Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Bỏ qua quảng cáo video tự động // @name:en YouTube Auto Ad Skipper // @name:vi YouTube Bỏ qua quảng cáo video tự động // @name:zh-cn YouTube 自动跳过广告 // @name:zh-tw YouTube 自動跳過廣告 // @name:ja YouTube 広告自動スキップ // @name:ko YouTube 자동 광고 건너뛰기 // @name:es YouTube Saltar anuncios automáticamente // @name:ru YouTube Автоматический пропуск рекламы // @name:id YouTube Lewati Iklan Otomatis // @name:hi YouTube स्वचालित विज्ञापन स्किपर // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2025.01.02.1 // @description Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube // @description:en Automatically skip ads on YouTube videos // @description:vi Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube // @description:zh-cn 自动跳过 YouTube 视频广告 // @description:zh-tw 自動跳過 YouTube 影片廣告 // @description:ja YouTube動画の広告を自動的にスキップ // @description:ko YouTube 동영상의 광고를 자동으로 건너뛰기 // @description:es Salta automáticamente los anuncios en videos de YouTube // @description:ru Автоматически пропускает рекламу в видео на YouTube // @description:id Otomatis melewati iklan di video YouTube // @description:hi YouTube वीडियो में विज्ञापनों को स्वचालित रूप से छोड़ें // @author RenjiYuusei // @license MIT // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com // @match https://*.youtube.com/* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @run-at document-start // @compatible chrome // @compatible firefox // @compatible edge // @compatible safari // ==/UserScript== const DEBUG = false; function log(...args) { if (DEBUG) { console.log('[YouTube Ad Skipper]:', ...args); } } (function () { 'use strict'; const DEFAULT_CONFIG = { allowedReloadPage: true, dontReloadWhileBusy: true, maxScrollThreshold: 200, adSkipDelay: 300, maxPlaybackRate: 16, maxSkipAttempts: 15, autoMuteAds: true, hideAllAds: true, checkInterval: 500, minSkipInterval: 50, }; class YouTubeAdSkipper { constructor() { this.video = null; this.currentVideoTime = 0; this.isTabBlurred = false; this.skipAttempts = 0; this.maxSkipAttempts = DEFAULT_CONFIG.maxSkipAttempts; this.lastSkipTime = 0; this.config = DEFAULT_CONFIG; this.errorCount = 0; this.maxErrors = 3; this.debounceTimeout = null; this.recoveryAttempts = 0; this.maxRecoveryAttempts = 3; this.recoveryTimeout = null; this.init(); } init() { try { this.loadConfig(); this.setupEventListeners(); this.setupMutationObserver(); if (this.config.hideAllAds) { this.addCSSHideAds(); } this.skipAd(); this.startAdCheckInterval(); } catch (error) { log('Error during initialization:', error); } } loadConfig() { try { const savedConfig = GM_getValue('adSkipperConfig'); if (savedConfig) { this.config = { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG, ...savedConfig }; } } catch (error) { log('Error when read config, restore to default:', error); this.config = DEFAULT_CONFIG; this.saveConfig(); } } saveConfig() { try { GM_setValue('adSkipperConfig', this.config); } catch (error) { log('Error when save config:', error); } } setupEventListeners() { window.addEventListener('blur', () => (this.isTabBlurred = true)); window.addEventListener('focus', () => { this.isTabBlurred = false; this.skipAd(); }); document.addEventListener('timeupdate', this.handleTimeUpdate.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => { this.skipAttempts = 0; this.skipAd(); }); document.addEventListener( 'pause', () => { if (this.video && this.video.paused) { log('Video is paused, try to play...'); setTimeout(() => { this.video.play().catch(error => { log('Cannot play video automatically:', error); }); }, 500); } }, true ); } handleTimeUpdate(e) { if (e.target.matches('video.html5-main-video')) { this.currentVideoTime = e.target.currentTime; } } setupMutationObserver() { const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { if (this.isTabBlurred) return; clearTimeout(this.debounceTimeout); this.debounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.skipAd(); }, 100); }); // Wait until document.body exists const observeBody = () => { if (document.body) { observer.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class', 'src', 'style'], childList: true, subtree: true, }); } else { // Try again after 50ms if body does not exist setTimeout(observeBody, 50); } }; observeBody(); } startAdCheckInterval() { setInterval(() => { if (!this.isTabBlurred) { this.skipAd(); } }, this.config.checkInterval); } async skipAd() { try { if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/shorts/')) return; const player = document.querySelector('#movie_player'); if (!player) { log('Not found player'); return; } const hasAd = player.classList.contains('ad-showing') || document.querySelector('.video-ads') !== null; this.video = player.querySelector('video.html5-main-video'); if (hasAd && this.video) { await this.handleVideoAd(); this.handlePrerollAds(); } this.removeAdBlockerWarnings(); this.removeShortVideoAds(); this.removeOverlayAds(); } catch (error) { this.errorCount++; log('Error when skip ads:', error); if (this.errorCount >= this.maxErrors) { log('Exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts, trying to recover...'); await this.attemptRecovery(); } } } async handleVideoAd() { const now = Date.now(); if (now - this.lastSkipTime < this.config.minSkipInterval) return; this.lastSkipTime = now; this.clickSkipButtons(); if (this.video.src) { this.video.currentTime = 9999; this.video.playbackRate = this.config.maxPlaybackRate; } if (this.config.autoMuteAds) { this.video.muted = true; this.video.volume = 0; } if (this.skipAttempts < this.maxSkipAttempts) { this.skipAttempts++; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, this.config.adSkipDelay)); this.skipAd(); } } clickSkipButtons() { const skipButtonSelectors = ['.ytp-skip-ad-button', '.ytp-ad-skip-button', '.ytp-ad-skip-button-modern', '.ytp-ad-survey-answer-button', '.ytp-ad-skip-button-container button', '[class*="skip-button"]', '[class*="skipButton"]', '.videoAdUiSkipButton', '.ytp-ad-preview-container button']; skipButtonSelectors.forEach(selector => { const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(selector); buttons.forEach(button => { if (button && button.offsetParent !== null) { button.click(); button.remove(); } }); }); } removeAdBlockerWarnings() { const warningSelectors = ['tp-yt-paper-dialog:has(#feedback.ytd-enforcement-message-view-model)', '.yt-playability-error-supported-renderers:has(.ytd-enforcement-message-view-model)', 'ytd-enforcement-message-view-model', '.ytd-popup-container']; warningSelectors.forEach(selector => { const warning = document.querySelector(selector); if (warning) { if (selector.includes('playability-error') && this.checkCanReloadPage()) { this.reloadPage(); } warning.remove(); } }); } removeShortVideoAds() { const shortAdSelectors = ['ytd-reel-video-renderer:has(.ytd-ad-slot-renderer)', 'ytd-in-feed-ad-layout-renderer', 'ytd-promoted-video-renderer'].join(','); document.querySelectorAll(shortAdSelectors).forEach(ad => ad.remove()); } removeOverlayAds() { const overlayAdSelectors = ['.ytp-ad-overlay-container', '.ytp-ad-text-overlay', '.ytp-ad-overlay-slot', 'div[id^="ad-overlay"]', '.video-ads', '.ytp-ad-overlay-image', '.ytp-ad-text-overlay-container'].join(','); document.querySelectorAll(overlayAdSelectors).forEach(ad => { ad.style.display = 'none'; ad.remove(); }); } checkCanReloadPage() { if (!this.config.allowedReloadPage) return false; if (!this.config.dontReloadWhileBusy) return true; if (document.activeElement?.matches('input, textarea, select')) return false; if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > this.config.maxScrollThreshold) return false; if (this.isTabBlurred) return false; return true; } reloadPage() { const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); if (this.currentVideoTime > 0) { params.set('t', Math.floor(this.currentVideoTime) + 's'); } location.replace(`${location.origin}${location.pathname}?${params.toString()}`); } addCSSHideAds() { const styles = ` #player-ads, #masthead-ad, ytd-ad-slot-renderer, ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(.ytd-ad-slot-renderer), ytd-rich-section-renderer:has(.ytd-statement-banner-renderer), ytd-reel-video-renderer:has(.ytd-ad-slot-renderer), tp-yt-paper-dialog:has(#feedback.ytd-enforcement-message-view-model), tp-yt-paper-dialog:has(> ytd-checkbox-survey-renderer), .ytp-suggested-action, .yt-mealbar-promo-renderer, ytmusic-mealbar-promo-renderer, ytmusic-statement-banner-renderer, .ytd-display-ad-renderer, .ytd-statement-banner-renderer, .ytd-in-feed-ad-layout-renderer, .ytp-ad-overlay-container, .ytp-ad-text-overlay, ytd-promoted-sparkles-web-renderer, ytd-promoted-video-renderer, .ytd-banner-promo-renderer, .ytd-video-masthead-ad-v3-renderer, .ytd-primetime-promo-renderer, .ytp-ad-skip-button-slot, .ytp-ad-preview-slot, .ytp-ad-message-slot { display: none !important; } `; GM_addStyle(styles); } handlePrerollAds() { const prerollContainer = document.querySelector('.ytp-ad-preview-container'); if (prerollContainer) { this.video.currentTime = this.video.duration || 9999; this.video.playbackRate = this.config.maxPlaybackRate; prerollContainer.remove(); } } async attemptRecovery() { if (this.recoveryAttempts >= this.maxRecoveryAttempts) { log('Exceeded the maximum number of recovery attempts'); return; } this.recoveryAttempts++; log(`Try to recovery attempt ${this.recoveryAttempts}...`); clearTimeout(this.recoveryTimeout); this.recoveryTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.errorCount = 0; this.skipAttempts = 0; this.init(); this.recoveryAttempts = 0; }, 5000 * this.recoveryAttempts); } } new YouTubeAdSkipper(); })();