Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll/Level Rewards/Dayli Tasks/Shortlinks/PTC
Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll/Level Rewards/Dayli Tasks/Shortlinks/PTC With Overlay where you can choose what you wan`t to use.
The script looks at first on Dashboard if it any from that aviable and clicks on that: Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll/Level Rewards/Dayli Tasks/PTC/Shortlinks
Shortlink Maker for the Shortlinks on this site you can download from my Greasyfork profile: Andrewblood.
Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll: It choose the Captcha in this order if it is aviable: 1)Turnstile 2)ReCaptcha 3)HCaptcha
PTC: Captcha Solver for full automation integrated.
Shortlinks: On this page you can Unflag the sites and the script don't take the sites.
Offerwall: I have a script released for the site what opens.
Google ReCaptcha: RektCAPTCHA - Install Here
Cf-Turnstile: Captcha Solver - Install Here