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iKanBot ArtPlayer

Replace's default player to artplayer

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// ==UserScript==// @name         iKanBot ArtPlayer// @namespace @version      0.33// @description  Replace's default player to artplayer// @author       sffxzzp// @require[email protected]/dist/hls.min.js// @require[email protected]/dist/flv.min.js// @require[email protected]/dist/dash.all.min.js// @require[email protected]/dist/artplayer.js// @match        *://**// @grant        GM_webRequest// @grant        unsafeWindow// @run-at       document-start// ==/UserScript==(function() {// try to unload playerfunction unload() {if (unsafeWindow.videojs.players.hasOwnProperty('ikanbot-player')) {unsafeWindow.videojs.players['ikanbot-player'].unloadTech_();clearInterval(intID);}}let intID = setInterval(function () {unload()}, 1000);// the rest of the code should run when document loaded instead of document-startdocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);function init() {var playM3u8 = function (video, url, art) {if (Hls.isSupported()) {if (art.hls) {art.hls.destroy();}const hls = new Hls();hls.loadSource(url);hls.attachMedia(video);art.hls = hls;art.on('destroy', function () {hls.destroy();});} else if (video.canPlayType('application/')) {video.src = url;} else { = 'Unsupported: m3u8';}};var playFlv = function (video, url, art) {if (flvjs.isSupported()) {if (art.flv) {art.flv.destroy();}const flv = flvjs.createPlayer({ type: 'flv', url });flv.attachMediaElement(video);flv.load();art.flv = flv;art.on('destroy', function () {flv.destroy();});} else { = 'Unsupported: flv'}};var playMpd = function (video, url, art) {if (dashjs.supportsMediaSource()) {if (art.dash) {art.dash.destroy();}const dash = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();dash.initialize(video, url, art.option.autoplay);art.dash = dash;art.on('destroy', function () {dash.destroy();});} else { = 'Unsupported: mpd'}};var hideScrollBar = function (fullscreen) {if (fullscreen) { = "hidden";} else { = "";}};Artplayer.PLAYBACK_RATE = [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 8];document.querySelector('video').pause();let container = document.querySelector('#pc-player').parentNode;container.innerHTML = ''; = '600px';const art = new Artplayer({container: container,url: '',volume: 1,flip: true,playbackRate: true,aspectRatio: true,setting: true,pip: true,fullscreen: true,fullscreenWeb: true,miniProgressBar: true,fastForward: true,autoOrientation: true,airplay: true,customType: {m3u8: playM3u8,flv: playFlv,mpd: playMpd,},});art.isFocus = true;art.pause();art.on('fullscreen', hideScrollBar);art.on('fullscreenWeb', hideScrollBar);let dp = null;document.onkeydown = function() {let video = art || document.querySelector('video');let pbrate = video.playbackRate || 1;let step = 30;function toggleFullscreen() { if (art) { art.fullscreen = !art.fullscreen; } else if (dp) { if (dp.fullScreen.isFullScreen()) { dp.fullScreen.cancel(); } else { dp.fullScreen.request(); }} else { if (!document.fullscreenElement) { video.requestFullscreen(); } else { document.exitFullscreen(); }}}function notice(text) {if (art) { = text; } else if (dp) { dp.notice(text); }}if (event.key == ">" && event.shiftKey) {video.currentTime += step;notice(`快进 ${step} 秒`);}if (event.key == "<" && event.shiftKey) {video.currentTime -= step;notice(`快退 ${step} 秒`);}if (event.key == "f") {toggleFullscreen();}if (event.key == "=" && event.repeat === false) {pbrate = pbrate * 2;}if (event.key == "-" && event.repeat === false) {pbrate = pbrate / 2;}if (event.key == " " && event.shiftKey) { if (art) {art.toggle()} else {video.paused == true ? : video.pause()} }if (event.key == "+" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate += 0.5;}if (event.key == "_" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate -= 0.5;}if (event.key == "!" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 1;}if (event.key == "@" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 2;}if (event.key == "#" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 3;}if (event.key == "$" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 4;}if (event.key == "%" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 5;}if (event.key == "^" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 6;}if (event.key == "&" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 7;}if (event.key == "*" && event.shiftKey) {pbrate = 8;}if (pbrate != video.playbackRate) {video.playbackRate = pbrate; notice(`速度:${pbrate}x`);}};document.onkeyup = function() {let video = art || document.querySelector('video');let pbrate = video.playbackRate || 1;function notice(text) {if (art) { = text; } else if (dp) { dp.notice(text); }}if (event.key == "=") {pbrate = pbrate / 2;}if (event.key == "-") {pbrate = pbrate * 2;}video.playbackRate = pbrate;if (pbrate != video.playbackRate) {notice(`速度:${pbrate}x`);}};function load() {let video = || document.querySelector('video');let videoId = document.getElementById("current_id").value;document.querySelectorAll('div[name=lineData]').forEach(function (node) {var link = node.getAttribute('udata');let vbtn = document.createElement('div');vbtn.innerHTML = node.innerHTML;vbtn.setAttribute('link', link);vbtn.setAttribute('class', 'lineData'); =;vbtn.onclick = function () {art.switchUrl(this.getAttribute('link'));document.querySelectorAll('div.lineData').forEach(function (node) { = "white";}) = "cyan";unsafeWindow.savePlayHistory({videoId: videoId,lineId:,title: document.getElementById("video_title").innerText,name: this.innerText,date: (new Date()).getTime(),})video.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center"});};node.parentNode.appendChild(vbtn);node.parentNode.removeChild(node);});let historyV = unsafeWindow.getPlayHistory(videoId);if (historyV) {try { if (historyV.lineId) { document.getElementById(historyV.lineId).click(); }} catch (e) {}} else {document.querySelector('div.lineData').click();}}var lineData = document.getElementById('lineContent');var observer = new MutationObserver(function (recs) {load();});observer.observe(lineData, { childList: true, subtree: true });}})();