Automatically enable the subtitles.
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube - Subtitle (PC Version) // @namespace // @version 1 // @description Automatically enable the subtitles. // @author hacker09 // @match https://** // @match* // @icon // @require // @run-at document-end // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (async function() { 'use strict'; var video = document.querySelector('video'); // Select the video element on the page var SubsNotFound = true; // Tesseract has not recognized any subtitles yet var lastCaptureTime = 0; // Variable to store the last captured frame time video.addEventListener('playing', () => { // When the video is played document.querySelector(".ytp-subtitles-button.ytp-button").innerHTML.match('unavailable') === null && document.querySelector(".ytp-subtitles-button.ytp-button").ariaPressed === 'false' ? document.querySelector(".ytp-subtitles-button.ytp-button").click() : ''; // Auto enable the subtitles if available and they are disabled }, { once: true }); // Finishes the timeupdate event listener video.addEventListener('timeupdate', async () => { // When the video is playing lastCaptureTime = lastCaptureTime >= video.currentTime ? video.currentTime : lastCaptureTime; //Create a new variable to capture the last 1 sec, and fix the variable if the user seeks backwards if (video.currentTime - lastCaptureTime >= 1 && SubsNotFound && video.currentTime < 60 && document.querySelector(".ytp-subtitles-button.ytp-button").innerHTML.match('unavailable') === null) { //If 1 sec passed since last Tesseract check, if Tesseract didn't recognize any subs on the last try and if less than 1 min passed lastCaptureTime = video.currentTime; //Update the lastCaptureTime variable var currentSubtitle = await Tesseract.recognize(captureFrame(video), 'por+eng+spa'); // Capture a frame from the video and use Tesseract to recognize subtitles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish if ( > 80 && !['VERIFIQUE', 'CLASSIFICAÇÃO'].some(text => && document.querySelector(".ytp-subtitles-button.ytp-button").ariaPressed === 'true') { // If the subtitle confidence is above 85%, does not contain specific ignored texts, the subs are enabled and the subtitles are available SubsNotFound = false; // Tesseract has recognized subtitles document.querySelector(".ytp-subtitles-button.ytp-button").click(); // Disable the subtitles } // Finishes the if condition } // Finishes the if condition }); // Finishes the timeupdate event listener function captureFrame(video) { // Starts the captureFrame function var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // Create a new canvas element canvas.width = video.videoWidth; // Set the canvas width = the video width canvas.height = video.videoHeight / 5; // Set the canvas height = the video height /5 to capture only the bottom 20% of the video canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, video.videoHeight * 0.7, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Capture a frame from the video return canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); // Return the captured frame as a data URL Base64 PNG img } // Finishes the captureFrame function })();