dm) return;
} else {
const stack = new Error().stack;
if (path !== "participantsManager.participants" || stack.indexOf('.onParticipantsChanged') < 0) {
return this.__notifyPath5036__.apply(this, arguments);
if (uvid > 1e8) uvid = uvid % 100;
let tid = ++uvid;
// const cnt = this; // "yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer"
const wNode = mWeakRef(this);
mutexParticipants.lockWith(lockResolve => {
const cnt = kRef(wNode);
const participants00 = (((cnt || 0).participantsManager || 0).participants || 0);
if (tid !== uvid || !cnt || typeof (participants00 || 0).splice !== 'function') {
let doUpdate = false;
if (!participants00.r94dm) {
participants00.r94dm = 1;
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
participants00.push = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments);
participants00.pop = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.pop.apply(this, arguments);
participants00.shift = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.shift.apply(this, arguments);
participants00.unshift = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.unshift.apply(this, arguments);
participants00.splice = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.splice.apply(this, arguments);
participants00.sort = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.sort.apply(this, arguments);
participants00.reverse = function () {
r95dm = (r95dm & 1073741823) + 1;
return Array.prototype.reverse.apply(this, arguments);
if (c95dm !== r95dm) {
c95dm = r95dm;
doUpdate = true;
} else {
doUpdate = true;
if (!doUpdate) {
const participants = participants00.slice(0);
const beforeParticipants = beforeParticipantsMap.get(cnt) || [];
beforeParticipantsMap.set(cnt, participants);
const resPromise = (async () => {
if (beforeParticipants.length === 0) {
// not error
return 0;
let countOfElements = cnt.__getAllParticipantsDOMRenderedLength__()
// console.log(participants.length, doms.length) // different if no requestAnimationFrame
if (beforeParticipants.length !== countOfElements) {
// there is somewrong for the cache. - sometimes happen
return 0;
const idsBefore = convertToIds(beforeParticipants);
const idsAfter = convertToIds(participants);
let { indexSplices, contentUpdates } = spliceIndicesFunc(beforeParticipants, participants, idsBefore, idsAfter);
let res = 1; // default 1 for no update
if (indexSplices.length >= 1) {
// let p2 =  participants.slice(indexSplices[0].index, indexSplices[0].index+indexSplices[0].addedCount);
// let p1 = indexSplices[0].removed;
// console.log(indexSplices.length, indexSplices ,p1,p2,  convertToIds(p1),convertToIds(p2))
/* folllow
a.notifyPath(c + ".splices", d);
a.notifyPath(c + ".length", b.length);
// stampDomArraySplices_
await new Promise(resolve => {
cnt.resolveForDOMRendering781 = resolve;
cnt.__notifyPath5036__("participantsManager.participants.splices", {
indexSplices = null;
participantsForSpliceWR = null;
// play safe for the change of 'length'
if (typeof nextBrowserTick !== 'function') {
await Promise.resolve(0);
} else {
await new Promise(resolve => nextBrowserTick(resolve)).then();
countOfElements = cnt.__getAllParticipantsDOMRenderedLength__();
const wrongSize = participants.length !== countOfElements
if (wrongSize) {
console.warn("ERROR(0xE2C3): notifyPath7081", beforeParticipants.length, participants.length, doms.length)
return 0;
res = 2 | 4;
} else {
indexSplices = null;
participantsForSpliceWR = null;
if (participants.length !== countOfElements) {
// other unhandled cases
return 0;
// participants.length === countOfElements before contentUpdates
if (contentUpdates.length >= 1) {
for (const contentUpdate of contentUpdates) {
let isChanged = checkChangeToParticipantRendererContent(beforeParticipants[contentUpdate.indexI], participants[contentUpdate.indexJ]);
if (isChanged) {
res |= 4 | 8;
contentUpdates = null;
return res;
resPromise.then(async (resValue) => {
const condition = resValue === 0 ? 1 : (resValue & 4) === 4 ? 2 : 0;
const isLogRequired = SHOW_PARTICIPANT_CHANGES_IN_CONSOLE && condition > 0;
isLogRequired && groupCollapsed("Participant List Change", `tid = ${tid}; res = ${resValue}`);
if (condition === 1) {
isLogRequired && console1.log("Full Refresh begins");
await new Promise(resolve => {
cnt.resolveForDOMRendering781 = resolve;
cnt.__notifyPath5036__("participantsManager.participants"); // full refresh
isLogRequired && console1.log("Full Refresh ends");
} else if (condition === 2) {
isLogRequired && console1.log(`Number of participants (before): ${beforeParticipants.length}`);
isLogRequired && console1.log(`Number of participants (after): ${participants.length}`);
isLogRequired && console1.log(`Total number of rendered participants: ${cnt.__getAllParticipantsDOMRenderedLength__()}`);
isLogRequired && console1.log(`Participant Renderer Content Updated: ${(resValue & 8) === 8}`);
// requestAnimationFrame is required to avoid particiant update during DOM changing (stampDomArraySplices_)
// mutex lock with requestAnimationFrame can also disable participants update in background
isLogRequired && groupEnd();
(condition === 2) && (await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame));
return { notifyPath7081 };
const whenDefinedMultiple = async (tags) => {
const sTags = [...new Set(tags)];
const len = sTags.length;
const pTags = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
pTags[i] = customElements.whenDefined(sTags[i]);
await Promise.all(pTags);
pTags.length = 0;
return sTags;
const onRegistryReadyForDataManipulation = () => {
function dummy5035(a, b, c) { }
function dummy411(a, b, c) { }
customElements.whenDefined("yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer").then(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer";
const cProto = getProto(document.createElement(tag));
if (!cProto || typeof cProto.attached !== 'function') {
// for _registered, proto.attached shall exist when the element is defined.
// for controller extraction, attached shall exist when instance creates.
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer hacks");
const fgsArr = ['kevlar_tuner_should_test_maintain_stable_list', 'kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list', 'kevlar_tuner_should_test_reuse_components', 'kevlar_tuner_should_reuse_components'];
const fgs = {};
for (const key of fgsArr) fgs[key] = undefined;
try {
for (const key of fgsArr) fgs[key] = EXPERIMENT_FLAGS[key];
} catch (e) { }
console1.log(`EXPERIMENT_FLAGS: ${JSON.stringify(fgs, null, 2)}`);
const canDoReplacement = (() => {
if (typeof cProto.__notifyPath5035__ === 'function' && cProto.__notifyPath5035__.name !== 'dummy5035') {
console.warn('YouTube Live Chat Tamer is running.');
if (typeof cProto.__attached411__ === 'function' && cProto.__attached411__.name !== 'dummy411') {
console.warn('YouTube Live Chat Tamer is running.');
cProto.__notifyPath5035__ = dummy5035 // just to against Live Chat Tamer
cProto.__attached411__ = dummy411 // just to against Live Chat Tamer
if (typeof cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ !== 'function' || cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_.length !== 0) {
console.warn("ERROR(0xE355): cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ not found");
if (typeof cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings66_ === 'function') {
console.warn("ERROR(0xE356): cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings66_");
if (typeof cProto.__getAllParticipantsDOMRenderedLength__ === 'function') {
console.warn("ERROR(0xE357): cProto.__getAllParticipantsDOMRenderedLength__");
return true;
console1.log(`Data Manipulation Boost = ${canDoReplacement}`);
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.attached, '0.32.22')) // just warning
if (typeof cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ === 'function') {
const fiRSCB = fnIntegrity(cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_);
console1.log(`flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ ### ${fiRSCB} ###`);
} else {
console1.log("flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ - not found");
// assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_, '0.386.233')) // just warning
if (typeof cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ === 'function') {
cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings66_ = cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_;
cProto.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ = function () {
// console.log('flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_')
if (this.resolveForDOMRendering781) {
this.resolveForDOMRendering781 = null;
cProto.__getAllParticipantsDOMRenderedLength__ = function () {
const container = ((this || 0).$ || 0).participants;
if (!container) return 0;
return HTMLElement.prototype.querySelectorAll.call(container, 'yt-live-chat-participant-renderer').length;
const onPageElements = [...document.querySelectorAll('yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer:not(.n9fJ3)')];
cProto.__attached412__ = cProto.attached;
const fpPList = function (hostElement) {
const cnt = insp(hostElement);
if (beforeParticipantsMap.has(cnt)) return;
assertor(() => (cnt.__dataEnabled === true && cnt.__dataReady === true));
if (typeof cnt.notifyPath !== 'function' || typeof cnt.__notifyPath5036__ !== 'undefined') {
console.warn("ERROR(0xE318): yt-live-chat-participant-list-renderer")
groupCollapsed("Participant List attached", "");
cnt.__notifyPath5036__ = cnt.notifyPath
const participants = ((cnt.participantsManager || 0).participants || 0);
assertor(() => (participants.length > -1 && typeof participants.slice === 'function'));
console1.log(`initial number of participants: ${participants.length}`);
const newParticipants = (participants.length >= 1 && typeof participants.slice === 'function') ? participants.slice(0) : [];
beforeParticipantsMap.set(cnt, newParticipants);
cnt.notifyPath = notifyPath7081;
cProto.attached = function () {
fpPList(this.hostElement || this);
this.__attached412__.apply(this, arguments);
/** @type {boolean | (()=>boolean)} */
let toUseMaintainStableList = USE_MAINTAIN_STABLE_LIST_ONLY_WHEN_KS_FLAG_IS_SET ? (() => ytcfg.data_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list === true) : true;
if (typeof cProto.stampDomArray_ === 'function' && cProto.stampDomArray_.length === 6 && !cProto.stampDomArray_.nIegT && !cProto.stampDomArray66_) {
let lastMessageDate = 0;
cProto.stampDomArray66_ = cProto.stampDomArray_;
cProto.stampDomArray_ = function (...args) {
if (args[0] && args[0].length > 0 && args[1] === "participants" && args[2] && args[3] === true && !args[5]) {
if (typeof toUseMaintainStableList === 'function') {
toUseMaintainStableList = toUseMaintainStableList();
args[5] = toUseMaintainStableList;
let currentDate = Date.now();
if (currentDate - lastMessageDate > 440) {
lastMessageDate = currentDate;
console.log('maintain_stable_list for participants list', toUseMaintainStableList);
return this.stampDomArray66_.apply(this, args);
cProto.stampDomArray_.nIegT = 1;
} else {
if (onPageElements.length >= 1) {
for (const s of onPageElements) {
if (insp(s).isAttached === true) {
const transitionEndHooks = new WeakSet();
const transitionEndAfterFnSimple = new WeakMap();
let transitionEndAfterFnSimpleEnable = 0;
// let prevTransitionClosing = null;
const passiveCapture = typeof IntersectionObserver === 'function' ? { capture: true, passive: true } : true;
const transitionEndAfterFn = (evt) => {
if (transitionEndAfterFnSimpleEnable > 0 && evt.propertyName && !evt.pseudoElement) {
const elm = evt.target;
const f = transitionEndAfterFnSimple.get(elm);
if (f) {
const fixChildrenIssue = !!fixChildrenIssue801;
if (fixChildrenIssue && typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor === 'function' && typeof Proxy !== 'undefined') {
let fixChildrenIssue_status = false;
const divProto = HTMLDivElement.prototype;
const polymerControllerSetData3 = function (c, d, e) {
return insp(this).set(c, d, e);
const polymerControllerSetData2 = function (c, d) {
return insp(this).set(c, d);
const dummyFn = function () {
console.log('dummyFn', ...arguments);
const wm44 = new Map();
function unPolymerSet(elem) {
const is = elem.is;
if (is && !elem.set) {
let rt = wm44.get(is);
if (!rt) {
rt = 1;
const cnt = insp(elem);
if (cnt !== elem && cnt && typeof cnt.set === 'function') {
const pcSet = cnt.constructor.prototype.set;
if (pcSet && typeof pcSet === 'function' && pcSet.length === 3) {
rt = polymerControllerSetData3;
} else if (pcSet && typeof pcSet === 'function' && pcSet.length === 2) {
rt = polymerControllerSetData2;
wm44.set(is, rt);
if (typeof rt === 'function') {
elem.set = rt;
} else {
elem.set = dummyFn;
if (!divProto.__children577__ && !divProto.__children578__) {
const dp = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'children');
const dp2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'children');
const dp3 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(divProto, 'children');
if (dp && dp.configurable === true && dp.enumerable === true && typeof dp.get === 'function' && !dp2 && !dp3) {
if (divProto instanceof HTMLElement && divProto instanceof Element) {
let m = Object.assign({}, dp);
divProto.__children577__ = dp.get;
divProto.__children578__ = function () {
if (this.__children803__) return this.__children803__;
if (this.__children801__) {
let arr = [];
for (let elem = this.firstElementChild; elem !== null; elem = elem.nextElementSibling) {
if (elem.is) {
if (this.__children801__ === 2) this.__children803__ = arr;
return arr;
return 577;
m.get = function () {
const r = this.__children578__();
if (r !== 577) return r;
return this.__children577__();
Object.defineProperty(divProto, 'children', m);
fixChildrenIssue_status = true;
if (!fixChildrenIssue_status) {
console.log('fixChildrenIssue - set NG')
const watchUserCSS = () => {
// if (!CSS.supports('contain-intrinsic-size', 'auto var(--wsr94)')) return;
const getElemFromWR = (nr) => {
const n = kRef(nr);
if (n && n.isConnected) return n;
return null;
const clearContentVisibilitySizing = () => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const e = document.querySelector('#show-more[disabled]');
let btnShowMoreWR = e ? mWeakRef(e) : null;
let lastVisibleItemWR = null;
for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll('[wSr93]')) {
if (elm.getAttribute('wSr93') === 'visible') lastVisibleItemWR = mWeakRef(elm);
elm.setAttribute('wSr93', '');
// custom CSS property --wsr94 not working when attribute wSr93 removed
foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
const btnShowMore = getElemFromWR(btnShowMoreWR); btnShowMoreWR = null;
if (btnShowMore) btnShowMore.click();
else {
// would not work if switch it frequently
const lastVisibleItem = getElemFromWR(lastVisibleItemWR); lastVisibleItemWR = null;
if (lastVisibleItem) {
.then(() => lastVisibleItem.scrollIntoView())
.then(() => lastVisibleItem.scrollIntoView(false))
.then(() => lastVisibleItem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "instant", block: "end", inline: "nearest" }))
.catch(e => { }) // break the chain when method not callable
const mutObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if ((mutation.addedNodes || 0).length >= 1) {
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (addedNode.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
if ((mutation.removedNodes || 0).length >= 1) {
for (const removedNode of mutation.removedNodes) {
if (removedNode.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
mutObserver.observe(document.documentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
mutObserver.observe(document.head, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
mutObserver.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
const { lcRendererElm, visObserver } = (() => {
let lcRendererWR = null;
const lcRendererElm = () => {
let lcRenderer = kRef(lcRendererWR);
if (!lcRenderer || !lcRenderer.isConnected) {
lcRenderer = document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer.yt-live-chat-renderer');
lcRendererWR = lcRenderer ? mWeakRef(lcRenderer) : null;
return lcRenderer;
let hasFirstShowMore = false;
// let lastVisible = null;
const visObserverFn = (entry) => {
const target = entry.target;
if (!target) return;
// if(target.classList.contains('dont-render')) return;
let isVisible = entry.isIntersecting === true && entry.intersectionRatio > 0.5;
// const h = entry.boundingClientRect.height;
if (h < 16) { // wrong: 8 (padding/margin); standard: 32; test: 16 or 20
// e.g. under fullscreen. the element created but not rendered.
target.setAttribute('wSr93', '');
if (isVisible) {
// target.style.setProperty('--wsr94', h + 'px');
target.setAttribute('wSr93', 'visible');
// lastVisible = mWeakRef(target);
if (nNextElem(target) === null) {
// firstVisibleItemDetected = true;
if (dateNow() - lastScroll < 80) {
lastLShow = 0;
lastScroll = 0;
} else {
lastLShow = dateNow();
// lastLShow = dateNow();
} else if (!hasFirstShowMore) { // should more than one item being visible
// implement inside visObserver to ensure there is sufficient delay
hasFirstShowMore = true;
foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
// foreground page
// page visibly ready -> load the latest comments at initial loading
const lcRenderer = lcRendererElm();
if (lcRenderer) {
if (typeof nextBrowserTick !== 'function') {
} else {
nextBrowserTick(() => {
const cnt = insp(lcRenderer);
if (cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
else if (target.getAttribute('wSr93') === 'visible') { // ignore target.getAttribute('wSr93') === '' to avoid wrong sizing
// target.style.setProperty('--wsr94', h + 'px');
target.setAttribute('wSr93', 'hidden');
} // note: might consider 0 < entry.intersectionRatio < 0.5 and target.getAttribute('wSr93') === '' <new last item>
const visObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
// const _lastVisible = kRef(lastVisible);
// for (const entry of entries) {
//   // Promise.resolve(entry).then(visObserverFn);
//   visObserverFn(entry);
// }
// const lastVisibleC = kRef(lastVisible);
// if (_lastVisible !== lastVisibleC) {
//   if (_lastVisible instanceof HTMLElement) _lastVisible.classList.remove('cyt-chat-last-message');
//   if (lastVisibleC instanceof HTMLElement) lastVisibleC.classList.add('cyt-chat-last-message');
// }
}, {
// root: HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(m2, '#item-scroller.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer'), // nullable
rootMargin: "0px",
threshold: [0.05, 0.95],
return { lcRendererElm, visObserver }
const { setupMutObserver } = (() => {
const mutFn = (items) => {
let seqIndex = -1;
const elementSet = new Set();
for (let node = nLastElem(items); node !== null; node = nPrevElem(node)) {
if (node.hasAttribute('wSr93')) {
seqIndex = parseInt(node.getAttribute('yt-chat-item-seq'), 10);
node.setAttribute('wSr93', '');
let iter = elementSet.values();
let i = seqIndex + elementSet.size;
for (let curr; curr = iter.next().value;) {
curr.setAttribute('yt-chat-item-seq', i % 60);
curr.classList.add('yt-chat-item-' + ((i % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even'));
iter = null;
const mutObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
const items = (mutations[0] || 0).target;
if (!items) return;
if (sk35zResolveFn) {
sk35zResolveFn = null;
const setupMutObserver = (m2) => {
scrollChatFn = null;
if (m2) {
if (typeof m2.__appendChild932__ === 'function') {
if (typeof m2.appendChild === 'function') m2.appendChild = m2.__appendChild932__;
if (typeof m2.__shady_native_appendChild === 'function') m2.__shady_native_appendChild = m2.__appendChild932__;
mutObserver.observe(m2, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
// const isFirstList = firstList;
// firstList = false;
// console.log('ENABLE_OVERFLOW_ANCHOR', m2)
let items = m2;
let addedAnchor = false;
if (items) {
if (items.nextElementSibling === null) {
addedAnchor = true;
if (addedAnchor) {
nodeParent(m2).classList.add('no-anchor'); // required
(() => {
const tag = 'yt-iframed-player-events-relay'
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.handlePostMessage_) {
console.warn(`proto.handlePostMessage_ for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (typeof cProto.handlePostMessage_ === 'function' && !cProto.handlePostMessage66_ && !cProto.handlePostMessage67_ ) {
cProto.handlePostMessage66_ = cProto.handlePostMessage_;
const handlePostMessageAfterPromiseA = (da) => {
if (!da || typeof da !== 'object') return;
if ('yt-player-state-change' in da) {
const qc = da['yt-player-state-change'];
let isQcChanged = false;
if (qc === 2) { isQcChanged = qc !== _playerState; _playerState = 2; relayCount = 0; } // paused
else if (qc === 3) { isQcChanged = qc !== _playerState; _playerState = 3; } // playing
else if (qc === 1) { isQcChanged = qc !== _playerState; _playerState = 1; } // playing
if ((isQcChanged) && playerState !== _playerState) {
playerEventsByIframeRelay = true;
onPlayStateChangePromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
const k = _playerState;
foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
if (k === _playerState && playerState !== _playerState) playerState = _playerState;
onPlayStateChangePromise = null;
} else if ('yt-player-video-progress' in da) {
const vp = da['yt-player-video-progress'];
lastPlayerProgress = vp > 0 ? vp : 0; // no use ?
if (relayPromise && vp > 0 && relayCount >= 2) {
if (onPlayStateChangePromise) {
onPlayStateChangePromise.then(() => {
relayPromise && relayPromise.resolve();
relayPromise = null;
} else {
relayPromise = null;
cProto.handlePostMessage67_ = function (a) {
let da = a.data;
const wNode = mWeakRef(this);
// const wData = mWeakRef(da);
playEventsStack = playEventsStack.then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(wNode);
// const da = kRef(wData);
if (!cnt || !a || !da) return;
da = null;
const r = cnt.handlePostMessage66_(a);
a = null;
const handlePostMessageAfterPromiseB = (da) => {
const lcr = document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-renderer');
const psc = document.querySelector("yt-player-seek-continuation");
if (lcr && psc && lcr.replayBuffer_) {
const rbProgress = lcr.replayBuffer_.lastVideoOffsetTimeMsec;
const daProgress = da['yt-player-video-progress'] * 1000
// document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-renderer').playerProgressChanged_(1e-5);
const front_ = (lcr.replayBuffer_.replayQueue || 0).front_;
const back_ = (lcr.replayBuffer_.replayQueue || 0).back_;
// console.log(deepCopy( front_))
// console.log(deepCopy( back_))
// console.log(rbProgress, daProgress, )
if (front_ && back_ && rbProgress > daProgress && back_.length > 2 && back_.some(e => e && +e.videoOffsetTimeMsec > daProgress) && back_.some(e => e && +e.videoOffsetTimeMsec < daProgress)) {
// no action
// console.log('ss1')
} else if (rbProgress < daProgress + 3400 && rbProgress > daProgress - 1200) {
//  daProgress - 1200 < rbProgress < daProgress + 3400
// console.log('ss2')
} else {
lcr.previousProgressSec = 1E-5;
// lcr._setIsSeeking(!0),
cProto.handlePostMessage_ = function (a) {
let da = (a || 0).data || 0;
const wNode = mWeakRef(this);
if (typeof da !== 'object') return;
if (waitForInitialDataCompletion === 1) return;
if (!isPlayProgressTriggered) {
isPlayProgressTriggered = true; // set once
if ('yt-player-video-progress' in da) {
waitForInitialDataCompletion = 1;
const wrapWith = (data) => {
const { origin } = a;
return {
"yt-iframed-parent-ready": true
playEventsStack = playEventsStack.then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(wNode);
if (!cnt || !a || !da) return;
da = null;
waitForInitialDataCompletion = 2;
const r = cnt.handlePostMessage_(a); // isPlayProgressTriggered is set
a = null;
return { setupMutObserver };
const setupEvents = () => {
// not called when boost chat is enabled
// global - currentMouseDown, lastUserInteraction
let scrollCount = 0;
let lastScrollCount = -1;
let lastMouseDown = 0;
const passiveCapture = typeof IntersectionObserver === 'function' ? { capture: true, passive: true } : true;
const delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ = () => {
const lcRenderer = lcRendererElm();
if (lcRenderer) {
const cnt = insp(lcRenderer);
if (!cnt.hasUserJustInteracted11_) return;
if (cnt.atBottom && cnt.allowScroll && cnt.activeItems_.length >= 1 && cnt.hasUserJustInteracted11_()) {
cnt.delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserAction11_ && cnt.delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserAction11_();
document.addEventListener('scroll', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
// lastScroll = dateNow();
scrollCount = (scrollCount & 1073741823) + 1;
}, passiveCapture); // support contain => support passive
document.addEventListener('wheel', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (lastScrollCount === scrollCount) return;
lastScrollCount = scrollCount;
lastWheel = dateNow();
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture); // support contain => support passive
document.addEventListener('mousedown', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (((evt || 0).target || 0).id !== 'item-scroller') return;
lastMouseDown = dateNow();
currentMouseDown = true;
lastUserInteraction = lastMouseDown;
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('pointerdown', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (((evt || 0).target || 0).id !== 'item-scroller') return;
lastMouseDown = dateNow();
currentMouseDown = true;
lastUserInteraction = lastMouseDown;
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (((evt || 0).target || 0).id !== 'item-scroller') return;
lastMouseDown = lastMouseUp = dateNow();
currentMouseDown = false;
lastUserInteraction = lastMouseDown;
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('tap', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (((evt || 0).target || 0).id !== 'item-scroller') return;
lastMouseDown = lastMouseUp = dateNow();
currentMouseDown = false;
lastUserInteraction = lastMouseDown;
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (currentMouseDown) {
lastMouseUp = dateNow();
currentMouseDown = false;
lastUserInteraction = lastMouseUp;
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('pointerup', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (currentMouseDown) {
lastMouseUp = dateNow();
currentMouseDown = false;
lastUserInteraction = lastMouseUp;
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
lastTouchDown = dateNow();
currentTouchDown = true;
lastUserInteraction = lastTouchDown;
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
lastTouchDown = dateNow();
currentTouchDown = true;
lastUserInteraction = lastTouchDown;
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('touchend', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (currentTouchDown) {
lastTouchUp = dateNow();
currentTouchDown = false;
lastUserInteraction = lastTouchUp;
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('touchcancel', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (currentTouchDown) {
lastTouchUp = dateNow();
currentTouchDown = false;
lastUserInteraction = lastTouchUp;
delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_ && delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserActionK_();
}, passiveCapture);
const getTimestampUsec = (itemRenderer) => {
if (itemRenderer && 'timestampUsec' in itemRenderer) {
return itemRenderer.timestampUsec
} else if (itemRenderer && itemRenderer.showItemEndpoint) {
const messageRenderer = ((itemRenderer.showItemEndpoint.showLiveChatItemEndpoint || 0).renderer || 0);
if (messageRenderer) {
const messageRendererKey = firstObjectKey(messageRenderer);
if (messageRendererKey && messageRenderer[messageRendererKey]) {
const messageRendererData = messageRenderer[messageRendererKey];
if (messageRendererData && 'timestampUsec' in messageRendererData) {
return messageRendererData.timestampUsec
return null;
const onRegistryReadyForDOMOperations = () => {
let firstCheckedOnYtInit = false;
const assertorURL = () => assertor(() => location.pathname.startsWith('/live_chat') && (location.search.indexOf('continuation=') > 0 || location.search.indexOf('v=') > 0));
const mightFirstCheckOnYtInit = () => {
if (firstCheckedOnYtInit) return;
firstCheckedOnYtInit = true;
if (!document.body || !document.head) return;
if (!assertorURL()) return;
let efsContainer = document.getElementById('elzm-fonts-yk75g');
if (efsContainer && efsContainer.parentNode !== document.body) {
if (!assertorURL()) return;
// if (!assertor(() => document.getElementById('yt-masthead') === null)) return;
const { weakWrap } = (() => {
// const tickerFuncProps = new Set([
//   'animateShowStats', 'animateHideStats',  // updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimationRevised
//   'collapse', // slideDownNoSelfLeakage
//   'requestRemoval', // collapseNoSelfLeakage
//   'setContainerWidth', 'get', 'set', // deletedChangedNoSelfLeakage
//   'computeAriaLabel', //dataChanged
//   'startCountdown', // dataChanged [in case]
// ]);
// const tickerTags = new Set([
//   "yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer",
//   "yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-message-item-renderer",
//   "yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-sticker-item-renderer",
//   "yt-live-chat-ticker-sponsor-item-renderer"
// ]);
// const emptySet = new Set();
// const tickerFuncPropsFn = (cnt) => {
//   const is = `${cnt.is}`;
//   if (tickerTags.has(is)) {
//     let flg = 0;
//     if (cnt.get && cnt.set) flg |= 1;
//     if (cnt.setContainerWidth && cnt.collapse && cnt.requestRemoval) flg |= 2;
//     if (cnt.animateShowStats && cnt.animateHideStats) flg |= 4;
//     if (cnt.startCountdown) flg |= 8;
//     console.log(`DEBUG flag_6877 = ${flg}`, is);
//     // DEBUG flag_6877 = 15 yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-message-item-renderer
//     // DEBUG flag_6877 = 11 yt-live-chat-ticker-sponsor-item-renderer
//     return tickerFuncProps;
//   }
//   return emptySet;
// }
// const smb = Symbol();
const vmb = 'dtz02' // Symbol(); // return kThis for thisArg
const vmc = 'dtz04' // Symbol(); // whether it is proxied fn
const vmd = 'dtz08' // Symbol(); // self fn proxy (fn--fn)
const thisConversionFn = (thisArg) => {
if (!thisArg) return null;
const kThis = thisArg[vmb];
if (kThis) {
const ref = kThis.ref;
return (ref ? kRef(ref) : null) || null;
return thisArg;
const pFnHandler2 = {
get(target, prop) {
if (prop === vmc) return target;
return Reflect.get(target, prop);
apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
thisArg = thisConversionFn(thisArg);
if (thisArg) return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList);
const proxySelfHandler = {
get(target, prop) {
if(prop === vmb) return target;
const ref = target.ref;
const cnt = kRef(ref);
if (!cnt) return;
if (typeof cnt[prop] === 'function' && !cnt[prop][vmc] && !cnt[prop][vmb]) {
if (!cnt[prop][vmd]) cnt[prop][vmd] = new Proxy(cnt[prop], pFnHandler2);
return cnt[prop][vmd];
return cnt[prop];
set(target, prop, value) {
const cnt = kRef(target.ref);
if (!cnt) return true;
if(value && (value[vmc] || value[vmb])){
cnt[prop] = value[vmc] || thisConversionFn(value);
return true;
cnt[prop] = value;
return true;
const weakWrap = (thisArg) => {
thisArg = thisConversionFn(thisArg);
if (!thisArg) {
console.error('thisArg is not found');
return null;
return new Proxy({ ref: mWeakRef(thisArg) }, proxySelfHandler);
if (!window.getComputedStyle533 && typeof window.getComputedStyle === 'function') {
window.getComputedStyle533 = window.getComputedStyle;
window.getComputedStyle = function (a, ...args) {
a = thisConversionFn(a);
if (a) {
return getComputedStyle533(a, ...args);
return null;
// const fnProxySelf = function (...args) {
//   const cnt = kRef(this.ref);
//   if (cnt) {
//     return cnt[this.prop](...args); // might throw error
//   }
// }
// const proxySelfHandler = {
//   get(target, prop) {
//     const ref = target.ref;
//     const cnt = kRef(ref);
//     if (!cnt) return;
//     if (prop === 'dtz06') return 1;
//     if (typeof cnt[prop] === 'function') {
//       if (!target.funcs.has(prop)) {
//         console.warn(`proxy get to function | prop: ${prop} | is: ${cnt.is}`);
//       }
//       if (!target[`$$${prop}$$`]) target[`$$${prop}$$`] = fnProxySelf.bind({ prop, ref });
//       return target[`$$${prop}$$`];
//     }
//     return cnt[prop];
//   },
//   set(target, prop, value) {
//     const cnt = kRef(target.ref);
//     if (!cnt) return true;
//     if (typeof value === 'function') {
//       console.warn(`proxy set to function | prop: ${prop} | is: ${cnt.is}`);
//       cnt[prop] = value;
//       return true;
//     }
//     cnt[prop] = value;
//     return true;
//   }
// };
// return { tickerFuncPropsFn, proxySelfHandler }
return {weakWrap}
if (document.documentElement && document.head) {
// console.log(document.body===null)
const preprocessChatLiveActionsMap = new WeakSet();
const toLAObj=(aItem)=>{
if (!aItem || typeof aItem !== 'object') return false;
const key = firstObjectKey(aItem); // addLiveChatTickerItemAction
if (!key) return false;
let obj = aItem[key];
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return false;
if (typeof (obj.item || 0) == 'object' && firstObjectKey(obj) === 'item') {
obj = obj.item;
const key = firstObjectKey(obj);
if (key) {
obj = obj[key];
return obj;
const groupsK38=[];
function intervalsOverlap(a1, a2, b1, b2) {
// Order the intervals without using Math functions
var startA = a1 <= a2 ? a1 : a2;
var endA   = a1 <= a2 ? a2 : a1;
var startB = b1 <= b2 ? b1 : b2;
var endB   = b1 <= b2 ? b2 : b1;
// Check for overlap
return endA >= startB && endB >= startA;
const insertIntoSortedArrayA28 = (arr, val) => {
let left = 0;
const n = arr.length;
let right = n;
// Binary search to find the correct insertion index:
// We want the first index where arr[index][2] >= val[2].
while (left < right) {
const mid = (left + right) >>> 1;
if (arr[mid][0] < val[0]) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid;
// 'left' is now the insertion index
left === n ? arr.push(val): arr.splice(left, 0, val);
function removeNullsInPlace(arr, startI = 0) {
let insertPos = startI;
for (let i = startI; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] !== null) {
insertPos !== i && (arr[insertPos] = arr[i]);
arr.length = insertPos; // Remove the trailing nulls.
let fir = 0;
const limitAddition = (a, b) => {
// Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991
// formula = Math.round((a + b) / (1 + a * b / k / k))
// avoid a*b > 9007199254740991
// say a, b <= 94800000
// Consider (x+x) - (x+x) / (1 + x^2 / k^2) < 0.49
// x < 130095
const w = 130095;
if (a < w && b < w) return a + b;
const k2 = 94800000 * 94800000;
return Math.round((a + b) / (1 + (a * b) / k2));
const preprocessChatLiveActions = (arr) =>{
if (!fir) {
if (!__LCRInjection__) {
console.error('[yt-chat] preprocessChatLiveActions might fail because of no __LCRInjection__');
DEBUG_preprocessChatLiveActions && console.log('[yt-chat-debug] 5990', 'preprocessChatLiveActions', arr)
DEBUG_preprocessChatLiveActions && console.log('[yt-chat-debug] 5991', document.querySelectorAll('yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer #ticker-items [class]').length)
fir = 1;
// debugger;
if (!arr || !arr.length) return arr;
if (preprocessChatLiveActionsMap.has(arr)) return arr;
const ct = Date.now();
let groups_ = null;
// console.log(1237005);
// const conversionMap = new WeakMap();
const additionalInfo = new WeakMap();
// const adjustmentMap = new Map();
// console.log('group02331')
// console.time('FIX_TIMESTAMP_FOR_REPLAY')
// const stack = new Array(arr.length);
// let stackL = 0;
// const arrHash = new Array(arr.length);
const groups = groupsK38;
// const delta = 2.0; // head-to-tail + 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.0  -> symmetric -> 1.0 * 2 = 2.0
// (2)
// (1.5, 2.5)
// (1.51, 2.49)
// -> (1.01, 2.01) , (1.99, 2.99)
// 2.99 - 1.01 = 1.98 -> 2
const pushToGroup = (t0mu)=>{
const t0auDv = t0mu - 1e6; // t0buDv - t0auDv = 2e6
const t0buDv = t0mu + 1e6;
// const t0auEv = t0mu - 2e6;
// const t0buEv = t0mu + 2e6;
let groupK = false;
// let m = -1;
// let q= 0;
//const qq =true;
//qq && console.log('-------')
let lastRight = null;
let lastK = null;
let deletedStartIndex = -1;
for (let k = 0, kl = groups.length; k < kl; k++) {
const group = groups[k];
const [groupStart, groupEnd, gCount] = group;
//qq && console.log(`-- ${k} ----- ${groupMid} : [${groupStart},${groupEnd}] || C1 = ${t0buEv < groupMid} || C2 = ${t0auEv > groupMid}`);
// if (t0bsEv < groupMid) continue; // if(t0m + 1.0 < groupMid - 1.0) continue;
// if (m < 0) m = k;
// if (t0asEv > groupMid){
//   continue; // if(t0m - 1.0 > groupMid + 1.0) break;
// }
// if (m < 0) m = k;
if (lastRight > groupStart) {
if (!groupK) {
// just in case sth wrong
console.warn('logic ERROR');
groups[k] = null;
if(deletedStartIndex < 0) deletedStartIndex = k;
} else {
// GroupA: N_a' = N_a + n_e{1} ; Note n_e is the only way to shift right to cause " (lastRight > groupStart) "
// GroupB: N_b
// Merge Group (A) = N_a' + N_b
// without entry moditification, no overlap
// this must be due to entry moditifcation
// entry is already count. so can be skipped after merging
// for merging, groupA will move to right side but left than groupB, so no overlap to groupC
const group = groups[lastK];
const newN = limitAddition(group[2], gCount);
const factor = gCount / (group[2] + gCount);
// group[0] = (group[0] * group[2] + groupStart * gCount) / (group[2] + gCount)
group[0] += (groupStart - group[0]) * factor;
// group[1] = lastRight = (group[1] * group[2] + groupEnd * gCount) / (group[2] + gCount)
group[1] += (groupEnd - group[1]) * factor;
group[2] = newN;
// no change of lastK
groups[k] = null;
if(deletedStartIndex < 0) deletedStartIndex = k;
const minGroupStart = lastRight; // all groupStart, groupEnd >= minGroupStart for k, k+1, ...
if (t0buDv < minGroupStart) {
// no overlapping could be possible
if (intervalsOverlap(t0auDv, t0buDv, groupStart, groupEnd)) {
groupK = true;
// if (t0auDv > groupStart) group[0] = t0auDv;
// else if (t0buDv < groupEnd) group[1] = t0buDv;
// const newStart = (groupStart * gCount + t0auDv) / (gCount + 1);
const newStart = groupStart + (t0auDv - groupStart) * 1 / (gCount + 1);
if (newStart < lastRight) {
// n_e{1} will make N_b shift left
// GroupA: N_a
// GroupB: N_b
// Merge Group (A) = N_a + N_b + n_e{1}
const group = groups[lastK];
const newN = limitAddition(limitAddition(group[2], gCount), 1);
const f1 = gCount / (group[2] + gCount + 1);
const f2 = 1 / (group[2] + gCount + 1);
// group[0] = (group[0] * group[2] + groupStart * gCount + t0auDv) / (group[2] + gCount + 1);
group[0] += (groupStart - group[0]) * f1 + (t0auDv - group[0]) * f2;
// group[1] = lastRight = (group[1] * group[2] + groupEnd * gCount + t0buDv) / (group[2] + gCount + 1)
lastRight = (group[1] += (groupEnd - group[1]) * f1 + (t0buDv - group[1]) * f2);
group[2] = newN;
// no change of lastK
groups[k] = null;
if(deletedStartIndex < 0) deletedStartIndex = k;
} else {
// n_e{1} will make N_b shift either left or right
// GroupT: N_t
// Group (T) = N_t + n_e{1}
const newN = limitAddition(gCount, 1);
group[0] = newStart;
// group[1] = lastRight = (groupEnd * gCount + t0buDv) / (gCount + 1);
group[1] = lastRight = groupEnd + (t0buDv - groupEnd) * 1 / (gCount + 1);
group[2] = newN;
lastK = k;
//  (t0asDv > groupStart)  &&  (t0bsDv < groupEnd)   means full containement
// however, group size is smaller than or equal to t0width
} else {
// just update record for next iteration
lastRight = groupEnd;
lastK = k;
if (deletedStartIndex >= 0) {
// rarely used
removeNullsInPlace(groups, deletedStartIndex);
if (!groupK) {
// groups.push([t0auDv, t0buDv, 1]);
insertIntoSortedArrayA28(groups, [t0auDv, t0buDv, 1]);
// insertIntoSortedArrayA27(groups, [t0auDv, t0buDv, t0mu]);
let autoTimeStampFrameChoose = 0;
// console.log('group02332')
for (let j = 0, l = arr.length; j < l; j++) {
const aItem = arr[j];
const obj = toLAObj(aItem);
if (obj === false) continue;
let p = obj.timestampText;
let p2, p3=null, p4a=null, p4b=null;
if(p&&p.simpleText ) p2 = p.simpleText;
let q = obj.timestampUsec ;
let q2;
if(q && +q > 1110553200000000) q2 = +q;
if (q2 > 0 && !autoTimeStampFrameChoose) {
const q2cc = Math.round(q2 / 1e6);
autoTimeStampFrameChoose = q2cc - (q2cc % 10000000);
if (q2cc - autoTimeStampFrameChoose < 2000000) autoTimeStampFrameChoose -= 10000000;
// around 10day range
// exceeded ~10day -> above 10000000
// console.log('group02333', p2, q2)
// console.log(3775, q2/1e6, autoTimeStampFrameChoose)
if(p2 && q2){
let m;
if (m = /^\s*(-?)(\d+):(\d+)\s*$/.exec(p2)) {
let c0z = m[1] ? -1 : 1;
let c1 = (+m[2]);
let c2 = (+m[3]);
if (c0z > 0 && c1 >= 0 && c2 >= 0) {
p3 = c1 * 60 + c2;
} else if (c0z < 0 && c1 >= 0 && c2 >= 0) {
// -4:43 -> -4:42 -> -4:41 ... -> -4:01 -> -4:00 -> -3:59 -> -3:58
// -> ... -1:01 -> -1:00 -> -0:59 -> ... -> -0:02 -> -0:01 -> -0:00 -> 0:00 -> ...
p3 = (-c1 * 60) + (-c2);
if (p3 !== null) {
// 0:14 -> 13.5s ~ 14.4999s -> [13.5, 14.5)
p4a = p3 - 0.5;
p4b = p3 + 0.5;
} else if (m = /^\s*(-?)(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s*$/.exec(p2)) {
let c0z = m[1] ? -1 : 1;
let c1 = (+m[2]);
let c2 = (+m[3]);
let c3 = (+m[4]);
if (c0z > 0 && c1 >= 0 && c2 >= 0 && c3 >= 0) {
p3 = c1 * 60 * 60 + c2 * 60 + c3;
} else if (c0z < 0 && c1 >= 0 && c2 >= 0 && c3>=0) {
// -4:43 -> -4:42 -> -4:41 ... -> -4:01 -> -4:00 -> -3:59 -> -3:58
// -> ... -1:01 -> -1:00 -> -0:59 -> ... -> -0:02 -> -0:01 -> -0:00 -> 0:00 -> ...
p3 = (-c1 * 60 * 60) + (-c2 * 60) + (-c3);
if (p3 !== null) {
// 0:14 -> 13.5s ~ 14.4999s -> [13.5, 14.5)
p4a = p3 - 0.5;
p4b = p3 + 0.5;
if(p4a !== null && p4b !== null && q2 > 0){
// q2_us = t0_us + dt_us
// p4a_us <= dt_us < p4b_us
let p4au = p4a * 1e6;
let p4bu = p4b * 1e6;
// p4a_us <= q2_us - t0_us < p4b_us
// p4a_us - q2_us <=  - t0_us < p4b_us - q2_us
// -p4a_us + q2_us >= t0_us > -p4b_us + q2_us
let t0au = q2 - p4bu; // q2_us - p4b_us
let t0bu = q2 - p4au; // q2_us - p4a_us
// t0 (t0au, t0bu]
const t0mu = (t0au+t0bu)/2;
// stack[stackL++]=({
//   id: obj.id,
//   idx: j,
//   p2,
//   // q2s : (q2/ 1e6 - autoTimeStampFrameChoose).toFixed(2),
//   p3,
//   /*
//   timestampText: obj.timestampText,
//   timestampUsec: obj.timestampUsec, // us = 1/1000 ms
//   q2,
//   p4a,
//   p4b,
//   */
//   q2s: +(q2 / 1e6 - autoTimeStampFrameChoose).toFixed(2),
//   t0as: +(t0au / 1e6 - autoTimeStampFrameChoose).toFixed(2),
//   t0bs: +(t0bu /1e6 - autoTimeStampFrameChoose).toFixed(2),
//   t0au,
//   t0bu,
//   t0mu
// });
// console.log('group02334')
let wobj = additionalInfo.get(obj);
if(!wobj) additionalInfo.set(obj, wobj = {});
wobj.timestampUsecOriginal = q2;
// wobj.timestampUsecAdjusted = q2;
wobj.t0au = t0au;
wobj.t0bu = t0bu;
wobj.t0mu = t0mu;
// arrHash[j] = {
//   index: j,
//   id: obj.id,
//   timestampUsec: q2,
//   t0au,
//   t0bu,
//   t0mu
// };
// console.log('group02335')
// console.log('grouping', `${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`);
// timestamp (q2) can be incorrect.
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKKar5SS29E
"id": "ChwKGkNNWHZqXy1xLS04Q0ZXNGxyUVlkODZrQzNR",
"p2": "2:04",
"p3": 124,
"t0as": 8320733.78,
"t0bs": 8320734.78
"id": "ChwKGkNQZUxfXzZxLS04Q0ZXNGxyUVlkODZrQzNR",
"p2": "2:04",
"p3": 124,
"t0as": 8320898.89, // incorrect
"t0bs": 8320899.89
// stack.length = stackL;
groups_ = groups;
// console.log('groups', groups)
// console.log(1237006);
// console.log(5592,1)
const groupMids = FIX_TIMESTAMP_FOR_REPLAY ? groups_.map(group=>{
const [groupStart, groupEnd ] = group;
const groupMid = (groupStart+groupEnd)/2;
return groupMid;
}): null;
// console.log('groupMids', groupMids)
// console.log(1237007);
const adjustTimestampFn = (obj) => {
const groupCount = groupMids.length;
if (groupCount < 1) return null;
// const obj = toLAObj(aItem);
if (obj === false) return null;
const wobj = additionalInfo.get(obj);
if (!wobj) return null;
const { t0mu } = wobj;
let i0 = 0;
if (groupCount >= 3) {
// For larger arrays, use binary search.
let low = 0;
let high = groupCount - 1;
while (high - low > 1) {
const mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
if (groupMids[mid] >= t0mu) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = mid;
i0 = low;
let upperDiff = -1;
let lowerDiff = -1;
for (let i = i0; i < groupCount; i++) {
const y = groupMids[i] - t0mu;
if (y >= 0) {
upperDiff = y; // >=0, entry > value is found
lowerDiff = -y; // >0, cache
const d1 = upperDiff;
const d2 = lowerDiff;
// console.log(5381, index1 ,d1, index2 , d2);
if (d1 >= 0 && ((d2 < 0) || (d1 <= d2))) {
wobj.chosenT0 = t0mu + d1; // groupMids[index1];
} else if (d2 >= 0 && ((d1 < 0) || (d2 <= d1))) {
wobj.chosenT0 = t0mu - d2; // groupMids[index2];
} else {
console.warn('logic error');
return null;
const adjusted = wobj.timestampUsecOriginal - wobj.chosenT0;
wobj.timestampUsecAdjusted = adjusted + 1110553200000000;
// console.log('adjusted', `${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`, wobj.timestampUsecOriginal - wobj.chosenT0);
// adjustmentMap.set(`${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`, wobj.timestampUsecOriginal - wobj.chosenT0);
return adjusted;
// console.log(5592,2)
// console.log(1237008);
//   try{
//     // console.log('groupmid',groupMids, groups);
//     for(let j = 0; j< arr.length;j++){
//       if(groupMids.length<1) break;
//       const aItem = arr[j];
//       const obj = toLAObj(aItem);
//       if (obj === false) continue;
//       const wobj = additionalInfo.get(obj);
//       if(!wobj) continue;
//       // wobj.timestampUsecOriginal = q2;
//       // wobj.timestampUsecAdjusted = q2;
//       // wobj.t0au = t0au;
//       // wobj.t0bu = t0bu;
//       // wobj.t0mu = t0mu;
//       const {t0au, t0bu, t0mu} = wobj;
//       let upper = -1;
//       for(let i = 0; i <groupMids.length;i++){
//         const groupMid = groupMids[i];
//         if(groupMid>= t0mu){
//           upper = i;
//           break;
//         }
//       }
//       let index1, index2;
//       if(upper>-1){
//         index1 = upper-1;
//         index2 = upper;
//       }else{
//         index1 = groups.length-1;
//         index2 = -1;
//       }
//       let d1 = null;
//       if(index1 >=0){
//         d1 = Math.abs(groupMids[index1] - t0mu);
//       }
//       let d2 = null;
//       if(index2 >=0){
//         d2 = Math.abs(groupMids[index2] - t0mu);
//       }
//       // console.log(5381, index1 ,d1, index2 , d2);
//       if(d1 >= 0 && ((d1 <= d2) || (d2 === null)) ){
//         wobj.chosenT0 = groupMids[index1];
//       } else if(d2 >= 0 &&  ((d2 <= d1) || (d1 === null))){
//         wobj.chosenT0 = groupMids[index2];
//       } else {
//         console.warn('logic error');
//         continue;
//       }
//       wobj.timestampUsecAdjusted =  wobj.timestampUsecOriginal - wobj.chosenT0 + 1110553200000000;
//       console.log('adjusted', `${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`,  wobj.timestampUsecOriginal - wobj.chosenT0);
//       adjustmentMap.set(`${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`, wobj.timestampUsecOriginal - wobj.chosenT0);
//       // conversionMap.set(obj, arrHash[j].adjustedTime);
//       // console.log(5382, index, id, t0mu, arrHash[j].adjustedT0, arrHash[j].timestampUsec, arrHash[j].adjustedTime);
//     }
//   }catch(e){
//     console.warn(e);
//   }
//   // if(stack.length > 1){
//   //   stack.sort((a,b)=>{
//   //     return a.t0mu - b.t0mu
//   //   });
//   //   // small to large
//   //   // console.log(34588, stack.map(e=>e.t0as))
//   // }
//   // grouping
//   // if (stack.length > 0) {
//   //   try {
//   //     for (let j = 0, l = stack.length; j < l; j++) {
//   //       pushToGroup(stack[j].t0mu);
//   //     }
//   //   }catch(e){
//   //     console.warn(e)
//   //   }
//   //   // console.log(4882, groups.map(e=>e.slice()), stack.slice())
//   // }
//   // console.log(376, 'group', groups);
//   // consolidated group
//   //  const consolidatedGroups = doConsolidation(groups);
//   // if(stack.length > 1){
//   //   // // console.log(341, 'consolidatedGroups', consolidatedGroups ,groups.map(e=>{
//   //   // //   return e.map(noTransform);
//   //   // //   // return e.map(prettyNum);
//   //   // // }))
//   //   // console.log(344, 'groups', groups.map(e=>{
//   //   //   return e.map(noTransform);
//   //   //   // return e.map(prettyNum);
//   //   // }))
//   //   // // for(const s of stack){
//   //   // //   for(const g of consolidatedGroups){
//   //   // //     if(s.t0as<=g.cen && s.t0bs >=g.cen ){
//   //   // //       s.cen = g.cen;
//   //   // //       break;
//   //   // //     }
//   //   // //   }
//   //   // // }
//   //   // console.log(377, stack) // Ms
//   // }
//   // console.timeEnd('FIX_TIMESTAMP_FOR_REPLAY')
// }
// console.log(5592,5)
// console.log('preprocessChatLiveActions', arr)
const mapper = new Map();
// without delaying. get the time of request
// (both streaming and replay, but replay relys on progress update so background operation is suppressed)
for (let j = 0, l = arr.length; j < l; j++) {
const aItem = arr[j];
const obj = toLAObj(aItem);
if(obj === false) continue;
if (obj.id && !obj.__timestampActionRequest__) {
// for all item entries
obj.__timestampActionRequest__ = ct;
if (obj.id && obj.__timestampActionRequest__ > 0 && obj.durationSec > 0 && obj.fullDurationSec) {
// console.log(948700, obj , obj.id, (obj.fullDurationSec - obj.durationSec) * 1000)
const m = obj.__timestampActionRequest__ - (obj.fullDurationSec - obj.durationSec) * 1000;
// obj.__t374__ = (obj.fullDurationSec - obj.durationSec) * 1000;
// obj.__t375__ = obj.__timestampActionRequest__ - (obj.fullDurationSec - obj.durationSec) * 1000;
// console.log(5993, obj)
// obj.__orderTime__ = m;
mapper.set(aItem, m);
if (mapper.size > 1) {
const idxices = [];
// sort ticker
let mArr1 = arr.filter((aItem,idx) => {
if (mapper.has(aItem)) {
return true;
return false;
let mArr2 = mArr1/*.slice(0)*/.sort((a, b) => {
return mapper.get(a) - mapper.get(b);
// low index = oldest = smallest timestamp
// console.log(948701, arr.slice(0));
for(let j = 0, l=mArr1.length;j <l;j++){
const idx = idxices[j];
// arr[idx] = mArr1[j]
arr[idx] = mArr2[j];
// const obj1 = toObj(mArr1[j]);
// const obj2 = toObj(mArr2[j]);
// console.log(948705, idx, obj1 , obj1.id, (obj1.fullDurationSec - obj1.durationSec) * 1000, obj1.__orderTime__)
// console.log(948706, idx, obj2 , obj2.id, (obj2.fullDurationSec - obj2.durationSec) * 1000, obj2.__orderTime__)
// console.log(5994,arr)
// console.log(948702, arr.slice(0));
// console.log(948701, arr);
// arr = arr.map(aItem => {
//   const idx = mArr1.indexOf(aItem);
//   if (idx < 0) return aItem;
//   return mArr2[idx];
// });
// console.log(948702, arr);
// mostly in order, but some not in order
// eg
948711 68 '1734488590715474'
948711 69 '1734488590909853'
948711 70 '1734488594763719'
948711 71 '1734488602334615' <
948711 72 '1734488602267214' <
948711 73 '1734488602751771'
// arr.filter(aItem=>{
//   const p = toObj(aItem);
//   if(p.timestampUsec) return true;
// }).forEach((aItem,idx)=>{
//   const p = toObj(aItem);
//   console.log(948711, idx, p.timestampUsec);
// })
// return arr;
// console.log(1237001);
const mapper = new Map();
const idxices = [];
let mArr1 = arr.filter((aItem,idx) => {
const obj = toLAObj(aItem);
if (!obj) return false;
const baseText = obj.timestampText;
const baseTime = +obj.timestampUsec;
if (!baseTime || !baseText) return false;
// const timestampUsec = +toLAObj(aItem).timestampUsec; // +false.x = NaN
// const timestampUsec = +toLAObj(aItem).adjustedTime;
let timestampUsec;
// console.log(1237002)
// const adjustmentTime = adjustmentMap.get(`${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`);
// // const wobj = additionalInfo.get(obj);
// // if(!wobj){
// //   console.warn('FIX_TIMESTAMP_FOR_REPLAY - no wobj', obj)
// //   return false;
// // }
// // timestampUsec =  +wobj.timestampUsecAdjusted;
// if (!Number.isFinite(adjustmentTime)) {
//   console.warn(`FIX_TIMESTAMP_FOR_REPLAY - no adjustmentTime for ${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`, obj, [...adjustmentMap])
//   return false;
// }
// timestampUsec = adjustmentTime;
const adjustmentTime = adjustTimestampFn(obj);
if (!Number.isFinite(adjustmentTime)) {
console.warn(`FIX_TIMESTAMP_FOR_REPLAY - no adjustmentTime for ${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`, obj);
return false;
timestampUsec = adjustmentTime;
} else {
if (!Number.isFinite(baseTime)) {
console.warn(`no baseTime for ${obj.id}.${obj.timestampUsec}`, obj);
return false;
timestampUsec = baseTime;
// if(timestampUsec > 0){
mapper.set(aItem, timestampUsec)
return true;
// }
// return false;
if(mapper.size > 1){
// console.log(1237004)
let mArr2 = mArr1/*.slice(0)*/.sort((a, b) => {
return mapper.get(a) - mapper.get(b);
// low index = oldest = smallest timestamp
// console.log(948701, arr.slice(0));
for(let j = 0, l=mArr1.length;j <l;j++){
const idx = idxices[j];
arr[idx] = mArr2[j];
// const obj1 = toObj(mArr1[j]);
// const obj2 = toObj(mArr2[j]);
// console.log(948711, idx, obj1 === obj2, obj1, obj1.timestampUsec);
// console.log(948712, idx, obj1 === obj2, obj2, obj2.timestampUsec);
// console.log(1237005)
// console.log(378, arr);
return arr;
console.log('[yt-chat-control] ATTEMPT_TICKER_ANIMATION_START_TIME_DETECTION is used.')
const pop078 = function () {
const r = this.pop78();
if (r && (r.actions || 0).length >= 1 && r.videoOffsetTimeMsec) {
for (const action of r.actions) {
const itemActionKey = !action ? null : 'addChatItemAction' in action ? 'addChatItemAction' : 'addLiveChatTickerItemAction' in action ? 'addLiveChatTickerItemAction' : null;
if (itemActionKey) {
const itemAction = action[itemActionKey];
const item = (itemAction || 0).item;
if (typeof item === 'object') {
const rendererKey = firstObjectKey(item);
if (rendererKey) {
const renderer = item[rendererKey];
if (renderer && typeof renderer === 'object') {
renderer.__videoOffsetTimeMsec__ = r.videoOffsetTimeMsec;
renderer.__progressAt__ = playerProgressChangedArg1;
// console.log(48117006)
return r;
const replayQueueProxyHandler = {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (prop === 'qe3') return 1;
const v = target[prop];
if (prop === 'front_') {
if (v && typeof v.length === 'number') {
if (!v.pop78) {
v.pop78 = v.pop;
v.pop = pop078;
return v;
// lcrFn2 will run twice to ensure the method is successfully injected.
const lcrFn2 = (lcrDummy)=>{
// make minimal function overhead by pre-defining all possible outside.
const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
const dummy = lcrDummy;
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
// mightFirstCheckOnYtInit();
// groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-renderer hacks");
// console.log("[Begin]");
if (typeof cProto.playerProgressChanged_ === 'function' && !cProto.playerProgressChanged32_) {
cProto.playerProgressChanged32_ = cProto.playerProgressChanged_;
cProto.playerProgressChanged_ = function (a, b, c) {
// console.log(48117005)
playerProgressChangedArg1 = a;
playerProgressChangedArg2 = b;
playerProgressChangedArg3 = c;
const replayBuffer_ = this.replayBuffer_;
if (replayBuffer_) {
const replayQueue = replayBuffer_.replayQueue
if (replayQueue && typeof replayQueue === 'object' && !replayQueue.qe3) {
replayBuffer_.replayQueue = new Proxy(replayBuffer_.replayQueue, replayQueueProxyHandler);
return this.playerProgressChanged32_.apply(this, arguments);
// console.log("[End]");
// groupEnd();
!__LCRInjection__ && LCRImmedidates.push(lcrFn2);
// getLCRDummy() must be called for injection
customElements.whenDefined('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer').then(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer hacks");
const mclp = cProto;
const _flag0281_ = window._flag0281_;
try {
assertor(() => typeof mclp.scrollToBottom_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.flushActiveItems_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.canScrollToBottom_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.setAtBottom === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.scrollToBottom66_ === 'undefined');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.flushActiveItems66_ === 'undefined');
} catch (e) { }
try {
assertor(() => typeof mclp.attached === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.detached === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.canScrollToBottom_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.isSmoothScrollEnabled_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.maybeResizeScrollContainer_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.smoothScroll_ === 'function');
assertor(() => typeof mclp.resetSmoothScroll_ === 'function');
} catch (e) { }
mclp.__intermediate_delay__ = null;
let myk = 0; // showNewItems77_
let mlf = 0; // flushActiveItems77_
let myw = 0; // onScrollItems77_
let mzt = 0; // handleLiveChatActions77_
let mlg = 0; // delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserAction11_
let zarr = null;
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x2000) == 0) {
if ((mclp.clearList || 0).length === 0) {
(_flag0281_ & 0x2) == 0 && assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.clearList, '0.106.50'));
mclp.clearList66 = mclp.clearList;
mclp.clearList = function () {
myk = (myk & 1073741823) + 1;
mlf = (mlf & 1073741823) + 1;
myw = (myw & 1073741823) + 1;
mzt = (mzt & 1073741823) + 1;
mlg = (mlg & 1073741823) + 1;
zarr = null;
this.__intermediate_delay__ = null;
console1.log("clearList", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("clearList", "NG");
let onListRendererAttachedDone = false;
function setList(itemOffset, items) {
const isFirstTime = onListRendererAttachedDone === false;
if (isFirstTime) {
onListRendererAttachedDone = true;
const isBoostChatEnabled = (window._flag0281_ & 0x40000) === 0x40000;
if (!isBoostChatEnabled) setupEvents();
setupStyle(itemOffset, items);
console.log('[yt-chat] setupMutObserver DONE')
mclp.attached419 = async function () {
if (!this.isAttached) return;
let maxTrial = 16;
while (!this.$ || !this.$['item-scroller'] || !this.$['item-offset'] || !this.$['items']) {
if (--maxTrial < 0 || !this.isAttached) return;
await iAFP(this.hostElement).then();
// await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (this.isAttached !== true) return;
if (!this.$) {
if (!this.$) return;
/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
const itemScroller = this.$['item-scroller'];
/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
const itemOffset = this.$['item-offset'];
/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
const items = this.$['items'];
if (!itemScroller || !itemOffset || !items) {
console.warn("items.parentNode !== itemOffset");
if (nodeParent(items) !== itemOffset) {
console.warn("items.parentNode !== itemOffset");
if (items.id !== 'items' || itemOffset.id !== "item-offset") {
console.warn("id incorrect");
const isTargetItems = HTMLElement.prototype.matches.call(items, '#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer > #items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer')
if (!isTargetItems) {
setList(itemOffset, items);
mclp.attached331 = mclp.attached;
mclp.attached = function () {
this.attached419 && this.attached419();
return this.attached331();
mclp.detached331 = mclp.detached;
mclp.detached = function () {
return this.detached331();
const t29s = document.querySelectorAll("yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer");
for (const t29 of t29s) {
if (insp(t29).isAttached === true) {
if ((mclp.async || 0).length === 2 && (mclp.cancelAsync || 0).length === 1) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.async, '2.24.15'));
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.cancelAsync, '1.15.8'));
/** @type {Map<number, any>} */
const aMap = new Map();
let count = 6150;
mclp.async66 = mclp.async;
mclp.async = function (e, f) {
// ensure the previous operation is done
// .async is usually after the time consuming functions like flushActiveItems_ and scrollToBottom_
const hasF = arguments.length === 2;
const stack = new Error().stack;
const isFlushAsync = stack.indexOf('flushActiveItems_') >= 0;
if (count > 1e9) count = 6159;
const resId = ++count;
aMap.set(resId, e);
(this.__intermediate_delay__ || Promise.resolve()).then(rk => {
const rp = aMap.get(resId);
if (typeof rp !== 'function') {
let cancelCall = false;
if (isFlushAsync) {
if (rk < 0) {
cancelCall = true;
} else if (rk === 2 && arguments[0] === this.maybeScrollToBottom_) {
cancelCall = true;
if (cancelCall) {
} else {
const asyncEn = function () {
return rp.apply(this, arguments);
aMap.set(resId, hasF ? this.async66(asyncEn, f) : this.async66(asyncEn));
return resId;
mclp.cancelAsync66 = mclp.cancelAsync;
mclp.cancelAsync = function (resId) {
if (resId <= 6150) {
} else if (aMap.has(resId)) {
const rp = aMap.get(resId);
if (typeof rp !== 'function') {
console1.log("async", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("async", "NG");
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x2) == 0) {
if ((mclp.showNewItems_ || 0).length === 0 && ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.showNewItems_, '0.170.79'));
mclp.showNewItems66_ = mclp.showNewItems_;
mclp.showNewItems77_ = async function () {
let tid = myk = (myk & 1073741823) + 1;
await iAFP(this.hostElement).then();
// await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (tid !== myk) {
const cnt = this;
await Promise.resolve();
await Promise.resolve();
mclp.showNewItems_ = function () {
const cnt = this;
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = new Promise(resolve => {
cnt.showNewItems77_().then(() => {
console1.log("showNewItems_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("showNewItems_", "NG");
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x2000) == 0) {
if ((mclp.flushActiveItems_ || 0).length === 0) {
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x2) == 0) {
const sfi = fnIntegrity(mclp.flushActiveItems_);
if(sfi === '0.158.86'){
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/c01ea7e3/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
//   f.flushActiveItems_ = function() {
//     var a = this;
//     if (this.activeItems_.length > 0)
//         if (this.canScrollToBottom_()) {
//             var b = Math.max(this.visibleItems.length + this.activeItems_.length - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay, 0);
//             b && this.splice("visibleItems", 0, b);
//             if (this.isSmoothScrollEnabled_() || this.dockableMessages.length)
//                 this.preinsertHeight_ = this.items.clientHeight;
//             this.activeItems_.unshift("visibleItems");
//             try {
//                 this.push.apply(this, this.activeItems_)
//             } catch (c) {
//                 Tm(c)
//             }
//             this.activeItems_ = [];
//             this.isSmoothScrollEnabled_() ? this.canScrollToBottom_() && $u(function() {
//                 a.showNewItems_()
//             }) : $u(function() {
//                 a.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_();
//                 a.maybeScrollToBottom_()
//             })
//         } else
//             this.activeItems_.length > this.data.maxItemsToDisplay && this.activeItems_.splice(0, this.activeItems_.length - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay)
// }
} else if (sfi === '0.156.86') {
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/f61c8d85/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
// added "refreshOffsetContainerHeight_"
//   f.flushActiveItems_ = function() {
//     var a = this;
//     if (0 < this.activeItems_.length)
//         if (this.canScrollToBottom_()) {
//             var b = Math.max(this.visibleItems.length + this.activeItems_.length - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay, 0);
//             b && this.splice("visibleItems", 0, b);
//             if (this.isSmoothScrollEnabled_() || this.dockableMessages.length)
//                 this.preinsertHeight_ = this.items.clientHeight;
//             this.activeItems_.unshift("visibleItems");
//             try {
//                 this.push.apply(this, this.activeItems_)
//             } catch (c) {
//                 fm(c)
//             }
//             this.activeItems_ = [];
//             this.isSmoothScrollEnabled_() ? this.canScrollToBottom_() && Mw(function() {
//                 a.showNewItems_()
//             }) : Mw(function() {
//                 a.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_();
//                 a.maybeScrollToBottom_()
//             })
//         } else
//             this.activeItems_.length > this.data.maxItemsToDisplay && this.activeItems_.splice(0, this.activeItems_.length - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay)
// }
// ;
} else if (sfi === '0.150.84') {
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/e4d15d2c/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
// var b = Math.max(this.visibleItems.length + this.activeItems_.length - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay, 0);
//     b && this.splice("visibleItems", 0, b);
//     if (this.isSmoothScrollEnabled_() || this.dockableMessages.length)
//         this.preinsertHeight_ = this.items.clientHeight;
//     this.activeItems_.unshift("visibleItems");
//     try {
//         this.push.apply(this, this.activeItems_)
//     } catch (c) {
//         nm(c)
//     }
//     this.activeItems_ = [];
//     this.isSmoothScrollEnabled_() ? this.canScrollToBottom_() && zQ(function() {
//         a.showNewItems_()
//     }) : zQ(function() {
//         a.maybeScrollToBottom_()
//     })
} else if (sfi === '0.137.81' || sfi === '0.138.81') {
// e.g. https://www.youtube.com/yts/jsbin/live_chat_polymer-vflCyWEBP/live_chat_polymer.js
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.flushActiveItems_, '0.158.86'))
|| logFn('mclp.flushActiveItems_', mclp.flushActiveItems_)();
let hasMoreMessageState = !ENABLE_SHOW_MORE_BLINKER ? -1 : 0;
mclp.flushActiveItems66a_ = mclp.flushActiveItems_;
let lastLastRow = null;
mclp.flushActiveItems66_ = function () {
const visibleItemsA = (this || 0).visibleItems;
const lastVisibleItemA = visibleItemsA ? visibleItemsA[visibleItemsA.length - 1] : null;
const r = this.flushActiveItems66a_();
const visibleItemsB = (this || 0).visibleItems;
const lastVisibleItemB = visibleItemsB ? visibleItemsB[visibleItemsB.length - 1] : null;
if (lastVisibleItemA !== lastVisibleItemB) {
try {
const lastRow = kRef(lastLastRow);
const keyB = lastVisibleItemB ? firstObjectKey(lastVisibleItemB) : '';
const idB = keyB ? (lastVisibleItemB[keyB].id || null) : null;
if (idB) {
let elm = this.$.items.lastElementChild;
while (elm instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (elm.id === idB) break;
elm = ('__shady_native_previousElementSibling' in elm) ? elm.__shady_native_previousElementSibling : elm.previousElementSibling;
lastRow && lastRow.classList.remove('cyt-chat-last-message');
if (elm) {
lastLastRow = mWeakRef(elm);
} catch (e) { }
return r;
const preloadFn = (acItems) => {
let waitFor = [];
/** @type {Set<string>} */
const imageLinks = new Set();
for (const item of acItems) {
fixLiveChatItem(item, imageLinks);
if (ENABLE_PRELOAD_THUMBNAIL && kptPF !== null && (kptPF & (8 | 4)) && imageLinks.size > 0) {
// reference: https://github.com/Yuanfang-fe/Blog-X/issues/34
const rel = kptPF & 8 ? 'subresource' : kptPF & 16 ? 'preload' : kptPF & 4 ? 'prefetch' : '';
// preload performs the high priority fetching.
// prefetch delays the chat display if the video resoruce is demanding.
if (rel) {
imageLinks.forEach(imageLink => {
let d = false;
if (SKIP_PRELOAD_EMOJI && imageLink.includes('.ggpht.com/')) return;
const isEmoji = imageLink.includes('/emoji/');
const pretechedSet = isEmoji ? emojiPrefetched : authorPhotoPrefetched;
if (!pretechedSet.has(imageLink)) {
d = true;
if (d) {
waitFor.push(linker(null, rel, imageLink, 'image'));
return async () => {
if (waitFor.length > 0) {
await Promise.race([new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 250)), Promise.all(waitFor)]);
waitFor.length = 0;
waitFor = null;
mclp.flushActiveItems78_ = async function (tid) {
try {
if (tid !== mlf) return;
if ((this._flag0281_ & 0x4) == 0x4) {
const cnt = this;
if (tid !== mlf || cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
const acItems = cnt.activeItems_;
if (!acItems || acItems.length === 0) return;
mlf = (mlf & 1073741823) + 1;
mlg = (mlg & 1073741823) + 1;
if (acItems.length < MAX_ITEMS_FOR_FULL_FLUSH) {
const pn = preloadFn(acItems);
await pn();
return 1;
const lockedMaxItemsToDisplay = this.data.maxItemsToDisplay944;
let logger = false;
const cnt = this;
let immd = cnt.__intermediate_delay__;
await iAFP(this.hostElement).then();
// await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (tid !== mlf || cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
if (!cnt.activeItems_ || cnt.activeItems_.length === 0) return;
mlf = (mlf & 1073741823) + 1;
mlg = (mlg & 1073741823) + 1;
const tmpMaxItemsCount = this.data.maxItemsToDisplay;
const reducedMaxItemsToDisplay = MAX_ITEMS_FOR_FULL_FLUSH;
let changeMaxItemsToDisplay = false;
const activeItemsLen = this.activeItems_.length;
if (activeItemsLen > tmpMaxItemsCount && tmpMaxItemsCount > 0) {
logger = true;
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | flushActiveItems78_");
console1.log('this.activeItems_.length > N', activeItemsLen, tmpMaxItemsCount);
if (ENABLE_REDUCED_MAXITEMS_FOR_FLUSH && lockedMaxItemsToDisplay === tmpMaxItemsCount && lockedMaxItemsToDisplay !== reducedMaxItemsToDisplay) {
console1.log('reduce maxitems');
if (tmpMaxItemsCount > reducedMaxItemsToDisplay) {
// as all the rendered chats are already "outdated"
// all old chats shall remove and reduced number of few chats will be rendered
// then restore to the original number
changeMaxItemsToDisplay = true;
this.data.maxItemsToDisplay = reducedMaxItemsToDisplay;
console1.log(`'maxItemsToDisplay' is reduced from ${tmpMaxItemsCount} to ${reducedMaxItemsToDisplay}.`)
this.activeItems_.splice(0, activeItemsLen - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay);
//   console.log('changeMaxItemsToDisplay 01', this.data.maxItemsToDisplay, oMaxItemsToDisplay, reducedMaxItemsToDisplay)
console1.log('new this.activeItems_.length > N', this.activeItems_.length);
} else {
this.activeItems_.splice(0, activeItemsLen - (tmpMaxItemsCount < 900 ? tmpMaxItemsCount : 900));
console1.log('new this.activeItems_.length > N', this.activeItems_.length);
// it is found that it will render all stacked chats after switching back from background
// to avoid lagging in popular livestream with massive chats, trim first before rendering.
// this.activeItems_.length > this.data.maxItemsToDisplay && this.activeItems_.splice(0, this.activeItems_.length - this.data.maxItemsToDisplay);
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = Promise.all([cnt.__intermediate_delay__ || null, immd || null]);
await Promise.resolve();
const acItems = cnt.activeItems_;
const len1 = acItems.length;
if (!len1) console.warn('cnt.activeItems_.length = 0');
const pn = preloadFn(acItems);
const noVisibleItem1 = ((cnt.visibleItems || 0).length || 0) === 0;
// skipDontRender = noVisibleItem1;
await pn();
// console.log('ss2', Date.now())
const noVisibleItem2 = ((cnt.visibleItems || 0).length || 0) === 0;
// skipDontRender = noVisibleItem2;
await Promise.resolve();
if (changeMaxItemsToDisplay && this.data.maxItemsToDisplay === reducedMaxItemsToDisplay && tmpMaxItemsCount > reducedMaxItemsToDisplay) {
this.data.maxItemsToDisplay = tmpMaxItemsCount;
logger && console1.log(`'maxItemsToDisplay' is restored from ${reducedMaxItemsToDisplay} to ${tmpMaxItemsCount}.`);
//   console.log('changeMaxItemsToDisplay 02', this.data.maxItemsToDisplay, oMaxItemsToDisplay, reducedMaxItemsToDisplay)
} else if (changeMaxItemsToDisplay) {
logger && console1.log(`'maxItemsToDisplay' cannot be restored`, {
maxItemsToDisplay: this.data.maxItemsToDisplay,
originalMaxItemsToDisplay: tmpMaxItemsCount
logger && console1.log('[End]');
logger && groupEnd();
if (noVisibleItem1 && !noVisibleItem2) {
// fix possible no auto scroll issue.
!((cnt.__notRequired__ || 0) & 256) && setTimeout(() => cnt.setAtBottom(), 1);
const ff = () => {
if (cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
//   if (tid !== mlf || cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
if (!cnt.atBottom && cnt.allowScroll && cnt.hasUserJustInteracted11_ && !cnt.hasUserJustInteracted11_()) {
if (typeof nextBrowserTick !== 'function') {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
if (!cnt.canScrollToBottom_()) cnt.scrollToBottom_();
} else {
nextBrowserTick(() => {
if (cnt.isAttached === false || (cnt.hostElement || cnt).isConnected === false) return;
// requestAnimationFrame(ff);
} else if (true) { // it might not be sticky to bottom when there is a full refresh.
const knt = cnt;
if (!scrollChatFn) {
const cnt = knt;
const f = () => {
const itemScroller = cnt.itemScroller;
if (!itemScroller || itemScroller.isConnected === false || cnt.isAttached === false) return;
if (!cnt.atBottom) {
} else if (itemScroller.scrollTop === 0) { // not yet interacted by user; cannot stick to bottom
itemScroller.scrollTop = itemScroller.scrollHeight;
if (typeof nextBrowserTick !== 'function') {
scrollChatFn = () => Promise.resolve().then(f).then(f);
} else {
scrollChatFn = () => nextBrowserTick(f);
return 1;
} catch (e) {
mclp.flushActiveItems77_ = function () {
return new Promise(resResolve => {
try {
const cnt = this;
let tid = mlf = (mlf & 1073741823) + 1;
const hostElement = cnt.hostElement || cnt;
if (tid !== mlf || cnt.isAttached === false || hostElement.isConnected === false) return resResolve();
if (!cnt.activeItems_ || cnt.activeItems_.length === 0) return resResolve();
// 4 times to maxItems to avoid frequent trimming.
// 1 ... 10 ... 20 ... 30 ... 40 ... 50 ... 60 => 16 ... 20 ... 30 ..... 60 ... => 16
const lockedMaxItemsToDisplay = this.data.maxItemsToDisplay944;
this.activeItems_.length > lockedMaxItemsToDisplay * 4 && lockedMaxItemsToDisplay > 4 && this.activeItems_.splice(0, this.activeItems_.length - lockedMaxItemsToDisplay - 1);
if (cnt.canScrollToBottom_()) {
cnt.mutexPromiseFA78 = (cnt.mutexPromiseFA78 || Promise.resolve())
.then(() => cnt.flushActiveItems78_(tid)) // async function
.then((asyncR###lt) => {
resResolve(asyncR###lt); // either undefined or 1
resResolve = null;
}).catch((e) => {
if (resResolve) resResolve();
} else {
resResolve = null;
} catch (e) {
if (resResolve) resResolve();
mclp.flushActiveItems_ = function () {
const cnt = this;
if (arguments.length !== 0 || !cnt.activeItems_ || !cnt.canScrollToBottom_) return cnt.flushActiveItems66_.apply(this, arguments);
if (cnt.activeItems_.length === 0) {
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = null;
const cntData = ((cnt || 0).data || 0);
if (cntData.maxItemsToDisplay944 === undefined) {
cntData.maxItemsToDisplay944 = null;
if (cntData.maxItemsToDisplay > MAX_ITEMS_FOR_TOTAL_DISPLAY) cntData.maxItemsToDisplay = MAX_ITEMS_FOR_TOTAL_DISPLAY;
cntData.maxItemsToDisplay944 = cntData.maxItemsToDisplay || null;
// ignore previous __intermediate_delay__ and create a new one
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = new Promise(resolve => {
cnt.flushActiveItems77_().then(rt => {  // either undefined or 1 or 2
if (rt === 1) {
resolve(1); // success, scroll to bottom
if (hasMoreMessageState === 1) {
hasMoreMessageState = 0;
const showMore = (cnt.$ || 0)['show-more'];
if (showMore) {
else if (rt === 2) {
resolve(2); // success, trim
if (hasMoreMessageState === 0) {
hasMoreMessageState = 1;
const showMore = cnt.$['show-more'];
if (showMore) {
else resolve(-1); // skip
}).catch(e => {
console1.log("flushActiveItems_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("flushActiveItems_", "NG");
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x40) == 0) {
if (ENABLE_NO_SMOOTH_TRANSFORM && SUPPRESS_refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ && typeof mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ === 'function' && !mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight26_ && mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_.length === 0) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_, '0.31.21'));
mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight26_ = mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_;
mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ = function () {
// var a = this.itemScroller.clientHeight;
// this.itemOffset.style.height = this.items.clientHeight + "px";
// this.bottomAlignMessages && (this.itemOffset.style.minHeight = a + "px")
console1.log("refreshOffsetContainerHeight_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("refreshOffsetContainerHeight_", "NG");
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x80) == 0) {
mclp.delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserAction11_ = async function () {
try {
const tid = mlg = (mlg & 1073741823) + 1;
const keepTrialCond = () => this.atBottom && this.allowScroll && (tid === mlg) && this.isAttached === true && this.activeItems_.length >= 1 && (this.hostElement || 0).isConnected === true;
const runCond = () => this.canScrollToBottom_();
if (!keepTrialCond()) return;
if (runCond()) return this.flushActiveItems_() | 1; // avoid return promise
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 80));
if (!keepTrialCond()) return;
if (runCond()) return this.flushActiveItems_() | 1;
await iAFP(this.hostElement).then();
// await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (runCond()) return this.flushActiveItems_() | 1;
} catch (e) {
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x40) == 0 ) {
if( (mclp.atBottomChanged_ || 0).length === 0) {
// note: if the scrolling is too frequent, the show more visibility might get wrong.
const sfi = fnIntegrity(mclp.atBottomChanged_);
if(sfi === '0.75.37'){
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/f7495da0/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
// Dec 2024.
f.atBottomChanged_ = function() {
var a = this;
this.atBottom ? this.hideShowMoreAsync_ || (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = Zu(function() {
R(a.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "hidden"
}, 200)) : (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ && $u(this.hideShowMoreAsync_),
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null,
R(this.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "visible")
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.atBottomChanged_, '0.75.37'));
const querySelector = HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector;
const U = (element) => ({
querySelector: (selector) => querySelector.call(element, selector)
let qid = 0;
mclp.__updateButtonVisibility371__ = function (button) {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
button.style.visibility = cnt.__buttonVisibility371__;
const fixButtonOnClick = function (cnt, button) {
button.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
Promise.resolve(cnt).then((cnt) => {
}, true);
// button.addEventListener('pointerup', (evt)=>{
//   evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
//   evt.stopPropagation();
// }, true);
// button.addEventListener('mouseup', (evt)=>{
//   evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
//   evt.stopPropagation();
// }, true);
mclp.atBottomChanged_ = function () {
let a = this.atBottom;
const button = (this.$ || 0)['show-more'];
if (button) {
// primary execution
if (a) {
if (this.__buttonVisibility371__ !== "hidden") {
this.__buttonVisibility371__ = "hidden";
if (!this.hideShowMoreAsync_) {
const tid = ++qid;
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
if (tid !== qid) {
} else {
if (this.__buttonVisibility371__ !== "visible") {
this.__buttonVisibility371__ = "visible";
if (this.hideShowMoreAsync_) {
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null;
if (!button.__fix_onclick__) {
button.__fix_onclick__ = true;
fixButtonOnClick(this, button);
} else {
// fallback
let tid = ++qid;
let b = this;
a ? this.hideShowMoreAsync_ || (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = this.async(function () {
if (tid !== qid) return;
U(b.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "hidden"
}, 200)) : (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ && this.cancelAsync(this.hideShowMoreAsync_),
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null,
U(this.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "visible")
console1.log("atBottomChanged_", "OK");
} else if ((mclp.atBottomChanged_ || 0).length === 1) {
// note: if the scrolling is too frequent, the show more visibility might get wrong.
const sfi = fnIntegrity(mclp.atBottomChanged_);
if (sfi === '1.73.37') {
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/e4d15d2c/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
f.atBottomChanged_ = function(a) {
var b = this;
a ? this.hideShowMoreAsync_ || (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = zQ(function() {
T(b.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "hidden"
}, 200)) : (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ && AQ(this.hideShowMoreAsync_),
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null,
T(this.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "visible")
} else if (sfi === '1.75.39') {
// e.g. https://www.youtube.com/yts/jsbin/live_chat_polymer-vflCyWEBP/live_chat_polymer.js
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.atBottomChanged_, '1.73.37'));
const querySelector = HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector;
const U = (element) => ({
querySelector: (selector) => querySelector.call(element, selector)
let qid = 0;
mclp.__updateButtonVisibility371__ = function (button) {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
button.style.visibility = cnt.__buttonVisibility371__;
const fixButtonOnClick = function (cnt, button) {
button.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
Promise.resolve(cnt).then((cnt) => {
}, true);
// button.addEventListener('pointerup', (evt)=>{
//   evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
//   evt.stopPropagation();
// }, true);
// button.addEventListener('mouseup', (evt)=>{
//   evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
//   evt.stopPropagation();
// }, true);
mclp.atBottomChanged_ = function (a) {
const button = (this.$ || 0)['show-more'];
if (button) {
// primary execution
if (a) {
if (this.__buttonVisibility371__ !== "hidden") {
this.__buttonVisibility371__ = "hidden";
if (!this.hideShowMoreAsync_) {
const tid = ++qid;
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
if (tid !== qid) {
} else {
if (this.__buttonVisibility371__ !== "visible") {
this.__buttonVisibility371__ = "visible";
if (this.hideShowMoreAsync_) {
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null;
if (!button.__fix_onclick__) {
button.__fix_onclick__ = true;
fixButtonOnClick(this, button);
} else {
// fallback
let tid = ++qid;
let b = this;
a ? this.hideShowMoreAsync_ || (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = this.async(function () {
if (tid !== qid) return;
U(b.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "hidden"
}, 200)) : (this.hideShowMoreAsync_ && this.cancelAsync(this.hideShowMoreAsync_),
this.hideShowMoreAsync_ = null,
U(this.hostElement).querySelector("#show-more").style.visibility = "visible")
console1.log("atBottomChanged_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("atBottomChanged_", "NG");
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x2) == 0) {
if ((mclp.onScrollItems_ || 0).length === 1) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.onScrollItems_, '1.17.9'));
mclp.onScrollItems66_ = mclp.onScrollItems_;
mclp.onScrollItems77_ = async function (evt) {
let tid = myw = (myw & 1073741823) + 1;
await iAFP(this.hostElement).then();
// await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (tid !== myw) {
const cnt = this;
await Promise.resolve();
const onScrollItemsBasicOnly_ = !!((cnt.__notRequired__ || 0) & 512);
await Promise.resolve().then(() => {
}).then(() => {
if (onScrollItemsBasicOnly_) return;
if (this.canScrollToBottom_()) {
const hasUserJustInteracted = this.hasUserJustInteracted11_ ? this.hasUserJustInteracted11_() : true;
if (hasUserJustInteracted) {
// only when there is an user action
!((cnt.__notRequired__ || 0) & 256) && this.setAtBottom();
return 1;
} else {
// no message inserting
!((cnt.__notRequired__ || 0) & 256) && this.setAtBottom();
return 1;
}).then((r) => {
if (onScrollItemsBasicOnly_) return;
if (this.activeItems_.length) {
if (this.canScrollToBottom_()) {
return 1 && r;
} else if (this.atBottom && this.allowScroll && (this.hasUserJustInteracted11_ && this.hasUserJustInteracted11_())) {
// delayed due to user action
this.delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserAction11_ && this.delayFlushActiveItemsAfterUserAction11_();
return 0;
}).then((r) => {
if (onScrollItemsBasicOnly_) return;
if (r) {
// ensure setAtBottom is correctly set
!((cnt.__notRequired__ || 0) & 256) && this.setAtBottom();
} else {
await Promise.resolve();
mclp.onScrollItems_ = function (evt) {
const cnt = this;
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = new Promise(resolve => {
cnt.onScrollItems77_(evt).then(() => {
console1.log("onScrollItems_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("onScrollItems_", "NG");
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x2) == 0) {
if ((mclp.handleLiveChatActions_ || 0).length === 1) {
const sfi = fnIntegrity(mclp.handleLiveChatActions_);
// handleLiveChatActions66_
if (sfi === '1.40.20') {
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/c01ea7e3/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
// f.handleLiveChatActions_ = function(a) {
//     var b = this;
//     a.length && (a.forEach(this.handleLiveChatAction_, this),
//     this.maybeResizeScrollContainer_(a),
//     this.flushActiveItems_(),
//     $u(function() {
//         b.maybeScrollToBottom_()
//     }))
// }
} else if (sfi === '1.39.20') {
// TBC
} else if (sfi === '1.31.17') {
// original
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.handleLiveChatActions_, '1.40.20'))
|| logFn('mclp.handleLiveChatActions_', mclp.handleLiveChatActions_)();
mclp.handleLiveChatActions66_ = mclp.handleLiveChatActions_;
mclp.handleLiveChatActions77_ = async function (arr) {
if (typeof (arr || 0).length !== 'number') {
let tid = mzt = (mzt & 1073741823) + 1;
if (zarr === null) zarr = arr;
else Array.prototype.push.apply(zarr, arr);
arr = null;
await iAFP(this.hostElement).then();
// await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (tid !== mzt || zarr === null) {
const carr = zarr;
zarr = null;
await Promise.resolve();
await Promise.resolve();
mclp.handleLiveChatActions_ = function (arr) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// console.log(1929, cnt.activeItems_)
// console.log(9487, arr);
const cnt = this;
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = new Promise(resolve => {
cnt.handleLiveChatActions77_(arr).then(() => {
console1.log("handleLiveChatActions_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("handleLiveChatActions_", "NG");
// we do not need to do user interaction check for Boost Chat (0x40000)
const noScrollToBottomCheckForBoostChat = (_flag0281_ & 0x40000) === 0x40000;
if (noScrollToBottomCheckForBoostChat === false) {
mclp.hasUserJustInteracted11_ = () => {
const t = dateNow();
return (t - lastWheel < 80) || currentMouseDown || currentTouchDown || (t - lastUserInteraction < 80);
if ((mclp.canScrollToBottom_ || 0).length === 0 && !mclp.canScrollToBottom157_) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(mclp.canScrollToBottom_, '0.9.5'));
mclp.canScrollToBottom157_ = mclp.canScrollToBottom_;
mclp.canScrollToBottom_ = function () {
return this.canScrollToBottom157_() && !this.hasUserJustInteracted11_();
console1.log("canScrollToBottom_", "OK");
} else {
console1.log("canScrollToBottom_", "NG");
mclp.isSmoothScrollEnabled_ = function () {
return false;
mclp.maybeResizeScrollContainer_ = function () {
mclp.refreshOffsetContainerHeight_ = function () {
mclp.smoothScroll_ = function () {
mclp.resetSmoothScroll_ = function () {
} else {
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x8) == 0) {
if (typeof mclp.forEachItem_ === 'function' && !mclp.forEachItem66_ && skipErrorForhandleAddChatItemAction_ && mclp.forEachItem_.length === 1) {
mclp.forEachItem66_ = mclp.forEachItem_;
mclp.forEachItem_ = function (a) {
if ((this._flag0281_ & 0x8) == 0x8) return this.forEachItem66_(a);
// ƒ (a){this.visibleItems.forEach(a.bind(this,"visibleItems"));this.activeItems_.forEach(a.bind(this,"activeItems_"))}
try {
let items801 = false;
if (typeof a === 'function') {
const items = this.items;
if (items instanceof HTMLDivElement) {
const ev = this.visibleItems;
const ea = this.activeItems_;
if (ev && ea && ev.length >= 0 && ea.length >= 0) {
items801 = items;
if (items801) {
items801.__children801__ = 1;
const res = this.forEachItem66_(a);
items801.__children801__ = 0;
return res;
} catch (e) { }
return this.forEachItem66_(a);
// this.visibleItems.forEach((val, idx, arr)=>{
//   a.call(this, 'visibleItems', val, idx, arr);
// });
// this.activeItems_.forEach((val, idx, arr)=>{
//   a.call(this, 'activeItems_', val, idx, arr);
// });
if (typeof mclp.handleAddChatItemAction_ === 'function' && !mclp.handleAddChatItemAction66_ && FIX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_ON_ITEM_ADDITION && (EMOJI_IMAGE_SINGLE_THUMBNAIL || AUTHOR_PHOTO_SINGLE_THUMBNAIL)) {
mclp.handleAddChatItemAction66_ = mclp.handleAddChatItemAction_;
mclp.handleAddChatItemAction_ = function (a) {
try {
if (a && typeof a === 'object' && !('length' in a)) {
fixLiveChatItem(a.item, null);
console.assert(arguments[0] === a);
} catch (e) { console.warn(e) }
let res;
if (skipErrorForhandleAddChatItemAction_) { // YouTube Native Engine Issue
try {
res = this.handleAddChatItemAction66_.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
if (e && (e.message || '').includes('.querySelector(')) {
console.log("skipErrorForhandleAddChatItemAction_", e.message);
} else {
throw e;
} else {
res = this.handleAddChatItemAction66_.apply(this, arguments);
return res;
} else {
if (typeof mclp.handleReplaceChatItemAction_ === 'function' && !mclp.handleReplaceChatItemAction66_ && FIX_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_ON_ITEM_REPLACEMENT && (EMOJI_IMAGE_SINGLE_THUMBNAIL || AUTHOR_PHOTO_SINGLE_THUMBNAIL)) {
mclp.handleReplaceChatItemAction66_ = mclp.handleReplaceChatItemAction_;
mclp.handleReplaceChatItemAction_ = function (a) {
try {
if (a && typeof a === 'object' && !('length' in a)) {
fixLiveChatItem(a.replacementItem, null);
console.assert(arguments[0] === a);
} catch (e) { console.warn(e) }
return this.handleReplaceChatItemAction66_.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
const tickerContainerSetAttribute = function (attrName, attrValue) { // ensure '14.30000001%'.toFixed(1)
let yd = (this.__dataHost || insp(this).__dataHost || 0).__data;
if (arguments.length === 2 && attrName === 'style' && yd && attrValue) {
// let v = yd.containerStyle.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_;
let v = `${attrValue}`;
// conside a ticker is 101px width
// 1% = 1.01px
// 0.2% = 0.202px
const ratio1 = (yd.ratio * 100);
if (ratio1 > -1) { // avoid NaN
// countdownDurationMs
// 600000 - 0.2%    <1% = 6s>  <0.2% = 1.2s>
// 300000 - 0.5%    <1% = 3s>  <0.5% = 1.5s>
// 150000 - 1%    <1% = 1.5s>
// 75000 - 2%    <1% =0.75s > <2% = 1.5s>
// 30000 - 5%    <1% =0.3s > <5% = 1.5s>
// 99px * 5% = 4.95px
// 15000 - 10%    <1% =0.15s > <10% = 1.5s>
// 1% Duration
let ratio2 = ratio1;
const ydd = yd.data;
if (ydd) {
const d1 = ydd.durationSec;
const d2 = ydd.fullDurationSec;
// @ step timing [min. 0.2%]
let numOfSteps = 500;
if ((d1 === d2 || (d1 + 1 === d2)) && d1 > 1) {
if (d2 > 400) numOfSteps = 500; // 0.2%
else if (d2 > 200) numOfSteps = 200; // 0.5%
else if (d2 > 100) numOfSteps = 100; // 1%
else if (d2 > 50) numOfSteps = 50; // 2%
else if (d2 > 25) numOfSteps = 20; // 5% (max => 99px * 5% = 4.95px)
else numOfSteps = 20;
if (numOfSteps < 5) numOfSteps = 5;
const rd = numOfSteps / 100.0;
ratio2 = Math.round(ratio2 * rd) / rd;
// ratio2 = Math.round(ratio2 * 5) / 5;
ratio2 = ratio2.toFixed(1);
v = v.replace(`${ratio1}%`, `${ratio2}%`).replace(`${ratio1}%`, `${ratio2}%`);
if (yd.__style_last__ === v) return;
yd.__style_last__ = v;
// do not consider any delay here.
// it shall be inside the looping for all properties changes. all the css background ops are in the same microtask.
HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute.call(dr(this), attrName, v);
} else {
HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute.apply(dr(this), arguments);
const fpTicker = (renderer) => {
const cnt = insp(renderer);
assertor(() => typeof (cnt || 0).is === 'string');
assertor(() => ((cnt || 0).hostElement || 0).nodeType === 1);
const container = (cnt.$ || 0).container;
if (container) {
assertor(() => (container || 0).nodeType === 1);
assertor(() => typeof container.setAttribute === 'function');
container.setAttribute = tickerContainerSetAttribute;
} else {
console.warn(`"container" does not exist in ${cnt.is}`);
const tags = [
const tagsItemRenderer = [
// const wmList = new Set;
Promise.all(tags.map(tag => customElements.whenDefined(tag))).then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-ticker-... hacks");
let tickerAttachmentId = 0;
const __requestRemoval__ = function (cnt) {
if (cnt.hostElement && typeof cnt.requestRemoval === 'function') {
try {
const id = (cnt.data || 0).id;
if (!id) cnt.data = { id: 1 };
} catch (e) { }
try {
return true;
} catch (e) { }
return false;
const widthIORes = new WeakMap();
const widthIO = new IntersectionObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
const elm = mutation.target;
const {promise, values} =widthIORes.get(elm) || {};
if(promise && values){
values.width= mutation.boundingClientRect.width;
const widthReq = (elm)=>{
const {promise, values} =widthIORes.get(elm) || {};
if(promise) return promise;
const promise = new PromiseExternal();
widthIORes.set(elm, {promise, values: {}});
return promise;
const overlayBgMap = new WeakMap();
const dProto = {
f.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
a || c();
a && this.statsBar && this.username && this.textContent && (this.isMouseOver ? (b(),
c()) : (a = this.animateShowStats(),
this.data.animationOrigin && this.data.trackingParams && aB().stateChanged(this.data.trackingParams, {
animationEventData: {
origin: this.data.animationOrigin
a.finished.then(function() {
var e;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!d.isMouseOver) {
var g, k;
d.animateHideStats(((g = d.data) == null ? void 0 : g.dynamicStateData.stateSlideDurationMs) || 0, ((k = d.data) == null ? void 0 : k.dynamicStateData.stateUpdateDelayAfterMs) || 0)
}, ((e = d.data) == null ? void 0 : e.dynamicStateData.stateUpdateDelayBeforeMs) || 0)
f.animateShowStats = function() {
var a = this.textContent.animate({
transform: "translateY(-30px)"
}, {
duration: this.data.dynamicStateData.stateSlideDurationMs,
fill: "forwards"
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: 500,
fill: "forwards"
opacity: 1
}, {
duration: 500,
fill: "forwards"
return a
f.animateHideStats = function(a, b) {
transform: "translateY(0)"
}, {
duration: a,
fill: "forwards",
delay: b
opacity: 1
}, {
duration: 300,
fill: "forwards",
delay: b
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: 300,
fill: "forwards",
delay: b
updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimationRevised: function (a, b, c) {
// prevent memory leakage due to d.data was asked in  a.finished.then
// console.log('updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation called', this.is)
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation38.call(this.__proxySelf0__, a, b, c);
console.log('updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimationRevised ERROR');
detachedForMemoryLeakage: function () {
// this.behaviorActionMap = 0;
// this.isVisibilityRoot = 0;
return this.detached582MemoryLeak();
detachedForTickerInit: function () {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
if (cnt.isAttached) return;
cnt.isAttached === false && ((cnt.$ || 0).container || 0).isConnected === false && __requestRemoval__(cnt);
cnt.rafId > 1 && rafHub.cancel(cnt.rafId);
const hostElement = (this || 0).hostElement;
if (USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && (this || 0).__isTickerItem58__ && hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
// otherwise the startCountDown not working
if (kRef(qWidthAdjustable) === hostElement) {
// need to update the first ticker
const q = document.querySelector('.r6-width-adjustable');
if (q instanceof HTMLElement && q.classList.contains('r6-width-adjustable-f')) {
qWidthAdjustable = mWeakRef(q);
let r;
try {
r = this.detached77();
} catch (e) {
this.__ticker_attachmentId__ = 0;
return r;
attachedForTickerInit: function () {
this.__ticker_attachmentId__ = tickerAttachmentId = (tickerAttachmentId & 1073741823) + 1;
const hostElement = (this || 0).hostElement;
if (USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && (this || 0).__isTickerItem58__ && hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
const prevElement = kRef(qWidthAdjustable);
if (prevElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (hostElement.__fgvm573__) {
} else {
hostElement.__fgvm573__ = 1;
qWidthAdjustable = mWeakRef(hostElement);
fpTicker(hostElement || this);
return this.attached77();
setContainerWidthNoSelfLeakage: function(){
// prevent memory leakage due ot delay function
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.setContainerWidth55.call(this.__proxySelf0__);
console.log('setContainerWidthNoSelfLeakage ERROR');
slideDownNoSelfLeakage: function(){
// prevent memory leakage due ot delay function
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.slideDown55.call(this.__proxySelf0__);
console.log('slideDownNoSelfLeakage ERROR');
collapseNoSelfLeakage: function(){
// prevent memory leakage due ot delay function
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.collapse55.call(this.__proxySelf0__);
console.log('collapseNoSelfLeakage ERROR');
deletedChangedNoSelfLeakage: function(){
// prevent memory leakage due ot delay function
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.deletedChanged55.call(this.__proxySelf0__);
console.log('deletedChangedNoSelfLeakage ERROR');
/** @type {()} */
handlePauseReplayForPlaybackProgressState: function () {
if (!playerEventsByIframeRelay) return this.handlePauseReplay66.apply(this, arguments);
const attachementId = this.__ticker_attachmentId__;
if(!attachementId) return;
const jr = mWeakRef(this);
if (onPlayStateChangePromise) {
const tid = this._Y7rtu = (this._Y7rtu & 1073741823) + 1;
onPlayStateChangePromise.then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(jr) || 0;
if (attachementId !== cnt.__ticker_attachmentId__) return;
if (cnt.isAttached) {
if (tid === cnt._Y7rtu && !onPlayStateChangePromise && typeof cnt.handlePauseReplay === 'function' && cnt.hostElement) cnt.handlePauseReplay.apply(cnt, arguments);
// this.handlePauseReplay can be undefined if it is memory cleaned
if (playerState !== 2) return;
if (this.isAttached) {
const tid = this._Y7rtk = (this._Y7rtk & 1073741823) + 1;
const tc = relayCount;
foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(jr);
if (attachementId !== (cnt || 0).__ticker_attachmentId__) return;
if (cnt.isAttached) {
if (tid === cnt._Y7rtk && tc === relayCount && playerState === 2 && _playerState === playerState && cnt.hostElement) {
/** @type {()} */
handleR###meReplayForPlaybackProgressState: function () {
if (!playerEventsByIframeRelay) return this.handleR###meReplay66.apply(this, arguments);
const attachementId = this.__ticker_attachmentId__;
if(!attachementId) return;
const jr = mWeakRef(this);
if (onPlayStateChangePromise) {
const tid = this._Y7rtv = (this._Y7rtv & 1073741823) + 1;
onPlayStateChangePromise.then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(jr);
if(attachementId !== (cnt || 0).__ticker_attachmentId__) return;
if (tid === cnt._Y7rtv && !onPlayStateChangePromise && typeof cnt.handleR###meReplay === 'function' && cnt.hostElement) cnt.handleR###meReplay.apply(cnt, arguments);
// this.handleR###meReplay can be undefined if it is memory cleaned
if (playerState !== 1) return;
if (this.isAttached) {
const tc = relayCount;
relayPromise = relayPromise || new PromiseExternal();
relayPromise.then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(jr);
if(attachementId !== (cnt || 0).__ticker_attachmentId__) return;
if (relayCount > tc && playerState === 1 && _playerState === playerState && cnt.hostElement) {
/** @type {(a,)} */
handleReplayProgressForPlaybackProgressState: function (a) {
if (this.isAttached) {
const attachementId = this.__ticker_attachmentId__;
if(!attachementId) return;
const tid = this._Y7rtk = (this._Y7rtk & 1073741823) + 1;
const jr = mWeakRef(kRef(this));
foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => {
const cnt = kRef(jr);
if(attachementId !== (cnt || 0).__ticker_attachmentId__) return;
if (cnt.isAttached) {
if (tid === cnt._Y7rtk && cnt.hostElement) {
let tagI = 0;
for (const tag of tagsItemRenderer) { // ##tag##
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_ACTIONMAP && typeof cProto.detached582MemoryLeak !== 'function' && typeof cProto.detached === 'function') {
cProto.detached582MemoryLeak = cProto.detached;
cProto.detached = dProto.detachedForMemoryLeakage;
cProto.detached77 = cProto.detached;
cProto.detached = dProto.detachedForTickerInit;
cProto.attached77 = cProto.attached;
cProto.attached = dProto.attachedForTickerInit;
let flgLeakageFixApplied = 0;
if (FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_STATSBAR && typeof cProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation === 'function' && !cProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation38 && cProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation.length === 3) {
cProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation38 = cProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation;
cProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimation = dProto.updateStatsBarAndMaybeShowAnimationRevised;
flgLeakageFixApplied |= 2;
} else {
// the function is only in yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-message-item-renderer
// ------------- withTimerFn_ -------------
let withTimerFn_ = 0;
if (typeof cProto.startCountdown === 'function' && typeof cProto.updateTimeout === 'function' && typeof cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged === 'function') {
// console.log('startCountdown', typeof cProto.startCountdown)
// console.log('updateTimeout', typeof cProto.updateTimeout)
// console.log('isAnimationPausedChanged', typeof cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged)
// <<< to be reviewed cProto.updateTimeout --- isTimingFunctionHackable -- doHack >>>
const isTimingFunctionHackable = fnIntegrity(cProto.startCountdown, '2.66.37') && fnIntegrity(cProto.updateTimeout, '1.76.45') && fnIntegrity(cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged, '2.56.30')
if (!isTimingFunctionHackable) console1.log('isTimingFunctionHackable = false');
withTimerFn_ = isTimingFunctionHackable ? 2 : 1;
} else {
let flag = 0;
if (typeof cProto.startCountdown === 'function') flag |= 1;
if (typeof cProto.updateTimeout === 'function') flag |= 2;
if (typeof cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged === 'function') flag |= 4;
console1.log(`Skip Timing Function Modification[#${tagI}]: ${flag} / ${1 + 2 + 4}`, ` ${tag}`);
// console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cProto))
// continue;
// ------------- withTimerFn_ -------------
// ------------- ENABLE_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_PROGRESS_STATE_FIX -------------
let urt = 0;
f.handlePauseReplay = function() {
this.isAnimationPaused = !0;
this.detlaSincePausedSecs = 0
f.handlePauseReplay = function() {
this.isReplayPaused = !0
if (typeof cProto.handlePauseReplay === 'function' && !cProto.handlePauseReplay66 && cProto.handlePauseReplay.length === 0) {
const fi = fnIntegrity(cProto.handlePauseReplay);
if (fi === '0.8.2' || fi === '0.12.4') {
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.handlePauseReplay, '0.12.4'));
} else {
if (withTimerFn_ > 0) console1.log('Error for setting cProto.handlePauseReplay', tag)
if (typeof cProto.handleR###meReplay === 'function' && !cProto.handleR###meReplay66 && cProto.handleR###meReplay.length === 0) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.handleR###meReplay, '0.8.2'));
} else {
if (withTimerFn_ > 0) console1.log('Error for setting cProto.handleR###meReplay', tag)
if (typeof cProto.handleReplayProgress === 'function' && !cProto.handleReplayProgress66 && cProto.handleReplayProgress.length === 1) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.handleReplayProgress, '1.16.13'));
} else {
if (withTimerFn_ > 0) console1.log('Error for setting cProto.handleReplayProgress', tag)
cProto._Y7rtk = 0;
cProto._Y7rtu = 0;
cProto._Y7rtv = 0;
cProto.handlePauseReplay66 = cProto.handlePauseReplay;
cProto.handlePauseReplay = dProto.handlePauseReplayForPlaybackProgressState;
cProto.handleR###meReplay66 = cProto.handleR###meReplay;
cProto.handleR###meReplay = dProto.handleR###meReplayForPlaybackProgressState;
cProto.handleReplayProgress66 = cProto.handleReplayProgress;
cProto.handleReplayProgress = dProto.handleReplayProgressForPlaybackProgressState;
// ------------- ENABLE_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_PROGRESS_STATE_FIX -------------
// ------------- FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_TIMER -------------
if (!USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && typeof cProto.setContainerWidth === 'function' && !cProto.setContainerWidth55 && cProto.setContainerWidth.length === 0) {
cProto.setContainerWidth55 = cProto.setContainerWidth;
cProto.setContainerWidth = dProto.setContainerWidthNoSelfLeakage;
flgLeakageFixApplied |= 4;
if (!USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && typeof cProto.slideDown === 'function' && !cProto.slideDown55 && cProto.slideDown.length === 0) {
cProto.slideDown55 = cProto.slideDown;
cProto.slideDown = dProto.slideDownNoSelfLeakage;
flgLeakageFixApplied |= 8;
if (!USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && typeof cProto.collapse === 'function' && !cProto.collapse55 && cProto.collapse.length === 0) {
cProto.collapse55 = cProto.collapse;
cProto.collapse = dProto.collapseNoSelfLeakage;
flgLeakageFixApplied |= 16;
if (typeof cProto.deletedChanged === 'function' && !cProto.deletedChanged55 && cProto.deletedChanged.length === 0) {
cProto.deletedChanged55 = cProto.deletedChanged;
cProto.deletedChanged = dProto.deletedChangedNoSelfLeakage;
flgLeakageFixApplied |= 32;
const flgTotal = USE_ADVANCED_TICKING ?  1 + 2 + 32 : 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32;
console1.log(`FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_[#${tagI}]: ${flgLeakageFixApplied} / ${flgTotal}`, cProto.is);
// ------------- FIX_MEMORY_LEAKAGE_TICKER_TIMER -------------
const canDoAdvancedTicking = 1 &&
typeof cProto.startCountdown === 'function' && !cProto.startCountdown49 && cProto.startCountdown.length === 2 &&
typeof cProto.updateTimeout === 'function' && !cProto.updateTimeout49 && cProto.updateTimeout.length === 1 &&
typeof cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged === 'function' && !cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged49 && cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged.length === 2 &&
typeof cProto.setContainerWidth === 'function' && cProto.setContainerWidth.length === 0 &&
typeof cProto.requestRemoval === 'function' && !cProto.requestRemoval49 && cProto.requestRemoval.length === 0
CSS.supports("left","clamp(-100%, calc( -100% * ( var(--ticker-current-time) - var(--ticker-start-time) ) / var(--ticker-duration-time) ), 0%)");
if (USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && canDoAdvancedTicking) {
// startResistanceUpdater();
// live replay video ->   48117005 -> 48117006 keep fire.  ->48117007 0 -> 48117007 {...}
// live stream video -> 48117007 0 -> 48117007 YES
document.documentElement.setAttribute('r6-advanced-ticking', '');
const wio2 = dProto.wio2 || (dProto.wio2 = new IntersectionObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.isIntersecting) {
const marker = mutation.target;
let endId = marker.id
if (!endId) continue;
let tid = endId.substring(0, endId.length - 2);
if (!tid) continue;
// let bId = `${tid}-b`;
const bgElm = document.querySelector(`#${tid}-b`);
if (!bgElm) continue;
const overlay = bgElm;
let p = overlay || 0;
let cn = 4;
while ((p = p.parentElement) instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (p instanceof HTMLElement) {
const cnt = insp(p);
if (cnt && typeof cnt.slideDown === 'function' && typeof cnt.setContainerWidth === 'function' && cnt.__advancedTicking038__ === 1) {
cnt.__advancedTicking038__ = 2;
let deletionMode = false;
const cntData = ((cnt || 0).__data || 0).data || (cnt || 0).data || 0;
if (timestampUnderLiveMode && cntData && cntData.durationSec > 0 && cntData.__timestampActionRequest__ > 0) {
// time choose - 0.2s for transition (slideDown sliding-down)
// 60hz = 17ms
// choose 0.28s
const targetFutureTime = cntData.__timestampActionRequest__ + cntData.durationSec * 1000;
// check whether the targetFutureTime is already the past
if (targetFutureTime + 280 < Date.now()) {
// just dispose
deletionMode = true;
} else if (__LCRInjection__ && !timestampUnderLiveMode && cntData && cntData.durationSec > 0 && cntData.__progressAt__ > 0) {
const targetFutureTime = (cntData.__progressAt__ + cntData.durationSec);
// check whether the targetFutureTime is already the past
if (targetFutureTime + 0.28 < playerProgressChangedArg1) {
// just dispose
deletionMode = true;
if (deletionMode) {
} else {
const w = cnt.hostElement.style.width;
if (w === "auto" || w === "") cnt.setContainerWidth();
if (!cn) {
console.log('cnt not found for ticker-bg-overlay');
// console.log(mutations);
}, {
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: [1]
const u37fn = dProto.u37fn || (dProto.u37fn = function (cnt) {
if(cnt.__dataEnabled === false || cnt.__dataInvalid === true) return;
if (!__LCRInjection__) {
console.error('[yt-chat] USE_ADVANCED_TICKING fails because of no __LCRInjection__');
const cntData = ((cnt || 0).__data || 0).data || (cnt || 0).data || 0;
if (!cntData) return;
const cntElement = cnt.hostElement;
if (!(cntElement instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
const duration = (cntData.fullDurationSec || cntData.durationSec || 0);
let ct;
if (__LCRInjection__ && cntData && duration > 0 && !('__progressAt__' in cntData)) {
ct = Date.now();
cntData.__liveTimestamp__ = (cntData.__timestampActionRequest__ || ct) / 1000 - timeOriginDT / 1000;
timestampUnderLiveMode = true;
} else if (__LCRInjection__ && cntData && duration > 0 && cntData.__progressAt__ > 0) {
timestampUnderLiveMode = false;
// console.log(48117007, cntData)
let tk = cntData.__progressAt__ || cntData.__liveTimestamp__;
if (!tk) {
console.log('time property is not found');
const liveOffsetMs = ct > 0 && cntData.__timestampActionRequest__ > 0 ? ct - cntData.__timestampActionRequest__ : 0;
// console.log(1237, liveOffsetMs, cntData.durationSec)
if (liveOffsetMs > 0) {
cntData.durationSec -= Math.floor(liveOffsetMs / 1000);
if (cntData.durationSec < 0) cntData.durationSec = 0;
// console.log(1238, liveOffsetMs, cntData.durationSec)
if (!cntData.durationSec) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
let offset = cntData.fullDurationSec - cntData.durationSec; // consider this is live replay video, offset can be > 0
if (offset > 0) tk -= offset;
// in livestreaming. tk can be negative as we use performance.timeOrigin for t=0s time frame
const existingOverlaySelector = `ticker-bg-overlay[ticker-id="${cnt.__ticker_attachmentId__}"]`;
const q = kRef(overlayBgMap.get(cnt));
let r = valAssign(cntElement, '--ticker-start-time', tk);
if ((r || !q || q.isConnected === false) && duration > 0) {
// t0 ...... 1 ... fullDurationSec
// tk ...... k ... fullDurationSec-durationSec
// t0-fullDurationSec ...... 0 ... 0
// now - (fullDurationSec-durationSec)
// update dntElementWeak
const dnt = cnt.parentComponent;
const dntElement = dnt ? dnt.hostElement || dnt : 0;
if (dntElement) {
dntElementWeak = mWeakRef(dntElement);
resistanceUpdateBusy = false;
if (!startResistanceUpdaterStarted) startResistanceUpdater();
else updateTickerCurrentTime();
// create overlay if needed
if (!cntElement.querySelector(existingOverlaySelector)) {
// remove if any
const oldElement = cntElement.querySelector('ticker-bg-overlay');
if (oldElement) oldElement.remove();
// use advancedTicking, ticker enabled
cnt.__advancedTicking038__ = 1;
const em = q || document.createElement('ticker-bg-overlay');
overlayBgMap.set(cnt, mWeakRef(em));
// const ey = document.createElement('ticker-bg-overlay-end');
const wy = document.createElement('ticker-bg-overlay-end2');
const cr1 = cnt.colorFromDecimal(cntData.startBackgroundColor);
const cr2 = cnt.colorFromDecimal(cntData.endBackgroundColor);
const container = cnt.$.container;
em.setAttribute('ticker-id', `${cnt.__ticker_attachmentId__}`);
const tid = `ticker-${cnt.__ticker_attachmentId__}-${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`;
em.id = `${tid}-b`;
em.style.background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${cr1},${cr1} 50%,${cr2} 50%,${cr2})`;
if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) {
// em.insertBefore(ey, em.firstChild);
insertBeforeNaFn(cntElement, em, cntElement.firstChild); // cntElement.insertBefore(em, cntElement.firstChild);
cntElement.style.borderRadius = '16px';
container.style.borderRadius = 'initial';
} else {
// em.insertBefore(ey, em.firstChild);
insertBeforeNaFn(container, em, container.firstChild); // container.insertBefore(em, container.firstChild);
// em.style.left = '-50%';
// em.style.left = "clamp(-100%, calc( -100% * ( var(--ticker-current-time) - var(--ticker-start-time) ) / var(--ticker-duration-time) ), 0%)";
if (container instanceof HTMLElement) {
container.style.background = 'transparent';
container.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
// container.style.zIndex = '1';
// em.style.zIndex = '-1';
valAssign(cntElement, '--ticker-duration-time', duration)
valAssign(wy, '--ticker-start-time', tk);
valAssign(wy, '--ticker-duration-time', duration);
wy.id = `${tid}-e`;
appendChildNaFn(dntElement, wy);
// if (wio instanceof IntersectionObserver) {
//   wio.observe(ey);
// }
if (wio2 instanceof IntersectionObserver) {
const timeFn = (cnt) => {
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return;
const attachementId = cnt.__ticker_attachmentId__;
if (!attachementId) return;
cProto.__isTickerItem58__ = 1;
cProto.startCountdown = dProto.startCountdownAdv || (dProto.startCountdownAdv = function (a, b) {
cProto.updateTimeout = dProto.updateTimeoutAdv || (dProto.updateTimeoutAdv = function (a) {
cProto.isAnimationPausedChanged = dProto.isAnimationPausedChangedAdv || (dProto.isAnimationPausedChangedAdv = function (a, b) {
if (typeof cProto.slideDown === 'function' && !cProto.slideDown43 && cProto.slideDown.length === 0) {
cProto.slideDown43 = cProto.slideDown;
cProto.slideDown = dProto.slideDownAdv || (dProto.slideDownAdv = async function () {
// console.log('calling slideDown', Date.now())
if (this.__advancedTicking038__) {
if (this.__advancedTicking038__ === 1) this.__advancedTicking038__ = 2; // ignore intersectionobserver detection
const hostElement = this.hostElement;
const container = this.$.container;
const parentComponentCnt = insp(this.parentComponent);
const parentComponentElm = parentComponentCnt? parentComponentCnt.hostElement : null;
if (hostElement instanceof HTMLElement && container instanceof HTMLElement && parentComponentElm instanceof HTMLElement) {
// const prevTransitionClosingElm = kRef(prevTransitionClosing);
// if (prevTransitionClosingElm !== hostElement) {
//   prevTransitionClosingElm && prevTransitionClosingElm.classList.add('ticker-no-transition-time');
//   prevTransitionClosing = mWeakRef(hostElement);
// }
// if (hostElement.classList.contains('ticker-no-transition-time')) hostElement.classList.remove('ticker-no-transition-time');
if (!transitionEndHooks.has(parentComponentElm)) {
document.addEventListener('transitionend', transitionEndAfterFn, passiveCapture);
const pr = new PromiseExternal();
transitionEndAfterFnSimple.set(hostElement, pr);
transitionEndAfterFnSimple.set(container, pr);
await pr.then();
if (this && this.hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::slideDown - OK`)
} else {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::slideDown - NG`)
if (typeof cProto.collapse === 'function' && !cProto.collapse43 && cProto.collapse.length === 0) {
cProto.collapse43 = cProto.collapse;
cProto.collapse = dProto.collapseAdv || (dProto.collapseAdv = async function () {
if (this.__advancedTicking038__) {
if (this.__advancedTicking038__ === 1) this.__advancedTicking038__ = 2; // ignore intersectionobserver detection
const hostElement = this.hostElement;
const container = this.$.container;
const parentComponentCnt = insp(this.parentComponent);
const parentComponentElm = parentComponentCnt ? parentComponentCnt.hostElement : null;
if (hostElement instanceof HTMLElement && container instanceof HTMLElement && parentComponentElm instanceof HTMLElement) {
// const prevTransitionClosingElm = kRef(prevTransitionClosing);
// if (prevTransitionClosingElm !== hostElement) {
//   prevTransitionClosingElm && prevTransitionClosingElm.classList.add('ticker-no-transition-time');
//   prevTransitionClosing = mWeakRef(hostElement);
// }
// if (hostElement.classList.contains('ticker-no-transition-time')) hostElement.classList.remove('ticker-no-transition-time');
if (!transitionEndHooks.has(parentComponentElm)) {
document.addEventListener('transitionend', transitionEndAfterFn, passiveCapture);
const pr = new PromiseExternal();
transitionEndAfterFnSimple.set(hostElement, pr);
transitionEndAfterFnSimple.set(container, pr);
hostElement.style.width = "0";
await pr.then();
if (this && this.hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::collapse - OK`)
} else {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::collapse - NG`)
if (typeof cProto.requestRemoval === 'function' && !cProto.requestRemoval49 && cProto.requestRemoval.length === 0) {
const removalList = [];
let removalRes = false;
const removalFn = () => {
if (removalList.length === 0) return;
for (const cnt of removalList) {
let r;
try {
r = cnt?.requestRemoval49();
} catch (e) { }
if (r !== undefined && removalRes === false) {
removalRes = true;
console.log(`[yt-chat-ticker] requestRemoval49 returns ${r}`);
removalList.length = 0;
cProto.requestRemoval49 = cProto.requestRemoval;
cProto.requestRemoval = dProto.requestRemovalAdv || (dProto.requestRemovalAdv = function () {
const hostElement = this.hostElement;
if (this.__advancedTicking038__) {
try {
const overlayBg = hostElement.querySelector('ticker-bg-overlay[id]');
if (overlayBg) {
const overlayBgId = overlayBg.id;
const tid = overlayBgId ? overlayBgId.substring(0, overlayBgId.length - 2) : '';
const endElm = tid ? document.querySelector(`#${tid}-e`) : null;
if (endElm) {
} catch (e) { }
this.__advancedTicking038__ = 2;
// console.log('requestRemoval!!')
if (hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
// otherwise the startCountDown not working
const cntData = this.data;
if (hostElement instanceof HTMLElement && cntData.id && cntData.fullDurationSec && !hostElement.hasAttribute('__reuseid__')) {
hostElement.setAttribute('__reuseid__', reuseId);
hostElement.setAttribute('__nogc__', ''); // provided to leakage detection script
// this.__markReuse13__ = true;
reuseStore.set(`<${this.is}>${cntData.id}:${cntData.fullDurationSec}`, mWeakRef(this));
if (hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
// try {
//   // hostElement.remove();
//   if (!hostElement.classList.contains('ticker-no-transition-time')) hostElement.classList.add('ticker-no-transition-time');
// } catch (e) { }
try {
} catch (e) { }
//   const wr = mWeakRef(hostElement);
//   const wf = ()=>{
//     const element = kRef(wr);
//     if(!element) {
//       console.log('[yt-chat-removalrequest] element was memory cleaned.');
//       return;
//     }
//     setTimeout(wf, 8000);
//     if(element.isConnected){
//       console.log('[yt-chat-removalrequest] element is still connected to DOM Tree.');
//       return;
//     }
//     const cnt = insp(element)
//     if(typeof cnt.requestRemoval !== 'function'){
//       console.log('[yt-chat-removalrequest] element is not connected to cnt.');
//       return;
//     }
//     console.log('[yt-chat-removalrequest] element is not GC.');
//     try{
//     cnt.data = null;
//     }catch(e){}
//     Object.setPrototypeOf(cnt, Object.prototype);
//     for(const k of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cnt)){
//       try{
//       cnt[k] = null;
//       }catch(e){}
//       try{
//         delete cnt[k];
//         }catch(e){}
//     }
//     for(const k of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(cnt)){
//       try{
//       cnt[k] = null;
//       }catch(e){}
//       try{
//         delete cnt[k];
//         }catch(e){}
//     }
//   }
//   setTimeout(wf, 8000);
// }
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::requestRemoval - OK`)
} else {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::requestRemoval - NG`)
if (typeof cProto.computeContainerStyle === 'function' && !cProto.computeContainerStyle49 && cProto.computeContainerStyle.length === 2) {
cProto.computeContainerStyle49 = cProto.computeContainerStyle;
cProto.computeContainerStyle = dProto.computeContainerStyleAdv || (dProto.computeContainerStyleAdv = function (a, b) {
if (this.__advancedTicking038__) {
return "";
return this.computeContainerStyle49(a, b);
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::computeContainerStyle - OK`)
} else {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::computeContainerStyle - NG`)
if (typeof cProto.setRevampContainerWidth === 'function' && !cProto.setRevampContainerWidth41 && cProto.setRevampContainerWidth.length === 0) {
cProto.setRevampContainerWidth41 = cProto.setRevampContainerWidth;
cProto.setRevampContainerWidth = dProto.setRevampContainerWidthAdv || (dProto.setRevampContainerWidthAdv = async function () {
// not sure the reason for auto instead of pixel.
// this is a new function in Dec 2024, but not mainly adopted in the coding yet
var a = this;
(R(this.hostElement).querySelector("#container").clientWidth || 0) === 0 ? (this.hostElement.style.overflow = "visible",
this.hostElement.style.width = "auto") : (this.hostElement.style.overflow = "hidden",
this.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.shouldAnimateIn ? (this.hostElement.style.width = "0",
Zu(function() {
a.hostElement.style.width = "auto"
}, 1)) : this.hostElement.style.width = "auto")
const hostElement = (this || 0).hostElement;
const container = this.$.container;
let qw = null;
let maxC = 4;
for (let p = hostElement.getAttribute('r6-ticker-width') || ''; maxC--;) {
const ed = `${hostElement.id}`
if (!p || !p.startsWith(`${ed}::`)) {
const w = hostElement.style.width;
if (w !== '' && w !== 'auto') hostElement.style.width = 'auto';
const res = await widthReq(container);
if (res.width < 1 || !Number.isFinite(res.width)) {
// just skip due to iron-page hidden
hostElement.setAttribute('r6-ticker-width', p = `${ed}::${(res.width).toFixed(2)}`);
} else {
qw = p.split('::');
if (!qw) {
console.log('container width failure');
return; // failure
const shouldAnimateIn = ((this || 0).ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior || 0).shouldAnimateIn || (this || 0).shouldAnimateIn || false;
if (shouldAnimateIn) {
const w = hostElement.style.width;
if (w !== '0px' && w !== '0') hostElement.style.width = '0';
// hostElement.classList.remove('ticker-no-transition-time');
await widthReq(container);
hostElement.style.width = `${qw[1]}px`;
} else {
hostElement.style.width = `${qw[1]}px`;
// const container = this.$.container;
// if(hostElement instanceof HTMLElement && hostElement.style.width) hostElement.style.width = '';
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::setRevampContainerWidth - OK`)
} else {
DEBUG_skipLog001 || console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::setRevampContainerWidth - NG (acceptable)`)
if (typeof cProto.setContainerWidth === 'function' && !cProto.setContainerWidth41 && cProto.setContainerWidth.length === 0) {
cProto.setContainerWidth41 = cProto.setContainerWidth;
cProto.setContainerWidth = dProto.setContainerWidthAdv || (dProto.setContainerWidthAdv = async function () {
var a = this
, b = R(this.hostElement).querySelector("#container").clientWidth || 0;
b === 0 ? (this.hostElement.style.overflow = "visible",
this.hostElement.style.width = "auto") : (this.hostElement.style.overflow = "hidden",
this.shouldAnimateIn ? (this.hostElement.style.width = "0",
Zu(function() {
a.hostElement.style.width = b + "px"
}, 1)) : this.hostElement.style.width = b + "px")
const hostElement = (this || 0).hostElement;
const container = this.$.container;
let qw = null;
let maxC = 4;
for (let p = hostElement.getAttribute('r6-ticker-width') || ''; maxC--;) {
const ed = `${hostElement.id}`
if (!p || !p.startsWith(`${ed}::`)) {
const w = hostElement.style.width;
if (w !== '' && w !== 'auto') hostElement.style.width = 'auto';
const res = await widthReq(container);
if (res.width < 1 || !Number.isFinite(res.width)) {
// just skip due to iron-page hidden
hostElement.setAttribute('r6-ticker-width', p = `${ed}::${(res.width).toFixed(2)}`);
} else {
qw = p.split('::');
if (!qw) {
console.log('container width failure');
return; // failure
const shouldAnimateIn = ((this || 0).ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior || 0).shouldAnimateIn || (this || 0).shouldAnimateIn || false;
if (shouldAnimateIn) {
const w = hostElement.style.width;
if (w !== '0px' && w !== '0') hostElement.style.width = '0';
// hostElement.classList.remove('ticker-no-transition-time');
await widthReq(container);
hostElement.style.width = `${qw[1]}px`;
} else {
hostElement.style.width = `${qw[1]}px`;
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::setContainerWidth - OK`)
} else {
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}]::setContainerWidth - NG`)
console1.log(`USE_ADVANCED_TICKING[#${tagI}] is not injected.`);
const selector = tags.join(', ');
const elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (elements.length >= 1) {
for (const elm of elements) {
if (insp(elm).isAttached === true) {
cT.prototype.dataChanged = function() {
var a = this;
this.data && (Q(this.hostElement).querySelector("#content").style.color = this.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.colorFromDecimal(this.data.detailTextColor),
this.hostElement.ariaLabel = this.computeAriaLabel(this.data),
this.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.startCountdown(this.data.durationSec, this.data.fullDurationSec),
qw(function() {
znb.prototype.dataChanged = function(a) {
var b = this;
a && (a.tickerThumbnails.length > 1 && Q(this.hostElement).querySelector("#content").classList.add("multiple-thumbnails"),
this.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.startCountdown(a.durationSec, a.fullDurationSec),
qw(function() {
const dProto = {
dataChanged54500: function () {
// prevent memory leakage due to _.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.setContainerWidth() in _.dataChanged
if (typeof (this.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior || 0).setContainerWidth === 'function') {
try {
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.dataChanged544.call(this.__proxySelf0__);
} catch (e) {
console.log('dataChanged54500 ERROR');
} else {
return this.dataChanged544();
dataChanged54501: function (a) {
// prevent memory leakage due to _.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior.setContainerWidth() in _.dataChanged
if (typeof (this.ytLiveChatTickerItemBehavior || 0).setContainerWidth === 'function') {
try {
if (!this.__proxySelf0__) this.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(this);
return this.dataChanged544.call(this.__proxySelf0__, a);
} catch (e) {
console.log('dataChanged54501 ERROR');
} else {
return this.dataChanged544(a);
for (const sto of [
].map(tag => [tag, customElements.whenDefined(tag)])) {
const [tag, promise] = sto;
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (!cProto.dataChanged || cProto.dataChanged544 || typeof cProto.dataChanged !== 'function' || !(cProto.dataChanged.length >= 0 && cProto.dataChanged.length <= 1)) return;
cProto.dataChanged544 = cProto.dataChanged;
if (cProto.dataChanged.length === 0) cProto.dataChanged = dProto.dataChanged54500;
else if (cProto.dataChanged.length === 1) cProto.dataChanged = dProto.dataChanged54501;
customElements.whenDefined('yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer').then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer hacks");
(() => {
/* pending!!
const tag = "yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if(typeof cProto.createComponent_ === 'function' && cProto.createComponent_.length === 3 && !cProto.createComponent58_ ){
cProto.createComponent58_ = cProto.createComponent_;
cProto.createComponent_ = function (a, b, c) {
const z = customCreateComponent(a, b, c);
if (z !== undefined) return z;
const r = this.createComponent58_(a, b, c);
return r;
/* Dec 2024 */
f.handleLiveChatActions = function(a) {
a.length && (a.forEach(this.handleLiveChatAction, this),
this.shouldAnimateIn = !0)
f.handleLiveChatAction = function(a) {
var b = z(a, fL)
, c = z(a, gL)
, d = z(a, eL)
, e = z(a, gdb)
, g = z(a, rdb)
, k = z(a, Deb);
a = z(a, Ceb);
b ? this.unshift("tickerItems", b.item) : c ? this.handleMarkChatItemAsDeletedAction(c) : d ? this.removeTickerItemById(d.targetItemId) : e ? this.handleMarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction(e) : g ? this.handleRemoveChatItemByAuthorAction(g) : k ? this.showCreatorGoalTickerChip(k) : a && this.removeCreatorGoalTickerChip(a)
if(USE_ADVANCED_TICKING && !cProto.handleLiveChatActions47 && typeof cProto.handleLiveChatActions === 'function' && cProto.handleLiveChatActions.length ===1){
cProto.handleLiveChatActions47 = cProto.handleLiveChatActions;
cProto.handleLiveChatActions = function (a) {
// first loading in livestream. so this is required for sorting.
return this.handleLiveChatActions47(a);
console1.log("USE_ADVANCED_TICKING::handleLiveChatActions - OK");
console1.log("USE_ADVANCED_TICKING::handleLiveChatActions - NG");
// yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer hacks
if (RAF_FIX_keepScrollClamped) {
// to be improved
if (typeof cProto.keepScrollClamped === 'function' && !cProto.keepScrollClamped72 && fnIntegrity(cProto.keepScrollClamped) === '0.17.10') {
cProto.keepScrollClamped72 = cProto.keepScrollClamped;
cProto.keepScrollClamped = function () {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
cnt._bound_keepScrollClamped = cnt._bound_keepScrollClamped || cnt.keepScrollClamped.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
cnt.scrollClampRaf = requestAnimationFrame(cnt._bound_keepScrollClamped);
console1.log('RAF_FIX: keepScrollClamped', tag, "OK")
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.keepScrollClamped, '0.17.10'));
console1.log('RAF_FIX: keepScrollClamped', tag, "NG")
if (RAF_FIX_scrollIncrementally && typeof cProto.startScrolling === 'function' && typeof cProto.scrollIncrementally === 'function'
&& '|1.43.31|1.44.31|'.indexOf('|' + fnIntegrity(cProto.startScrolling) + '|') >= 0
&& '|1.78.45|1.82.43|1.43.31|'.indexOf('|' + fnIntegrity(cProto.scrollIncrementally) + '|') >= 0) {
// to be replaced by animator
cProto.startScrolling = function (a) {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
cnt.scrollStopHandle && cnt.cancelAsync(cnt.scrollStopHandle);
cnt.asyncHandle && cancelAnimationFrame(cnt.asyncHandle);
cnt.lastFrameTimestamp = cnt.scrollStartTime = performance.now();
cnt.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond = a;
cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally = cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally || cnt.scrollIncrementally.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
cnt.asyncHandle = requestAnimationFrame(cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally)
// related functions: startScrollBack, startScrollingLeft, startScrollingRight, etc.
* // 2024.12.17
* // https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/f7495da0/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
f.startScrolling = function(a) {
this.scrollStopHandle && $u(this.scrollStopHandle);
this.asyncHandle && window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.asyncHandle);
this.scrollStartTime = performance.now();
this.lastFrameTimestamp = performance.now();
this.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond = a;
this.asyncHandle = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.scrollIncrementally.bind(this))
f.scrollIncrementally = function(a) {
var b = a - (this.lastFrameTimestamp || 0);
R(this.hostElement).querySelector(this.tickerBarQuery).scrollLeft += b / 1E3 * (this.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond || 0);
this.lastFrameTimestamp = a;
R(this.hostElement).querySelector(this.tickerBarQuery).scrollLeft > 0 || this.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond && this.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond > 0 ? this.asyncHandle = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.scrollIncrementally.bind(this)) : this.stopScrolling()
// 2024.12.20
f.startScrolling = function(a) {
this.scrollStopHandle && av(this.scrollStopHandle);
this.asyncHandle && window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.asyncHandle);
this.scrollStartTime = performance.now();
this.lastFrameTimestamp = performance.now();
this.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond = a;
this.asyncHandle = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.scrollIncrementally.bind(this))
cProto.__getTickerBarQuery__ = function () {
const tickerBarQuery = this.tickerBarQuery === '#items' ? this.$.items : this.hostElement.querySelector(this.tickerBarQuery);
return tickerBarQuery;
cProto.scrollIncrementally = (RAF_FIX_scrollIncrementally === 2) ? function (a) {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
const b = a - (cnt.lastFrameTimestamp || 0);
const rate = cnt.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond
const q = b / 1E3 * (rate || 0);
const tickerBarQuery = cnt.__getTickerBarQuery__();
const sl = tickerBarQuery.scrollLeft;
// console.log(rate, sl, q)
if (cnt.lastFrameTimestamp == cnt.scrollStartTime) {
} else if (q > -1e-5 && q < 1e-5) {
} else {
let cond1 = sl > 0 && rate > 0 && q > 0;
let cond2 = sl > 0 && rate < 0 && q < 0;
let cond3 = sl < 1e-5 && sl > -1e-5 && rate > 0 && q > 0;
if (cond1 || cond2 || cond3) {
tickerBarQuery.scrollLeft += q;
cnt.lastFrameTimestamp = a;
cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally = cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally || cnt.scrollIncrementally.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
0 < tickerBarQuery.scrollLeft || rate && 0 < rate ? cnt.asyncHandle = requestAnimationFrame(cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally) : cnt.stopScrolling()
} : function (a) {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
const b = a - (cnt.lastFrameTimestamp || 0);
const tickerBarQuery = cnt.__getTickerBarQuery__();
tickerBarQuery.scrollLeft += b / 1E3 * (cnt.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond || 0);
cnt.lastFrameTimestamp = a;
cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally = cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally || cnt.scrollIncrementally.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
0 < tickerBarQuery.scrollLeft || cnt.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond && 0 < cnt.scrollRatePixelsPerSecond ? cnt.asyncHandle = requestAnimationFrame(cnt._bound_scrollIncrementally) : cnt.stopScrolling()
console1.log(`RAF_FIX: scrollIncrementally${RAF_FIX_scrollIncrementally}`, tag, "OK")
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.startScrolling, '1.43.31'))
|| logFn('cProto.startScrolling', cProto.startScrolling)();
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.scrollIncrementally, '1.78.45'))
|| logFn('cProto.scrollIncrementally', cProto.scrollIncrementally)();
console1.log('RAF_FIX: scrollIncrementally', tag, "NG")
if (CLOSE_TICKER_PINNED_MESSAGE_WHEN_HEADER_CLICKED && typeof cProto.attached === 'function' && !cProto.attached37 && typeof cProto.detached === 'function' && !cProto.detached37) {
cProto.attached37 = cProto.attached;
cProto.detached37 = cProto.detached;
let naohzId = 0;
cProto.__naohzId__ = 0;
cProto.attached = function () {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
const hostElement = cnt.hostElement || cnt;
if (!(hostElement instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
if (!HTMLElement.prototype.matches.call(hostElement, '.yt-live-chat-renderer')) return;
const ironPage = HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(hostElement, 'iron-pages.yt-live-chat-renderer');
// or #chat-messages
if (!ironPage) return;
if (cnt.__naohzId__) removeEventListener.call(ironPage, 'click', cnt.messageBoxClickHandlerForFade, { capture: false, passive: true });
cnt.__naohzId__ = naohzId = (naohzId & 1073741823) + 1;
ironPage.setAttribute('naohz', `${+cnt.__naohzId__}`);
addEventListener.call(ironPage, 'click', cnt.messageBoxClickHandlerForFade, { capture: false, passive: true });
cnt = null;
return this.attached37.apply(this, arguments);
cProto.detached = function () {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
const ironPage = document.querySelector(`iron-pages[naohz="${+cnt.__naohzId__}"]`);
if (!ironPage) return;
removeEventListener.call(ironPage, 'click', cnt.messageBoxClickHandlerForFade, { capture: false, passive: true });
cnt = null;
return this.detached37.apply(this, arguments);
const clickFade = (u) => {
cProto.messageBoxClickHandlerForFade = async (evt) => {
const target = (evt || 0).target || 0;
if (!target) return;
for (let p = target; p instanceof HTMLElement; p = nodeParent(p)) {
const is = p.is;
if (typeof is === 'string' && is) {
if (is === 'yt-live-chat-pinned-message-renderer') {
if (is === 'iron-pages' || is === 'yt-live-chat-renderer' || is === 'yt-live-chat-app') {
const fade = HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector.call(p, 'yt-live-chat-pinned-message-renderer:not([hidden]) #fade');
if (fade) {
evt && evt.stopPropagation();
if (is !== 'yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer') {
if (is.startsWith('yt-live-chat-ticker-')) return;
if (!is.endsWith('-renderer')) return;
} else {
if ((p.nodeName || '').includes('BUTTON')) return;
} else {
customElements.whenDefined("yt-live-chat-message-input-renderer").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-message-input-renderer hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-message-input-renderer"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (ENABLE_RAF_HACK_INPUT_RENDERER && rafHub !== null) {
let doHack = false;
if (typeof cProto.handleTimeout === 'function' && typeof cProto.updateTimeout === 'function') {
// not cancellable
// <<< to be reviewed cProto.updateTimeout --- isTimingFunctionHackable -- doHack >>>
doHack = fnIntegrity(cProto.handleTimeout, '1.27.16') && fnIntegrity(cProto.updateTimeout, '1.50.33');
if (!doHack) console1.log('doHack = false')
// doHack = false; // M55
if (doHack) {
cProto.handleTimeout = function (a) {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
console.log('cProto.handleTimeout', tag)
if (!cnt.boundUpdateTimeout38_) cnt.boundUpdateTimeout38_ = cnt.updateTimeout.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
cnt.timeoutDurationMs = cnt.timeoutMs = a;
cnt.countdownRatio = 1;
0 === cnt.lastTimeoutTimeMs && rafHub.request(cnt.boundUpdateTimeout38_)
cProto.updateTimeout = function (a) {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
console.log('cProto.updateTimeout', tag)
if (!cnt.boundUpdateTimeout38_) cnt.boundUpdateTimeout38_ = cnt.updateTimeout.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
cnt.lastTimeoutTimeMs && (cnt.timeoutMs = Math.max(0, cnt.timeoutMs - (a - cnt.lastTimeoutTimeMs)),
cnt.countdownRatio = cnt.timeoutMs / cnt.timeoutDurationMs);
cnt.isAttached && cnt.timeoutMs ? (cnt.lastTimeoutTimeMs = a,
rafHub.request(cnt.boundUpdateTimeout38_)) : cnt.lastTimeoutTimeMs = 0
console1.log('RAF_HACK_INPUT_RENDERER', tag, "OK")
} else {
console1.log('typeof handleTimeout', typeof cProto.handleTimeout)
console1.log('typeof updateTimeout', typeof cProto.updateTimeout)
console1.log('RAF_HACK_INPUT_RENDERER', tag, "NG")
if (DELAY_FOCUSEDCHANGED && typeof cProto.onFocusedChanged === 'function' && cProto.onFocusedChanged.length === 1 && !cProto.onFocusedChanged372) {
cProto.onFocusedChanged372 = cProto.onFocusedChanged;
cProto.onFocusedChanged = function (a) {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
if (cnt.isAttached === true) cnt.onFocusedChanged372(a);
cnt = null;
if (ENABLE_RAF_HACK_EMOJI_PICKER && rafHub !== null) {
customElements.whenDefined("yt-emoji-picker-renderer").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-emoji-picker-renderer hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-emoji-picker-renderer"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
let doHack = false;
if (typeof cProto.animateScroll_ === 'function') {
// not cancellable
console1.log('animateScroll_: function - OK')
doHack = fnIntegrity(cProto.animateScroll_, '1.102.49')
} else {
console1.log('animateScroll_', typeof cProto.animateScroll_)
if (doHack) {
const querySelector = HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector;
const U = (element) => ({
querySelector: (selector) => querySelector.call(element, selector)
cProto.animateScroll_ = function (a) {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
// console.log('cProto.animateScroll_', tag) // yt-emoji-picker-renderer
if (!cnt.boundAnimateScroll39_) cnt.boundAnimateScroll39_ = cnt.animateScroll_.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
cnt.lastAnimationTime_ || (cnt.lastAnimationTime_ = a);
a -= cnt.lastAnimationTime_;
200 > a ? (U(cnt.hostElement).querySelector("#categories").scrollTop = cnt.animationStart_ + (cnt.animationEnd_ - cnt.animationStart_) * a / 200,
rafHub.request(cnt.boundAnimateScroll39_)) : (null != cnt.animationEnd_ && (U(cnt.hostElement).querySelector("#categories").scrollTop = cnt.animationEnd_),
cnt.animationEnd_ = cnt.animationStart_ = null,
cnt.lastAnimationTime_ = 0);
console1.log('ENABLE_RAF_HACK_EMOJI_PICKER', tag, "OK")
} else {
console1.log('ENABLE_RAF_HACK_EMOJI_PICKER', tag, "NG")
if (ENABLE_RAF_HACK_DOCKED_MESSAGE && rafHub !== null) {
customElements.whenDefined("yt-live-chat-docked-message").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-docked-message hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-docked-message"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
let doHack = false;
if (typeof cProto.detached === 'function' && typeof cProto.checkIntersections === 'function' && typeof cProto.onDockableMessagesChanged === 'function' && typeof cProto.boundCheckIntersections === 'undefined') {
// cancelable - this.intersectRAF <detached>
// yt-live-chat-docked-message
// boundCheckIntersections <-> checkIntersections
// onDockableMessagesChanged
//  this.intersectRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.boundCheckIntersections);
console1.log(`detached: function - OK`)
console1.log('checkIntersections: function - OK')
console1.log('onDockableMessagesChanged: function - OK')
doHack = fnIntegrity(cProto.detached, '0.32.22') && fnIntegrity(cProto.checkIntersections, '0.128.85') && fnIntegrity(cProto.onDockableMessagesChanged, '0.20.11')
} else {
console1.log('detached', typeof cProto.detached, 'NG')
console1.log('checkIntersections', typeof cProto.checkIntersections, 'NG')
console1.log('onDockableMessagesChanged', typeof cProto.onDockableMessagesChanged, 'NG')
if (doHack) {
cProto.__boundCheckIntersectionsSubstitutionFn__ = function () {
const cnt = this;
if (!cnt.i5zmk && typeof cnt.boundCheckIntersections === 'function' && typeof cnt.checkIntersections === 'function') {
cnt.i5zmk = 1
cnt.boundCheckIntersections = cnt.checkIntersections.bind(mWeakRef(cnt));
cProto.checkIntersections = function () {
const cnt = kRef(this);
if (!cnt) return;
if (!cnt.hostElement) return; // memory leakage. to be reviewed
if(typeof cnt.__boundCheckIntersectionsSubstitutionFn__ === 'function') cnt.__boundCheckIntersectionsSubstitutionFn__();
// console.log('cProto.checkIntersections', tag)
if (cnt.dockableMessages.length) {
cnt.intersectRAF = rafHub.request(cnt.boundCheckIntersections);
let a = cnt.dockableMessages[0]
, b = cnt.hostElement.getBoundingClientRect();
a = a.getBoundingClientRect();
let c = a.top - b.top
, d = 8 >= c;
c = 8 >= c - cnt.hostElement.clientHeight;
if (d) {
let e;
for (; d;) {
e = cnt.dockableMessages.shift();
d = cnt.dockableMessages[0];
if (!d)
d = d.getBoundingClientRect();
c = d.top - b.top;
let f = 8 >= c;
if (8 >= c - a.height)
if (f)
a = d;
d = f
} else
c && cnt.dockedItem && cnt.clear()
} else
cnt.intersectRAF = 0
cProto.onDockableMessagesChanged = function () {
const cnt = this;
if(typeof cnt.__boundCheckIntersectionsSubstitutionFn__ === 'function') cnt.__boundCheckIntersectionsSubstitutionFn__();
// console.log('cProto.onDockableMessagesChanged', tag) // yt-live-chat-docked-message
cnt.dockableMessages.length && !cnt.intersectRAF && (cnt.intersectRAF = rafHub.request(cnt.boundCheckIntersections))
cProto.detached = function () {
this.intersectRAF && rafHub.cancel(this.intersectRAF)
console1.log('ENABLE_RAF_HACK_DOCKED_MESSAGE', tag, "OK")
} else {
console1.log('ENABLE_RAF_HACK_DOCKED_MESSAGE', tag, "NG")
customElements.whenDefined("yt-img-shadow").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-img-shadow hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-img-shadow"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (typeof cProto.thumbnailChanged_ === 'function' && !cProto.thumbnailChanged66_) {
cProto.thumbnailChanged66_ = cProto.thumbnailChanged_;
cProto.thumbnailChanged_ = function (a) {
if (this.oldThumbnail_ && this.thumbnail && this.oldThumbnail_.thumbnails === this.thumbnail.thumbnails) return;
if (!this.oldThumbnail_ && !this.thumbnail) return;
return this.thumbnailChanged66_.apply(this, arguments)
console1.log("cProto.thumbnailChanged_ - OK");
} else {
console1.log("cProto.thumbnailChanged_ - NG");
if (typeof cProto.setSrc_ === 'function' && !cProto.setSrc66_) {
cProto.setSrc66_ = cProto.setSrc_;
cProto.setSrc_ = function (a) {
if ((((this || 0).$ || 0).img || 0).src === a) return;
return this.setSrc66_.apply(this, arguments)
console1.log("cProto.setSrc_ - OK");
} else {
console1.log("cProto.setSrc_ - NG");
customElements.whenDefined("yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (typeof cProto.dataChanged === 'function' && !cProto.dataChanged86 && '|0.169.106|'.includes(`|${fnIntegrity(cProto.dataChanged)}|`)) {
cProto.dataChanged86 = cProto.dataChanged;
cProto.dataChanged = function () {
/* 2024.12.15 */
zO.prototype.dataChanged = function() {
for (var a = Ov(R(this.hostElement).querySelector("#image")); a.firstChild; )
if (this.data)
if (this.data.icon) {
var b = document.createElement("yt-icon");
this.data.icon.iconType === "MODERATOR" && this.enableNewModeratorBadge ? (b.polymerController.icon = "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled",
b.polymerController.defaultToFilled = !0) : b.polymerController.icon = "live-chat-badges:" + this.data.icon.iconType.toLowerCase();
} else if (this.data.customThumbnail) {
b = document.createElement("img");
var c;
(c = (c = UA(this.data.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? Yb(kc(c)) : null) ? (b.src = c,
b.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "")) : Fq(new Zn("Could not compute URL for thumbnail",this.data.customThumbnail))
const a = (this || 0).data;
const image = ((this || 0).$ || 0).image;
if (image && a && image.firstElementChild) {
const exisiting = image.firstElementChild;
if (exisiting === image.lastElementChild) {
if (a.icon && exisiting.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'YT-ICON') {
const c = exisiting;
const t = insp(c);
const w = ('icon' in t || 'defaultToFilled' in t) ? t : c;
if ("MODERATOR" === a.icon.iconType && this.enableNewModeratorBadge) {
if (w.icon !== "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled") w.icon = "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled";
if (w.defaultToFilled !== true) w.defaultToFilled = true;
} else {
const p = "live-chat-badges:" + a.icon.iconType.toLowerCase();;
if (w.icon !== p) w.icon = p;
if (w.defaultToFilled !== false) w.defaultToFilled = false;
} else if (a.customThumbnail && exisiting.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG') {
const c = exisiting;
if (a.customThumbnail.thumbnails.map(e => e.url).includes(c.src)) {
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "");
var d;
(d = (d = KC(a.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? lc(oc(d)) : null) ? (c.src = d,
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "")) : lq(new tm("Could not compute URL for thumbnail", a.customThumbnail))
return this.dataChanged86.apply(this, arguments)
console1.log("cProto.dataChanged - OK");
} else if (typeof cProto.dataChanged === 'function' && !cProto.dataChanged86 && '|1.163.100|1.162.100|1.160.97|1.159.97|'.includes(`|${fnIntegrity(cProto.dataChanged)}|`)) {
cProto.dataChanged86 = cProto.dataChanged;
cProto.dataChanged = function (a) {
for (var b = xC(Z(this.hostElement).querySelector("#image")); b.firstChild; )
if (a)
if (a.icon) {
var c = document.createElement("yt-icon");
"MODERATOR" === a.icon.iconType && this.enableNewModeratorBadge ? (c.icon = "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled",
c.defaultToFilled = !0) : c.icon = "live-chat-badges:" + a.icon.iconType.toLowerCase();
} else if (a.customThumbnail) {
c = document.createElement("img");
var d;
(d = (d = KC(a.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? lc(oc(d)) : null) ? (c.src = d,
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "")) : lq(new tm("Could not compute URL for thumbnail",a.customThumbnail))
/* 2024.04.20 */
for (var b = Tx(N(this.hostElement).querySelector("#image")); b.firstChild; )
if (a)
if (a.icon) {
var c = document.createElement("yt-icon");
"MODERATOR" === a.icon.iconType && this.enableNewModeratorBadge ? (c.polymerController.icon = "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled",
c.polymerController.defaultToFilled = !0) : c.polymerController.icon = "live-chat-badges:" + a.icon.iconType.toLowerCase();
} else if (a.customThumbnail) {
c = document.createElement("img");
var d;
(d = (d = WD(a.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? Sb(ec(d)) : null) ? (c.src = d,
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "")) : nr(new mn("Could not compute URL for thumbnail",a.customThumbnail))
const image = ((this || 0).$ || 0).image
if (image && a && image.firstElementChild) {
const exisiting = image.firstElementChild;
if (exisiting === image.lastElementChild) {
if (a.icon && exisiting.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'YT-ICON') {
const c = exisiting;
const t = insp(c);
const w = ('icon' in t || 'defaultToFilled' in t) ? t : c;
if ("MODERATOR" === a.icon.iconType && this.enableNewModeratorBadge) {
if (w.icon !== "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled") w.icon = "yt-sys-icons:shield-filled";
if (w.defaultToFilled !== true) w.defaultToFilled = true;
} else {
const p = "live-chat-badges:" + a.icon.iconType.toLowerCase();;
if (w.icon !== p) w.icon = p;
if (w.defaultToFilled !== false) w.defaultToFilled = false;
} else if (a.customThumbnail && exisiting.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG') {
const c = exisiting;
if (a.customThumbnail.thumbnails.map(e => e.url).includes(c.src)) {
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "");
var d;
(d = (d = KC(a.customThumbnail.thumbnails, 16)) ? lc(oc(d)) : null) ? (c.src = d,
c.setAttribute("alt", this.hostElement.ariaLabel || "")) : lq(new tm("Could not compute URL for thumbnail", a.customThumbnail))
return this.dataChanged86.apply(this, arguments)
console1.log("cProto.dataChanged - OK");
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.dataChanged, '0.169.106'));
console1.log("cProto.dataChanged - NG");
// leading the emoji cannot be rendered.
// const qz38 = lcrPromiseFn();
// qz38.then((lcrGet) => {
// const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
// const dummy = lcrGet();
const lcrFn2 = (lcrDummy) => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
const dummy = lcrDummy;
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
// dummy.usePatchedLifecycles = false;
// dummy.data = null;
// dummy.__data = null;
// Object.setPrototypeOf(dummy, Object.prototype);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
<tp-yt-paper-tooltip class="style-scope yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer" role="tooltip" tabindex="-1" style="--paper-tooltip-delay-in: 0ms; inset: -63.3984px auto auto 0px;
if (cProto && typeof cProto.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions === 'function' && cProto.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions.length === 1 && !cProto.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions82) {
cProto.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions82 = cProto.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions;
cProto.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions = function (arr) {
// console.log(1237)
try {
} catch (e) {
return this.immediatelyApplyLiveChatActions82(arr);
if (cProto && typeof cProto.preprocessActions_ === 'function' && cProto.preprocessActions_.length === 1 && !cProto.preprocessActions82_) {
cProto.preprocessActions82_ = cProto.preprocessActions_;
cProto.preprocessActions_ = function (arr) {
arr = this.preprocessActions82_(arr);
try {
} catch (e) {
return arr;
!__LCRInjection__ && LCRImmedidates.push(lcrFn2);
const lcrFn2 = (lcrDummy) => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
const dummy = lcrDummy;
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
// dummy.usePatchedLifecycles = false;
// dummy.data = null;
// dummy.__data = null;
// Object.setPrototypeOf(dummy, Object.prototype);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
// https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/c01ea7e3/jsbin/live_chat_polymer.vflset/live_chat_polymer.js
YP.prototype.emitSmoothedMessages = function() {
this.JSC$10797_nextUpdateId = null;
if (this.JSC$10797_messageQueue.length) {
var a = 1E4;
this.JSC$10797_estimatedUpdateInterval !== null && this.JSC$10797_lastUpdateTime !== null && (a = this.JSC$10797_estimatedUpdateInterval - Date.now() + this.JSC$10797_lastUpdateTime);
var b = this.JSC$10797_messageQueue.length < a / 80 ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.JSC$10797_messageQueue.length / (a / 80));
var c = aba(this.JSC$10797_messageQueue.splice(0, b));
this.callback && this.callback(c);
this.JSC$10797_messageQueue.length && (b === 1 ? (b = a / this.JSC$10797_messageQueue.length,
b *= Math.random() + .5,
b = Math.min(1E3, b),
b = Math.max(80, b)) : b = 80,
this.JSC$10797_nextUpdateId = window.setTimeout(this.emitSmoothedMessages.bind(this), b))
// emitSmoothedMessages: say b = 1000, 858.24, 529.49, 357.15, 194.96, 82.12, 80, 80, 80 ....
const _flag0281_ = window._flag0281_;
if ((_flag0281_ & 0x40000) === 0x40000 && cProto && typeof cProto.preprocessActions_ === 'function' && cProto.preprocessActions_.length === 1 && !cProto.preprocessActions92_) {
// we can disable smooth message emitting if boost chat is enabled (0x40000)
let byPass = false;
let q33 = false;
let key_estimatedUpdateInterval = '';
let key_lastUpdateTime = '';
let key_messageQueue = '';
const emitSmoothedMessagesInstantFn = function () {
if (byPass) return this.emitSmoothedMessages018();
byPass = true;
try {
if (!q33) {
const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this);
for (const key of keys) {
if (`${key}`.endsWith('_estimatedUpdateInterval')) key_estimatedUpdateInterval = key;
else if (`${key}`.endsWith('_lastUpdateTime')) key_lastUpdateTime = key;
else if (`${key}`.endsWith('_messageQueue')) key_messageQueue = key;
else continue;
if (key_estimatedUpdateInterval && key_lastUpdateTime && key_messageQueue) break;
if (key_estimatedUpdateInterval && key_lastUpdateTime && key_messageQueue) {
q33 = true;
if (key_estimatedUpdateInterval && key_lastUpdateTime) {
this[key_estimatedUpdateInterval] = 78; // 80 - 2
this[key_lastUpdateTime] = Date.now() - 1;
} catch (e) { }
// console.log(19893,key_estimatedUpdateInterval,  key_lastUpdateTime)
// make a = this.JSC$10797_estimatedUpdateInterval - Date.now() + this.JSC$10797_lastUpdateTime small
// this.JSC$10797_estimatedUpdateInterval = Date.now() + 1
// this.JSC$10797_lastUpdateTime  = Date.now()
// if (!window.setTimeout837) {
//   window.setTimeout837 = window.setTimeout;
//   window.setTimeout838 = function (f, d) {
//     if (arguments.length !== 2) return window.setTimeout837(...arguments);
//     console.log(12883, d)
//     return window.setTimeout837(f, d > 80 ? 80 : d)
//   }
// }
// else if (window.setTimeout837 !== window.setTimeout) {
//   window.setTimeout837 = window.setTimeout;
// }
// let r;
// if (window.setTimeout837 && window.setTimeout838) {
//   window.setTimeout = window.setTimeout838;
//   r = this.emitSmoothedMessages018();
//   window.setTimeout = window.setTimeout837;
// } else {
//   r = this.emitSmoothedMessages018();
// }
let doInNextCall = false;
try {
const messageQueue = key_messageQueue ? this[key_messageQueue] : null;
if (!messageQueue || !messageQueue.length) {
} else if (messageQueue.length > 255) {
} else if (!document.hidden) {
} else {
doInNextCall = true;
} catch (e) { }
let r;
if (doInNextCall) {
setTimeout_(() => this.emitSmoothedMessages019(), 250);
} else {
r = this.emitSmoothedMessages018();
byPass = false;
return r;
cProto.preprocessActions92_ = cProto.preprocessActions_;
cProto.preprocessActions_ = function (arr) {
arr = this.preprocessActions92_(arr);
try {
const smoothedQueue_ = this.smoothedQueue_;
if (smoothedQueue_ && !smoothedQueue_.__fix018__) {
smoothedQueue_.__fix018__ = true;
if (!smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages018 && typeof smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages === 'function' && smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages.length === 0) {
smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages018 = smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages;
smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages019 = emitSmoothedMessagesInstantFn;
smoothedQueue_.emitSmoothedMessages = emitSmoothedMessagesInstantFn;
} catch (e) {
return arr;
!__LCRInjection__ && LCRImmedidates.push(lcrFn2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const checkPDGet = (pd) => {
return pd && pd.get && !pd.set && pd.enumerable && pd.configurable;
const tooltipUIWM = new WeakMap();
const tooltipInitProps = {};
const createTooltipIfRequired_ = function () {
let r;
if (tooltipUIWM.get(this) === void 0) {
const w = document.createElement;
let EU = null;
tooltipUIWM.set(this, null);
document.createElement = function () {
let r = w.apply(this, arguments);
EU = r;
return r;
r = this.createTooltipIfRequired14_();
document.createElement = w;
if (EU instanceof HTMLElement && EU.is) {
tooltipUIWM.set(this, EU);
EU.setAttribute('__nogc__', ''); // avoid gc process script
if (typeof EU.offset === 'number') tooltipInitProps['offset'] = EU.offset;
if (typeof EU.fitToVisibleBounds === 'boolean') tooltipInitProps['fitToVisibleBounds'] = EU.fitToVisibleBounds;
if (typeof EU.position === 'string') tooltipInitProps['position'] = EU.position;
if (typeof EU.for === 'string') tooltipInitProps['for'] = EU.for;
// this.__mcT__ = EU.outerHTML;
// EU.__dataX = JSON.stringify(EU.__data);
// EU.__dataY = Object.entries(EU);
// <<< FOR DEBUG >>>
// let kx;
// Object.defineProperty(EU, '_target', {
//   get(){
//     return kx;
//   },
//   set(nv){
//     kx= nv;
//     debugger;
//     return true;
//   }
// });
// <<< FOR DEBUG >>>
if (typeof Polymer !== 'undefined' && Polymer.__fixedGetOwnerRoot__ && Polymer.__fixedQuerySelector__) {
} else {
let eProto = null;
const euCnt = insp(EU);
if (checkPDGet(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(euCnt.constructor.prototype || {}, 'target'))) {
eProto = euCnt.constructor.prototype;
} else if (checkPDGet(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(EU.constructor.prototype || {}, 'target'))) {
eProto = EU.constructor.prototype;
if (eProto) {
delete eProto.target;
get target() {
var a = Pv(this).parentNode, b = Pv(this).getOwnerRoot(), c;
this.for ? c = Pv(b).querySelector("#" + this.for) : c = a.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ? b.host : a;
return c
Object.defineProperty(eProto, 'target', {
get() {
const cnt = insp(this);
const hostElement = cnt.hostElement || cnt;
let a = hostElement.parentNode, b = hostElement.getRootNode();
const fr = cnt.for || hostElement.for;
return (fr ? b.querySelector("#" + fr) : a)
// setInterval(()=>EU.updatePosition(), 100)
} else {
tooltipUIWM.set(this, null);
} else {
r = this.createTooltipIfRequired14_();
const EU = tooltipUIWM.get(this);
if (EU) {
if (typeof tooltipInitProps.offset === 'number') EU['offset'] = tooltipInitProps.offset;
if (typeof tooltipInitProps.fitToVisibleBounds === 'boolean') EU['fitToVisibleBounds'] = tooltipInitProps.fitToVisibleBounds;
try {
if (typeof tooltipInitProps.position === 'string') EU['position'] = tooltipInitProps.position;
if (typeof tooltipInitProps.for === 'string') EU['for'] = tooltipInitProps.for; else delete EU.for;
} catch (e) { }
// 2025.01.10 fix
const CS = EU;
if (!CS._showing && CS.__shady_parentNode && CS.__shady_parentNode !== CS.parentNode) {
if (CS.__shady_parentNode) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
if (CS.__shady_parentNode) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
if (CS.__shady_parentNode) {
try {
} catch (e) { }
if (CS.__shady_parentNode) {
try {
__shady_native_removeChild.call(CS.__shady_parentNode, CS);
} catch (e) { }
if (CS.parentNode && !CS.__shady_parentNode) {
try {
__shady_native_removeChild.call(CS.parentNode, CS);
} catch (e) { }
return r;
// added in 2024.05.02
const lcrFn2 =  (lcrDummy) => {
// console.log(8171, 99);
const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
const dummy = lcrDummy;
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
<tp-yt-paper-tooltip class="style-scope yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer" role="tooltip" tabindex="-1" style="--paper-tooltip-delay-in: 0ms; inset: -63.3984px auto auto 0px;
if (cProto && typeof cProto.createTooltipIfRequired_ === 'function' && cProto.createTooltipIfRequired_.length === 0 && !cProto.createTooltipIfRequired14_) {
cProto.createTooltipIfRequired14_ = cProto.createTooltipIfRequired_;
cProto.createTooltipIfRequired_ = createTooltipIfRequired_;
!__LCRInjection__ && LCRImmedidates.push(lcrFn2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
customElements.whenDefined("tp-yt-paper-tooltip").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | tp-yt-paper-tooltip hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "tp-yt-paper-tooltip"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (typeof cProto.attached === 'function' && typeof cProto.detached === 'function' && cProto._readyClients && cProto._attachDom && cProto.ready && !cProto._readyClients43) {
cProto._readyClients43 = cProto._readyClients;
cProto._readyClients = function () {
// console.log(1238)
let r = cProto._readyClients43.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.$ && this.$$ && this.$.tooltip) this.root = null; // fix this.root = null != (b = a.root) ? b : this.host
return r;
console1.log("_readyClients - OK");
} else {
console1.log("_readyClients - NG");
if (typeof cProto.show === 'function' && !cProto.show17) {
cProto.show17 = cProto.show;
cProto.show = function () {
let r = this.show17.apply(this, arguments);
this._showing === true && Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
const tooltip = (cnt.$ || 0).tooltip;
if (tooltip && tooltip.firstElementChild === null) {
let text = tooltip.textContent;
if (typeof text === 'string' && text.length >= 2) {
tooltip.textContent = text.trim();
cnt = null;
return r;
console1.log("trim tooltip content - OK");
} else {
console1.log("trim tooltip content - NG");
const hookDocumentMouseDownSetupFn = () => {
let muzTimestamp = 0;
let nszDropdown = null;
const handlerObject = {
muHandler282: function (evt) {
// console.log(evt, 7, document.querySelector('tp-yt-iron-dropdown[focused].style-scope.yt-live-chat-app'))
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted || !muzTimestamp) return;
const dropdown = nszDropdown;
muzTimestamp = 0;
nszDropdown = null;
const kurMPCe = kRef(currentMenuPivotWR) || 0;
const hostElement = kurMPCe.hostElement || kurMPCe; // should be always hostElement === kurMPCe ?
if (!hostElement.hasAttribute('menu-visible')) return;
const chatBanner = HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(hostElement, 'yt-live-chat-banner-renderer') || 0;
if (chatBanner) return;
if (dropdown && dropdown.positionTarget && hostElement.contains(dropdown.positionTarget)) {
muzTimestamp = Date.now();
Promise.resolve(dropdown).then((dropdown) => {
dropdown = null;
mlHandler282: function (evt) {
muzTimestamp = 0;
nszDropdown = null;
ckHandler282: function (evt) {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted || !muzTimestamp) return;
if (Date.now() - muzTimestamp < 40) {
muzTimestamp = Date.now();
tapHandler282: function (evt) {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted || !muzTimestamp) return;
if (Date.now() - muzTimestamp < 40) {
muzTimestamp = Date.now();
handleEvent(evt) {
if (evt) {
const kurMPCe = kRef(currentMenuPivotWR) || 0;
const kurMPCc = insp(kurMPCe);
const hostElement = kurMPCc.hostElement || kurMPCc;
if (!kurMPCc || kurMPCc.isAttached !== true || hostElement.isConnected !== true) return;
switch (evt.type) {
case 'mouseup':
return this.muHandler282(evt);
case 'mouseleave':
return this.mlHandler282(evt);
case 'tap':
return this.tapHandler282(evt);
case 'click':
return this.ckHandler282(evt);
document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted || !evt.target) return;
muzTimestamp = 0;
nszDropdown = null;
/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
const kurMP = kRef(currentMenuPivotWR);
if (!kurMP) return;
const kurMPCe = HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(kurMP, '[menu-visible]') || 0; // element
if (!kurMPCe || !kurMPCe.hasAttribute('whole-message-clickable')) return;
const kurMPCc = insp(kurMPCe); // controller
if (!kurMPCc.isClickableChatRow111 || !kurMPCc.isClickableChatRow111() || !HTMLElement.prototype.contains.call(kurMPCe, evt.target)) return;
const chatBanner = HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(kurMPCe, 'yt-live-chat-banner-renderer') || 0;
if (chatBanner) return;
let targetDropDown = null;
for (const dropdown of document.querySelectorAll('tp-yt-iron-dropdown.style-scope.yt-live-chat-app')) {
if (dropdown && dropdown.positionTarget === kurMP) {
targetDropDown = dropdown;
if (!targetDropDown) return;
if ((nszDropdown = targetDropDown)) {
muzTimestamp = Date.now();
currentMenuPivotWR = mWeakRef(kurMPCe);
const listenOpts = { capture: true, passive: false, once: true };
// remove unexcecuted eventHandler
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', handlerObject, listenOpts);
document.removeEventListener('mouseleave', handlerObject, listenOpts);
document.removeEventListener('tap', handlerObject, listenOpts);
document.removeEventListener('click', handlerObject, listenOpts);
// inject one time eventHandler to by pass events
document.addEventListener('mouseup', handlerObject, listenOpts);
document.addEventListener('mouseleave', handlerObject, listenOpts);
document.addEventListener('tap', handlerObject, listenOpts);
document.addEventListener('click', handlerObject, listenOpts);
}, true);
// yt-live-chat-paid-message-renderer ??
[...(new Set([...document.querySelectorAll('*')].filter(e=>e.is&&('shouldSupportWholeItemClick' in e)).map(e=>e.is))).keys()]
]).then(sTags => {
// return; // M33
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-message-renderer(s)... hacks");
let doMouseHook = false;
const dProto = {
isClickableChatRow111: function () {
return (
this.data && typeof this.shouldSupportWholeItemClick === 'function' && typeof this.hasModerationOverlayVisible === 'function' &&
this.data.contextMenuEndpoint && this.wholeMessageClickable && this.shouldSupportWholeItemClick() && !this.hasModerationOverlayVisible()
); // follow .onItemTap(a)
for (const sTag of sTags) { // ##tag##
(() => {
const tag = sTag;
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
const dCnt = insp(dummy);
if ('wholeMessageClickable' in dCnt && typeof dCnt.hasModerationOverlayVisible === 'function' && typeof dCnt.shouldSupportWholeItemClick === 'function') {
cProto.isClickableChatRow111 = dProto.isClickableChatRow111;
const toHookDocumentMouseDown = typeof cProto.shouldSupportWholeItemClick === 'function' && typeof cProto.hasModerationOverlayVisible === 'function';
if (toHookDocumentMouseDown) {
doMouseHook = true;
console1.log("shouldSupportWholeItemClick - OK", tag);
} else {
console1.log("shouldSupportWholeItemClick - NG", tag);
if (doMouseHook) {
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQzFi1NO7io
let targetElementCntWR = null;
let _e0 = null;
document.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
if (!e || !e.isTrusted) return;
let element = e.target;
for (; element instanceof HTMLElement; element = element.parentNode) {
if (element.is) break;
if (!element || !element.is) return;
const cnt = insp(element);
if (typeof cnt.onItemTap === 'function') {
cnt._onItemTap_isNonStationary = 0;
const cProto = getProto(element);
if (!cProto.onItemTap366 && typeof cProto.onItemTap === 'function' && cProto.onItemTap.length === 1) {
cProto.onItemTap366 = cProto.onItemTap; // note: [onItemTap] .some(function(){...})
cProto.onItemTap = function (a) {
const t = this._onItemTap_isNonStationary;
this._onItemTap_isNonStationary = 0;
if (t > Date.now()) return;
return this.onItemTap366.apply(this, arguments)
_e0 = e;
targetElementCntWR = mWeakRef(cnt);
} else {
_e0 = null;
targetElementCntWR = null;
}, { capture: true, passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {
if (!e || !e.isTrusted) return;
const e0 = _e0;
_e0 = null;
if (!e0) return;
const cnt = kRef(targetElementCntWR);
targetElementCntWR = null;
if (!cnt) return;
if (e.timeStamp - e0.timeStamp > TAP_ACTION_DURATION) {
cnt._onItemTap_isNonStationary = Date.now() + 40;
} else if (`${window.getSelection()}`.trim().replace(/[\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u2800\u200B\u200C\u200D\uFEFF]+/g, '').length >= 1) {
cnt._onItemTap_isNonStationary = Date.now() + 40;
} else {
const dx = e.clientX - e0.clientX;
const dy = e.clientY - e0.clientY;
const dd = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
const ddmm = px2mm(dd);
if (ddmm > 1.0) {
cnt._onItemTap_isNonStationary = Date.now() + 40;
} else {
cnt._onItemTap_isNonStationary = 0;
}, { capture: true, passive: true });
const __showContextMenu_assign_lock_with_external_unlock_ = function (targetCnt) {
let rr = null;
const p1 = new Promise(resolve => {
rr = resolve;
const p1unlock = () => {
const f = rr;
if (f) {
rr = null;
return {
assignLock: (targetCnt, timeout) => {
if (timeout) setTimeout(p1unlock, timeout);
document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
const maxloopDOMTreeElements = 4;
const maxloopYtCompontents = 4;
let j1 = 0;
let j2 = 0;
let target = (evt || 0).target || 0;
if (!target) return;
while (target instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (++j1 > maxloopDOMTreeElements) break;
if (typeof (target.is || insp(target).is || null) === 'string') break;
target = nodeParent(target);
const components = [];
while (target instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (++j2 > maxloopYtCompontents) break;
const cnt = insp(target);
if (typeof (target.is || cnt.is || null) === 'string') {
if (typeof cnt.showContextMenu === 'function') break;
target = target.parentComponent || cnt.parentComponent || null;
if (!(target instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
const targetCnt = insp(target);
if (typeof targetCnt.handleGetContextMenuResponse_ !== 'function' || typeof targetCnt.handleGetContextMenuError !== 'function') {
console.log('Error Found: handleGetContextMenuResponse_ OR handleGetContextMenuError is not defined on a component with showContextMenu')
const endpoint = (targetCnt.data || 0).contextMenuEndpoint
if (!endpoint) return;
if (targetCnt.opened || !targetCnt.isAttached) return;
if (typeof targetCnt.__cacheResolvedEndpointData__ !== 'function') {
console.log(`preRequest for showContextMenu in ${targetCnt.is} is not yet supported.`)
const targetDollar = indr(target);
let doPreRequest = false;
if (components.length >= 2 && components[0].id === 'menu-button' && (targetDollar || 0)['menu-button'] === components[0]) {
doPreRequest = true;
} else if (components.length === 1 && components[0] === target) {
doPreRequest = true;
} else if (components.length >= 2 && components[0].id === 'author-photo' && (targetDollar || 0)['author-photo'] === components[0]) {
doPreRequest = true;
if (doPreRequest === false) {
console.log('doPreRequest = fasle on showContextMenu', components);
if (typeof targetCnt.__getCachedEndpointData__ !== 'function' || targetCnt.__getCachedEndpointData__(endpoint)) return;
if ((typeof targetCnt.__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock_isEmpty__ === 'function') && !targetCnt.__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock_isEmpty__()) {
console.log('preRequest on showContextMenu aborted due to stacked network request');
const onSuccess = (a) => {
dQ() && (a = a.response);
a.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers && a.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers.menuRenderer && this.showContextMenu_(a.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers.menuRenderer);
a.actions && Eu(this.hostElement, "yt-live-chat-actions", [a.actions])
a = a.response || a;
if (!a) {
console.log('unexpected error in prerequest for showContextMenu.onSuccess');
let z = null;
a.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers && a.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers.menuRenderer && (z = a.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers.menuRenderer);
if (z) {
a = z;
targetCnt.__cacheResolvedEndpointData__(endpoint, a, true);
const onFailure = (a) => {
if (a instanceof Error || a instanceof Object || a instanceof String)
var b = a;
hq(new xm("Error encountered calling GetLiveChatItemContextMenu",b))
targetCnt.__cacheResolvedEndpointData__(endpoint, null);
// console.log('onFailure', a)
if (doPreRequest) {
let propertyCounter = 0;
const pm1 = __showContextMenu_assign_lock_with_external_unlock_(targetCnt);
const p1Timeout = 800;
const proxyKey = '__$$__proxy_to_this__$$__' + Date.now();
try {
const onSuccessHelperFn = function () {
if (propertyCounter !== 5) {
console.log('Error in prerequest for showContextMenu.onSuccessHelperFn')
if (this[proxyKey] !== targetCnt) {
console.log('Error in prerequest for showContextMenu.this');
const onFailureHelperFn = function () {
if (propertyCounter !== 5) {
console.log('Error in prerequest for showContextMenu.onFailureHelperFn')
if (this[proxyKey] !== targetCnt) {
console.log('Error in prerequest for showContextMenu.this');
const fakeTargetCnt = new Proxy({
__showContextMenu_forceNativeRequest__: 1,
get handleGetContextMenuResponse_() {
propertyCounter += 2;
return onSuccessHelperFn;
get handleGetContextMenuError() {
propertyCounter += 3;
return onFailureHelperFn;
}, {
get(_, key, receiver) {
if (key in _) return _[key];
if (key === proxyKey) return targetCnt;
let giveNative = false;
if (key in targetCnt) {
if (key === 'data') giveNative = true;
else if (typeof targetCnt[key] === 'function') giveNative = true;
if (giveNative) return targetCnt[key];
const fakeEvent = (() => {
const { target, bubbles, cancelable, cancelBubble, srcElement, timeStamp, defaultPrevented, currentTarget, composed } = evt;
const nf = function () { }
const [stopPropagation, stopImmediatePropagation, preventDefault] = [nf, nf, nf];
return {
type: 'tap',
eventPhase: 0,
isTrusted: false,
__composed: true,
bubbles, cancelable, cancelBubble, timeStamp,
target, srcElement, defaultPrevented, currentTarget, composed,
stopPropagation, stopImmediatePropagation, preventDefault
targetCnt.showContextMenu.call(fakeTargetCnt, fakeEvent);
} catch (e) {
propertyCounter = 7;
if (propertyCounter !== 5) {
console.log('Error in prerequest for showContextMenu', propertyCounter);
pm1.assignLock(targetCnt, p1Timeout);
}, true);
const w=new Set(); for(const a of document.getElementsByTagName('*')) if(a.showContextMenu && a.showContextMenu_) w.add(a.is||''); console.log([...w.keys()])
]).then(sTags => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | fixShowContextMenu");
const __showContextMenu_mutex__ = new Mutex();
let __showContextMenu_mutex_unlock__ = null;
let lastShowMenuTarget = null;
const wm37 = new WeakMap();
const dProto = {
__cacheResolvedEndpointData__: (endpoint, a, doDeepCopy) => {
if (a) {
if (doDeepCopy) a = deepCopy(a);
wm37.set(endpoint, a);
} else {
__getCachedEndpointData__: function (endpoint) {
endpoint = endpoint || (this.data || 0).contextMenuEndpoint || 0;
if (endpoint) return wm37.get(endpoint);
return null;
/** @type {(resolvedEndpoint: any) => void 0} */
__showCachedContextMenu__: function (resolvedEndpoint) { // non-null
resolvedEndpoint = deepCopy(resolvedEndpoint);
// let b = deepCopy(resolvedEndpoint, ['trackingParams', 'clickTrackingParams'])
Promise.resolve(resolvedEndpoint).then((resolvedEndpoint) => {
this.__showContextMenu_skip_cacheResolvedEndpointData__ = 1;
this.__showContextMenu_skip_cacheResolvedEndpointData__ = 0;
resolvedEndpoint = null;
showContextMenuForCacheReopen: function (a) {
if (this && this.__showContextMenu_forceNativeRequest__) return this.showContextMenu37(a);
if (!this || !this.isAttached) return; // in case; avoid Error: No provider for: InjectionToken(NETWORK_TOKEN) in _.showContextMenu
if (!this.__showContextMenu_forceNativeRequest__) {
const endpoint = (this.data || 0).contextMenuEndpoint || 0;
if (endpoint) {
const resolvedEndpoint = this.__getCachedEndpointData__(endpoint);
if (resolvedEndpoint) {
a && a.stopPropagation()
return this.showContextMenu37(a);
showContextMenuForCacheReopen_: function (a) {
if (this && this.__showContextMenu_forceNativeRequest__) return this.showContextMenu37_(a);
if (!this || !this.isAttached) return; // in case; avoid Error: No provider for: InjectionToken(NETWORK_TOKEN) in _.showContextMenu
if (!this.__showContextMenu_skip_cacheResolvedEndpointData__) {
const endpoint = (this.data || 0).contextMenuEndpoint || 0;
if (endpoint) {
const f = this.__cacheResolvedEndpointData__;
if (typeof f === 'function') f(endpoint, a, true);
return this.showContextMenu37_(a);
showContextMenuWithDisableScroll: function (a) {
const endpoint = (this.data || 0).contextMenuEndpoint || 0;
if (endpoint && typeof this.is === 'string' && this.menuVisible === false && this.menuOpen === false) {
const parentComponent = this.parentComponent;
if (parentComponent && parentComponent.is === 'yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer' && parentComponent.contextMenuOpen === false && parentComponent.allowScroll === true) {
parentComponent.contextMenuOpen = true; // computeAllowScroll_(contextMenuOpen, moderationModeEnabled): allowScroll = !(contextMenuOpen || moderationModeEnabled)
return this.showContextMenu48.apply(this, arguments);
__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock_isEmpty__: () => {
return __showContextMenu_mutex_unlock__ === null;
__showContextMenu_assign_lock__: function (p) {
const mutex = __showContextMenu_mutex__;
mutex.lockWith(unlock => {
p = null;
unlock = null;
showContextMenuWithMutex: function (a) {
if (this.__showContextMenu_forceNativeRequest__) return this.showContextMenu47(a);
if (!this || !this.isAttached) return; // in case; avoid Error: No provider for: InjectionToken(NETWORK_TOKEN) in _.showContextMenu
lastShowMenuTarget = this;
const wNode = mWeakRef(this);
const mutex = __showContextMenu_mutex__;
mutex.lockWith(unlock => {
const cnt = kRef(wNode);
if (lastShowMenuTarget !== cnt || !cnt) {
setTimeout(unlock, 800); // in case network failure
__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock__ = unlock;
try {
} catch (e) {
unlock(); // in case function script error
showContextMenuWithMutex_: function (a) {
if (__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock__ && this === lastShowMenuTarget) {
__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock__ = null;
return this.showContextMenu47_(a);
for (const tag of sTags) { // ##tag##
(() => {
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (CACHE_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU_FOR_REOPEN && typeof cProto.showContextMenu === 'function' && typeof cProto.showContextMenu_ === 'function' && !cProto.showContextMenu37 && !cProto.showContextMenu37_ && cProto.showContextMenu.length === 1 && cProto.showContextMenu_.length === 1) {
cProto.showContextMenu37_ = cProto.showContextMenu_;
cProto.showContextMenu37 = cProto.showContextMenu;
cProto.__showContextMenu_forceNativeRequest__ = 0;
cProto.__cacheResolvedEndpointData__ = dProto.__cacheResolvedEndpointData__
cProto.__getCachedEndpointData__ = dProto.__getCachedEndpointData__
cProto.__showCachedContextMenu__ = dProto.__showCachedContextMenu__
cProto.showContextMenu = dProto.showContextMenuForCacheReopen;
cProto.showContextMenu_ = dProto.showContextMenuForCacheReopen_;
} else {
if (ADVANCED_NOT_ALLOW_SCROLL_FOR_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU && typeof cProto.showContextMenu === 'function' && typeof cProto.showContextMenu_ === 'function' && !cProto.showContextMenu48 && !cProto.showContextMenu48_ && cProto.showContextMenu.length === 1 && cProto.showContextMenu_.length === 1) {
cProto.showContextMenu48 = cProto.showContextMenu;
cProto.showContextMenu = dProto.showContextMenuWithDisableScroll;
} else {
if (ENABLE_MUTEX_FOR_SHOW_CONTEXT_MENU && typeof cProto.showContextMenu === 'function' && typeof cProto.showContextMenu_ === 'function' && !cProto.showContextMenu47 && !cProto.showContextMenu47_ && cProto.showContextMenu.length === 1 && cProto.showContextMenu_.length === 1) {
cProto.showContextMenu47_ = cProto.showContextMenu_;
cProto.showContextMenu47 = cProto.showContextMenu;
cProto.__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock_isEmpty__ = dProto.__showContextMenu_mutex_unlock_isEmpty__;
cProto.__showContextMenu_assign_lock__ = dProto.__showContextMenu_assign_lock__;
cProto.showContextMenu = dProto.showContextMenuWithMutex;
cProto.showContextMenu_ = dProto.showContextMenuWithMutex_;
} else {
// this is to fix " TypeError: this.backdropElement.prepare is not a function "
customElements.whenDefined('tp-yt-paper-dialog').then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | tp-yt-paper-dialog hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "tp-yt-paper-dialog";
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (typeof cProto.__openedChanged === 'function' && !cProto.__openedChanged49 && cProto.__openedChanged.length === 0) {
cProto.__openedChanged49 = cProto.__openedChanged;
cProto.__openedChanged = function () {
const manager = (this || 0)._manager || 0;
if (manager && !manager.trackBackdrop49 && manager.trackBackdrop) {
manager.trackBackdrop49 = manager.trackBackdrop;
if (manager.trackBackdrop.length === 0) {
manager.trackBackdrop = function () {
try {
return this.trackBackdrop49();
} catch (e) {
let showMessage = true;
if (e instanceof TypeError && e.message === 'this.backdropElement.prepare is not a function') {
// this is well known issue.
showMessage = false;
showMessage && console.log('manager.trackBackdrop', e);
return this.__openedChanged49();
customElements.whenDefined('tp-yt-iron-dropdown').then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | tp-yt-iron-dropdown hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "tp-yt-iron-dropdown";
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (USE_VANILLA_DEREF && typeof cProto.__deraf === 'function' && cProto.__deraf.length === 2 && !cProto.__deraf34 && fnIntegrity(cProto.__deraf) === '2.42.24') {
cProto.__deraf_hn__ = function (sId, fn) {
const rhKey = `_rafHandler_${sId}`;
const m = this[rhKey] || (this[rhKey] = new WeakMap());
if (m.has(fn)) return m.get(fn);
const resFn = () => {
this.__rafs[sId] = null;
m.set(fn, resFn);
m.set(resFn, resFn);
return resFn;
cProto.__deraf34 = cProto.__deraf;
cProto.__deraf = function (a, b) { // sId, fn
let c = this.__rafs;
null !== c[a] && cancelAnimationFrame(c[a]);
c[a] = requestAnimationFrame(this.__deraf_hn__(a, b));
console1.log("USE_VANILLA_DEREF - OK");
} else {
console1.log("USE_VANILLA_DEREF - NG");
if (FIX_DROPDOWN_DERAF && typeof cProto.__deraf === 'function' && cProto.__deraf.length === 2 && !cProto.__deraf66) {
cProto.__deraf66 = cProto.__deraf;
cProto.__deraf = function (sId, fn) {
if (this.__byPassRAF__) {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
cnt = null;
let r = this.__deraf66.apply(this, arguments);
return r;
console1.log("FIX_DROPDOWN_DERAF - OK");
} else {
console1.log("FIX_DROPDOWN_DERAF - NG");
if (BOOST_MENU_OPENCHANGED_RENDERING && typeof cProto.__openedChanged === 'function' && !cProto.__mtChanged__ && fnIntegrity(cProto.__openedChanged) === '0.46.20') {
let lastClose = null;
let lastOpen = null;
let cid = 0;
cProto.__mtChanged__ = function (b) {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
return cnt;
}).then((cnt) => {
b ? cnt._renderOpened() : cnt._renderClosed();
cnt = null;
const __moChanged__ = () => {
if (!cid) return;
// console.log(553, !!lastOpen, !!lastClose);
cid = 0;
if (lastOpen && !lastClose && lastOpen.isAttached) {
} else if (lastClose && !lastOpen && lastClose.isAttached) {
lastOpen = null;
lastClose = null;
if (typeof cProto._openedChanged === 'function' && !cProto._openedChanged66) {
cProto._openedChanged66 = cProto._openedChanged;
cProto._openedChanged = function () {
// this.__byPassRAF__ = !lastOpen ? true : false; // or just true?
this.__byPassRAF__ = true;
let r = this._openedChanged66.apply(this, arguments);
this.__byPassRAF__ = false;
return r;
const pSetGet = (key, pdThis, pdBase) => {
// note: this is not really a standard way for the getOwnPropertyDescriptors; but it is sufficient to make the job done
return {
get: (pdThis[key] || 0).get || (pdBase[key] || 0).get,
set: (pdThis[key] || 0).set || (pdBase[key] || 0).set
cProto.__modifiedMenuPropsFn__ = function () {
const pdThis = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this.constructor.prototype)
const pdBase = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this)
const pdAutoFitOnAttach = pSetGet('autoFitOnAttach', pdThis, pdBase);
const pdExpandSizingTargetForScrollbars = pSetGet('expandSizingTargetForScrollbars', pdThis, pdBase);
const pdAllowOutsideScroll = pSetGet('allowOutsideScroll', pdThis, pdBase);
if (pdAutoFitOnAttach.get || pdAutoFitOnAttach.set) {
console.warn('there is setter/getter for autoFitOnAttach');
if (pdExpandSizingTargetForScrollbars.get || pdExpandSizingTargetForScrollbars.set) {
console.warn('there is setter/getter for expandSizingTargetForScrollbars');
if (!pdAllowOutsideScroll.get || !pdAllowOutsideScroll.set) {
console.warn('there is NO setter-getter for allowOutsideScroll');
let { autoFitOnAttach, expandSizingTargetForScrollbars, allowOutsideScroll } = this;
this.__AllowOutsideScrollPD__ = pdAllowOutsideScroll;
const fitEnable = CHAT_MENU_REFIT_ALONG_SCROLLING === 2;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
autoFitOnAttach: {
get() {
if (fitEnable && this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__) return true;
return autoFitOnAttach;
set(nv) {
autoFitOnAttach = nv;
return true;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
}, expandSizingTargetForScrollbars: {
get() {
if (fitEnable && this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__) return true;
return expandSizingTargetForScrollbars;
set(nv) {
expandSizingTargetForScrollbars = nv;
return true;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
}, allowOutsideScroll: {
get() {
if (this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__) return true;
return allowOutsideScroll;
set(nv) {
allowOutsideScroll = nv;
this.__AllowOutsideScrollPD__.set.call(this, nv);
return true;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
// ***** position() to be changed. *****
tp-yt-iron-dropdown[class], tp-yt-iron-dropdown[class] #contentWrapper, tp-yt-iron-dropdown[class] ytd-menu-popup-renderer[class] {
overflow: visible !important;
min-width: max-content !important;
max-width: max-content !important;
max-height: max-content !important;
min-height: max-content !important;
white-space: nowrap;
if (FIX_MENU_POSITION_N_SIZING_ON_SHOWN && typeof cProto.position === 'function' && !cProto.position34 && typeof cProto.refit === 'function') {
let m34 = 0;
cProto.__refitByPosition__ = function () {
if (m34 <= 0) m34 = 0;
if (m34 !== 1) return;
const hostElement = this.hostElement || this;
if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
const sizingTarget = this.sizingTarget;
if (!sizingTarget) {
m34 = 0;
hostElement.setAttribute('rNgzQ', '');
sizingTarget.setAttribute('rNgzQ', '');
const gn = () => {
const an = async () => {
while (m34 >= 1) {
await renderReadyPn(sizingTarget);
if (this.opened && this.isAttached && sizingTarget.isConnected === true && sizingTarget === this.sizingTarget) {
if (sizingTarget.matches('ytd-menu-popup-renderer[slot="dropdown-content"].yt-live-chat-app')) this.refit();
m34 = 0;
setTimeout(an, 4); // wait those resizing function calls
} else {
m34 = 0;
cProto.position34 = cProto.position
cProto.position = function () {
if (this._positionInitialize_) {
this._positionInitialize_ = 0;
let r = cProto.position34.apply(this, arguments);
return r;
console1.log("FIX_MENU_POSITION_ON_SHOWN - OK");
} else {
console1.log("FIX_MENU_POSITION_ON_SHOWN - NG");
cProto.__openedChanged = function () {
// console.log(123445)
this._positionInitialize_ = 1;
// this.removeAttribute('horizontal-align')
// this.removeAttribute('vertical-align')
if (typeof this.__menuTypeCheck__ !== 'boolean') {
this.__menuTypeCheck__ = true;
this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__ = false;
// console.log(513, this.positionTarget && this.positionTarget.classList.contains('yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer'))
// this.autoFitOnAttach = true;
// this.expandSizingTargetForScrollbars = true;
// this.allowOutsideScroll = true;
// console.log(519,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this.constructor.prototype))
// this.constrain= function(){}
// this.position= function(){}
// this.autoFitOnAttach = true;
// this.expandSizingTargetForScrollbars = true;
// this.allowOutsideScroll = true;
if (CHAT_MENU_SCROLL_UNLOCKING && this.opened) {
let newValue = null;
const positionTarget = this.positionTarget;
if (positionTarget && positionTarget.classList.contains('yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer')) {
if (this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__ === false) {
newValue = true;
} else if (this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__ === true) {
newValue = false;
if (newValue !== null) {
const beforeAllowOutsideScroll = this.allowOutsideScroll;
this._modifiedMenuPropOn062__ = newValue;
const afterAllowOutsideScroll = this.allowOutsideScroll;
if (beforeAllowOutsideScroll !== afterAllowOutsideScroll) this.__AllowOutsideScrollPD__.set.call(this, afterAllowOutsideScroll);
if (this.opened) {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
}).then(() => {
// console.log('[yt-chat-dialog]', this._manager)
console.log('this._manager.addOverlay(this) fails.')
if (this._manager._overlays.length === 1) {
lastOpen = this;
lastClose = null;
} else {
return 1;
// if (cid) {
//   clearTimeout(cid);
//   cid = -1;
//   this.__moChanged__();
//   cid = 0;
// } else {
//   cid = -1;
//   this.__moChanged__();
//   cid = 0;
// }
// cid = cid > 0 ? clearTimeout(cid) : 0;
// console.log(580, this.positionTarget && this.positionTarget.classList.contains('yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer'))
// cid = cid || setTimeout(__moChanged__, delay1);
cid = cid || requestAnimationFrame(__moChanged__);
}).then((r) => {
if (r) this.__mtChanged__(1);
} else {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
// console.log('[yt-chat-dialog]', this._manager)
console.log('this._manager.removeOverlay(this) fails.')
if (this._manager._overlays.length === 0) {
lastClose = this;
lastOpen = null;
} else {
return 1;
// cid = cid > 0 ? clearTimeout(cid) : 0;
// console.log(581, this.positionTarget && this.positionTarget.classList.contains('yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer'))
// cid = cid || setTimeout(__moChanged__, delay1);
cid = cid || requestAnimationFrame(__moChanged__);
}).then((r) => {
if (r) this.__mtChanged__(0);
} else {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.__openedChanged, '0.46.20'));
if (FIX_CLICKING_MESSAGE_MENU_DISPLAY_ON_MOUSE_CLICK && typeof cProto.__openedChanged === 'function' && !cProto.__openedChanged82) {
cProto.__openedChanged82 = cProto.__openedChanged;
cProto.__openedChanged = function () {
const positionTarget = this.positionTarget;
currentMenuPivotWR = positionTarget ? mWeakRef(positionTarget) : null;
return this.__openedChanged82.apply(this, arguments);
FIX_ToggleRenderPolymerControllerExtractionBug && customElements.whenDefined('yt-live-chat-toggle-renderer').then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-toggle-renderer hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-toggle-renderer";
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
FIX_MOUSEOVER_FN && (() => {
// this is to show tooltip for emoji
let lastShow = 0;
const wm = new WeakSet();
const mo1 = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const p of document.querySelectorAll('[shared-tooltip-text]:not([__a6cwm__])')) {
p.setAttribute('__a6cwm__', '');
mo1.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['shared-tooltip-text'], childList: true });
const mo2 = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
const p = mutation.target;
if (mutation.attributeName) {
if (p.getAttribute('shared-tooltip-text')) { // allow hack
for (const e of p.getElementsByTagName('*')) {
} else {
if (wm.has(p)) {
for (const e of p.getElementsByTagName('*')) {
mo2.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['__a6cwm__', 'shared-tooltip-text'], childList: false });
let done = 0;
// lcrFn2 will run twice to ensure the method is successfully injected.
const lcrFn2 = (lcrDummy) => {
// make minimal function overhead by pre-defining all possible outside.
const tag = "yt-live-chat-renderer"
const dummy = lcrDummy;
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
// mightFirstCheckOnYtInit();
// groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-renderer hacks");
// console.log("[Begin]");
if (done !== 1 && typeof cProto.onMouseOver_ === 'function' && !cProto.onMouseOver37_ && typeof cProto.createTooltipIfRequired_ === 'function' && cProto.createTooltipIfRequired_.length === 0) {
done = 1;
const onMouseOver37_ = cProto.onMouseOver37_ = cProto.onMouseOver_;
const checkMatch = (() => {
let accessList = [];
let withError = false;
try {
onMouseOver37_.call(lcrDummy, {
type: 'mouseover',
target: new Proxy({
nodeName: 'DIV',
tagName: 'DIV',
getAttribute: function () { },
parentNode: null
}, {
get(target, p) {
if (!(p in target)) throw Error(`getter ${p} is not found`);
set(target, p, v) {
throw Error(`setter ${p} is not found`);
} catch (e) {
withError = true;
// console.warn(e);
if (withError) return false;
if (accessList.join(',') !== 'getter:getAttribute,getter:parentNode') return false;
accessList.length = 0;
let parent;
try {
parent = new Proxy({
nodeName: 'DIV',
tagName: 'DIV',
getAttribute: function (e) {
return e === 'shared-tooltip-text' ? ':cherry_blossom:' : null;
parentNode: null
}, {
get(target, p) {
if (!(p in target)) throw Error(`getter ${p} is not found`);
return target[p]
set(target, p, v) {
throw Error(`setter ${p} is not found`);
onMouseOver37_.call(lcrDummy, {
type: 'mouseover',
target: new Proxy({
nodeName: 'IMG',
tagName: 'IMG',
id: 'img',
getAttribute: function (e) {
return e === 'shared-tooltip-text' ? ':cherry_blossom:' : null;
get parentNode() {
return parent
get parentElement() {
return parent
}, {
get(target, p) {
if (!(p in target)) throw Error(`getter ${p} is not found`);
return target[p]
set(target, p, v) {
throw Error(`setter ${p} is not found`);
} catch (e) {
withError = true;
// console.warn(e);
parent = null;
if (withError && accessList.join(',') === 'getter:getAttribute,getter:getAttribute,getter:getAttribute(shared-tooltip-text),getter:getAttribute,getter:getAttribute(shared-tooltip-text),getter:tagName,getter:parentElement,getter:id,getter:id,getter:$$') {
return true;
if (checkMatch) {
cProto.onMouseOver_ = function (evt) {
const p = (evt || 0).target || 0;
if (p.nodeType === 1 && wm.has(p)) {
const ct = Date.now();
if (lastShow + 18 > ct) return;
const cnt = insp(this);
lastShow = ct;
try {
cnt.onMouseOver37_.call(this, evt);
} catch (e) {
const lcrs = [...new Set([lcrDummy, ...document.querySelectorAll('yt-live-chat-renderer')])];
for (const lcr of lcrs) {
const cnt = insp(lcr);
const hostElement = cnt.hostElement;
if (hostElement && cnt.isAttached === true && cnt.onMouseOver37_ === cProto.onMouseOver37_ && typeof cProto.onMouseOver_ === 'function' && cProto.onMouseOver_ !== cProto.onMouseOver37_ && cnt.onMouseOver_ === cProto.onMouseOver_) {
hostElement.removeEventListener("mouseover", cProto.onMouseOver37_, !0)
hostElement.addEventListener("mouseover", cProto.onMouseOver_, !0)
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] FIX_MOUSEOVER_FN - OK')
} else {
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] FIX_MOUSEOVER_FN - NG')
} else if (done !== 1) {
done = 2;
console.log('[yt-chat-lcr] FIX_MOUSEOVER_FN - NG')
// console.log("[End]");
// groupEnd();
!__LCRInjection__ && LCRImmedidates.push(lcrFn2);
// getLCRDummy() must be called for injection
var FU = function() {
var a = this;
this.nextHandle_ = 1;
this.clients_ = {};
this.JSC$10323_callbacks_ = {};
this.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_ = {};
this.subscribe = vl(function(b, c, d) {
var e = Geb(b);
if (e in a.clients_)
e in a.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_ && Jq.cancel(a.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_[e]);
else {
a: {
var h = Geb(b), l;
for (l in a.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_) {
var m = a.clients_[l];
if (m instanceof KO) {
delete a.clients_[l];
delete a.JSC$10323_callbacks_[l];
delete a.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_[l];
m.objectId_ = new FQa(h);
d = m;
break a
d.objectSource = b.invalidationId.objectSource;
d.objectId = h;
if (b = b.webAuthConfigurationData)
b.multiUserSessionIndex && (d.sessionIndex = parseInt(b.multiUserSessionIndex, 10)),
b.pageId && (d.pageId = b.pageId);
d = new KO(d,a.handleInvalidationData_.bind(a));
a.clients_[e] = d;
a.JSC$10323_callbacks_[e] = {}
d = a.nextHandle_++;
a.JSC$10323_callbacks_[e][d] = c;
return d
FU.prototype.unsubscribe = function(a, b) {
var c = Geb(a);
if (c in this.JSC$10323_callbacks_ && (delete this.JSC$10323_callbacks_[c][b],
!this.JSC$10323_callbacks_[c].length)) {
var d = this.clients_[c];
b = Jq.run(function() {
delete this.clients_[c];
delete this.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_[c]
this.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_[c] = b
const onManagerFound = (dummyManager) => {
if (!dummyManager || typeof dummyManager !== 'object') return;
const mgrProto = dummyManager.constructor.prototype;
let keyCallbackStore = '';
for (const [key, v] of Object.entries(dummyManager)) {
if (key.includes('_callbacks_')) keyCallbackStore = key;
if (!keyCallbackStore || typeof mgrProto.unsubscribe !== 'function' || mgrProto.unsubscribe.length !== 2) return;
if (mgrProto.unsubscribe16) return;
mgrProto.unsubscribe16 = mgrProto.unsubscribe;
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | *live-chat-manager* hacks");
const idMapper = new Map();
const convertId = function (objectId) {
if (!objectId || typeof objectId !== 'string') return null;
let r###lt = idMapper.get(objectId)
if (r###lt) return r###lt;
r###lt = atob(objectId.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/"));
idMapper.set(objectId, r###lt)
return r###lt;
const rafHandleHolder = [];
let pzw = 0;
let lza = 0;
const rafHandlerFn = () => {
pzw = 0;
if (rafHandleHolder.length === 1) {
const f = rafHandleHolder[0];
rafHandleHolder.length = 0;
} else if (rafHandleHolder.length > 1) {
const arr = rafHandleHolder.slice(0);
rafHandleHolder.length = 0;
for (const fn of arr) fn();
const checkIntegrityForSubscribe = (mgr) => {
if (mgr
&& typeof mgr.unsubscribe16 === 'function' && mgr.unsubscribe16.length === 2
&& typeof mgr.subscribe18 === 'function' && (mgr.subscribe18.length === 0 || mgr.subscribe18.length === 3)) {
const ns = new Set(Object.keys(mgr));
const ms = new Set(Object.keys(mgr.constructor.prototype));
if (ns.size >= 6 && ms.size >= 4) {
// including 'subscribe18'
// 'unsubscribe16', 'subscribe19'
let r = 0;
for (const k of ['nextHandle_', 'clients_', keyCallbackStore, 'unsubscribeAsyncHandles_', 'subscribe', 'subscribe18']) {
r += ns.has(k) ? 1 : 0;
for (const k of ['unsubscribe', 'handleInvalidationData_', 'unsubscribe16', 'subscribe19']) {
r += ms.has(k) ? 1 : 0;
if (r === 10) {
const isObject = (c) => (c || 0).constructor === Object;
if (isObject(mgr['clients_']) && isObject(mgr[keyCallbackStore]) && isObject(mgr['unsubscribeAsyncHandles_'])) {
return true;
return false;
mgrProto.subscribe19 = function (o, f, opts) {
const ct_clients_ = this.clients_ || 0;
const ct_handles_ = this.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_ || 0;
if (this.__doCustomSubscribe__ !== true || !ct_clients_ || !ct_handles_) return this.subscribe18.apply(this, arguments);
let objectId = ((o || 0).invalidationId || 0).objectId;
if (!objectId) return this.subscribe18.apply(this, arguments);
objectId = convertId(objectId);
// console.log('subscribe', objectId, ct_clients_[objectId], arguments);
if (ct_clients_[objectId]) {
if (ct_handles_[objectId] < 0) delete ct_handles_[objectId];
return this.subscribe18.apply(this, arguments);
mgrProto.unsubscribe = function (o, d) {
if (!this.subscribe18 && typeof this.subscribe === 'function') {
this.subscribe18 = this.subscribe;
this.subscribe = this.subscribe19;
this.__doCustomSubscribe__ = checkIntegrityForSubscribe(this);
const ct_clients_ = this.clients_;
const ct_handles_ = this.unsubscribeAsyncHandles_;
if (this.__doCustomSubscribe__ !== true || !ct_clients_ || !ct_handles_) return this.unsubscribe16.apply(this, arguments);
let objectId = ((o || 0).invalidationId || 0).objectId;
if (!objectId) return this.unsubscribe16.apply(this, arguments);
objectId = convertId(objectId);
// console.log('unsubscribe', objectId, ct_clients_[objectId], arguments);
const callbacks = this[keyCallbackStore] || 0;
const callbackObj = callbacks[objectId] || 0;
if (callbackObj && (delete callbackObj[d], isEmptyObject(callbackObj))) {
const w = ct_clients_[objectId];
lza = (lza & 1073741823) + 1;
const qta = -lza;
rafHandleHolder.push(() => {
if (qta === ct_handles_[objectId]) {
const o = {
callbacks, callbackObj,
client: ct_clients_[objectId],
handle: ct_handles_[objectId]
let p = 0;
try {
if (ct_clients_[objectId] === w) {
w && "function" === typeof w.dispose && w.dispose();
delete ct_clients_[objectId];
delete ct_handles_[objectId];
p = 1;
} else {
// w && "function" === typeof w.dispose && w.dispose();
// delete ct_clients_[objectId];
// delete ct_handles_[objectId];
p = 2;
} catch (e) {
console.log(`unsubscribed: ${p}`, this, o);
ct_handles_[objectId] = qta;
if (pzw === 0) {
pzw = requestAnimationFrame(rafHandlerFn);
} else {
a.prototype.async = function(e, h) {
return 0 < h ? Iq.run(e.bind(this), h) : ~Kq.run(e.bind(this))
a.prototype.cancelAsync = function(e) {
0 > e ? Kq.cancel(~e) : Iq.cancel(e)
//  document.createElement('icon-shape'),
)).then(() => {
let cq = 0;
let dummys = [document.createElement('yt-icon-shape'), document.createElement('yt-icon')]
for (const dummy of dummys) {
let cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (cProto && typeof cProto.shouldRenderIconShape === 'function' && !cProto.shouldRenderIconShape571 && cProto.shouldRenderIconShape.length === 1) {
assertor(() => fnIntegrity(cProto.shouldRenderIconShape, '1.70.38'));
cProto.shouldRenderIconShape571 = cProto.shouldRenderIconShape;
cProto.shouldRenderIconShape = function (a) {
if (this.isAnimatedIcon) return this.shouldRenderIconShape571(a);
if (!this.iconType || !this.iconShapeData) return this.shouldRenderIconShape571(a);
if (!this.iconName) return this.shouldRenderIconShape571(a);
return false;
// console.log(1051, this.iconType)
// console.log(1052, this.iconShapeData)
// console.log(1053, this.isAnimatedIcon)
// if(cProto && cProto.switchTemplateAtRegistration){
//   cProto.switchTemplateAtRegistration = false;
// }
if (cq === 1) {
console.log("modified shouldRenderIconShape - Y")
} else {
console.log("modified shouldRenderIconShape - N", cq)
customElements.whenDefined("yt-invalidation-continuation").then(() => {
let __dummyManager__ = null;
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-invalidation-continuation hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-invalidation-continuation"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
const dummyManager = insp(dummy).manager_ || 0;
__dummyManager__ = dummyManager;
customElements.whenDefined("yt-live-interactivity-component-background").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-interactivity-component-background hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-interactivity-component-background"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
cProto.__toStopAfterRun__ = function (hostElement) {
let mo = new MutationObserver(() => {
mo = null;
this.lottieAnimation && this.lottieAnimation.stop(); // primary
foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => { // if the lottieAnimation is started with rAf triggering
this.lottieAnimation && this.lottieAnimation.stop(); // fallback
mo.observe(hostElement, { subtree: true, childList: true });
if (INTERACTIVITY_BACKGROUND_ANIMATION >= 1 && typeof cProto.maybeLoadAnimationBackground === 'function' && !cProto.maybeLoadAnimationBackground77 && cProto.maybeLoadAnimationBackground.length === 0) {
cProto.maybeLoadAnimationBackground77 = cProto.maybeLoadAnimationBackground;
cProto.maybeLoadAnimationBackground = function () {
let toRun = true;
let stopAfterRun = false;
if (!this.__bypassDisableAnimationBackground__) {
let doFix = false;
if (!this.lottieAnimation) {
doFix = true;
doFix = true;
if (doFix) {
if (this.useAnimationBackground === true) {
console.log('DISABLE_INTERACTIVITY_BACKGROUND_ANIMATION', this.lottieAnimation);
toRun = true;
stopAfterRun = true;
if (toRun) {
if (stopAfterRun && (this.hostElement instanceof HTMLElement)) {
this.__toStopAfterRun__(this.hostElement); // primary
const r = this.maybeLoadAnimationBackground77.apply(this, arguments);
if (stopAfterRun && this.lottieAnimation) {
this.lottieAnimation.stop(); // fallback if no mutation
return r;
} else {
customElements.whenDefined("yt-live-chat-text-input-field-renderer").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-live-chat-text-input-field-renderer hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-live-chat-text-input-field-renderer"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (DELAY_FOCUSEDCHANGED && typeof cProto.focusedChanged === 'function' && cProto.focusedChanged.length === 0 && !cProto.focusedChanged372) {
cProto.focusedChanged372 = cProto.focusedChanged;
cProto.focusedChanged = function () {
Promise.resolve(this).then((cnt) => {
if (cnt.isAttached === true) cnt.focusedChanged372();
customElements.whenDefined("yt-emoji-fountain-view-model").then(() => {
groupCollapsed("YouTube Super Fast Chat", " | yt-emoji-fountain-view-model hacks");
(() => {
const tag = "yt-emoji-fountain-view-model"
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console1.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`);
if (typeof cProto.createEmojiAnimation === 'function' && !cProto.createEmojiAnimation037 && cProto.createEmojiAnimation.length === 4) {
cProto.createEmojiAnimation037 = cProto.createEmojiAnimation;
const heartEmoji = {
"emojiId": "❤",
"image": {
"thumbnails": [
"url": "https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.1/2764/72.png"
"searchTerms": [
"shortcuts": [
"index": 318
const $this = {
reactionBuckets: [
"totalReactions": 1,
"duration": {
"seconds": "1"
"intensityScore": 0.75,
"reactionsData": [
"unicodeEmojiId": "❤",
"reactionCount": 1
noEmojiIdentifier: "NO_EMOJI",
"emojiBucketTimerId": 155,
"lastEmojiRequestedForTesting": "❤",
"emojiAnimationTimerId": 338,
emojiManager: new Proxy(dummy.emojiManager, {
get(target, p) {
if (p === 'emojiMap') {
const o = target[p] || {};
if (!o["❤"]) o["❤"] = heartEmoji;
return o;
emojiContainer: null
const tracelist = new Set();
try {
createElement_fountain_model_enabled = true;
createElement_fountain_model_fn = function (a) {
return false;
cProto.createEmojiAnimation037.call($this, '❤', false, undefined, undefined);
} catch (e) { }
createElement_fountain_model_enabled = false;
const tracelistLen = tracelist.size;
if (tracelistLen > 0) {
const elementList = new Set();
// const classList = new Set();
const fountainMap = new WeakMap();
const listOfRemove = [];
const listOfRemoveFn = () => {
if (listOfRemove.length === 0) return;
for (const elm of listOfRemove) elm.parentNode && elm.remove();
listOfRemove.length = 0;
const animationendListener = (evt) => {
const p = evt.target;
if (p instanceof HTMLElement && p.nodeName === 'EMOJI' && p.__removeOnAnimationEnd381__) {
p.__removeOnAnimationEnd381__ = false;
const addEventListener716 = function (a, b, c = undefined) {
// console.log(1239889, this, a,b,c)
if (a === 'animationend' && this.__emoji4818__ && typeof b === 'function' && b.length === 0 && c === undefined && (this || 0).nodeName === "EMOJI" && /^function\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{\s*[$a-wA-Z_-\d]+\.remove\(\);?\s*}$/.test(`${b}`)) {
const cnt = kRef(fountainMap.get(this));
const hostElement = cnt ? cnt.hostElement : null;
if (cnt && hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (!cnt.__addedAnimationEnd381__) {
cnt.__addedAnimationEnd381__ = true;
hostElement.addEventListener('animationend', animationendListener, passiveCapture);
this.__removeOnAnimationEnd381__ = true; // set on addEventListener; unset on execution; (to be re-set in createEmojiAnimation)
// console.log(477, a,b,c)
return this.addEventListener717(...arguments)
let __weakRef9592__;
DEBUG_RM_ON_FOUNTAIN_MODEL && (window.__elementList183__ = elementList); // around 30 ~ 60 elements when dt = 1600ms
const updateElementList = function (cntWR) {
try {
const cnt = kRef(cntWR);
if (!cnt) return;
const ct = Date.now();
for (const entry of elementList) {
const [elementW, creationTime, addTime, removeTime] = entry;
const element = kRef(elementW);
if (!element) {
// addTime removeTime
// 0 0 -> element.isConnected === true
// 0 1 -> element.isConnected === true
// 1 0 -> element.isConnected === false
// 1 1 X
if (!addTime) {
if (element.isConnected === true) {
entry[2] = ct;
entry[3] = 0;
// arrange the entry to the iteration end
} else if (!removeTime) {
if (element.isConnected === false) {
entry[2] = 0;
entry[3] = ct;
// arrange the entry to the iteration end
// elementList.delete(entry);
// elementList.add(entry);
} catch (e) {
createElement_fountain_model_fn = function (a) {
if (typeof a !== 'string') return;
const ct = Date.now();
const tagNameLower = a.toLowerCase();
try {
for (const entry of elementList) {
const [elementW, creationTime, addTime, removeTime] = entry;
if (!removeTime || removeTime > timeRef) continue;
const element = kRef(elementW);
if (!element) { // play safe
const bool = element.__tagNameLower584__ === tagNameLower && element.isConnected === false;
// if (element.isConnected === true) {  // play safe
//   continue;
// }
if (bool) {
// const qq = true;
// console.log(1838, p === a.toLowerCase() , entry[3] > 0 , entry[3] < targetCreationTime)
// if (  qq &&  p === a.toLowerCase() && removeTime > 0 && removeTime < targetCreationTime ) {
// console.log(123992, element , element.isConnected)
entry[1] = ct;
entry[2] = 0;
entry[3] = 0;
element.className = '';
element.style = '';
if (tagNameLower === 'img') {
element.src = '';
element.alt = '';
if (!onPageContainer) {
let p = document.createElement('noscript');
p.style.all = 'unset';
onPageContainer = p;
const cnt = insp(element);
const hostElement = cnt.hostElement;
if(hostElement === element && !cnt.__dataInvalid && cnt.__dataEnabled  && cnt.__dataReady){
// console.log(1238);
onPageContainer.appendChild(hostElement); // to fix some issues for the rendered elements
cnt.__dataInvalid = false;
cnt.__dataEnabled = true;
cnt.__dataReady = true;
// cnt._initializeProtoProperties(cnt.data)
// window.meaa = cnt.$.container;
if (cnt.__data) cnt.__data = Object.assign({}, cnt.__data);
cnt.__dataPending = {};
cnt.__dataOld = {}
cnt.wasPrescan = cnt.wasVisible = !1
element.__reuseCount918__ = (element.__reuseCount918__ || 0) + 1;
// console.log(2183, element);
// emoji -> div -> img
return element;
// console.log(element, element.nodeName);
// continue;
const p = (element.nodeName || '').toLowerCase();
if (p === a.toLowerCase()) {
entry[1] = ct;
entry[2] = 0;
element.className = '';
element.style = '';
if (p === 'img') {
element.src = '';
element.alt = '';
// console.log(2183, element);
// emoji -> div -> img
return element;
} catch (e) {
const elm = document.createElement4719(a)
try {
const elmW = mWeakRef(elm);
const entry = [elmW, ct, 0, 0];
elm.__tagNameLower584__ = tagNameLower;
// elm.__entry428__ = mWeakRef(entry);
if (!elm.addEventListener717) {
elm.addEventListener717 = elm.addEventListener;
elm.addEventListener = addEventListener716;
if (elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'emoji') elm.__emoji4818__ = true;
if (__weakRef9592__) {
const cnt = kRef(__weakRef9592__);
cnt && fountainMap.set(elm, __weakRef9592__);
} catch (e) {
return elm;
cProto.createEmojiAnimation = function (a, b, c, d) {
createElement_fountain_model_enabled = true;
if (!this.__weakRef9591__) {
this.__weakRef9591__ = new WeakRef(this);
const q = this.__weakRef9591__;
const hostElement = this.hostElement;
const mo = new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe(hostElement, { subtree: true, childList: true });
__weakRef9592__ = this.__weakRef9591__;
let r = this.createEmojiAnimation037(a, b, c, d);
__weakRef9592__ = null;
createElement_fountain_model_enabled = false;
return r;
console1.log('USE_RM_ON_FOUNTAIN_MODEL - OK');
} else {
console1.log('USE_RM_ON_FOUNTAIN_MODEL - NG');
} else {
console1.log('USE_RM_ON_FOUNTAIN_MODEL - NG');
const fixJsonParse = () => {
let p1 = window.onerror;
try {
} catch (e) {
let p2 = window.onerror;
if (p1 !== p2) {
console.groupCollapsed(`%c${"YouTube Super Fast Chat"}%c${" | JS Engine Issue Found"}`,
"background-color: #010502; color: #fe806a; font-weight: 700; padding: 2px;",
"background-color: #010502; color: #fe806a; font-weight: 300; padding: 2px;"
console.warn("\nJSON.parse is hacked (e.g. Brave's script injection) which causes window.onerror changes on every JSON.parse call.\nPlease install https://greasyfork.org/scripts/473972-youtube-js-engine-tamer to fix the issue.\n");
})({ IntersectionObserver });