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GitHub Plus

Enhance GitHub with additional features.

Installer dette script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         GitHub Plus
// @name:zh-CN   GitHub 增强
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.3.5
// @description  Enhance GitHub with additional features.
// @description:zh-CN 为 GitHub 增加额外的功能。
// @author       PRO-2684
// @match        https://github.com/*
// @match        https://*.github.com/*
// @run-at       document-start
// @icon         http://github.com/favicon.ico
// @license      gpl-3.0
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener
// @grant        GM_addElement
// @require      https://github.com/PRO-2684/GM_config/releases/download/v1.2.1/config.min.js#md5=525526b8f0b6b8606cedf08c651163c2
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const { name, version } = GM_info.script;
const idPrefix = "ghp-"; // Prefix for the IDs of the elements
* The top domain of the current page.
* @type {string}
const topDomain = location.hostname.split(".").slice(-2).join(".");
* The official domain of GitHub.
* @type {string}
const officialDomain = "github.com";
* The color used for logging. Matches the color of the GitHub.
* @type {string}
const themeColor = "#f78166";
* Regular expression to match the expanded assets URL. (https://<host>/<username>/<repo>/releases/expanded_assets/<version>)
const expandedAssetsRegex = new RegExp(`https://${topDomain.replaceAll(".", "\\.")}/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/releases/expanded_assets/([^/]+)`);
* Data about the release. Maps `owner`, `repo` and `version` to the details of a release. Details are `Promise` objects if exist.
let releaseData = {};
* Rate limit data for the GitHub API.
* @type {Object}
* @property {number} limit The maximum number of requests that the consumer is permitted to make per hour.
* @property {number} remaining The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
* @property {number} reset The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.
let rateLimit = {
limit: -1,
remaining: -1,
reset: -1
// Configuration
const configDesc = {
$default: {
autoClose: false
code: {
name: "🔢 Code Features",
type: "folder",
items: {
cloneFullCommand: {
name: "📥 Clone Full Command",
title: "Append `git clone ` before `https` and `git@` URLs under the code tab",
type: "bool",
value: false,
tabSize: {
name: "➡️ Tab Size",
title: "Set Tab indentation size",
type: "int",
min: 0,
value: 4,
cursorBlink: {
name: "😉 Cursor Blink",
title: "Enable cursor blinking",
type: "bool",
value: false,
cursorAnimation: {
name: "🌊 Cursor Animation",
title: "Make cursor move smoothly",
type: "bool",
value: false,
fullWidth: {
name: "🔲 Full Width",
title: "Make the code block full width (copilot button may cover the end of the line)",
type: "bool",
value: false,
appearance: {
name: "🎨 Appearance",
type: "folder",
items: {
dashboard: {
name: "📰 Dashboard",
title: "Configures the dashboard",
type: "enum",
options: ["Default", "Hide Copilot", "Hide Feed", "Mobile-Like"],
leftSidebar: {
name: "↖️ Left Sidebar",
title: "Configures the left sidebar",
type: "enum",
options: ["Default", "Hidden"],
rightSidebar: {
name: "↗️ Right Sidebar",
title: "Configures the right sidebar",
type: "enum",
options: ["Default", "Hide 'Latest changes'", "Hide 'Explore repositories'", "Hide Completely"],
stickyAvatar: {
name: "📌 Sticky Avatar",
title: "Make the avatar sticky",
type: "bool",
value: false,
release: {
name: "📦 Release Features",
type: "folder",
items: {
uploader: {
name: "⬆️ Release Uploader",
title: "Show uploader of release assets",
type: "bool",
value: true,
downloads: {
name: "📥 Release Downloads",
title: "Show download counts of release assets",
type: "bool",
value: true,
histogram: {
name: "📊 Release Histogram",
title: "Show a histogram of download counts for each release asset",
type: "bool",
hideArchives: {
name: "🫥 Hide Archives",
title: "Hide source code archives (zip, tar.gz) in the release assets",
type: "bool",
additional: {
name: "🪄 Additional Features",
type: "folder",
items: {
trackingPrevention: {
name: "🎭 Tracking Prevention",
title: () => { return `Prevent some tracking by GitHub (${name} has prevented tracking ${GM_getValue("trackingPrevented", 0)} time(s))`; },
type: "bool",
value: true,
advanced: {
name: "⚙️ Advanced Settings",
type: "folder",
items: {
token: {
name: "🔑 Personal Access Token",
title: "Your personal access token for GitHub API, starting with `github_pat_` (used for increasing rate limit)",
type: "str",
rateLimit: {
name: "📈 Rate Limit",
title: "View the current rate limit status",
type: "action",
debug: {
name: "🐞 Debug",
title: "Enable debug mode",
type: "bool",
const config = new GM_config(configDesc);
// Helper function for css
function injectCSS(id, css) {
const style = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("style"));
style.id = idPrefix + id;
style.textContent = css;
return style;
function cssHelper(id, enable) {
const current = document.getElementById(idPrefix + id);
if (current) {
current.disabled = !enable;
} else if (enable) {
injectCSS(id, dynamicStyles[id]);
// General functions
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const $$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
* Log the given arguments if debug mode is enabled.
* @param {...any} args The arguments to log.
function log(...args) {
if (config.get("advanced.debug")) console.log(`%c[${name}]%c`, `color:${themeColor};`, "color: unset;", ...args);
* Warn the given arguments.
* @param {...any} args The arguments to warn.
function warn(...args) {
console.warn(`%c[${name}]%c`, `color:${themeColor};`, "color: unset;", ...args);
* Replace the domain of the given URL with the top domain if needed.
* @param {string} url The URL to fix.
* @returns {string} The fixed URL.
function fixDomain(url) {
return (topDomain === officialDomain) ? url : url.replace(`https://${officialDomain}/`, `https://${topDomain}/`); // Replace top domain
* Fetch the given URL with the personal access token, if given. Also updates rate limit.
* @param {string} url The URL to fetch.
* @param {RequestInit} options The options to pass to `fetch`.
* @returns {Promise<Response>} The response from the fetch.
async function fetchWithToken(url, options) {
const token = config.get("advanced.token");
if (token) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (!options.headers) options.headers = {};
options.headers.accept = "application/vnd.github+json";
options.headers["X-GitHub-Api-Version"] = "2022-11-28";
options.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
const r = await fetch(url, options);
function parseRateLimit(suffix, defaultValue = -1) {
const parsed = parseInt(r.headers.get(`X-RateLimit-${suffix}`));
return isNaN(parsed) ? defaultValue : parsed;
// Update rate limit
for (const key of Object.keys(rateLimit)) {
rateLimit[key] = parseRateLimit(key); // Case-insensitive
const resetDate = new Date(rateLimit.reset * 1000).toLocaleString();
log(`Rate limit: remaining ${rateLimit.remaining}/${rateLimit.limit}, resets at ${resetDate}`);
if (r.status === 403 || r.status === 429) { // If we get 403 or 429, we've hit the rate limit.
throw new Error(`Rate limit exceeded! Will reset at ${resetDate}`);
} else if (rateLimit.remaining === 0) {
warn(`Rate limit has been exhausted! Will reset at ${resetDate}`);
return r;
// CSS-related features
const dynamicStyles = {
"code.cursorBlink": "[data-testid='navigation-cursor'] { animation: blink 1s step-end infinite; }",
"code.cursorAnimation": "[data-testid='navigation-cursor'] { transition: top 0.1s ease-in-out, left 0.1s ease-in-out; }",
"code.fullWidth": "#copilot-button-positioner { padding-right: 0; }",
"appearance.stickyAvatar": `
div.TimelineItem-avatar { /* .js-timeline-item > .TimelineItem > .TimelineItem-avatar */
position: relative;
margin-left: -40px;
left: -32px;
& > a[data-hovercard-type='user'] {
position: sticky;
top: 5em;
/* .page-responsive .timeline-comment--caret {
&::before, &::after {
position: sticky;
top: 4em;
margin-top: -1em;
transform: translate(-0.5em, 2em);
} */
for (const prop in dynamicStyles) {
cssHelper(prop, config.get(prop));
// Code features
* Show the full command to clone a repository.
* @param {HTMLElement} [target] The target element to search for the embedded data.
function cloneFullCommand(target = document.body) {
document.currentScript?.remove(); // Self-remove
const embeddedData = target.querySelector('react-partial[partial-name="repos-overview"] > script[data-target="react-partial.embeddedData"]'); // The element containing the repository information
if (!embeddedData) {
log("Full clone command not enabled - no embedded data found");
return false;
const data = JSON.parse(embeddedData?.textContent);
const protocolInfo = data.props?.initialPayload?.overview?.codeButton?.local?.protocolInfo;
if (!protocolInfo) {
log("Full clone command not enabled - no protocol information found");
return false;
function prefix(uri) {
return !uri || uri.startsWith("git clone ") ? uri : "git clone " + uri;
protocolInfo.httpUrl = prefix(protocolInfo.httpUrl);
protocolInfo.sshUrl = prefix(protocolInfo.sshUrl);
embeddedData.textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
log("Full clone command enabled");
return true;
if (config.get("code.cloneFullCommand")) {
// document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", cloneFullCommand, { once: true }); // Doesn't work, since our script is running too late, after `embeddedData` is accessed by GitHub. Need to add the script in the head so as to defer DOM parsing.
const dataPresent = $('react-partial[partial-name="repos-overview"] > script[data-target="react-partial.embeddedData"]');
if (dataPresent) {
} else {
// https://a.opnxng.com/exchange/stackoverflow.com/questions/41394983/how-to-defer-inline-javascript
const logDef = config.get("advanced.debug") ? `const log = (...args) => console.log("%c[${name}]%c", "color:${themeColor};", "color: unset;", ...args);\n` : "const log = () => {};\n"; // Define the `log` function, respecting the debug mode
const scriptText = logDef + "const target = document.body;\n" + cloneFullCommand.toString().replace(/^.*?{|}$/g, ""); // Get the function body
const wrapped = `(function() {${scriptText}})();`; // Wrap the function in an IIFE so as to prevent polluting the global scope
GM_addElement(document.head, "script", { textContent: wrapped, type: "module" }); // Use `GM_addElement` instead of native `appendChild` to bypass CSP
// Utilize data URI and set `defer` attribute to defer the script execution (can't bypass CSP)
// GM_addElement(document.head, "script", { src: `data:text/javascript,${encodeURIComponent(wrapped)}`, defer: true });
// Adapt to dynamic loading
document.addEventListener("turbo:before-render", e => {
cloneFullCommand(e.detail.newBody.querySelector("[data-turbo-body]") ?? e.detail.newBody);
* Set the tab size for the code blocks.
* @param {number} size The tab size to set.
function tabSize(size) {
const id = idPrefix + "tabSize";
const style = document.getElementById(id) ?? injectCSS(id, "");
style.textContent = `pre, code { tab-size: ${size}; }`;
// Appearance features
* Dynamic styles for the enum settings.
* @type {Object<string, Array<string>>}
const enumStyles = {
"appearance.dashboard": [
"/* Default */",
"/* Hide Copilot */ #dashboard > .news > .copilotPreview__container { display: none; }",
"/* Hide Feed */ #dashboard > .news > feed-container { display: none; }",
`/* Mobile-Like */
.application-main > div > aside[aria-label="Account context"] {
display: block !important;
#dashboard > .news {
> .copilotPreview__container { display: none; }
> feed-container { display: none; }
> .d-block.d-md-none { display: block !important; }
"appearance.leftSidebar": [
"/* Default */",
"/* Hidden */ .application-main .feed-background > aside.feed-left-sidebar { display: none; }",
"appearance.rightSidebar": [
"/* Default */",
"/* Hide 'Latest changes' */ aside.feed-right-sidebar > .dashboard-changelog { display: none; }",
"/* Hide 'Explore repositories' */ aside.feed-right-sidebar > [aria-label='Explore repositories'] { display: none; }",
"/* Hide Completely */ aside.feed-right-sidebar { display: none; }",
* Helper function to configure enum styles.
* @param {string} id The ID of the style.
* @param {string} mode The mode to set.
function enumStyleHelper(id, mode) {
const style = document.getElementById(idPrefix + id) ?? injectCSS(id, "");
style.textContent = enumStyles[id][mode];
for (const prop in enumStyles) {
enumStyleHelper(prop, config.get(prop));
// Release features
* Get the release data for the given owner, repo and version.
* @param {string} owner The owner of the repository.
* @param {string} repo The repository name.
* @param {string} version The version tag of the release.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} The release data, which resolves to an object mapping download link to details.
async function getReleaseData(owner, repo, version) {
if (!releaseData[owner]) releaseData[owner] = {};
if (!releaseData[owner][repo]) releaseData[owner][repo] = {};
if (!releaseData[owner][repo][version]) {
const url = `https://api.${topDomain}/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases/tags/${version}`;
const promise = fetchWithToken(url).then(
response => response.json()
).then(data => {
log(`Fetched release data for ${owner}/${repo}@${version}:`, data);
const assets = {};
for (const asset of data.assets) {
assets[fixDomain(asset.browser_download_url)] = {
downloads: asset.download_count,
uploader: {
name: asset.uploader.login,
url: fixDomain(asset.uploader.html_url)
log(`Processed release data for ${owner}/${repo}@${version}:`, assets);
return assets;
releaseData[owner][repo][version] = promise;
return releaseData[owner][repo][version];
* Create a link to the uploader's profile.
* @param {Object} uploader The uploader information.
* @param {string} uploader.name The name of the uploader.
* @param {string} uploader.url The URL to the uploader's profile.
function createUploaderLink(uploader) {
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = uploader.url;
link.setAttribute("class", "text-sm-left flex-auto ml-md-3 nowrap");
if (uploader.url.startsWith(`https://${topDomain}/apps/`)) {
// Remove suffix `[bot]` from the name if exists
const name = uploader.name.endsWith("[bot]") ? uploader.name.slice(0, -5) : uploader.name;
link.title = `Uploaded by GitHub App @${name}`;
link.textContent = `@${name}`;
} else {
link.setAttribute("data-hovercard-url", `/users/${uploader.name}/hovercard`);
link.title = `Uploaded by @${uploader.name}`;
link.textContent = `@${uploader.name}`;
return link;
* Create a span element with the given download count.
* @param {number} downloads The download count.
function createDownloadCount(downloads) {
const downloadCount = document.createElement("span");
downloadCount.textContent = `${downloads} DL`;
downloadCount.title = `${downloads} downloads`;
downloadCount.setAttribute("class", "color-fg-muted text-sm-left flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0 ml-md-3 nowrap");
return downloadCount;
* Show a histogram of the download counts for the given release entry.
* @param {HTMLElement} asset One of the release assets.
* @param {number} value The download count of the asset.
* @param {number} max The maximum download count of all assets.
function showHistogram(asset, value, max) {
asset.style.setProperty("--percent", `${value / max * 100}%`);
* Adding additional info (download count) to the release entries under the given element.
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element to search for release entries.
* @param {Object} info Additional information about the release (owner, repo, version).
* @param {string} info.owner The owner of the repository.
* @param {string} info.repo The repository name.
* @param {string} info.version The version of the release.
async function addAdditionalInfoToRelease(el, info) {
const entries = el.querySelectorAll("ul > li");
const assets = [];
const hideArchives = config.get("release.hideArchives");
entries.forEach((asset) => {
if (asset.querySelector("svg.octicon-package")) {
// Release asset
} else if (hideArchives) {
// Source code archive
const releaseData = await getReleaseData(info.owner, info.repo, info.version);
if (!releaseData) return;
const maxDownloads = Math.max(0, ...Object.values(releaseData).map(asset => asset.downloads));
assets.forEach(asset => {
const downloadLink = asset.children[0].querySelector("a")?.href;
const statistics = asset.children[1];
const assetInfo = releaseData[downloadLink];
if (!assetInfo) return;
const size = statistics.querySelector("span.flex-auto");
size.classList.add("flex-shrink-0", "flex-grow-0");
if (config.get("release.downloads")) {
const downloadCount = createDownloadCount(assetInfo.downloads);
if (config.get("release.uploader")) {
const uploaderLink = createUploaderLink(assetInfo.uploader);
if (config.get("release.histogram") && maxDownloads > 0 && assets.length > 1) {
showHistogram(asset, assetInfo.downloads, maxDownloads);
* Handle the `include-fragment-replace` event.
* @param {CustomEvent} event The event object.
function onFragmentReplace(event) {
const self = event.target;
const src = self.src;
const match = expandedAssetsRegex.exec(src);
if (!match) return;
const [_, owner, repo, version] = match;
const info = { owner, repo, version };
const fragment = event.detail.fragment;
log("Found expanded assets:", fragment);
for (const child of fragment.children) {
addAdditionalInfoToRelease(child, info);
* Find all release entries and setup listeners to show the download count.
function setupListeners() {
log("Calling setupListeners");
if (!config.get("release.downloads") && !config.get("release.uploader") && !config.get("release.histogram")) return; // No need to run
// IncludeFragmentElement: https://github.com/github/include-fragment-element/blob/main/src/include-fragment-element.ts
const fragments = document.querySelectorAll('[data-hpc] details[data-view-component="true"] include-fragment');
fragments.forEach(fragment => {
if (!fragment.hasAttribute("data-ghp-listening")) {
fragment.toggleAttribute("data-ghp-listening", true);
fragment.addEventListener("include-fragment-replace", onFragmentReplace, { once: true });
if (config.get("release.hideArchives")) {
// Fix assets count
const summary = fragment.parentElement.previousElementSibling;
if (summary.tagName === "SUMMARY" && summary.firstElementChild.textContent === "Assets") {
const counter = summary.querySelector("span.Counter");
if (counter) {
const count = parseInt(counter.textContent) - 2; // Exclude the source code archives
log(counter, count + 2, count);
counter.textContent = count.toString();
counter.title = count.toString();
if (location.hostname === topDomain) { // Only run on GitHub main site
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", setupListeners, { once: true });
// Examine event listeners on `document`, and you can see the event listeners for the `turbo:*` events. (Remember to check `Framework Listeners`)
document.addEventListener("turbo:load", setupListeners);
// Other possible approaches and reasons against them:
// - Use `MutationObserver` - Not efficient
// - Hook `CustomEvent` to make `include-fragment-replace` events bubble - Monkey-patching
// - Patch `IncludeFragmentElement.prototype.fetch`, just like GitHub itself did at `https://github.githubassets.com/assets/app/assets/modules/github/include-fragment-element-hacks.ts`
//   - Monkey-patching
//   - If using regex to modify the response, it would be tedious to maintain
//   - If using `DOMParser`, the same HTML would be parsed twice
injectCSS("release", `
@media (min-width: 1012px) { /* Making more room for the additional info */
.ghp-release-asset .col-lg-9 {
width: 60%; /* Originally ~75% */
.nowrap { /* Preventing text wrapping */
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
.ghp-release-asset { /* Styling the histogram */
background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--bgColor-accent-muted) var(--percent, 0%), transparent 0);
// Tracking prevention
function preventTracking() {
log("Calling preventTracking");
const elements = [
// Prevents tracking data from being sent to https://collector.github.com/github/collect
// https://github.githubassets.com/assets/node_modules/@github/hydro-analytics-client/dist/meta-helpers.js
// Breakpoint on function `getOptionsFromMeta` to see the argument `prefix`, which is `octolytics`
// Or investigate `hydro-analytics.ts` mentioned above, you may find: `const options = getOptionsFromMeta('octolytics')`
// Later, this script gathers information from `meta[name^="${prefix}-"]` elements, so we can remove them.
// If `collectorUrl` is not set, the script will throw an error, thus preventing tracking.
// Prevents tracking data from being sent to `https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats`
// From "Network" tab, we can find that this request is sent by `https://github.githubassets.com/assets/ui/packages/stats/stats.ts` at function `safeSend`, who accepts two arguments: `url` and `data`
// Search for this function in the current script, and you will find that it is only called once by function `flushStats`
// `url` parameter is set in this function, by: `const url = ssrSafeDocument?.head?.querySelector<HTMLMetaElement>('meta[name="browser-stats-url"]')?.content`
// After removing the meta tag, the script will return, so we can remove this meta tag to prevent tracking.
elements.forEach(el => el?.remove());
if (elements.some(el => el)) {
log("Prevented tracking", elements);
GM_setValue("trackingPrevented", GM_getValue("trackingPrevented", 0) + 1);
if (config.get("additional.trackingPrevention")) {
// document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", preventTracking);
// All we need to remove is in the `head` element, so we can run it immediately.
document.addEventListener("turbo:before-render", preventTracking);
// Debugging
if (config.get("advanced.debug")) {
const events = ["turbo:before-render", "turbo:before-morph-element", "turbo:before-frame-render", "turbo:load", "turbo:render", "turbo:morph", "turbo:morph-element", "turbo:frame-render"];
events.forEach(event => {
document.addEventListener(event, e => log(`Event: ${event}`, e));
// Callbacks
const callbacks = {
"code.tabSize": tabSize,
for (const [prop, callback] of Object.entries(callbacks)) {
// Show rate limit
config.addEventListener("get", (e) => {
if (e.detail.prop === "advanced.rateLimit") {
const resetDate = new Date(rateLimit.reset * 1000).toLocaleString();
alert(`Rate limit: remaining ${rateLimit.remaining}/${rateLimit.limit}, resets at ${resetDate}.\nIf you see -1, it means the rate limit has not been fetched yet, or GitHub has not provided the rate limit information.`);
config.addEventListener("set", (e) => {
if (e.detail.prop in dynamicStyles) {
cssHelper(e.detail.prop, e.detail.after);
if (e.detail.prop in enumStyles) {
enumStyleHelper(e.detail.prop, e.detail.after);
if (e.detail.prop in callbacks) {
log(`${name} v${version} has been loaded 🎉`);