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Lazy load links and show their titles with caching using IndexedDB

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         BangumiLazyPreview
// @namespace    https://github.com/Adachi-Git/BangumiLazyPreviewLink
// @version      0.30
// @description  Lazy load links and show their titles with caching using IndexedDB
// @author       Jirehlov (Original Author), Adachi (Current Author)
// @include      /^https?://(bangumi\.tv|bgm\.tv|chii\.in)/.*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/localforage/1.10.0/localforage.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
// 确保页面完全加载后再执行脚本
window.addEventListener('load', async () => {
try {
// 初始化 localForage
await localforage.ready();
// 替换链接文本为链接指向页面的标题
const replaceLinkText = async (link) => {
// 检查链接是否在当前视图内
const rect = link.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.top >= 0 && rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight) {
let linkURL = link.href;
if (window.location.href.includes('bangumi.tv')) {
linkURL = linkURL.replace('bgm.tv', 'bangumi.tv');
} else if (window.location.href.includes('chii.in')) {
linkURL = linkURL.replace(/bangumi\.tv|bgm\.tv/, 'chii.in');
if (link.textContent === link.href) {
// 检查是否有缓存
const cachedTitle = await localforage.getItem(linkURL);
if (cachedTitle) {
// 如果有缓存,直接使用缓存中的标题
link.textContent = cachedTitle;
console.log(`Title for ${linkURL} retrieved from cache: ${cachedTitle}`);
} else {
// 如果没有缓存,发起网络请求获取标题
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');
const title = htmlDoc.querySelector('h1.nameSingle a');
const blogtitle = htmlDoc.querySelector('h1');
let titleText = title ? title.textContent : '';
let blogtitleText = blogtitle ? blogtitle.textContent : '';
if (link.href.includes('subject') || link.href.includes('ep')) {
const chineseName = title ? title.getAttribute('title') : '';
if (chineseName) {
if (titleText) {
titleText += ' | ' + chineseName;
} else {
titleText = chineseName;
if (link.href.includes('ep')) {
const epTitle = htmlDoc.querySelector('h2.title');
if (epTitle) {
epTitle.querySelectorAll('small').forEach(small => small.remove());
const epTitleText = epTitle.textContent;
if (epTitleText) {
if (titleText) {
titleText += ' | ' + epTitleText;
} else {
titleText = epTitleText;
if ((link.href.includes('blog') || link.href.includes('topic') || link.href.includes('index')) && blogtitleText) {
titleText = blogtitleText;
if (titleText) {
link.textContent = titleText;
// 将标题存储到 IndexedDB 中
localforage.setItem(linkURL, titleText);
console.log(`Title for ${linkURL} retrieved from network and cached: ${titleText}`);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
// 获取页面上的所有链接
const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="https://bgm.tv/subject/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/subject/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/subject/"], a[href^="https://bgm.tv/ep/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/ep/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/ep/"], a[href^="https://bgm.tv/character/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/character/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/character/"], a[href^="https://bgm.tv/person/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/person/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/person/"], a[href^="https://bgm.tv/blog/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/blog/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/blog/"], a[href^="https://bgm.tv/group/topic/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/group/topic/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/group/topic/"], a[href^="https://bgm.tv/index/"], a[href^="https://chii.in/index/"], a[href^="https://bangumi.tv/index/"]');
// 设置定时器变量
let timer;
let lazyLinks = Array.from(allLinks);
const lazyLoadLinks = () => {
lazyLinks.forEach(link => {
// 清空已处理的链接
lazyLinks = [];
// 检查滚动事件来触发懒加载
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
// 在滚动事件中,检查链接是否在视口中,并将未处理的链接添加到待处理列表
allLinks.forEach(link => {
const rect = link.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.top >= 0 && rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight) {
// 当页面滚动停止一段时间后再执行懒加载
timer = setTimeout(lazyLoadLinks, 200); // 等待200毫秒
// 页面加载完成时立即执行一次懒加载
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', lazyLoadLinks);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in BangumiLazyPreview script:', error);