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Allow installing any webpage as a progressive web app
// ==UserScript== // @name PWAs Anywhere // @namespace https://www.octt.eu.org/ // @match *://*/* // @version 1.0.1 // @author OctoSpacc // @license ISC // @description Allow installing any webpage as a progressive web app // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== var originalManifest = document.querySelector('link[rel="manifest"]'); var menuEntries = { reinjectDefault : ['📜️ Reinject Default Manifest', reinjectOriginalManifest], injectCustom : ['📃️ Force Inject Custom Manifest', removeManifestAndInjectCustom], reinjectCustom : ['📃️ Force Reinject Custom Manifest', removeManifestAndInjectCustom], removeDefault : ['🚮️ Remove Current Manifest (Default)', removeCurrentManifest], removeCustom : ['🚮️ Remove Current Manifest (Custom)', removeCurrentManifest], }; function clearMenu () { for (var entry of Object.values(menuEntries)) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(entry[0]); } } function menuRegister (key) { var entry = menuEntries[key]; GM_registerMenuCommand(entry[0], entry[1]); } function makeManifestElem (href) { var manifestElem = document.createElement('link'); manifestElem.rel = 'manifest'; manifestElem.href = href; return manifestElem; } function removeCurrentManifest () { var manifestElem = document.querySelector('link[rel="manifest"]'); if (manifestElem) { manifestElem.parentElement.removeChild(manifestElem); } clearMenu(); if (originalManifest) { menuRegister('reinjectDefault'); } menuRegister('reinjectCustom'); } function reinjectOriginalManifest () { document.head.appendChild(makeManifestElem(originalManifest)); clearMenu(); menuRegister('reinjectCustom'); menuRegister('removeDefault'); } function createAndInjectManifest (customIconUrl) { var descElem = document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]'); var iconElem = (document.querySelector('link[rel~="apple-touch-icon"]') || document.querySelector('link[rel~="icon"]')); var manifestElem = makeManifestElem('data:application/manifest+json;utf8,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ name: (document.title || location.href), description: (descElem && descElem.content), start_url: location.href, scope: location.href, display: "standalone", background_color: getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor, lang: (document.documentElement.lang || undefined), icons: [ { src: (customIconUrl || (iconElem && iconElem.href) || (location.href + '/favicon.ico')), // type: (iconElem ? (iconElem.type || 'image/png') : 'image/x-icon'), sizes: "any", purpose: "any", }, ], }))); document.head.appendChild(manifestElem); menuRegister('reinjectCustom'); menuRegister('removeCustom'); } function removeManifestAndInjectCustom () { removeCurrentManifest(); createAndInjectManifest(prompt('Optional URL to custom icon (suggested: PNG >= 128x128)? (Will try to get one automatically if unspecified.)')); } if (originalManifest) { originalManifest = originalManifest.getAttribute('href'); menuRegister('injectCustom'); menuRegister('removeDefault'); } else { createAndInjectManifest(); }