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Play Tone

Function to play a sound file by adding an HTML5 audio tag to the document. ver 1.0 2014-09-07.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Play Tone
// @author      Jefferson "jscher2000" Scher
// @namespace   JeffersonScher
// @description Function to play a sound file by adding an HTML5 audio tag to the document. ver 1.0 2014-09-07.
// @include     *
// @version     1.0
// @copyright   Copyright 2014 Jefferson Scher
// @license     BSD 3-clause
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
function playTone(e){
// create audio tag for WAV file
var el = document.createElement("audio");
el.setAttribute("autoplay", "autoplay");
// grab tone file from my site; to avoid mixed content, omit the protocol
el.setAttribute("src", "//www.jeffersonscher.com/gm/snd/A-Tone-His_Self-1266414414.wav");
// add to document body
// Add menu item
GM_registerMenuCommand("Play Tone", playTone);