This script hides sponsored posts (ads) on Facebook, making your feed cleaner and free from distractions.
// ==UserScript== // @name Facebook cleaner // @namespace // @version 0.2.1 // @description This script hides sponsored posts (ads) on Facebook, making your feed cleaner and free from distractions. // @author Łukasz Micał // @match https://** // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant window.onurlchange // @icon // ==/UserScript== // css:apps/facebook-cleaner/src/style/style-debug.css const style_debug_default = '[data-fcc="@"]{position:relative;}[data-fcc="@"]:before{display:block;content:attr(data-fcc-reason);position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;border-radius:16px;padding:8px;background-color:var(--card-background);transform:translateX(-50%);color:var(--primary-text);z-index:999;border:1px solid var(--primary-button-background)}'; // css:apps/facebook-cleaner/src/style/style.css const style_default = '[data-fcc="@"]{display:none !important;}[data-fcc="@"][data-fcc-type="@"]{display:block !important;max-height:24px;overflow:hidden;margin-bottom:16px;padding-top:24px;border-radius:16px;box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;background-color:var(--card-background);}[data-fcc="@"][data-fcc-type="@"] *{max-height:2px;}[data-fcc="@"][data-fcc-type="@"]:before{display:block;content:attr(title);position:absolute;top:4px;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%);color:var(--primary-text);}'; // libs/share/src/ui/GlobalStyle.ts const GlobalStyle = class { static addStyle(key, styles) { const style = document.getElementById(key) || (function () { const style2 = document.createElement('style'); = key; document.head.appendChild(style2); return style2; })(); style.textContent = styles; } }; // libs/share/src/utils/urlChangeEvent.ts function activateUrlChangeEvents() { if (!window.onurlchange) { const dispatchUrlChangeEvent = function () { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('urlchange')); }; window.addEventListener('popstate', dispatchUrlChangeEvent); const originalPushState = history.pushState; history.pushState = function (...args) { originalPushState.apply(this, args); dispatchUrlChangeEvent(); }; const originalReplaceState = history.replaceState; history.replaceState = function (...args) { originalReplaceState.apply(this, args); dispatchUrlChangeEvent(); }; } } // libs/share/src/ui/Observer.ts const Observer = class { start(element, callback, options) { this.stop(); = new MutationObserver(callback); element, options || { attributeOldValue: true, attributes: true, characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: true, childList: true, subtree: true, } ); } stop() { if ( {; } } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/dictionary/locales.ts const locales = { id: { hiddenPost: 'Postingan tersembunyi', feed: 'Postingan Kabar Beranda', follow: 'Ikuti', join: 'Gabung', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Bersponsor', }, cs: { hiddenPost: 'Skryt\xE9 p\u0159\xEDsp\u011Bvky', feed: 'P\u0159\xEDsp\u011Bvku v kan\xE1lu vybran\xFDch p\u0159\xEDsp\u011Bvk\u016F', follow: 'Sledovat', join: 'P\u0159idat se', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Sponzorov\xE1no', }, de: { hiddenPost: 'Versteckte Beitr\xE4ge', feed: 'News Feed-Beitr\xE4ge', follow: 'Folgen', join: 'Beitreten', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Anzeige', }, en: { hiddenPost: 'Hidden posts', feed: 'News Feed posts', follow: 'Follow', join: 'Join', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Sponsored', }, es: { hiddenPost: 'Publicaciones ocultas', feed: 'Publicaciones de la secci\xF3n de noticias', follow: 'Seguir', join: 'Unirte', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Publicidad', }, fr: { hiddenPost: 'Messages masqu\xE9s', feed: 'Nouvelles publications du fil d\u2019actualit\xE9', follow: 'Suivre', join: 'Rejoindre', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Sponsoris\xE9', }, it: { hiddenPost: 'Post nascosti', feed: 'Post della sezione Notizie', follow: 'Segui', join: 'Iscriviti', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Sponsorizzato', }, pl: { hiddenPost: 'Ukryte posty', feed: 'Posty w Aktualno\u015Bciach', follow: 'Obserwuj', join: 'Do\u0142\u0105cz', reels: 'Rolki', sponsored: 'Sponsorowane', }, pt: { hiddenPost: 'Postagens ocultas', feed: 'Publica\xE7\xF5es do Feed de Not\xEDcias', follow: 'Seguir', join: 'Participar', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Patrocinado', }, sk: { hiddenPost: 'Skryt\xE9 pr\xEDspevky', feed: 'Pr\xEDspevky v Novink\xE1ch', follow: 'Sledova\u0165', join: 'Prida\u0165 sa', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Sponzorovan\xE9', }, sl: { hiddenPost: 'Skrite objave', feed: 'Objave v viru novic', follow: 'Sledi', join: 'Pridru\u017Ei se', reels: 'Interaktivni videi', sponsored: 'Sponzorirano', }, szl: { hiddenPost: 'Skryte posty', feed: 'Posty w Aktualno\u015Bciach', follow: 'Obserwuj', join: 'Do\u0142\u0105cz', reels: 'Rolki', sponsored: 'Szp\u014Dnzorowane', }, tr: { hiddenPost: 'Gizli g\xF6nderiler', feed: 'Haber Kayna\u011F\u0131 g\xF6nderileri', follow: 'Takip Et', join: 'Kat\u0131l', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: 'Sponsorlu', }, uk: { hiddenPost: '\u041F\u0440\u0438\u0445\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0456 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438/Prykhovani posty', feed: '\u0414\u043E\u043F\u0438\u0441\u0438 \u0437\u0456 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0456\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u043D\u043E\u0432\u0438\u043D', follow: '\u0421\u0442\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0442\u0438', join: '\u041F\u0440\u0438\u0454\u0434\u043D\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u044F', reels: '\u0412\u0456\u0434\u0435\u043E Reels', sponsored: '\u0420\u0435\u043A\u043B\u0430\u043C\u0430', }, 'zh-Hans': { hiddenPost: '\u9690\u85CF\u5E16\u5B50', feed: '\u52A8\u6001\u6D88\u606F\u5E16\u5B50', follow: '\u5173\u6CE8', join: '\u52A0\u5165', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: '\u8D5E\u52A9\u5185\u5BB9', }, 'zh-Hant': { hiddenPost: '\u96B1\u85CF\u8CBC\u6587', feed: '\u52D5\u614B\u6D88\u606F\u5E16\u5B50', follow: '\u8FFD\u8E64', join: '\u52A0\u5165', reels: 'Reels', sponsored: '\u8D0A\u52A9', }, }; const languages = Object.keys(locales); // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/dictionary/Dictionary.ts const Dictionary = class { constructor() { this.lang = this.detectLanguage(); this.dictionary = this.getDictionary(); } getFeedLabel() { return this.dictionary.feed; } getFollowLabel() { return this.dictionary.follow; } getJoinLabel() { return this.dictionary.join; } getReelsLabel() { return this.dictionary.reels; } getSponsoredLabel() { return this.dictionary.sponsored; } hiddenPostLabel(count) { return `${this.dictionary.hiddenPost} (${count})`; } detectLanguage() { const pageLang = window.document.documentElement.lang; if (pageLang && languages.includes(pageLang)) { return pageLang; } return void 0; } getDictionary() { if (this.lang) { return locales[this.lang]; } return void 0; } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/services/ElementDetector.ts const ElementDetector = class { constructor() { this.dictionary = new Dictionary(); } getElement(root, query, text) { return this.getElements(root, query, text)[0]; } getElements(root, query, text) { return [...root.querySelectorAll(query)].filter((element) => { if (!text) { return true; } return element.textContent.includes(text); }); } getFeedElement() { const [feedHeader] = this.getElements( document, 'h3.html-h3', this.dictionary.getFeedLabel() ); if (!feedHeader) { return void 0; } return feedHeader.parentElement.lastElementChild; } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/services/UserSettings.ts const settingsMenuLabels = { ['fcc-hide-reels' /* HideReels */]: 'reels', ['fcc-hide-sponsored' /* HideSponsored */]: 'sponsored posts', ['fcc-hide-suggested-groups' /* Hid###ggestedGroups */]: 'suggested groups', ['fcc-hide-suggested-profiles' /* Hid###ggestedProfiles */]: 'suggested profiles', }; const UserSettings = class { constructor() { this.setting = { ['fcc-hide-reels' /* HideReels */]: true, ['fcc-hide-sponsored' /* HideSponsored */]: true, ['fcc-hide-suggested-groups' /* Hid###ggestedGroups */]: true, ['fcc-hide-suggested-profiles' /* Hid###ggestedProfiles */]: true, }; this.setting = this.readSettings(); this.updateMenu(); } getSettings() { return { ...this.setting }; } readSettings() { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(this.setting).map(([key, defaultValue]) => [ key, GM_getValue(key, defaultValue), ]) ); } setSettingValue(id, value) { this.setting[id] = value; GM_setValue(id, value); this.updateMenu(); } settingLabel(id) { return [ this.setting[id] ? 'Show' : 'Hide', settingsMenuLabels[id], 'in feed news', ].join(' '); } updateMenu() { Object.keys(this.setting).forEach((id) => GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id)); Object.entries(this.setting).forEach(([id, value]) => GM_registerMenuCommand( this.settingLabel(id), () => this.setSettingValue(id, !value), { id, autoClose: true, } ) ); } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/services/BannedPost.ts const BannedPost = class { constructor() { this.detector = new ElementDetector(); this.dictionary = new Dictionary(); } filter(posts, settings) { return posts.filter((post) => { if (post.dataset.fcc) { return true; } const query = '[data-ad-rendering-role="profile_name"] [role="button"]'; if ( settings['fcc-hide-suggested-profiles' /* Hid###ggestedProfiles */] && this.detector.getElement(post, query, this.dictionary.getFollowLabel()) ) { post.dataset.fccReason = 'follow' /* Follow */; return true; } if ( settings['fcc-hide-suggested-groups' /* Hid###ggestedGroups */] && this.detector.getElement(post, query, this.dictionary.getJoinLabel()) ) { post.dataset.fccReason = 'join' /* Join */; return true; } if ( settings['fcc-hide-reels' /* HideReels */] && this.detector.getElement( post, '[role="button"]', this.dictionary.getReelsLabel() ) ) { post.dataset.fccReason = 'reels' /* Reels */; return true; } if ( settings['fcc-hide-sponsored' /* HideSponsored */] && this.detector.getElement(post, 'a[href*="ads/about"]') ) { post.dataset.fccReason = 'sponsored-link' /* SponsoredLink */; return true; } if ( settings['fcc-hide-sponsored' /* HideSponsored */] && this.detector.getElement( post, 'a[attributionsrc] [aria-labelledby]', this.dictionary.getSponsoredLabel() ) ) { post.dataset.fccReason = 'sponsored-label' /* SponsoredLabel */; return true; } const items = this.detector.getElements( post, 'a[attributionsrc] [aria-labelledby]' ); if ( settings['fcc-hide-sponsored' /* HideSponsored */] && items.some(this.isSponsoredElement.bind(this)) ) { post.dataset.fccReason = 'sponsored-hidden-label' /* SponsoredHiddenLabel */; return true; } return false; }); } hide(post) { post.dataset.fcc = '@'; post.dataset.fccType = ''; } isSponsoredElement(element) { const sponsoredLabel = this.dictionary.getSponsoredLabel(); const items = [...element.firstElementChild.children].filter((i) => sponsoredLabel.includes(i.innerText) ); if (items.length < sponsoredLabel.length) { return false; } const elementLabel = items .map((item) => { const styles = getComputedStyle(item); return { isVisible: styles.position !== 'absolute', order: Number(styles.order), text: item.innerText, }; }) .filter((item) => item.isVisible) .sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order) .map((item) => item.text) .join(''); return elementLabel.includes(sponsoredLabel); } showHiddenPostGroups() { const hiddenPosts = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fcc="@"]'); const hiddenPostsCount = (post) => { const nextPost = post.nextElementSibling; if (nextPost && nextPost.dataset.fcc) { return 1 + hiddenPostsCount(nextPost); } return 0; }; [...hiddenPosts].forEach((post) => { const prevPost = post.previousElementSibling; if (!prevPost || (prevPost && !prevPost.dataset.fcc)) { const count = 1 + hiddenPostsCount(post); post.dataset.fccType = '@'; post.title = this.dictionary.hiddenPostLabel(count); } }); } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/services/FeedCleaner.ts const FeedCleaner = class { constructor() { this.bannedPostDetector = new BannedPost(); this.settings = new UserSettings(); } cleanFeed(feedElement) { const posts = [...feedElement.children]; const bannedPosts = this.bannedPostDetector.filter( posts, this.settings.getSettings() ); bannedPosts.forEach((post) => { this.bannedPostDetector.hide(post); }); this.bannedPostDetector.showHiddenPostGroups(); } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/services/FacebookCleaner.ts const FacebookCleaner = class { constructor() { this.detector = new ElementDetector(); this.feedCleaner = new FeedCleaner(); this.feedElement = void 0; = new Observer(); this.initEvents(); } run() { this.initFeedElement(); this.initObserver(); this.feedListUpdated(); } feedListUpdated() { if (this.isValidElement(this.feedElement)) { this.feedCleaner.cleanFeed(this.feedElement); } } initEvents() { window.addEventListener('urlchange', () => {; window.setTimeout(, 2e3); window.setTimeout(, 5e3); }); window.setInterval(, 20 * 1e3); } initFeedElement() { if (!this.isValidElement(this.feedElement)) { this.feedElement = this.detector.getFeedElement(); } } initObserver() { if (!this.isValidElement(this.feedElement)) { return; } if (!this.feedElement.dataset.fccReady) { this.feedElement.dataset.fccReady = '1';, this.feedListUpdated.bind(this), { childList: true, subtree: true, }); } } isValidElement(element) { return element && element.isConnected; } }; // apps/facebook-cleaner/src/main.ts activateUrlChangeEvents(); const isDebug = false; GlobalStyle.addStyle( 'fcc-style', isDebug ? style_debug_default : style_default ); const service = new FacebookCleaner();;