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美化 Github 网页仓库图标
// ==UserScript== // @name Github 网页图标主题 // @name:en Github web icon theme // @namespace // @version 1.3.1 // @description 美化 Github 网页仓库图标 // @description:en Beautify Github repo icons // @author fwqaaq // @match*/* // @exclude*/*/settings* // @exclude*/*/issues* // @exclude*/*/pulls* // @exclude*/*/discussions* // @exclude*/*/wiki* // @exclude*/*/actions* // @exclude*/*/projects* // @exclude*/*/packages* // @exclude*/*/security* // @exclude*/*/pulse // @exclude*/*/graphs*commit-activity // @exclude*/*/commit-activity // @exclude*/*/network+ // @exclude*/*/forks* // @exclude* // @icon // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const getData = (() => { const cacheData = GM.getValue('icons') const oldUrl = GM.getValue('url') return async () => { const url = '' GM.setValue('url', url) if (cacheData && url === oldUrl) return cacheData const data = await new Promise(resolve => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onload: (res) => { resolve(res.responseText) } }) }) GM.setValue('icons', JSON.parse(data)) return JSON.parse(data) } })() function memoize(fn) { let r###lt = null return (icons) => { if (r###lt !== null) return r###lt return fn(icons) } } const getFileDict = memoize((fileIcons) => { const fileDict = new Map() fileIcons.icons.forEach((icon) => { (icon.fileExtensions || []).forEach((ext) => { fileDict.set(ext, }); (icon.fileNames || []).forEach((name) => { fileDict.set(name, }) }) return fileDict }) const getDirDict = memoize((folderIcons) => { const dirDict = new Map() folderIcons[0].icons.forEach((icon) => { (icon.folderNames || []).forEach((name) => { dirDict.set(name, }); }); return dirDict; }) function splitFileAndDir() { const repoPage = document.querySelector('div[data-hpc]') || document.querySelector('tbody') // Directly return if None if (!repoPage) return [false, false] const dir = new Map() const file = new Map() const row = repoPage.querySelectorAll('div[role="row"][class^="Box-row"], tr[id*="folder"] td[colspan] div.react-directory-filename-column') // There is not tbody element in the home page if (document.querySelector('div[data-hpc]') && !repoPage.querySelector("tbody")) { row.forEach(item => { if (item.querySelector('[aria-label="Directory"]')) setMap(item, dir) if (item.querySelector('[aria-label="File"]')) setMap(item, file) }) } if (document.querySelector('tbody')) { row.forEach(item => { if (!item.querySelector("svg.icon-directory")) setMap(item, file) if (item.querySelector("svg.icon-directory")) setMap(item, dir) }) } // 侧边栏 const sider = document.getElementById('repos-file-tree') if (sider) { const row = sider.querySelectorAll('div.PRIVATE_TreeView-item-content') row.forEach(item => { if (item.querySelector(".PRIVATE_TreeView-item-visual > svg")) { setMap(item, file) } if (item.getElementsByClassName("PRIVATE_TreeView-directory-icon").length !== 0) { setMap(item, dir) } }) } // diff commit sidder const diffSider = document.querySelector("div[data-target='diff-layout.sidebarContainer']") if (diffSider) { diffSider.querySelectorAll("svg").forEach(item => { const label = item.getAttribute("aria-label") if (label === "Directory" ){ setMap(item.parentNode.parentNode, dir) return } if (label === "File"){ setMap(item.parentNode.parentNode, file) return } }) } return [dir, file] } function matchFile(file, fileDict) { const names = file.split('.') let name = '', betterName = '' for (let i = names.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i === names.length - 1) name += names[i] if (i < names.length - 1) name = names[i] + '.' + name if (fileDict.has(name)) { betterName = name continue } } return betterName } async function replaceIcons(name, item) { const url = `${name}.svg` // directly return if (item.querySelector('img')) return const newNode = document.createElement('img') newNode.src = url newNode.height = '16' // replace sider icons if (item.querySelector('span.PRIVATE_TreeView-item-content-text')) { const disappearance = item.querySelector('div.PRIVATE_TreeView-directory-icon') || item.querySelector('svg') = "display: none" if (!item.querySelector('img')) { const visual = item.querySelector('div.PRIVATE_TreeView-item-visual') visual.prepend(newNode) } return } // replace home page || replace diff sider dir icon || replace tree page (and replace diff sider file icon) const svg = item.querySelector('div[role="gridcell"] > svg') || item.querySelector("svg[aria-label='Directory']") || item.querySelector('svg') svg.replaceWith(newNode) } function handleFileIcons(file, item, fileDict) { if (file.endsWith('-sider')) file = file.slice(0, file.length - 6) const key = matchFile(file, fileDict) // match suffix name if (key !== '') { return replaceIcons(fileDict.get(key), item) } // match file name if (fileDict.has(file)) { return replaceIcons(fileDict.get(file), item) } } function setMap(item, map) { /** * @type {string} */ // home page let title = item.querySelector('a[title]')?.title // tree page ?? item.querySelector('h3 > div[title]')?.innerText // sider ?? item.querySelector('span.PRIVATE_TreeView-item-content-text')?.firstChild.innerText // diff sider ?? item.querySelector('span.ActionList-item-label')?.innerText // Main dir, jump empty dir if (title === "This path skips through empty directories") { title = item.querySelector('a[title] > span').innerText title = title.slice(0, -1) } const isSider = item.querySelector('span.PRIVATE_TreeView-item-content-text') ?? item.querySelector('span.ActionList-item-label') if (!isSider) map.set(title.toLowerCase(), item) // sider if (isSider) { if (title.includes('/')) title = title.split('/')[0] title += '-sider' title = title.toLowerCase() map.has(title) ? map.get(title).push(item) : map.set(title, [item]) } } function iter(files, tasks, dict) { for (const [name, items] of files) { if (Array.isArray(items)) { const siderTasks = => handleFileIcons(name, item, dict)) tasks.push(siderTasks) continue } tasks.push(handleFileIcons(name, items, dict)) } } async function collectTasks() { const [dir, file] = splitFileAndDir() if (dir === false || file === false) return [] const { fileIcons, folderIcons } = await getData() const fileDict = getFileDict(fileIcons) const dirDict = getDirDict(folderIcons) const tasks = [] iter(file, tasks, fileDict) iter(dir, tasks, dirDict) return tasks } function debounce(func, wait, immediate){ let timeout return () => { const hasImmediate = !timeout && immediate if(timeout) clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this), wait) if(hasImmediate) func.apply(this) } } async function main() { const tasks = await collectTasks() if (tasks.length !== 0) Promise.allSettled(tasks) } const observer = new MutationObserver(debounce(main, 50, true)) const options = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, } observer.observe(document.body, options)