This is a reconstruction version of Tabview Youtube.
It is under beta testing.

Recommended Scripts for YouTube
Tabview YouTube Totara
English | 日本語 | 中文
Notice: Tabview YouTube Totara is the redesigned v5 version of Tabview YouTube
Important: Please make sure you install the script from, not from fake sites.
Disabled Experimental Flags
web_watch_chat_hide_button_killswitch = false
web_watch_theater_chat = false
suppress_error_204_logging = true
kevlar_watch_grid = false
Legacy - Just Keep. YouTube already abandoned their failure designs
enable_shadydom_free_scoped_node_methods = false
enable_shadydom_free_scoped_query_methods = false
enable_shadydom_free_scoped_readonly_properties_batch_one = false
enable_shadydom_free_parent_node = false
enable_shadydom_free_children = false
enable_shadydom_free_last_child = false
Userscript Managers & Minimum Browser Versions
Userscript Managers

- Note: Tampermonkey requires enabling developer mode in Chrome / Chromium.

Recommended Browser Versions

Related URLs
Features Provided by Tabview YouTube Totara
- Tabbed Layout: Info, Comments, Videos, and Playlist are organized into tabs on the right (in two-column layouts).
- Layout Switching: Allows switching to a browse/search layout with mini-view playing (default available when a playlist exists).
Features not fully available / To be confirmed
- YouTube Bug Fixes: Addresses native bugs such as trimmed channel names in Japanese layouts and fixes for extra-wide video side panels.
- CSS Enhancements: Multiple CSS tweaks to boost rendering performance.
- Enhanced Video Information: Displays livestream date/time and duration on video title hover.
Issues known
- Default Tab Selection not yet implemented
- Donation Panel Issue not yet checked
- Sometimes the collapsed tab container does not auto expand after video / page changing.
Suggested Related Scripts / Extensions
Tip: If you need to watch YouTube using minimal CPU on older machines, try YouTube Minimal on PC and YouTube Minimal Fixs.
Screenshots (Old. For reference only)
Preview (Dark Theme – Two Columns)
Theater Mode

Live Chat – Live / Replay

Video Info

Normal Comment Mode (if available)

Related Videos

Playlist (if available)

Chapter & Caption (if available)

Note: The changelog below reflects previous versions of Tabview YouTube. Tabview YouTube Totara (v5) is a redesigned version with further improvements. For the latest updates, please refer to the official release notes.
Version v5.0 (Beta) – 5.0.054 @ Mar 2025
Supported Platforms
Userscript Managers
- Recommended: Violentmonkey 2.16.2 or later
- Also Supported: Tampermonkey (closed-source)
- Partial Support: FireMonkey (not recommended due to feature limitations)
- Chromium-based: Chrome, Edge, Brave, Cent (Blink 66+)
- Webkit-based: Orion Version Beta or later
- Gecko-based: Firefox 57+, Waterfox, Librefox, Waterfox Classic
- Inspiration: The source code and design were originally inspired by SuperYouTube but have been heavily improved (including dark/light theme support). This UserScript is not affiliated with SuperYouTube.
- Motivation: Created to simplify settings and reduce RAM usage compared to SuperYouTube while fixing bugs and performance issues.
- Performance: Many CSS hacks are employed for performance gains (e.g., using
and content-visibility
). Some hacks might interfere with other UserScripts or plugins—please report issues for fixes. - Old version is buggy due to changes of YouTube's engine and its fundamental design was incorrect.
Compatible Userscript Managers
- Tampermonkey (and its beta)
- ViolentMonkey
Compatible Web Browsers
- Desktop: Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Firefox, Waterfox, LibreWolf, Brave, Safari, Waterfox Classic, Vivaldi, Opera, Cent, Catsxp, Maxthon
Note: For Waterfox Classic (Firefox 55/56), use ViolentMonkey or Tampermonkey 4.8.5847.
Compatible YouTube Features
- 360° Video
- Mini Player View
- Modern Dark Layout: Compatible with the new darker dark YouTube layout (more info)
- Playlist Row Highlight (introduced end of 2022)
Compatible Extensions & Plugins
Also see: