Revolver killer
// ==UserScript== // @name VN Mod v3 // @namespace none // @version V3 // @description Revolver killer // @author Mrlag & HaX // @license MIT // @match *://** // @icon // @grant none // @description modded by Exo Red // @namespace // @downloadURL // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== const Buddha = { hand: false, eye: false, foot: false, }; let placedSpikePositions = new Set(); let placedTrapPositions = new Set(); let replacing = false; window.location.native_resolution = true; const oldReqAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame; window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) { if (callback.toString().length === 69) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1e3 / 111); } return oldReqAnimFrame(callback); }; /* Credits & Changelog */ let enemyNameColor = '#360000'; let reloadBarColor = '#9c9c9c'; let healthBarColor = '#7d002a'; let shameBarColor = '#7700ff'; let enemyHealthBarColor = '#F05C5B'; let damageTextColor = '#F05C5B'; let healTextColor = '#50a100'; let myObjectHealth = '#50a100'; let enemyObjectHealth = '#f50029'; let autoPushLine = '#f50029'; // EASY VISUALS EDITOR LOL // AUTO RELOAD follmoo(); window.location.native_resolution = true; let useHack = true; let log = console.log; let testMode = window.location.hostname == ''; let namechanger = false; function getEl(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } var EasyStar = (function (e) { var o = {}; function r(t) { if (o[t]) return o[t].exports; var n = (o[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {}, }); return e[t].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, r), (n.l = !0), n.exports; } return ( (r.m = e), (r.c = o), (r.d = function (t, n, e) { r.o(t, n) || Object.defineProperty(t, n, { enumerable: !0, get: e, }); }), (r.r = function (t) { 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module', }), Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0, }); }), (r.t = function (n, t) { if ((1 & t && (n = r(n)), 8 & t)) return n; if (4 & t && 'object' == typeof n && n && n.__esModule) return n; var e = Object.create(null); if ( (r.r(e), Object.defineProperty(e, 'default', { enumerable: !0, value: n, }), 2 & t && 'string' != typeof n) ) for (var o in n) r.d( e, o, function (t) { return n[t]; }.bind(null, o) ); return e; }), (r.n = function (t) { var n = t && t.__esModule ? function () { return t.default; } : function () { return t; }; return r.d(n, 'a', n), n; }), (r.o = function (t, n) { return, n); }), (r.p = '/bin/'), r((r.s = 0)) ); })([ function (t, n, e) { var P = {}, M = e(1), _ = e(2), A = e(3); t.exports = P; var E = 1; (P.js = function () { var c, i, f, s = 1.4, p = !1, u = {}, o = {}, r = {}, l = {}, a = !0, h = {}, d = [], y = Number.MAX_VALUE, v = !1; (this.setAcceptableTiles = function (t) { t instanceof Array ? (f = t) : !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) && isFinite(t) && (f = [t]); }), (this.enableSync = function () { p = !0; }), (this.disableSync = function () { p = !1; }), (this.enableDiagonals = function () { v = !0; }), (this.disableDiagonals = function () { v = !1; }), (this.setGrid = function (t) { c = t; for (var n = 0; n < c.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < c[0].length; e++) o[c[n][e]] || (o[c[n][e]] = 1); }), (this.setTileCost = function (t, n) { o[t] = n; }), (this.setAdditionalPointCost = function (t, n, e) { void 0 === r[n] && (r[n] = {}), (r[n][t] = e); }), (this.removeAdditionalPointCost = function (t, n) { void 0 !== r[n] && delete r[n][t]; }), (this.removeAllAdditionalPointCosts = function () { r = {}; }), (this.setDirectionalCondition = function (t, n, e) { void 0 === l[n] && (l[n] = {}), (l[n][t] = e); }), (this.removeAllDirectionalConditions = function () { l = {}; }), (this.setIterationsPerCalculation = function (t) { y = t; }), (this.avoidAdditionalPoint = function (t, n) { void 0 === u[n] && (u[n] = {}), (u[n][t] = 1); }), (this.stopAvoidingAdditionalPoint = function (t, n) { void 0 !== u[n] && delete u[n][t]; }), (this.enableCornerCutting = function () { a = !0; }), (this.disableCornerCutting = function () { a = !1; }), (this.stopAvoidingAllAdditionalPoints = function () { u = {}; }), (this.findPath = function (t, n, e, o, r) { function i(t) { p ? r(t) : setTimeout(function () { r(t); }); } if (void 0 === f) throw new Error("You can't set a path without first calling setAcceptableTiles() on EasyStar."); if (void 0 === c) throw new Error("You can't set a path without first calling setGrid() on EasyStar."); if (t < 0 || n < 0 || e < 0 || o < 0 || t > c[0].length - 1 || n > c.length - 1 || e > c[0].length - 1 || o > c.length - 1) throw new Error('Your start or end point is outside the scope of your grid.'); if (t !== e || n !== o) { for (var s = c[o][e], u = !1, l = 0; l < f.length; l++) if (s === f[l]) { u = !0; break; } if (!1 !== u) { var a = new M(); (a.openList = new A(function (t, n) { return t.bestGuessDistance() - n.bestGuessDistance(); })), (a.isDoneCalculating = !1), (a.nodeHash = {}), (a.startX = t), (a.startY = n), (a.endX = e), (a.endY = o), (a.callback = i), a.openList.push(O(a, a.startX, a.startY, null, 1)); o = E++; return (h[o] = a), d.push(o), o; } i(null); } else i([]); }), (this.cancelPath = function (t) { return t in h && (delete h[t], !0); }), (this.calculate = function () { if (0 !== d.length && void 0 !== c && void 0 !== f) for (i = 0; i < y; i++) { if (0 === d.length) return; p && (i = 0); var t = d[0], n = h[t]; if (void 0 !== n) if (0 !== n.openList.size()) { var e = n.openList.pop(); if (n.endX !== e.x || n.endY !== e.y) (e.list = 0) < e.y && T(n, e, 0, -1, +b(e.x, e.y - 1)), e.x < c[0].length - 1 && T(n, e, 1, 0, +b(e.x + 1, e.y)), e.y < c.length - 1 && T(n, e, 0, 1, +b(e.x, e.y + 1)), 0 < e.x && T(n, e, -1, 0, +b(e.x - 1, e.y)), v && (0 < e.x && 0 < e.y && (a || (g(c, f, e.x, e.y - 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x - 1, e.y, e))) && T(n, e, -1, -1, s * b(e.x - 1, e.y - 1)), e.x < c[0].length - 1 && e.y < c.length - 1 && (a || (g(c, f, e.x, e.y + 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x + 1, e.y, e))) && T(n, e, 1, 1, s * b(e.x + 1, e.y + 1)), e.x < c[0].length - 1 && 0 < e.y && (a || (g(c, f, e.x, e.y - 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x + 1, e.y, e))) && T(n, e, 1, -1, s * b(e.x + 1, e.y - 1)), 0 < e.x && e.y < c.length - 1 && (a || (g(c, f, e.x, e.y + 1, e) && g(c, f, e.x - 1, e.y, e))) && T(n, e, -1, 1, s * b(e.x - 1, e.y + 1))); else { var o = []; o.push({ x: e.x, y: e.y, }); for (var r = e.parent; null != r; ) o.push({ x: r.x, y: r.y, }), (r = r.parent); o.reverse(), n.callback(o), delete h[t], d.shift(); } } else n.callback(null), delete h[t], d.shift(); else d.shift(); } }); var T = function (t, n, e, o, r) { (e = n.x + e), (o = n.y + o); (void 0 !== u[o] && void 0 !== u[o][e]) || !g(c, f, e, o, n) || (void 0 === (o = O(t, e, o, n, r)).list ? ((o.list = 1), t.openList.push(o)) : n.costSoFar + r < o.costSoFar && ((o.costSoFar = n.costSoFar + r), (o.parent = n), t.openList.updateItem(o))); }, g = function (t, n, e, o, r) { var i = l[o] && l[o][e]; if (i) { var s = x(r.x - e, r.y - o); if ( !(function () { for (var t = 0; t < i.length; t++) if (i[t] === s) return !0; return !1; })() ) return !1; } for (var u = 0; u < n.length; u++) if (t[o][e] === n[u]) return !0; return !1; }, x = function (t, n) { if (0 === t && -1 === n) return P.TOP; if (1 === t && -1 === n) return P.TOP_RIGHT; if (1 === t && 0 === n) return P.RIGHT; if (1 === t && 1 === n) return P.BOTTOM_RIGHT; if (0 === t && 1 === n) return P.BOTTOM; if (-1 === t && 1 === n) return P.BOTTOM_LEFT; if (-1 === t && 0 === n) return P.LEFT; if (-1 === t && -1 === n) return P.TOP_LEFT; throw new Error('These differences are not valid: ' + t + ', ' + n); }, b = function (t, n) { return (r[n] && r[n][t]) || o[c[n][t]]; }, O = function (t, n, e, o, r) { if (void 0 !== t.nodeHash[e]) { if (void 0 !== t.nodeHash[e][n]) return t.nodeHash[e][n]; } else t.nodeHash[e] = {}; var i = m(n, e, t.endX, t.endY), r = null !== o ? o.costSoFar + r : 0, i = new _(o, n, e, r, i); return (t.nodeHash[e][n] = i); }, m = function (t, n, e, o) { var r, i; return v ? ((r = Math.abs(t - e)) < (i = Math.abs(n - o)) ? s * r + i : s * i + r) : (r = Math.abs(t - e)) + (i = Math.abs(n - o)); }; }), (P.TOP = 'TOP'), (P.TOP_RIGHT = 'TOP_RIGHT'), (P.RIGHT = 'RIGHT'), (P.BOTTOM_RIGHT = 'BOTTOM_RIGHT'), (P.BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM'), (P.BOTTOM_LEFT = 'BOTTOM_LEFT'), (P.LEFT = 'LEFT'), (P.TOP_LEFT = 'TOP_LEFT'); }, function (t, n) { t.exports = function () { (this.pointsToAvoid = {}), this.startX, this.callback, this.startY, this.endX, this.endY, (this.nodeHash = {}), this.openList; }; }, function (t, n) { t.exports = function (t, n, e, o, r) { (this.parent = t), (this.x = n), (this.y = e), (this.costSoFar = o), (this.simpleDistanceToTarget = r), (this.bestGuessDistance = function () { return this.costSoFar + this.simpleDistanceToTarget; }); }; }, function (t, n, e) { t.exports = e(4); }, function (u, T, t) { var g, x; (function () { var t, p, l, h, d, n, a, e, y, v, o, r, i, c, f; function s(t) { (this.cmp = null != t ? t : p), (this.nodes = []); } (l = Math.floor), (v = Math.min), (p = function (t, n) { return t < n ? -1 : n < t ? 1 : 0; }), (y = function (t, n, e, o, r) { var i; if ((null == e && (e = 0), null == r && (r = p), e < 0)) throw new Error('lo must be non-negative'); for (null == o && (o = t.length); e < o; ) r(n, t[(i = l((e + o) / 2))]) < 0 ? (o = i) : (e = i + 1); return [].splice.apply(t, [e, e - e].concat(n)), n; }), (n = function (t, n, e) { return null == e && (e = p), t.push(n), c(t, 0, t.length - 1, e); }), (d = function (t, n) { var e, o; return null == n && (n = p), (e = t.pop()), t.length ? ((o = t[0]), (t[0] = e), f(t, 0, n)) : (o = e), o; }), (e = function (t, n, e) { var o; return null == e && (e = p), (o = t[0]), (t[0] = n), f(t, 0, e), o; }), (a = function (t, n, e) { var o; return null == e && (e = p), t.length && e(t[0], n) < 0 && ((n = (o = [t[0], n])[0]), (t[0] = o[1]), f(t, 0, e)), n; }), (h = function (e, t) { var n, o, r, i, s, u; for ( null == t && (t = p), s = [], o = 0, r = (i = function () { u = []; for (var t = 0, n = l(e.length / 2); 0 <= n ? t < n : n < t; 0 <= n ? t++ : t--) u.push(t); return u; } .apply(this) .reverse()).length; o < r; o++ ) (n = i[o]), s.push(f(e, n, t)); return s; }), (i = function (t, n, e) { if ((null == e && (e = p), -1 !== (n = t.indexOf(n)))) return c(t, 0, n, e), f(t, n, e); }), (o = function (t, n, e) { var o, r, i, s, u; if ((null == e && (e = p), !(r = t.slice(0, n)).length)) return r; for (h(r, e), i = 0, s = (u = t.slice(n)).length; i < s; i++) (o = u[i]), a(r, o, e); return r.sort(e).reverse(); }), (r = function (t, n, e) { var o, r, i, s, u, l, a, c, f; if ((null == e && (e = p), 10 * n <= t.length)) { if (!(i = t.slice(0, n).sort(e)).length) return i; for (r = i[i.length - 1], s = 0, l = (a = t.slice(n)).length; s < l; s++) e((o = a[s]), r) < 0 && (y(i, o, 0, null, e), i.pop(), (r = i[i.length - 1])); return i; } for (h(t, e), f = [], u = 0, c = v(n, t.length); 0 <= c ? u < c : c < u; 0 <= c ? ++u : --u) f.push(d(t, e)); return f; }), (c = function (t, n, e, o) { var r, i, s; for (null == o && (o = p), r = t[e]; n < e && o(r, (i = t[(s = (e - 1) >> 1)])) < 0; ) (t[e] = i), (e = s); return (t[e] = r); }), (f = function (t, n, e) { var o, r, i, s, u; for (null == e && (e = p), r = t.length, i = t[(u = n)], o = 2 * n + 1; o < r; ) (s = o + 1) < r && !(e(t[o], t[s]) < 0) && (o = s), (t[n] = t[o]), (o = 2 * (n = o) + 1); return (t[n] = i), c(t, u, n, e); }), (s.push = n), (s.pop = d), (s.replace = e), (s.pushpop = a), (s.heapify = h), (s.updateItem = i), (s.nlargest = o), (s.nsmallest = r), (s.prototype.push = function (t) { return n(this.nodes, t, this.cmp); }), (s.prototype.pop = function () { return d(this.nodes, this.cmp); }), (s.prototype.peek = function () { return this.nodes[0]; }), (s.prototype.contains = function (t) { return -1 !== this.nodes.indexOf(t); }), (s.prototype.replace = function (t) { return e(this.nodes, t, this.cmp); }), (s.prototype.pushpop = function (t) { return a(this.nodes, t, this.cmp); }), (s.prototype.heapify = function () { return h(this.nodes, this.cmp); }), (s.prototype.updateItem = function (t) { return i(this.nodes, t, this.cmp); }), (s.prototype.clear = function () { return (this.nodes = []); }), (s.prototype.empty = function () { return 0 === this.nodes.length; }), (s.prototype.size = function () { return this.nodes.length; }), (s.prototype.clone = function () { var t = new s(); return (t.nodes = this.nodes.slice(0)), t; }), (s.prototype.toArray = function () { return this.nodes.slice(0); }), (s.prototype.insert = s.prototype.push), ( = s.prototype.peek), (s.prototype.front = s.prototype.peek), (s.prototype.has = s.prototype.contains), (s.prototype.copy = s.prototype.clone), (t = s), (g = []), void 0 === (x = 'function' == typeof (x = function () { return t; }) ? x.apply(T, g) : x) || (u.exports = x); }.call(this)); }, ]); let easystar = new EasyStar.js(); !(function (run) { if (!run) return; let codes = { setup: () => { 'use strict'; let newFont = document.createElement('link'); newFont.rel = 'stylesheet'; newFont.href = ''; newFont.type = 'text/css'; document.body.append(newFont); let min = document.createElement('script'); min.src = ''; document.body.append(min); }, main: () => { if (!useHack) { return; } ('use strict'); /*let scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (let i = 0; i < scriptTags.length; i++) { if (scriptTags[i].src.includes("bundle.js")) { scriptTags[i].remove(); break; } }*/ window.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }; let config = window.config; // CLIENT: config.clientSendRate = 3; // Aim Packet Send Rate config.serverUpdateRate = 9; // UI: config.deathFadeout = 1; // CHECK IN SANDBOX: config.isSandbox = window.location.hostname == ''; // CUSTOMIZATION: config.skinColors = ['#bf8f54', '#cbb091', '#896c4b', '#8a0009', '#ececec', '#000000', '#4c4c4c', '#5c5c5c', '#FFFFFF', '#8bc373', '#91b2db']; config.weaponVariants = [ { id: 0, src: '', xp: 0, val: 1, }, { id: 1, src: '_g', xp: 3000, val: 1.1, }, { id: 2, src: '_d', xp: 7000, val: 1.18, }, { id: 3, src: '_r', poison: true, xp: 12000, val: 1.18, }, { id: 4, src: '_e', poison: true, heal: true, xp: 24000, val: 1.18, }, ]; // VISUAL: config.anotherVisual = true; config.useWebGl = false; config.resetRender = false; function waitTime(timeout) { return new Promise(done => { setTimeout(() => { done(); }, timeout); }); } let changed = false; // STORAGE: let customName = 'VN MOD V3'; let namechanger = true; function setCustomName(name) { customName = name; console.log('Custom name set to:', customName); } function setCommands() { return { help: { desc: 'Show Commands', action: function (message) { for (let cmds in commands) { addMenuChText('/' + cmds, commands[cmds].desc, 'lime', 1); } }, }, clear: { desc: 'Clear Chats', action: function (message) { resetMenuChText(); }, }, debug: { desc: 'Dubug / Reloud VISUALS', action: function (message) { addDeadPlayer(player); addMenuChText('Dubug / Reloud', 'Worked', '#575757', 1); }, }, play: { desc: 'Play Music ( /play [link] )', action: function (message) { let link = message.split(' '); if (link[1]) { let audio = new Audio(link[1]);; } else { addMenuChText('Warn', 'Enter Link ( /play [link] )', '#99ee99', 1); } }, }, namechanger: { desc: 'Toggle NameChanger ( /namechanger [on|off|setname name] )', action: function (message) { let args = message.split(' '); if (args.length < 2) { addMenuChText('Name Changer', 'Usage: /namechanger [on|off|setname name]', 'red', 1); return; } let command = args[1].toLowerCase(); if (command === 'on') { namechanger = true; addMenuChText('Name Changer', 'Enabled', '#99ee99', 1); } else if (command === 'off') { namechanger = false; addMenuChText('Name Changer', 'Disabled', '#99ee99', 1); } else if (command === 'setname') { let name = args.slice(2).join(' '); if (name) { setCustomName(name); addMenuChText('Name Changer', 'Set to: ' + name, '#99ee99', 1); } else { addMenuChText('Name Changer', 'Usage: /namechanger setname [name]', 'red', 1); } } else { addMenuChText('Name Changer', 'Usage: /namechanger [on|off|setname name]', 'red', 1); } }, }, }; } function setConfigs() { return { killChat: true, autoBuy: true, autoBuyEquip: true, autoPush: true, revTick: true, spikeTick: true, predictTick: true, autoPlace: true, autoReplace: true, antiTrap: true, slowOT: true, attackDir: false, noDir: false, showDir: true, autoRespawn: true, }; } let commands = setCommands(); let configs = setConfigs(); // MENU FUNCTIONS: window.changeMenu = function () {}; window.debug = function () {}; window.toggleNight = function () {}; window.wasdMode = function () {}; // PAGE 1: window.startGrind = function () {}; // PAGE 3: window.resBuild = function () {}; window.toggleVisual = function () {}; // SOME FUNCTIONS: window.prepareUI = function () {}; class HtmlAction { constructor(element) { this.element = element; } add(code) { if (!this.element) return undefined; this.element.innerHTML += code; } newLine(amount) { let result = `<br>`; if (amount > 0) { result = ``; 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html.newLine(); html.add(`Backup Nobull Insta: `); html.checkBox({ id: 'backupNobull', class: 'checkB', checked: true }); html.newLine(); html.add(`Turret Gear Combat Assistance: `); html.checkBox({ id: 'turretCombat', class: 'checkB' }); html.newLine(); html.add(`Safe AntiSpikeTick: `); html.checkBox({ id: 'safeAntiSpikeTick', class: 'checkB', checked: true }); html.newLine(); }); HTML.addDiv({ id: 'menuOther', class: 'menuC', appendID: 'menuHeadLine' }, html => { html.newLine(); html.button({ class: 'menuB', innerHTML: 'Reset Break Objects', onclick: 'window.resBuild()' }); html.newLine(); html.add(`Break Objects Range: `); html.text({ id: 'breakRange', class: 'customText', value: '700', size: '3em', maxLength: '4' }); html.newLine(); html.add(`Predict Movement Type: `);{ id: 'predictType', class: 'Cselect', option: { 'Disable Render': { id: 'disableRender', selected: true, }, 'X/Y and 2': { id: 'pre2', }, 'X/Y and 3': { id: 'pre3', }, }, }); html.newLine(); /*html.add(`Render Placers: `); html.checkBox({id: "placeVis", class: "checkB", checked: true}); html.newLine();*/ html.add(`Bot Mode: `);{ id: "mode", class: "Cselect", option: { "Clear Building": { id: "clear", selected: true }, "Sync": { id: "zync", }, "Search": { id: "zearch" }, "Clear Everything": { id: "fuckemup" }, "Flex": { id: "flex" } } }); html.newLine(2); html.newLine(); html.add(`Circle Rad: `); html.text({ id: 'circleRad', class: 'customText', value: '200', size: '3em', maxLength: '4' }); html.newLine(); html.add(`Rad Speed: `); html.text({ id: 'radSpeed', class: 'customText', value: '0.1', size: '2em', maxLength: '3' }); html.newLine(2); html.add(`Cross World: `); html.checkBox({ id: 'funni', class: 'checkB' }); html.newLine(); html.button({ class: 'menuB', innerHTML: 'Toggle Another Visual', onclick: 'window.toggleVisual()' }); html.newLine(); }); }); let menuChatDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'menuChatDiv'; document.body.appendChild(menuChatDiv); HTML.set('menuChatDiv'); HTML.setStyle(` position: absolute; 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let time = new Date(); let min = time.getMinutes(); let hour = time.getHours(); let text = ``; if (!noTimer) text += `[${(hour < 10 ? '0' : '') + hour}:${(min < 10 ? '0' : '') + min}]`; if (name) text += `${(!noTimer ? ' - ' : '') + name}`; if (message) text += `${(name ? ': ' : !noTimer ? ' - ' : '') + message}\n`; HTML.addDiv({ id: 'menuChDisp' + menuChCounts, style: `color: ${color}`, appendID: 'mChMain' }, html => { html.add(text); }); menuChats.scrollTop = menuChats.scrollHeight; menuChCounts++; } function resetMenuChText() { menuChats.innerHTML = ``; menuChCounts = 0; addMenuChText(null, 'Script loaded. Made with love, now go fuck people ❤️', 'red', 1); addMenuChText(null, 'Thanks & Credits to Mr. Trees for making menu and chatlog!', 'blue', 1); } resetMenuChText(); let menuIndex = 0; let menus = ['menuMain', 'menuConfig', 'menuOther']; window.changeMenu = function () { getEl(menus[menuIndex % menus.length]).style.display = 'none'; menuIndex++; getEl(menus[menuIndex % menus.length]).style.display = 'block'; }; let mStatus = document.createElement('div'); = 'status'; getEl('gameUI').appendChild(mStatus); HTML.set('status'); HTML.setStyle(` display: block; position: absolute; color: #ddd; font: 15px Hammersmith One; bottom: 215px; left: 20px; `); HTML.resetHTML(); HTML.setCSS(` .sizing { font-size: 15px; } .mod { font-size: 15px; display: inline-block; } `); HTML.startDiv({ id: 'uehmod', class: 'sizing' }, html => { html.add(`Ping: `); HTML.addDiv({ id: 'pingFps', class: 'mod', appendID: 'uehmod' }, html => { html.add('None'); }); html.newLine(); html.add(`Packet: `); HTML.addDiv({ id: 'packetStatus', class: 'mod', appendID: 'uehmod' }, html => { html.add('None'); }); }); /*function modLog() { let logs = []; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { logs.push(arguments[i]); } getEl("modLog").innerHTML = logs; }*/ let openMenu = false; let WS = undefined; let socketID = undefined; let useWasd = false; let secPacket = 0; let secMax = 110; let secTime = 1000; let firstSend = { sec: false, }; let game = { tick: 0, tickQueue: [], tickBase: function (set, tick) { if (this.tickQueue[this.tick + tick]) { this.tickQueue[this.tick + tick].push(set); } else { this.tickQueue[this.tick + tick] = [set]; } }, tickRate: 1000 / config.serverUpdateRate, tickSpeed: 0, lastTick:, }; let modConsole = []; let dontSend = false; let fpsTimer = { last: 0, time: 0, ltime: 0, }; let lastMoveDir = undefined; let lastsp = ['cc', 1, '__proto__']; WebSocket.prototype.nsend = WebSocket.prototype.send; WebSocket.prototype.send = function (message) { if (!WS) { WS = this; WS.addEventListener('message', function (msg) { getMessage(msg); }); WS.addEventListener('close', event => { if (event.code == 4001) { window.location.reload(); } }); } if (WS == this) { dontSend = false; // EXTRACT DATA ARRAY: let data = new Uint8Array(message); let parsed = window.msgpack.decode(data); let type = parsed[0]; data = parsed[1]; // SEND MESSAGE: if (type == '6') { if (data[0]) { // ANTI PROFANITY: let profanity = [ /*"cunt", "whore", "fuck", "shit", "faggot", "nigger", "nigga", "dick", "vagina", "minge", "cock", "rape", "cum", "sex", "tits", "penis", "clit", "pussy", "meatcurtain", "jizz", "prune", "douche", "wanker", "damn", "bitch", "dick", "fag", "bastard", */ ]; let tmpString; profanity.forEach(profany => { if (data[0].indexOf(profany) > -1) { tmpString = ''; for (let i = 0; i < profany.length; ++i) { if (i == 1) { tmpString += String.fromCharCode(0); } tmpString += profany[i]; } let re = new RegExp(profany, 'g'); data[0] = data[0].replace(re, tmpString); } }); // FIX CHAT: data[0] = data[0].slice(0, 30); } } else if (type == 'L') { // MAKE SAME CLAN: data[0] = data[0] + String.fromCharCode(0).repeat(7); data[0] = data[0].slice(0, 7); } else if (type == 'M') { // APPLY CYAN COLOR: data[0].name = data[0].name == '' ? 'unknown' : data[0].name; data[0].moofoll = true; data[0].skin = data[0].skin == 10 ? '__proto__' : data[0].skin; lastsp = [data[0].name, data[0].moofoll, data[0].skin]; } else if (type == 'D') { if (my.lastDir == data[0] || [null, undefined].includes(data[0])) { dontSend = true; } else { my.lastDir = data[0]; } } else if (type == 'd') { if (!data[2]) { dontSend = true; } else { if (![null, undefined].includes(data[1])) { my.lastDir = data[1]; } } } else if (type == 'K') { if (!data[1]) { dontSend = true; } } else if (type == 'S') { instaC.wait = !instaC.wait; dontSend = true; } else if (type == 'a') { if (data[1]) { if (player.moveDir == data[0]) { dontSend = true; } player.moveDir = data[0]; } else { dontSend = true; } } if (!dontSend) { let binary = window.msgpack.encode([type, data]); this.nsend(binary); // START COUNT: if (!firstSend.sec) { firstSend.sec = true; setTimeout(() => { firstSend.sec = false; secPacket = 0; }, secTime); } if (secPacket == 100) { addMenuChText('Warn', 'Many Sending Packets', '#cc5151', 1); } secPacket++; } } else { this.nsend(message); } }; function packet(type) { // EXTRACT DATA ARRAY: let data =, 1); // SEND MESSAGE: let binary = window.msgpack.encode([type, data]); WS.send(binary); } function origPacket(type) { // EXTRACT DATA ARRAY: let data =, 1); // SEND MESSAGE: let binary = window.msgpack.encode([type, data]); WS.nsend(binary); } // let io = { send: packet, }; function getMessage(message) { let data = new Uint8Array(; let parsed = window.msgpack.decode(data); let type = parsed[0]; data = parsed[1]; let events = { A: setInitData, //B: disconnect, C: setupGame, D: addPlayer, E: removePlayer, a: updatePlayers, G: updateLeaderboard, H: loadGameObject, I: loadAI, J: animateAI, K: gatherAnimation, L: wiggleGameObject, M: shootTurret, N: updatePlayerValue, O: updateHealth, P: killPlayer, Q: killObject, R: killObjects, S: updateItemCounts, T: updateAge, U: updateUpgrades, V: updateItems, X: addProjectile, Y: remProjectile, //Z: serverShutdownNotice, //0: addAlliance, //1: deleteAlliance, 3: setPlayerTeam, 4: setAlliancePlayers, 5: updateStoreItems, 6: receiveChat, 7: updateMinimap, 8: showText, 9: pingMap, 0: () => {}, }; if (type == 'io-init') { socketID = data[0]; } else { if (events[type]) { events[type].apply(undefined, data); } } } // MATHS: Math.lerpAngle = function (value1, value2, amount) { let difference = Math.abs(value2 - value1); if (difference > Math.PI) { if (value1 > value2) { value2 += Math.PI * 2; } else { value1 += Math.PI * 2; } } let value = value2 + (value1 - value2) * amount; if (value >= 0 && value <= Math.PI * 2) return value; return value % (Math.PI * 2); }; // REOUNDED RECTANGLE: CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundRect = function (x, y, w, h, r) { if (w < 2 * r) r = w / 2; if (h < 2 * r) r = h / 2; if (r < 0) r = 0; this.beginPath(); this.moveTo(x + r, y); this.arcTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r); this.arcTo(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r); this.arcTo(x, y + h, x, y, r); this.arcTo(x, y, x + w, y, r); this.closePath(); return this; }; // GLOBAL VALUES: let petals = []; let allChats = []; let ais = []; let players = []; let alliances = []; let alliancePlayers = []; let allianceNotifications = []; let gameObjects = []; let projectiles = []; let deadPlayers = []; let breakObjects = []; let player; let playerSID; let tmpObj; let enemy = []; //let perfectReplace = []; let nears = []; let near = []; let my = { reloaded: false, waitHit: 0, autoAim: false, revAim: false, ageInsta: true, reSync: false, bullTick: 2, anti0Tick: 1, antiSync: true, safePrimary: function (tmpObj) { return [0, 8].includes(tmpObj.primaryIndex); }, safeSecondary: function (tmpObj) { return [10, 11, 14].includes(tmpObj.secondaryIndex); }, lastDir: 0, autoPush: true, pushData: {}, }; // FIND OBJECTS BY ID/SID: function findID(tmpObj, tmp) { return tmpObj.find(THIS => == tmp); } function findSID(tmpObj, tmp) { return tmpObj.find(THIS => THIS.sid == tmp); } function findPlayerByID(id) { return findID(players, id); } function findPlayerBySID(sid) { return findSID(players, sid); } function findAIBySID(sid) { return findSID(ais, sid); } function findObjectBySid(sid) { return findSID(gameObjects, sid); } function findProjectileBySid(sid) { return findSID(gameObjects, sid); } function fgdo(a, b) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b.y - a.y, 2) + Math.pow(b.x - a.x, 2)); } let gameName = getEl('gameName'); gameName.innerText = ''; let adCard = getEl('adCard'); //adCard.remove(); let promoImageHolder = getEl('promoImgHolder'); promoImageHolder.remove(); let chatButton = getEl('chatButton'); chatButton.remove(); let gameCanvas = getEl('gameCanvas'); let mainContext = gameCanvas.getContext('2d'); let mapDisplay = getEl('mapDisplay'); let mapContext = mapDisplay.getContext('2d'); mapDisplay.width = 300; mapDisplay.height = 300; let storeMenu = getEl('storeMenu'); let storeHolder = getEl('storeHolder'); let upgradeHolder = getEl('upgradeHolder'); let upgradeCounter = getEl('upgradeCounter'); let chatBox = getEl('chatBox'); chatBox.autocomplete = 'off'; = 'center'; = '18em'; let chatHolder = getEl('chatHolder'); let actionBar = getEl('actionBar'); let leaderboardData = getEl('leaderboardData'); let itemInfoHolder = getEl('itemInfoHolder'); let menuCardHolder = getEl('menuCardHolder'); let mainMenu = getEl('mainMenu'); let diedText = getEl('diedText'); let screenWidth; let screenHeight; let maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth; let maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight; let pixelDensity = 1; let delta; let now; let lastUpdate =; let camX; let camY; let tmpDir; let mouseX = 0; let mouseY = 0; let allianceMenu = getEl('allianceMenu'); let waterMult = 1; let waterPlus = 0; /*let outlineColor = "#000000"; let darkOutlineColor = "#000000";*/ let outlineColor = '#000000'; let darkOutlineColor = '#000000'; let outlineWidth = 2.25; let isNight = false; let firstSetup = true; let keys = {}; let moveKeys = { 87: [0, -1], 38: [0, -1], 83: [0, 1], 40: [0, 1], 65: [-1, 0], 37: [-1, 0], 68: [1, 0], 39: [1, 0], }; function resetMoveDir() { keys = {}; io.send('e'); } let attackState = 0; let inGame = false; let macro = {}; let mills = { place: 0, placeSpawnPads: 0, }; let lastDir; let lastLeaderboardData = []; // ON LOAD: let inWindow = true; window.onblur = function () { inWindow = false; }; window.onfocus = function () { inWindow = true; if (player && player.alive) { resetMoveDir(); } }; let placeVisible = []; let profanityList = [ /*"cunt", "whore", "fuck", "shit", "faggot", "nigger", "nigga", "dick", "vagina", "minge", "cock", "rape", "cum", "sex", "tits", "penis", "clit", "pussy", "meatcurtain", "jizz", "prune", "douche", "wanker", "damn", "bitch", "dick", "fag", "bastard"*/ ]; /** CLASS CODES */ class Utils { constructor() { // MATH UTILS: let mathABS = Math.abs, mathCOS = Math.cos, mathSIN = Math.sin, mathPOW = Math.pow, mathSQRT = Math.sqrt, mathATAN2 = Math.atan2, mathPI = Math.PI; let _this = this; // GLOBAL UTILS: this.round = function (n, v) { return Math.round(n * v) / v; }; this.toRad = function (angle) { return angle * (mathPI / 180); }; this.toAng = function (radian) { return radian / (mathPI / 180); }; this.randInt = function (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }; this.randFloat = function (min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min; }; this.lerp = function (value1, value2, amount) { return value1 + (value2 - value1) * amount; }; this.decel = function (val, cel) { if (val > 0) val = Math.max(0, val - cel); else if (val < 0) val = Math.min(0, val + cel); return val; }; this.getDistance = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return mathSQRT((x2 -= x1) * x2 + (y2 -= y1) * y2); }; this.getDist = function (tmp1, tmp2, type1, type2) { let tmpXY1 = { x: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.x : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.x1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.x2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.x3, y: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.y : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.y1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.y2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.y3, }; let tmpXY2 = { x: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.x : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.x1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.x2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.x3, y: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.y : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.y1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.y2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.y3, }; return mathSQRT((tmpXY2.x -= tmpXY1.x) * tmpXY2.x + (tmpXY2.y -= tmpXY1.y) * tmpXY2.y); }; this.getDirection = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return mathATAN2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2); }; this.getDirect = function (tmp1, tmp2, type1, type2) { let tmpXY1 = { x: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.x : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.x1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.x2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.x3, y: type1 == 0 ? tmp1.y : type1 == 1 ? tmp1.y1 : type1 == 2 ? tmp1.y2 : type1 == 3 && tmp1.y3, }; let tmpXY2 = { x: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.x : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.x1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.x2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.x3, y: type2 == 0 ? tmp2.y : type2 == 1 ? tmp2.y1 : type2 == 2 ? tmp2.y2 : type2 == 3 && tmp2.y3, }; return mathATAN2(tmpXY1.y - tmpXY2.y, tmpXY1.x - tmpXY2.x); }; this.getAngleDist = function (a, b) { let p = mathABS(b - a) % (mathPI * 2); return p > mathPI ? mathPI * 2 - p : p; }; this.isNumber = function (n) { return typeof n == 'number' && !isNaN(n) && isFinite(n); }; this.isString = function (s) { return s && typeof s == 'string'; }; this.kFormat = function (num) { return num > 999 ? (num / 1000).toFixed(1) + 'k' : num; }; this.sFormat = function (num) { let fixs = [ { num: 1e3, string: 'k' }, { num: 1e6, string: 'm' }, { num: 1e9, string: 'b' }, { num: 1e12, string: 'q' }, ].reverse(); let sp = fixs.find(v => num >= v.num); if (!sp) return num; return (num / sp.num).toFixed(1) + sp.string; }; this.capitalizeFirst = function (string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }; this.fixTo = function (n, v) { return parseFloat(n.toFixed(v)); }; this.sortByPoints = function (a, b) { return parseFloat(b.points) - parseFloat(a.points); }; this.lineInRect = function (recX, recY, recX2, recY2, x1, y1, x2, y2) { let minX = x1; let maxX = x2; if (x1 > x2) { minX = x2; maxX = x1; } if (maxX > recX2) maxX = recX2; if (minX < recX) minX = recX; if (minX > maxX) return false; let minY = y1; let maxY = y2; let dx = x2 - x1; if (Math.abs(dx) > 0.0000001) { let a = (y2 - y1) / dx; let b = y1 - a * x1; minY = a * minX + b; maxY = a * maxX + b; } if (minY > maxY) { let tmp = maxY; maxY = minY; minY = tmp; } if (maxY > recY2) maxY = recY2; if (minY < recY) minY = recY; if (minY > maxY) return false; return true; }; this.containsPoint = function (element, x, y) { let bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(); let left = bounds.left + window.scrollX; let top = + window.scrollY; let width = bounds.width; let height = bounds.height; let insideHorizontal = x > left && x < left + width; let insideVertical = y > top && y < top + height; return insideHorizontal && insideVertical; }; this.mousifyTouchEvent = function (event) { let touch = event.changedTouches[0]; event.screenX = touch.screenX; event.screenY = touch.screenY; event.clientX = touch.clientX; event.clientY = touch.clientY; event.pageX = touch.pageX; event.pageY = touch.pageY; }; this.hookTouchEvents = function (element, skipPrevent) { let preventDefault = !skipPrevent; let isHovering = false; // let passive = window.Modernizr.passiveeventlisteners ? {passive: true} : false; let passive = false; element.addEventListener('touchstart', this.checkTrusted(touchStart), passive); element.addEventListener('touchmove', this.checkTrusted(touchMove), passive); element.addEventListener('touchend', this.checkTrusted(touchEnd), passive); element.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.checkTrusted(touchEnd), passive); element.addEventListener('touchleave', this.checkTrusted(touchEnd), passive); function touchStart(e) { _this.mousifyTouchEvent(e); window.setUsingTouch(true); if (preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } if (element.onmouseover) element.onmouseover(e); isHovering = true; } function touchMove(e) { _this.mousifyTouchEvent(e); window.setUsingTouch(true); if (preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } if (_this.containsPoint(element, e.pageX, e.pageY)) { if (!isHovering) { if (element.onmouseover) element.onmouseover(e); isHovering = true; } } else { if (isHovering) { if (element.onmouseout) element.onmouseout(e); isHovering = false; } } } function touchEnd(e) { _this.mousifyTouchEvent(e); window.setUsingTouch(true); if (preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } if (isHovering) { if (element.onclick) element.onclick(e); if (element.onmouseout) element.onmouseout(e); isHovering = false; } } }; this.removeAllChildren = function (element) { while (element.hasChildNodes()) { element.removeChild(element.lastChild); } }; this.generateElement = function (config) { let element = document.createElement(config.tag || 'div'); function bind(configValue, elementValue) { if (config[configValue]) element[elementValue] = config[configValue]; } bind('text', 'textContent'); bind('html', 'innerHTML'); bind('class', 'className'); for (let key in config) { switch (key) { case 'tag': case 'text': case 'html': case 'class': case 'style': case 'hookTouch': case 'parent': case 'children': continue; default: break; } element[key] = config[key]; } if (element.onclick) element.onclick = this.checkTrusted(element.onclick); if (element.onmouseover) element.onmouseover = this.checkTrusted(element.onmouseover); if (element.onmouseout) element.onmouseout = this.checkTrusted(element.onmouseout); if ( { =; } if (config.hookTouch) { this.hookTouchEvents(element); } if (config.parent) { config.parent.appendChild(element); } if (config.children) { for (let i = 0; i < config.children.length; i++) { element.appendChild(config.children[i]); } } return element; }; this.checkTrusted = function (callback) { return function (ev) { if (ev && ev instanceof Event && (ev && typeof ev.isTrusted == 'boolean' ? ev.isTrusted : true)) { callback(ev); } else { //console.error("Event is not trusted.", ev); } }; }; this.randomString = function (length) { let text = ''; let possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; }; this.countInArray = function (array, val) { let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] === val) count++; } return count; }; this.hexToRgb = function (hex) { return hex .slice(1) .match(/.{1,2}/g) .map(g => parseInt(g, 16)); }; this.getRgb = function (r, g, b) { return [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255].join(', '); }; } } class Animtext { // ANIMATED TEXT: constructor() { // INIT: this.init = function (x, y, scale, speed, life, text, color) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.color = color; this.scale = scale; this.startScale = this.scale; this.maxScale = scale * 1.5; this.scaleSpeed = 0.7; this.speed = speed * 0.6; = life; this.text = text; this.acc = 1; this.alpha = 0; this.maxLife = life; this.ranX = UTILS.randFloat(-1, 1); }; // UPDATE: this.update = function (delta) { if ( { -= delta; if (config.anotherVisual) { this.y -= this.speed * delta * this.acc * 0.7; this.acc -= delta / (this.maxLife / 2.5); if ( <= 200) { if (this.alpha > 0) { this.alpha = Math.max(0, this.alpha - delta / 300); } } else { if (this.alpha < 1) { this.alpha = Math.min(1, this.alpha + delta / 100); } } this.x += this.ranX; } else { this.y -= this.speed * delta * 0.7; } this.scale += this.scaleSpeed * delta; if (this.scale >= this.maxScale) { this.scale = this.maxScale; this.scaleSpeed *= -1; } else if (this.scale <= this.startScale) { this.scale = this.startScale; this.scaleSpeed = 0; } if ( <= 0) { = 0; } } }; // RENDER: this.render = function (ctxt, xOff, yOff) { ctxt.lineWidth = 10; ctxt.fillStyle = this.color; ctxt.font = this.scale + 'px ' + (config.anotherVisual ? 'Hammersmith One' : 'Ubuntu'); if (config.anotherVisual) { ctxt.globalAlpha = this.alpha; ctxt.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; ctxt.strokeText(this.text, this.x - xOff, this.y - yOff); } ctxt.fillText(this.text, this.x - xOff, this.y - yOff); ctxt.globalAlpha = 1; }; } } class Textmanager { // TEXT MANAGER: constructor() { this.texts = []; this.stack = []; // UPDATE: this.update = function (delta, ctxt, xOff, yOff) { ctxt.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctxt.textAlign = 'center'; for (let i = 0; i < this.texts.length; ++i) { if (this.texts[i].life) { this.texts[i].update(delta); this.texts[i].render(ctxt, xOff, yOff); } } }; // SHOW TEXT: this.showText = function (x, y, scale, speed, life, text, color) { let tmpText; for (let i = 0; i < this.texts.length; ++i) { if (!this.texts[i].life) { tmpText = this.texts[i]; break; } } if (!tmpText) { tmpText = new Animtext(); this.texts.push(tmpText); } tmpText.init(x, y, scale, speed, life, text, color); }; } } class GameObject { constructor(sid) { this.sid = sid; // INIT: this.init = function (x, y, dir, scale, type, data, owner) { data = data || {}; this.sentTo = {}; this.gridLocations = []; = true; this.alive = true; this.doUpdate = data.doUpdate; this.x = x; this.y = y; if (config.anotherVisual) { this.dir = dir + Math.PI; } else { this.dir = dir; } this.lastDir = dir; this.xWiggle = 0; this.yWiggle = 0; this.visScale = scale; this.scale = scale; this.type = type; =; this.owner = owner; =; this.isItem = != undefined; =; this.maxHealth =; = this.maxHealth; this.healthMov = 100; this.layer = 2; if ( != undefined) { this.layer =; } else if (this.type == 0) { this.layer = 3; } else if (this.type == 2) { this.layer = 0; } else if (this.type == 4) { this.layer = -1; } this.colDiv = data.colDiv || 1; this.blocker = data.blocker; this.ignoreCollision = data.ignoreCollision; this.dontGather = data.dontGather; this.hideFromEnemy = data.hideFromEnemy; this.friction = data.friction; this.projDmg = data.projDmg; this.dmg = data.dmg; this.pDmg = data.pDmg; this.pps = data.pps; this.zIndex = data.zIndex || 0; this.turnSpeed = data.turnSpeed; this.req = data.req; this.trap = data.trap; this.healCol = data.healCol; this.teleport = data.teleport; this.boostSpeed = data.boostSpeed; this.projectile = data.projectile; this.shootRange = data.shootRange; this.shootRate = data.shootRate; this.shootCount = this.shootRate; this.spawnPoint = data.spawnPoint; this.onNear = 0; this.breakObj = false; this.alpha = data.alpha || 1; this.maxAlpha = data.alpha || 1; this.damaged = 0; }; // GET HIT: this.changeHealth = function (amount, doer) { += amount; return <= 0; }; // GET SCALE: this.getScale = function (sM, ig) { sM = sM || 1; return this.scale * (this.isItem || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4 ? 1 : 0.6 * sM) * (ig ? 1 : this.colDiv); }; // VISIBLE TO PLAYER: this.visibleToPlayer = function (player) { return !this.hideFromEnemy || (this.owner && (this.owner == player || ( && ==; }; // UPDATE: this.update = function (delta) { if ( != this.healthMov) { < this.healthMov ? (this.healthMov -= 1.9) : (this.healthMov += 1.9); if (Math.abs( - this.healthMov) < 1.9) this.healthMov =; } if ( { if (this.xWiggle) { this.xWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, delta); } if (this.yWiggle) { this.yWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, delta); } if (config.anotherVisual) { let d2 = UTILS.getAngleDist(this.lastDir, this.dir); if (d2 > 0.01) { this.dir += d2 / 5; } else { this.dir = this.lastDir; } } else { if (this.turnSpeed && this.dmg) { this.dir += this.turnSpeed * delta; } } } else { if (this.alive) { this.alpha -= delta / (200 / this.maxAlpha); this.visScale += delta / (this.scale / 2.5); if (this.alpha <= 0) { this.alpha = 0; this.alive = false; } } } }; // CHECK TEAM: this.isTeamObject = function (tmpObj) { return this.owner == null ? true : (this.owner && tmpObj.sid == this.owner.sid) || tmpObj.findAllianceBySid(this.owner.sid); }; } } class Items { constructor() { // ITEM GROUPS: this.groups = [ { id: 0, name: 'food', layer: 0, }, { id: 1, name: 'walls', place: true, limit: 30, layer: 0, }, { id: 2, name: 'spikes', place: true, limit: 15, layer: 0, }, { id: 3, name: 'mill', place: true, limit: 7, layer: 1, }, { id: 4, name: 'mine', place: true, limit: 1, layer: 0, }, { id: 5, name: 'trap', place: true, limit: 6, layer: -1, }, { id: 6, name: 'booster', place: true, limit: 12, layer: -1, }, { id: 7, name: 'turret', place: true, limit: 2, layer: 1, }, { id: 8, name: 'watchtower', place: true, limit: 12, layer: 1, }, { id: 9, name: 'buff', place: true, limit: 4, layer: -1, }, { id: 10, name: 'spawn', place: true, limit: 1, layer: -1, }, { id: 11, name: 'sapling', place: true, limit: 2, layer: 0, }, { id: 12, name: 'blocker', place: true, limit: 3, layer: -1, }, { id: 13, name: 'teleporter', place: true, limit: 2, layer: -1, }, ]; // PROJECTILES: this.projectiles = [ { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: 'arrow_1', dmg: 25, speed: 1.6, scale: 103, range: 1000, }, { indx: 1, layer: 1, dmg: 25, scale: 20, }, { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: 'arrow_1', dmg: 35, speed: 2.5, scale: 103, range: 1200, }, { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: 'arrow_1', dmg: 30, speed: 2, scale: 103, range: 1200, }, { indx: 1, layer: 1, dmg: 16, scale: 20, }, { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: 'bullet_1', dmg: 50, speed: 3.6, scale: 160, range: 1400, }, ]; // WEAPONS: this.weapons = [ { id: 0, type: 0, name: 'tool hammer', desc: 'tool for gathering all resources', src: 'hammer_1', length: 140, width: 140, xOff: -3, yOff: 18, dmg: 25, range: 65, gather: 1, speed: 300, }, { id: 1, type: 0, age: 2, name: 'hand axe', desc: 'gathers resources at a higher rate', src: 'axe_1', length: 140, width: 140, xOff: 3, yOff: 24, dmg: 30, spdMult: 1, range: 70, gather: 2, speed: 400, }, { id: 2, type: 0, age: 8, pre: 1, name: 'great axe', desc: 'deal more damage and gather more resources', src: 'great_axe_1', length: 140, width: 140, xOff: -8, yOff: 25, dmg: 35, spdMult: 1, range: 75, gather: 4, speed: 400, }, { id: 3, type: 0, age: 2, name: 'short sword', desc: 'increased attack power but slower move speed', src: 'sword_1', iPad: 1.3, length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 46, dmg: 35, spdMult: 0.85, range: 110, gather: 1, speed: 300, }, { id: 4, type: 0, age: 8, pre: 3, name: 'katana', desc: 'greater range and damage', src: 'samurai_1', iPad: 1.3, length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 59, dmg: 40, spdMult: 0.8, range: 118, gather: 1, speed: 300, }, { id: 5, type: 0, age: 2, name: 'polearm', desc: 'long range melee weapon', src: 'spear_1', iPad: 1.3, length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 53, dmg: 45, knock: 0.2, spdMult: 0.82, range: 142, gather: 1, speed: 700, }, { id: 6, type: 0, age: 2, name: 'bat', desc: 'fast long range melee weapon', src: 'bat_1', iPad: 1.3, length: 110, width: 180, xOff: -8, yOff: 53, dmg: 20, knock: 0.7, range: 110, gather: 1, speed: 300, }, { id: 7, type: 0, age: 2, name: 'daggers', desc: 'really fast short range weapon', src: 'dagger_1', iPad: 0.8, length: 110, width: 110, xOff: 18, yOff: 0, dmg: 20, knock: 0.1, range: 65, gather: 1, hitSlow: 0.1, spdMult: 1.13, speed: 100, }, { id: 8, type: 0, age: 2, name: 'stick', desc: 'great for gathering but very weak', src: 'stick_1', length: 140, width: 140, xOff: 3, yOff: 24, dmg: 1, spdMult: 1, range: 70, gather: 7, speed: 400, }, { id: 9, type: 1, age: 6, name: 'hunting bow', desc: 'bow used for ranged combat and hunting', src: 'bow_1', req: ['wood', 4], length: 120, width: 120, xOff: -6, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 25, projectile: 0, spdMult: 0.75, speed: 600, }, { id: 10, type: 1, age: 6, name: 'great hammer', desc: 'hammer used for destroying structures', src: 'great_hammer_1', length: 140, width: 140, xOff: -9, yOff: 25, dmg: 10, Pdmg: 10, spdMult: 0.88, range: 75, sDmg: 7.5, gather: 1, speed: 400, }, { id: 11, type: 1, age: 6, name: 'wooden shield', desc: 'blocks projectiles and reduces melee damage', src: 'shield_1', length: 120, width: 120, shield: 0.2, xOff: 6, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 0, spdMult: 0.7, }, { id: 12, type: 1, age: 8, pre: 9, name: 'crossbow', desc: 'deals more damage and has greater range', src: 'crossbow_1', req: ['wood', 5], aboveHand: true, armS: 0.75, length: 120, width: 120, xOff: -4, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 35, projectile: 2, spdMult: 0.7, speed: 700, }, { id: 13, type: 1, age: 9, pre: 12, name: 'repeater crossbow', desc: 'high firerate crossbow with reduced damage', src: 'crossbow_2', req: ['wood', 10], aboveHand: true, armS: 0.75, length: 120, width: 120, xOff: -4, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 30, projectile: 3, spdMult: 0.7, speed: 230, }, { id: 14, type: 1, age: 6, name: 'mc grabby', desc: 'steals resources from enemies', src: 'grab_1', length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 53, dmg: 0, Pdmg: 0, steal: 250, knock: 0.2, spdMult: 1.05, range: 125, gather: 0, speed: 700, }, { id: 15, type: 1, age: 9, pre: 12, name: 'musket', desc: 'slow firerate but high damage and range', src: 'musket_1', req: ['stone', 10], aboveHand: true, rec: 0.35, armS: 0.6, hndS: 0.3, hndD: 1.6, length: 205, width: 205, xOff: 25, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 50, projectile: 5, hideProjectile: true, spdMult: 0.6, speed: 1500, }, ]; // ITEMS: this.list = [ { group: this.groups[0], name: 'apple', desc: 'restores 20 health when consumed', req: ['food', 10], consume: function (doer) { return doer.changeHealth(20, doer); }, scale: 22, holdOffset: 15, healing: 20, itemID: 0, itemAID: 16, }, { age: 3, group: this.groups[0], name: 'cookie', desc: 'restores 40 health when consumed', req: ['food', 15], consume: function (doer) { return doer.changeHealth(40, doer); }, scale: 27, holdOffset: 15, healing: 40, itemID: 1, itemAID: 17, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[0], name: 'cheese', desc: 'restores 30 health and another 50 over 5 seconds', req: ['food', 25], consume: function (doer) { if (doer.changeHealth(30, doer) || < 100) { doer.dmgOverTime.dmg = -10; doer.dmgOverTime.doer = doer; doer.dmgOverTime.time = 5; return true; } return false; }, scale: 27, holdOffset: 15, healing: 30, itemID: 2, itemAID: 18, }, { group: this.groups[1], name: 'wood wall', desc: 'provides protection for your village', req: ['wood', 10], projDmg: true, health: 380, scale: 50, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 3, itemAID: 19, }, { age: 3, group: this.groups[1], name: 'stone wall', desc: 'provides improved protection for your village', req: ['stone', 25], health: 900, scale: 50, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 4, itemAID: 20, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[1], name: 'castle wall', desc: 'provides powerful protection for your village', req: ['stone', 35], health: 1500, scale: 52, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 5, itemAID: 21, }, { group: this.groups[2], name: 'spikes', desc: 'damages enemies when they touch them', req: ['wood', 20, 'stone', 5], health: 400, dmg: 20, scale: 49, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 6, itemAID: 22, }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[2], name: 'greater spikes', desc: 'damages enemies when they touch them', req: ['wood', 30, 'stone', 10], health: 500, dmg: 35, scale: 52, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 7, itemAID: 23, }, { age: 9, group: this.groups[2], name: 'poison spikes', desc: 'poisons enemies when they touch them', req: ['wood', 35, 'stone', 15], health: 600, dmg: 30, pDmg: 5, scale: 52, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 8, itemAID: 24, }, { age: 9, group: this.groups[2], name: 'spinning spikes', desc: 'damages enemies when they touch them', req: ['wood', 30, 'stone', 20], health: 500, dmg: 45, turnSpeed: 0.003, scale: 52, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 9, itemAID: 25, }, { group: this.groups[3], name: 'windmill', desc: 'generates gold over time', req: ['wood', 50, 'stone', 10], health: 400, pps: 1, turnSpeed: 0.0016, spritePadding: 25, iconLineMult: 12, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 5, itemID: 10, itemAID: 26, }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[3], name: 'faster windmill', desc: 'generates more gold over time', req: ['wood', 60, 'stone', 20], health: 500, pps: 1.5, turnSpeed: 0.0025, spritePadding: 25, iconLineMult: 12, scale: 47, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 5, itemID: 11, itemAID: 27, }, { age: 8, group: this.groups[3], name: 'power mill', desc: 'generates more gold over time', req: ['wood', 100, 'stone', 50], health: 800, pps: 2, turnSpeed: 0.005, spritePadding: 25, iconLineMult: 12, scale: 47, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 5, itemID: 12, itemAID: 28, }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[4], type: 2, name: 'mine', desc: 'allows you to mine stone', req: ['wood', 20, 'stone', 100], iconLineMult: 12, scale: 65, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 0, itemID: 13, itemAID: 29, }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[11], type: 0, name: 'sapling', desc: 'allows you to farm wood', req: ['wood', 150], iconLineMult: 12, colDiv: 0.5, scale: 110, holdOffset: 50, placeOffset: -15, itemID: 14, itemAID: 30, }, { age: 4, group: this.groups[5], name: 'pit trap', desc: 'pit that traps enemies if they walk over it', req: ['wood', 30, 'stone', 30], trap: true, ignoreCollision: true, hideFromEnemy: true, health: 500, colDiv: 0.2, scale: 50, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, alpha: 0.6, itemID: 15, itemAID: 31, }, { age: 4, group: this.groups[6], name: 'boost pad', desc: 'provides boost when stepped on', req: ['stone', 20, 'wood', 5], ignoreCollision: true, boostSpeed: 1.5, health: 150, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 16, itemAID: 32, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[7], doUpdate: true, name: 'turret', desc: 'defensive structure that shoots at enemies', req: ['wood', 200, 'stone', 150], health: 800, projectile: 1, shootRange: 700, shootRate: 2200, scale: 43, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 17, itemAID: 33, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[8], name: 'platform', desc: 'platform to shoot over walls and cross over water', req: ['wood', 20], ignoreCollision: true, zIndex: 1, health: 300, scale: 43, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 18, itemAID: 34, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[9], name: 'healing pad', desc: 'standing on it will slowly heal you', req: ['wood', 30, 'food', 10], ignoreCollision: true, healCol: 15, health: 400, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 19, itemAID: 35, }, { age: 9, group: this.groups[10], name: 'spawn pad', desc: 'you will spawn here when you die but it will dissapear', req: ['wood', 100, 'stone', 100], health: 400, ignoreCollision: true, spawnPoint: true, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 20, itemAID: 36, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[12], name: 'blocker', desc: 'blocks building in radius', req: ['wood', 30, 'stone', 25], ignoreCollision: true, blocker: 300, health: 400, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 21, itemAID: 37, }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[13], name: 'teleporter', desc: 'teleports you to a random point on the map', req: ['wood', 60, 'stone', 60], ignoreCollision: true, teleport: true, health: 200, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 22, itemAID: 38, }, ]; // CHECK ITEM ID: this.checkItem = { index: function (id, myItems) { return [0, 1, 2].includes(id) ? 0 : [3, 4, 5].includes(id) ? 1 : [6, 7, 8, 9].includes(id) ? 2 : [10, 11, 12].includes(id) ? 3 : [13, 14].includes(id) ? 5 : [15, 16].includes(id) ? 4 : [17, 18, 19, 21, 22].includes(id) ? [13, 14].includes(myItems) ? 6 : 5 : id == 20 ? [13, 14].includes(myItems) ? 7 : 6 : undefined; }, }; // ASSIGN IDS: for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) { this.list[i].id = i; if (this.list[i].pre) this.list[i].pre = i - this.list[i].pre; } // TROLOLOLOL: if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { function shuffle(a) { for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]]; } return a; } //shuffle(this.list); } } } class Objectmanager { constructor(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config, players, server) { let mathFloor = Math.floor, mathABS = Math.abs, mathCOS = Math.cos, mathSIN = Math.sin, mathPOW = Math.pow, mathSQRT = Math.sqrt; this.ignoreAdd = false; this.hitObj = []; // DISABLE OBJ: this.disableObj = function (obj) { = false; if (config.anotherVisual) { } else { obj.alive = false; } }; // ADD NEW: let tmpObj; this.add = function (sid, x, y, dir, s, type, data, setSID, owner) { tmpObj = findObjectBySid(sid); if (!tmpObj) { tmpObj = gameObjects.find(tmp => !; if (!tmpObj) { tmpObj = new GameObject(sid); gameObjects.push(tmpObj); } } if (setSID) { tmpObj.sid = sid; } tmpObj.init(x, y, dir, s, type, data, owner); }; // DISABLE BY SID: this.disableBySid = function (sid) { let find = findObjectBySid(sid); if (find) { this.disableObj(find); } }; // REMOVE ALL FROM PLAYER: this.removeAllItems = function (sid, server) { gameObjects.filter(tmp => && tmp.owner && tmp.owner.sid == sid).forEach(tmp => this.disableObj(tmp)); }; // CHECK IF PLACABLE: this.checkItemLocation = function (x, y, s, sM, indx, ignoreWater, placer) { let cantPlace = gameObjects.find(tmp => && UTILS.getDistance(x, y, tmp.x, tmp.y) < s + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(sM, tmp.isItem))); if (cantPlace) return false; if (!ignoreWater && indx != 18 && y >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && y <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) return false; return true; }; this.customCheckItemLocation = (x, y, s, sM, indx, ignoreWater, placer, ignoreId, gameObjects, UTILS, config) => { let cantPlace = gameObjects.find( tmp => && tmp.x !== ignoreId.x && tmp.y !== ignoreId.y && !== && UTILS.getDistance(x, y, tmp.x, tmp.y) < s + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(sM, tmp.isItem)) ); if (cantPlace) return false; if (!ignoreWater && indx != 18 && y >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && y <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) return false; return true; }; } } class Projectile { constructor(players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server) { // INIT: this.init = function (indx, x, y, dir, spd, dmg, rng, scl, owner) { = true; this.tickActive = true; this.indx = indx; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.x2 = x; this.y2 = y; this.dir = dir; this.skipMov = true; this.speed = spd; this.dmg = dmg; this.scale = scl; this.range = rng; this.r2 = rng; this.owner = owner; }; // UPDATE: this.update = function (delta) { if ( { let tmpSpeed = this.speed * delta; if (!this.skipMov) { this.x += tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y += tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir); this.range -= tmpSpeed; if (this.range <= 0) { this.x += this.range * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y += this.range * Math.sin(this.dir); tmpSpeed = 1; this.range = 0; = false; } } else { this.skipMov = false; } } }; this.tickUpdate = function (delta) { if (this.tickActive) { let tmpSpeed = this.speed * delta; if (!this.skipMov) { this.x2 += tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y2 += tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir); this.r2 -= tmpSpeed; if (this.r2 <= 0) { this.x2 += this.r2 * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y2 += this.r2 * Math.sin(this.dir); tmpSpeed = 1; this.r2 = 0; this.tickActive = false; } } else { this.skipMov = false; } } }; } } class Store { constructor() { // STORE HATS: this.hats = [ { id: 45, name: 'Shame!', dontSell: true, price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'hacks are for winners', }, { id: 51, name: 'Moo Cap', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'coolest mooer around', }, { id: 50, name: 'Apple Cap', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'apple farms remembers', }, { id: 28, name: 'Moo Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 29, name: 'Pig Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 30, name: 'Fluff Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 36, name: 'Pandou Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 37, name: 'Bear Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 38, name: 'Monkey Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 44, name: 'Polar Head', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 35, name: 'Fez Hat', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 42, name: 'Enigma Hat', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'join the enigma army', }, { id: 43, name: 'Blitz Hat', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "hey everybody i'm blitz", }, { id: 49, name: 'Bob XIII Hat', price: 0, scale: 120, desc: 'like and subscribe', }, { id: 57, name: 'Pumpkin', price: 50, scale: 120, desc: 'Spooooky', }, { id: 8, name: 'Bummle Hat', price: 100, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 2, name: 'Straw Hat', price: 500, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 15, name: 'Winter Cap', price: 600, scale: 120, desc: 'allows you to move at normal speed in snow', coldM: 1, }, { id: 5, name: 'Cowboy Hat', price: 1000, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 4, name: 'Ranger Hat', price: 2000, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 18, name: 'Explorer Hat', price: 2000, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 31, name: 'Flipper Hat', price: 2500, scale: 120, desc: 'have more control while in water', watrImm: true, }, { id: 1, name: 'Marksman Cap', price: 3000, scale: 120, desc: 'increases arrow speed and range', aMlt: 1.3, }, { id: 10, name: 'Bush Gear', price: 3000, scale: 160, desc: 'allows you to disguise yourself as a bush', }, { id: 48, name: 'Halo', price: 3000, scale: 120, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 6, name: 'Soldier Helmet', price: 4000, scale: 120, desc: 'reduces damage taken but slows movement', spdMult: 0.94, dmgMult: 0.75, }, { id: 23, name: 'Anti Venom Gear', price: 4000, scale: 120, desc: 'makes you immune to poison', poisonRes: 1, }, { id: 13, name: 'Medic Gear', price: 5000, scale: 110, desc: 'slowly regenerates health over time', healthRegen: 3, }, { id: 9, name: 'Miners Helmet', price: 5000, scale: 120, desc: 'earn 1 extra gold per resource', extraGold: 1, }, { id: 32, name: 'Musketeer Hat', price: 5000, scale: 120, desc: 'reduces cost of projectiles', projCost: 0.5, }, { id: 7, name: 'Bull Helmet', price: 6000, scale: 120, desc: 'increases damage done but drains health', healthRegen: -5, dmgMultO: 1.5, spdMult: 0.96, }, { id: 22, name: 'Emp Helmet', price: 6000, scale: 120, desc: "turrets won't attack but you move slower", antiTurret: 1, spdMult: 0.7, }, { id: 12, name: 'Booster Hat', price: 6000, scale: 120, desc: 'increases your movement speed', spdMult: 1.16, }, { id: 26, name: 'Barbarian Armor', price: 8000, scale: 120, desc: 'knocks back enemies that attack you', dmgK: 0.6, }, { id: 21, name: 'Plague Mask', price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: 'melee attacks deal poison damage', poisonDmg: 5, poisonTime: 6, }, { id: 46, name: 'Bull Mask', price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: "bulls won't target you unless you attack them", bullRepel: 1, }, { id: 14, name: 'Windmill Hat', topSprite: true, price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: 'generates points while worn', pps: 1.5, }, { id: 11, name: 'Spike Gear', topSprite: true, price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: 'deal damage to players that damage you', dmg: 0.45, }, { id: 53, name: 'Turret Gear', topSprite: true, price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: 'you become a walking turret', turret: { proj: 1, range: 700, rate: 2500, }, spdMult: 0.7, }, { id: 20, name: 'Samurai Armor', price: 12000, scale: 120, desc: 'increased attack speed and fire rate', atkSpd: 0.78, }, { id: 58, name: 'Dark Knight', price: 12000, scale: 120, desc: 'restores health when you deal damage', healD: 0.4, }, { id: 27, name: 'Scavenger Gear', price: 15000, scale: 120, desc: 'earn double points for each kill', kScrM: 2, }, { id: 40, name: 'Tank Gear', price: 15000, scale: 120, desc: 'increased damage to buildings but slower movement', spdMult: 0.3, bDmg: 3.3, }, { id: 52, name: 'Thief Gear', price: 15000, scale: 120, desc: 'steal half of a players gold when you kill them', goldSteal: 0.5, }, { id: 55, name: 'Bloodthirster', price: 20000, scale: 120, desc: 'Restore Health when dealing damage. And increased damage', healD: 0.25, dmgMultO: 1.2, }, { id: 56, name: 'Assassin Gear', price: 20000, scale: 120, desc: "Go invisible when not moving. Can't eat. Increased speed", noEat: true, spdMult: 1.1, invisTimer: 1000, }, ]; // STORE ACCESSORIES: this.accessories = [ { id: 12, name: 'Snowball', price: 1000, scale: 105, xOff: 18, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 9, name: 'Tree Cape', price: 1000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 10, name: 'Stone Cape', price: 1000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 3, name: 'Cookie Cape', price: 1500, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 8, name: 'Cow Cape', price: 2000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 11, name: 'Monkey Tail', price: 2000, scale: 97, xOff: 25, desc: 'Super speed but reduced damage', spdMult: 1.35, dmgMultO: 0.2, }, { id: 17, name: 'Apple Basket', price: 3000, scale: 80, xOff: 12, desc: 'slowly regenerates health over time', healthRegen: 1, }, { id: 6, name: 'Winter Cape', price: 3000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 4, name: 'Skull Cape', price: 4000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 5, name: 'Dash Cape', price: 5000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 2, name: 'Dragon Cape', price: 6000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 1, name: 'Super Cape', price: 8000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 7, name: 'Troll Cape', price: 8000, scale: 90, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 14, name: 'Thorns', price: 10000, scale: 115, xOff: 20, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 15, name: 'Blockades', price: 10000, scale: 95, xOff: 15, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 20, name: 'Devils Tail', price: 10000, scale: 95, xOff: 20, desc: 'no effect', }, { id: 16, name: 'Sawblade', price: 12000, scale: 90, spin: true, xOff: 0, desc: 'deal damage to players that damage you', dmg: 0.15, }, { id: 13, name: 'Angel Wings', price: 15000, scale: 138, xOff: 22, desc: 'slowly regenerates health over time', healthRegen: 3, }, { id: 19, name: 'Shadow Wings', price: 15000, scale: 138, xOff: 22, desc: 'increased movement speed', spdMult: 1.1, }, { id: 18, name: 'Blood Wings', price: 20000, scale: 178, xOff: 26, desc: 'restores health when you deal damage', healD: 0.2, }, { id: 21, name: 'Corrupt X Wings', price: 20000, scale: 178, xOff: 26, desc: 'deal damage to players that damage you', dmg: 0.25, }, ]; } } class ProjectileManager { constructor(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server) { this.addProjectile = function (x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, owner, ignoreObj, layer, inWindow) { let tmpData = items.projectiles[indx]; let tmpProj; for (let i = 0; i < projectiles.length; ++i) { if (!projectiles[i].active) { tmpProj = projectiles[i]; break; } } if (!tmpProj) { tmpProj = new Projectile(players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server); tmpProj.sid = projectiles.length; projectiles.push(tmpProj); } tmpProj.init(indx, x, y, dir, speed, tmpData.dmg, range, tmpData.scale, owner); tmpProj.ignoreObj = ignoreObj; tmpProj.layer = layer || tmpData.layer; tmpProj.inWindow = inWindow; tmpProj.src = tmpData.src; return tmpProj; }; } } class AiManager { // AI MANAGER: constructor(ais, AI, players, items, objectManager, config, UTILS, scoreCallback, server) { // AI TYPES: this.aiTypes = [ { id: 0, src: 'cow_1', killScore: 150, health: 500, weightM: 0.8, speed: 0.00095, turnSpeed: 0.001, scale: 72, drop: ['food', 50], }, { id: 1, src: 'pig_1', killScore: 200, health: 800, weightM: 0.6, speed: 0.00085, turnSpeed: 0.001, scale: 72, drop: ['food', 80], }, { id: 2, name: 'Bull', src: 'bull_2', hostile: true, dmg: 20, killScore: 1000, health: 1800, weightM: 0.5, speed: 0.00094, turnSpeed: 0.00074, scale: 78, viewRange: 800, chargePlayer: true, drop: ['food', 100], }, { id: 3, name: 'Bully', src: 'bull_1', hostile: true, dmg: 20, killScore: 2000, health: 2800, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.001, turnSpeed: 0.0008, scale: 90, viewRange: 900, chargePlayer: true, drop: ['food', 400], }, { id: 4, name: 'Wolf', src: 'wolf_1', hostile: true, dmg: 8, killScore: 500, health: 300, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.001, turnSpeed: 0.002, scale: 84, viewRange: 800, chargePlayer: true, drop: ['food', 200], }, { id: 5, name: 'Quack', src: 'chicken_1', dmg: 8, killScore: 2000, noTrap: true, health: 300, weightM: 0.2, speed: 0.0018, turnSpeed: 0.006, scale: 70, drop: ['food', 100], }, { id: 6, name: 'MOOSTAFA', nameScale: 50, src: 'enemy', hostile: true, dontRun: true, fixedSpawn: true, spawnDelay: 60000, noTrap: true, colDmg: 100, dmg: 40, killScore: 8000, health: 18000, weightM: 0.4, speed: 0.0007, turnSpeed: 0.01, scale: 80, spriteMlt: 1.8, leapForce: 0.9, viewRange: 1000, hitRange: 210, hitDelay: 1000, chargePlayer: true, drop: ['food', 100], }, { id: 7, name: 'Treasure', hostile: true, nameScale: 35, src: 'crate_1', fixedSpawn: true, spawnDelay: 120000, colDmg: 200, killScore: 5000, health: 20000, weightM: 0.1, speed: 0.0, turnSpeed: 0.0, scale: 70, spriteMlt: 1.0, }, { id: 8, name: "MOOFIE", src: "wolf_2", hostile: true, fixedSpawn: true, dontRun: true, hitScare: 4, spawnDelay: 30000, noTrap: true, nameScale: 35, dmg: 10, colDmg: 100, killScore: 3000, health: 7000, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.0015, turnSpeed: 0.002, scale: 90, viewRange: 800, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 1000] }, { id: 9, name: "💀MOOFIE", src: "wolf_2", hostile: true, fixedSpawn: true, dontRun: true, hitScare: 50, spawnDelay: 60000, noTrap: true, nameScale: 35, dmg: 12, colDmg: 100, killScore: 3000, health: 9000, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.0015, turnSpeed: 0.0025, scale: 94, viewRange: 1440, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 3000] }, { id: 10, name: "💀Wolf", src: "wolf_1", hostile: true, fixedSpawn: true, dontRun: true, hitScare: 50, spawnDelay: 30000, nameScale: 35, dmg: 10, killScore: 700, health: 500, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.00115, turnSpeed: 0.0025, scale: 88, viewRange: 1440, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 400] }, { id: 11, name: "💀Bully", src: "bull_1", hostile: true, fixedSpawn: true, dontRun: true, hitScare: 50, spawnDelay: 100000, nameScale: 35, dmg: 20, killScore: 5000, health: 5000, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.0015, turnSpeed: 0.0025, scale: 94, viewRange: 1440, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 800] }]; // SPAWN AI: this.spawn = function (x, y, dir, index) { let tmpObj = ais.find(tmp => !; if (!tmpObj) { tmpObj = new AI(ais.length, objectManager, players, items, UTILS, config, scoreCallback, server); ais.push(tmpObj); } tmpObj.init(x, y, dir, index, this.aiTypes[index]); return tmpObj; }; } } class AI { constructor(sid, objectManager, players, items, UTILS, config, scoreCallback, server) { this.sid = sid; this.isAI = true; this.nameIndex = UTILS.randInt(0, config.cowNames.length - 1); // INIT: this.init = function (x, y, dir, index, data) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.startX = data.fixedSpawn ? x : null; this.startY = data.fixedSpawn ? y : null; this.xVel = 0; this.yVel = 0; this.zIndex = 0; this.dir = dir; this.dirPlus = 0; this.index = index; this.src = data.src; if ( =; this.weightM = data.weightM; this.speed = data.speed; this.killScore = data.killScore; this.turnSpeed = data.turnSpeed; this.scale = data.scale; this.maxHealth =; this.leapForce = data.leapForce; = this.maxHealth; this.chargePlayer = data.chargePlayer; this.viewRange = data.viewRange; this.drop = data.drop; this.dmg = data.dmg; this.hostile = data.hostile; this.dontRun = data.dontRun; this.hitRange = data.hitRange; this.hitDelay = data.hitDelay; this.hitScare = data.hitScare; this.spriteMlt = data.spriteMlt; this.nameScale = data.nameScale; this.colDmg = data.colDmg; this.noTrap = data.noTrap; this.spawnDelay = data.spawnDelay; this.hitWait = 0; this.waitCount = 1000; this.moveCount = 0; this.targetDir = 0; = true; this.alive = true; this.runFrom = null; this.chargeTarget = null; this.dmgOverTime = {}; }; let tmpRatio = 0; let animIndex = 0; this.animate = function (delta) { if (this.animTime > 0) { this.animTime -= delta; if (this.animTime <= 0) { this.animTime = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; tmpRatio = 0; animIndex = 0; } else { if (animIndex == 0) { tmpRatio += delta / (this.animSpeed * config.hitReturnRatio); this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, tmpRatio)); if (tmpRatio >= 1) { tmpRatio = 1; animIndex = 1; } } else { tmpRatio -= delta / (this.animSpeed * (1 - config.hitReturnRatio)); this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, tmpRatio)); } } } }; // ANIMATION: this.startAnim = function () { this.animTime = this.animSpeed = 600; this.targetAngle = Math.PI * 0.8; tmpRatio = 0; animIndex = 0; }; } } class Petal { constructor(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.damage = 10; = 10; this.maxHealth =; = false; this.alive = false; this.timer = 1500; this.time = 0; this.damaged = 0; this.alpha = 1; this.scale = 9; this.visScale = this.scale; } } class addCh { constructor(x, y, chat, tmpObj) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.alpha = 0; = true; this.alive = false; = chat; this.owner = tmpObj; } } class DeadPlayer { constructor(x, y, dir, buildIndex, weaponIndex, weaponVariant, skinColor, scale, name) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.lastDir = dir; this.dir = dir + Math.PI; this.buildIndex = buildIndex; this.weaponIndex = weaponIndex; this.weaponVariant = weaponVariant; this.skinColor = skinColor; this.scale = scale; this.visScale = 0; = name; this.alpha = 1; = true; this.animate = function (delta) { let d2 = UTILS.getAngleDist(this.lastDir, this.dir); if (d2 > 0.01) { this.dir += d2 / 20; } else { this.dir = this.lastDir; } if (this.visScale < this.scale) { this.visScale += delta / (this.scale / 2); if (this.visScale >= this.scale) { this.visScale = this.scale; } } this.alpha -= delta / 30000; if (this.alpha <= 0) { this.alpha = 0; = false; } }; } } class Player { constructor(id, sid, config, UTILS, projectileManager, objectManager, players, ais, items, hats, accessories, server, scoreCallback, iconCallback) { = id; this.sid = sid; this.tmpScore = 0; = null; this.latestSkin = 0; this.oldSkinIndex = 0; this.skinIndex = 0; this.latestTail = 0; this.oldTailIndex = 0; this.tailIndex = 0; this.hitTime = 0; this.lastHit = 0; this.tails = {}; for (let i = 0; i < accessories.length; ++i) { if (accessories[i].price <= 0) this.tails[accessories[i].id] = 1; } this.skins = {}; for (let i = 0; i < hats.length; ++i) { if (hats[i].price <= 0) this.skins[hats[i].id] = 1; } this.points = 0; this.dt = 0; this.hidden = false; this.itemCounts = {}; this.isPlayer = true; this.pps = 0; this.moveDir = undefined; this.skinRot = 0; this.lastPing = 0; this.iconIndex = 0; this.skinColor = 0; this.dist2 = 0; this.aim2 = 0; this.maxSpeed = 1; = { message: null, count: 0, }; this.backupNobull = true; = false; this.circleRad = 200; this.circleRadSpd = 0.1; this.cAngle = 0; // SPAWN: this.spawn = function (moofoll) { this.attacked = false; this.death = false; this.spinDir = 0; this.sync = false; this.antiBull = 0; this.bullTimer = 0; this.poisonTimer = 0; = true; this.alive = true; this.lockMove = false; this.lockDir = false; this.minimapCounter = 0; this.chatCountdown = 0; this.shameCount = 0; this.shameTimer = 0; this.sentTo = {}; this.gathering = 0; this.gatherIndex = 0; this.shooting = {}; this.shootIndex = 9; this.autoGather = 0; this.animTime = 0; this.animSpeed = 0; this.mouseState = 0; this.buildIndex = -1; this.weaponIndex = 0; this.weaponCode = 0; this.weaponVariant = 0; this.primaryIndex = undefined; this.secondaryIndex = undefined; this.dmgOverTime = {}; this.noMovTimer = 0; this.maxXP = 300; this.XP = 0; this.age = 1; this.kills = 0; this.upgrAge = 2; this.upgradePoints = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.oldXY = { x: 0, y: 0, }; this.zIndex = 0; this.xVel = 0; this.yVel = 0; this.slowMult = 1; this.dir = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; this.targetDir = 0; this.targetAngle = 0; this.maxHealth = 100; = this.maxHealth; this.oldHealth = this.maxHealth; this.damaged = 0; this.scale = config.playerScale; this.speed = config.playerSpeed; this.resetMoveDir(); this.resetResources(moofoll); this.items = [0, 3, 6, 10]; this.weapons = [0]; this.shootCount = 0; this.weaponXP = []; this.reloads = { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 53: 0, }; this.bowThreat = { 9: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 15: 0, }; this.damageThreat = 0; this.inTrap = false; this.canEmpAnti = false; this.empAnti = false; this.soldierAnti = false; this.poisonTick = 0; this.bullTick = 0; this.setPoisonTick = false; this.setBullTick = false; this.antiTimer = 2; }; // RESET MOVE DIR: this.resetMoveDir = function () { this.moveDir = undefined; }; // RESET RESOURCES: this.resetResources = function (moofoll) { for (let i = 0; i < config.resourceTypes.length; ++i) { this[config.resourceTypes[i]] = moofoll ? 100 : 0; } }; // ADD ITEM: this.getItemType = function (id) { let findindx = this.items.findIndex(ids => ids == id); if (findindx != -1) { return findindx; } else { return items.checkItem.index(id, this.items); } }; // SET DATA: this.setData = function (data) { = data[0]; this.sid = data[1]; = data[2]; this.x = data[3]; this.y = data[4]; this.dir = data[5]; = data[6]; this.maxHealth = data[7]; this.scale = data[8]; this.skinColor = data[9]; }; // UPDATE POISON TICK: this.updateTimer = function () { this.bullTimer -= 1; if (this.bullTimer <= 0) { this.setBullTick = false; this.bullTick = game.tick - 1; this.bullTimer = config.serverUpdateRate; } this.poisonTimer -= 1; if (this.poisonTimer <= 0) { this.setPoisonTick = false; this.poisonTick = game.tick - 1; this.poisonTimer = config.serverUpdateRate; } }; this.update = function (delta) { if (this.alive) { if ( != this.healthMov) { < this.healthMov ? (this.healthMov -= 2) : (this.healthMov += 2); if (Math.abs( - this.healthMov) < 2) this.healthMov =; } } if (this.sid == playerSID) { this.circleRad = parseInt(getEl('circleRad').value) || 0; this.circleRadSpd = parseFloat(getEl('radSpeed').value) || 0; this.cAngle += this.circleRadSpd; } if ( { // MOVE: let gear = { skin: findID(hats, this.skinIndex), tail: findID(accessories, this.tailIndex), }; let spdMult = (this.buildIndex >= 0 ? 0.5 : 1) * (items.weapons[this.weaponIndex].spdMult || 1) * ( ? || 1 : 1) * (gear.tail ? gear.tail.spdMult || 1 : 1) * (this.y <= config.snowBiomeTop ? ( && ? 1 : config.snowSpeed) : 1) * this.slowMult; this.maxSpeed = spdMult; } }; let tmpRatio = 0; let animIndex = 0; this.animate = function (delta) { if (this.animTime > 0) { this.animTime -= delta; if (this.animTime <= 0) { this.animTime = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; tmpRatio = 0; animIndex = 0; } else { if (animIndex == 0) { tmpRatio += delta / (this.animSpeed * config.hitReturnRatio); this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, tmpRatio)); if (tmpRatio >= 1) { tmpRatio = 1; animIndex = 1; } } else { tmpRatio -= delta / (this.animSpeed * (1 - config.hitReturnRatio)); this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, tmpRatio)); } } } }; // GATHER ANIMATION: this.startAnim = function (didHit, index) { this.animTime = this.animSpeed = items.weapons[index].speed; this.targetAngle = didHit ? -config.hitAngle : -Math.PI; tmpRatio = 0; animIndex = 0; }; // CAN SEE: this.canSee = function (other) { if (!other) return false; let dx = Math.abs(other.x - this.x) - other.scale; let dy = Math.abs(other.y - this.y) - other.scale; return dx <= (config.maxScreenWidth / 2) * 1.3 && dy <= (config.maxScreenHeight / 2) * 1.3; }; // SHAME SYSTEM: this.judgeShame = function() { if (this.oldHealth < { if (this.hitTime) { let timeSinceHit = game.tick - this.hitTime; this.lastHit = game.tick; this.hitTime = 0; if (timeSinceHit < 2) { this.shameCount++; } else { this.shameCount = Math.max(0, this.shameCount - 2); } } } else if (this.oldHealth > { this.hitTime = game.tick; } }; this.addShameTimer = function () { this.shameCount = 0; this.shameTimer = 30; let interval = setInterval(() => { this.shameTimer--; if (this.shameTimer <= 0) { clearInterval(interval); } }, 1000); }; // CHECK TEAM: this.isTeam = function (tmpObj) { return this == tmpObj || ( && ==; }; // FOR THE PLAYER: this.findAllianceBySid = function (sid) { return ? alliancePlayers.find(THIS => THIS === sid) : null; }; this.checkCanInsta = function (nobull) { let totally = 0; if (this.alive && inGame) { let primary = { weapon: this.weapons[0], variant: this.primaryVariant, dmg: this.weapons[0] == undefined ? 0 : items.weapons[this.weapons[0]].dmg, }; let secondary = { weapon: this.weapons[1], variant: this.secondaryVariant, dmg: this.weapons[1] == undefined ? 0 : items.weapons[this.weapons[1]].Pdmg, }; let bull = this.skins[7] && !nobull ? 1.5 : 1; let pV = primary.variant != undefined ? config.weaponVariants[primary.variant].val : 1; if (primary.weapon != undefined && this.reloads[primary.weapon] == 0) { totally += primary.dmg * pV * bull; } if (secondary.weapon != undefined && this.reloads[secondary.weapon] == 0) { totally += secondary.dmg; } if (this.skins[53] && this.reloads[53] <= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 0 : game.tickRate) && near.skinIndex != 22) { totally += 25; } totally *= near.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1; return totally; } return 0; }; // UPDATE WEAPON RELOAD: this.manageReload = function () { if (this.shooting[53]) { this.shooting[53] = 0; this.reloads[53] = 2500 - game.tickRate; } else { if (this.reloads[53] > 0) { this.reloads[53] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[53] - game.tickRate); } } if (this.gathering || this.shooting[1]) { if (this.gathering) { this.gathering = 0; this.reloads[this.gatherIndex] = items.weapons[this.gatherIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 21 ? 0.78 : 1); this.attacked = true; } if (this.shooting[1]) { this.shooting[1] = 0; this.reloads[this.shootIndex] = items.weapons[this.shootIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 21 ? 0.78 : 1); this.attacked = true; } } else { this.attacked = false; if (this.buildIndex < 0) { if (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] > 0) { this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] - game.tickRate); if (this == player) { if (getEl('weaponGrind').checked) { for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 2) { checkPlace(player.getItemType(22), i); } } } if (this.reloads[this.primaryIndex] == 0 && this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] == 0) { this.antiBull++; game.tickBase(() => { this.antiBull = 0; }, 1); } } } } }; // FOR ANTI INSTA: this.addDamageThreat = function (tmpObj) { let primary = { weapon: this.primaryIndex, variant: this.primaryVariant, }; primary.dmg = primary.weapon == undefined ? 45 : items.weapons[primary.weapon].dmg; let secondary = { weapon: this.secondaryIndex, variant: this.secondaryVariant, }; secondary.dmg = secondary.weapon == undefined ? 50 : items.weapons[secondary.weapon].Pdmg; let bull = 1.5; let pV = primary.variant != undefined ? config.weaponVariants[primary.variant].val : 1.18; let sV = secondary.variant != undefined ? ([9, 12, 13, 15].includes(secondary.weapon) ? 1 : config.weaponVariants[secondary.variant].val) : 1.18; if (primary.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[primary.weapon] == 0) { this.damageThreat += primary.dmg * pV * bull; } if (secondary.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[secondary.weapon] == 0) { this.damageThreat += secondary.dmg * sV; } if (this.reloads[53] <= game.tickRate) { this.damageThreat += 25; } this.damageThreat *= tmpObj.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1; if (!this.isTeam(tmpObj)) { if (this.dist2 <= 300) { tmpObj.damageThreat += this.damageThreat; } } }; } } // SOME CODES: function sendUpgrade(index) { player.reloads[index] = 0; packet('H', index); } function storeEquip(id, index) { packet('c', 0, id, index); } function storeBuy(id, index) { packet('c', 1, id, index); } function buyEquip(id, index) { let nID = player.skins[6] ? 6 : 0; if (player.alive && inGame) { if (index == 0) { if (player.skins[id]) { if (player.latestSkin != id) { packet('c', 0, id, 0); } } else { if (configs.autoBuyEquip) { let find = findID(hats, id); if (find) { if (player.points >= find.price) { //setTimeout(()=>{ packet('c', 1, id, 0); //setTimeout(()=>{ packet('c', 0, id, 0); //}, 120); //}, 120); } else { if (player.latestSkin != nID) { packet('c', 0, nID, 0); } } } else { if (player.latestSkin != nID) { packet('c', 0, nID, 0); } } } else { if (player.latestSkin != nID) { packet('c', 0, nID, 0); } } } } else if (index == 1) { if (useWasd && id != 11 && id != 0) { if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet('c', 0, 0, 1); } return; } if (player.tails[id]) { if (player.latestTail != id) { packet('c', 0, id, 1); } } else { if (configs.autoBuyEquip) { let find = findID(accessories, id); if (find) { if (player.points >= find.price) { packet('c', 1, id, 1); // setTimeout(()=>{ packet('c', 0, id, 1); //}, 120); } else { if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet('c', 0, 0, 1); } } } else { if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet('c', 0, 0, 1); } } } else { if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet('c', 0, 0, 1); } } } } } } function selectToBuild(index, wpn) { packet('G', index, wpn); } function selectWeapon(index, isPlace) { if (!isPlace) { player.weaponCode = index; } packet('G', index, 1); } function sendAutoGather() { packet('K', 1, 1); } function sendAtck(id, angle) { packet('d', id, angle, 1); } function toRadian(angle) { let fixedAngle = (angle % 360) * (Math.PI / 180); return fixedAngle < 0 ? 2 * Math.PI + fixedAngle : fixedAngle; } // PLACER: function place(id, rad, rmd) { try { if (id == undefined) return; let item = items.list[player.items[id]]; let tmpS = player.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0); let tmpX = player.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(rad); let tmpY = player.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(rad); if ( id === 0 || testMode || (player.alive && inGame && player.itemCounts[] == undefined ? true : player.itemCounts[] < (config.isSandbox ? (id === 3 || id === 5 ? 299 : 99) : ? : 99)) ) { if (replacing) { replacing = false; } selectToBuild(player.items[id]); sendAtck(1, rad); selectWeapon(player.weaponCode, 1); if (rmd && getEl('placeVis').checked) { placeVisible.push({ x: tmpX, y: tmpY, name:, scale: item.scale, dir: rad, }); game.tickBase(() => { placeVisible.shift(); }, 1); } } } catch (e) {} } function checkPlace(id, rad) { try { if (secPacket.count >= 60) return; //if (id == undefined) return; let item = items.list[player.items[id]]; let tmpS = player.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0); let tmpX = player.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(rad); let tmpY = player.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(rad); if (objectManager.checkItemLocation(tmpX, tmpY, item.scale, 0.6,, false, player)) { place(id, rad, 1); } } catch (e) {} } // HEALING: function soldierMult() { return player.latestSkin == 6 ? 0.75 : 1; } function getAttacker(damaged) { let attackers = enemy.filter(tmp => { //let damages = new Damages(items); //let dmg = damages.weapons[tmp.weaponIndex]; //let by = tmp.weaponIndex < 9 ? [dmg[0], dmg[1], dmg[2], dmg[3]] : [dmg[0], dmg[1]]; let rule = { //one: tmp.dist2 <= 300, //two: by.includes(damaged), three: tmp.attacked, }; return /* && rule.two && */ rule.three; }); return attackers; } function healer() { for (let i = 0; i < healthBased(); i++) { place(0, getAttackDir()); } } // ADVANCED: function applCxC(value) { if ( == 100) return 0; if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) { return Math.ceil(value / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); } return 0; } function healthBased() { if ( == 100) return 0; if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) { return Math.ceil((100 - / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); } return 0; } function calcDmg(value) { return value * player.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1; } // LATER: function predictHeal() {} function antiSyncHealing(timearg) { my.antiSync = true; let healAnti = setInterval(() => { if (player.shameCount < 5) { place(0, getAttackDir()); } }, 75); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(healAnti); setTimeout(() => { my.antiSync = false; }, game.tickRate); }, game.tickRate); } const placedSpikePositions = new Set(); const placedTrapPositions = new Set(); function isPositionValid(position) { const playerX = player.x2; const playerY = player.y2; const distToPosition = Math.hypot(position[0] - playerX, position[1] - playerY); return distToPosition > 35; } function findAllianceBySid(sid) { return ? alliancePlayers.find(THIS => THIS === sid) : null; } function calculatePossibleTrapPositions(x, y, radius) { const trapPositions = []; const numPositions = 16; for (let i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) { const angle = (2 * Math.PI * i) / numPositions; const offsetX = x + radius * Math.cos(angle); const offsetY = y + radius * Math.sin(angle); const position = [offsetX, offsetY]; if (!trapPositions.some(pos => isPositionTooClose(position, pos))) { trapPositions.push(position); } } return trapPositions; } function isPositionTooClose(position1, position2, minDistance = 50) { const dist = Math.hypot(position1[0] - position2[0], position1[1] - position2[1]); return dist < minDistance; } function biomeGear(mover, returns) { if (player.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && player.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) { if (returns) return 31; buyEquip(31, 0); } else { if (player.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop) { if (returns) return mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 15; buyEquip(mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 15, 0); } else { if (returns) return mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 12; buyEquip(mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 22 : 12, 0); } } if (returns) return 0; } function woah(mover) { buyEquip(mover && player.moveDir == undefined ? 0 : 19, 1); } let advHeal = []; class Traps { constructor(UTILS, items) { this.dist = 0; this.aim = 0; this.inTrap = false; this.replaced = false; this.antiTrapped = false; = {}; this.notFast = function () { return player.weapons[1] == 10 && ( > items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg || player.weapons[0] == 5); }; this.testCanPlace = function (id, first = -(Math.PI / 2), repeat = Math.PI / 2, plus = Math.PI / 18, radian, replacer, yaboi) { try { let item = items.list[player.items[id]]; let tmpS = player.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0); let counts = { attempts: 0, placed: 0, }; let tmpObjects = []; gameObjects.forEach(p => { tmpObjects.push({ x: p.x, y: p.y, active:, blocker: p.blocker, scale: p.scale, isItem: p.isItem, type: p.type, colDiv: p.colDiv, getScale: function (sM, ig) { sM = sM || 1; return this.scale * (this.isItem || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4 ? 1 : 0.6 * sM) * (ig ? 1 : this.colDiv); }, }); }); for (let i = first; i < repeat; i += plus) { counts.attempts++; let relAim = radian + i; let tmpX = player.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(relAim); let tmpY = player.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(relAim); let cantPlace = tmpObjects.find( tmp => && UTILS.getDistance(tmpX, tmpY, tmp.x, tmp.y) < item.scale + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(0.6, tmp.isItem)) ); if (cantPlace) continue; if ( != 18 && tmpY >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && tmpY <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) continue; if ((!replacer && yaboi) || useWasd) { if (useWasd ? false : yaboi.inTrap) { if (UTILS.getAngleDist(near.aim2 + Math.PI, relAim + Math.PI) <= Math.PI) { place(2, relAim, 1); } else { player.items[4] == 15 && place(4, relAim, 1); } } else { if (UTILS.getAngleDist(near.aim2, relAim) <= config.gatherAngle / 1.5) { place(2, relAim, 1); } else { player.items[4] == 15 && place(4, relAim, 1); } } } else { place(id, relAim, 1); } tmpObjects.push({ x: tmpX, y: tmpY, active: true, blocker: item.blocker, scale: item.scale, isItem: true, type: null, colDiv: item.colDiv, getScale: function () { return this.scale; }, }); if (UTILS.getAngleDist(near.aim2, relAim) <= 1) { counts.placed++; } } if (counts.placed > 0 && replacer && item.dmg) { if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && configs.spikeTick) { instaC.canSpikeTick = true; } } } catch (err) {} }; this.checkSpikeTick = function () { try { if (![3, 4, 5].includes(near.primaryIndex)) return false; if (getEl('safeAntiSpikeTick').checked || my.autoPush ? false : near.primaryIndex == undefined ? true : near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] > game.tickRate) return false; // more range for safe. also testing near.primaryIndex || 5 if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5].range + near.scale * 1.8) { let item = items.list[9]; let tmpS = near.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0); let danger = 0; let counts = { attempts: 0, block: `unblocked`, }; for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1 / 10) { counts.attempts++; let relAim = UTILS.getDirect(player, near, 2, 2) + i; let tmpX = near.x2 + tmpS * Math.cos(relAim); let tmpY = near.y2 + tmpS * Math.sin(relAim); let cantPlace = gameObjects.find( tmp => && UTILS.getDistance(tmpX, tmpY, tmp.x, tmp.y) < item.scale + (tmp.blocker ? tmp.blocker : tmp.getScale(0.6, tmp.isItem)) ); if (cantPlace) continue; if (tmpY >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && tmpY <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) continue; danger++; counts.block = `blocked`; break; } if (danger) { my.anti0Tick = 1; = 'Anti SpikeTick ' + near.sid; = 2000; return true; } } } catch (err) { return null; } return false; }; this.protect = function (aim) { if (!configs.antiTrap) return; if (player.items[4]) { for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 4) { this.testCanPlace(4, -(Math.PI / 2), Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 19, aim + i); } this.antiTrapped = true; } }; const BackPotential = async function (e, t, i, r, k, d, n = near) { t = n && Math.hypot(n.y2 - player.y2, n.x2 - player.x2) >= 350 ? player.items[4] : player.items[2]; if (t === player.items[2]) { i = Math.atan2(e.y - player.y2, e.x - player.x2); r = Math.atan2(n.y - player.y2, n.x - player.x2); k = Math.abs(i - r); t = k <= Math.PI ? player.items[2] : t; for (i = 0; i <= Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 32) this.testCanPlace(4, -(Math.PI / 2), Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 32, aim + i); } }; //const BackPotential = async function(e, t, i, r, k, d, n = Enemy) { /* 1. When a player is not near it should place 3 mills. 2. If a player is near but infront of you it should do spikes. 3. If a player is behind it should do traps. 4. If there's a player in your screen, but he isn't near do traps. */ /*t = (!n ? R.items[3] : n && Math.hypot(n.y2 - R.y2, n.x2 - R.x2) >= 350 ? R.items[4] : R.items[2]); if (t === R.items[2]) { i = Math.atan2(e.y - R.y2, e.x - R.x2); r = Math.atan2(n.y - R.y2, n.x - R.x2); k = Math.abs(i - r); t = k <= Math.PI ? R.items[2] : t; for (i = 0; i <= Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 32) Hq(t, i, R); }; };*/ /*this.autoPlace = function () { if (enemy.length && configs.autoPlace && !instaC.ticking) { if (game.tick % (Math.max(1, parseInt(getEl("autoPlaceTick").value)) || 1) === 0) { let playerX = player.x; let playerY = player.y; let enemyX = enemy[0].x; let enemyY = enemy[0].y; let distance = Math.sqrt((playerX - enemyX) ** 2 + (playerY - enemyY) ** 2); let maxVulnerableAngle = Math.PI / 6; let minDistance = 150; let maxDistance = 280; let proximityFactor = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (distance - minDistance) / (maxDistance - minDistance))); let vulnerableAngle = maxVulnerableAngle * proximityFactor; let angle = Math.atan2(enemyY - playerY, enemyX - playerX); angle += Math.PI * 2; if (gameObjects.length) { let near2 = { inTrap: false, }; let nearTrap = gameObjects .filter(e => e.trap && && e.isTeamObject(player) && !"windmill")) .sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2))[0]; if (nearTrap) { near2.inTrap = true; } else { near2.inTrap = false; } if (testMode ? enemy.length : (near.dist2 <= 450)) { if (near.dist2 <= 200) { this.testCanPlace(4, 0, angle + vulnerableAngle, Math.PI / 24, near.aim2, 0, { inTrap: near2.inTrap }); } else { if (player.items[4] == 15) { this.testCanPlace(4, 0, angle + vulnerableAngle, Math.PI / 24, near.aim2); } } } } else { if (testMode ? enemy.length : (near.dist2 <= 450)) { if (player.items[4] == 15) { this.testCanPlace(4, 0, angle + vulnerableAngle, Math.PI / 24, near.aim2); } } } } } }; let tbToggledOn = true; if (tbToggledOn && enemy.length > 0) { enemy.sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(player, a) - UTILS.getDist(player, b)); for (const enemyPlayer of enemy) { const enemyDistance = UTILS.getDist(player, enemyPlayer); const nearTrap = gameObjects.some( (tmp) => tmp.trap && && UTILS.getDist(tmp, enemyPlayer, 0, 2) <= tmp.getScale() + 5 ); if (nearTrap || (enemyDistance > 0 && enemyDistance <= 80)) { const optimalDistance = Math.min(80, enemyDistance); const spikeX = player.x + (optimalDistance / enemyDistance) * (enemyPlayer.x - player.x); const spikeY = player.y + (optimalDistance / enemyDistance) * (enemyPlayer.y - player.y); this.testCanPlace(1, spikeX, spikeY); } } } } }*/ this.autoPlace = function () { // if (player.items[4] === 16) { try { const trap1 = gameObjects .filter(e => e.trap && .sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)) .find(trap => { const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2); return trap !== player && (player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) && trapDist <= 50; }); if (trap1 && near.dist2 <= 160) { const trapX = trap1.x; const trapY = trap1.y; const circleRadius = 102; const numPositions = 64; for (let i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) { const angle = (2 * Math.PI * i) / numPositions; const offsetX = trapX + circleRadius * Math.cos(angle); const offsetY = trapY + circleRadius * Math.sin(angle); const position = [offsetX, offsetY]; const distToPlayer = Math.hypot(position[0] - player.x2, position[1] - player.y2); if (!placedSpikePositions.has(JSON.stringify(position)) && isPositionValid(position) && distToPlayer <= 87) { const angleToPlace = Math.atan2(position[1] - player.y2, position[0] - player.x2); checkPlace(2, angleToPlace); placedSpikePositions.add(JSON.stringify(position)); } } } else if (!trap1 && near.dist2 <= 206) { placedSpikePositions.clear(); const maxTrapsToPlace = 3; const trapRadius = 50; const trapPositions = calculatePossibleTrapPositions(player.x2, player.y2, trapRadius); let trapsPlaced = 0; for (const position of trapPositions) { if (trapsPlaced < maxTrapsToPlace && !placedTrapPositions.has(JSON.stringify(position)) && isPositionValid(position)) { checkPlace(4, ...position); placedTrapPositions.add(JSON.stringify(position)); trapsPlaced++; } } } } catch (e) {} //} }; } } /* this.autoPlace = function () { //RVN LOGIC AUTOPLACER try { const nearEnemyDist2 = near.dist2; const trap1 = gameObjects .filter((e) => e.trap && .sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)) .find((trap) => { const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2); return ( trap !== player && (player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) && trapDist <= 50 ); }); if (trap1 && nearEnemyDist2 <= 160) { const trapX = trap1.x; const trapY = trap1.y; const circleRadius = 102; const numPositions = 64; for (let i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) { const angle = (2 * Math.PI * i) / numPositions; const offsetX = trapX + circleRadius * Math.cos(angle); const offsetY = trapY + circleRadius * Math.sin(angle); const position = [offsetX, offsetY]; const distToPlayer = Math.hypot(position[0] - player.x2, position[1] - player.y2); if ( !placedSpikePositions.has(JSON.stringify(position)) && isPositionValid(position) && distToPlayer <= 87 ) { const angleToPlace = Math.atan2(position[1] - player.y2, position[0] - player.x2); checkPlace(2, angleToPlace); placedSpikePositions.add(JSON.stringify(position)); } } } else if (!trap1 && nearEnemyDist2 <= 206) { placedSpikePositions.clear(); const maxTrapsToPlace = 3; const trapRadius = 50; const trapPositions = calculatePossibleTrapPositions(player.x2, player.y2, trapRadius); let trapsPlaced = 0; for (const position of trapPositions) { if ( trapsPlaced < maxTrapsToPlace && !placedTrapPositions.has(JSON.stringify(position)) && isPositionValid(position) ) { checkPlace(4, ...position); placedTrapPositions.add(JSON.stringify(position)); trapsPlaced++; } } } } catch (e) {} };*/ /*this.replacer = function(findObj) { if (!findObj || !configs.autoReplace || !inGame || this.antiTrapped) return; game.tickBase(() => { let objDst = UTILS.getDist(findObj, player, 0, 2); let dynamicAngle = Math.atan2(findObj.y - player.y, findObj.x - player.x); let angleAdjustment = Math.PI / 24; if (getEl("weaponGrind").checked && objDst <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].range + player.scale) return; if (objDst <= 400 && near.dist2 <= 400) { let danger = this.checkSpikeTick(); if (!danger && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5].range + (near.scale * 1.8)) { let adjustedAngle = dynamicAngle + angleAdjustment; this.testCanPlace(2, 0, (Math.PI * 2), angleAdjustment, adjustedAngle, 1); } else if (player.items[4] == 15) { let adjustedAngle = dynamicAngle - angleAdjustment; this.testCanPlace(4, 0, (Math.PI * 2), angleAdjustment, adjustedAngle, 1); } if (objDst <= 100) { for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 60) { let trapAngle = dynamicAngle + i * (Math.PI / 180); let predictedTrapLocation = {x: player.x + Math.cos(trapAngle) * (objDst + 50), y: player.y + Math.sin(trapAngle) * (objDst + 50)}; this.testCanPlace(2, 0, (Math.PI * 2), angleAdjustment, trapAngle, 1, predictedTrapLocation); } } this.replaced = true; } }, 1); } }}*/ class Instakill { constructor() { this.wait = false; this.can = false; this.isTrue = false; this.nobull = false; this.ticking = false; this.canSpikeTick = false; this.startTick = false; this.readyTick = false; this.canCounter = false; this.revTick = false; this.syncHit = false; this.changeType = function (type) { this.wait = false; this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; if (type == 'rev') { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); sendAutoGather(); buyEquip(53, 0); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); }, 1); } else if (type == 'nobull') { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { buyEquip(53, 0); selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); }, 1); } else if (type == 'normal') { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(player.reloads[53] == 0 ? 53 : 6, 0); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(() => { this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 50); } }; /*this.spikeTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); } else { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; } }, 1); };*/ this.spikeTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { buyEquip(53, 0); selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; buyEquip(6, 0); }, 3); }, 1); }; this.counterType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(19, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl('turretCombat').checked) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(18, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); } else { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; } }, 1); }; this.rangeType = function (type) { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; if (type == 'ageInsta') { my.ageInsta = false; if (player.items[5] == 18) { place(5, near.aim2); } packet('a', undefined, 1); buyEquip(22, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { sendUpgrade(12); selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendUpgrade(15); selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }, 1); } else { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && near.dist2 <= 700 && near.skinIndex != 22) { buyEquip(53, 0); } else { buyEquip(19, 0); } buyEquip(6, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); } }; this.Snowtick = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); biomeGear(); buyEquip(19, 1); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); buyEquip(53, 0); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet('a', undefined, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }; this.oneTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); if (player.weapons[1] == 15) { my.revAim = true; sendAutoGather(); } game.tickBase(() => { const trap1 = gameObjects .filter(e => e.trap && .sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)) .find(trap => { const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2); return trap !== player && (player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) && trapDist <= 30; }); if ([6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && trap1) io.send('6', 'p_OT [2/3]'); my.revAim = false; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); if (player.weapons[1] != 15) { sendAutoGather(); } game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet('a', undefined, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }; this.threeOneTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); biomeGear(); buyEquip(6, 1); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(6, 1); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { const trap1 = gameObjects .filter(e => e.trap && .sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)) .find(trap => { const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2); return trap !== player && (player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) && trapDist <= 30; }); if ([6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && trap1) io.send('6', 'p_OT [2/3]'); selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(19, 1); sendAutoGather(); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet('a', undefined, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }; this.kmTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; my.revAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(6, 1); sendAutoGather(); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { my.revAim = false; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(19, 1); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet('a', undefined, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }; this.boostTickType = function () { /*this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(6, 1); packet("33", near.aim2); game.tickBase(() => { place(4, near.aim2); selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); biomeGear(); buyEquip(6, 1); sendAutoGather(); packet("33", near.aim2); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(19, 1); packet("33", near.aim2); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet("33", undefined); }, 1); }, 1); }, 1);*/ this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; biomeGear(); buyEquip(6, 1); packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { if (player.weapons[1] == 15) { my.revAim = true; } selectWeapon(player.weapons[[9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(6, 1); if ([9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) { sendAutoGather(); } packet('a', near.aim2, 1); place(4, near.aim2); game.tickBase(() => { my.revAim = false; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(19, 1); if (![9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) { sendAutoGather(); } packet('a', near.aim2, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet('a', undefined, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }; this.gotoGoal = function (goto, OT) { let slowDists = weeeee => weeeee * config.playerScale; let goal = { a: goto - OT, b: goto + OT, c: goto - slowDists(1), d: goto + slowDists(1), e: goto - slowDists(2), f: goto + slowDists(2), g: goto - slowDists(4), h: goto + slowDists(4), }; let bQ = function (wwww, awwww) { if (player.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && player.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2 && awwww == 0) { buyEquip(31, 0); } else { buyEquip(wwww, awwww); } }; if (enemy.length) { let dst = near.dist2; this.ticking = true; if (dst >= goal.a && dst <= goal.b) { bQ(22, 0); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } return { dir: undefined, action: 1, }; } else { if (dst < goal.a) { if (dst >= goal.g) { if (dst >= goal.e) { if (dst >= goal.c) { bQ(40, 0); if (configs.slowOT) { player.buildIndex != player.items[1] && selectToBuild(player.items[1]); } else { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { bQ(22, 0); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { bQ(6, 0); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { biomeGear(); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } return { dir: near.aim2 + Math.PI, action: 0, }; } else if (dst > goal.b) { if (dst <= goal.h) { if (dst <= goal.f) { if (dst <= goal.d) { bQ(40, 0); if (configs.slowOT) { player.buildIndex != player.items[1] && selectToBuild(player.items[1]); } else { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { bQ(22, 0); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { bQ(6, 0); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { biomeGear(); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } return { dir: near.aim2, action: 0, }; } return { dir: undefined, action: 0, }; } } else { this.ticking = false; return { dir: undefined, action: 0, }; } }; /** wait 1 tick for better quality */ (this.bowMovement = function () { let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(685, 3); if (moveMent.action) { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) { this.rangeType('ageInsta'); } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } }), (this.tickMovement = function () { const trap1 = gameObjects .filter(e => e.trap && .sort((a, b) => UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2)) .find(trap => { const trapDist = Math.hypot(trap.y - near.y2, trap.x - near.x2); return trap !== player && (player.sid === trap.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(trap.owner.sid)) && trapDist <= 50; }); let moveMent = this.gotoGoal( [10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) && player.y2 > config.snowBiomeTop ? 240 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 250 : player.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop ? [10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 265 : 255 : 270, 3 ); if (moveMent.action) { if ((![6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) || ([6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && trap1)) && player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) { ([10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) && player.y2 > config.snowBiomeTop) || player.weapons[1] == 15 ? this.threeOneTickType() : this.Snowtick(); } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } }), (this.kmTickMovement = function () { let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(240, 3); if (moveMent.action) { if (near.skinIndex != 22 && player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue && (game.tick - near.poisonTick) % config.serverUpdateRate == 8) { this.kmTickType(); } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } }), (this.boostTickMovement = function () { let dist = player.weapons[1] == 9 ? 365 : player.weapons[1] == 12 ? 380 : player.weapons[1] == 13 ? 390 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 365 : 370; let actionDist = player.weapons[1] == 9 ? 2 : player.weapons[1] == 12 ? 1.5 : player.weapons[1] == 13 ? 1.5 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 2 : 3; let moveMent = this.gotoGoal(dist, actionDist); if (moveMent.action) { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) { this.boostTickType(); } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } } else { packet('a', moveMent.dir, 1); } }); /** wait 1 tick for better quality */ this.perfCheck = function (pl, nr) { if (nr.weaponIndex == 11 && UTILS.getAngleDist(nr.aim2 + Math.PI, nr.d2) <= config.shieldAngle) return false; if (![9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) return true; let pjs = { x: nr.x2 + 70 * Math.cos(nr.aim2 + Math.PI), y: nr.y2 + 70 * Math.sin(nr.aim2 + Math.PI), }; if (UTILS.lineInRect(pl.x2 - pl.scale, pl.y2 - pl.scale, pl.x2 + pl.scale, pl.y2 + pl.scale, pjs.x, pjs.y, pjs.x, pjs.y)) { return true; } let finds = ais .filter(tmp => tmp.visible) .find(tmp => { if (UTILS.lineInRect(tmp.x2 - tmp.scale, tmp.y2 - tmp.scale, tmp.x2 + tmp.scale, tmp.y2 + tmp.scale, pjs.x, pjs.y, pjs.x, pjs.y)) { return true; } }); if (finds) return false; finds = gameObjects .filter(tmp => .find(tmp => { let tmpScale = tmp.getScale(); if (!tmp.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(tmp.x - tmpScale, tmp.y - tmpScale, tmp.x + tmpScale, tmp.y + tmpScale, pjs.x, pjs.y, pjs.x, pjs.y)) { return true; } }); if (finds) return false; return true; }; } } class Autobuy { constructor(buyHat, buyAcc) { this.hat = function () { buyHat.forEach(id => { let find = findID(hats, id); if (find && !player.skins[id] && player.points >= find.price) packet('c', 1, id, 0); }); }; this.acc = function () { buyAcc.forEach(id => { let find = findID(accessories, id); if (find && !player.tails[id] && player.points >= find.price) packet('c', 1, id, 1); }); }; } } class Autoupgrade { constructor() { = function (upg) { upg(3); upg(17); upg(31); upg(23); upg(9); upg(38); }; = function (upg) { upg(3); upg(17); upg(31); upg(23); upg(10); upg(38); upg(4); upg(25); }; this.pb = function (upg) { upg(5); upg(17); upg(32); upg(23); upg(9); upg(38); }; = function (upg) { upg(5); upg(17); upg(32); upg(23); upg(10); upg(38); upg(28); upg(25); }; this.db = function (upg) { upg(7); upg(17); upg(31); upg(23); upg(9); upg(34); }; /* old functions */ = function (upg) { upg(7); upg(17); upg(31); upg(23); upg(10); upg(38); upg(4); upg(15); }; } } class Damages { constructor(items) { // 0.75 1 1.125 1.5 this.calcDmg = function (dmg, val) { return dmg * val; }; this.getAllDamage = function (dmg) { return [this.calcDmg(dmg, 0.75), dmg, this.calcDmg(dmg, 1.125), this.calcDmg(dmg, 1.5)]; }; this.weapons = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length; i++) { let wp = items.weapons[i]; let name =' ').length <= 1 ? :' ')[0] + '_' +' ')[1]; this.weapons.push(this.getAllDamage(i > 8 ? wp.Pdmg : wp.dmg)); this[name] = this.weapons[i]; } } } /** CLASS CODES */ // jumpscare code warn let tmpList = []; // LOADING: let UTILS = new Utils(); let items = new Items(); let objectManager = new Objectmanager(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config); let store = new Store(); let hats = store.hats; let accessories = store.accessories; let projectileManager = new ProjectileManager(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS); let aiManager = new AiManager(ais, AI, players, items, null, config, UTILS); let textManager = new Textmanager(); let traps = new Traps(UTILS, items); let instaC = new Instakill(); let autoBuy = new Autobuy([15, 31, 6, 7, 22, 12, 53, 19, 40], [11, 13, 19, 18, 21]); let autoUpgrade = new Autoupgrade(); let lastDeath; let minimapData; let mapMarker = {}; let mapPings = []; let tmpPing; let breakTrackers = []; let pathFindTest = 0; let grid = []; let pathFind = { active: false, grid: 40, scale: 1440, x: 14400, y: 14400, chaseNear: false, array: [], lastX: this.grid / 2, lastY: this.grid / 2, }; function sendChat(message) { packet('6', message.slice(0, 30)); } let runAtNextTick = []; function checkProjectileHolder(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, layer, sid) { let weaponIndx = indx == 0 ? 9 : indx == 2 ? 12 : indx == 3 ? 13 : indx == 5 && 15; let projOffset = config.playerScale * 2; let projXY = { x: indx == 1 ? x : x - projOffset * Math.cos(dir), y: indx == 1 ? y : y - projOffset * Math.sin(dir), }; let nearPlayer = players .filter(e => e.visible && UTILS.getDist(projXY, e, 0, 2) <= e.scale) .sort(function (a, b) { return UTILS.getDist(projXY, a, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(projXY, b, 0, 2); })[0]; if (nearPlayer) { if (indx == 1) { nearPlayer.shooting[53] = 1; } else { nearPlayer.shootIndex = weaponIndx; nearPlayer.shooting[1] = 1; antiProj(nearPlayer, dir, range, speed, indx, weaponIndx); } } } let projectileCount = 0; function antiProj(tmpObj, dir, range, speed, index, weaponIndex) { if (!tmpObj.isTeam(player)) { tmpDir = UTILS.getDirect(player, tmpObj, 2, 2); if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, dir) <= 0.2) { tmpObj.bowThreat[weaponIndex]++; if (index == 5) { projectileCount++; } setTimeout(() => { tmpObj.bowThreat[weaponIndex]--; if (index == 5) { projectileCount--; } }, range / speed); if (tmpObj.bowThreat[9] >= 1 && (tmpObj.bowThreat[12] >= 1 || tmpObj.bowThreat[15] >= 1)) { place(1, tmpObj.aim2); my.anti0Tick = 4; if (!my.antiSync) { antiSyncHealing(4); } } else { if (projectileCount >= 2) { place(1, tmpObj.aim2); my.anti0Tick = 4; if (!my.antiSync) { antiSyncHealing(4); } } } } } } // SHOW ITEM INFO: function showItemInfo(item, isWeapon, isStoreItem) { if (player && item) { UTILS.removeAllChildren(itemInfoHolder); itemInfoHolder.classList.add('visible'); UTILS.generateElement({ id: 'itemInfoName', text: UTILS.capitalizeFirst(, parent: itemInfoHolder, }); UTILS.generateElement({ id: 'itemInfoDesc', text: item.desc, parent: itemInfoHolder, }); if (isStoreItem) { } else if (isWeapon) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: 'itemInfoReq', text: !item.type ? 'primary' : 'secondary', parent: itemInfoHolder, }); } else { for (let i = 0; i < item.req.length; i += 2) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: 'itemInfoReq', html: item.req[i] + "<span class='itemInfoReqVal'> x" + item.req[i + 1] + '</span>', parent: itemInfoHolder, }); } if ( { UTILS.generateElement({ class: 'itemInfoLmt', text: (player.itemCounts[] || 0) + '/' + (config.isSandbox ? 99 :, parent: itemInfoHolder, }); } } } else { itemInfoHolder.classList.remove('visible'); } } // RESIZE: window.addEventListener('resize', UTILS.checkTrusted(resize)); function resize() { screenWidth = window.innerWidth; screenHeight = window.innerHeight; /*let scaleFillNative = Math.max(screenWidth / maxScreenWidth, screenHeight / maxScreenHeight) * pixelDensity; gameCanvas.width = screenWidth * pixelDensity; gameCanvas.height = screenHeight * pixelDensity; = screenWidth + "px"; = screenHeight + "px"; mainContext.setTransform( scaleFillNative, 0, 0, scaleFillNative, (screenWidth * pixelDensity - (maxScreenWidth * scaleFillNative)) / 2, (screenHeight * pixelDensity - (maxScreenHeight * scaleFillNative)) / 2 );*/ } resize(); // MOUSE INPUT: const mals = document.getElementById('touch-controls-fullscreen'); = 'block'; mals.addEventListener('mousemove', gameInput, false); function gameInput(e) { mouseX = e.clientX; mouseY = e.clientY; } let clicks = { left: false, middle: false, right: false, }; mals.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown, false); function mouseDown(e) { if (attackState != 1) { attackState = 1; if (e.button == 0) { clicks.left = true; } else if (e.button == 1) { clicks.middle = true; } else if (e.button == 2) { clicks.right = true; } } } mals.addEventListener('mouseup', UTILS.checkTrusted(mouseUp)); function mouseUp(e) { if (attackState != 0) { attackState = 0; if (e.button == 0) { clicks.left = false; } else if (e.button == 1) { clicks.middle = false; } else if (e.button == 2) { clicks.right = false; } } } mals.addEventListener('wheel', wheel, false); function wheel(e) { if (e.deltaY < 0) { my.reSync = true; } else { my.reSync = false; } } // INPUT UTILS: function getMoveDir() { let dx = 0; let dy = 0; for (let key in moveKeys) { let tmpDir = moveKeys[key]; dx += !!keys[key] * tmpDir[0]; dy += !!keys[key] * tmpDir[1]; } return dx == 0 && dy == 0 ? undefined : Math.atan2(dy, dx); } function getSafeDir() { if (!player) return 0; if (!player.lockDir) { lastDir = Math.atan2(mouseY - screenHeight / 2, mouseX - screenWidth / 2); } return lastDir || 0; } function getAttackDir(debug) { if (debug) { if (!player) return '0'; if ( my.autoAim || ((clicks.left || (useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap)) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) ) lastDir = getEl('weaponGrind').checked ? 'getSafeDir()' : enemy.length ? (my.revAim ? '(near.aim2 + Math.PI)' : 'near.aim2') : 'getSafeDir()'; else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) lastDir = 'getSafeDir()'; else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { let buildings = gameObjects.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(player.y2 - a.y, player.x2 - a.x) - Math.hypot(player.y2 - b.y, player.x2 - b.x)); let spikes = buildings.filter( obj => ((( == 'spikes' || == 'greater spikes' || == 'spinning spikes' || == 'poison spikes') && !(player.sid === obj.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(obj.owner.sid))) || ( == 'teleporter' && obj.owner.sid != player.sid)) && fgdo(player, obj) < (player.items[1] === 10 ? 75 + 70 : 250) && ); let nearestSpike = spikes.length > 0 ? spikes[0] : null; if (spikes.length > 1) { nearestSpike = spikes.reduce((closest, current) => Math.hypot(player.y2 - current.y, player.x2 - current.x) < Math.hypot(player.y2 - closest.y, player.x2 - closest.x) ? current : closest ); } let angleToNearestSpike = Math.atan2(nearestSpike.y - player.y2, nearestSpike.x - player.x2); near && near.dist2 <= 600 && nearestSpike ? (lastDir = 'angleToNearestSpike') : (lastDir = 'traps.aim'); } else if (!player.lockDir) { if (configs.noDir) return 'undefined'; lastDir = 'getSafeDir()'; } return lastDir; } else { if (!player) return 0; if ( my.autoAim || ((clicks.left || (useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap)) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) ) lastDir = getEl('weaponGrind').checked ? getSafeDir() : enemy.length ? (my.revAim ? near.aim2 + Math.PI : near.aim2) : getSafeDir(); else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) lastDir = getSafeDir(); else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) lastDir = traps.aim; else if (!player.lockDir) { if (configs.noDir) return undefined; lastDir = getSafeDir(); } return lastDir || 0; } } function getVisualDir() { if (!player) return 0; if (my.autoAim || ((clicks.left || (useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap)) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0)) lastDir = getEl('weaponGrind').checked ? getSafeDir() : enemy.length ? (my.revAim ? near.aim2 + Math.PI : near.aim2) : getSafeDir(); else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) lastDir = getSafeDir(); else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) lastDir = traps.aim; else if (!player.lockDir) { lastDir = getSafeDir(); } return lastDir || 0; } // KEYS: function keysActive() { return != 'block' && != 'block' && !menuCBFocus; } function toggleMenuChat() { if ( != 'none') { = 'none'; if (menuChatBox.value != '') { //commands[command.slice(1)] let cmd = function (command) { return { found: command.startsWith('/') && commands[command.slice(1).split(' ')[0]], fv: commands[command.slice(1).split(' ')[0]], }; }; let command = cmd(menuChatBox.value); if (command.found) { if (typeof command.fv.action === 'function') { command.fv.action(menuChatBox.value); } } else { sendChat(menuChatBox.value); } menuChatBox.value = ''; menuChatBox.blur(); } else { if (menuCBFocus) { menuChatBox.blur(); } else { menuChatBox.focus(); } } } } function keyDown(event) { let keyNum = event.which || event.keyCode || 0; if (player && player.alive && keysActive()) { if (!keys[keyNum]) { keys[keyNum] = 1; macro[event.key] = 1; if (keyNum == 27) { openMenu = !openMenu; $('#menuDiv').toggle(); $('#menuChatDiv').toggle(); } else if (keyNum == 69) { sendAutoGather(); } else if (keyNum == 67) { packet('6', 'Debug-x'); } else if (player.weapons[keyNum - 49] != undefined) { player.weaponCode = player.weapons[keyNum - 49]; } else if (moveKeys[keyNum]) { sendMoveDir(); } else if (event.key == 'm') { mills.placeSpawnPads = !mills.placeSpawnPads; } else if (event.key == 'z') { = !; } else if (event.key == 'Z') { typeof window.debug == 'function' && window.debug(); } else if (keyNum == 85) { } else if (keyNum == 32) { packet('d', 1, getSafeDir(), 1); packet('d', 0, getSafeDir(), 1); } else if (event.key == ',') { player.sync = true; } } } } addEventListener('keydown', UTILS.checkTrusted(keyDown)); function keyUp(event) { if (player && player.alive) { let keyNum = event.which || event.keyCode || 0; if (keyNum == 13) { toggleMenuChat(); } else if (keysActive()) { if (keys[keyNum]) { keys[keyNum] = 0; macro[event.key] = 0; if (moveKeys[keyNum]) { sendMoveDir(); } else if (event.key == ',') { player.sync = false; } } } } } window.addEventListener('keyup', UTILS.checkTrusted(keyUp)); function sendMoveDir() { let newMoveDir = getMoveDir(); if (lastMoveDir == undefined || newMoveDir == undefined || Math.abs(newMoveDir - lastMoveDir) > 0.3) { if (!my.autoPush) { packet('a', newMoveDir, 1); } lastMoveDir = newMoveDir; } } // BUTTON EVENTS: function bindEvents() {} bindEvents(); /** PATHFIND TEST */ function chechPathColl(tmp) { return (player.scale + tmp.getScale()) / (player.maxSpeed * items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].spdMult) + (tmp.dmg && !tmp.isTeamObject(player) ? 35 : 0); return tmp.colDiv == 0.5 ? tmp.scale * tmp.colDiv : !tmp.isTeamObject(player) && tmp.dmg ? tmp.scale + player.scale : tmp.isTeamObject(player) && tmp.trap ? 0 : tmp.scale; } function checkObject() { let checkColl = gameObjects.filter(tmp => player.canSee(tmp) &&; for (let y = 0; y < pathFind.grid; y++) { grid[y] = []; for (let x = 0; x < pathFind.grid; x++) { let tmpXY = { x: player.x2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * x, y: player.y2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * y, }; if (UTILS.getDist(pathFind.chaseNear ? near : pathFind, tmpXY, pathFind.chaseNear ? 2 : 0, 0) <= (pathFind.chaseNear ? 35 : 60)) { pathFind.lastX = x; pathFind.lastY = y; grid[y][x] = 0; continue; } let find = checkColl.find(tmp => UTILS.getDist(tmp, tmpXY, 0, 0) <= chechPathColl(tmp)); if (find) { if (find.trap) { grid[y][x] = 0; continue; } grid[y][x] = 1; } else { grid[y][x] = 0; } } } } function toFancyTimeFormat(time) { let minutes = ~~((time % 3600) / 60); let seconds = ~~time % 60; if (seconds <= 9) seconds = `0${seconds}`; return `${minutes}:${seconds}`; } let song = { '0:09': 'Dans mon esprit tout divague', '0:12': 'Je me perds dans tes yeux', '0:14': 'Je me noie dans la vague', '0:17': 'De ton regard amoureux', '0:19': 'Je ne veux que ton ame', '0:22': 'Divaguant sur ma peau', '0:24': 'Une fleur, une femme', '0:27': 'Dans ton coeur, Romeo', '0:29': 'Je ne suis que ton ombre', '0:32': 'Le souffle lancinant', '0:34': 'De nos corps dans le sombre', '0:37': 'Animes lentement..', }; const songchat1 = new Audio( '' ); let isPlaying = false; let currentPart = ''; function toggleSong() { if (!isPlaying) {; songchat1.ontimeupdate = function (time) { let part = song[toFancyTimeFormat(Math.round(this.currentTime | 0))]; if (part && part !== currentPart) { currentPart = part; io.send('6', part); } }; songchat1.onended = function () { if (isPlaying) {; } }; isPlaying = true; } else { songchat1.pause(); isPlaying = false; } } document.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) { if (e.key === 'C') { toggleSong(); } }); function createPath() { grid = []; checkObject(); } function Pathfinder() { pathFind.scale = (config.maxScreenWidth / 2) * 1.3; if (!traps.inTrap && (pathFind.chaseNear ? enemy.length : true)) { if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) { packet('a', undefined, 1); } else { createPath(); easystar.setGrid(grid); easystar.setAcceptableTiles([0]); easystar.enableDiagonals(); easystar.findPath(grid[0].length / 2, grid.length / 2, pathFind.lastX, pathFind.lastY, function (path) { if (path === null) { pathFind.array = []; if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) { packet('a', undefined, 1); } else { packet('a', near.aim2, 1); } } else { pathFind.array = path; if (pathFind.array.length > 1) { let tmpXY = { x: player.x2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path[1].x, y: player.y2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path[1].y, }; packet('a', UTILS.getDirect(tmpXY, player, 0, 2), 1); } } }); easystar.calculate(); } } } /** PATHFIND TEST */ // ITEM COUNT DISPLAY: let isItemSetted = []; function updateItemCountDisplay(index = undefined) { for (let i = 3; i < items.list.length; ++i) { let id = items.list[i]; let tmpI = items.weapons.length + i; if (!isItemSetted[tmpI]) { isItemSetted[tmpI] = document.createElement('div'); isItemSetted[tmpI].id = 'itemCount' + tmpI; getEl('actionBarItem' + tmpI).appendChild(isItemSetted[tmpI]); isItemSetted[tmpI].style = ` display: block; position: absolute; padding-left: 5px; font-size: 2em; color: #fff; `; isItemSetted[tmpI].innerHTML = player.itemCounts[id] || 0; } else { if (index == id) isItemSetted[tmpI].innerHTML = player.itemCounts[index] || 0; } } } // AUTOPUSH: function autoPush() { let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.trap && && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, near, 0, 2) <= (near.scale + tmp.getScale() + 5)).sort(function(a, b) { return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2); })[0]; if (nearTrap) { let spike = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.dmg && && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, nearTrap, 0, 0) <= (near.scale + nearTrap.scale + tmp.scale)).sort(function(a, b) { return UTILS.getDist(a, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, near, 0, 2); })[0]; if (spike) { let pos = { x: spike.x + (250 * Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))), y: spike.y + (250 * Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))), x2: spike.x + ((UTILS.getDist(near, spike, 2, 0) + player.scale) * Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))), y2: spike.y + ((UTILS.getDist(near, spike, 2, 0) + player.scale) * Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0))) }; let finds = gameObjects.filter(tmp => => { let tmpScale = tmp.getScale(); if (!tmp.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(tmp.x - tmpScale, tmp.y - tmpScale, tmp.x + tmpScale, tmp.y + tmpScale, player.x2, player.y2, pos.x2, pos.y2)) { return true; } }); if (finds) { if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("a", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } else { my.autoPush = true; my.pushData = { x: spike.x + Math.cos(70), y: spike.y + Math.sin(70), x2: pos.x2 + Math.cos(30), y2: pos.y2 + Math.sin(30) }; let scale = player.scale / 10; let secondArg = UTILS.getDirect(near, spike, 2, 0) > 70 ? near.aim2 : undefined; if (UTILS.lineInRect(player.x2 - scale, player.y2 - scale, player.x2 + scale, player.y2 + scale, near.x2, near.y2, pos.x, pos.y)) { packet("a", secondArg, 1); textManager.showText(player.x2, player.y2, 30, 0.15, 1850, "<3 Love It", "#ffa3b3", 2); } else { packet("a", UTILS.getDirect(pos, player, 2, 2), 1); } } } else { if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("a", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } } else { if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("a", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } } // ADD DEAD PLAYER: function addDeadPlayer(tmpObj) { deadPlayers.push(new DeadPlayer(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, tmpObj.dir, tmpObj.buildIndex, tmpObj.weaponIndex, tmpObj.weaponVariant, tmpObj.skinColor, tmpObj.scale,; } /** APPLY SOCKET CODES */ // SET INIT DATA: function setInitData(data) { alliances = data.teams; } // SETUP GAME: var fisrtloadez = false; function setupGame(yourSID) { keys = {}; macro = {}; playerSID = yourSID; attackState = 0; inGame = true; fisrtloadez = true; packet('d', 0, getAttackDir(), 1); my.ageInsta = true; if (firstSetup) { firstSetup = false; gameObjects.length = 0; } } // ADD NEW PLAYER: function addPlayer(data, isYou) { let tmpPlayer = findPlayerByID(data[0]); if (!tmpPlayer) { tmpPlayer = new Player(data[0], data[1], config, UTILS, projectileManager, objectManager, players, ais, items, hats, accessories); players.push(tmpPlayer); if (data[1] != playerSID) { addMenuChText('Game', `Found ${data[2]} {${data[1]}}`, 'yellow'); } } else { if (data[1] != playerSID) { addMenuChText('Game', `Encount ${data[2]} {${data[1]}}`, 'yellow'); } } tmpPlayer.spawn(isYou ? true : null); tmpPlayer.visible = false; tmpPlayer.oldPos = { x2: undefined, y2: undefined, }; tmpPlayer.x2 = undefined; tmpPlayer.y2 = undefined; tmpPlayer.x3 = undefined; tmpPlayer.y3 = undefined; tmpPlayer.setData(data); if (isYou) { if (!player) { window.prepareUI(tmpPlayer); } player = tmpPlayer; camX = player.x; camY = player.y; my.lastDir = 0; updateItems(); updateAge(); updateItemCountDisplay(); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { petals.push(new Petal(player.x, player.y)); } if (player.skins[7]) { my.reSync = true; } } } // REMOVE PLAYER: function removePlayer(id) { for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { if (players[i].id == id) { addMenuChText('Game', players[i].name + ' left the game', 'yellow'); players.splice(i, 1); break; } } } // UPDATE HEALTH: let healType = undefined; let guessEmpAnti = false; let doEmpAntiInsta = false; let judgeAtNextTick = false; let nearSpike = []; // UPDATE HEALTH: function updateHealth(sid, value) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.oldHealth =; = value; tmpObj.judgeShame(); if (tmpObj.oldHealth > { tmpObj.damaged = tmpObj.oldHealth -; let damaged = tmpObj.damaged; tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); let bullTicked = false; if ( <= 0) { if (!tmpObj.death) { tmpObj.death = true; if (tmpObj != player) { addMenuChText("", `${} ${randomizePhrases2()}`, "red"); if (Buddha.foot || Buddha.hand) { textManager.showText(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, 18, 0.15, 1850, 'VNMOD V3 - autoGG', '#fff', 2); if (configs.killChat) io.send('6', "+1 kill"); } } addDeadPlayer(tmpObj); } } if (tmpObj == player) { if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 7 && (damaged == 5 || (tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && damaged == 2))) { if (my.reSync) { my.reSync = false; tmpObj.setBullTick = true; } bullTicked = true; } if (inGame) { let attackers = getAttacker(damaged); let gearDmgs = [0.25, 0.45].map(val => val * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * soldierMult()); let includeSpikeDmgs = !bullTicked && gearDmgs.includes(damaged); let slowHeal = function (timer) { setTimeout(()=>{ healer(); }, 120); }; if (getEl('healingBeta').checked) { if (attackers.length) { let by = attackers.filter(tmp => { if (tmp.dist2 <= (tmp.weaponIndex < 9 ? 300 : 700)) { tmpDir = UTILS.getDirect(player, tmp, 2, 2); if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, tmp.d2) <= Math.PI) { return tmp; } } }); if (by.length) { let maxDamage = includeSpikeDmgs ? 10 : 10; if (damaged > maxDamage && game.tick - tmpObj.antiTimer > 1) { tmpObj.canEmpAnti = true; tmpObj.antiTimer = game.tick; if (tmpObj.shameCount <= 3) { healer(); } else { slowHeal(); } } else { slowHeal(); } } else { slowHeal(); } } else { slowHeal(); } } else { if (damaged >= (includeSpikeDmgs ? 8 : 19) && tmpObj.damageThreat >= 25 && game.tick - tmpObj.antiTimer > 1) { tmpObj.canEmpAnti = true; tmpObj.antiTimer = game.tick; if (tmpObj.shameCount <= 3) { healer(); } else { slowHeal(); } } else { slowHeal(); } } if (damaged >= 20 && player.skinIndex == 11) instaC.canCounter = true; } } else { if (!tmpObj.setPoisonTick && (tmpObj.damaged == 5 || (tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && tmpObj.damaged == 2))) { tmpObj.setPoisonTick = true; } } } } } // KILL PLAYER: function killPlayer() { petals = []; inGame = false; lastDeath = { x: player.x, y: player.y, }; /* = "block"; = "block"; = "none";*/ if (configs.autoRespawn) { getEl('ot-sdk-btn-floating').style.display = 'none'; packet('M', { name: lastsp[0], moofoll: lastsp[1], skin: lastsp[2], }); } } // UPDATE PLAYER ITEM VALUES: function updateItemCounts(index, value) { if (player) { player.itemCounts[index] = value; updateItemCountDisplay(index); } } // UPDATE AGE: function updateAge(xp, mxp, age) { if (xp != undefined) player.XP = xp; if (mxp != undefined) player.maxXP = mxp; if (age != undefined) player.age = age; } // UPDATE UPGRADES: function updateUpgrades(points, age) { player.upgradePoints = points; player.upgrAge = age; if (points > 0) { tmpList.length = 0; UTILS.removeAllChildren(upgradeHolder); for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length; ++i) { if (items.weapons[i].age == age && (testMode || items.weapons[i].pre == undefined || player.weapons.indexOf(items.weapons[i].pre) >= 0)) { let e = UTILS.generateElement({ id: 'upgradeItem' + i, class: 'actionBarItem', onmouseout: function () { showItemInfo(); }, parent: upgradeHolder, }); = getEl('actionBarItem' + i).style.backgroundImage; tmpList.push(i); } } for (let i = 0; i < items.list.length; ++i) { if (items.list[i].age == age && (testMode || items.list[i].pre == undefined || player.items.indexOf(items.list[i].pre) >= 0)) { let tmpI = items.weapons.length + i; let e = UTILS.generateElement({ id: 'upgradeItem' + tmpI, class: 'actionBarItem', onmouseout: function () { showItemInfo(); }, parent: upgradeHolder, }); = getEl('actionBarItem' + tmpI).style.backgroundImage; tmpList.push(tmpI); } } for (let i = 0; i < tmpList.length; i++) { (function (i) { let tmpItem = getEl('upgradeItem' + i); tmpItem.onmouseover = function () { if (items.weapons[i]) { showItemInfo(items.weapons[i], true); } else { showItemInfo(items.list[i - items.weapons.length]); } }; tmpItem.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { packet('H', i); }); UTILS.hookTouchEvents(tmpItem); })(tmpList[i]); } if (tmpList.length) { = 'block'; = 'block'; upgradeCounter.innerHTML = 'SELECT ITEMS (' + points + ')'; } else { = 'none'; = 'none'; showItemInfo(); } } else { = 'none'; = 'none'; showItemInfo(); } } function cdf(e, t) { try { return Math.hypot((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x)); } catch (e) { return Infinity; } } function caf(e, t) { try { return Math.atan2((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x)); } catch (e) { return 0; } } function numArr(e = 0, t = 1, act, n = 1) { let arr = []; for (let i = e; i < t; i += n) { arr.push(i); typeof act == 'function' && act(i); } return arr; } function toR(e) { var n = ((e * Math.PI) / 180) % (2 * Math.PI); return n > Math.PI ? Math.PI - n : n; } function toD(e) { var n = ((e / Math.PI) * 360) % 360; return n >= 360 ? n - 360 : n; } // KILL OBJECT: // AUTOREPLACE // NOT this.replacer function getDist(e, t) { try { return Math.hypot((t.y2 || t.y) - (e.y2 || e.y), (t.x2 || t.x) - (e.x2 || e.x)); } catch (e) { return Infinity; } } function killObject(sid) { let findObj = findObjectBySid(sid); objectManager.disableBySid(sid); if (findObj && cdf(player, findObj) < 200 && nears.length > 0) { let enemy = near; let A = player; let dist = cdf(A, enemy); let dir = caf(A, enemy); let dir2 = caf(player, dir + 180); let ignore = [0, 0]; let objAim = Math.atan2(findObj.y - player.y2, findObj.x - player.x2); let objDist = Math.hypot(findObj.y - player.y2, findObj.x - player.x2); let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.trap && && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, near, 0, 2) <= near.scale + tmp.getScale() + 5); let spike = gameObjects.find(tmp => tmp.dmg && && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, near, 0, 2) < 87 && !nearTrap); let placeObj = spike ? 4 : 2; if (objDist <= 200 && near.dist2 <= 168 && placeObj != 4 && !traps.checkSpikeTick()) { instaC.canSpikeTick = true; instaC.syncHit = true; } if (dist < 200) { for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI; i += placeObj === 4 || (placeObj === 2 && !traps.checkSpikeTick()) ? toR(items.list[A.items[2]].scale) + 0.6 : Math.PI) { let placed = false; if (!ignore[0]) { replacing = true; for (let j = 0; j < 0.7 * Math.PI; j += placeObj === 4 || (placeObj === 2 && !traps.checkSpikeTick()) ? 0.9274 : 0.7 * Math.PI) { place(placeObj, (0.5 * dir || 0.5 * dir2) + i / Math.PI + j); } ignore[0] = Math.ceil(items.list[A.items[2]].scale / toD(Math.PI / 12)); } placed && (ignore[1] = Math.ceil(items.list[A.items[2]].scale / toD(Math.PI / 12))); } for (let position of placedSpikePositions) { let storedPosition = JSON.parse(position); let distToStoredPosition = Math.hypot(storedPosition[0] - findObj.x, storedPosition[1] - findObj.y); if (distToStoredPosition <= 80) { placedSpikePositions.delete(position); break; } } } } } // KILL ALL OBJECTS BY A PLAYER: function killObjects(sid) { if (player) objectManager.removeAllItems(sid); } let ticks = { tick: 0, delay: 0, time: [], manage: [], }; /* PRE PLACER let ţĻǑ = []; function ǾếќĨẴűżÅẫỪ(ǾĨ, æß, ÅÅ£, żǑ) { if (!document.getElementById('sp').checked) return; if (!enemy.length) return; ţĻǑ = []; ţĻǑ = gameObjects.filter(Å· => Å·.active && Å·.buildHealth).sort((ứ, Æ°) => { return UTILS.getDist(ứ, player, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(Æ°, player, 0, 2); })[0]; if (!ţĻǑ) return; ǾĨ = 250; æß = 250; ÅÅ£ = UTILS.getDist(ţĻǑ, player, 0, 2); żǑ = UTILS.getDirect(ţĻǑ, player, 0, 2); if (player.alive && ÅÅ£ < ǾĨ && near.dist2 < æß && ! && !instaC.isTrue && !instaC.canSpikeTick && !clicks.middle && !clicks.left) { if (ţĻǑ.buildHealth < items.weapons[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]].dmg * 2) { if (document.getElementById('stype').value == "D") { for (let á»… = 0; á»… < 6; á»…++) { let Ǿ = á»… + 45 * (á»… % 2 ? -1 : 1) / 180 * Math.PI + near.aim2; checkPlace(2, á»…); } } else { for (let á»… = 0; á»… < 4; á»…++) { let Ǿ = á»… + 45 * (á»… % 2 ? -1 : 1) / 180 * Math.PI + near.aim2; checkPlace(2, á»…); } } } } }*/ // GAME TICKOUT: function setTickout(doo, timeout) { if (!ticks.manage[ticks.tick + timeout]) { ticks.manage[ticks.tick + timeout] = [doo]; } else { ticks.manage[ticks.tick + timeout].push(doo); } } let hatChanger = function () { if (my.anti0Tick > 0) { buyEquip(6, 0); } else { if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { if ( ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) && ((near && near.dist2 > 140) || !near) ) { buyEquip(7, 0); setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(7, 0); }, 120); } else { if (clicks.left) { buyEquip( player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? getEl('weaponGrind').checked ? 40 : 7 : player.empAnti ? 22 : player.soldierAnti ? 6 : getEl('antiBullType').value == 'abreload' && near.antiBull > 0 ? 6 : near.dist2 <= 300 ? getEl('antiBullType').value == 'abalway' && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0 ? 6 : 6 : biomeGear(1, 1), 0 ); } else if (clicks.right) { buyEquip( player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 40 : player.empAnti ? 22 : player.soldierAnti ? 6 : getEl('antiBullType').value == 'abreload' && near.antiBull > 0 ? 6 : near.dist2 <= 300 ? getEl('antiBullType').value == 'abalway' && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0 ? 6 : 6 : biomeGear(1, 1), 0 ); } } } else if (traps.inTrap) { if ( <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg ? false : player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { buyEquip(40, 0); } else { if ( ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) && ((near && near.dist2 > 140) || !near) ) { buyEquip(7, 0); setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(7, 0); }, 120); } else { buyEquip(player.empAnti || near.dist2 > 300 || !enemy.length ? 22 : 6, 0); } } } else { if (player.empAnti || player.soldierAnti) { buyEquip(player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } else { if ( ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) && ((near && near.dist2 > 140) || !near) ) { buyEquip(7, 0); setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(7, 0); }, 120); } else { if (near.dist2 <= 300) { buyEquip( getEl('antiBullType').value == 'abreload' && near.antiBull > 0 ? 6 : getEl('antiBullType').value == 'abalway' && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0 ? 6 : 6, 0 ); } else { biomeGear(1); } } } } } }; let accChanger = function () { if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { buyEquip(getEl('antiBullType').value != 'noab' ? 19 : clicks.right ? 0 : player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 0 : 19, 1); } else { traps.inTrap ? buyEquip(getEl('antiBullType').value != 'noab' ? 21 : 19, 1) : near.dist2 <= 560 ? buyEquip(getEl('antiBullType').value != 'noab' ? 21 : 19, 1) : buyEquip(11, 1); } }; let wasdGears = function () { if (my.anti0Tick > 0) { buyEquip(6, 0); } else { if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { if (clicks.left) { buyEquip(player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? (getEl('weaponGrind').checked ? 40 : 7) : player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } else if (clicks.right) { buyEquip(player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 40 : player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } } } else if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) { if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 7 : player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } } else if (traps.inTrap) { if ( <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg ? false : player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { buyEquip(40, 0); } else { if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(near && near.weapons[0] === 7 ? 26 : 6, 0); } } } else { if (player.empAnti) { buyEquip(22, 0); } else { if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45) || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(6, 0); } } } } if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { if (clicks.left) { buyEquip(21, 1); } else if (clicks.right) { buyEquip(21, 1); } } else if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) { buyEquip(19, 1); } else if (traps.inTrap) { buyEquip(21, 1); } else { near.dist2 <= 260 ? buyEquip(19, 1) : buyEquip(11, 1); } }; // UPDATE PLAYER DATA: const getDistance = (x1, y1, x2, y2) => { let dx = x2 - x1; let dy = y2 - y1; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; const getPotentialDamage = (build, user) => { const weapIndex = user.weapons[1] === 10 && !player.reloads[user.weapons[1]] ? 1 : 0; const weap = user.weapons[weapIndex]; if (player.reloads[weap]) return 0; const weapon = items.weapons[weap]; const inDist = getDistance(build.x, build.y, user.x2, user.y2) <= build.getScale() + weapon.range; return (user.visible && inDist) ? weapon.dmg * (weapon.sDmg || 1) * 3.3 : 0; }; const findPlacementAngle = (player, itemId, build) => { if (!build) return null; const MAX_ANGLE = 2 * Math.PI; const ANGLE_STEP = Math.PI / 360; const item = items.list[player.items[itemId]]; let buildingAngle = Math.atan2(build.y - player.y, build.x - player.x); let tmpS = player.scale + (item.scale || 1) + (item.placeOffset || 0); for (let offset = 0; offset < MAX_ANGLE; offset += ANGLE_STEP) { let angles = [(buildingAngle + offset) % MAX_ANGLE, (buildingAngle - offset + MAX_ANGLE) % MAX_ANGLE]; for (let angle of angles) { let tmpX = player.x + tmpS * Math.cos(angle); let tmpY = player.y + tmpS * Math.sin(angle); if (objectManager.customCheckItemLocation(tmpX, tmpY, item.scale, 0.6,, false, player, build, gameObjects, UTILS, config)) { return angle; } } } return null; }; const AutoReplace = () => { const replaceable = []; const playerX = player.x; const playerY = player.y; const gameObjectCount = gameObjects.length; for (let i = 0; i < gameObjectCount; i++) { const build = gameObjects[i]; if (build.isItem && && > 0) { let potentialDamage = players.reduce((total, p) => total + getPotentialDamage(build, p), 0); if ( <= potentialDamage) { replaceable.push(build); } } } const replace = () => { let nearTrap = gameObjects.filter(tmp => tmp.trap && && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && getDistance(tmp.x, tmp.y, playerX, playerY) <= tmp.getScale() + 5); let spike = gameObjects.find(tmp => tmp.dmg && && tmp.isTeamObject(player) && getDistance(tmp.x, tmp.y, playerX, playerY) < 87 && !nearTrap.length); const buildId = spike ? 4 : 2; replaceable.forEach(build => { let angle = findPlacementAngle(player, buildId, build); if (angle !== null) { place(buildId, angle); textManager.showText(build.x, build.y, 20, 0.15, 1850, '⭐', '#fff', 2); } }); }; const replaceDelay = game.tickSpeed - (window.pingTime || 0) + (game.tickSpeed < 110 ? 5 : 0); if (near && near.dist2 <= 360 && configs.autoReplace) { setTimeout(replace, replaceDelay); } }; function updatePlayers(data) { if (player.shameCount > 0) { my.reSync = true; } else { my.reSync = false; } game.tick++; enemy = []; nears = []; near = []; game.tickSpeed = - game.lastTick; game.lastTick =; players.forEach(tmp => { tmp.forcePos = !tmp.visible; tmp.visible = false; }); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(data[i]); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.t1 = tmpObj.t2 === undefined ? game.lastTick : tmpObj.t2; tmpObj.t2 = game.lastTick; tmpObj.oldPos.x2 = tmpObj.x2; tmpObj.oldPos.y2 = tmpObj.y2; tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x; tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y; tmpObj.x2 = data[i + 1]; tmpObj.y2 = data[i + 2]; tmpObj.x3 = tmpObj.x2 + (tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.oldPos.x2); tmpObj.y3 = tmpObj.y2 + (tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.oldPos.y2); tmpObj.d1 = tmpObj.d2 === undefined ? data[i + 3] : tmpObj.d2; tmpObj.d2 = data[i + 3]; tmpObj.dt = 0; tmpObj.buildIndex = data[i + 4]; tmpObj.weaponIndex = data[i + 5]; tmpObj.weaponVariant = data[i + 6]; = data[i + 7]; tmpObj.isLeader = data[i + 8]; tmpObj.oldSkinIndex = tmpObj.skinIndex; tmpObj.oldTailIndex = tmpObj.tailIndex; tmpObj.skinIndex = data[i + 9]; tmpObj.tailIndex = data[i + 10]; tmpObj.iconIndex = data[i + 11]; tmpObj.zIndex = data[i + 12]; tmpObj.visible = true; tmpObj.update(game.tickSpeed); tmpObj.dist2 = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 2, 2); tmpObj.aim2 = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 2, 2); tmpObj.dist3 = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 3, 3); tmpObj.aim3 = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 3, 3); tmpObj.damageThreat = 0; if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 45 && tmpObj.shameTimer <= 0) { tmpObj.addShameTimer(); } if (tmpObj.oldSkinIndex == 45 && tmpObj.skinIndex != 45) { tmpObj.shameTimer = 0; tmpObj.shameCount = 0; if (tmpObj == player) { healer(); } } if (tmpObj == player) { if (gameObjects.length) { gameObjects.forEach(tmp => { tmp.onNear = false; if ( { if (!tmp.onNear && UTILS.getDist(tmp, tmpObj, 0, 2) <= tmp.scale + items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[0]].range) { tmp.onNear = true; } if (tmp.isItem && tmp.owner) { if ( !tmp.pps && tmpObj.sid == tmp.owner.sid && UTILS.getDist(tmp, tmpObj, 0, 2) > (parseInt(getEl('breakRange').value) || 0) && !tmp.breakObj && ![13, 14, 20].includes( ) { tmp.breakObj = true; breakObjects.push({ x: tmp.x, y: tmp.y, sid: tmp.sid, }); } } } }); let nearTrap = gameObjects .filter(e => e.trap && && UTILS.getDist(e, tmpObj, 0, 2) <= tmpObj.scale + e.getScale() + 5 && !e.isTeamObject(tmpObj)) .sort(function (a, b) { return UTILS.getDist(a, tmpObj, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, tmpObj, 0, 2); })[0]; if (nearTrap) { traps.dist = UTILS.getDist(nearTrap, tmpObj, 0, 2); traps.aim = UTILS.getDirect(nearTrap, tmpObj, 0, 2); if (!traps.inTrap) { traps.protect(traps.aim); } traps.inTrap = true; = nearTrap; } else { traps.inTrap = false; = {}; } } else { traps.inTrap = false; } } if (tmpObj.weaponIndex < 9) { tmpObj.primaryIndex = tmpObj.weaponIndex; tmpObj.primaryVariant = tmpObj.weaponVariant; } else if (tmpObj.weaponIndex > 8) { tmpObj.secondaryIndex = tmpObj.weaponIndex; tmpObj.secondaryVariant = tmpObj.weaponVariant; } } i += 13; } if (runAtNextTick.length) { runAtNextTick.forEach(tmp => { checkProjectileHolder(...tmp); }); runAtNextTick = []; } if (runAtNextTick.length) { runAtNextTick.forEach(tmp => { checkProjectileHolder(...tmp); }); runAtNextTick = []; } for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(data[i]); if (tmpObj) { if (!tmpObj.isTeam(player)) { enemy.push(tmpObj); if (tmpObj.dist2 <= items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 5 : tmpObj.primaryIndex].range + player.scale * 2) { nears.push(tmpObj); } } tmpObj.manageReload(); if (tmpObj != player) { tmpObj.addDamageThreat(player); } } i += 13; } /*projectiles.forEach((proj) => { tmpObj = proj; if ( { tmpObj.tickUpdate(game.tickSpeed); } });*/ if (player && player.alive) { if (enemy.length) { near = enemy.sort(function (tmp1, tmp2) { return tmp1.dist2 - tmp2.dist2; })[0]; } const getTribeMembers = () => { let tribeMembers = []; for (let p of players) { if ( === && p !== player) { tribeMembers.push(p); } } return tribeMembers; }; if (near && { for (let tribeMember of getTribeMembers()) { if (tribeMember && near) { let distanceToNear = cdf(tribeMember, near); let distanceToPlayer = cdf(near, player); if (distanceToNear <= items.weapons[tribeMember.weapons[0]].range + 70 && distanceToPlayer <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + 70) { if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] === 0 && tribeMember.reloads[tribeMember.weapons[0]] === 0) { Buddha.foot = true; clicks.left = true; game.tickBase(() => { clicks.left = false; game.tickBase(()=>{ if (Buddha.foot) Buddha.foot = false; }, 1); }, 1); } } } } } if (game.tickQueue[game.tick]) { game.tickQueue[game.tick].forEach(action => { action(); }); game.tickQueue[game.tick] = null; } players.forEach(tmp => { if (!tmp.visible && player != tmp) { tmp.reloads = { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 53: 0, }; } if (tmp.setBullTick) { tmp.bullTimer = 0; } if (tmp.setPoisonTick) { tmp.poisonTimer = 0; } tmp.updateTimer(); }); if (inGame) { if (enemy.length) { if (player.canEmpAnti) { player.canEmpAnti = false; if (near.dist2 <= 300 && !my.safePrimary(near) && !my.safeSecondary(near)) { if (near.reloads[53] == 0) { player.empAnti = true; player.soldierAnti = false; //modLog("EmpAnti"); } else { player.empAnti = false; player.soldierAnti = true; //modLog("SoldierAnti"); } } } let antiSpikeTick = gameObjects .filter(tmp => tmp.dmg && && !tmp.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(tmp, player, 0, 3) < tmp.scale + player.scale) .sort(function (a, b) { return UTILS.getDist(a, player, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(b, player, 0, 2); })[0]; if (antiSpikeTick && !traps.inTrap) { if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[5].range + near.scale * 1.8) { my.anti0Tick = 1; = 'Anti Vel SpikeTick ' + near.sid; = 2000; } } } if ( (useWasd ? true : (player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100 ? player.checkCanInsta(true) : player.checkCanInsta(false)) >= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 95 : 100)) && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && (instaC.wait || (useWasd && Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) == 0)) && !instaC.isTrue && !my.waitHit && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && (useWasd ? true : getEl('instaType').value == 'oneShot' ? player.reloads[53] <= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 0 : game.tickRate) : true) && instaC.perfCheck(player, near) ) { if (player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100) { instaC.nobull = useWasd ? false : instaC.canSpikeTick ? false : true; } else { instaC.nobull = false; } instaC.can = true; } else { instaC.can = false; } macro.q && place(0, getAttackDir()); macro.f && place(4, getSafeDir()); macro.v && place(2, getSafeDir()); macro.y && place(5, getSafeDir()); macro.h && place(player.getItemType(22), getSafeDir()); macro.n && place(3, getSafeDir()); if (game.tick % (player.tailIndex == 11 ? 2 : 3) == 0) { if ( { let plcAng = 1.2; for (let i = -plcAng; i <= plcAng; i += plcAng) { checkPlace(3, UTILS.getDirect(player.oldPos, player, 2, 2) + i); } } else { if (mills.placeSpawnPads) { for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 2) { checkPlace(player.getItemType(20), UTILS.getDirect(player.oldPos, player, 2, 2) + i); } } } } if (instaC.can) { instaC.changeType(player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 'rev' : instaC.nobull ? 'nobull' : 'normal'); } if (instaC.canCounter) { instaC.canCounter = false; if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) { instaC.counterType(); } } if (instaC.canSpikeTick) { instaC.canSpikeTick = false; if (instaC.revTick) { instaC.revTick = false; if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(player.weapons[0]) && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) { instaC.changeType('rev'); addMenuChText('Mod', 'Rev SyncHit', 'lightBlue'); } } else { if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(player.weapons[0]) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) { instaC.spikeTickType(); if (instaC.syncHit) { addMenuChText('Mod', 'SyncHit', 'lightBlue'); } } } } if (!clicks.middle && (clicks.left || clicks.right) && !instaC.isTrue) { if (player.weaponIndex != (clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]); } if (player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); } } if (traps.inTrap) { let buildings = gameObjects.sort((a, b) => fgdo(player, a) - fgdo(player, b)); let spike = buildings.filter( obj => ( == 'spikes' || == 'greater spikes' || == 'spinning spikes' || == 'poison spikes') && fgdo(player, obj) < player.scale + obj.scale + 20 && !isAlly(obj.owner.sid) && )[0]; if (!clicks.left && !clicks.right && !instaC.isTrue) { if (spike) { traps.aim = Math.atan2(spike.y - player.y, spike.x - player.x); } if (player.weaponIndex != (traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]); } if (player.weapons[0] === 6 && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] === 0 && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale) { textManager.showText(near.x, near.y, 20, 0.15, 1850, '焰火 bat', '#fff', 2); clicks.left = true; setTimeout(()=>{ clicks.left = false; }, 85); } else if (player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); } } } if (!traps.inTrap) { if (useWasd && !clicks.left && !clicks.right && !instaC.isTrue && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8) { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); } if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); } } if (clicks.middle) { if (!instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) { if (my.ageInsta && player.weapons[0] != 4 && player.weapons[1] == 9 && player.age >= 9 && enemy.length) { instaC.bowMovement(); } else { instaC.rangeType(); } } } if (macro.t) { if ( !instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && (player.weapons[1] == 15 ? player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 : true) && (player.weapons[0] == 5 || (player.weapons[0] == 4 && player.weapons[1] == 15)) ) { instaC[player.weapons[0] == 4 && player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 'kmTickMovement' : 'tickMovement'](); } } } /*if (macro['.'] && !traps.inTrap) { if (!instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && ([9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 : true)) { instaC.boostTickMovement(); } }*/ if ( player.weapons[1] && !clicks.left && !clicks.right && !traps.inTrap && !instaC.isTrue && !(useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8) ) { if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) { if (!my.reloaded) { my.reloaded = true; let fastSpeed = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].spdMult < items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].spdMult ? 1 : 0; if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[fastSpeed] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[fastSpeed]); } } } else { my.reloaded = false; if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] > 0) { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); } } else if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] > 0) { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[1] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); } } } } if (!instaC.isTrue && !traps.inTrap && !traps.replaced && configs.autoPlace) { traps.autoPlace(); } if (!macro.q && !macro.f && !macro.v && !macro.h && !macro.n) { packet('D', getAttackDir()); } if ( != 'block' && !instaC.isTrue && !instaC.ticking) { if (useWasd) { //setTimeout(()=>{ wasdGears(); //}, 120); } else { // setTimeout(()=>{ hatChanger(); accChanger(); //}, 120); } } //lastMoveDir = getSafeDir(); //packet("33", lastMoveDir, 1); if (configs.autoPush && enemy.length && !traps.inTrap && !instaC.ticking) { autoPush(); } else { if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet('a', lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } if (!my.autoPush && { Pathfinder(); } if (instaC.ticking) { instaC.ticking = false; } if (instaC.syncHit) { instaC.syncHit = false; } if (player.empAnti) { player.empAnti = false; } if (player.soldierAnti) { player.soldierAnti = false; } if (my.anti0Tick > 0) { my.anti0Tick--; } if (traps.replaced) { traps.replaced = false; } if (traps.antiTrapped) { traps.antiTrapped = false; } } } AutoReplace(); } // UPDATE LEADERBOARD: function updateLeaderboard(data) { lastLeaderboardData = data; UTILS.removeAllChildren(leaderboardData); let tmpC = 1; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3) { (function (i) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: 'leaderHolder', parent: leaderboardData, children: [ UTILS.generateElement({ class: 'leaderboardItem', style: 'color:' + (data[i] == playerSID ? '#fff' : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)') + '; font-size: 16px;', //0.6 text: /*tmpC + ". " + */ data[i + 1] != '' ? data[i + 1] + ' - ' + ' [' + data[i] + ']' : 'unknown', }), UTILS.generateElement({ class: 'leaderScore', style: 'font-size: 16px;', // Change the font size here for the gold counter text: UTILS.sFormat(data[i + 2]) || '0', }), ], }); })(i); tmpC++; } } // LOAD GAME OBJECT: function loadGameObject(data) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ) { objectManager.add( data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3], data[i + 4], data[i + 5], items.list[data[i + 6]], true, data[i + 7] >= 0 ? { sid: data[i + 7], } : null ); // sid, x, y, dir, s, type, data, setSID, owner /*let dist = UTILS.getDist({ x: data[i + 1], y: data[i + 2] }, player, 0, 2); let aim = UTILS.getDirect({ x: data[i + 1], y: data[i + 2] }, player, 0, 2); find = findObjectBySid(data[i]); if (data[i + 6] == 15) { if (find && !find.isTeamObject(player)) { if (dist <= 100) { traps.dist = dist; traps.aim = aim; traps.protect(aim); } } }*/ i += 8; } } // ADD AI: function loadAI(data) { for (let i = 0; i < ais.length; ++i) { ais[i].forcePos = !ais[i].visible; ais[i].visible = false; } if (data) { let tmpTime =; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ) { tmpObj = findAIBySID(data[i]); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.index = data[i + 1]; tmpObj.t1 = tmpObj.t2 === undefined ? tmpTime : tmpObj.t2; tmpObj.t2 = tmpTime; tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x; tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y; tmpObj.x2 = data[i + 2]; tmpObj.y2 = data[i + 3]; tmpObj.d1 = tmpObj.d2 === undefined ? data[i + 4] : tmpObj.d2; tmpObj.d2 = data[i + 4]; = data[i + 5]; tmpObj.dt = 0; tmpObj.visible = true; } else { tmpObj = aiManager.spawn(data[i + 2], data[i + 3], data[i + 4], data[i + 1]); tmpObj.x2 = tmpObj.x; tmpObj.y2 = tmpObj.y; tmpObj.d2 = tmpObj.dir; = data[i + 5]; if (!aiManager.aiTypes[data[i + 1]].name) = config.cowNames[data[i + 6]]; tmpObj.forcePos = true; tmpObj.sid = data[i]; tmpObj.visible = true; } i += 7; } } } // ANIMATE AI: function animateAI(sid) { tmpObj = findAIBySID(sid); if (tmpObj) tmpObj.startAnim(); } /* function gatherAnimation(sid, didHit, index) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.startAnim(didHit, index); tmpObj.gatherIndex = index; tmpObj.gathering = 1; if (didHit) { let tmpObjects = objectManager.hitObj; objectManager.hitObj = []; game.tickBase(() => { // refind tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); let val = items.weapons[index].dmg * (config.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(index < 9 ? "prima" : "seconda") + "ryVariant"]].val) * (items.weapons[index].sDmg || 1) * (tmpObj.skinIndex == 40 ? 3.3 : 1); tmpObjects.forEach((healthy) => { healthy.healthMov = - val / 2; -= val; // Display damage text for each hit showDamageText(healthy.x, healthy.y, val); }); }, 1); } } } function showDamageText(x, y, value) { textManager.showText(x, y, 26, 0.0, useWasd ? 500 : 600, Math.abs(value), damageTextColor); }*/ let ms = { avg: 0, max: 0, min: 0, delay: 0, }; // GATHER ANIMATION: function gatherAnimation(sid, didHit, index) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.startAnim(didHit, index); tmpObj.gatherIndex = index; tmpObj.gathering = 1; if (didHit) { let tmpObjects = objectManager.hitObj; objectManager.hitObj = []; game.tickBase(() => { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); let val = items.weapons[index].dmg * config.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(index < 9 ? 'prima' : 'seconda') + 'ryVariant']].val * (items.weapons[index].sDmg || 1) * (tmpObj.skinIndex == 40 ? 3.3 : 1); tmpObjects.forEach(healthy => { -= val; }); }, 1); } } } // WIGGLE GAME OBJECT: function wiggleGameObject(dir, sid) { tmpObj = findObjectBySid(sid); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(dir); tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(dir); if ( { //tmpObj.damaged = Math.min(255, tmpObj.damaged + 60); objectManager.hitObj.push(tmpObj); } } } // SHOOT TURRET: function shootTurret(sid, dir) { tmpObj = findObjectBySid(sid); if (tmpObj) { if (config.anotherVisual) { tmpObj.lastDir = dir; } else { tmpObj.dir = dir; } tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(dir + Math.PI); tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(dir + Math.PI); } } function randomizePhrase() { const phrases = [ 'HITLER', ]; return phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)]; } function randomizePhrases2() { const phrases = [ 'PUTIN', ]; return phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)]; } // UPDATE PLAYER VALUE: function updatePlayerValue(index, value, updateView) { if (player) { player[index] = value; if (index == 'points') { if (configs.autoBuy) { autoBuy.hat(); autoBuy.acc(); } } else if (index == 'kills') { if (configs.killChat) { sendChat(randomizePhrase()); } } } } // ACTION BAR: function updateItems(data, wpn) { if (data) { if (wpn) { player.weapons = data; player.primaryIndex = player.weapons[0]; player.secondaryIndex = player.weapons[1]; if (!instaC.isTrue) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); } } else { player.items = data; } } for (let i = 0; i < items.list.length; i++) { let tmpI = items.weapons.length + i; getEl('actionBarItem' + tmpI).style.display = player.items.indexOf(items.list[i].id) >= 0 ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; } for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length; i++) { getEl('actionBarItem' + i).style.display = player.weapons[items.weapons[i].type] == items.weapons[i].id ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; } /* let kms = player.weapons[0] == 3 && player.weapons[1] == 15; if (kms) { getEl('actionBarItem3').style.display = 'none'; getEl('actionBarItem4').style.display = 'inline-block'; }*/ } // ADD PROJECTILE: function addProjectile(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, layer, sid) { projectileManager.addProjectile(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, null, null, layer, inWindow).sid = sid; runAtNextTick.push(; } // REMOVE PROJECTILE: function remProjectile(sid, range) { for (let i = 0; i < projectiles.length; ++i) { if (projectiles[i].sid == sid) { projectiles[i].range = range; let tmpObjects = objectManager.hitObj; objectManager.hitObj = []; game.tickBase(() => { let val = projectiles[i].dmg; tmpObjects.forEach(healthy => { if (healthy.projDmg) { -= val; } }); }, 1); } } } // SHOW ALLIANCE MENU: function setPlayerTeam(team, isOwner) { if (player) { = team; player.isOwner = isOwner; if (team == null) alliancePlayers = []; } } function setAlliancePlayers(data) { alliancePlayers = data; } // STORE MENU: function updateStoreItems(type, id, index) { if (index) { if (!type) player.tails[id] = 1; else { player.latestTail = id; } } else { if (!type) (player.skins[id] = 1), id == 7 && (my.reSync = true); // testing perfect bulltick... else { player.latestSkin = id; } } } function isAlly(sid, pSid) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(sid); if (!tmpObj) { return; } if (pSid) { let pObj = findPlayerBySID(pSid); if (!pObj) { return; } if (pObj.sid == sid) { return true; } else if ( { return === ? true : false; } else { return false; } } if (!tmpObj) { return; } if (player.sid == sid) { return true; } else if ( { return === ? true : false; } else { return false; } } // SEND MESSAGE: function receiveChat(sid, message) { let tmpPlayer = findPlayerBySID(sid); if (message === 'head shot' && === && { instaC.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); if (player.reloads[53] == 0) { buyEquip(53, 0); } game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); instaC.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); }, 1); } if (tmpPlayer) { addMenuChText(`${} {${tmpPlayer.sid}}`, message, 'white'); if (config.anotherVisual) { allChats.push(new addCh(tmpPlayer.x, tmpPlayer.y, message, tmpPlayer)); } else { tmpPlayer.chatMessage = (text => { let tmpString; profanityList.forEach(list => { if (text.indexOf(list) > -1) { tmpString = ''; for (var y = 0; y < list.length; ++y) { tmpString += tmpString.length ? 'o' : 'M'; } var re = new RegExp(list, 'g'); text = text.replace(re, tmpString); } }); return text; })(message); tmpPlayer.chatCountdown = config.chatCountdown; } } else { addMenuChText(`${'Anonymous'} {null}`, message, 'white'); } } // MINIMAP: function updateMinimap(data) { minimapData = data; } // SHOW ANIM TEXT: function showText(x, y, value, type) { if (value !== 0) { textManager.showText(x, y, 50, 0.18, useWasd ? 500 : 1500, Math.abs(value), value >= 0 ? damageTextColor : healTextColor); } } /** APPLY SOCKET CODES */ // BOT: let bots = []; // RENDER LEAF: function renderLeaf(x, y, l, r, ctxt) { let endX = x + l * Math.cos(r); let endY = y + l * Math.sin(r); let width = l * 0.4; ctxt.moveTo(x, y); ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.quadraticCurveTo((x + endX) / 2 + width * Math.cos(r + Math.PI / 2), (y + endY) / 2 + width * Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2), endX, endY); ctxt.quadraticCurveTo((x + endX) / 2 - width * Math.cos(r + Math.PI / 2), (y + endY) / 2 - width * Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2), x, y); ctxt.closePath(); ctxt.fill(); ctxt.stroke(); } // RENDER CIRCLE: function renderCircle(x, y, scale, tmpContext, dontStroke, dontFill) { tmpContext = tmpContext || mainContext; tmpContext.beginPath(); tmpContext.arc(x, y, scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI); if (!dontFill) tmpContext.fill(); if (!dontStroke) tmpContext.stroke(); } function renderHealthCircle(x, y, scale, tmpContext, dontStroke, dontFill) { tmpContext = tmpContext || mainContext; tmpContext.beginPath(); tmpContext.arc(x, y, scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI); if (!dontFill) tmpContext.fill(); if (!dontStroke) tmpContext.stroke(); } // RENDER STAR SHAPE: function renderStar(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) { let rot = (Math.PI / 2) * 3; let x, y; let step = Math.PI / spikes; ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.moveTo(0, -outer); for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) { x = Math.cos(rot) * outer; y = Math.sin(rot) * outer; ctxt.lineTo(x, y); rot += step; x = Math.cos(rot) * inner; y = Math.sin(rot) * inner; ctxt.lineTo(x, y); rot += step; } ctxt.lineTo(0, -outer); ctxt.closePath(); } function renderHealthStar(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) { let rot = (Math.PI / 2) * 3; let x, y; let step = Math.PI / spikes; ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.moveTo(0, -outer); for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) { x = Math.cos(rot) * outer; y = Math.sin(rot) * outer; ctxt.lineTo(x, y); rot += step; x = Math.cos(rot) * inner; y = Math.sin(rot) * inner; ctxt.lineTo(x, y); rot += step; } ctxt.lineTo(0, -outer); ctxt.closePath(); } // RENDER RECTANGLE: function renderRect(x, y, w, h, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill) { if (!dontFill) ctxt.fillRect(x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); if (!dontStroke) ctxt.strokeRect(x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); } function renderHealthRect(x, y, w, h, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill) { if (!dontFill) ctxt.fillRect(x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); if (!dontStroke) ctxt.strokeRect(x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); } // RENDER RECTCIRCLE: function renderRectCircle(x, y, s, sw, seg, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill) {; ctxt.translate(x, y); seg = Math.ceil(seg / 2); for (let i = 0; i < seg; i++) { renderRect(0, 0, s * 2, sw, ctxt, dontStroke, dontFill); ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / seg); } ctxt.restore(); } // RENDER BLOB: function renderBlob(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) { let rot = (Math.PI / 2) * 3; let x, y; let step = Math.PI / spikes; let tmpOuter; ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.moveTo(0, -inner); for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) { tmpOuter = UTILS.randInt(outer + 0.9, outer * 1.2); ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(Math.cos(rot + step) * tmpOuter, Math.sin(rot + step) * tmpOuter, Math.cos(rot + step * 2) * inner, Math.sin(rot + step * 2) * inner); rot += step * 2; } ctxt.lineTo(0, -inner); ctxt.closePath(); } // RENDER TRIANGLE: function renderTriangle(s, ctx) { ctx = ctx || mainContext; let h = s * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, -h / 2); ctx.lineTo(-s / 2, h / 2); ctx.lineTo(s / 2, h / 2); ctx.lineTo(0, -h / 2); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); } // PREPARE MENU BACKGROUND: function prepareMenuBackground() { let tmpMid = config.mapScale / 2; let attempts = 0; for (let i = 0; i < items.list.length * 3; ) { if (attempts >= 1000) break; attempts++; let type = items.list[UTILS.randInt(0, items.list.length - 1)]; let data = { x: tmpMid + UTILS.randFloat(-1000, 1000), y: tmpMid + UTILS.randFloat(-600, 600), dir: UTILS.fixTo(Math.random() * (Math.PI * 2), 2), }; if (objectManager.checkItemLocation(data.x, data.y, type.scale, 0.6,, true)) { objectManager.add(i, data.x, data.y, data.dir, type.scale,, type); } else { continue; } i++; } } const speed = 1; // RENDER PLAYERS: function renderDeadPlayers(xOffset, yOffset) { mainContext.fillStyle = '#ff1717'; const currentTime =; deadPlayers .filter(dead => .forEach(dead => { if (!dead.startTime) { dead.startTime = currentTime; dead.angle = 0; dead.radius = 0.1; } const timeElapsed = currentTime - dead.startTime; const maxAlpha = 1; dead.alpha = Math.max(0, maxAlpha - timeElapsed / 3000); dead.animate(delta); mainContext.globalAlpha = dead.alpha; mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;; mainContext.translate(dead.x - xOffset, dead.y - yOffset); dead.radius -= 0.001; dead.angle += toRadian(1); const moveSpeed = 1; const x = dead.radius * Math.cos(dead.angle); const y = dead.radius * Math.sin(dead.angle); dead.x += x * moveSpeed; dead.y += y * moveSpeed; mainContext.rotate(dead.angle); renderDeadPlayer(dead, mainContext); mainContext.restore(); mainContext.fillStyle = '#ff1717'; if (timeElapsed >= 3000) { = false; dead.startTime = null; } }); } let globalAlphaValue = 1; let alphaDirection = -1; // RENDER PLAYERS: function renderPlayers(xOffset, yOffset, zIndex) { mainContext.globalAlpha = globalAlphaValue; mainContext.fillStyle = '#ff1717'; for (var i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { tmpObj = players[i]; if (tmpObj.zIndex == zIndex) { tmpObj.animate(delta); if (tmpObj.visible) { tmpObj.skinRot += 0.002 * delta; tmpDir = !configs.showDir && !useWasd && tmpObj == player ? (configs.attackDir ? getVisualDir() : getSafeDir()) : tmpObj.dir || 0;; mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset); // RENDER PLAYER: mainContext.rotate(tmpDir + tmpObj.dirPlus); renderPlayer(tmpObj, mainContext); mainContext.restore(); } } } } // RENDER DEAD PLAYER: function renderDeadPlayer(obj, ctxt) { ctxt = ctxt || mainContext; ctxt.lineWidth = outlineWidth; ctxt.lineJoin = 'miter'; let handAngle = (Math.PI / 4) * (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].armS || 1); let oHandAngle = obj.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndS || 1 : 1; let oHandDist = obj.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndD || 1 : 1; // TAIL/CAPE: if (obj.tailIndex > 0) { renderTail(obj.tailIndex, ctxt, obj); } // WEAPON BELLOW HANDS: if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant || 0].src || '', obj.scale, 0, ctxt); if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } // HANDS: ctxt.fillStyle = '#ececec'; renderCircle(obj.scale * Math.cos(handAngle), obj.scale * Math.sin(handAngle), 14); renderCircle(obj.scale * oHandDist * Math.cos(-handAngle * oHandAngle), obj.scale * oHandDist * Math.sin(-handAngle * oHandAngle), 14); // WEAPON ABOVE HANDS: if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant || 0].src || '', obj.scale, 0, ctxt); if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } // BUILD ITEM: if (obj.buildIndex >= 0) { var tmpSprite = getItemSprite(items.list[obj.buildIndex]); ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, obj.scale - items.list[obj.buildIndex].holdOffset, -tmpSprite.width / 2); } // BODY: renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, ctxt); // SKIN if (obj.skinIndex > 0) { ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / 2); renderSkin(obj.skinIndex, ctxt, null, obj); } } // RENDER PLAYER: function renderPlayer(obj, ctxt) { ctxt = ctxt || mainContext; ctxt.lineWidth = outlineWidth; ctxt.lineJoin = 'miter'; let handAngle = (Math.PI / 4) * (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].armS || 1); let oHandAngle = obj.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndS || 1 : 1; let oHandDist = obj.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hndD || 1 : 1; let katanaMusket = obj == player && obj.weapons[0] == 3 && obj.weapons[1] == 15; // TAIL/CAPE: if (obj.tailIndex > 0) { renderTail(obj.tailIndex, ctxt, obj); } // WEAPON BELLOW HANDS: if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[katanaMusket ? 4 : obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant].src, obj.scale, 0, ctxt); if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } // HANDS: ctxt.fillStyle = config.skinColors[obj.skinColor]; renderCircle(obj.scale * Math.cos(handAngle), obj.scale * Math.sin(handAngle), 14); renderCircle(obj.scale * oHandDist * Math.cos(-handAngle * oHandAngle), obj.scale * oHandDist * Math.sin(-handAngle * oHandAngle), 14); // WEAPON ABOVE HANDS: if (obj.buildIndex < 0 && items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[obj.weaponVariant].src, obj.scale, 0, ctxt); if (items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(obj.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[obj.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } // BUILD ITEM: if (obj.buildIndex >= 0) { var tmpSprite = getItemSprite(items.list[obj.buildIndex]); ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, obj.scale - items.list[obj.buildIndex].holdOffset, -tmpSprite.width / 2); } // BODY: renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, ctxt); // SKIN: if (obj.skinIndex > 0) { ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / 2); renderSkin(obj.skinIndex, ctxt, null, obj); } } // RENDER NORMAL SKIN // RENDER SKINS: let skinSprites = {}; let skinPointers = {}; let tmpSkin; function renderSkin(index, ctxt, parentSkin, owner) { tmpSkin = skinSprites[index]; if (!tmpSkin) { let tmpImage = new Image(); tmpImage.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; tmpImage.src = '' + index + '.png'; skinSprites[index] = tmpImage; tmpSkin = tmpImage; } let tmpObj = parentSkin || skinPointers[index]; if (!tmpObj) { for (let i = 0; i < hats.length; ++i) { if (hats[i].id == index) { tmpObj = hats[i]; break; } } skinPointers[index] = tmpObj; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) ctxt.drawImage(tmpSkin, -tmpObj.scale / 2, -tmpObj.scale / 2, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale); if (!parentSkin && tmpObj.topSprite) {; ctxt.rotate(owner.skinRot); renderSkin(index + '_top', ctxt, tmpObj, owner); ctxt.restore(); } } // RENDER TAIL: let accessSprites = {}; let accessPointers = {}; function renderTail(index, ctxt, owner) { tmpSkin = accessSprites[index]; if (!tmpSkin) { let tmpImage = new Image(); tmpImage.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; tmpImage.src = '' + index + '.png'; accessSprites[index] = tmpImage; tmpSkin = tmpImage; } let tmpObj = accessPointers[index]; if (!tmpObj) { for (let i = 0; i < accessories.length; ++i) { if (accessories[i].id == index) { tmpObj = accessories[i]; break; } } accessPointers[index] = tmpObj; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) {; ctxt.translate(-20 - (tmpObj.xOff || 0), 0); if (tmpObj.spin) ctxt.rotate(owner.skinRot); ctxt.drawImage(tmpSkin, -(tmpObj.scale / 2), -(tmpObj.scale / 2), tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale); ctxt.restore(); } } // RENDER NORMAL TAIL // RENDER TOOL: let toolSprites = {}; function renderTool(obj, variant, x, y, ctxt) { let tmpSrc = obj.src + (variant || ''); let tmpSprite = toolSprites[tmpSrc]; if (!tmpSprite) { tmpSprite = new Image(); tmpSprite.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; tmpSprite.src = '' + tmpSrc + '.png'; toolSprites[tmpSrc] = tmpSprite; } if (tmpSprite.isLoaded) ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, x + obj.xOff - obj.length / 2, y + obj.yOff - obj.width / 2, obj.length, obj.width); } // RENDER PROJECTILES: function renderProjectiles(layer, xOffset, yOffset) { for (let i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i++) { tmpObj = projectiles[i]; if ( && tmpObj.layer == layer && tmpObj.inWindow) { tmpObj.update(delta); if ( && isOnScreen(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, tmpObj.scale)) {; mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir); renderProjectile(0, 0, tmpObj, mainContext, 1); mainContext.restore(); } } } } // RENDER PROJECTILE: let projectileSprites = {}; function renderProjectile(x, y, obj, ctxt, debug) { if (obj.src) { let tmpSrc = items.projectiles[obj.indx].src; let tmpSprite = projectileSprites[tmpSrc]; if (!tmpSprite) { tmpSprite = new Image(); tmpSprite.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; tmpSprite.src = '' + tmpSrc + '.png'; projectileSprites[tmpSrc] = tmpSprite; } if (tmpSprite.isLoaded) ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, x - obj.scale / 2, y - obj.scale / 2, obj.scale, obj.scale); } else if (obj.indx == 1) { ctxt.fillStyle = '#939393'; renderCircle(x, y, obj.scale, ctxt); } } // RENDER AI: let aiSprites = {}; function renderAI(obj, ctxt) { let tmpIndx = obj.index; let tmpSprite = aiSprites[tmpIndx]; if (!tmpSprite) { let tmpImg = new Image(); tmpImg.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; tmpImg.src = '' + obj.src + '.png'; tmpSprite = tmpImg; aiSprites[tmpIndx] = tmpSprite; } if (tmpSprite.isLoaded) { let tmpScale = obj.scale * 1.2 * (obj.spriteMlt || 1); ctxt.drawImage(tmpSprite, -tmpScale, -tmpScale, tmpScale * 2, tmpScale * 2); } } // RENDER WATER BODIES: function renderWaterBodies(xOffset, yOffset, ctxt, padding) { // MIDDLE RIVER: let tmpW = config.riverWidth + padding; let tmpY = config.mapScale / 2 - yOffset - tmpW / 2; if (tmpY < maxScreenHeight && tmpY + tmpW > 0) { ctxt.fillRect(0, tmpY, maxScreenWidth, tmpW); } } // RENDER GAME OBJECTS: let gameObjectSprites = {}; function getResSprite(obj) { let biomeID = obj.y >= config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop ? 2 : obj.y <= config.snowBiomeTop ? 1 : 0; let tmpIndex = obj.type + '_' + obj.scale + '_' + biomeID; let tmpSprite = gameObjectSprites[tmpIndex]; if (!tmpSprite) { let blurScale = 0.1; let tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = obj.scale * 2.1 + outlineWidth; let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); tmpContext.translate(tmpCanvas.width / 2, tmpCanvas.height / 2); tmpContext.rotate(UTILS.randFloat(0, Math.PI)); tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; if (obj.type == 0) { let tmpScale; let tmpCount = UTILS.randInt(5, 7); tmpContext.globalAlpha = isNight ? 0.6 : 0.8; for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { tmpScale = tmpObj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5); renderStar(tmpContext, tmpCount, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7); tmpContext.fillStyle = !biomeID ? !i ? /*grass*/ '#D1962E' /*outerside of the trees*/ : '#DAAB58' /*snow*/ : !i ? /*grass*/ '#e3f1f4' /*inside of the trees*/ : '#fff' /*snow*/; tmpContext.fill(); if (!i) { tmpContext.stroke(); /*tmpContext.shadowBlur = null; tmpContext.shadowColor = null;*/ tmpContext.globalAlpha = 1; } } } else if (obj.type == 1) { if (biomeID == 2) { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#606060'; renderStar(tmpContext, 6, obj.scale * 0.3, obj.scale * 0.71); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); //tmpContext.shadowBlur = null; //tmpContext.shadowColor = null; tmpContext.fillStyle = '#89a54c'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.55, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5c65b'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.3, tmpContext, true); } else { renderBlob(tmpContext, 6, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale * 0.7); tmpContext.fillStyle = biomeID ? /*snow berry outerside*/ '#e3f1f4' : /*grass berry outside*/ '#DAAB58'; tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); //tmpContext.shadowBlur = null; //tmpContext.shadowColor = null; tmpContext.fillStyle = biomeID ? '#6a64af' /*snow berry inside*/ : '#6a64af' /*grass berry inside*/; let tmpRange; let berries = 4; let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / berries; for (let i = 0; i < berries; ++i) { tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(tmpObj.scale / 3.5, tmpObj.scale / 2.3); renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i), UTILS.randInt(10, 12), tmpContext); } } } else if (obj.type == 2 || obj.type == 3) { tmpContext.fillStyle = obj.type == 2 ? (biomeID == 2 ? '#938d77' : '#939393') : '#e0c655'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); /*tmpContext.shadowBlur = null; tmpContext.shadowColor = null;*/ tmpContext.fillStyle = obj.type == 2 ? (biomeID == 2 ? '#b2ab90' : '#bcbcbc') : '#ebdca3'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } tmpSprite = tmpCanvas; gameObjectSprites[tmpIndex] = tmpSprite; } return tmpSprite; } // GET ITEM SPRITE: let itemSprites = []; function getItemSprite(obj, asIcon) { let tmpSprite = itemSprites[]; if (!tmpSprite || asIcon) { let blurScale = !asIcon && isNight ? 15 : 0; let tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); let reScale = !asIcon && == 'windmill' ? items.list[4].scale : obj.scale; tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = reScale * 2.5 + outlineWidth + (items.list[].spritePadding || 0) + blurScale; if (config.useWebGl) { let gl = tmpCanvas.getContext('webgl'); gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); let buffer = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); function render(vs, fs, vertice, type) { let vShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(vShader, vs); gl.compileShader(vShader); gl.getShaderParameter(vShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS); let fShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(fShader, fs); gl.compileShader(fShader); gl.getShaderParameter(fShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS); let program = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(program, vShader); gl.attachShader(program, fShader); gl.linkProgram(program); gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS); gl.useProgram(program); let vertex = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'vertex'); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertex); gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertex, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); let vertices = vertice.length / 2; gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertice), gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW); gl.drawArrays(type, 0, vertices); } function hexToRgb(hex) { return hex .slice(1) .match(/.{1,2}/g) .map(g => parseInt(g, 16)); } function getRgb(r, g, b) { return [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255].join(', '); } let max = 100; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { let radian = Math.PI * (i / (max / 2)); render( ` precision mediump float; attribute vec2 vertex; void main(void) { gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 0, 1); } `, ` precision mediump float; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vec4(${getRgb(...hexToRgb('#fff'))}, 1); } `, [0 + Math.cos(radian) * 0.5, 0 + Math.sin(radian) * 0.5, 0, 0], gl.LINE_LOOP ); } } else { let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); tmpContext.translate(tmpCanvas.width / 2, tmpCanvas.height / 2); tmpContext.rotate(asIcon ? 0 : Math.PI / 2); tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth * (asIcon ? tmpCanvas.width / 81 : 1); if (isNight && !asIcon) { /*tmpContext.shadowBlur = blurScale; tmpContext.shadowColor = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${Math.min( == "pit trap" ? 0.6 : 0.3, obj.alpha)})`;*/ } if ( == 'apple') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c15555'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#89a54c'; let leafDir = -(Math.PI / 2); renderLeaf(obj.scale * Math.cos(leafDir), obj.scale * Math.sin(leafDir), 25, leafDir + Math.PI / 2, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'cookie') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#cca861'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#937c4b'; let chips = 4; let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips; let tmpRange; for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) { tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true); } } else if ( == 'cheese') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#f4f3ac'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c3c28b'; let chips = 4; let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips; let tmpRange; for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) { tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true); } } else if ( == 'wood wall' || == 'stone wall' || == 'castle wall') { tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'castle wall' ? '#83898e' : == 'wood wall' ? '#a5974c' : '#939393'; let sides = == 'castle wall' ? 4 : 3; renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'castle wall' ? '#9da4aa' : == 'wood wall' ? '#c9b758' : '#bcbcbc'; renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } else if ( == 'spikes' || == 'greater spikes' || == 'poison spikes' || == 'spinning spikes') { tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'poison spikes' ? '#7b935d' : '#939393'; let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6; renderStar(tmpContext, == 'spikes' ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c9b758'; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'windmill' || == 'faster windmill' || == 'power mill') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, reScale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c9b758'; renderRectCircle(0, 0, reScale * 1, 29, 4, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, reScale * 0.5, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'mine') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#939393'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#bcbcbc'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } else if ( == 'sapling') { for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { let tmpScale = obj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5); renderStar(tmpContext, 7, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7); tmpContext.fillStyle = !i ? '#9ebf57' : '#b4db62'; tmpContext.fill(); if (!i) tmpContext.stroke(); } } else if ( == 'pit trap') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = outlineColor; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } else if ( == 'boost pad') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#dbd97d'; renderTriangle(obj.scale * 1, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'turret') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#939393'; let tmpLen = 50; renderRect(0, -tmpLen / 2, obj.scale * 0.9, tmpLen, tmpContext); renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'platform') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#cebd5f'; let tmpCount = 4; let tmpS = obj.scale * 2; let tmpW = tmpS / tmpCount; let tmpX = -(obj.scale / 2); for (let i = 0; i < tmpCount; ++i) { renderRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, 0, tmpW, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpX += tmpS / tmpCount; } } else if ( == 'healing pad') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#db6e6e'; renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'spawn pad') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#71aad6'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'blocker') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#db6e6e'; renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'teleporter') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#d76edb'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.5, tmpContext, true); } } tmpSprite = tmpCanvas; if (!asIcon) itemSprites[] = tmpSprite; } return tmpSprite; } function getItemSprite2(obj, tmpX, tmpY) { let tmpContext = mainContext; let reScale = == 'windmill' ? items.list[4].scale : obj.scale;; tmpContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY); tmpContext.rotate(obj.dir); tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; if ( == 'apple') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c15555'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#89a54c'; let leafDir = -(Math.PI / 2); renderLeaf(obj.scale * Math.cos(leafDir), obj.scale * Math.sin(leafDir), 25, leafDir + Math.PI / 2, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'cookie') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#cca861'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#937c4b'; let chips = 4; let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips; let tmpRange; for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) { tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true); } } else if ( == 'cheese') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#f4f3ac'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c3c28b'; let chips = 4; let rotVal = (Math.PI * 2) / chips; let tmpRange; for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) { tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true); } } else if ( == 'wood wall' || == 'stone wall' || == 'castle wall') { tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'castle wall' ? '#83898e' : == 'wood wall' ? '#a5974c' : '#939393'; let sides = == 'castle wall' ? 4 : 3; renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'castle wall' ? '#9da4aa' : == 'wood wall' ? '#c9b758' : '#bcbcbc'; renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } else if ( == 'spikes' || == 'greater spikes' || == 'poison spikes' || == 'spinning spikes') { tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'poison spikes' ? '#7b935d' : '#939393'; let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6; renderStar(tmpContext, == 'spikes' ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c9b758'; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'windmill' || == 'faster windmill' || == 'power mill') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, reScale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#c9b758'; renderRectCircle(0, 0, reScale * 1.5, 29, 4, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, reScale * 0.5, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'mine') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#939393'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#bcbcbc'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } else if ( == 'sapling') { for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { let tmpScale = obj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5); renderStar(tmpContext, 7, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7); tmpContext.fillStyle = !i ? '#9ebf57' : '#b4db62'; tmpContext.fill(); if (!i) tmpContext.stroke(); } } else if ( == 'pit trap') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = outlineColor; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } else if ( == 'boost pad') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#dbd97d'; renderTriangle(obj.scale * 1, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'turret') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#939393'; let tmpLen = 50; renderRect(0, -tmpLen / 2, obj.scale * 0.9, tmpLen, tmpContext); renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'platform') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#cebd5f'; let tmpCount = 4; let tmpS = obj.scale * 2; let tmpW = tmpS / tmpCount; let tmpX = -(obj.scale / 2); for (let i = 0; i < tmpCount; ++i) { renderRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, 0, tmpW, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpX += tmpS / tmpCount; } } else if ( == 'healing pad') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#db6e6e'; renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'spawn pad') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#71aad6'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext); } else if ( == 'blocker') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#db6e6e'; renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'teleporter') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#7e7f82'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#d76edb'; renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.5, tmpContext, true); } tmpContext.restore(); } let objSprites = []; function getObjSprite(obj) { let tmpSprite = objSprites[]; if (!tmpSprite) { let blurScale = isNight ? 15 : 0; let tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = obj.scale * 2.5 + outlineWidth + (items.list[].spritePadding || 0) + blurScale; let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); tmpContext.translate(tmpCanvas.width / 2, tmpCanvas.height / 2); tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 2); tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; if (isNight) { /*tmpContext.shadowBlur = blurScale; tmpContext.shadowColor = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${Math.min(0.3, obj.alpha)})`;*/ } if ( == 'spikes' || == 'greater spikes' || == 'poison spikes' || == 'spinning spikes') { tmpContext.fillStyle = == 'poison spikes' ? '#7b935d' : '#939393'; let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6; renderStar(tmpContext, == 'spikes' ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#cc5151'; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true); } else if ( == 'pit trap') { tmpContext.fillStyle = '#a5974c'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.fill(); tmpContext.stroke(); tmpContext.fillStyle = '#cc5151'; renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65); tmpContext.fill(); } tmpSprite = tmpCanvas; objSprites[] = tmpSprite; } return tmpSprite; } // GET MARK SPRITE: function getMarkSprite(obj, tmpContext, tmpX, tmpY) { tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; tmpContext.globalAlpha = 1; tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;; tmpContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY); tmpContext.rotate(obj.dir); if ( == 'wood wall' || == 'stone wall' || == 'castle wall') { let sides = == 'castle wall' ? 4 : 3; renderHealthStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'spikes' || == 'greater spikes' || == 'poison spikes' || == 'spinning spikes') { let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.6; renderHealthStar(tmpContext, == 'spikes' ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'windmill' || == 'faster windmill' || == 'power mill') { renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'mine') { renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'sapling') { let tmpScale = obj.scale * 0.7; renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 7, obj.scale, tmpScale); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'pit trap') { renderHealthStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1); tmpContext.stroke(); } else if ( == 'boost pad') { renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'turret') { renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'platform') { renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'healing pad') { renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'spawn pad') { renderHealthRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'blocker') { renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true); } else if ( == 'teleporter') { renderHealthCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext, false, true); } tmpContext.restore(); } function isOnScreen(x, y, s) { return x + s >= 0 && x - s <= maxScreenWidth && y + s >= 0 && (y, s, maxScreenHeight); } // RENDER GAME OBJECTS: function renderGameObjects(layer, xOffset, yOffset) { let tmpSprite; let tmpX; let tmpY; gameObjects.forEach(tmp => { tmpObj = tmp; if (tmpObj.alive) { tmpX = tmpObj.x + tmpObj.xWiggle - xOffset; tmpY = tmpObj.y + tmpObj.yWiggle - yOffset; if (layer == 0) { tmpObj.update(delta); } mainContext.globalAlpha = tmpObj.alpha; if (tmpObj.layer == layer && isOnScreen(tmpX, tmpY, tmpObj.scale + (tmpObj.blocker || 0))) { if (tmpObj.isItem) { if ((tmpObj.dmg || tmpObj.trap) && !tmpObj.isTeamObject(player)) { tmpSprite = getObjSprite(tmpObj); } else { tmpSprite = getItemSprite(tmpObj); }; mainContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir); if (! { mainContext.scale(tmpObj.visScale / tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.visScale / tmpObj.scale); } mainContext.drawImage(tmpSprite, -(tmpSprite.width / 2), -(tmpSprite.height / 2)); if (tmpObj.blocker) { mainContext.strokeStyle = '#db6e6e'; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.3; mainContext.lineWidth = 6; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpObj.blocker, mainContext, false, true); } mainContext.restore(); } else { tmpSprite = getResSprite(tmpObj); mainContext.drawImage(tmpSprite, tmpX - tmpSprite.width / 2, tmpY - tmpSprite.height / 2); } } if (layer == 3 && !useWasd && player && && < tmpObj.maxHealth) { const healthRatio = / tmpObj.maxHealth; if (tmpObj && && UTILS.getDistance(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, player.x, player.y) <= 400) { const endAngle = ( / tmpObj.maxHealth) * 360 * (Math.PI / 180); const radius = 14; const scale = 22;; mainContext.strokeStyle = ''; mainContext.lineWidth = 14; mainContext.lineCap = 'round'; mainContext.shadowColor = ''; mainContext.shadowBlur = 20; mainContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY); mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(0, 0, scale, 0, endAngle); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.restore();; mainContext.strokeStyle = tmpObj.isTeamObject(player) ? '#cc74cc' : '#aa74cc'; mainContext.lineWidth = 14 / 2.5; mainContext.lineCap = 'round'; mainContext.shadowColor = ''; mainContext.shadowBlur = 20; mainContext.translate(tmpX, tmpY); mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(0, 0, scale, 0, endAngle); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.restore(); } } } }); if (layer == 0) { if (placeVisible.length) { placeVisible.forEach(places => { tmpX = places.x - xOffset; tmpY = places.y - yOffset; markObject(places, tmpX, tmpY); }); } } } /* function markObject(tmpObj, tmpX, tmpY) { getMarkSprite(tmpObj, mainContext, tmpX, tmpY); }*/ function markObject(tmpObj, tmpX, tmpY) { yen(mainContext, tmpX, tmpY); } function yen(context, x, y) { context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5)'; context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2); // Adjust the circle size context.fill(); context.closePath(); context.globalAlpha = 1; } // RENDER MINIMAP: class MapPing { constructor(color, scale) { this.init = function (x, y) { this.scale = 0; this.x = x; this.y = y; = true; }; this.update = function (ctxt, delta) { if ( { this.scale += 0.05 * delta; if (this.scale >= scale) { = false; } else { ctxt.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.max(0, this.scale / scale); ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.arc((this.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (this.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, this.scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctxt.stroke(); } } }; this.color = color; } } function pingMap(x, y) { tmpPing = mapPings.find(pings => !; if (!tmpPing) { tmpPing = new MapPing('#fff', config.mapPingScale); mapPings.push(tmpPing); } tmpPing.init(x, y); } function updateMapMarker() { mapMarker.x = player.x; mapMarker.y = player.y; } function renderMinimap(delta) { if (player && player.alive) { mapContext.clearRect(0, 0, mapDisplay.width, mapDisplay.height); // RENDER PINGS: mapContext.lineWidth = 4; for (let i = 0; i < mapPings.length; ++i) { tmpPing = mapPings[i]; mapContext.strokeStyle = tmpPing.color; tmpPing.update(mapContext, delta); } // RENDER BREAK TRACKS: mapContext.globalAlpha = 1; mapContext.fillStyle = '#ff0000'; if (breakTrackers.length) { mapContext.fillStyle = '#abcdef'; mapContext.font = '34px Hammersmith One'; mapContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mapContext.textAlign = 'center'; for (let i = 0; i < breakTrackers.length; ) { mapContext.fillText('!', (breakTrackers[i].x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (breakTrackers[i].y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height); i += 2; } } // RENDER PLAYERS: mapContext.globalAlpha = 1; mapContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; renderCircle((player.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (player.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, true); mapContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.35)'; if ( && minimapData) { for (let i = 0; i < minimapData.length; ) { renderCircle((minimapData[i] / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (minimapData[i + 1] / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, true); i += 2; } } // DEATH LOCATION: if (lastDeath) { mapContext.fillStyle = '#fc5553'; mapContext.font = '34px Hammersmith One'; mapContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mapContext.textAlign = 'center'; mapContext.fillText('x', (lastDeath.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (lastDeath.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height); } // MAP MARKER: if (mapMarker) { mapContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; mapContext.font = '34px Hammersmith One'; mapContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mapContext.textAlign = 'center'; mapContext.fillText('x', (mapMarker.x / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.width, (mapMarker.y / config.mapScale) * mapDisplay.height); } } } // ICONS: let crossHairs = [ '', '', ]; let crossHairSprites = {}; let iconSprites = { crown: new Image(), skull: new Image(), }; function loadIcons() { = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; = ''; // iconSprites.skull.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; iconSprites.skull.src = './../img/icons/skull.png'; for (let i = 0; i < crossHairs.length; ++i) { let tmpSprite = new Image(); tmpSprite.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; tmpSprite.src = crossHairs[i]; crossHairSprites[i] = tmpSprite; } } loadIcons(); /*function cocbach() { let damping = 0.1; let scalingFactor = 10; let cameraSpeed = 5; if (player) { let cameraDirectionX = 0; let cameraDirectionY = 0; if (tmpObj.dir) { // You can use keyboard input or some other method to determine the direction. // For example, if you have keyboard input: // if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) cameraDirectionX = -1; // if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) cameraDirectionX = 1; // if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) cameraDirectionY = -1; // if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) cameraDirectionY = 1; } let targetCamX = camX + cameraDirectionX * cameraSpeed; let targetCamY = camY + cameraDirectionY * cameraSpeed; camX += (targetCamX - camX) * damping; camY += (targetCamY - camY) * damping; } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } }*/ // UPDATE GAME: /* function updateGame() { if (config.resetRender) { mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, gameCanvas.width, gameCanvas.height); mainContext.beginPath(); } // MOVE CAMERA: if (true) { let damping = 0.016; if (player) { let targetCamX = player.x + ((1920 / 2) / 30); let targetCamY = player.y + ((1920 / 2) / 30); camX = lerp(camX, targetCamX, damping); camY = lerp(camY, targetCamY, damping); } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; }*/ // UPDATE GAME: function updateGame() { if (config.resetRender) { mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, gameCanvas.width, gameCanvas.height); mainContext.beginPath(); } if (true) { function updateCamera() { let selectedCamera = document.getElementById('visualType').value; let damping = 0.70; let scalingFactor = 40; if (player) { if (selectedCamera === 'Cam1') { let targetCamX = player.x + (mouseX - 3840 / 3) / scalingFactor; let targetCamY = player.y + (mouseY - 3840 / 3) / scalingFactor; camX += (targetCamX - camX) * damping; camY += (targetCamY - camY) * damping; } else if (selectedCamera === 'Cam2' || selectedCamera === 'Cam3') { let damping2 = 0.032; if (player) { let targetCamX = player.x + 3840 / 3 / 60; let targetCamY = player.y + 3840 / 3 / 60; camX = lerp(camX, targetCamX, damping2); camY = lerp(camY, targetCamY, damping2); } else { camX = config.mapScale / 3; camY = config.mapScale / 3; } } } else { camX = config.mapScale / 3; camY = config.mapScale / 3; } } updateCamera(); document.getElementById('visualType').addEventListener('change', updateCamera); function lerp(start, end, amt) { return (1 - amt) * start + amt * end; } /* UPDATE GAME: function updateGame() { if (config.resetRender) { mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, gameCanvas.width, gameCanvas.height); mainContext.beginPath(); } const visualTypeDropdown = document.getElementById('visualType'); visualTypeDropdown.addEventListener('change', function(event) { const selectedCamera =; switch (selectedCamera) { case 'Camera 1': updateCamera1(); break; case 'Camera 2': updateCamera2(); break; case 'Camera 3': updateCamera3(); break; default: break; } }); function updateCamera1() { if (true) { // MOVE CAMERA: if (player) { if (false) { camX = player.x; camY = player.y; } else { let tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, player.x, player.y); let tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x, player.y, camX, camY); let camSpd = Math.min(tmpDist * 0.01 * delta, tmpDist); if (tmpDist > 0.05) { camX += camSpd * Math.cos(tmpDir); camY += camSpd * Math.sin(tmpDir); } else { camX = player.x; camY = player.y; } } } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } } function updateCamera2() { if (true) { // MOVE CAMERA: let damping2 = 0.35; let scalingFactor2 = 20; if (player) { let targetCamX = player.x + ((mouseX - 1920 / 2) / scalingFactor2); let targetCamY = player.y + ((mouseY - 1920 / 2) / scalingFactor2); camX += (targetCamX - camX) * damping2; camY += (targetCamY - camY) * damping2; } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } } function updateCamera3() { if (true) { // MOVE CAMERA: let damping3 = 0.016; if (player) { let targetCamX = player.x + ((1920 / 2) / 30); let targetCamY = player.y + ((1920 / 2) / 30); camX = lerp(camX, targetCamX, damping3); camY = lerp(camY, targetCamY, damping3); } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } function lerp(start, end, amt) { return (1 - amt) * start + amt * end; }*/ /* UPDATE GAME: function updateGame() { if (config.resetRender) { mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, gameCanvas.width, gameCanvas.height); mainContext.beginPath(); } const visualTypeDropdown = document.getElementById('visualType'); visualTypeDropdown.addEventListener('change', function(event) { const selectedCamera =; switch (selectedCamera) { case 'Camera 1': updateCamera1(); break; case 'Camera 2': updateCamera2(); break; case 'Camera 3': updateCamera3(); break; default: break; } }); function updateCamera1() { if (true) { // MOVE CAMERA: if (player) { if (false) { camX = player.x; camY = player.y; } else { let tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, player.x, player.y); let tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x, player.y, camX, camY); let camSpd = Math.min(tmpDist * 0.01 * delta, tmpDist); if (tmpDist > 0.05) { camX += camSpd * Math.cos(tmpDir); camY += camSpd * Math.sin(tmpDir); } else { camX = player.x; camY = player.y; } } } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } } function updateCamera2() { if (true) { // MOVE CAMERA: let damping2 = 0.35; let scalingFactor2 = 20; if (player) { let targetCamX = player.x + ((mouseX - 1920 / 2) / scalingFactor2); let targetCamY = player.y + ((mouseY - 1920 / 2) / scalingFactor2); camX += (targetCamX - camX) * damping2; camY += (targetCamY - camY) * damping2; } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } } function updateCamera3() { if (true) { // MOVE CAMERA: let damping3 = 0.016; if (player) { let targetCamX = player.x + ((1920 / 2) / 30); let targetCamY = player.y + ((1920 / 2) / 30); camX = lerp(camX, targetCamX, damping3); camY = lerp(camY, targetCamY, damping3); } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } function lerp(start, end, amt) { return (1 - amt) * start + amt * end; }*/ // INTERPOLATE PLAYERS AND AI: let lastTime = now - 1000 / config.serverUpdateRate; let tmpDiff; for (let i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) { tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length]; if (tmpObj && tmpObj.visible) { if (tmpObj.forcePos) { tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x2; tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y2; tmpObj.dir = tmpObj.d2; } else { let total = tmpObj.t2 - tmpObj.t1; let fraction = lastTime - tmpObj.t1; let ratio = fraction / total; let rate = 170; tmpObj.dt += delta; let tmpRate = Math.min(1.7, tmpObj.dt / rate); tmpDiff = tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.x1; tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x1 + tmpDiff * tmpRate; tmpDiff = tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.y1; tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y1 + tmpDiff * tmpRate; if (config.anotherVisual) { tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, ratio)); } else { tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, ratio)); } } } } // BETTER MOVE CAMERA: /*if (player) { if (false) { camX = player.x; camY = player.y; } else { let tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, player.x, player.y); let tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x, player.y, camX, camY); let camSpd = Math.min(tmpDist * 0.01 * delta, tmpDist); if (tmpDist > 0.05) { camX += camSpd * Math.cos(tmpDir); camY += camSpd * Math.sin(tmpDir); } else { camX = player.x; camY = player.y; } } } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; }*/ // RENDER CORDS: let xOffset = camX - maxScreenWidth / 2; let yOffset = camY - maxScreenHeight / 2; // RENDER BACKGROUND: if (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset <= 0 && config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset >= maxScreenHeight) { mainContext.fillStyle = '#b6db66'; //grass biom mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else if (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset <= 0) { mainContext.fillStyle = '#dbc666'; //sand mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else if (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset >= maxScreenHeight) { mainContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; //snow mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else if (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset >= 0) { mainContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; //snow mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset); mainContext.fillStyle = '#b6db66'; //'Grass' mainContext.fillRect(0, config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight - (config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset)); } else { mainContext.fillStyle = '#b6db66'; // grassbiom mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset); mainContext.fillStyle = '#dbc666'; // sand mainContext.fillRect(0, config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight - (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - yOffset)); } // RENDER WATER AREAS: if (!firstSetup) { waterMult += waterPlus * config.waveSpeed * delta; if (waterMult >= config.waveMax) { waterMult = config.waveMax; waterPlus = -1; } else if (waterMult <= 1) { waterMult = waterPlus = 1; } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = '#dbc666'; renderWaterBodies(xOffset, yOffset, mainContext, config.riverPadding); mainContext.fillStyle = '#91b2db'; renderWaterBodies(xOffset, yOffset, mainContext, (waterMult - 1) * 250); } if (player) { // DEATH LOCATION: if (lastDeath) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = '#fc5553'; mainContext.font = '100px Hammersmith One'; mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; mainContext.fillText('x', lastDeath.x - xOffset, lastDeath.y - yOffset); } // PATHFINDER LINE: if ( { if (pathFind.array && (pathFind.chaseNear ? enemy.length : true)) { mainContext.lineWidth = player.scale / 5; mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = 'red'; mainContext.beginPath(); pathFind.array.forEach((path, i) => { let pathXY = { x: (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path.x, y: (pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid) * path.y, }; let render = { x: player.x2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + pathXY.x - xOffset, y: player.y2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + pathXY.y - yOffset, }; if (i == 0) { mainContext.moveTo(render.x, render.y); } else { mainContext.lineTo(render.x, render.y); } }); mainContext.stroke(); } } } // RENDER DEAD PLAYERS: if (inWindow && fisrtloadez) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; renderDeadPlayers(xOffset, yOffset); } // RENDER BOTTOM LAYER: mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; renderGameObjects(-1, xOffset, yOffset); // RENDER PROJECTILES: mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; renderProjectiles(0, xOffset, yOffset); // RENDER PLAYERS: renderPlayers(xOffset, yOffset, 0); // RENDER AI: mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; for (let i = 0; i < ais.length; ++i) { tmpObj = ais[i]; if ( && tmpObj.visible) { tmpObj.animate(delta);; mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir + tmpObj.dirPlus - Math.PI / 2); renderAI(tmpObj, mainContext); mainContext.restore(); } } // RENDER GAME OBJECTS (LAYERED): renderGameObjects(0, xOffset, yOffset); renderProjectiles(1, xOffset, yOffset); renderGameObjects(1, xOffset, yOffset); renderPlayers(xOffset, yOffset, 1); renderGameObjects(2, xOffset, yOffset); renderGameObjects(3, xOffset, yOffset); // MAP BOUNDARIES: mainContext.fillStyle = '#000'; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.09; if (xOffset <= 0) { mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, -xOffset, maxScreenHeight); } if (config.mapScale - xOffset <= maxScreenWidth) { let tmpY = Math.max(0, -yOffset); mainContext.fillRect(config.mapScale - xOffset, tmpY, maxScreenWidth - (config.mapScale - xOffset), maxScreenHeight - tmpY); } if (yOffset <= 0) { mainContext.fillRect(-xOffset, 0, maxScreenWidth + xOffset, -yOffset); } if (config.mapScale - yOffset <= maxScreenHeight) { let tmpX = Math.max(0, -xOffset); let tmpMin = 0; if (config.mapScale - xOffset <= maxScreenWidth) tmpMin = maxScreenWidth - (config.mapScale - xOffset); mainContext.fillRect(tmpX, config.mapScale - yOffset, maxScreenWidth - tmpX - tmpMin, maxScreenHeight - (config.mapScale - yOffset)); } // RENDER DAY/NIGHT TIME: mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.35)'; // TO FIX SCREEN CHANGE THE LAST NUMBER!!!! ONLY IN 0.1-0.9 Screen light screen brightness mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); // RENDER PLAYER AND AI UI: mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; for (let i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) { tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length]; if (tmpObj.visible) { mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; function getDisplayedName(tmpObj) { if (namechanger) { return tmpObj == player ? customName :; } else { return; } } if (tmpObj.skinIndex != 10 || tmpObj == player || ( && == { let checkName = namechanger ? (tmpObj == player ? 'blisma' : :; //let tmpText = tmpObj.sid + ( ? " / [" + + "] " : " / ") + getDisplayedName(tmpObj); let tmpText = ( ? '' + + '🌃' : '') + getDisplayedName(tmpObj); //let tmpText = ("[""] ":"")+( + "" ||"")+(tmpObj.isPlayer?" {"+tmpObj.sid+"}":""); if (tmpText != '') { mainContext.font = (tmpObj.nameScale || 30) + 'px Hammersmith One'; mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj == player || ( && == ? '#fff' : enemyNameColor; mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; mainContext.lineWidth = tmpObj.nameScale ? 11 : 8; mainContext.lineJoin = 'round'; /*; mainContext.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; mainContext.shadowBlur = 10; mainContext.shadowOffsetY = 5;*/ /*mainContext.strokeText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y + +135 - yOffset - tmpObj.scale) - config.nameY);*/ mainContext.fillText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y + +135 - yOffset - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY); /*mainContext.restore();*/ mainContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; mainContext.lineWidth = 0; mainContext.lineJoin = 'round'; mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; // Set black outline color mainContext.lineWidth = 5; // Set outline width /*const fontSize = 18; // Font size in pixels mainContext.font = `${fontSize}px Hammersmith One`; // Set font mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset); mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.sid, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset);*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mainContext.textAlign = "center"; mainContext.lineWidth = 0; mainContext.lineJoin = "round"; mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; // Set black outline color mainContext.lineWidth = 5; // Set outline width const f2ontSize = 18; // Font size in pixels mainContext.font = `${f2ontSize}px Hammersmith One`; // Set font mainContext.strokeText(secPacket, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset - 100); mainContext.fillText(secPacket, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset - 100);*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (tmpObj.isLeader && iconSprites['crown'].isLoaded) { let tmpS = config.crownIconScale; let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpS / 2 - mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2 - config.crownPad; mainContext.drawImage(iconSprites['crown'], tmpX, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY - tmpS / 2 - 5, tmpS, tmpS); } if (tmpObj.iconIndex == 1 && iconSprites['skull'].isLoaded) { let tmpS = config.crownIconScale; let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpS / 2 + mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2 + config.crownPad; mainContext.drawImage(iconSprites['skull'], tmpX, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY - tmpS / 2 - 5, tmpS, tmpS); } if ( tmpObj.isPlayer && instaC.wait && near == tmpObj && (tmpObj.backupNobull ? crossHairSprites[1].isLoaded : crossHairSprites[0].isLoaded) && enemy.length && !useWasd ) { let tmpS = tmpObj.scale * 2.2; mainContext.drawImage( tmpObj.backupNobull ? crossHairSprites[1] : crossHairSprites[0], tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpS / 2, tmpObj.y - yOffset - tmpS / 2, tmpS, tmpS ); } } if ( { /*if ( < tmpObj.maxHealth) { const normalScale = tmpObj.scale; const normalGap = normalScale * document.minis; const normalStart = normalScale / circleScale; // Increase or decrease circleScale to make it bigger or smaller const Filler = (2 * Math.PI) / (tmpObj.maxHealth /;; mainContext.beginPath(); const startAngle = -Math.PI / 2; const endAngle = startAngle + Filler; const centerX = tmpObj.x - xOffset; const centerY = tmpObj.y - yOffset; const radius = normalStart; mainContext.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, endAngle); mainContext.lineWidth = normalGap * document.bigis; mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, endAngle); mainContext.lineWidth = normalGap; mainContext.strokeStyle = (tmpObj == player || ( && == ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.closePath(); mainContext.restore(); }*/ /*if (tmpObj.isPlayer && trustIconImage.complete && getEl("visualType").value != "o1rd2+") { let iconWidth = 26; let iconHeight = 26; let textWidth = mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width; let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset + (textWidth / 2) + 5; let tmpY = tmpObj.y + +135 - yOffset - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY - iconHeight / 2 + -2; mainContext.drawImage(trustIconImage, tmpX, tmpY, iconWidth, iconHeight); }*/ if (tmpObj.isPlayer) { let playerTracerImage = new Image(); playerTracerImage.src = ''; if (!tmpObj.isTeam(player)) { let center = { x: screenWidth / 2, y: screenHeight / 2, }; let alpha = Math.min(1, (UTILS.getDistance(0, 0, player.x - tmpObj.x, (player.y - tmpObj.y) * (16 / 9)) * 100) / (config.maxScreenHeight / 2) / center.y); //cocbach let dist = center.y * alpha; let tmpX = dist * Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 0, 0)); let tmpY = dist * Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 0, 0));; mainContext.translate(player.x - xOffset + tmpX, player.y - yOffset + tmpY); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.aim2 - Math.PI / 2); mainContext.scale(-1, 1); mainContext.drawImage(playerTracerImage, -12, -12, 24, 24); mainContext.restore(); } } if (tmpObj.isPlayer) { //reload bar mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; let targetReloads = { primary: tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : (items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.primaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed, secondary: tmpObj.secondaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : (items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.secondaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed, turret: (2500 - tmpObj.reloads[53]) / 2500, }; if (!tmpObj.currentReloads) { tmpObj.currentReloads = { // Initialize currentReloads if not already set primary: targetReloads.primary, secondary: targetReloads.secondary, turret: targetReloads.turret, }; } const lerpFactor = 0.1; tmpObj.currentReloads.primary = (1 - lerpFactor) * tmpObj.currentReloads.primary + lerpFactor * targetReloads.primary; tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary = (1 - lerpFactor) * tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary + lerpFactor * targetReloads.secondary; tmpObj.currentReloads.turret = (1 - lerpFactor) * tmpObj.currentReloads.turret + lerpFactor * targetReloads.turret; /*; mainContext.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; mainContext.shadowBlur = 10; mainContext.shadowOffsetY = 5;*/ mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x + 7 - xOffset - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 130, config.healthBarWidth + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = reloadBarColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x + 7 - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 130 + config.healthBarPad, config.healthBarWidth * tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.restore(); /*; mainContext.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; mainContext.shadowBlur = 10; mainContext.shadowOffsetY = 5;*/ mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x - 6 - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 130, config.healthBarWidth + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = reloadBarColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x - 6 - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 130 + config.healthBarPad, config.healthBarWidth * tmpObj.currentReloads.primary, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.restore(); if (tmpObj == player) { /* // TURRET RELOAD HOLDER: mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad, (tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + 13, (config.healthBarWidth * 2) + (config.healthBarPad * 2), 17, 8); mainContext.fill(); // TURRET RELOAD BAR: mainContext.fillStyle = "#cc5151"; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth, (tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + 13 + config.healthBarPad, ((config.healthBarWidth * 2) * reloads.turret), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7); mainContext.fill(); */ // RENDER DIR: if (tmpObj.dir != undefined) { /*mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; let image = new Image(); image.src = ""; let x = tmpObj.x + (Math.cos(tmpObj.dir) * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) - xOffset; let y = tmpObj.y + (Math.sin(tmpObj.dir) * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) - yOffset; mainContext.drawImage(image, x, y, 12, 22);*/ } } // UNDER TEXT: mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.font = '20px Hammersmith One'; mainContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; mainContext.lineWidth = 8; mainContext.lineJoin = 'round'; /*let text = []; if (tmpObj == player) { if (getEl("visualType").value == "o1rd1") { text = [tmpObj.oldSkinIndex, tmpObj.skinIndex]; mainContext.strokeText("[" + text.join(",") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY + 13.5 * 2); mainContext.fillText("[" + text.join(",") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY + 13.5 * 2); } } else { text = [tmpObj.primaryIndex, (tmpObj.secondaryIndex || 0), UTILS.fixTo(tmpObj.damageThreat, 2)]; mainContext.strokeText("[" + text.join(",") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY + 13.5 * 2); mainContext.fillText("[" + text.join(",") + "]", tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY + 13.5 * 2); }*/ if ( { const tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth; const targetHealthWidth = config.healthBarWidth * ( / tmpObj.maxHealth); const targetShameWidth = (tmpObj.shameCount / 7) * (config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad); if (!tmpObj.currentHealthWidth) { tmpObj.currentHealthWidth = targetHealthWidth; } if (!tmpObj.currentShameWidth) { tmpObj.currentShameWidth = targetShameWidth; } const lerpFactor = 0.1; tmpObj.currentHealthWidth = (1 - lerpFactor) * tmpObj.currentHealthWidth + lerpFactor * targetHealthWidth; tmpObj.currentShameWidth = (1 - lerpFactor) * tmpObj.currentShameWidth + lerpFactor * targetShameWidth; let remainingHealthWidth = tmpObj.currentHealthWidth; const maxRemainingHealthWidth = config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad * 2; if (remainingHealthWidth > maxRemainingHealthWidth) { remainingHealthWidth = maxRemainingHealthWidth; } let PAD = 2.75; let tmpX = -1; let BAR = config.healthBarWidth - PAD; const maxShameCount = 7; const pinkBarX = tmpObj.x - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth + config.healthBarPad; /*; mainContext.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; mainContext.shadowBlur = 10; mainContext.shadowOffsetY = 5;*/ mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x - 5 - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad + 60 + PAD, tmpObj.y - 129.5 - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 19 + tmpX, BAR + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x - 6 - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - 129.5 - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 19 + tmpX, BAR + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = shameBarColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x - 9 - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth + 66, tmpObj.y - 130 - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 19 + config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.currentShameWidth, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj == player || ( && == ? healthBarColor : enemyHealthBarColor; mainContext.roundRect( tmpObj.x - 3.1 - xOffset - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - 130 - yOffset + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 19 + config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.currentHealthWidth, 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7 ); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.restore(); } } } } } } if (player) { if (my.autoPush) { mainContext.lineWidth = 5; mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.strokeStyle = '#fff'; mainContext.moveTo(player.x - xOffset, player.y - yOffset); mainContext.lineTo(my.pushData.x2 - xOffset, my.pushData.y2 - yOffset); mainContext.lineTo(my.pushData.x - xOffset, my.pushData.y - yOffset); mainContext.stroke(); } // FUNNY: if (petals.length && getEl('funni').checked) { player.spinDir += 2.5 / 60; let maxRad = 0; if (clicks.left) { maxRad = 100; } else if (clicks.right) { maxRad = 15; } else { maxRad = 40; } maxRad += player.scale; petals.forEach((petal, i) => { if ( { let petalRad = Math.PI * (i / (petals.length / 2)); let pl = { x: player.x + maxRad * Math.cos(player.spinDir + petalRad), y: player.y + maxRad * Math.sin(player.spinDir + petalRad), }; let angle = UTILS.getDirect(pl, petal, 0, 0); let dist = UTILS.getDist(pl, petal, 0, 0); petal.x += (dist / 7) * Math.cos(angle); petal.y += (dist / 7) * Math.sin(angle); players .filter(tmp => tmp.visible && tmp != player) .forEach(tmp => { let angle = UTILS.getDirect(petal, tmp, 0, 0); let dist = UTILS.getDist(petal, tmp, 0, 0); let sc = petal.scale + tmp.scale; if (dist <= sc) { let tD = dist - sc; let diff = -tD; petal.x += diff * Math.cos(angle); petal.y += diff * Math.sin(angle); -= 10; petal.damaged += 125; if ( <= 0) { = false; } } }); } else { petal.time += delta; if (petal.alive) { petal.alpha -= delta / 200; petal.visScale += delta / (petal.scale * 2); if (petal.alpha <= 0) { petal.alpha = 0; petal.alive = false; } } if (petal.time >= petal.timer) { petal.time = 0; = true; petal.alive = true; petal.x = player.x; petal.y = player.y; = petal.maxHealth; petal.damaged = 0; petal.alpha = 1; petal.visScale = petal.scale; } } if (petal.alive) { let cD = function (r, g, b, dmg) { return 'rgb(' + `${Math.min(255, r + Math.floor(dmg))}, ${Math.max(0, g - Math.floor(dmg))}, ${Math.max(0, b - Math.floor(dmg))}` + ')'; }; mainContext.globalAlpha = petal.alpha; mainContext.lineWidth = 3; mainContext.fillStyle = cD(255, 255, 255, petal.damaged); mainContext.strokeStyle = cD(200, 200, 200, petal.damaged); mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(petal.x - xOffset, petal.y - yOffset, petal.visScale, 0, Math.PI * 2); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.stroke(); petal.damaged = Math.max(0, petal.damaged - delta / 2); } }); } } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; // RENDER ANIM TEXTS: textManager.update(delta, mainContext, xOffset, yOffset); // RENDER CHAT MESSAGES: for (let i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { tmpObj = players[i]; if (tmpObj.visible) { if (tmpObj.chatCountdown > 0) { tmpObj.chatCountdown -= delta; if (tmpObj.chatCountdown <= 0) tmpObj.chatCountdown = 0; mainContext.font = '32px Hammersmith One'; let tmpSize = mainContext.measureText(tmpObj.chatMessage); mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset; let tmpY = tmpObj.y - tmpObj.scale - yOffset - 90; let tmpH = 47; let tmpW = tmpSize.width + 17; mainContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'; mainContext.roundRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, tmpY - tmpH / 2, tmpW, tmpH, 6); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.chatMessage, tmpX, tmpY); } if ( > 0) { if (!useWasd) { -= delta; if ( <= 0) = 0; mainContext.font = '32px Hammersmith One'; let tmpSize = mainContext.measureText(; mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; let tmpX = tmpObj.x - xOffset; let tmpY = tmpObj.y - tmpObj.scale - yOffset + 90 * 2; let tmpH = 47; let tmpW = tmpSize.width + 17; mainContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'; mainContext.roundRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, tmpY - tmpH / 2, tmpW, tmpH, 6); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = '#ffffff99'; mainContext.fillText(, tmpX, tmpY); } else { = 0; } } } } if (allChats.length) { allChats .filter(ch => .forEach(ch => { if (!ch.alive) { if (ch.alpha <= 1) { ch.alpha += delta / 250; if (ch.alpha >= 1) { ch.alpha = 1; ch.alive = true; } } } else { ch.alpha -= delta / 5000; if (ch.alpha <= 0) { ch.alpha = 0; = false; } } if ( { mainContext.font = '20px Hammersmith One'; let tmpSize = mainContext.measureText(; mainContext.textBaseline = 'middle'; mainContext.textAlign = 'center'; let tmpX = ch.owner.x - xOffset; let tmpY = ch.owner.y - ch.owner.scale - yOffset - 90; let tmpH = 47; let tmpW = tmpSize.width + 17; mainContext.globalAlpha = ch.alpha; mainContext.fillStyle = ch.owner.isTeam(player) ? 'rgba(255,215,0,1)' : '#cc5151'; mainContext.strokeStyle = 'rgb(25, 25, 25)'; mainContext.lineWidth = 5; mainContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'; mainContext.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.0)'; mainContext.roundRect(tmpX - tmpW / 2, tmpY - tmpH / 2, tmpW, tmpH, 6); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; mainContext.strokeStyle = '#000'; mainContext.strokeText(, tmpX, tmpY); mainContext.fillText(, tmpX, tmpY); ch.y -= delta / 100; } }); } } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; // RENDER MINIMAP: renderMinimap(delta); } // PING: var lastPing = -1; function pingSocketResponse() { if (pingTime > ms.max || isNaN(ms.max)) { ms.max = pingTime; } if (pingTime < ms.min || isNaN(ms.min)) { ms.min = pingTime; } var pingTime = - lastPing; window.pingTime = pingTime; //pingDisplay.innerText = "Ping: " + pingTime + " ms" } function pingSocket() { lastPing =; io.send('0'); } // UPDATE & ANIMATE: window.requestAnimFrame = function () { return null; }; window.rAF = (function () { return ( window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 240); } ); })(); let trackedFPS = null; function doUpdate() { ms.avg = Math.round((ms.min + ms.max) / 2); now =; delta = now - lastUpdate; lastUpdate = now; let timer =; let diff = timer - fpsTimer.last; if (diff >= 1000) { fpsTimer.ltime = fpsTimer.time * (1000 / diff); fpsTimer.last = timer; fpsTimer.time = 0; // Check if trackedFPS is not set and average FPS is greater than or equal to 58 if (trackedFPS === null && fpsTimer.ltime >= 58) { trackedFPS = UTILS.round(fpsTimer.ltime, 10); } } fpsTimer.time++; // Display trackedFPS if set, otherwise display the live FPS getEl('pingFps').innerHTML = `${window.pingTime}ms | Frames: ${trackedFPS !== null ? UTILS.round(trackedFPS + Math.random() * 10, 10) : UTILS.round(fpsTimer.ltime, 10)}`; getEl('packetStatus').innerHTML = secPacket; updateGame(); rAF(doUpdate); } prepareMenuBackground(); doUpdate(); function toggleUseless(boolean) { getEl('instaType').disabled = boolean; getEl('antiBullType').disabled = boolean; getEl('predictType').disabled = boolean; getEl('visualType').disabled = boolean; } toggleUseless(useWasd); let changeDays = {}; window.debug = function () { my.waitHit = 0; my.autoAim = false; instaC.isTrue = false; traps.inTrap = false; itemSprites = []; objSprites = []; gameObjectSprites = []; }; window.wasdMode = function () { useWasd = !useWasd; toggleUseless(useWasd); }; window.startGrind = function () { if (getEl('weaponGrind').checked) { for (let i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 2) { checkPlace(player.getItemType(22), i); } } }; // REMOVED!!! so they cant abuse :) let projects = []; let botIDS = 0; window.resBuild = function () { if (gameObjects.length) { gameObjects.forEach(tmp => { tmp.breakObj = false; }); breakObjects = []; } }; window.toggleVisual = function () { config.anotherVisual = !config.anotherVisual; gameObjects.forEach(tmp => { if ( { tmp.dir = tmp.lastDir; } }); }; window.prepareUI = function (tmpObj) { resize(); // ACTION BAR: UTILS.removeAllChildren(actionBar); for (let i = 0; i < items.weapons.length + items.list.length; ++i) { (function (i) { UTILS.generateElement({ id: 'actionBarItem' + i, class: 'actionBarItem', style: 'display:none', onmouseout: function () { showItemInfo(); }, parent: actionBar, }); })(i); } for (let i = 0; i < items.list.length + items.weapons.length; ++i) { (function (i) { let tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = 66; let tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); tmpContext.translate(tmpCanvas.width / 2, tmpCanvas.height / 2); tmpContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; tmpContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; tmpContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; if (items.weapons[i]) { tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4 + Math.PI); let tmpSprite = new Image(); toolSprites[items.weapons[i].src] = tmpSprite; tmpSprite.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; let tmpPad = 1 / (this.height / this.width); let tmpMlt = items.weapons[i].iPad || 1; tmpContext.drawImage( this, -(tmpCanvas.width * tmpMlt * config.iconPad * tmpPad) / 2, -(tmpCanvas.height * tmpMlt * config.iconPad) / 2, tmpCanvas.width * tmpMlt * tmpPad * config.iconPad, tmpCanvas.height * tmpMlt * config.iconPad ); tmpContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.1)'; tmpContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop'; tmpContext.fillRect(-tmpCanvas.width / 2, -tmpCanvas.height / 2, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height); getEl('actionBarItem' + i).style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + tmpCanvas.toDataURL() + ')'; }; tmpSprite.src = './../img/weapons/' + items.weapons[i].src + '.png'; let tmpUnit = getEl('actionBarItem' + i); tmpUnit.onmouseover = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { showItemInfo(items.weapons[i], true); }); tmpUnit.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { selectWeapon(tmpObj.weapons[items.weapons[i].type]); }); UTILS.hookTouchEvents(tmpUnit); } else { let tmpSprite = getItemSprite(items.list[i - items.weapons.length], true); let tmpScale = Math.min(tmpCanvas.width - config.iconPadding, tmpSprite.width); tmpContext.globalAlpha = 1; tmpContext.drawImage(tmpSprite, -tmpScale / 2, -tmpScale / 2, tmpScale, tmpScale); tmpContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.1)'; tmpContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop'; tmpContext.fillRect(-tmpScale / 2, -tmpScale / 2, tmpScale, tmpScale); getEl('actionBarItem' + i).style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + tmpCanvas.toDataURL() + ')'; let tmpUnit = getEl('actionBarItem' + i); tmpUnit.onmouseover = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { showItemInfo(items.list[i - items.weapons.length]); }); tmpUnit.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { selectToBuild(tmpObj.items[tmpObj.getItemType(i - items.weapons.length)]); }); UTILS.hookTouchEvents(tmpUnit); } })(i); } }; window.profineTest = function (data) { if (data) { // SET INITIAL NAME: let noname = 'unknown'; // VALIDATE NAME: let name = data + ''; name = name.slice(0, config.maxNameLength); name = name.replace(/[^\w:\(\)\/? -]+/gim, ' '); // USE SPACE SO WE CAN CHECK PROFANITY name = name.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, ' '); name = name.trim(); let langFilter = { list: [ /* "ahole", "anus", "ash0le", "ash0les", "asholes", "ass", "Ass Monkey", "Assface", "assh0le", "assh0lez", "asshole", "assholes", "assholz", "asswipe", "azzhole", "bassterds", "bastard", "bastards", "bastardz", "basterds", "basterdz", "Biatch", "bitch", "bitches", "Blow Job", "boffing", "butthole", "buttwipe", "c0ck", "c0cks", "c0k", "Carpet Muncher", "cawk", "cawks", "Clit", "cnts", "cntz", "cock", "cockhead", "cock-head", "cocks", "CockSucker", "cock-sucker", "crap", "cum", "cunt", "cunts", "cuntz", "dick", "dild0", "dild0s", "dildo", "dildos", "dilld0", "dilld0s", "dominatricks", "dominatrics", "dominatrix", "dyke", "enema", "f u c k", "f u c k e r", "fag", "fag1t", "faget", "fagg1t", "faggit", "faggot", "fagg0t", "fagit", "fags", "fagz", "faig", "faigs", "fart", "flipping the bird", "fuck", "fucker", "fuckin", "fucking", "fucks", "Fudge Packer", "fuk", "Fukah", "Fuken", "fuker", "Fukin", "Fukk", "Fukkah", "Fukken", "Fukker", "Fukkin", "g00k", "God-damned", "h00r", "h0ar", "h0re", "hells", "hoar", "hoor", "hoore", "jackoff", "jap", "japs", "jerk-off", "jisim", "jiss", "jizm", "jizz", "knob", "knobs", "knobz", "kunt", "kunts", "kuntz", "Lezzian", "Lipshits", "Lipshitz", "masochist", "masokist", "massterbait", "masstrbait", "masstrbate", "masterbaiter", "masterbate", "masterbates", "Motha Fucker", "Motha Fuker", "Motha Fukkah", "Motha Fukker", "Mother Fucker", "Mother Fukah", "Mother Fuker", "Mother Fukkah", "Mother Fukker", "mother-fucker", "Mutha Fucker", "Mutha Fukah", "Mutha Fuker", "Mutha Fukkah", "Mutha Fukker", "n1gr", "nastt", "nigger;", "nigur;", "niiger;", "niigr;", "orafis", "orgasim;", "orgasm", "orgasum", "oriface", "orifice", "orifiss", "packi", "packie", "packy", "paki", "pakie", "paky", "pecker", "peeenus", "peeenusss", "peenus", "peinus", "pen1s", "penas", "penis", "penis-breath", "penus", "penuus", "Phuc", "Phuck", "Phuk", "Phuker", "Phukker", "polac", "polack", "polak", "Poonani", "pr1c", "pr1ck", "pr1k", "pusse", "pussee", "pussy", "puuke", "puuker", "queer", "queers", "queerz", "qweers", "qweerz", "qweir", "recktum", "rectum", "retard", "sadist", "scank", "schlong", "screwing", "semen", "sex", "sexy", "Sh!t", "sh1t", "sh1ter", "sh1ts", "sh1tter", "sh1tz", "shit", "shits", "shitter", "Shitty", "Shity", "shitz", "Shyt", "Shyte", "Shytty", "Shyty", "skanck", "skank", "skankee", "skankey", "skanks", "Skanky", "slag", "slut", "sluts", "Slutty", "slutz", "son-of-a-bitch", "tit", "turd", "va1jina", "vag1na", "vagiina", "vagina", "vaj1na", "vajina", "vullva", "vulva", "w0p", "wh00r", "wh0re", "whore", "xrated", "xxx", 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"fag*", "fanculo", "fanny", "feces", "feg", "Felcher", "ficken", "fitt*", "Flikker", "foreskin", "Fotze", "Fu(*", "fuk*", "futkretzn", "gook", "guiena", "h0r", "h4x0r", "hell", "helvete", "hoer*", "honkey", "Huevon", "hui", "injun", "jizz", "kanker*", "kike", "klootzak", "kraut", "knulle", "kuk", "kuksuger", "Kurac", "kurwa", "kusi*", "kyrpa*", "lesbo", "mamhoon", "masturbat*", "merd*", "mibun", "monkleigh", "mouliewop", "muie", "mulkku", "muschi", "nazis", "nepesaurio", "nigger*", "orospu", "paska*", "perse", "picka", "pierdol*", "pillu*", "pimmel", "piss*", "pizda", "poontsee", "poop", "porn", "p0rn", "pr0n", "preteen", "pula", "pule", "puta", "puto", "qahbeh", "queef*", "rautenberg", "schaffer", "scheiss*", "schlampe", "schmuck", "screw", "sh!t*", "sharmuta", "sharmute", "shipal", "shiz", "skribz", "skurwysyn", "sphencter", "spic", "spierdalaj", "splooge", "suka", "b00b*", "testicle*", "titt*", "twat", "vittu", "wank*", "wetback*", "wichser", "wop*", "yed", "zabourah", "4r5e", 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webgl_test: () => { return; let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'WEBGL'; canvas.width = canvas.height = 300; = ` position: relative; bottom: 70%; left: 70%; pointer-events: none; `; let fat = document.createElement('div'); = 'faku'; fat.width = fat.height = 300; = ` position: relative; bottom: 70%; left: 70%; pointer-events: none; font-size: 20px; `; fat.innerHTML = 'Webgl Test Rendering'; let gl = canvas.getContext('webgl'); if (!gl) { alert('urbad'); return; } document.body.append(canvas); document.body.append(fat); log(gl); gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0.2); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); let buffer = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); function render(vs, fs, vertice, type) { let vShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(vShader, vs); gl.compileShader(vShader); gl.getShaderParameter(vShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS); let fShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(fShader, fs); gl.compileShader(fShader); gl.getShaderParameter(fShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS); let program = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(program, vShader); gl.attachShader(program, fShader); gl.linkProgram(program); gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS); gl.useProgram(program); let vertex = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'vertex'); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertex); gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertex, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); let vertices = vertice.length / 2; gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertice), gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW); gl.drawArrays(type, 0, vertices); } function hexToRgb(hex) { return hex .slice(1) .match(/.{1,2}/g) .map(g => parseInt(g, 16)); } function getRgb(r, g, b) { return [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255].join(', '); } let max = 50; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { let radian = Math.PI * (i / (max / 2)); render( ` precision mediump float; attribute vec2 vertex; void main(void) { gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 0, 1); } `, ` precision mediump float; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vec4(${getRgb(...hexToRgb('#cc5151'))}, 1); } `, [ // moveto, lineto 0 + Math.cos(radian) * 0.5, 0 + Math.sin(radian) * 0.5, 0, 0, ], gl.LINE_LOOP ); } }, }; if (codes) { for (let code in codes) { let func = codes[code]; typeof func === 'function' && func(); } window.enableHack = function () { if (!useHack) { useHack = true; codes.main(); } }; } })(1);