Workaround to set the default currency for custom monetary fields in Paperless up to version 2.11.2.
// ==UserScript== // @name Paperless: default currency // @namespace // @author Denilson Sá Maia // @version 1.0 // @description Workaround to set the default currency for custom monetary fields in Paperless up to version 2.11.2. // @icon // @license Public Domain // @match* // ==/UserScript== // HOW TO USE THIS SCRIPT // ---------------------- // // 1. Make sure your browser can run user scripts. In doubt, just install the [Violentmonkey extension]( // 2. Click on `Install this script` from <> // 3. Click on the green `+ Edit` button. // 4. Edit the `@match` line, replace `*` with your Paperless installation. (e.g. `*` ) // 5. Edit the `DEFAULT_CURRENCY` below to your preferred currency. // // See also: <> (function () { "use strict"; const DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 'EUR'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convenience functions // Returns a new function that will call the callback without arguments // after timeout milliseconds of quietness. function debounce(callback, timeout = 500) { let id = null; return function() { clearTimeout(id); id = setTimeout(callback, timeout); }; } const active_mutation_observers = []; // Returns a new MutationObserver that observes a specific node. // The observer will be immediately active. function debouncedMutationObserver(rootNode, callback, timeout = 500) { const func = debounce(callback, timeout); func(); const observer = new MutationObserver(func); observer.observe(rootNode, { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: false, }); active_mutation_observers.push(observer); return observer; } // Adds a MutationObserver to each root node matched by the CSS selector. function debouncedMutationObserverSelectorAll(rootSelector, callback, timeout = 500) { for (const root of document.querySelectorAll(rootSelector)) { debouncedMutationObserver(root, callback, timeout); } } function stopAllMutationObservers() { for (const mo of active_mutation_observers) { mo.disconnect(); } active_mutation_observers.length = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// function main() { debouncedMutationObserverSelectorAll('body', function() { for (const input of document.querySelectorAll('[maxlength="3"]')) { if (input.value === 'USD') { input.value = DEFAULT_CURRENCY; const ev = new InputEvent('input', { data: DEFAULT_CURRENCY }); input.dispatchEvent(ev); } } }); } main(); })();