A library for unit conversions.
Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/519002/1513233/Units%20Converter.js
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To always have the latest version use:
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/519002/Units%20Converter.js
The library supports 27 units of measurements that are:
The conversions are:
Conversion | Example Input | Example Output |
Inches ⇄ Centimeters | 72in, 72″ | 182.88 cm |
Millimeters ➜ Inches | 50mm | 1.97in |
Meters ⇄ Feet | 6.50 ft | 1.98 m |
Yards ➜ Meters | 239 yd | 218.46 m |
Ounces ⇄ Grams | 1.76 oz | 49.90 g |
Kilometers ⇄ Miles | 60mi | 96.54 km |
Kilometers per hour ⇄ Miles per hour | 62.14mph | 99.98 km/h |
°F ⇄ °C | 39°C | 102.20°F |
Milliliters ⇄ Fluid ounces | 49.98 ml | 1.69 fl |
Liters ⇄ Gallons | 2.06 gal | 7.80 l |
Kilowatts ⇄ Mechanical HorsePower | 700kW | 938.70 mhp |
Miles per Gallon ⇄ Liters per 100 Kilometers | 33.6mpg | 7l/100km |
Liquid Quarts ⇄ Liters | 4 qt | 3.78 l |
Foot-Pounds ⇄ Newton-Meters | 250lb ft | 338.95 N·m |
This library provides a simple framework to convert units of measurement for the script https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/419825. It supports various unit types (e.g., length, weight, volume, temperature) and handles conversions with single or compound values.
To see the latest const Units
regex and a real usage scenario check https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/419825.
"150 pounds" → Outputs: "68.03 kg"
"10x20 inches" → Outputs: "25.40 x 50.80 cm"
"5^3" → Outputs: "125 power"
Regex Matching for Units
const UnitType = "150 pounds".match(Units)[3].toLowerCase(); // Extracts the unit type
Value Extraction
const Units = new RegExp(
/^[ \t\xA0]*(-?\d+(?:[., ]\d+)?)(?:[ \t\xA0]*x[ \t\xA0]*(-?\d+(?:[., ]\d+)?))?[ \t\xA0]*
(in|inch|inches|"|”|″|cm|cms|centimeters? \ |m|mt|mts|meters?|ft|kg|lbs?|pounds?|kilograms?|ounces?|
g|ozs?|fl oz|fl oz (us)|fluid ounces?|kphs?|km\/h|kilometers per hours?|mhp|mphs?|meters per hours?|
kws?|brake horsepower|mechanical horsepower|hps?|bhps?|miles per gallons?|mpgs?|liters per 100 kilometers?|
lt?\/100km|liquid quarts?|lqs?|qt|foot-? ?pounds?|ft-?lbs?|lb fts?|newton-? ?meters?|n·?m|\^\d+)
[ \t\xA0]*(?:\(\w+\)[ \t\xA0]*)?$/i
const UnitValue = "150 pounds".match(Units)[1].replaceAll(',', '.'); // Extracts numeric value
const SecondUnitValue = "150 pounds".match(Units)[2]?.replaceAll(',', '.') || 0; // Extracts second value if present
Value Conversion
const convertValue = (value, unitType) => {
const { factor, convert } = window.UConv[unitType] || {};
return convert ? convert(value) : value * factor; // Converts value using factor or custom function
New Unit Detection
const NewUnit = window.UConv[UnitType]?.unit || UnitType; // Detects target unit
Final Conversion Output
const ConvertedUnit = `${convertValue(parseFloat(UnitValue), UnitType).toFixed(2)}${SecondUnitValue != 0 ? ` x ${convertValue(parseFloat(
SecondUnitValue), UnitType).toFixed(2)}` : ''}`; // Formats output
Special Cases
const ConvertedUnit = "5^3".match(/\^(\d+\.?\d*)/)
? (NewUnit = 'power', Math.pow(parseFloat(UnitValue), parseFloat("5^3".match(/\^(\d+\.?\d*)/)[1])))
: ConvertedUnit; // Handles powers
Display Conversion
ShowConvertion('Units', NewUnit, ConvertedUnit); // Displays r###lt
To add new units, modify the addConversion
function in the UConv
addConversion(['unit1', 'unit2'], 'targetUnit', conversionFactor, optionalConvertFunction);
addConversion(['pound', 'lb'], 'kg', 0.453592); // Adds "pound" conversion to kilograms