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Better Theater Mode for YouTube

Improves YouTube's theater mode with a Twitch.tv-like design, enhancing video and chat layouts, while maintaining performance and compatibility. Also fixes the broken fullscreen UI from the recent YouTube update.

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This script aims to improve the theater mode on YouTube as the default theater UX is atrocious. The goal is to copy the nicer design ideas from Twitch.tv while still maintaining YouTube's unique UI features.

This script relies minimally on setTimeouts and instead relies mostly on event listeners, making it reasonably performant. Design-wise I would like to think this is a reasonable compromise between the Twitch design and the current YouTube design, which should, and I hope, would maintain better compatibility with YouTube even without constant updating.


  • Extends the video player to the bottom of the screen in theater mode.
  • Extends the chat area all the way to the top in theater mode.
  • Fixes YouTube's fullscreen mode to work more reliably.
  • Minor UI tweaks.
  • Allows the user to only activate the script for livestreams and VODs.
  • Allows the user to separately toggle the styles applied to the video player and the chat.
  • Allows the user to blacklist individual videos from triggering the script.
  • Adds the option to allow users to move the YouTube header (search bar) below the video player.


  • v1.0 would still be recommended if one wishes to use the minimal version of this script. That version is extremely light and very resistant to breaking but will lack the minor UI tweaks and the fancier features that got added in the later versions.
  • Tampermonkey only added dynamic menu items in version 5.4.6224, which is still in beta as of writing this. This script would fallback older Tampermonkey versions to a static menu to maintain compatibility.

Compatibility Status:

Compatibility with various devices and browsers has yet to be tested explicitly.

(Updated January 20, 2025)