simple state manager based on Vue3.reactive and localStorage
// ==UserScript== // @name persistent-state // @description simple state manager based on Vue3.reactive and localStorage // @namespace // @author smartacephale // @license MIT // @version 1.3 // @match *://*/* // ==/UserScript== /* globals reactive watch parseIntegerOr */ class PersistentState { constructor(state, key = "state_acephale") { this.key = key; this.state = reactive(state); this.sync(); this.watchPersistence(); } sync() { this.trySetFromLocalStorage(); window.addEventListener('focus', this.trySetFromLocalStorage); } watchPersistence() { watch(this.state, (value) => { this.saveToLocalStorage(this.key, value); }); } saveToLocalStorage(key, value) { localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); } trySetFromLocalStorage = () => { const localStorageValue = localStorage.getItem(this.key); if (localStorageValue !== null) { const prevState = JSON.parse(localStorageValue); for (const prop of Object.keys(prevState)) { this.state[prop] = prevState[prop]; } } } } class DefaultState { DEFAULT_STATE = { filterExcludeWords: "", filterExclude: false, filterIncludeWords: "", filterInclude: false, infiniteScrollEnabled: true, uiEnabled: true, }; OPTIONAL_FILTERS = { DURATION_FILTER: { filterDurationFrom: 0, filterDurationTo: 600, filterDuration: false }, PRIVACY_FILTER: { filterPrivate: false, filterPublic: false } } DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { PRIVACY_FILTER: false, DURATION_FILTER: true } constructor(options = this.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, custom = {}) { const opted = Object.assign(this.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options); Object.keys(opted).forEach(key => { if (opted[key]) { Object.assign(this.DEFAULT_STATE, this.OPTIONAL_FILTERS[key]); } }); Object.assign(this.DEFAULT_STATE, { custom }); const { state } = new PersistentState(this.DEFAULT_STATE); this.state = state; this.stateLocale = reactive({ pagIndexLast: 1, pagIndexCur: 1, filterOptions: opted }); } setWatchers(applyFilter) { const { state, stateLocale } = this; if (stateLocale.filterOptions.PRIVACY_FILTER) { watch(() => state.filterPrivate, () => applyFilter({ filterPrivate: true })); watch(() => state.filterPublic, () => applyFilter({ filterPublic: true })); } if (stateLocale.filterOptions.DURATION_FILTER) { watch([() => state.filterDurationFrom, () => state.filterDurationTo], (a, b) => { state.filterDurationFrom = parseIntegerOr(a[0], b[0]); state.filterDurationTo = parseIntegerOr(a[1], b[1]); if (state.filterDuration) applyFilter({ filterDuration: true }); }); watch(() => state.filterDuration, () => applyFilter({ filterDuration: true })); } watch(() => state.filterExclude, () => applyFilter({ filterExclude: true })); watch(() => state.filterExcludeWords, () => { if (state.filterExclude) applyFilter({ filterExclude: true }); }, { deep: true }); watch(() => state.filterInclude, () => applyFilter({ filterInclude: true })); watch(() => state.filterIncludeWords, () => { if (state.filterInclude) applyFilter({ filterInclude: true }); }, { deep: true }); } }