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// ==UserScript==// @name        通#所有网站禁止复制// @description 选中要复制的文本,点击复制即可,简单实用。// @namespace   copy_all// @version     1.0.4// @author      copy_all// @match       *://wenku.baidu.com/view/*// @match       *://wenku.baidu.com/share/*// @match       *://wenku.baidu.com/link*// @match       *://wenku.baidu.com/aggs/*// @match       *://wenku.baidu.com/ndPureView/*// @match       *://www.51test.net/show/*// @match       *://www.xuexi.la/*// @match       *://www.xuexila.com/*// @match       *://www.cspengbo.com/*// @match       *://*.doc88.com/*// @match       *://segmentfault.com/*// @match       *://wk.baidu.com/view/*// @match       *://leetcode-cn.com/problems/*// @match       *://*.zhihu.com/*// @match       *://z.30edu.com.cn/*// @match       *://docs.qq.com/doc/*// @match       *://docs.qq.com/sheet/*// @match       *://boke112.com/post/*// @match       *://*.yuque.com/*// @match       *://www.commandlinux.com/*// @match       *://*.diyifanwen.com/*// @match       *://*.mbalib.com/*// @match       *://*.cnitpm.com/*// @match       *://bbs.mihoyo.com/ys/*// @match       *://*.ruiwen.com/*// @match       *://www.uemeds.cn/*// @match       *://www.oh100.com/*// @match       *://www.aiyuke.com/news/*// @match       *://www.fwsir.com/*// @match       *://www.wenxm.cn/*// @match       *://www.unjs.com/*// @match       *://www.ahsrst.cn/*// @match       *://*.yjbys.com/*// @match       *://*.qidian.com/*// @match       *://*.zongheng.com/*// @match       *://*.17k.com/*// @match       *://*.ciweimao.com/*// @match       *://book.qq.com/*// @match       *://*.360doc.com/content/*// @match       *://*.850500.com/news/*// @match       *://utaten.com/lyric/*// @match       *://*.jianbiaoku.com/*// @match       *://*.kt250.com/*// @match       *://www.kejudati.com/*// @match       *://*.xiao####shu.com/discovery/*// @match       *://*.baibeike.com/*// @match       *://*.blog.csdn.net/*// @match       *://*.bilibili.com/read/*// @match       *://*.cnki.net/KXReader/*// @match       *://*.cnrencai.com/*// @match       *://*.kodiplayer.cn/*// @match       *://tongxiehui.net/*// @match       *://*.jianshu.com/p/*// @match       *://*.linovelib.com/novel/*// @match       *://*.wjx.cn/*// @match       *://*.wjx.top/*// @match       *://*.chazidian.com/*// @match       *://*.juejin.cn/post/*// @match       *://*.zgbk.com/ecph/*// @match       *://*.wenmi.com/article/*// @match       *://yuedu.baidu.com/*// @match       *://www.inrrp.com.cn/*// @match       *://fanyi.baidu.com/mtpe/*// @match       *://www.shubaoc.com/*// @match       *://blog.51cto.com/*// @match       *://www.ximalaya.com/*// @match       *://*.tianqi.com/*// @match       *://*.xiexiebang.com/*// @match       *://*.docin.com/*// @match       *://*.ddwk8.cn/*// @match       *://*.php.cn/*// @match       *://*.jd.com/*// @match       *://cooco.net.cn/*// @match       *://fanqienovel.com/*// @match       *://*.mobiletrain.org/*// @match       *://*.examcoo.com/*// @match       *://*.rrdynb.com/*// @match       *://*.fuwu7.com/*// @match       *://*.xiangqiqipu.com/*// @match       *://note.youdao.com/*// @match       *://*.163.com/*// @match       *://*.aipiaxi.com/*// @match       *://wenku.csdn.net/*// @match       *://www.kdocs.cn/*// @license     GPL License// @run-at      document-start// @connect     res3.doc88.com// @connect @grant       unsafeWindow// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest// ==/UserScript==(() => {var e = {331: () => {! function() {"use strict";var e = [],t = [],n = [],o = 0,i = 10;function a(e, t, n) {return new Promise(((o, i) => {GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: "POST",url: e,data: t,headers: n,responseType: "json",onload: e => {o(e.response || e.responseText)},onerror: e => {i(e)}})}))}const c = "document-start",d = "document-end",r = "DOMContentLoaded",s = "load",p = "copy",l = "selectstart",u = "contextmenu",m = "keydown",f = Object.prototype.toString;function y(e) {return "[object String]" === f.call(e)}const g = function(e) {return document.querySelector(e)},w = function(e, t) {const n = document.createElement("div");y(t) ? n.innerHTML = t : n.appendChild(t);const o = document.querySelector(e);return o && o.append(n), n},x = function(e) {const t = document.querySelector(e);t && t.remove()};function h() {e.wrapper.forEach((function(e) {$(e).map((function(e, i) {"yes" != $(i).attr("data-md5-value") && (t.push(i), n.push(i), $(i).attr("data-md5-key", o), $(i).attr("data-md5-value", "yes"), o++)}))}));let c = n.splice(0, i),d = [];c.forEach((function(e, t) {let n = {};n.href = $(e).find("a:first").attr("href"), n.md5 = $(e).attr("data-md5-key"), d.push(n)})), d.length > 0 && a(`${e.api}/copy.php?act=list`, JSON.stringify({data: d,type: e.page}), {}).then((n => {0 == n.code && n.data.map((function(n) {n.recove_url && $(t[n.md5]).find("a").bind("click", (function(t) {var o, i;t.preventDefault(), o = n.recove_url, i = null, document.getElementById("redirect_form") ? 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{[S]: e} : e;if (!t[S]) return !1;if (navigator.clipboard && window.ClipboardItem) {const e = {};for (const [n, o] of Object.entries(t)) {const t = new Blob([o], {type: n});e[n] = t}navigator.clipboard.write([new ClipboardItem(e)]).catch((() => {C(t)}))} else C(t)})(e), this.hide()}},enable: function() {this.getInstance().style.display = "flex"},disable: function() {this.getInstance().style.display = "none"},destroy: function() {this.getInstance().remove(), _ = null}},R = e => {e.stopPropagation()};var I = () => {L.disable()},P = () => {L.enable()},T = (e, t = []) => {const n = y(e) ? document.querySelector(e) : e;n && t.forEach((e => n.removeAttribute(e)))},W = () => {const e = document.createElement("style");e.innerText = "*{user-select: auto !important;-webkit-user-select: auto !important;}";const t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];t ? t.appendChild(e) : window.addEventListener(s, (() => document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e)))},q = e => {const t = document.querySelector(e);t && t.addEventListener(l, R)},A = e => {const t = document.querySelector(e);t && t.addEventListener(u, R)},O = e => {const t = document.querySelector(e);t && t.addEventListener(p, R)},z = () => {window.addEventListener(l, R, !0), document.addEventListener(l, R, !0)},D = () => {window.addEventListener(u, R, !0), document.addEventListener(u, R, !0)},M = () => {window.addEventListener(p, R, !0), document.addEventListener(p, R, !0)},N = () => {document.addEventListener(m, (e => e.ctrlKey && "C" === e.key.toLocaleUpperCase() && e.stopPropagation()), !0)};const B = {regexp: /.*wk\.baidu\.com\/view\/.+/,init: function() {I(), z(), window.onload = () => {! function(e, t, n) {const o = document.querySelector(e);o && o.setAttribute(t, n)}(".sf-edu-wenku-vw-container", "style", "")}}},U = {regexp: /.*zhihu\.com\/.*/,init: function() {I(), W(), M(), "zhuanlan.zhihu.com" === location.hostname && new MutationObserver((e => {for (const t of e) {const e = t.addedNodes;for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {const n = e[t];if (1 != n.nodeType) return;if (n instanceof HTMLDivElement && n.querySelector("[data-focus-scope-start]")) {const e = n.querySelector("[data-focus-scope-start]");e && e.parentElement && e.parentElement.textContent && e.parentElement.textContent.indexOf("立即登录/注册") > -1 && e.parentElement.parentElement && e.parentElement.parentElement.removeChild(e.parentElement)}}}})).observe(document, {childList: !0,subtree: !0})}},V = {regexp: /.*30edu\.com\.cn\/.+/,init: function() {window.onload = () => {var e;const t = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");if (2 === t.length) {const n = null == (e = t[1].contentWindow) ? 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void 0 : e.value) || i.value || "")}n !== d && o.push("\n")}const r = o.join("");return /^\s*$/.test(r) ? 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window.addEventListener(r, (() => n.init())) : n.init(), n.getSelectedText && (xe = n.getSelectedText), !0))(t.regexp, t))), e})();(e => {window.addEventListener(r, (() => {e.initCopyEvent && (document.oncopy = e => e.stopPropagation(), document.body.oncopy = e => e.stopPropagation(), document.addEventListener(p, (e => e.stopPropagation())), document.body.addEventListener(p, (e => e.stopPropagation())))}))})(e), window.addEventListener(r, (() => {w("head", "<style>.__copy-button{align-items:center;background:#4c98f7;border-radius:3px;color:#fff;cursor:pointer;display:flex;font-size:13px;height:30px;justify-content:center;opacity:0;position:absolute;transition:opacity .3s;width:60px;z-index:-1000}</style>"), w("head", "<style>#select-tooltip,#sfModal,.modal-backdrop,div[id^=reader-helper]{display:none!important}.modal-open{overflow:auto!important}._sf_adjust_body{padding-right:0!important}</style>")})), window.addEventListener("mouseup", (t => {const n = () => {const e = xe ? xe() : window.getSelection ? 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