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Adds a button to search Reddit via Google Search
// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit on Google Search (forked from Alexyoe's original script) // @version 1.1.0 // @description Adds a button to search Reddit via Google Search // @author mefengl (original author: Alexyoe) // @namespace // @license MIT // @include http*://*/search* // @include http*://google.*/search* // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== function useOption(optionName, defaultValue, type = "boolean", enumOptions = []) { let value = GM_getValue(optionName, defaultValue); if (type === "boolean") { GM_registerMenuCommand(`Toggle ${optionName} (currently ${value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"})`, () => { GM_setValue(optionName, !value); window.location.reload(); }); } else if (type === "enum") { GM_registerMenuCommand(`Cycle ${optionName} (currently ${value})`, () => { const currentIndex = enumOptions.indexOf(value); const nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % enumOptions.length; GM_setValue(optionName, enumOptions[nextIndex]); window.location.reload(); }); } return value; } // Settings const iconVisible = useOption("iconVisible", true); // Toggle icon visibility const nameVisible = useOption("nameVisible", true); // Toggle name visibility const btnPosition = useOption("btnPosition", "end", "enum", ["start", "end"]); // Start or End const fixSize = useOption("fixSize", false); // Expands the search buttons bar // Start Code const queryRegex = /q=[^&]+/g; const siteRegex = /\+site(?:%3A|\:).+\.[^&+]+/g; const redditUrl = ""; const hackerNewsUrl = ""; let redditIcon = '<svg class="DCxYpf" foscusable="false" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="..."></path></svg>'; let hackerNewsIcon = '<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M416 96v320H96V96h320m32-32H64v384h384V64z" fill="currentColor"/><path d="M296.7 159H342l-63.9 120v72h-39.9v-72L172 159h47.1l39.7 83.6 37.9-83.6z" fill="currentColor"/></svg>'; const isImageSearch = /[?&]tbm=isch/.test(; // Allow importing SVG if (typeof trustedTypes !== "undefined") { const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("html", { createHTML: (input) => input, }); redditIcon = policy.createHTML(redditIcon); hackerNewsIcon = policy.createHTML(hackerNewsIcon); } // Main function runs on load (function () { // Create the main link element const el = document.createElement("a"); el.className = isImageSearch ? "NZmxZe" : "nPDzT T3FoJb"; // Create the div element for the text const hackerNewsEl = document.createElement("a"); hackerNewsEl.className = isImageSearch ? "NZmxZe" : "nPDzT T3FoJb"; [el, hackerNewsEl].forEach((el, index) => { const icon = index === 0 ? redditIcon : hackerNewsIcon; const siteUrl = index === 0 ? redditUrl : hackerNewsUrl; const text = index === 0 ? "Reddit" : "Hacker News"; const mainDiv = document.createElement("div"); mainDiv.className = "GKS7s"; // Create the span to wrap the icon and title const span = document.createElement("span"); = "display:inline-flex;gap:5px;"; span.className = isImageSearch ? "m3kSL" : "FMKtTb UqcIvb"; // create the div to hold our SVG const iconDiv = document.createElement("div"); = nameVisible ? "height:16px;width:16px;display:block;fill:white;" : "height:16px;width:16px;display:block;margin:auto;fill:white;"; iconDiv.innerHTML = icon; // Create the text node to hold the button title const textNode = document.createTextNode(text); // Add iconDiv to the span element if (iconVisible) { span.appendChild(iconDiv); } // Add textNode to the span element if (nameVisible) { if (!isImageSearch) { span.appendChild(textNode); } } // Add span to the mainDiv mainDiv.appendChild(span); // Add mainDiv to the main link element el.appendChild(mainDiv); // Add text node last if isImageSearch is true if (isImageSearch) { el.appendChild(textNode); } // Add to the query el.href = window.location.href.replace(queryRegex, (match) => >= 0 ? match.replace(siteRegex, siteUrl) : match + siteUrl ); }); // Insert the link into Google search if (isImageSearch) { let menuBar = document.querySelector(".T47uwc"); menuBar.insertBefore(el, menuBar.children[menuBar.childElementCount - 1]); } else { let menuBar = document.querySelectorAll(".IUOThf")[0]; switch (btnPosition) { case "start": menuBar.insertBefore(el, menuBar.children[0]); menuBar.insertBefore(hackerNewsEl, menuBar.children[1]); break; case "end": menuBar.appendChild(el); menuBar.appendChild(hackerNewsEl); break; default: menuBar.appendChild(el); menuBar.appendChild(hackerNewsEl); break; } } // Fix Sizing if (fixSize) { const buttonBox = document.querySelector(".xhjkHe"); = "inherit"; } })();