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Help you climb over the paywall for a so-called "Free & Open Source Software", built by someone who truly understand our generations duty. To you-know-who: *thank you*. #####'s OSS environment got much better because of professionals like you.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         ####-Yudao
// @namespace    none
// @version      0.7
// @license      MIT
// @description  Help you climb over the paywall for a so-called "Free & Open Source Software", built by someone who truly understand our generations duty. To you-know-who: *thank you*. #####'s OSS environment got much better because of professionals like you.
// @author       The love you care
// @match        https://www.iocoder.cn/*
// @match        https://doc.iocoder.cn/*
// @match        https://cloud.iocoder.cn/*
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Overwrite jqueryAlert, simply comment out `init` can disable the annoying dialog
unsafeWindow.jqueryAlert = function(opts) {
var dialog;
dialog.show = function() {}
// dialog.init();
// dialog.close();
return dialog;
// The content of yudao's pooly-written documentation. Almost at the same miserable level as uni-app's docs.
// Read the docs of vue, react and a lot more responsible, real open source repos to learn how to make professional statements.
let yudaosPoorlyWrittenDoc = null, prevPath = document.location.pathname;
// The routes that are currently being marked as VIP only. Real jokes.
const blockPathList = ["/bpm/", "/user-center/", "/social-user/", "/oauth2/", "/saas-tenant/", "/sms/", "/mail/", "/notify/", "/mybatis-pro/", "/dynamic-datasource/", "/report/", "/Spring-Boot", "/Spring-Cloud", "/api-doc/", "/module-new/", "/new-feature/", "/dev-hot-swap/", "/file/", "/message-queue/", "/job/", "/idempotent/", "/distributed-lock/", "/rate-limiter/", "/http-sign/", "/project-rename/", "/delete-code/", "/resource-permission/", "/data-permission/", "/deployment-linux/", "/deployment-docker/", "/deployment-baota", "/registry-center/", "/config-center/", "/rpc/", "/gateway/", "/distributed-transaction/", "/server-protection/", "/cloud-debug/", "/mp/", "/mall/", "/pay/", "/crm/", "/member/", "/erp/", "/ai/", "/websocket/", "/vo/", "/system-log/"];
// If the current url is 'blocked'.
// You do know that for a static documentation site nothing is really blocked, don't you
const isBlocked = () => {
const ret = blockPathList.some((e) => document.location.pathname.includes(e));
return ret;
// Get the documentation content wrapper element
const getWrapper = () => {
return document.querySelector('.content-wrapper');
const replace = (str) => {
const wrapper = getWrapper()
if (str) {
while (wrapper.innerHTML !== str) {
wrapper.innerHTML = str
const contentObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
if (getWrapper().innerHTML.includes('仅 VIP 可见')) {
const urlObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
const wrapperEl = getWrapper()
if (document.location.href !== 'https://doc.iocoder.cn/' && isBlocked() && !window.location.href.includes('refreshed')) {
window.location.href = window.location.href + '?refreshed=1'
// window.location.reload();
if (prevPath !== document.location.pathname) {
urlObserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true })
const $$wrapper = getWrapper();
if (getWrapper() && isBlocked()) {
yudaosPoorlyWrittenDoc = $$wrapper.innerHTML.includes('仅 VIP 可见') ? null : $$wrapper.innerHTML;
unsafeWindow.$$content = yudaosPoorlyWrittenDoc;
unsafeWindow.$$replace = function() {
contentObserver.observe($$wrapper, { childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true });