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Anti adblock detector

Removes most (not all) adblock detectors that ask you to disable your ad blocking extension.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name            Anti adblock detector
// @namespace       https://greasyfork.org/en/users/670188-hacker09?sort=daily_installs
// @version         2
// @description     Removes most (not all) adblock detectors that ask you to disable your ad blocking extension.
// @author          hacker09
// @match           *://*/*
// @run-at          document-start
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
if (location.host === "adsrff.web.sdo.com") { return location.replace("https://ff.web.sdo.com/web8/index.html#/home"); }
class Stack extends Error {
constructor(...a) {
getStack(offset = 4) {
return typeof this.stack === "string" ? this.stack.replace(/^Error\n +/, "").replace(/\n +/g, `\n${" ".repeat(offset)}`) : this.stack;
const removedAds = [];
* @type {Window & typeof globalThis} doc
const win = unsafeWindow;
* @type {Document} doc
const doc = win.document;
const MutationObserver = win.MutationObserver;
* @argument {string} selector
* @returns {HTMLElement | null} element
const $ = (selector) => doc.querySelector(selector);
* @argument {string} selector
* @returns {NodeListOf<HTMLElement> | null} element
const $$ = (selector) => doc.querySelectorAll(selector);
const info = (that) => {
console.info("RemoveAds: ", removedAds.push(that), "\nTarget:", that, "\nParentNode:", that.parentNode, "\nInnerText:", that.innerText);
const suffixList = {};
const getRandomSuffix = (str) => {
if (typeof suffixList[str] !== "string") {
suffixList[str] = "";
while (suffixList[str].length < 16) {
suffixList[str] += (+`${Math.random()}`.substring(2)).toString(36).replace(suffixList[str].length === 0 ? /^\d+/ : "", "");
return suffixList[str];
let localstorage;
try {
localstorage = win.localStorage;
} catch (e) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Tried to get `localStorage` but got an error - ", e);
localstorage = {
length: 0,
key: () => null,
getItem: () => null,
setItem: () => { },
removeItem: () => { },
let sessionStorage;
try {
sessionStorage = win.sessionStorage;
} catch (e) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Tried to get `sessionStorage` but got an error - ", e);
sessionStorage = {
length: 0,
key: () => null,
getItem: () => null,
setItem: () => { },
removeItem: () => { },
if (location.hostname.endsWith(".ff14angler.com")) {
const removeChild = win.Node.prototype.removeChild;
win.Node.prototype.removeChild = function (e) {
if (e.id === "contents") {
console.info("RemoveAds: Tried to remove contents", e, "but rejected.\n", new Stack().getStack(9));
return false;
return removeChild.bind(this)(e);
} else if ((location.host.includes("bbs.nga.cn") || location.host.includes("bbs.ngacn.cc")) && location.pathname.includes("adpage_insert")) {
const stylesheet = document.createElement("style");
stylesheet.innerText = "html, body, * { display: none!important; }";
const jump = function jump() {
if (win.getJump) {
const _getJump = win.getJump.bind(win);
win.getJump = function () { };
setInterval(jump, 10);
} else if (location.hostname === "www.ruanyifeng.com") {
console.info("RemoveAds: removed the anti-adb checker.");
const c = setInterval(() => {
const img = $('a > img[src*="wangbase.com/blogimg/asset/"]');
if (img) {
} else {
const entrySponsor = $(".entry-sponsor");
if (entrySponsor) {
}, 10);
} else if (location.hostname.includes("mrcong.com")) {
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerText = "#fukie1{display:none !important}#fukie2{display:block !important}";
const secretKey = `${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}`;
class BlockAdBlock {
constructor(...args) {
if (args[0] !== secretKey) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to construct BlockAdBlock but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
check(...args) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to blockAdBlock.check but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
clearEvent(...args) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to blockAdBlock.clearEvent but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
emitEvent(...args) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to blockAdBlock.emitEvent but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
setOption(...args) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to blockAdBlock.setOption but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
on(detected, fn) {
this[detected === true ? "onDetected" : "onNotDetected"](fn);
return this;
onDetected(...args) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to blockAdBlock.onDetected but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
return this;
onNotDetected(...args) {
if (typeof args[0] === "function") {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to blockAdBlock.onNotDetected but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
return this;
const blockAdBlock = new BlockAdBlock(secretKey);
const blockAdBlockProps = {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
get: () => blockAdBlock,
set: (...args) => {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to set window.blockAdBlock but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
const BlockAdBlockProps = {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
get: () => BlockAdBlock,
set: (...args) => {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call to set window.BlockAdBlock but denied,\nwith arguments", ...args, ",\nin stack", new Stack().getStack(9));
const fabList = ["####AdBlock", "blockAdBlock", "sniffAdBlock"];
const FABList = ["####AdBlock", "BlockAdBlock", "SniffAdBlock"];
fabList.forEach((n) => {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(win)(n)) {
win[n].__proto__ = new BlockAdBlock(secretKey);
} else {
Object.defineProperty(win, n, blockAdBlockProps);
FABList.forEach((n) => {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(win)(n)) {
win[n].prototype = BlockAdBlock;
} else {
Object.defineProperty(win, n, BlockAdBlockProps);
const constantVariabls = [
["admiral", undefined],
["runAntiAdBlock", undefined],
["DHAntiAdBlocker", true],
["canRunAds", true],
["__jsadsuccess", true],
["adBlockNotDetected", () => { }],
["adBlockDetected", () => { }],
["adsBlocked", () => { }],
["importFAB", undefined],
["adblock", false],
["loadErrorTip", () => { }],
["checkAdBlocker", () => { }],
["var_do", false],
["ads", {}],
for (const [name, value] of constantVariabls) {
try {
Object.defineProperty(win, name, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get() {
console.info(`RemoveAds: Got a call trying to get \`${name}\` but denied with returning`, value, ":\n", new Stack().getStack(9));
return value;
set(v) {
console.info(`RemoveAds: Got a call trying to set \`${name}\` to this below but denied:\n`, v, "\n", new Stack().getStack(9));
} catch (e) {
try {
win[name] = value;
delete win[name];
Object.defineProperty(win, name, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get() {
console.info(`RemoveAds: Got a call trying to get \`${name}\` but denied with returning`, value, ":\n", new Stack().getStack(9));
return value;
set(v) {
console.info(`RemoveAds: Got a call trying to get \`${name}\` to this but denied:\n`, v, "\n", new Stack().getStack(9));
console.info(`RemoveAds: Cannot set global variable \`${name}\` to`, value, "from", win[name], "because:\n", new Stack().getStack.bind(e)(9));
} catch (err) {
console.info(`RemoveAds: Cannot set global variable \`${name}\` to`, value, "because:\n", new Stack().getStack.bind(e)(9), "\nand\n", new Stack().getStack.bind(err)(9));
sessionStorage.setItem("daau_dissmissed", "true");
win.addEventListener("error", (e) => {
const originalErrorHandler = e.target?.onerror;
const onerror = originalErrorHandler?.toString?.();
if (/([a-z]+)\.data=[a-z]+.ui,\1.build_ui\(\)|window\.adblock/i.test(onerror || "")) {
sessionStorage.setItem("daau_dissmissed", "true");
e.target.onerror = () => {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call trying to trigger error handler to anti adb but denied:", originalErrorHandler);
}, {
capture: true,
// let blockBlockAdBlockFlag = false;
function removeAd() {
if (!location.host.includes("getadmiral.com")) {
Array.from($$(`body > :not([${getRandomSuffix("rmAd-admiral")}])`)).forEach((that) => {
that.setAttribute(getRandomSuffix("rmAd-admiral"), "");
if (that.querySelector('a[href^="https://getadmiral.com/pb"]')) {
if (location.host.endsWith("gamepedia.com")) {
const siderail = $("#siderail");
if (siderail) { siderail.remove(); }
const globalWrapper = $("#global-wrapper.with-siderail");
if (globalWrapper) { globalWrapper.classList.remove("with-siderail"); }
} else if (!location.host.includes("amplitude.com")) {
try {
const keys = [];
const length = (localstorage || win.localStorage).length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
keys.push((localstorage || win.localStorage).key(i));
keys.filter((k) => k.startsWith("amplitude_")).forEach((k) => {
const c = (localstorage || win.localStorage).getItem(k);
(localstorage || win.localStorage).removeItem(k);
console.info("RemoveAds: Remove the track info from amplitude", removedAds.push([k, c]), "\n", `${k}: ${c}`);
} catch (e) { }
if (location.hostname.includes("aternos.org")) {
const i = doc.querySelector("body > span i.fas.fa-ban");
const c = win.$('body > div > div> div[style*="overflow: hidden"]');
if (i || c) {
i?.closest?.("body > span")?.remove?.();
win.$(".body, .header").each(function () {
this.style.setProperty("display", "");
this.style.setProperty("height", "");
win.$("#start").each(function () {
this._ready = true;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const callback = function () {
if (location.href.indexOf("www.baidu.com/s") !== -1) {
Array.from($$(`#content_left .c-container:not([${getRandomSuffix("rmAd-baidu")}])`)).forEach((ele) => {
ele.setAttribute(getRandomSuffix("rmAd-baidu"), "");
if (ele.querySelector(".icon-unsafe-icon")) { ele.remove(); }
if (!ele.attachShadow) {
console.info("RemoveAds (shadowRoot): ", removedAds.push(ele), "\nTarget:", ele, "\nParentNode:", ele.parentNode, "\nInnerText", ele.innerText);
const html = ele.outerHTML;
const node = doc.createElement("div");
node.outerHTML = html;
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(doc.body, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });
const append = win.DocumentFragment.prototype.append;
win.DocumentFragment.prototype.append = function (...nodes) {
append.bind(this)(...nodes.filter((node) => {
if (node === doc.body) {
console.info("RemoveAds: Got a call trying to remove document.body but denied", ":\n", new Stack().getStack(9));
return false;
return true;