// ==UserScript== // @name ! 1 unknown client UNPACTHED AGAIN !!!!! OBFUSCATED // @version v3.15 // @description HACK MOD SEND HACK PLES SEND HACK MOD OP HACK // @match *://*.moomoo.io/* // @author zen, .za // @run-at document_idle // @grant none // @icon https://moomoo.io/img/favicon.png?v=1 // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1417640 // ==/UserScript== // preplacer causes fps drops , autobull, // sometimes our anti spike tick wont let u survive from diamond spike ticker // BTW IF YOU ARE GETTING INVALID CONNECTION ERROR YOU ARE TRYING TO JOIN THE GAME TOO FAST, WAIT A LITTLE BEFORE PRESSING ENTER GAME // This mod is NOT for Low end pc let backgroundDiv = document.createElement("div"); backgroundDiv.style.position = "fixed"; backgroundDiv.style.top = "0"; backgroundDiv.style.left = "0"; backgroundDiv.style.width = "100%"; backgroundDiv.style.height = "100%"; backgroundDiv.style.background = "#212121"; backgroundDiv.style.backgroundSize = "cover"; backgroundDiv.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; backgroundDiv.style.backgroundPosition = 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class=\"tab\">\n <img src=\"https://i.ibb.co/85pZqGk/sword-removebg-preview.png\" class=\"tabIcon\"> Combat\n </button>\n <button id=\"miscTab\" class=\"tab\">\n <img src=\"https://i.ibb.co/gytFzqL/more-1-removebg-preview.png\" class=\"tabIcon\"> Misc\n </button>\n <button id=\"devTab\" class=\"tab\">\n <img src=\"https://i.ibb.co/s6nGQS7/web-development-removebg-preview.png\" class=\"tabIcon\"> Developing\n </button>\n</div>\n\n"; v5.innerHTML = "\n <div class=\"right-panel\" onmousedown=\"startDrag(event)\">\n <div id=\"visualContent\" class=\"content active\">\n <h4>Visual</h4>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"healAnim\" checked> Heal/Damage Animations</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"notifs\" checked> Notifications</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"dmgtext\" checked> Damage Text</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"snow\"> Snow</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"fakePing\" checked> FakePing</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"font\" checked> Font</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"placeVis\"> Render Placers</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"daytime\"> daytime?</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"spinner\"> Spin</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cleanmode\" checked> Cleanmode</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"showgrid\"> showGrid?</label><br>\n <label for=\"playerShadowIntensity\"> Shadow Intensity:</label>\n <input type=\"range\" id=\"playerShadowIntensity\" class=\"slider\" value=\"10\" min=\"1\" max=\"20\" oninput=\"document.getElementById('shadowIntensityValue').textContent = this.value\">\n <span id=\"shadowIntensityValue\">10</span>\n <br>\n <label for=\"BuildHealth\">BuildHealth Style:</label>\n <select id=\"BuildHealth\" class=\"styledSelect\">\n <option value=\"bh1\">Rectangle</option>\n <option value=\"bh2\">Filled Circle</option>\n <option value=\"bh3\" selected>Outlined Circle</option>\n </select><br>\n <label for=\"Camera\">CameraType:</label>\n <select id=\"cameramodes\" class=\"styledSelect\">\n <option value=\"camera1\">still</option>\n <option value=\"camera2\">smooth</option>\n <option value=\"camera3\" selected>Smooth + mouse</option>\n </select><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"combatZoom\" checked> Combat Zoom</label><br>\n <br>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id=\"combatContent\" class=\"content\">\n <h4>Combat</h4>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"healingBeta\" checked> Heal </label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoPush\" checked> Auto Push</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"smartInsta\" checked> AutoInsta</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"antispike\" checked> Anti Spike</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"slowOT\"> SlowOneTick</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"safeWalk\" checked> safewalk</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"killChat\" checked> Kill Chat</label><br>\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"killChatInput\" value=\"Auto-GG_Magma_Mod\" placeholder=\"custom killchat\" oninput=\"document.getElementById('killChat').textContent = this.value\"> <br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoBuy\" checked> Auto Buy</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoBuyEquip\" chcked> Auto Buy Equip</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"preTick\" checked> PreTick</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"revTick\" checked> RevTick</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoPlace\" checked> Auto Place</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoReplace\" checked> Auto Replace</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"spikeTick\" checked> Spike Tick</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"antiTrap\" checked> AntiTrap</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"attackDir\" > attackDir</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"noDir\" checked> noDir</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"showDir\" checked> ShowDir</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoRespawn\"> AutoRespawn</label><br>\n <label for=\"AntiBullType\">AntiBullMode:</label>\n <select id=\"antiBullType\" class=\"styledSelect\">\n <option value=\"noab\" selected>None</option>\n <option value=\"abreload\">When Reloaded</option>\n <option value=\"abalway\" >Primary Reloaded</option>\n </select><br>\n </label>\n </div>\n <div id=\"miscContent\" class=\"content\">\n <h4>Misc</h4>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"weaponGrind\" onclick=\"window.startGrind()\"> Weapon Grinder</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"safeAntiSpikeTick\" checked> Safe AntiSpikeTick</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"turretCombat\" checked> Turret Gear Combat Assistance</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"backupNobull\" checked> Backup Nobull Insta</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoUpgrade\" checked> Smart Upgrade</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autorespond\" > AutoRespond</label><br>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"autoSync\" checked> AutoSync (press \"0\")</label><br>\n <label for=\"AutoInsta\">AutoInsta Mode:</label>\n <select id=\"AutoInsta\" class=\"styledSelect\">\n <option value=\"always\">Always Insta</option>\n <option value=\"smart\" selected>Insta on 5 Shame</option>\n </select><br>\n </label>\n <label for=\"syncMode\">SyncMode:</label>\n <select id=\"synctype\" class=\"styledSelect\">\n <option value=\"rangesync\">Ranged</option>\n <option value=\"meleesync\">Melee</option>\n <option value=\"instasync\">Insta-sync</option>\n </select><br>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"devContent\" class=\"content\">\n <h4>Developer</h4>\n <label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"devMode\" checked> DevMode</label><br>\n <label>Menu Color: <input type=\"color\" id=\"menuColor\" value=\"#2c2f33\"></label><br>\n <label>Tab Color: <input type=\"color\" id=\"tabColor\" value=\"#7289da\"></label><br>\n </div>\n "; document.body.appendChild(v4); document.body.appendChild(v5); const v6 = document.createElement("style"); v6.textContent = "\n .tab {\n display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100%; padding: 10px;\n margin-bottom: 5px; background-color: #23272a; color: white;\n border: none; border-radius: 5px; text-align: left; cursor: pointer;\n transition: background-color 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s ease;\n }\n .tab.active { background-color: #7289da; transform: scale(1.05); }\n .tab:hover { background-color: #414755; transform: scale(1.05); }\n .tabIcon {\n width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-right: 10px;\n transition: transform 0.3s ease; /* Smooth transition for movement */\n }\n .tab:hover .tabIcon {\n transform: translateX(10px); /* Move icon to the right on hover */\n }\n .content { display: none; }\n .content.active { display: block; }\n input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n background: #999999; position: relative; appearance: 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} }; f3.r = function (p17) { if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) { Object.defineProperty(p17, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }); } Object.defineProperty(p17, "__esModule", { value: true }); }; f3.t = function (p18, p19) { if (p19 & 1) { p18 = f3(p18); } if (p19 & 8) { return p18; } if (p19 & 4 && typeof p18 == "object" && p18 && p18.__esModule) { return p18; } var v14 = Object.create(null); f3.r(v14); Object.defineProperty(v14, "default", { enumerable: true, value: p18 }); if (p19 & 2 && typeof p18 != "string") { for (var v15 in p18) { f3.d(v14, v15, function (p20) { return p18[p20]; }.bind(null, v15)); } } return v14; }; f3.n = function (p21) { var v16 = p21 && p21.__esModule ? function () { return p21.default; } : function () { return p21; }; f3.d(v16, "f", v16); return v16; }; f3.o = function (p22, p23) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p22, p23); }; f3.p = "/bin/"; return f3(f3.s = 0); }([function (p24, p25, p26) { var v17 = {}; var vP26 = p26(1); var vP262 = p26(2); var vP263 = p26(3); p24.exports = v17; var v18 = 1; v17.js = function () { var v19; var v20; var v21; var v22 = 1.4; var v23 = false; var v24 = {}; var v25 = {}; var v26 = {}; var v27 = {}; var v28 = true; var v29 = {}; var v30 = []; var v31 = Number.MAX_VALUE; var v32 = false; this.setAcceptableTiles = function (p27) { if (p27 instanceof Array) { v21 = p27; } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(p27)) && isFinite(p27)) { v21 = [p27]; } }; this.enableSync = function () { v23 = true; }; this.disableSync = function () { v23 = false; }; this.enableDiagonals = function () { v32 = true; }; this.disableDiagonals = function () { v32 = false; }; this.setGrid = function (p28) { v19 = p28; for (var v33 = 0; v33 < v19.length; v33++) { for (var v34 = 0; v34 < v19[0].length; v34++) { v25[v19[v33][v34]] ||= 1; } } }; this.setTileCost = function (p29, p30) { v25[p29] = p30; }; this.setAdditionalPointCost = function (p31, p32, p33) { if (v26[p32] === undefined) { v26[p32] = {}; } v26[p32][p31] = p33; }; this.removeAdditionalPointCost = function (p34, p35) { if (v26[p35] !== undefined) { delete v26[p35][p34]; } }; this.removeAllAdditionalPointCosts = function () { v26 = {}; }; this.setDirectionalCondition = function (p36, p37, p38) { if (v27[p37] === undefined) { v27[p37] = {}; } v27[p37][p36] = p38; }; this.removeAllDirectionalConditions = function () { v27 = {}; }; this.setIterationsPerCalculation = function (p39) { v31 = p39; }; this.avoidAdditionalPoint = function (p40, p41) { if (v24[p41] === undefined) { v24[p41] = {}; } v24[p41][p40] = 1; }; this.stopAvoidingAdditionalPoint = function (p42, p43) { if (v24[p43] !== undefined) { delete v24[p43][p42]; } }; this.enableCornerCutting = function () { v28 = true; }; this.disableCornerCutting = function () { v28 = false; }; this.stopAvoidingAllAdditionalPoints = function () { v24 = {}; }; this.findPath = function (p44, p45, p46, p47, p48) { function f4(p49) { if (v23) { p48(p49); } else { setTimeout(function () { p48(p49); }); } } if (v21 === undefined) { throw new Error("You can't set a path without first calling setAcceptableTiles() on EasyStar."); } if (v19 === undefined) { throw new Error("You can't set a path without first calling setGrid() on EasyStar."); } if (p44 < 0 || p45 < 0 || p46 < 0 || p47 < 0 || p44 > v19[0].length - 1 || p45 > v19.length - 1 || p46 > v19[0].length - 1 || p47 > v19.length - 1) { throw new Error("Your start or end point is outside the scope of your grid."); } if (p44 !== p46 || p45 !== p47) { var v35 = v19[p47][p46]; var v36 = false; for (var v37 = 0; v37 < v21.length; v37++) { if (v35 === v21[v37]) { v36 = true; break; } } if (v36 !== false) { var v38 = new vP26(); v38.openList = new vP263(function (p50, p51) { return p50.bestGuessDistance() - p51.bestGuessDistance(); }); v38.isDoneCalculating = false; v38.nodeHash = {}; v38.startX = p44; v38.startY = p45; v38.endX = p46; v38.endY = p47; v38.callback = f4; v38.openList.push(f9(v38, v38.startX, v38.startY, null, 1)); p47 = v18++; v29[p47] = v38; v30.push(p47); return p47; } f4(null); } else { f4([]); } }; this.cancelPath = function (p52) { return p52 in v29 && (delete v29[p52], true); }; this.calculate = function () { if (v30.length !== 0 && v19 !== undefined && v21 !== undefined) { for (v20 = 0; v20 < v31; v20++) { if (v30.length === 0) { return; } if (v23) { v20 = 0; } var v39 = v30[0]; var v40 = v29[v39]; if (v40 !== undefined) { if (v40.openList.size() !== 0) { var v41 = v40.openList.pop(); if (v40.endX !== v41.x || v40.endY !== v41.y) { if ((v41.list = 0) < v41.y) { f5(v40, v41, 0, -1, +f8(v41.x, v41.y - 1)); } if (v41.x < v19[0].length - 1) { f5(v40, v41, 1, 0, +f8(v41.x + 1, v41.y)); } if (v41.y < v19.length - 1) { f5(v40, v41, 0, 1, +f8(v41.x, v41.y + 1)); } if (v41.x > 0) { f5(v40, v41, -1, 0, +f8(v41.x - 1, v41.y)); } if (v32) { if (v41.x > 0 && v41.y > 0 && (v28 || f6(v19, v21, v41.x, v41.y - 1, v41) && f6(v19, v21, v41.x - 1, v41.y, v41))) { f5(v40, v41, -1, -1, v22 * f8(v41.x - 1, v41.y - 1)); } if (v41.x < v19[0].length - 1 && v41.y < v19.length - 1 && (v28 || f6(v19, v21, v41.x, v41.y + 1, v41) && f6(v19, v21, v41.x + 1, v41.y, v41))) { f5(v40, v41, 1, 1, v22 * f8(v41.x + 1, v41.y + 1)); } if (v41.x < v19[0].length - 1 && v41.y > 0 && (v28 || f6(v19, v21, v41.x, v41.y - 1, v41) && f6(v19, v21, v41.x + 1, v41.y, v41))) { f5(v40, v41, 1, -1, v22 * f8(v41.x + 1, v41.y - 1)); } if (v41.x > 0 && v41.y < v19.length - 1 && (v28 || f6(v19, v21, v41.x, v41.y + 1, v41) && f6(v19, v21, v41.x - 1, v41.y, v41))) { f5(v40, v41, -1, 1, v22 * f8(v41.x - 1, v41.y + 1)); } } } else { var v42 = []; v42.push({ x: v41.x, y: v41.y }); for (var v43 = v41.parent; v43 != null;) { v42.push({ x: v43.x, y: v43.y }); v43 = v43.parent; } v42.reverse(); v40.callback(v42); delete v29[v39]; v30.shift(); } } else { v40.callback(null); delete v29[v39]; v30.shift(); } } else { v30.shift(); } } } }; function f5(p53, p54, p55, p56, p57) { p55 = p54.x + p55; p56 = p54.y + p56; if ((v24[p56] === undefined || v24[p56][p55] === undefined) && !!f6(v19, v21, p55, p56, p54)) { if ((p56 = f9(p53, p55, p56, p54, p57)).list === undefined) { p56.list = 1; p53.openList.push(p56); } else if (p54.costSoFar + p57 < p56.costSoFar) { p56.costSoFar = p54.costSoFar + p57; p56.parent = p54; p53.openList.updateItem(p56); } } } function f6(p58, p59, p60, p61, p62) { var v44 = v27[p61] && v27[p61][p60]; if (v44) { var v_0x608561 = f7(p62.x - p60, p62.y - p61); if (!function () { for (var v45 = 0; v45 < v44.length; v45++) { if (v44[v45] === v_0x608561) { return true; } } return false; }()) { return false; } } for (var v46 = 0; v46 < p59.length; v46++) { if (p58[p61][p60] === p59[v46]) { return true; } } return false; } function f7(p63, p64) { if (p63 === 0 && p64 === -1) { return v17.TOP; } if (p63 === 1 && p64 === -1) { return v17.TOP_RIGHT; } if (p63 === 1 && p64 === 0) { return v17.RIGHT; } if (p63 === 1 && p64 === 1) { return v17.BOTTOM_RIGHT; } if (p63 === 0 && p64 === 1) { return v17.BOTTOM; } if (p63 === -1 && p64 === 1) { return v17.BOTTOM_LEFT; } if (p63 === -1 && p64 === 0) { return v17.LEFT; } if (p63 === -1 && p64 === -1) { return v17.TOP_LEFT; } throw new Error("These differences are not valid: " + p63 + ", " + p64); } function f8(p65, p66) { return v26[p66] && v26[p66][p65] || v25[v19[p66][p65]]; } function f9(p67, p68, p69, p70, p71) { if (p67.nodeHash[p69] !== undefined) { if (p67.nodeHash[p69][p68] !== undefined) { return p67.nodeHash[p69][p68]; } } else { p67.nodeHash[p69] = {}; } var v47 = f10(p68, p69, p67.endX, p67.endY); var p71 = p70 !== null ? p70.costSoFar + p71 : 0; var v47 = new vP262(p70, p68, p69, p71, v47); return p67.nodeHash[p69][p68] = v47; } function f10(p72, p73, p74, p75) { var v48; var v49; if (v32) { if ((v48 = Math.abs(p72 - p74)) < (v49 = Math.abs(p73 - p75))) { return v22 * v48 + v49; } else { return v22 * v49 + v48; } } else { return (v48 = Math.abs(p72 - p74)) + (v49 = Math.abs(p73 - p75)); } } }; v17.TOP = "TOP"; v17.TOP_RIGHT = "TOP_RIGHT"; v17.RIGHT = "RIGHT"; v17.BOTTOM_RIGHT = "BOTTOM_RIGHT"; v17.BOTTOM = "BOTTOM"; v17.BOTTOM_LEFT = "BOTTOM_LEFT"; v17.LEFT = "LEFT"; v17.TOP_LEFT = "TOP_LEFT"; }, function (p76, p77) { p76.exports = function () { this.pointsToAvoid = {}; this.startX; this.callback; this.startY; this.endX; this.endY; this.nodeHash = {}; this.openList; }; }, function (p78, p79) { p78.exports = function (p80, p81, p82, p83, p84) { this.parent = p80; this.x = p81; this.y = p82; this.costSoFar = p83; this.simpleDistanceToTarget = p84; this.bestGuessDistance = function () { return this.costSoFar + this.simpleDistanceToTarget; }; }; }, function (p85, p86, p87) { p85.exports = p87(4); }, function (p88, p89, p90) { var v50; var v51; (function () { var v52; var v53; var v54; var v55; var v56; var v57; var v58; var v59; var v60; var v61; var v62; var v63; var v64; var v65; var v66; function f11(p91) { this.cmp = p91 ?? v53; this.nodes = []; } v54 = Math.floor; v61 = Math.min; v53 = function (p92, p93) { if (p92 < p93) { return -1; } else if (p93 < p92) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }; v60 = function (p94, p95, p96, p97, p98) { var v67; if (p96 == null) { p96 = 0; } if (p98 == null) { p98 = v53; } if (p96 < 0) { throw new Error("lo must be non-negative"); } for (p97 == null && (p97 = p94.length); p96 < p97;) { if (p98(p95, p94[v67 = v54((p96 + p97) / 2)]) < 0) { p97 = v67; } else { p96 = v67 + 1; } } [].splice.apply(p94, [p96, p96 - p96].concat(p95)); return p95; }; v57 = function (p99, p100, p101) { if (p101 == null) { p101 = v53; } p99.push(p100); return v65(p99, 0, p99.length - 1, p101); }; v56 = function (p102, p103) { var v68; var v69; if (p103 == null) { p103 = v53; } v68 = p102.pop(); if (p102.length) { v69 = p102[0]; p102[0] = v68; v66(p102, 0, p103); } else { v69 = v68; } return v69; }; v59 = function (p104, p105, p106) { var v70; if (p106 == null) { p106 = v53; } v70 = p104[0]; p104[0] = p105; v66(p104, 0, p106); return v70; }; v58 = function (p107, p108, p109) { var v71; if (p109 == null) { p109 = v53; } if (p107.length && p109(p107[0], p108) < 0) { p108 = (v71 = [p107[0], p108])[0]; p107[0] = v71[1]; v66(p107, 0, p109); } return p108; }; v55 = function (p110, p111) { var v72; var v73; var v74; var v75; var v76; var v77; if (p111 == null) { p111 = v53; } v76 = []; v73 = 0; v74 = (v75 = function () { v77 = []; for (var v78 = 0, vV54 = v54(p110.length / 2); vV54 >= 0 ? v78 < vV54 : vV54 < v78; vV54 >= 0 ? v78++ : v78--) { v77.push(v78); } return v77; }.apply(this).reverse()).length; for (; v73 < v74; v73++) { v72 = v75[v73]; v76.push(v66(p110, v72, p111)); } return v76; }; v64 = function (p112, p113, p114) { if (p114 == null) { p114 = v53; } if ((p113 = p112.indexOf(p113)) !== -1) { v65(p112, 0, p113, p114); return v66(p112, p113, p114); } }; v62 = function (p115, p116, p117) { var v79; var v80; var v81; var v82; var v83; if (p117 == null) { p117 = v53; } if (!(v80 = p115.slice(0, p116)).length) { return v80; } v55(v80, p117); v81 = 0; v82 = (v83 = p115.slice(p116)).length; for (; v81 < v82; v81++) { v79 = v83[v81]; v58(v80, v79, p117); } return v80.sort(p117).reverse(); }; v63 = function (p118, p119, p120) { var v84; var v85; var v86; var v87; var v88; var v89; var v90; var v91; var v92; if (p120 == null) { p120 = v53; } if (p119 * 10 <= p118.length) { if (!(v86 = p118.slice(0, p119).sort(p120)).length) { return v86; } v85 = v86[v86.length - 1]; v87 = 0; v89 = (v90 = p118.slice(p119)).length; for (; v87 < v89; v87++) { if (p120(v84 = v90[v87], v85) < 0) { v60(v86, v84, 0, null, p120); v86.pop(); v85 = v86[v86.length - 1]; } } return v86; } v55(p118, p120); v92 = []; v88 = 0; v91 = v61(p119, p118.length); for (; v91 >= 0 ? v88 < v91 : v91 < v88; v91 >= 0 ? ++v88 : --v88) { v92.push(v56(p118, p120)); } return v92; }; v65 = function (p121, p122, p123, p124) { var v93; var v94; var v95; if (p124 == null) { p124 = v53; } v93 = p121[p123]; while (p122 < p123 && p124(v93, v94 = p121[v95 = p123 - 1 >> 1]) < 0) { p121[p123] = v94; p123 = v95; } return p121[p123] = v93; }; v66 = function (p125, p126, p127) { var v96; var v97; var v98; var v99; var v100; if (p127 == null) { p127 = v53; } v97 = p125.length; v98 = p125[v100 = p126]; v96 = p126 * 2 + 1; while (v96 < v97) { if ((v99 = v96 + 1) < v97 && !(p127(p125[v96], p125[v99]) < 0)) { v96 = v99; } p125[p126] = p125[v96]; v96 = (p126 = v96) * 2 + 1; } p125[p126] = v98; return v65(p125, v100, p126, p127); }; f11.push = v57; f11.pop = v56; f11.replace = v59; f11.pushpop = v58; f11.heapify = v55; f11.updateItem = v64; f11.nlargest = v62; f11.nsmallest = v63; f11.prototype.push = function (p128) { return v57(this.nodes, p128, this.cmp); }; f11.prototype.pop = function () { return v56(this.nodes, this.cmp); }; f11.prototype.peek = function () { return this.nodes[0]; }; f11.prototype.contains = function (p129) { return this.nodes.indexOf(p129) !== -1; }; f11.prototype.replace = function (p130) { return v59(this.nodes, p130, this.cmp); }; f11.prototype.pushpop = function (p131) { return v58(this.nodes, p131, this.cmp); }; f11.prototype.heapify = function () { return v55(this.nodes, this.cmp); }; f11.prototype.updateItem = function (p132) { return v64(this.nodes, p132, this.cmp); }; f11.prototype.clear = function () { return this.nodes = []; }; f11.prototype.empty = function () { return this.nodes.length === 0; }; f11.prototype.size = function () { return this.nodes.length; }; f11.prototype.clone = function () { var v101 = new f11(); v101.nodes = this.nodes.slice(0); return v101; }; f11.prototype.toArray = function () { return this.nodes.slice(0); }; f11.prototype.insert = f11.prototype.push; f11.prototype.top = f11.prototype.peek; f11.prototype.front = f11.prototype.peek; f11.prototype.has = f11.prototype.contains; f11.prototype.copy = f11.prototype.clone; v52 = f11; v50 = []; if ((v51 = typeof (v51 = function () { return v52; }) == "function" ? v51.apply(p89, v50) : v51) !== undefined) { p88.exports = v51; } }).call(this); }]); let easystar = new EasyStar.js(); document.getElementById("gameName").innerHTML = ""; $("#gameName").css({ display: "none" }); let coolFont = document.createElement("link"); coolFont.rel = "stylesheet"; coolFont.href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lilita+One&display=swap"; coolFont.type = "text/css"; document.body.append(coolFont); let min = document.createElement("script"); min.src = "https://rawgit.com/kawanet/msgpack-lite/master/dist/msgpack.min.js"; document.body.append(min); window.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }; let config = window.config; config.clientSendRate = 9; config.serverUpdateRate = 9; config.deathFadeout = 0; config.playerCapacity = 50; config.isSandbox = window.location.hostname == "sandbox.moomoo.io"; config.skinColors = ["#bf8f54", "#cbb091", "#896c4b", "#fadadc", "#ececec", "#c37373", "#4c4c4c", "#ecaff7", "#738cc3", "#8bc373", "#91b2db"]; config.weaponVariants = [{ id: 0, src: "", xp: 0, val: 1 }, { id: 1, src: "_g", xp: 3000, val: 1.1 }, { id: 2, src: "_d", xp: 7000, val: 1.18 }, { id: 3, src: "_r", poison: true, xp: 12000, val: 1.18 }, { id: 4, src: "_e", poison: true, heal: true, xp: 24000, val: 1.18 }]; config.anotherVisual = true; config.useWebGl = false; config.resetRender = true; function waitTime(p133) { return new Promise(p134 => { setTimeout(() => { p134(); }, p133); }); } let botSkts = []; let canStore; if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { canStore = true; } function saveVal(p135, p136) { if (canStore) { localStorage.setItem(p135, p136); 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window.toggleVisual = function () {}; window.prepareUI = function () {}; window.leave = function () {}; window.ping = 0; class HtmlAction { constructor(p141) { this.element = p141; } add(p142) { if (!this.element) { return undefined; } this.element.innerHTML += p142; } newLine(p143) { let v104 = "<br>"; if (p143 > 0) { v104 = ""; for (let v105 = 0; v105 < p143; v105++) { v104 += "<br>"; } } this.add(v104); } checkBox(p144) { let v106 = "<input type = \"checkbox\""; if (p144.id) { v106 += " id = " + p144.id; } if (p144.style) { v106 += " style = " + p144.style.replaceAll(" ", ""); } if (p144.class) { v106 += " class = " + p144.class; } if (p144.checked) { v106 += " checked"; } if (p144.onclick) { v106 += " onclick = " + p144.onclick; } v106 += ">"; this.add(v106); } text(p145) { let v107 = "<input type = \"text\""; if (p145.id) { v107 += " id = " + p145.id; } if (p145.style) { v107 += " style = " + p145.style.replaceAll(" ", ""); } if (p145.class) { v107 += " class = " + p145.class; } if (p145.size) { v107 += " size = " + p145.size; 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"unknown" : v120[0].name; v120[0].moofoll = true; v120[0].skin = v120[0].skin == 10 ? "__proto__" : v120[0].skin; lastsp = [v120[0].name, v120[0].moofoll, v120[0].skin]; } else if (v122 == "D") { if (my.lastDir == v120[0] || [null, undefined].includes(v120[0])) { dontSend = true; } else { my.lastDir = v120[0]; } } else if (v122 == "d") { if (!v120[2]) { dontSend = true; } else if (![null, undefined].includes(v120[1])) { my.lastDir = v120[1]; } } else if (v122 == "K") { if (!v120[1]) { dontSend = true; } } else if (v122 == "S") { instaC.wait = !instaC.wait; dontSend = true; } else if (v122 == "f") { if (v120[1]) { if (player.moveDir == v120[0]) { dontSend = true; } player.moveDir = v120[0]; } else { dontSend = true; } } if (!dontSend) { let v127 = window.msgpack.encode([v122, v120]); this.nsend(v127); if (!firstSend.sec) { firstSend.sec = true; setTimeout(() => { firstSend.sec = false; secPacket = 0; }, secTime); } secPacket++; } } else { this.nsend(p163); } }; function packet(p167) { let v128 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); let v129 = window.msgpack.encode([p167, v128]); WS.send(v129); } function origPacket(p168) { let v130 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); let v131 = window.msgpack.encode([p168, v130]); WS.nsend(v131); } window.leave = function () { origPacket("kys", { "frvr is so bad": true, "sidney is too good": true, "dev are too weak": true }); }; let io = { send: packet }; function getMessage(p169) { let v132 = new Uint8Array(p169.data); let v133 = window.msgpack.decode(v132); let v134 = v133[0]; v132 = v133[1]; let v135 = { A: setInitData, C: setupGame, D: addPlayer, E: removePlayer, a: updatePlayers, G: updateLeaderboard, H: loadGameObject, I: loadAI, J: animateAI, K: gatherAnimation, L: wiggleGameObject, M: shootTurret, N: updatePlayerValue, O: updateHealth, P: killPlayer, Q: killObject, R: killObjects, S: updateItemCounts, T: updateAge, U: updateUpgrades, V: updateItems, X: addProjectile, 2: allianceNotification, 3: setPlayerTeam, 4: setAlliancePlayers, 5: updateStoreItems, 6: receiveChat, 7: updateMinimap, 8: showText, 9: pingMap, 0: pingSocketResponse }; if (v134 == "io-init") { socketID = v132[0]; } else if (v135[v134]) { v135[v134].apply(undefined, v132); } } Math.lerpAngle = function (p170, p171, p172) { let v136 = Math.abs(p171 - p170); if (v136 > Math.PI) { if (p170 > p171) { p171 += Math.PI * 2; } else { p170 += Math.PI * 2; } } let v137 = p171 + (p170 - p171) * p172; if (v137 >= 0 && v137 <= Math.PI * 2) { return v137; } return v137 % (Math.PI * 2); }; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundRect = function (p173, p174, p175, p176, p177) { if (p175 < p177 * 2) { p177 = p175 / 2; } if (p176 < p177 * 2) { p177 = p176 / 2; } if (p177 < 0) { p177 = 0; } this.beginPath(); this.moveTo(p173 + p177, p174); this.arcTo(p173 + p175, p174, p173 + p175, p174 + p176, p177); this.arcTo(p173 + p175, p174 + p176, p173, p174 + p176, p177); this.arcTo(p173, p174 + p176, p173, p174, p177); this.arcTo(p173, p174, p173 + p175, p174, p177); this.closePath(); return this; }; function resetMoveDir() { keys = {}; io.send("e"); } let allChats = []; let ticks = { tick: 0, delay: 0, time: [], manage: [] }; let ais = []; let players = []; let alliances = []; let alliancePlayers = []; let allianceNotifications = []; let gameObjects = []; let liztobj = []; let projectiles = []; let deadPlayers = []; let breakObjects = []; let player; let playerSID; let tmpObj; let enemy = []; let nears = []; let near = []; let my = { reloaded: false, waitHit: 0, autoAim: false, revAim: false, ageInsta: true, reSync: false, bullTick: 0, anti0Tick: 0, antiSync: false, safePrimary: function (p178) { return [0, 8].includes(p178.primaryIndex); }, safeSecondary: function (p179) { return [10, 11, 14].includes(p179.secondaryIndex); }, lastDir: 0, autoPush: false, pushData: {} }; function findID(p180, p181) { return p180.find(p182 => p182.id == p181); } function findSID(p183, p184) { return p183.find(p185 => p185.sid == p184); } function findPlayerByID(p186) { return findID(players, p186); } function findPlayerBySID(p187) { return findSID(players, p187); } function findAIBySID(p188) { return findSID(ais, p188); } function findObjectBySid(p189) { return findSID(gameObjects, p189); } function findProjectileBySid(p190) { return findSID(gameObjects, p190); } let adCard = getEl("adCard"); adCard.remove(); let promoImageHolder = getEl("promoImgHolder"); promoImageHolder.remove(); let chatButton = getEl("chatButton"); chatButton.remove(); let gameCanvas = getEl("gameCanvas"); let mainContext = gameCanvas.getContext("2d"); $("#mapDisplay").css("background", "url('https://wormax.org/chrome3kafa/moomooio-background.png')"); let mapContext = mapDisplay.getContext("2d"); mapDisplay.width = 300; mapDisplay.height = 300; let storeMenu = getEl("storeMenu"); let storeHolder = getEl("storeHolder"); let upgradeHolder = getEl("upgradeHolder"); let upgradeCounter = getEl("upgradeCounter"); let chatBox = getEl("chatBox"); let chatHolder = getEl("chatHolder"); let actionBar = getEl("actionBar"); let leaderboardData = getEl("leaderboardData"); let itemInfoHolder = getEl("itemInfoHolder"); let menuCardHolder = getEl("menuCardHolder"); let mainMenu = getEl("mainMenu"); let diedText = getEl("diedText"); let screenWidth; let screenHeight; let maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth; let maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight; let pixelDensity = 1; let delta; let now; let lastUpdate = performance.now(); let camX; let camY; let tmpDir; let mouseX = 0; let mouseY = 0; let allianceMenu = getEl("allianceMenu"); let waterMult = 1; let waterPlus = 0; let outlineColor = "#525252"; let darkOutlineColor = "#3d3f42"; let outlineWidth = 5.5; let firstSetup = true; let keys = {}; let moveKeys = { 87: [0, -1], 38: [0, -1], 83: [0, 1], 40: [0, 1], 65: [-1, 0], 37: [-1, 0], 68: [1, 0], 39: [1, 0] }; let attackState = 0; let inGame = false; let macro = {}; let pads = { placeSpawnPads: 0 }; let lastDir; let lastLeaderboardData = []; let inWindow = true; window.onblur = function () { inWindow = false; }; window.onfocus = function () { inWindow = true; if (player && player.alive) {} }; let ms = { avg: 0, max: 0, min: 0, delay: 0 }; function pingSocketResponse() { let v138 = Math.ceil(window.pingTime * 2.6); let v139 = window.pingTime; const v140 = document.getElementById("pingDisplay"); v140.innerText = ""; if (v139 > ms.max || isNaN(ms.max)) { ms.max = v139; } if (v139 < ms.min || isNaN(ms.min)) { ms.min = v139; } } let placeVisible = []; let preplaceVisible = []; class Utils { constructor() { let v141 = Math.abs; let v142 = Math.cos; let v143 = Math.sin; let v144 = Math.pow; let v145 = Math.sqrt; let v146 = Math.atan2; let v147 = Math.PI; let vThis = this; this.round = function (p191, p192) { return Math.round(p191 * p192) / p192; }; this.toRad = function (p193) { return p193 * (v147 / 180); }; this.toAng = function (p194) { return p194 / (v147 / 180); }; this.randInt = function (p195, p196) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (p196 - p195 + 1)) + p195; }; this.randFloat = function (p197, p198) { return Math.random() * (p198 - p197 + 1) + p197; }; this.lerp = function (p199, p200, p201) { return p199 + (p200 - p199) * p201; }; this.decel = function (p202, p203) { if (p202 > 0) { p202 = Math.max(0, p202 - p203); } else if (p202 < 0) { p202 = Math.min(0, p202 + p203); } return p202; }; this.getDistance = function (p204, p205, p206, p207) { return v145((p206 -= p204) * p206 + (p207 -= p205) * p207); }; this.getDist = function (p208, p209, p210, p211) { let v148 = { x: p210 == 0 ? p208.x : p210 == 1 ? p208.x1 : p210 == 2 ? p208.x2 : p210 == 3 && p208.x3, y: p210 == 0 ? p208.y : p210 == 1 ? p208.y1 : p210 == 2 ? p208.y2 : p210 == 3 && p208.y3 }; let v149 = { x: p211 == 0 ? p209.x : p211 == 1 ? p209.x1 : p211 == 2 ? p209.x2 : p211 == 3 && p209.x3, y: p211 == 0 ? p209.y : p211 == 1 ? p209.y1 : p211 == 2 ? p209.y2 : p211 == 3 && p209.y3 }; return v145((v149.x -= v148.x) * v149.x + (v149.y -= v148.y) * v149.y); }; this.getDirection = function (p212, p213, p214, p215) { return v146(p213 - p215, p212 - p214); }; this.getDirect = function (p216, p217, p218, p219) { let v150 = { x: p218 == 0 ? p216.x : p218 == 1 ? p216.x1 : p218 == 2 ? p216.x2 : p218 == 3 && p216.x3, y: p218 == 0 ? p216.y : p218 == 1 ? p216.y1 : p218 == 2 ? p216.y2 : p218 == 3 && p216.y3 }; let v151 = { x: p219 == 0 ? p217.x : p219 == 1 ? p217.x1 : p219 == 2 ? p217.x2 : p219 == 3 && p217.x3, y: p219 == 0 ? p217.y : p219 == 1 ? p217.y1 : p219 == 2 ? p217.y2 : p219 == 3 && p217.y3 }; return v146(v150.y - v151.y, v150.x - v151.x); }; this.getAngleDist = function (p220, p221) { let v152 = v141(p221 - p220) % (v147 * 2); if (v152 > v147) { return v147 * 2 - v152; } else { return v152; } }; this.isNumber = function (p222) { return typeof p222 == "number" && !isNaN(p222) && isFinite(p222); }; this.isString = function (p223) { return p223 && typeof p223 == "string"; }; this.kFormat = function (p224) { if (p224 > 999) { return (p224 / 1000).toFixed(1) + "k"; } else { return p224; } }; this.sFormat = function (p225) { let v153 = [{ num: 1000, string: "k" }, { num: 1000000, string: "m" }, { num: 1000000000, string: "b" }, { num: 1000000000000, string: "q" }].reverse(); let v154 = v153.find(p226 => p225 >= p226.num); if (!v154) { return p225; } return (p225 / v154.num).toFixed(1) + v154.string; }; this.capitalizeFirst = function (p227) { return p227.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p227.slice(1); }; this.fixTo = function (p228, p229) { return parseFloat(p228.toFixed(p229)); }; this.sortByPoints = function (p230, p231) { return parseFloat(p231.points) - parseFloat(p230.points); }; this.lineInRect = function (p232, p233, p234, p235, p236, p237, p238, p239) { let vP236 = p236; let vP238 = p238; if (p236 > p238) { vP236 = p238; vP238 = p236; } if (vP238 > p234) { vP238 = p234; } if (vP236 < p232) { vP236 = p232; } if (vP236 > vP238) { return false; } let vP237 = p237; let vP239 = p239; let v155 = p238 - p236; if (Math.abs(v155) > 1e-7) { let v156 = (p239 - p237) / v155; let v157 = p237 - v156 * p236; vP237 = v156 * vP236 + v157; vP239 = v156 * vP238 + v157; } if (vP237 > vP239) { let vVP239 = vP239; vP239 = vP237; vP237 = vVP239; } if (vP239 > p235) { vP239 = p235; } if (vP237 < p233) { vP237 = p233; } if (vP237 > vP239) { return false; } return true; }; this.containsPoint = function (p240, p241, p242) { let v158 = p240.getBoundingClientRect(); let v159 = v158.left + window.scrollX; let v160 = v158.top + window.scrollY; let v161 = v158.width; let v162 = v158.height; let v163 = p241 > v159 && p241 < v159 + v161; let v164 = p242 > v160 && p242 < v160 + v162; return v163 && v164; }; this.mousifyTouchEvent = function (p243) { let v165 = p243.changedTouches[0]; p243.screenX = v165.screenX; p243.screenY = v165.screenY; p243.clientX = v165.clientX; p243.clientY = v165.clientY; p243.pageX = v165.pageX; p243.pageY = v165.pageY; }; this.hookTouchEvents = function (p244, p245) { let v166 = !p245; let v167 = false; let v168 = false; p244.addEventListener("touchstart", this.checkTrusted(f12), v168); p244.addEventListener("touchmove", this.checkTrusted(f13), v168); p244.addEventListener("touchend", this.checkTrusted(f14), v168); p244.addEventListener("touchcancel", this.checkTrusted(f14), v168); p244.addEventListener("touchleave", this.checkTrusted(f14), v168); function f12(p246) { vThis.mousifyTouchEvent(p246); window.setUsingTouch(true); if (v166) { p246.preventDefault(); p246.stopPropagation(); } if (p244.onmouseover) { p244.onmouseover(p246); } v167 = true; } function f13(p247) { vThis.mousifyTouchEvent(p247); window.setUsingTouch(true); if (v166) { p247.preventDefault(); p247.stopPropagation(); } if (vThis.containsPoint(p244, p247.pageX, p247.pageY)) { if (!v167) { if (p244.onmouseover) { p244.onmouseover(p247); } v167 = true; } } else if (v167) { if (p244.onmouseout) { p244.onmouseout(p247); } v167 = false; } } function f14(p248) { vThis.mousifyTouchEvent(p248); window.setUsingTouch(true); if (v166) { p248.preventDefault(); p248.stopPropagation(); } if (v167) { if (p244.onclick) { p244.onclick(p248); } if (p244.onmouseout) { p244.onmouseout(p248); } v167 = false; } } }; this.removeAllChildren = function (p249) { while (p249.hasChildNodes()) { p249.removeChild(p249.lastChild); } }; this.generateElement = function (p250) { let v169 = document.createElement(p250.tag || "div"); function f15(p251, p252) { if (p250[p251]) { v169[p252] = p250[p251]; } } f15("text", "textContent"); f15("html", "innerHTML"); f15("class", "className"); for (let v170 in p250) { switch (v170) { case "tag": case "text": case "html": case "class": case "style": case "hookTouch": case "parent": case "children": continue; default: break; } v169[v170] = p250[v170]; } if (v169.onclick) { v169.onclick = this.checkTrusted(v169.onclick); } if (v169.onmouseover) { v169.onmouseover = this.checkTrusted(v169.onmouseover); } if (v169.onmouseout) { v169.onmouseout = this.checkTrusted(v169.onmouseout); } if (p250.style) { v169.style.cssText = p250.style; } if (p250.hookTouch) { this.hookTouchEvents(v169); } if (p250.parent) { p250.parent.appendChild(v169); } if (p250.children) { for (let v171 = 0; v171 < p250.children.length; v171++) { v169.appendChild(p250.children[v171]); } } return v169; }; this.checkTrusted = function (p253) { return function (p254) { if (p254 && p254 instanceof Event && (p254 && typeof p254.isTrusted == "boolean" ? p254.isTrusted : true)) { p253(p254); } else {} }; }; this.randomString = function (p255) { let v172 = ""; let v173 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (let v174 = 0; v174 < p255; v174++) { v172 += v173.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * v173.length)); } return v172; }; this.countInArray = function (p256, p257) { let v175 = 0; for (let v176 = 0; v176 < p256.length; v176++) { if (p256[v176] === p257) { v175++; } } return v175; }; this.hexToRgb = function (p258) { return p258.slice(1).match(/.{1,2}/g).map(p259 => parseInt(p259, 16)); }; this.getRgb = function (p260, p261, p262) { return [p260 / 255, p261 / 255, p262 / 255].join(", "); }; } } ; class Animtext { constructor() { this.init = function (p263, p264, p265, p266, p267, p268, p269) { this.x = p263; this.y = p264; this.color = p269; this.scale = p265; this.startScale = this.scale; this.maxScale = p265 * 1.5; this.scaleSpeed = 0.7; this.speed = p266; this.life = p267; this.text = p268; }; this.update = function (p270) { if (this.life) { this.life -= p270; this.y -= this.speed * p270; this.scale += this.scaleSpeed * p270; if (this.scale >= this.maxScale) { this.scale = this.maxScale; this.scaleSpeed *= -1; } else if (this.scale <= this.startScale) { this.scale = this.startScale; this.scaleSpeed = 0; } if (this.life <= 0) { this.life = 0; } } }; this.render = function (p271, p272, p273) { p271.fillStyle = this.color; if (getEl("font").checked) { p271.font = this.scale + "px Lilita One"; } else { p271.font = this.scale + "px Hammersmith One"; } p271.fillText(this.text, this.x - p272, this.y - p273); }; } } ; class Textmanager { constructor() { this.texts = []; this.stack = []; this.update = function (p274, p275, p276, p277) { p275.textBaseline = "middle"; p275.textAlign = "center"; for (let v177 = 0; v177 < this.texts.length; ++v177) { if (this.texts[v177].life) { this.texts[v177].update(p274); this.texts[v177].render(p275, p276, p277); } } }; this.showText = function (p278, p279, p280, p281, p282, p283, p284) { let v178; for (let v179 = 0; v179 < this.texts.length; ++v179) { if (!this.texts[v179].life) { v178 = this.texts[v179]; break; } } if (!v178) { v178 = new Animtext(); this.texts.push(v178); } v178.init(p278, p279, p280, p281, p282, p283, p284); }; } } class GameObject { constructor(p285) { this.sid = p285; this.init = function (p286, p287, p288, p289, p290, p291, p292) { p291 = p291 || {}; this.sentTo = {}; this.gridLocations = []; this.active = true; this.render = true; this.doUpdate = p291.doUpdate; this.x = p286; this.y = p287; this.dir = p288 + Math.PI; this.lastDir = p288; this.xWiggle = 0; this.yWiggle = 0; this.visScale = p289; this.scale = p289; this.type = p290; this.id = p291.id; this.owner = p292; this.name = p291.name; this.isItem = this.id != undefined; this.group = p291.group; this.maxHealth = p291.health; this.health = this.maxHealth; this.layer = 2; if (this.group != undefined) { this.layer = this.group.layer; } else if (this.type == 0) { this.layer = 3; } else if (this.type == 2) { this.layer = 0; } else if (this.type == 4) { this.layer = -1; } this.colDiv = p291.colDiv || 1; this.blocker = p291.blocker; this.ignoreCollision = p291.ignoreCollision; this.dontGather = p291.dontGather; this.hideFromEnemy = p291.hideFromEnemy; this.friction = p291.friction; this.projDmg = p291.projDmg; this.dmg = p291.dmg; this.pDmg = p291.pDmg; this.pps = p291.pps; this.zIndex = p291.zIndex || 0; this.turnSpeed = p291.turnSpeed; this.req = p291.req; this.trap = p291.trap; this.healCol = p291.healCol; this.teleport = p291.teleport; this.boostSpeed = p291.boostSpeed; this.projectile = p291.projectile; this.shootRange = p291.shootRange; this.shootRate = p291.shootRate; this.shootCount = this.shootRate; this.spawnPoint = p291.spawnPoint; this.onNear = 0; this.breakObj = false; this.alpha = p291.alpha || 1; this.maxAlpha = p291.alpha || 1; this.damaged = 0; }; this.changeHealth = function (p293, p294) { this.health += p293; return this.health <= 0; }; this.getScale = function (p295, p296) { p295 = p295 || 1; return this.scale * (this.isItem || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4 ? 1 : p295 * 0.6) * (p296 ? 1 : this.colDiv); }; this.visibleToPlayer = function (p297) { return !this.hideFromEnemy || this.owner && (this.owner == p297 || this.owner.team && p297.team == this.owner.team); }; this.update = function (p298) { if (this.health != this.healthMov) { if (this.health < this.healthMov) { this.healthMov -= 1.9; } else { this.healthMov += 1.9; } if (Math.abs(this.health - this.healthMov) < 1.9) { this.healthMov = this.health; } } ; if (this.active) { if (this.xWiggle) { this.xWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, p298); } if (this.yWiggle) { this.yWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, p298); } if (config.anotherVisualTurn) { let v180 = UTILS.getAngleDist(this.lastDir, this.dir); if (v180 > 0.01) { this.dir += v180 / 5; } else { this.dir = this.lastDir; } } else if (this.turnSpeed) { this.dir += this.turnSpeed * p298; } } else if (this.alive) { this.alpha -= p298 / (200 / this.maxAlpha); this.visScale += p298 / (this.scale / 2.5); if (this.alpha <= 0) { this.alpha = 0; this.alive = false; } } }; this.isTeamObject = function (p299) { if (this.owner == null) { return true; } else { return this.owner && p299.sid == this.owner.sid || p299.findAllianceBySid(this.owner.sid); } }; } } class Items { constructor() { this.groups = [{ id: 0, name: "food", layer: 0 }, { id: 1, name: "walls", place: true, limit: 30, layer: 0 }, { id: 2, name: "spikes", place: true, limit: 15, layer: 0 }, { id: 3, name: "mill", place: true, limit: 7, layer: 1 }, { id: 4, name: "mine", place: true, limit: 1, layer: 0 }, { id: 5, name: "trap", place: true, limit: 6, layer: -1 }, { id: 6, name: "booster", place: true, limit: 12, layer: -1 }, { id: 7, name: "turret", place: true, limit: 2, layer: 1 }, { id: 8, name: "watchtower", place: true, limit: 12, layer: 1 }, { id: 9, name: "buff", place: true, limit: 4, layer: -1 }, { id: 10, name: "spawn", place: true, limit: 1, layer: -1 }, { id: 11, name: "sapling", place: true, limit: 2, layer: 0 }, { id: 12, name: "blocker", place: true, limit: 3, layer: -1 }, { id: 13, name: "teleporter", place: true, limit: 2, layer: -1 }]; this.projectiles = [{ indx: 0, layer: 0, src: "arrow_1", dmg: 25, speed: 1.6, scale: 103, range: 1000 }, { indx: 1, layer: 1, dmg: 25, scale: 20 }, { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: "arrow_1", dmg: 35, speed: 2.5, scale: 103, range: 1200 }, { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: "arrow_1", dmg: 30, speed: 2, scale: 103, range: 1200 }, { indx: 1, layer: 1, dmg: 16, scale: 20 }, { indx: 0, layer: 0, src: "bullet_1", dmg: 50, speed: 3.6, scale: 160, range: 1400 }]; this.weapons = [{ id: 0, type: 0, name: "tool hammer", desc: "tool for gathering all resources", src: "hammer_1", length: 140, width: 140, xOff: -3, yOff: 18, dmg: 25, range: 65, gather: 1, speed: 300 }, { id: 1, type: 0, age: 2, name: "hand axe", desc: "gathers resources at a higher rate", src: "axe_1", length: 140, width: 140, xOff: 3, yOff: 24, dmg: 30, spdMult: 1, range: 70, gather: 2, speed: 400 }, { id: 2, type: 0, age: 8, pre: 1, name: "great axe", desc: "deal more damage and gather more resources", src: "great_axe_1", length: 140, width: 140, xOff: -8, yOff: 25, dmg: 35, spdMult: 1, range: 75, gather: 4, speed: 400 }, { id: 3, type: 0, age: 2, name: "short sword", desc: "increased attack power but slower move speed", src: "sword_1", iPad: 1.3, length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 46, dmg: 35, spdMult: 0.85, range: 110, gather: 1, speed: 300 }, { id: 4, type: 0, age: 8, pre: 3, name: "katana", desc: "greater range and damage", src: "samurai_1", iPad: 1.3, length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 59, dmg: 40, spdMult: 0.8, range: 118, gather: 1, speed: 300 }, { id: 5, type: 0, age: 2, name: "polearm", desc: "long range melee weapon", src: "spear_1", iPad: 1.3, length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 53, dmg: 45, knock: 0.2, spdMult: 0.82, range: 142, gather: 1, speed: 700 }, { id: 6, type: 0, age: 2, name: "bat", desc: "fast long range melee weapon", src: "bat_1", iPad: 1.3, length: 110, width: 180, xOff: -8, yOff: 53, dmg: 20, knock: 0.7, range: 110, gather: 1, speed: 300 }, { id: 7, type: 0, age: 2, name: "daggers", desc: "really fast short range weapon", src: "dagger_1", iPad: 0.8, length: 110, width: 110, xOff: 18, yOff: 0, dmg: 20, knock: 0.1, range: 65, gather: 1, hitSlow: 0.1, spdMult: 1.13, speed: 100 }, { id: 8, type: 0, age: 2, name: "stick", desc: "great for gathering but very weak", src: "stick_1", length: 140, width: 140, xOff: 3, yOff: 24, dmg: 1, spdMult: 1, range: 70, gather: 7, speed: 400 }, { id: 9, type: 1, age: 6, name: "hunting bow", desc: "bow used for ranged combat and hunting", src: "bow_1", req: ["wood", 4], length: 120, width: 120, xOff: -6, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 25, projectile: 0, spdMult: 0.75, speed: 600 }, { id: 10, type: 1, age: 6, name: "great hammer", desc: "hammer used for destroying structures", src: "great_hammer_1", length: 140, width: 140, xOff: -9, yOff: 25, dmg: 10, Pdmg: 10, spdMult: 0.88, range: 75, sDmg: 7.5, gather: 1, speed: 400 }, { id: 11, type: 1, age: 6, name: "wooden shield", desc: "blocks projectiles and reduces melee damage", src: "shield_1", length: 120, width: 120, shield: 0.2, xOff: 6, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 0, spdMult: 0.7 }, { id: 12, type: 1, age: 8, pre: 9, name: "crossbow", desc: "deals more damage and has greater range", src: "crossbow_1", req: ["wood", 5], aboveHand: true, armS: 0.75, length: 120, width: 120, xOff: -4, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 35, projectile: 2, spdMult: 0.7, speed: 700 }, { id: 13, type: 1, age: 9, pre: 12, name: "repeater crossbow", desc: "high firerate crossbow with reduced damage", src: "crossbow_2", req: ["wood", 10], aboveHand: true, armS: 0.75, length: 120, width: 120, xOff: -4, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 30, projectile: 3, spdMult: 0.7, speed: 230 }, { id: 14, type: 1, age: 6, name: "mc grabby", desc: "steals resources from enemies", src: "grab_1", length: 130, width: 210, xOff: -8, yOff: 53, dmg: 0, Pdmg: 0, steal: 250, knock: 0.2, spdMult: 1.05, range: 125, gather: 0, speed: 700 }, { id: 15, type: 1, age: 9, pre: 12, name: "musket", desc: "slow firerate but high damage and range", src: "musket_1", req: ["stone", 10], aboveHand: true, rec: 0.35, armS: 0.6, hndS: 0.3, hndD: 1.6, length: 205, width: 205, xOff: 25, yOff: 0, Pdmg: 50, projectile: 5, hideProjectile: true, spdMult: 0.6, speed: 1500 }]; this.list = [{ group: this.groups[0], name: "apple", desc: "restores 20 health when consumed", req: ["food", 10], consume: function (p300) { return p300.changeHealth(20, p300); }, scale: 22, holdOffset: 15, healing: 20, itemID: 0, itemAID: 16 }, { age: 3, group: this.groups[0], name: "cookie", desc: "restores 40 health when consumed", req: ["food", 15], consume: function (p301) { return p301.changeHealth(40, p301); }, scale: 27, holdOffset: 15, healing: 40, itemID: 1, itemAID: 17 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[0], name: "cheese", desc: "restores 30 health and another 50 over 5 seconds", req: ["food", 25], consume: function (p302) { if (p302.changeHealth(30, p302) || p302.health < 100) { p302.dmgOverTime.dmg = -10; p302.dmgOverTime.doer = p302; p302.dmgOverTime.time = 5; return true; } return false; }, scale: 27, holdOffset: 15, healing: 30, itemID: 2, itemAID: 18 }, { group: this.groups[1], name: "wood wall", desc: "provides protection for your village", req: ["wood", 10], projDmg: true, health: 380, scale: 50, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 3, itemAID: 19 }, { age: 3, group: this.groups[1], name: "stone wall", desc: "provides improved protection for your village", req: ["stone", 25], health: 900, scale: 50, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 4, itemAID: 20 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[1], name: "castle wall", desc: "provides powerful protection for your village", req: ["stone", 35], health: 1500, scale: 52, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 5, itemAID: 21 }, { group: this.groups[2], name: "spikes", desc: "damages enemies when they touch them", req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 5], health: 400, dmg: 20, scale: 49, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 6, itemAID: 22 }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[2], name: "greater spikes", desc: "damages enemies when they touch them", req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 10], health: 500, dmg: 35, scale: 52, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 7, itemAID: 23 }, { age: 9, group: this.groups[2], name: "poison spikes", desc: "poisons enemies when they touch them", req: ["wood", 35, "stone", 15], health: 600, dmg: 30, pDmg: 5, scale: 52, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 8, itemAID: 24 }, { age: 9, group: this.groups[2], name: "spinning spikes", desc: "damages enemies when they touch them", req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 20], health: 500, dmg: 45, turnSpeed: 0.001, scale: 52, spritePadding: -23, holdOffset: 8, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 9, itemAID: 25 }, { group: this.groups[3], name: "windmill", desc: "generates gold over time", req: ["wood", 50, "stone", 10], health: 400, pps: 1, turnSpeed: 0, spritePadding: 25, iconLineMult: 12, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 5, itemID: 10, itemAID: 26 }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[3], name: "faster windmill", desc: "generates more gold over time", req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 20], health: 500, pps: 1.5, turnSpeed: 0, spritePadding: 25, iconLineMult: 12, scale: 47, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 5, itemID: 11, itemAID: 27 }, { age: 8, group: this.groups[3], name: "power mill", desc: "generates more gold over time", req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 50], health: 800, pps: 2, turnSpeed: 0, spritePadding: 25, iconLineMult: 12, scale: 47, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 5, itemID: 12, itemAID: 28 }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[4], type: 2, name: "mine", desc: "allows you to mine stone", req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 100], iconLineMult: 12, scale: 65, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: 0, itemID: 13, itemAID: 29 }, { age: 5, group: this.groups[11], type: 0, name: "sapling", desc: "allows you to farm wood", req: ["wood", 150], iconLineMult: 12, colDiv: 0.5, scale: 110, holdOffset: 50, placeOffset: -15, itemID: 14, itemAID: 30 }, { age: 4, group: this.groups[5], name: "pit trap", desc: "pit that traps enemies if they walk over it", req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 30], trap: true, ignoreCollision: true, hideFromEnemy: true, health: 500, colDiv: 0.2, scale: 50, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, alpha: 0.6, itemID: 15, itemAID: 31 }, { age: 4, group: this.groups[6], name: "boost pad", desc: "provides boost when stepped on", req: ["stone", 20, "wood", 5], ignoreCollision: true, boostSpeed: 1.5, health: 150, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 16, itemAID: 32 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[7], doUpdate: true, name: "turret", desc: "defensive structure that shoots at enemies", req: ["wood", 200, "stone", 150], health: 800, projectile: 1, shootRange: 700, shootRate: 2200, scale: 43, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 17, itemAID: 33 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[8], name: "platform", desc: "platform to shoot over walls and cross over water", req: ["wood", 20], ignoreCollision: true, zIndex: 1, health: 300, scale: 43, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 18, itemAID: 34 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[9], name: "healing pad", desc: "standing on it will slowly heal you", req: ["wood", 30, "food", 10], ignoreCollision: true, healCol: 15, health: 400, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 19, itemAID: 35 }, { age: 9, group: this.groups[10], name: "spawn pad", desc: "you will spawn here when you die but it will dissapear", req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 100], health: 400, ignoreCollision: true, spawnPoint: true, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 20, itemAID: 36 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[12], name: "blocker", desc: "blocks building in radius", req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 25], ignoreCollision: true, blocker: 300, health: 400, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 21, itemAID: 37 }, { age: 7, group: this.groups[13], name: "teleporter", desc: "teleports you to a random point on the map", req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 60], ignoreCollision: true, teleport: true, health: 200, colDiv: 0.7, scale: 45, holdOffset: 20, placeOffset: -5, itemID: 22, itemAID: 38 }]; this.checkItem = { index: function (p303, p304) { if ([0, 1, 2].includes(p303)) { return 0; } else if ([3, 4, 5].includes(p303)) { return 1; } else if ([6, 7, 8, 9].includes(p303)) { return 2; } else if ([10, 11, 12].includes(p303)) { return 3; } else if ([13, 14].includes(p303)) { return 5; } else if ([15, 16].includes(p303)) { return 4; } else if ([17, 18, 19, 21, 22].includes(p303)) { if ([13, 14].includes(p304)) { return 6; } else { return 5; } } else if (p303 == 20) { if ([13, 14].includes(p304)) { return 7; } else { return 6; } } else { return undefined; } } }; for (let v181 = 0; v181 < this.list.length; ++v181) { this.list[v181].id = v181; if (this.list[v181].pre) { this.list[v181].pre = v181 - this.list[v181].pre; } } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { function f16(p305) { for (let v182 = p305.length - 1; v182 > 0; v182--) { const v183 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (v182 + 1)); [p305[v182], p305[v183]] = [p305[v183], p305[v182]]; } return p305; } } } } class Objectmanager { constructor(p306, p307, p308, p309, p310, p311) { let v184 = Math.floor; let v185 = Math.abs; let v186 = Math.cos; let v187 = Math.sin; let v188 = Math.pow; let v189 = Math.sqrt; this.ignoreAdd = false; this.hitObj = []; this.disableObj = function (p312) { p312.active = false; }; let v190; this.add = function (p313, p314, p315, p316, p317, p318, p319, p320, p321) { v190 = findObjectBySid(p313); if (!v190) { v190 = gameObjects.find(p322 => !p322.active); if (!v190) { v190 = new p306(p313); gameObjects.push(v190); } } if (p320) { v190.sid = p313; } v190.init(p314, p315, p316, p317, p318, p319, p321); }; this.disableBySid = function (p323) { let vFindObjectBySid = findObjectBySid(p323); if (vFindObjectBySid) { this.disableObj(vFindObjectBySid); } }; this.removeAllItems = function (p324, p325) { gameObjects.filter(p326 => p326.active && p326.owner && p326.owner.sid == p324).forEach(p327 => this.disableObj(p327)); }; this.checkItemLocation = function (p328, p329, p330, p331, p332, p333, p334) { let v191 = p307.find(p335 => p335.active && p308.getDistance(p328, p329, p335.x, p335.y) < p330 + (p335.blocker ? p335.blocker : p335.getScale(p331, p335.isItem))); if (v191) { return false; } if (!p333 && p332 != 18 && p329 >= p309.mapScale / 2 - p309.riverWidth / 2 && p329 <= p309.mapScale / 2 + p309.riverWidth / 2) { return false; } return true; }; this.customCheckItemLocation = (p336, p337, p338, p339, p340, p341, p342, p343, p344, p345, p346) => { let v192 = p344.find(p347 => p347.active && p347.x !== p343.x && p347.y !== p343.y && p347.id !== p343.id && p345.getDistance(p336, p337, p347.x, p347.y) < p338 + (p347.blocker ? p347.blocker : p347.getScale(p339, p347.isItem))); if (v192) { return false; } if (!p341 && p340 != 18 && p337 >= p346.mapScale / 2 - p346.riverWidth / 2 && p337 <= p346.mapScale / 2 + p346.riverWidth / 2) { return false; } return true; }; } } class Projectile { constructor(p348, p349, p350, p351, p352, p353, p354) { this.init = function (p355, p356, p357, p358, p359, p360, p361, p362, p363) { this.active = true; this.tickActive = true; this.indx = p355; this.x = p356; this.y = p357; this.x2 = p356; this.y2 = p357; this.dir = p358; this.skipMov = true; this.speed = p359; this.dmg = p360; this.scale = p362; this.range = p361; this.r2 = p361; this.owner = p363; }; this.update = function (p364) { if (this.active) { let v193 = this.speed * p364; if (!this.skipMov) { this.x += v193 * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y += v193 * Math.sin(this.dir); this.range -= v193; if (this.range <= 0) { this.x += this.range * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y += this.range * Math.sin(this.dir); v193 = 1; this.range = 0; this.active = false; } } else { this.skipMov = false; } } }; this.tickUpdate = function (p365) { if (this.tickActive) { let v194 = this.speed * p365; if (!this.skipMov) { this.x2 += v194 * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y2 += v194 * Math.sin(this.dir); this.r2 -= v194; if (this.r2 <= 0) { this.x2 += this.r2 * Math.cos(this.dir); this.y2 += this.r2 * Math.sin(this.dir); v194 = 1; this.r2 = 0; this.tickActive = false; } } else { this.skipMov = false; } } }; } } ; class Store { constructor() { this.hats = [{ id: 45, name: "Shame!", dontSell: true, price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "hacks are for winners" }, { id: 51, name: "Moo Cap", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "coolest mooer around" }, { id: 50, name: "Apple Cap", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "apple farms remembers" }, { id: 28, name: "Moo Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 29, name: "Pig Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 30, name: "Fluff Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 36, name: "Pandou Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 37, name: "Bear Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 38, name: "Monkey Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 44, name: "Polar Head", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 35, name: "Fez Hat", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 42, name: "Enigma Hat", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "join the enigma army" }, { id: 43, name: "Blitz Hat", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "hey everybody i'm blitz" }, { id: 49, name: "Bob XIII Hat", price: 0, scale: 120, desc: "like and subscribe" }, { id: 57, name: "Pumpkin", price: 50, scale: 120, desc: "Spooooky" }, { id: 8, name: "Bummle Hat", price: 100, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 2, name: "Straw Hat", price: 500, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 15, name: "Winter Cap", price: 600, scale: 120, desc: "allows you to move at normal speed in snow", coldM: 1 }, { id: 5, name: "Cowboy Hat", price: 1000, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 4, name: "Ranger Hat", price: 2000, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 18, name: "Explorer Hat", price: 2000, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 31, name: "Flipper Hat", price: 2500, scale: 120, desc: "have more control while in water", watrImm: true }, { id: 1, name: "Marksman Cap", price: 3000, scale: 120, desc: "increases arrow speed and range", aMlt: 1.3 }, { id: 10, name: "Bush Gear", price: 3000, scale: 160, desc: "allows you to disguise yourself as a bush" }, { id: 48, name: "Halo", price: 3000, scale: 120, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 6, name: "Anti Insta", price: 4000, scale: 120, desc: "reduces damage taken but slows movement", spdMult: 0.94, dmgMult: 0.75 }, { id: 23, name: "Anti Venom Gear", price: 4000, scale: 120, desc: "makes you immune to poison", poisonRes: 1 }, { id: 13, name: "Medic Gear", price: 5000, scale: 110, desc: "slowly regenerates health over time", healthRegen: 3 }, { id: 9, name: "Miners Helmet", price: 5000, scale: 120, desc: "earn 1 extra gold per resource", extraGold: 1 }, { id: 32, name: "Musketeer Hat", price: 5000, scale: 120, desc: "reduces cost of projectiles", projCost: 0.5 }, { id: 7, name: "Bull Helmet", price: 6000, scale: 120, desc: "increases damage done but drains health", healthRegen: -5, dmgMultO: 1.5, spdMult: 0.96 }, { id: 22, name: "Emp Helmet", price: 6000, scale: 120, desc: "turrets won't attack but you move slower", antiTurret: 1, spdMult: 0.7 }, { id: 12, name: "Booster Hat", price: 6000, scale: 120, desc: "increases your movement speed", spdMult: 1.16 }, { id: 26, name: "Barbarian Armor", price: 8000, scale: 120, desc: "knocks back enemies that attack you", dmgK: 0.6 }, { id: 21, name: "Plague Mask", price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: "melee attacks deal poison damage", poisonDmg: 5, poisonTime: 6 }, { id: 46, name: "Bull Mask", price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: "bulls won't target you unless you attack them", bullRepel: 1 }, { id: 14, name: "Windmill Hat", topSprite: true, price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: "generates points while worn", pps: 1.5 }, { id: 11, name: "Spike Gear", topSprite: true, price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: "deal damage to players that damage you", dmg: 0.45 }, { id: 53, name: "Turret Gear", topSprite: true, price: 10000, scale: 120, desc: "you become a walking turret", turret: { proj: 1, range: 700, rate: 2500 }, spdMult: 0.7 }, { id: 20, name: "Samurai Armor", price: 12000, scale: 120, desc: "increased attack speed and fire rate", atkSpd: 0.78 }, { id: 58, name: "Dark Knight", price: 12000, scale: 120, desc: "restores health when you deal damage", healD: 0.4 }, { id: 27, name: "Scavenger Gear", price: 15000, scale: 120, desc: "earn double points for each kill", kScrM: 2 }, { id: 40, name: "#### Gear", price: 15000, scale: 120, desc: "increased damage to buildings but slower movement", spdMult: 0.3, bDmg: 3.3 }, { id: 52, name: "Thief Gear", price: 15000, scale: 120, desc: "steal half of a players gold when you kill them", goldSteal: 0.5 }, { id: 55, name: "Bloodthirster", price: 20000, scale: 120, desc: "Restore Health when dealing damage. And increased damage", healD: 0.25, dmgMultO: 1.2 }, { id: 56, name: "Assassin Gear", price: 20000, scale: 120, desc: "Go invisible when not moving. Can't eat. Increased speed", noEat: true, spdMult: 1.1, invisTimer: 1000 }]; this.accessories = [{ id: 12, name: "Snowball", price: 1000, scale: 105, xOff: 18, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 9, name: "Tree Cape", price: 1000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 10, name: "Stone Cape", price: 1000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 3, name: "Cookie Cape", price: 1500, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 8, name: "Cow Cape", price: 2000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 11, name: "Monkey Tail", price: 2000, scale: 97, xOff: 25, desc: "Super speed but reduced damage", spdMult: 1.35, dmgMultO: 0.2 }, { id: 17, name: "Apple Basket", price: 3000, scale: 80, xOff: 12, desc: "slowly regenerates health over time", healthRegen: 1 }, { id: 6, name: "Winter Cape", price: 3000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 4, name: "Skull Cape", price: 4000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 5, name: "Dash Cape", price: 5000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 2, name: "Dragon Cape", price: 6000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 1, name: "Super Cape", price: 8000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 7, name: "Troll Cape", price: 8000, scale: 90, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 14, name: "Thorns", price: 10000, scale: 115, xOff: 20, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 15, name: "Blockades", price: 10000, scale: 95, xOff: 15, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 20, name: "Devils Tail", price: 10000, scale: 95, xOff: 20, desc: "no effect" }, { id: 16, name: "Sawblade", price: 12000, scale: 90, spin: true, xOff: 0, desc: "deal damage to players that damage you", dmg: 0.15 }, { id: 13, name: "Angel Wings", price: 15000, scale: 138, xOff: 22, desc: "slowly regenerates health over time", healthRegen: 3 }, { id: 19, name: "Shadow Wings", price: 15000, scale: 138, xOff: 22, desc: "increased movement speed", spdMult: 1.1 }, { id: 18, name: "Blood Wings", price: 20000, scale: 178, xOff: 26, desc: "restores health when you deal damage", healD: 0.2 }, { id: 21, name: "Corrupt X Wings", price: 20000, scale: 178, xOff: 26, desc: "deal damage to players that damage you", dmg: 0.25 }]; } } ; class ProjectileManager { constructor(p366, p367, p368, p369, p370, p371, p372, p373, p374) { this.addProjectile = function (p375, p376, p377, p378, p379, p380, p381, p382, p383, p384) { let v195 = p371.projectiles[p380]; let v196; for (let v197 = 0; v197 < p367.length; ++v197) { if (!p367[v197].active) { v196 = p367[v197]; break; } } if (!v196) { v196 = new p366(p368, p369, p370, p371, p372, p373, p374); v196.sid = p367.length; p367.push(v196); } v196.init(p380, p375, p376, p377, p379, v195.dmg, p378, v195.scale, p381); v196.ignoreObj = p382; v196.layer = p383 || v195.layer; v196.inWindow = p384; v196.src = v195.src; return v196; }; } } ; class AiManager { constructor(p385, p386, p387, p388, p389, p390, p391, p392, p393) { this.aiTypes = [{ id: 0, src: "cow_1", killScore: 150, health: 500, weightM: 0.8, speed: 0.00095, turnSpeed: 0.001, scale: 72, drop: ["food", 50] }, { id: 1, src: "pig_1", killScore: 200, health: 800, weightM: 0.6, speed: 0.00085, turnSpeed: 0.001, scale: 72, drop: ["food", 80] }, { id: 2, name: "Bull", src: "bull_2", hostile: true, dmg: 20, killScore: 1000, health: 1800, weightM: 0.5, speed: 0.00094, turnSpeed: 0.00074, scale: 78, viewRange: 800, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 100] }, { id: 3, name: "Bully", src: "bull_1", hostile: true, dmg: 20, killScore: 2000, health: 2800, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.001, turnSpeed: 0.0008, scale: 90, viewRange: 900, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 400] }, { id: 4, name: "Wolf", src: "wolf_1", hostile: true, dmg: 8, killScore: 500, health: 300, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.001, turnSpeed: 0.002, scale: 84, viewRange: 800, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 200] }, { id: 5, name: "Quack", src: "chicken_1", dmg: 8, killScore: 2000, noTrap: true, health: 300, weightM: 0.2, speed: 0.0018, turnSpeed: 0.006, scale: 70, drop: ["food", 100] }, { id: 6, name: "MOOSTAFA", nameScale: 50, src: "enemy", hostile: true, dontRun: true, fixedSpawn: true, spawnDelay: 60000, noTrap: true, colDmg: 100, dmg: 40, killScore: 8000, health: 18000, weightM: 0.4, speed: 0.0007, turnSpeed: 0.01, scale: 80, spriteMlt: 1.8, leapForce: 0.9, viewRange: 1000, hitRange: 210, hitDelay: 1000, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 100] }, { id: 7, name: "Treasure", hostile: true, nameScale: 35, src: "crate_1", fixedSpawn: true, spawnDelay: 120000, colDmg: 200, killScore: 5000, health: 20000, weightM: 0.1, speed: 0, turnSpeed: 0, scale: 70, spriteMlt: 1 }, { id: 8, name: "MOOFIE", src: "wolf_2", hostile: true, fixedSpawn: true, dontRun: true, hitScare: 4, spawnDelay: 30000, noTrap: true, nameScale: 35, dmg: 10, colDmg: 100, killScore: 3000, health: 7000, weightM: 0.45, speed: 0.0015, turnSpeed: 0.002, scale: 90, viewRange: 800, chargePlayer: true, drop: ["food", 1000] }]; this.spawn = function (p394, p395, p396, p397) { let v198 = p385.find(p398 => !p398.active); if (!v198) { v198 = new p386(p385.length, p389, p387, p388, p391, p390, p392, p393); p385.push(v198); } v198.init(p394, p395, p396, p397, this.aiTypes[p397]); return v198; }; } } ; class AI { constructor(p399, p400, p401, p402, p403, p404, p405, p406) { this.sid = p399; this.isAI = true; this.nameIndex = p403.randInt(0, p404.cowNames.length - 1); this.init = function (p407, p408, p409, p410, p411) { this.x = p407; this.y = p408; this.startX = p411.fixedSpawn ? p407 : null; this.startY = p411.fixedSpawn ? p408 : null; this.xVel = 0; this.yVel = 0; this.zIndex = 0; this.dir = p409; this.dirPlus = 0; this.showName = "aaa"; this.index = p410; this.src = p411.src; if (p411.name) { this.name = p411.name; } this.weightM = p411.weightM; this.speed = p411.speed; this.killScore = p411.killScore; this.turnSpeed = p411.turnSpeed; this.scale = p411.scale; this.maxHealth = p411.health; this.leapForce = p411.leapForce; this.health = this.maxHealth; this.chargePlayer = p411.chargePlayer; this.viewRange = p411.viewRange; this.drop = p411.drop; this.dmg = p411.dmg; this.hostile = p411.hostile; this.dontRun = p411.dontRun; this.hitRange = p411.hitRange; this.hitDelay = p411.hitDelay; this.hitScare = p411.hitScare; this.spriteMlt = p411.spriteMlt; this.nameScale = p411.nameScale; this.colDmg = p411.colDmg; this.noTrap = p411.noTrap; this.spawnDelay = p411.spawnDelay; this.hitWait = 0; this.waitCount = 1000; this.moveCount = 0; this.targetDir = 0; this.active = true; this.alive = true; this.runFrom = null; this.chargeTarget = null; this.dmgOverTime = {}; }; let v199 = 0; let v200 = 0; this.animate = function (p412) { if (this.animTime > 0) { this.animTime -= p412; if (this.animTime <= 0) { this.animTime = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; v199 = 0; v200 = 0; } else if (v200 == 0) { v199 += p412 / (this.animSpeed * p404.hitReturnRatio); this.dirPlus = p403.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, v199)); if (v199 >= 1) { v199 = 1; v200 = 1; } } else { v199 -= p412 / (this.animSpeed * (1 - p404.hitReturnRatio)); this.dirPlus = p403.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, v199)); } } }; this.startAnim = function () { this.animTime = this.animSpeed = 600; this.targetAngle = Math.PI * 0.8; v199 = 0; v200 = 0; }; } } ; class addCh { constructor(p413, p414, p415, p416) { this.x = p413; this.y = p414; this.alpha = 0; this.active = true; this.alive = false; this.chat = p415; this.owner = p416; } } ; class DeadPlayer { constructor(p417, p418, p419, p420, p421, p422, p423, p424, p425) { this.x = p417; this.y = p418; this.lastDir = p419; this.dir = p419 + Math.PI; this.buildIndex = p420; this.weaponIndex = p421; this.weaponVariant = p422; this.skinColor = p423; this.scale = p424; this.visScale = 0; this.name = p425; this.alpha = 1; this.active = true; this.animate = function (p426) { let v201 = UTILS.getAngleDist(this.lastDir, this.dir); if (v201 > 0.01) { this.dir += v201 / 20; } else { this.dir = this.lastDir; } if (this.visScale < this.scale) { this.visScale += p426 / (this.scale / 2); if (this.visScale >= this.scale) { this.visScale = this.scale; } } this.alpha -= p426 / 30000; if (this.alpha <= 0) { this.alpha = 0; this.active = false; } }; } } ; class Player { constructor(p427, p428, p429, p430, p431, p432, p433, p434, p435, p436, p437, p438, p439, p440) { this.id = p427; this.sid = p428; this.tmpScore = 0; this.team = null; this.latestSkin = 0; this.oldSkinIndex = 0; this.skinIndex = 0; this.latestTail = 0; this.oldTailIndex = 0; this.tailIndex = 0; this.hitTime = 0; this.lastHit = 0; this.showName = "NOOO"; this.tails = {}; for (let v202 = 0; v202 < p437.length; ++v202) { if (p437[v202].price <= 0) { this.tails[p437[v202].id] = 1; } } this.skins = {}; for (let v203 = 0; v203 < p436.length; ++v203) { if (p436[v203].price <= 0) { this.skins[p436[v203].id] = 1; } } this.points = 0; this.dt = 0; this.hidden = false; this.itemCounts = {}; this.isPlayer = true; this.pps = 0; this.moveDir = undefined; this.skinRot = 0; this.lastPing = 0; this.iconIndex = 0; this.skinColor = 0; this.dist2 = 0; this.aim2 = 0; this.maxSpeed = 1; this.chat = { message: null, count: 0 }; this.backupNobull = true; this.circle = false; this.circleRad = 200; this.circleRadSpd = 0.1; this.cAngle = 0; this.spawn = function (p441) { this.attacked = false; this.timeDamaged = 0; this.timeHealed = 0; this.pinge = 0; this.millPlace = "NOOO"; this.lastshamecount = 0; this.death = false; this.spinDir = 0; this.sync = false; this.antiBull = 0; this.bullTimer = 0; this.poisonTimer = 0; this.active = true; this.alive = true; this.lockMove = false; this.lockDir = false; this.minimapCounter = 0; this.chatCountdown = 0; this.shameCount = 0; this.shameTimer = 0; this.sentTo = {}; this.gathering = 0; this.gatherIndex = 0; this.shooting = {}; this.shootIndex = 9; this.autoGather = 0; this.animTime = 0; this.animSpeed = 0; this.mouseState = 0; this.buildIndex = -1; this.weaponIndex = 0; this.weaponCode = 0; this.weaponVariant = 0; this.primaryIndex = undefined; this.secondaryIndex = undefined; this.dmgOverTime = {}; this.noMovTimer = 0; this.maxXP = 300; this.XP = 0; this.age = 1; this.kills = 0; this.upgrAge = 2; this.upgradePoints = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.oldXY = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.zIndex = 0; this.xVel = 0; this.yVel = 0; this.slowMult = 1; this.dir = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; this.targetDir = 0; this.targetAngle = 0; this.maxHealth = 100; this.health = this.maxHealth; this.oldHealth = this.maxHealth; this.damaged = 0; this.scale = p429.playerScale; this.speed = p429.playerSpeed; this.resetMoveDir(); this.resetResources(p441); this.items = [0, 3, 6, 10]; this.weapons = [0]; this.shootCount = 0; this.weaponXP = []; this.reloads = { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 53: 0 }; this.bowThreat = { 9: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 15: 0 }; this.damageThreat = 0; this.inTrap = false; this.canEmpAnti = false; this.empAnti = false; this.soldierAnti = false; this.poisonTick = 0; this.bullTick = 0; this.setPoisonTick = false; this.setBullTick = false; this.antiTimer = 2; }; this.resetMoveDir = function () { this.moveDir = undefined; }; this.resetResources = function (p442) { for (let v204 = 0; v204 < p429.resourceTypes.length; ++v204) { this[p429.resourceTypes[v204]] = p442 ? 100 : 0; } }; this.getItemType = function (p443) { let v205 = this.items.findIndex(p444 => p444 == p443); if (v205 != -1) { return v205; } else { return p435.checkItem.index(p443, this.items); } }; this.setData = function (p445) { this.id = p445[0]; this.sid = p445[1]; this.name = p445[2]; this.x = p445[3]; this.y = p445[4]; this.dir = p445[5]; this.health = p445[6]; this.maxHealth = p445[7]; this.scale = p445[8]; this.skinColor = p445[9]; }; this.updateTimer = function () { this.bullTimer -= 1; if (this.bullTimer <= 0) { this.setBullTick = false; this.bullTick = game.tick - 1; this.bullTimer = p429.serverUpdateRate; } this.poisonTimer -= 1; if (this.poisonTimer <= 0) { this.setPoisonTick = false; this.poisonTick = game.tick - 1; this.poisonTimer = p429.serverUpdateRate; } }; this.update = function (p446) { if (this.sid == playerSID) {} if (this.active) { let v206 = { skin: findID(p436, this.skinIndex), tail: findID(p437, this.tailIndex) }; let v207 = (this.buildIndex >= 0 ? 0.5 : 1) * (p435.weapons[this.weaponIndex].spdMult || 1) * (v206.skin ? v206.skin.spdMult || 1 : 1) * (v206.tail ? v206.tail.spdMult || 1 : 1) * (this.y <= p429.snowBiomeTop ? v206.skin && v206.skin.coldM ? 1 : p429.snowSpeed : 1) * this.slowMult; this.maxSpeed = v207; } }; let v208 = 0; let v209 = 0; this.animate = function (p447) { if (this.animTime > 0) { this.animTime -= p447; if (this.animTime <= 0) { this.animTime = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; v208 = 0; v209 = 0; } else if (v209 == 0) { v208 += p447 / (this.animSpeed * p429.hitReturnRatio); this.dirPlus = p430.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, v208)); if (v208 >= 1) { v208 = 1; v209 = 1; } } else { v208 -= p447 / (this.animSpeed * (1 - p429.hitReturnRatio)); this.dirPlus = p430.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, v208)); } } }; this.startAnim = function (p448, p449) { this.animTime = this.animSpeed = p435.weapons[p449].speed; this.targetAngle = p448 ? -p429.hitAngle : -Math.PI; v208 = 0; v209 = 0; }; this.canSee = function (p450) { if (!p450) { return false; } let v210 = Math.abs(p450.x - this.x) - p450.scale; let v211 = Math.abs(p450.y - this.y) - p450.scale; return v210 <= p429.maxScreenWidth / 2 * 1.3 && v211 <= p429.maxScreenHeight / 2 * 1.3; }; this.judgeShame = function () { this.lastshamecount = this.shameCount; if (this.oldHealth < this.health) { if (this.hitTime) { let v212 = game.tick - this.hitTime; this.lastHit = game.tick; this.hitTime = 0; if (v212 < 2) { this.shameCount++; } else { this.shameCount = Math.max(0, this.shameCount - 2); } } } else if (this.oldHealth > this.health) { this.hitTime = game.tick; } }; this.addShameTimer = function () { this.shameCount = 0; this.shameTimer = 30; let vSetInterval = setInterval(() => { this.shameTimer--; if (this.shameTimer <= 0) { clearInterval(vSetInterval); } }, 1000); }; this.isTeam = function (p451) { return this == p451 || this.team && this.team == p451.team; }; this.findAllianceBySid = function (p452) { if (this.team) { return alliancePlayers.find(p453 => p453 === p452); } else { return null; } }; this.checkCanInsta = function (p454) { let v213 = 0; if (this.alive && inGame) { let v214 = { weapon: this.weapons[0], variant: this.primaryVariant, dmg: this.weapons[0] == undefined ? 0 : p435.weapons[this.weapons[0]].dmg }; let v215 = { weapon: this.weapons[1], variant: this.secondaryVariant, dmg: this.weapons[1] == undefined ? 0 : p435.weapons[this.weapons[1]].Pdmg }; let v216 = this.skins[7] && !p454 ? 1.5 : 1; let v217 = v214.variant != undefined ? p429.weaponVariants[v214.variant].val : 1; if (v214.weapon != undefined && this.reloads[v214.weapon] == 0) { v213 += v214.dmg * v217 * v216; } if (v215.weapon != undefined && this.reloads[v215.weapon] == 0) { v213 += v215.dmg; } if (this.skins[53] && this.reloads[53] <= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 0 : game.tickRate) && near.skinIndex != 22) { v213 += 25; } v213 *= near.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1; return v213; } return 0; }; this.manageReload = function () { if (this.shooting[53]) { this.shooting[53] = 0; this.reloads[53] = 2500 - game.tickRate; } else if (this.reloads[53] > 0) { this.reloads[53] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[53] - game.tickRate); } if (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] <= 1000 / 9) { let v218 = this.weaponIndex; let v219 = liztobj.filter(p455 => (p455.active || p455.alive) && p455.health < p455.maxHealth && p455.group !== undefined && p430.getDist(p455, player, 0, 2) <= p435.weapons[player.weaponIndex].range + p455.scale); for (let v220 = 0; v220 < v219.length; v220++) { let v221 = v219[v220]; let v222 = p435.weapons[v218].dmg * p429.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(v218 < 9 ? "prima" : "seconda") + "ryVariant"]].val * (p435.weapons[v218].sDmg || 1) * 3.3; let v223 = p435.weapons[v218].dmg * p429.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(v218 < 9 ? "prima" : "seconda") + "ryVariant"]].val * (p435.weapons[v218].sDmg || 1); if (v221.health - v223 <= 0 && near.length) { place(near.dist2 < near.scale * 1.8 + 50 ? 4 : 2, caf(v221, player) + Math.PI); } } } if (this.gathering || this.shooting[1]) { if (this.gathering) { this.gathering = 0; this.reloads[this.gatherIndex] = p435.weapons[this.gatherIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 20 ? 0.78 : 1); this.attacked = true; } if (this.shooting[1]) { this.shooting[1] = 0; this.reloads[this.shootIndex] = p435.weapons[this.shootIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 20 ? 0.78 : 1); this.attacked = true; } } else { this.attacked = false; if (this.buildIndex < 0) { if (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] > 0) { this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] - 110); if (this == player) { if (getEl("weaponGrind").checked) { for (let v224 = 0; v224 < Math.PI * 2; v224 += Math.PI / 2) { checkPlace(player.getItemType(22), v224); } } } if (this.reloads[this.primaryIndex] == 0 && this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] == 0) { this.antiBull++; game.tickBase(() => { this.antiBull = 0; }, 1); } } } } }; this.addDamageThreat = function (p456) { let v225 = { weapon: this.primaryIndex, variant: this.primaryVariant }; v225.dmg = v225.weapon == undefined ? 45 : p435.weapons[v225.weapon].dmg; let v226 = { weapon: this.secondaryIndex, variant: this.secondaryVariant }; v226.dmg = v226.weapon == undefined ? 35 : p435.weapons[v226.weapon].Pdmg; let v227 = 1.5; let v228 = v225.variant != undefined ? p429.weaponVariants[v225.variant].val : 1.18; let v229 = v226.variant != undefined ? [9, 12, 17, 15].includes(v226.weapon) ? 1 : p429.weaponVariants[v226.variant].val : 1.18; if (v225.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[v225.weapon] == 0) { this.damageThreat += v225.dmg * v228 * v227; } if (v226.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[v226.weapon] == 0) { this.damageThreat += v226.dmg * v229; } if (this.reloads[53] <= game.tickRate) { this.damageThreat += 25; } this.damageThreat *= p456.skinIndex == 6 ? 0.75 : 1; if (!this.isTeam(p456)) { if (this.dist2 <= 300) { p456.damageThreat += this.damageThreat; } } }; this.addDamageProbability = function (p457) { let v230 = { weapon: this.primaryIndex, variant: this.primaryVariant }; v230.dmg = v230.weapon == undefined ? 45 : p435.weapons[v230.weapon].dmg; let v231 = { weapon: this.secondaryIndex, variant: this.secondaryVariant }; v231.dmg = v231.weapon == undefined ? 50 : p435.weapons[v231.weapon].Pdmg; let v232 = 1.5; let v233 = v230.variant != undefined ? p429.weaponVariants[v230.variant].val : 1.18; let v234 = v231.variant != undefined ? [9, 12, 17, 15].includes(v231.weapon) ? 1 : p429.weaponVariants[v231.variant].val : 1.18; if (v230.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[v230.weapon] == 0) { this.damageProbably += v230.dmg * v233 * v232 * 0.75; } if (v231.weapon == undefined ? true : this.reloads[v231.weapon] == 0) { this.damageProbably += v231.dmg * v234; } this.damageProbably *= 0.75; if (!this.isTeam(p457)) { if (this.dist2 <= 300) { p457.damageProbably += this.damageProbably; } } }; } } ; function sendUpgrade(p458) { player.reloads[p458] = 0; packet("H", p458); } function storeEquip(p459, p460) { packet("c", 0, p459, p460); } function storeBuy(p461, p462) { packet("c", 1, p461, p462); } function getVelocity(p463) { let vCaf = caf({ x: p463.olderX, y: p463.olderY }, p463); let vCdf = cdf({ x: p463.olderX, y: p463.olderY }, p463); let v235 = p463.x + Math.cos(vCaf) * 4 * window.pingTime / 111.1111; let v236 = p463.y + Math.sin(vCaf) * 4 * window.pingTime / 111.1111; return [vCdf, v235, v236, vCaf]; } function buyEquip(p464, p465) { let v237 = player.skins[6] ? 6 : 0; if (player.alive && inGame) { if (p465 == 0) { if (player.skins[p464]) { if (player.latestSkin != p464) { packet("c", 0, p464, 0); } } else if (getEl("autoBuyEquip").checked) { let vFindID = findID(hats, p464); if (vFindID) { if (player.points >= vFindID.price) { packet("c", 1, p464, 0); packet("c", 0, p464, 0); } else if (player.latestSkin != v237) { packet("c", 0, v237, 0); } } else if (player.latestSkin != v237) { packet("c", 0, v237, 0); } } else if (player.latestSkin != v237) { packet("c", 0, v237, 0); } } else if (p465 == 1) { if (useWasd && p464 != 11 && p464 != 0) { if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet("c", 0, 0, 1); } return; } if (player.tails[p464]) { if (player.latestTail != p464) { packet("c", 0, p464, 1); } } else if (getEl("autoBuyEquip").checked) { let vFindID2 = findID(accessories, p464); if (vFindID2) { if (player.points >= vFindID2.price) { packet("c", 1, p464, 1); packet("c", 0, p464, 1); } else if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet("c", 0, 0, 1); } } else if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet("c", 0, 0, 1); } } else if (player.latestTail != 0) { packet("c", 0, 0, 1); } } } } function selectToBuild(p466, p467) { packet("z", p466, p467); } function selectWeapon(p468, p469) { if (!p469) { player.weaponCode = p468; } packet("z", p468, 1); } function sendAutoGather() { packet("K", 1, 1); } function sendAtck(p470, p471) { packet("F", p470, p471, 1); } let placePacketLimiter = false; let placementsPerTick = 0; let phantom = []; function place(p472, p473, p474) { try { if (p472 == undefined) { return; } let v238 = items.list[player.items[p472]]; let v239 = player.scale + v238.scale + (v238.placeOffset || 0); let v240 = player.x2 + v239 * Math.cos(p473); let v241 = player.y2 + v239 * Math.sin(p473); if (player.alive && inGame && player.itemCounts[v238.group.id] == undefined ? true : player.itemCounts[v238.group.id] < (config.isSandbox ? 299 : v238.group.limit ? v238.group.limit : 99)) { selectToBuild(player.items[p472]); sendAtck(1, p473); selectWeapon(player.weaponCode, 1); if (p474 && getEl("placeVis").checked) { placeVisible.push({ x: v240, y: v241, name: v238.name, scale: v238.scale, dir: p473 }); game.tickBase(() => { placeVisible.shift(); }, 1); } } } catch (_0x5f3754) {} } function checkPlace(p475, p476) { try { if (p475 == undefined) { return; } let v242 = items.list[player.items[p475]]; let v243 = player.scale + v242.scale + (v242.placeOffset || 0); let v244 = player.x2 + v243 * Math.cos(p476); let v245 = player.y2 + v243 * Math.sin(p476); if (objectManager.checkItemLocation(v244, v245, v242.scale, 0.6, v242.id, false, player)) { place(p475, p476, 1); } } catch (_0x53d8e2) {} } function soldierMult() { if (player.latestSkin == 6) { return 0.75; } else { return 1; } } function healthBased() { if (player.health == 100) { return 0; } if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) { return Math.ceil((100 - player.health) / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); } return 0; } function insat1() { io.send("6", ""); my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(0, 1); sendAutoGather(); setTimeout(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); setTimeout(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.autoAim = false; }, 180); }, 100); } function getAttacker(p477) { let v246 = enemy.filter(p478 => { let v247 = { three: p478.attacked }; return v247.three; }); return v246; } function healer() { for (let v248 = 0; v248 < healthBased(); v248++) { place(0, getAttackDir()); } } function healer33() { for (let v249 = 0; v249 < healthBased(); v249++) { place(0, getAttackDir()); } } function healer1() { place(0, getAttackDir()); return Math.ceil((100 - player.health) / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); } function noshameheal() { place(0, getAttackDir()); if (player.shameCount >= 5) { place(0, getAttackDir()); healer33(); } else if (player.shameCount <= 4 && player.skinIndex != 6 && player.skinIndex != 22) { healer33(); buyEquip(6, 0); } else if (player.shameCount >= 5 && player.skinIndex != 6 && player.skinIndex != 22) { return Math.ceil((100 - player.health) / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); healer33(); } } const placedSpikePositions = new Set(); const placedTrapPositions = new Set(); function isPositionValid(p479) { const v250 = player.x2; const v251 = player.y2; const v252 = Math.hypot(p479[0] - v250, p479[1] - v251); return v252 > 35; } function findAllianceBySid(p480) { if (player.team) { return alliancePlayers.find(p481 => p481 === p480); } else { return null; } } function calculatePossibleTrapPositions(p482, p483, p484) { const v253 = []; const v254 = 16; for (let v255 = 0; v255 < v254; v255++) { const v256 = Math.PI * 2 * v255 / v254; const v257 = p482 + p484 * Math.cos(v256); const v258 = p483 + p484 * Math.sin(v256); const v259 = [v257, v258]; if (!v253.some(p485 => isPositionTooClose(v259, p485))) { v253.push(v259); } } return v253; } function isPositionTooClose(p486, p487, p488 = 50) { const v260 = Math.hypot(p486[0] - p487[0], p486[1] - p487[1]); return v260 < p488; } function applCxC(p489) { if (player.health == 100) { return 0; } if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) { return Math.ceil(p489 / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); } return 0; } function healthBased() { if (player.health == 100) { return 0; } if (player.skinIndex != 45 && player.skinIndex != 56) { return Math.ceil((100 - player.health) / items.list[player.items[0]].healing); } return 0; } function calcDmg(p490) { if (p490 * player.skinIndex == 6) { return 0.75; } else { return 1; } } function antirev() { if (tmpObj.isPlayer) { for (let v261 = 0; v261 < healthBased(); v261++) { place(0, getAttackDir()); if (player.health == 100 && player.shameCount < 6 && player.skinIndex == 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); console.log("AAAAAAAAAAAAA"); } else if (player.health == 100 && player.shameCount < 6 && player.skinIndex != 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); console.log("AAAAAAAAAAAAA"); } else if (player.health == 96 && player.shameCount < 5 && player.skinIndex == 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); setTimeout(() => { place(0, getAttackDir()); }, 5); } else if (player.health == 25 && player.shameCount < 5 && player.skinIndex == 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); setTimeout(() => { place(0, getAttackDir()); }, 5); } else if (player.health == 10 && player.shameCount < 6 && player.skinIndex == 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); setTimeout(() => { place(0, getAttackDir()); }, 5); } else if (player.health == 50 && player.shameCount < 7 && player.skinIndex != 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); setTimeout(() => { place(0, getAttackDir()); }, 5); } if (player.shameCount < 6) { setTimeout(() => { place(0, getAttackDir()); }, 30); } } } } let slowHeal = function (p491) { setTimeout(() => { healer(); }, 25); }; let isHealing = false; let delay = 20; function uziheal() { if (!isHealing && player.health < 100) { isHealing = true; if (player.health < 70) { place(0, getAttackDir()); healer(); isHealing = false; } else { const v262 = 5; const v263 = Math.ceil((100 - player.health) / 25); let v264 = 0; function f17() { if (v264 < v263) { setTimeout(() => { place(0, getAttackDir()); v264++; f17(); }, v262); } else { isHealing = false; } } f17(); } } } function predictHeal() {} function antiSyncHealing(p492) { my.antiSync = true; let vSetInterval2 = setInterval(() => { if (player.shameCount < 6) { place(0, getAttackDir()); } }, 75); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(vSetInterval2); setTimeout(() => { my.antiSync = false; }, game.tickRate); }, game.tickRate); } function biomeGear(p493, p494) { if (player.moveDir == undefined && near.dist2 > 300) { buyEquip(22, 0); } if (player.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && player.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) { if (p494) { return 31; } buyEquip(31, 0); } else if (player.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop) { if (p494) { if (enemy && near.dist2 <= 300) { return 6; } else { return 15; } } buyEquip(15, 0); } else { if (p494) { if (enemy && near.dist2 <= 300) { return 6; } else { return 12; } } buyEquip(enemy ? 6 : 12, 0); } if (p494) { return 0; } } function getPossibleObjDmg(p495) { return items.weapons[p495.weapons[p495.weapons[1] ? Number(p495.weapons[1] == 10) : 0]].dmg / 4 * (player.skins[40] ? 3.3 : 1) * (items.weapons[p495.weapons[Number(p495.weapons[1] == 10)]].sDmg || 1); } let doStuffPingSet = []; function smartTick(p496) { doStuffPingSet.push(p496); } class Combat { constructor(p497, p498) { this.findSpikeHit = { x: 0, y: 0, spikePosX: 0, spikePosY: 0, canHit: false, spikes: [] }; this.spikesNearEnemy = []; this.doSpikeHit = function () { if (enemy.length) { let v265 = gameObjects.find(p499 => p499.active && p499.name == "pit trap" && p499.isTeamObject(player) && p497.getDistance(p499.x, p499.y, near.x2, near.y2) <= 50); let v266 = 0.3 + (p498.weapons[player.weapons[0]].knock || 0); let v267 = Math.atan2(near.y2 - player.y2, near.x2 - player.x2); let v268 = { x: near.x2 + v266 * Math.cos(v267) * 224, y: near.y2 + v266 * Math.sin(v267) * 224 }; if (near.dist2 < p498.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + 70 && !v265 && near) { this.findSpikeHit.x = v268.x; this.findSpikeHit.y = v268.y; } this.findSpikeHit.spikes = gameObjects.filter(p500 => p500.active && p500.dmg && p500.owner.sid == player.sid && p497.getDistance(p500.x, p500.y, v268.x, v268.y) <= 35 + p500.scale); for (let v269 = 0; v269 < this.findSpikeHit.spikes.length; v269++) { let v270 = this.findSpikeHit.spikes[v269]; const v271 = p497.getDist(player, v270, 0, 0); const v272 = p497.getDist(near, v270, 0, 0); const v273 = p497.getDist(v270, near, 0, 0); if (v271 > v272 && v273 < 35 + v270.scale + player.scale && (player.primaryDmg >= 35 && player.skinIndex != 6 || player.primaryDmg >= 51)) { if (v270 && !v265 && near && near.dist2 <= p498.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) { this.findSpikeHit.canHit = true; this.findSpikeHit.spikePosX = v270.x; this.findSpikeHit.spikePosY = v270.y; if (this.findSpikeHit.canHit) { instaC.canSpikeTick = true; instaC.syncHit = true; if (getEl("revTick").checked && player.weapons[1] == 15 && player.reloads[53] == 0 && instaC.perfCheck(player, near)) { instaC.revTick = true; } } smartTick(() => { smartTick(() => { this.findSpikeHit.spikePosX = 0; this.findSpikeHit.spikePosY = 0; this.findSpikeHit.canHit = false; }); }); } } else { this.findSpikeHit.spikePosX = 0; this.findSpikeHit.spikePosY = 0; this.findSpikeHit.canHit = false; } } } }; } } let advHeal = []; let enemyKbSpike = { x: null, y: null }; let enemyKbSpike2 = { x: null, y: null }; class Traps { constructor(p501, p502) { this.dist = 0; this.aim = 0; this.inTrap = false; this.replaced = false; this.antiTrapped = false; this.info = {}; this.notFast = function () { return player.weapons[1] == 10 && (this.info.health > p502.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg || player.weapons[0] == 5); }; this.testCanPlace = function (p503, p504 = -(Math.PI / 2), p505 = Math.PI / 2, p506 = Math.PI / 18, p507, p508, p509) { try { let v274 = p502.list[player.items[p503]]; let v275 = player.scale + v274.scale + (v274.placeOffset || 0); let v276 = { attempts: 0, placed: 0 }; let v277 = []; gameObjects.forEach(p510 => { v277.push({ x: p510.x, y: p510.y, active: p510.active, blocker: p510.blocker, scale: p510.scale, isItem: p510.isItem, type: p510.type, colDiv: p510.colDiv, getScale: function (p511, p512) { p511 = p511 || 1; return this.scale * (this.isItem || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4 ? 1 : p511 * 0.6) * (p512 ? 1 : this.colDiv); } }); }); for (let vP504 = p504; vP504 < p505; vP504 += p506) { v276.attempts++; let v278 = p507 + vP504; let v279 = player.x2 + v275 * Math.cos(v278); let v280 = player.y2 + v275 * Math.sin(v278); let v281 = v277.find(p513 => p513.active && p501.getDistance(v279, v280, p513.x, p513.y) < v274.scale + (p513.blocker ? p513.blocker : p513.getScale(0.6, p513.isItem))); if (v281) { continue; } if (v274.id != 19 && v280 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && v280 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) { continue; } if (!p508 && p509 || useWasd) { if (useWasd ? false : p509.inTrap) { if (p501.getAngleDist(near.aim2 + Math.PI, v278 + Math.PI) <= Math.PI) { place(2, v278, 1); } else if (player.items[4] == 15) { place(4, v278, 1); } } else if (p501.getAngleDist(near.aim2, v278) <= config.gatherAngle / 1.5) { place(2, v278, 1); } else if (player.items[4] == 15) { place(4, v278, 1); } } else { place(p503, v278, 1); } v277.push({ x: v279, y: v280, active: true, blocker: v274.blocker, scale: v274.scale, isItem: true, type: null, colDiv: v274.colDiv, getScale: function () { return this.scale; } }); if (p501.getAngleDist(near.aim2, v278) <= 1) { v276.placed++; } } if (v276.placed > 0 && p508 && v274.dmg) { if (near.dist2 <= p502.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && configs.spikeTick) { instaC.canSpikeTick = true; } } } catch (_0x5d85e8) {} }; this.checkSpikeTick = function () { try { if (![3, 4, 5].includes(near.primaryIndex)) { return false; } if (getEl("safeAntiSpikeTick").checked || my.autoPush ? false : near.primaryIndex == undefined ? true : near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] > game.tickRate) { return false; } if (near.dist2 <= p502.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5 || 7 || 4 || 0].range + near.scale * 1.8) { buyEquip(26, 0); let v282 = p502.list[9]; let v283 = near.scale + v282.scale + (v282.placeOffset || 0); let v284 = 0; let v285 = { attempts: 0, block: "unblocked" }; for (let v286 = -1; v286 <= 1; v286 += 1 / 10) { v285.attempts++; let v287 = p501.getDirect(player, near, 2, 2) + v286; let v288 = near.x2 + v283 * Math.cos(v287); let v289 = near.y2 + v283 * Math.sin(v287); let v290 = gameObjects.find(p514 => p514.active && p501.getDistance(v288, v289, p514.x, p514.y) < v282.scale + (p514.blocker ? p514.blocker : p514.getScale(0.6, p514.isItem))); if (v290) { continue; } if (v289 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && v289 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) { continue; } v284++; v285.block = "blocked"; break; } if (v284) { my.anti0Tick = 1; healer(); buyEquip(6, 0); return true; } } } catch (_0x52bca4) { return null; } return false; }; this.protect = function (p515) { if (!configs.antiTrap) { return; } if (player.items[4]) { this.testCanPlace(2, -(Math.PI / 2), Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 18, p515 + Math.PI); this.antiTrapped = true; } }; this.ReTrap = function () { let v291 = p502.weapons[player.weaponIndex].range + 70; gameObjects.forEach(p516 => { if (enemy.length) { let v292 = p501.getDist(p516, player, 0, 2); let v293 = p501.getDirect(p516, player, 0, 2); game.tickBase(() => { if (near.dist2 <= v291 && p516.health <= 272.58 && PrePlaceCount < 15 && f25(p516, player) <= v291 || near.length && near.reloads[near.weaponIndex] <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1) || player.reloads[player.weaponIndex] * 1000 <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1)) { place(2, v293); } else if (near.dist2 > v291 && p516.health <= 272.58 && PrePlaceCount >= 0 && f25(p516, player) <= v291 || near.length && near.reloads[near.weaponIndex] <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1) || player.reloads[player.weaponIndex] * 1000 <= config.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 200 ? 2 : 1)) {} }, 1); } }); }; function f18(p517, p518) { try { return Math.hypot((p518.y2 || p518.y) - (p517.y2 || p517.y), (p518.x2 || p518.x) - (p517.x2 || p517.x)); } catch (_0x5b3b42) { return Infinity; } } function f19(p519) { return Math.sqrt(p519.xVel * p519.xVel + p519.yVel * p519.yVel); } function f20(p520) { return Math.atan2(p520.yVel, p520.xVel); } function f21() { let v294 = []; for (let v295 = 0; v295 < 360; v295 += 250) { v294.push(Math.PI / 180 * v295); } return v294; } this.protect = function (p521) { if (!getEl("antiTrap").checked) { return; } if (player.items[4] && near.dist2 <= 600) { this.testCanPlace(2, -(Math.PI / 2), Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 18, p521 + Math.PI); this.antiTrapped = true; } }; p501.deg2rad = function (p522) { return p522 * (Math.PI / 180); }; this.autoPlace = function () { if (secPacket >= 90) { return; } let v296; v296 = 250; const v297 = 45; const v298 = Math.PI / 24; if (enemy.length && game.tick % (Math.max(1, parseInt) || 1) === 0) { let v299 = { inTrap: false }; let v300 = gameObjects.find(p523 => p523.trap && p523.active && p523.isTeamObject(player) && p501.getDist(p523, near, 0, 2) <= near.scale + p523.getScale() + 5); v299.inTrap = !!v300; if (near.dist2 < 500 && near.dist2 > 350) { this.testCanPlace(4, 0, Math.PI * 2, Math.PI / 24, near.aim2); } if (near.dist2 <= 300 && (near.dist2 > v296 && !v299.inTrap || autoQ)) { if (v299.inTrap && near.dist2 <= 250) { checkPlace(2, near.aim2 + Math.PI); } else if (player.items[4] == 15) { checkPlace(4, near.aim2); } } else if (!v299.inTrap && (testMode ? enemy.length : near.dist2 <= v296)) { let v301 = p501.getDirect(near, player, 0, 2); let v302 = 70; const vF19 = f19(near); const vF20 = f20(near); if (near.dist2 <= v296) { if (player.items[4] == 15) { this.testCanPlace(4, p501.deg2rad(-90), p501.deg2rad(90), Math.PI / 24, v301, v302, { inTrap: true, enemyVelocity: vF19, enemyDirection: vF20 }); } } } else if (v299.inTrap) { let v303 = p501.getDirect(v300, player, 0, 2); let v304 = 70; const vF192 = f19(v300); const vF202 = f20(v300); if (near.dist2 <= 100) { let v305 = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; this.testCanPlace(2, v305, v305 + Math.PI * 2, v298, v303, v297, { inTrap: false, enemyVelocity: vF192, enemyDirection: vF202 }); } } } }; function f22(p524, p525, p526, p527) { return Math.atan2(p527 - p525, p526 - p524); } function f23(p528) { const v306 = 20; return p528.health < v306; } function f24() { this.info.health <= p502.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg * config.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(player.weaponIndex < 9 ? "prima" : "seconda") + "ryVariant"]].val * (p502.weapons[player.weaponIndex].sDmg || 1) * 3.3; autoQ = true; } function f25(p529, p530) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p530.y - p529.y, 2) + Math.pow(p530.x - p529.x, 2)); } let v307 = false; let v308 = false; var v309 = { draw3: { active: false, x: 0, y: 0, scale: 0 }, moveDir: undefined, lastPos: { x: 0, y: 0 } }; function f26(p531, p532) { return p531.x * p532.x + p531.y * p532.y; } function f27(p533) { return Math.sqrt(p533.x * p533.x + p533.y * p533.y); } function f28(p534, p535) { return { x: p535.x - p534.x, y: p535.y - p534.y }; } function f29(p536, p537) { let vF28 = f28(p536, p537); let v310 = { x: Math.cos(player.dir), y: Math.sin(player.dir) }; let vF26 = f26(v310, vF28); let v311 = f27(v310) * f27(vF28); let v312 = vF26 / v311; let v313 = Math.acos(v312); v313 *= 180 / Math.PI; if (v313 < 0) { v313 += 360; } return v313; } let v314 = false; function f30(p538, p539, p540) { const v315 = Math.abs(p538 - p539 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(near.yVel, near.xVel))); const v316 = 1 - v315 / p540; return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, v316)); } this.replacer = function (p541) { if (!p541 || !getEl("autoReplace").checked) { return; } if (!inGame) { return; } if (this.antiTrapped) { return; } this.angles = this.angles || []; game.tickBase(() => { let v317 = p501.getDirect(p541, player, 0, 2); let v318 = p501.getDist(p541, player, 0, 2); let v319 = Math.PI / 6; if (getEl("weaponGrind").checked && v318 <= p502.weapons[player.weaponIndex].range + player.scale) { return; } if (v318 <= 300 && near.dist2 <= 300) { let v320 = this.checkSpikeTick(); let v321 = p502.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5].range; if (!v320 && (near.dist2 <= v321 || traps.inTrap && v318 <= 150)) { let v322 = Math.atan2(player.y - p541.y, player.x - p541.x); let v323 = p501.getDist(p541, player, 0, 2); let v324 = 80; let v325 = Math.sqrt(near.xVel * near.xVel + near.yVel * near.yVel); let v326 = Math.atan2(near.yVel, near.xVel); let v327 = v322 + v325 * Math.cos(v326); let v328 = v323 + v325 * Math.sin(v326); this.angles.push(v327); if (this.angles.length > 5) { this.angles.shift(); } let v329 = this.angles.reduce((p542, p543) => p542 + p543, 0) / this.angles.length; v329 += v319; let v330 = Math.PI / 24 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 1000); let v331 = v329 + v330; this.testCanPlace(2, v331, v331 + Math.PI * 2, Math.PI / 24, v317, v324); } else if (player.items[4] === 15 || near.dist2 <= 100) { let v332 = Math.atan2(player.y - p541.y, player.x - p541.x); let v333 = p501.getDist(p541, player, 0, 2); let v334 = 70; let v335 = Math.sqrt(near.xVel * near.xVel + near.yVel * near.yVel); let v336 = Math.atan2(near.yVel, near.xVel); let v337 = v332 + v335 * Math.cos(v336); let v338 = v333 + v335 * Math.sin(v336); this.angles.push(v337); if (this.angles.length > 5) { this.angles.shift(); } let v339 = this.angles.reduce((p544, p545) => p544 + p545, 0) / this.angles.length; v339 += v319; let v340 = v339 + Math.PI; if (player.items[4] == 15) { this.testCanPlace(4, v340, v340 + Math.PI * 2, Math.PI / 24, v317, v334); } } } let v341 = []; gameObjects.forEach(p546 => { if (p546.dmg === true && p546.isTeamObj(player)) { v341.push(p546); } }); if (v308) { if (player.items[4] == 15) { this.testCanPlace(4, 0, Math.PI * 2, Math.PI / 24, v317, 1); } v308 = false; } let v342 = false; v341.forEach(p547 => { if (p501.getDist(p547, player, 0, 2) <= 200) { let v343 = Math.atan2(p547.y2 - player.y2, p547.x2 - player.x2); let v344 = Math.atan2(near.y2 - p547.y2, near.x2 - p547.x2); let v345 = p501.nearestAngle(v343, v344); let v346 = 87; let v347 = player.x2 + v346 * Math.cos(v345); let v348 = player.y2 + v346 * Math.sin(v345); let v349 = p501.getDist(near, { x2: v347, y2: v348 }, 0, 2); if (p501.getDist(p541, near, 0, 2) <= 87 && v349 > 1 + v346) { place(2, v345); v342 = true; } } }); if (!v342) { if (near.dist2 <= 250 && !v307) { for (let v350 = 0; v350 < 24; v350 += 2) { let v351 = Math.PI * 2 * v350 / 24; this.testCanPlace(2, v351, v351 + Math.PI / 24, Math.PI / 24, v317, 1); v308 = true; break; } } if (v318 <= 250 && near.dist2 <= 250) { let v352 = this.checkSpikeTick(); if (!v352 && near.dist3 <= p502.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5 || 7 || 4 || 0].range + near.scale * 1.8) { for (let v353 = 0; v353 < 24; v353 += 2) { let v354 = Math.PI * 2 * v353 / 24; this.testCanPlace(2, v354, v354 + Math.PI / 24, Math.PI / 24, v317, 1); this.testCanPlace(2, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, near, v317, 1); v307 = true; break; } } else if (player.items[4] == 15) { this.testCanPlace(4, 0, Math.PI * 2, Math.PI / 24, v317, 1); } this.replaced = true; } } }, 1); }; this.replacer = function (p548) { const v355 = gameObjects.filter(p549 => p549.trap && p549.active).sort((p550, p551) => p501.getDist(p550, near, 0, 2) - p501.getDist(p551, near, 0, 2)).find(p552 => { const v356 = Math.hypot(p552.y - near.y2, p552.x - near.x2); return p552 !== player && (player.sid === p552.owner.sid || findAllianceBySid(p552.owner.sid)) && v356 <= 50; }); if (!p548 || !configs.autoReplace) { return; } if (!inGame) { return; } if (this.antiTrapped) { return; } if (v357 <= p502.weapons[player.weaponIndex].range + player.scale) { return; } let v357 = p501.getDist(p548, player, 0, 2); let v358 = p501.getDirect(p548, player, 0, 2); if (v357 <= 400 && near.dist2 <= 400) { if (near.dist2 < 250) { for (let v359 = 0; v359 < Math.PI * 2; v359 += Math.PI / 9) { checkPlace(2, near.aim2 + v359); } } else { for (let v360 = 0; v360 < Math.PI * 2; v360 += Math.PI / 9) { checkPlace(4, near.aim2 + v360); } } this.replaced = true; } }; } } ; class Instakill { constructor() { this.wait = false; this.can = false; this.isTrue = false; this.nobull = false; this.ticking = false; this.canSpikeTick = false; this.canSpikeSync = false; this.startTick = false; this.readyTick = false; this.canCounter = false; this.revTick = false; this.syncHit = false; this.changeType = function (p553) { this.wait = false; this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; let v361 = [p553]; let v362 = near.backupNobull; near.backupNobull = false; if (p553 == "rev") { healer1(); selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); sendAutoGather(); setTimeout(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); setTimeout(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 225); }, 100); } else if (p553 == "nobull") { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); healer1(); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); setTimeout(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(player.reloads[53] == 0 ? 53 : 6, 0); setTimeout(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 255); }, 105); } else if (p553 == "normal") { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); healer1(); buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(player.reloads[53] == 0 ? 53 : 6, 0); setTimeout(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 100); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(() => { this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 50); } }; this.syncTry = function () { if (getEl("synctype").value == "rangesync") { buyEquip(53, 0); game.tickBase(() => { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { my.autoAim = false; this.isTrue = false; sendAutoGather(); }, 1); }, 2); } else if (getEl("synctype").value == "instasync") { return "insta them"; } else { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); } else { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; } }, 1); } ; }; this.spikeTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); } else { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; } }, 1); }; this.counterType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && getEl("turretCombat").checked) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(53, 0); buyEquip(21, 1); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; }, 1); } else { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; } }, 1); }; this.oneTickType = function () { this.isTrue = true; my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(53, 0); packet("f", near.aim2, 1); if (player.weapons[1] == 15) { my.revAim = true; sendAutoGather(); } game.tickBase(() => { my.revAim = false; selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); buyEquip(7, 0); buyEquip(19, 1); packet("f", near.aim2, 1); if (player.weapons[1] != 15) { sendAutoGather(); } game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); this.isTrue = false; my.autoAim = false; packet("f", undefined, 1); }, 1); }, 1); }; this.gotoGoal = function (p554, p555) { let vF = p556 => p556 * config.playerScale; let v363 = { a: p554 - p555, b: p554 + p555, c: p554 - vF(1), d: p554 + vF(1), e: p554 - vF(2), f: p554 + vF(2), g: p554 - vF(4), h: p554 + vF(4) }; let vF2 = function (p557, p558) { if (player.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && player.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2 && p558 == 0) { buyEquip(31, 0); } else { buyEquip(p557, p558); } }; if (enemy.length) { let v364 = near.dist2; this.ticking = true; if (v364 >= v363.a && v364 <= v363.b) { vF2(22, 0); vF2(11, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } return { dir: undefined, action: 1 }; } else { if (v364 < v363.a) { if (v364 >= v363.g) { if (v364 >= v363.e) { if (v364 >= v363.c) { vF2(40, 0); vF2(21, 1); if (getEl("slowOT").checked) { if (player.buildIndex != player.items[1]) { selectToBuild(player.items[1]); } } else if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } else { vF2(26, 0); vF2(21, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { vF2(26, 0); vF2(12, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { biomeGear(); vF2(11, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } return { dir: near.aim2 + Math.PI, action: 0 }; } else if (v364 > v363.b) { if (v364 <= v363.h) { if (v364 <= v363.f) { if (v364 <= v363.d) { vF2(40, 0); vF2(9, 1); if (getEl("slowOT").checked) { if (player.buildIndex != player.items[1]) { selectToBuild(player.items[1]); } } else if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } else { vF2(22, 0); vF2(19, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { vF2(6, 0); vF2(12, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } } else { biomeGear(); vF2(19, 1); if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[[10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 1 : 0]); } } return { dir: near.aim2, action: 0 }; } return { dir: undefined, action: 0 }; } } else { this.ticking = false; return { dir: undefined, action: 0 }; } }; this.bowMovement = function () { let v365 = this.gotoGoal(685, 3); if (v365.action) { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) { this.rangeType("ageInsta"); } else { packet("f", v365.dir, 1); } } else { packet("f", v365.dir, 1); } }; this.tickMovement = function () { let v366 = this.gotoGoal([10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) && player.y2 > config.snowBiomeTop ? 240 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 250 : player.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop ? [10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? 270 : 265 : 275, 3); if (v366.action) { if (![6, 22].includes(near.skinIndex) && player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) { if ([10, 14].includes(player.weapons[1]) && player.y2 > config.snowBiomeTop || player.weapons[1] == 15) { this.oneTickType(); } else { this.threeOneTickType(); } } else { packet("f", v366.dir, 1); } } else { packet("f", v366.dir, 1); } }; this.kmTickMovement = function () { let v367 = this.gotoGoal(240, 3); if (v367.action) { if (near.skinIndex != 22 && player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue && (game.tick - near.poisonTick) % config.serverUpdateRate == 8) { this.kmTickType(); } else { packet("f", v367.dir, 1); } } else { packet("f", v367.dir, 1); } }; this.boostTickMovement = function () { let v368 = player.weapons[1] == 9 ? 365 : player.weapons[1] == 12 ? 380 : player.weapons[1] == 13 ? 390 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 365 : 370; let v369 = player.weapons[1] == 9 ? 2 : player.weapons[1] == 12 ? 1.5 : player.weapons[1] == 13 ? 1.5 : player.weapons[1] == 15 ? 2 : 3; let v370 = this.gotoGoal(v368, v369); if (v370.action) { if (player.reloads[53] == 0 && !this.isTrue) { this.boostTickType(); } else { packet("f", v370.dir, 1); } } else { packet("f", v370.dir, 1); } }; this.perfCheck = function (p559, p560) { if (p560.weaponIndex == 11 && UTILS.getAngleDist(p560.aim2 + Math.PI, p560.d2) <= config.shieldAngle) { return false; } if (![9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1])) { return true; } let v371 = { x: p560.x2 + Math.cos(p560.aim2 + Math.PI) * 70, y: p560.y2 + Math.sin(p560.aim2 + Math.PI) * 70 }; if (UTILS.lineInRect(p559.x2 - p559.scale, p559.y2 - p559.scale, p559.x2 + p559.scale, p559.y2 + p559.scale, v371.x, v371.y, v371.x, v371.y)) { return true; } let v372 = ais.filter(p561 => p561.visible).find(p562 => { if (UTILS.lineInRect(p562.x2 - p562.scale, p562.y2 - p562.scale, p562.x2 + p562.scale, p562.y2 + p562.scale, v371.x, v371.y, v371.x, v371.y)) { return true; } }); if (v372) { return false; } v372 = gameObjects.filter(p563 => p563.active).find(p564 => { let v373 = p564.getScale(); if (!p564.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(p564.x - v373, p564.y - v373, p564.x + v373, p564.y + v373, v371.x, v371.y, v371.x, v371.y)) { return true; } }); if (v372) { return false; } return true; }; } } ; class Autobuy { constructor(p565, p566) { this.hat = function () { p565.forEach(p567 => { let vFindID3 = findID(hats, p567); if (vFindID3 && !player.skins[p567] && player.points >= vFindID3.price) { packet("c", 1, p567, 0); } }); }; this.acc = function () { p566.forEach(p568 => { let vFindID4 = findID(accessories, p568); if (vFindID4 && !player.tails[p568] && player.points >= vFindID4.price) { packet("c", 1, p568, 1); } }); }; } } ; class Autoupgrade { constructor() { this.sb = function (p569) { p569(3); p569(17); p569(31); p569(23); p569(9); p569(38); }; this.kh = function (p570) { p570(3); p570(17); p570(31); p570(23); p570(10); p570(38); p570(4); p570(25); }; this.pb = function (p571) { p571(5); p571(17); p571(32); p571(23); p571(9); p571(38); }; this.ph = function (p572) { p572(5); p572(17); p572(32); p572(23); p572(10); p572(38); p572(28); p572(25); }; this.db = function (p573) { p573(7); p573(17); p573(31); p573(23); p573(9); p573(34); }; this.km = function (p574) { p574(7); p574(17); p574(31); p574(23); p574(10); p574(38); p574(4); p574(15); }; } } ; class Damages { constructor(p575) { this.calcDmg = function (p576, p577) { return p576 * p577; }; this.getAllDamage = function (p578) { return [this.calcDmg(p578, 0.75), p578, this.calcDmg(p578, 1.125), this.calcDmg(p578, 1.5)]; }; this.weapons = []; for (let v374 = 0; v374 < p575.weapons.length; v374++) { let v375 = p575.weapons[v374]; let v376 = v375.name.split(" ").length <= 1 ? v375.name : v375.name.split(" ")[0] + "_" + v375.name.split(" ")[1]; this.weapons.push(this.getAllDamage(v374 > 8 ? v375.Pdmg : v375.dmg)); this[v376] = this.weapons[v374]; } } } let tmpList = []; let UTILS = new Utils(); let items = new Items(); let objectManager = new Objectmanager(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config); let store = new Store(); let hats = store.hats; let accessories = store.accessories; let projectileManager = new ProjectileManager(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS); let aiManager = new AiManager(ais, AI, players, items, null, config, UTILS); let textManager = new Textmanager(); let traps = new Traps(UTILS, items); let instaC = new Instakill(); let sCombat = new Combat(UTILS, items); let autoBuy = new Autobuy([40, 6, 7, 22, 53, 15, 31], [11, 19, 21, 13]); let autoUpgrade = new Autoupgrade(); let lastDeath; let minimapData; let mapMarker = {}; let mapPings = []; let tmpPing; let breakTrackers = []; let pathFindTest = 0; let grid = []; let pathFind = { active: false, grid: 40, scale: 1440, x: 14400, y: 14400, chaseNear: false, array: [], lastX: this.grid / 2, lastY: this.grid / 2 }; function sendChat(p579) { packet("6", p579.slice(0, 30)); } let runAtNextTick = []; function checkProjectileHolder(p580, p581, p582, p583, p584, p585, p586, p587) { let v377 = p585 == 0 ? 9 : p585 == 2 ? 12 : p585 == 3 ? 13 : p585 == 5 && 15; let v378 = config.playerScale * 2; let v379 = { x: p585 == 1 ? p580 : p580 - v378 * Math.cos(p582), y: p585 == 1 ? p581 : p581 - v378 * Math.sin(p582) }; let v380 = players.filter(p588 => p588.visible && UTILS.getDist(v379, p588, 0, 2) <= p588.scale).sort(function (p589, p590) { return UTILS.getDist(v379, p589, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(v379, p590, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v380) { if (p585 == 1) { v380.shooting[53] = 1; } else { v380.shootIndex = v377; v380.shooting[1] = 1; antiProj(v380, p582, p583, p584, p585, v377); } } } let projectileCount = 0; function antiProj(p591, p592, p593, p594, p595, p596) { if (!p591.isTeam(player)) { tmpDir = UTILS.getDirect(player, p591, 2, 2); if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, p592) <= 0.2) { p591.bowThreat[p596]++; if (p595 == 5) { projectileCount++; } setTimeout(() => { p591.bowThreat[p596]--; if (p595 == 5) { projectileCount--; } }, p593 / p594); if (p591.bowThreat[9] >= 1 && (p591.bowThreat[12] >= 1 || p591.bowThreat[15] >= 1)) { place(1, p591.aim2); my.anti0Tick = 4; if (!my.antiSync) { antiSyncHealing(4); } } else if (projectileCount >= 2) { place(1, p591.aim2); healer(); buyEquip(22, 0); buyEquip(13, 1); my.anti0Tick = 4; if (!my.antiSync) { autoQ = true; antiSyncHealing(4); } } else if (projectileCount === 1) { buyEquip(6, 0); buyEquip(26, 0); healer(); game.tickBase(() => {}, 2); } } } } function showItemInfo(p597, p598, p599) { if (player && p597) { UTILS.removeAllChildren(itemInfoHolder); itemInfoHolder.classList.add("visible"); UTILS.generateElement({ id: "itemInfoName", text: UTILS.capitalizeFirst(p597.name), parent: itemInfoHolder }); UTILS.generateElement({ id: "itemInfoDesc", text: p597.desc, parent: itemInfoHolder }); if (p599) {} else if (p598) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: "itemInfoReq", text: !p597.type ? "primary" : "secondary", parent: itemInfoHolder }); } else { for (let v381 = 0; v381 < p597.req.length; v381 += 2) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: "itemInfoReq", html: p597.req[v381] + "<span class='itemInfoReqVal'> x" + p597.req[v381 + 1] + "</span>", parent: itemInfoHolder }); } if (p597.group.limit) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: "itemInfoLmt", text: (player.itemCounts[p597.group.id] || 0) + "/" + (config.isSandbox ? 99 : p597.group.limit), parent: itemInfoHolder }); } } } else { itemInfoHolder.classList.remove("visible"); } } window.addEventListener("resize", UTILS.checkTrusted(resize)); function resize() { screenWidth = window.innerWidth; screenHeight = window.innerHeight; let v382 = Math.max(screenWidth / maxScreenWidth, screenHeight / maxScreenHeight) * pixelDensity; gameCanvas.width = screenWidth * pixelDensity; gameCanvas.height = screenHeight * pixelDensity; gameCanvas.style.width = screenWidth + "px"; gameCanvas.style.height = screenHeight + "px"; mainContext.setTransform(v382, 0, 0, v382, (screenWidth * pixelDensity - maxScreenWidth * v382) / 2, (screenHeight * pixelDensity - maxScreenHeight * v382) / 2); } resize(); var usingTouch; const mals = document.getElementById("touch-controls-fullscreen"); mals.style.display = "block"; mals.addEventListener("mousemove", gameInput, false); function gameInput(p600) { mouseX = p600.clientX; mouseY = p600.clientY; } let clicks = { left: false, middle: false, right: false }; mals.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown, false); function mouseDown(p601) { if (attackState != 1) { attackState = 1; if (p601.button == 0) { my.autoAim = true; clicks.left = true; } else if (p601.button == 1) { clicks.middle = true; } else if (p601.button == 2) { clicks.right = true; } } } mals.addEventListener("mouseup", UTILS.checkTrusted(mouseUp)); function mouseUp(p602) { if (attackState != 0) { attackState = 0; if (p602.button == 0) { my.autoAim = false; clicks.left = false; } else if (p602.button == 1) { clicks.middle = false; } else if (p602.button == 2) { clicks.right = false; } } } mals.addEventListener("wheel", wheel, false); function wheel(p603) { if (player.shameCount > 1 && !near) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(6, 0); } } function getMoveDir() { let v383 = 0; let v384 = 0; for (let v385 in moveKeys) { let v386 = moveKeys[v385]; v383 += !!keys[v385] * v386[0]; v384 += !!keys[v385] * v386[1]; } if (v383 == 0 && v384 == 0) { return undefined; } else { return Math.atan2(v384, v383); } } function getSafeDir() { if (!player) { return 0; } if (!player.lockDir) { lastDir = Math.atan2(mouseY - screenHeight / 2, mouseX - screenWidth / 2); } return lastDir || 0; } function getAttackDir(p604) { if (p604) { if (!player) { return "0"; } if (my.autoAim || (clicks.left || useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? "getSafeDir()" : enemy.length ? my.revAim ? "(near.aim2 + Math.PI)" : "near.aim2" : "getSafeDir()"; } else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = "getSafeDir()"; } else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = "traps.aim"; } else if (!player.lockDir) { if (getEl("noDir").checked) { return "undefined"; } lastDir = "getSafeDir()"; } return lastDir; } else { if (!player) { return 0; } if (my.autoAim || (clicks.left || useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? getSafeDir() : enemy.length ? my.revAim ? near.aim2 + Math.PI : near.aim2 : getSafeDir(); } else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = getSafeDir(); } else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = traps.aim; } else if (!player.lockDir) { if (getEl("noDir").checked) { return undefined; } lastDir = getSafeDir(); } return lastDir || 0; } } function getVisualDir() { if (!player) { return 0; } if (my.autoAim || (clicks.left || useWasd && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? getSafeDir() : enemy.length ? my.revAim ? near.aim2 + Math.PI : near.aim2 : getSafeDir(); } else if (clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = getSafeDir(); } else if (traps.inTrap && player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { lastDir = traps.aim; } else if (!player.lockDir) { lastDir = getSafeDir(); } return lastDir || 0; } function keysActive() { return allianceMenu.style.display != "block" && chatHolder.style.display != "block" && !menuCBFocus; } function toggleMenuChat() { if (menuChatDiv.style.display != "none") { let vF3 = function (p605) { return { found: p605.startsWith("/") && commands[p605.slice(1).split(" ")[0]] }; }; let vVF3 = vF3(menuChatBox.value); if (vVF3.found) { if (typeof vVF3.fv.action === "function") { vVF3.fv.action(menuChatBox.value); } } else { sendChat(menuChatBox.value); } menuChatBox.value = ""; menuChatBox.blur(); } else if (menuCBFocus) { menuChatBox.blur(); } else { menuChatBox.focus(); } } function keyDown(p606) { let v387 = p606.which || p606.keyCode || 0; if (player && player.alive && keysActive()) { if (!keys[v387]) { keys[v387] = 1; macro[p606.key] = 1; if (v387 == 27) { openMenu = !openMenu; $("#menuDiv").toggle(); $("#menuChatDiv").toggle(); } else if (v387 == 69) { sendAutoGather(); } else if (v387 == 67) { updateMapMarker(); } else if (player.weapons[v387 - 49] != undefined) { player.weaponCode = player.weapons[v387 - 49]; } else if (moveKeys[v387]) { sendMoveDir(); } else if (p606.key == "m") { pads.placeSpawnPads = !pads.placeSpawnPads; } else if (p606.key == "z") { mills.place = !mills.place; } else if (p606.key == "0") { sendChat(".sync"); } else if (p606.key == "Z") { if (typeof window.debug == "function") { window.debug(); } } else if (v387 == 32) { packet("F", 1, getSafeDir(), 1); packet("F", 0, getSafeDir(), 1); } else if (p606.key == ",") { io.send("6", "syncon"); project.send(JSON.stringify(["tezt", "ratio"])); botSkts.push([botPlayer]); for (let v388 = 0; v388 < botz.length; v388++) { if (botz[v388][0]) { botz[v388][0].zync(near); console.log(botz[v388][0]); } project.send("tezt"); botSkts.forEach(p607 => { p607.zync(); }); io.send("S", 1); } } } } } let intervalId; document.addEventListener("keydown", function (p608) { if (["allianceinput", "chatbox", "nameinput", "storeHolder"].includes(document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase())) { return null; } if (p608.key === "p") { songChat = !songChat; if (songChat) { playSongLyrics(); } } }); function oneTick() { my.autoAim = true; buyEquip(53, 0); selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); game.tickBase(() => { buyEquip(7, 0); sendAutoGather(); game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.autoAim = false; }, 1); }, 1); } let songChat = false; const lyrics = [{ line: "I'm going back to 505", delay: 0 }, { line: "If it's a 7 hour flight", delay: 3000 }, { line: "Or a 45 minute drive", delay: 2000 }, { line: "In my imagination", delay: 3000 }, { line: "You're waiting lying", delay: 2000 }, { line: "on your side", delay: 2000 }, { line: "With your hands", delay: 2000 }, { line: "between your thighs", delay: 1000 }, { line: "Stop and wait a sec", delay: 6000 }, { line: "When you look at me", delay: 2000 }, { line: "like that", delay: 2000 }, { line: "My darling, what did", delay: 1500 }, { line: "you expect?", delay: 2000 }, { line: "I probably still adore you", delay: 3000 }, { line: "With your hands around", delay: 2000 }, { line: "my neck", delay: 2000 }, { line: "Or I did last time", delay: 2500 }, { line: "I checked", delay: 2000 }, { line: "Not shy of a spark", delay: 7000 }, { line: "The knife twists", delay: 2500 }, { line: "at the thought", delay: 2000 }, { line: "That I should fall short", delay: 2500 }, { line: "of the mark", delay: 2000 }, { line: "Frightened by the bite", delay: 3000 }, { line: "Though it's no harsher", delay: 2500 }, { line: "than the bark", delay: 2000 }, { line: "A middle of adventure", delay: 4000 }, { line: "Such a perfect place", delay: 4000 }, { line: "to start", delay: 2000 }, { line: "I'm going back to 505", delay: 7000 }, { line: "If it's a 7 hour flight", delay: 3000 }, { line: "Or a 45 minute drive", delay: 2000 }, { line: "In my imagination", delay: 3000 }, { line: "You're waiting lying", delay: 2000 }, { line: "on your side", delay: 2000 }, { line: "With your hands", delay: 2000 }, { line: "between your thighs", delay: 1000 }, { line: "But I crumble completely", delay: 12000 }, { line: "When you cry", delay: 2500 }, { line: "It seems like once again", delay: 4000 }, { line: "You've had to greet me", delay: 2000 }, { line: "with goodbye", delay: 2000 }, { line: "I'm always just about to", delay: 3000 }, { line: "Go and spoil a surprise", delay: 2000 }, { line: "Take my hands off", delay: 3000 }, { line: "of your eyes", delay: 2000 }, { line: "Too soon", delay: 2000 }, { line: "I'm going back to 505", delay: 7000 }, { line: "If it's a 7 hour flight", delay: 3000 }, { line: "Or a 45 minute drive", delay: 2000 }, { line: "In my imagination", delay: 3000 }, { line: "You're waiting lying", delay: 2000 }, { line: "on your side", delay: 2000 }, { line: "With your hands", delay: 2000 }, { line: "between your thighs", delay: 1000 }]; function playSongLyrics() { let v389 = 0; for (let v390 = 0; v390 < lyrics.length; v390++) { const { line: _0x37349f, delay: _0x28153a } = lyrics[v390]; v389 += _0x28153a; setTimeout(() => { if (songChat) { sendChat(_0x37349f); } }, v389); } } addEventListener("keydown", UTILS.checkTrusted(keyDown)); function keyUp(p609) { if (player && player.alive) { let v391 = p609.which || p609.keyCode || 0; if (v391 == 13) { toggleMenuChat(); } else if (keysActive()) { if (keys[v391]) { keys[v391] = 0; macro[p609.key] = 0; if (moveKeys[v391]) { sendMoveDir(); } else if (p609.key == ",") { player.sync = false; } } } } } window.addEventListener("keyup", UTILS.checkTrusted(keyUp)); function sendMoveDir() { if (found) { packet("f", undefined, 1); } else { let vGetMoveDir = getMoveDir(); if (lastMoveDir == undefined || vGetMoveDir == undefined || Math.abs(vGetMoveDir - lastMoveDir) > 0.3) { if (!my.autoPush && !found) { packet("f", vGetMoveDir, 1); } lastMoveDir = vGetMoveDir; } } } function bindEvents() {} bindEvents(); function chechPathColl(p610) { return (player.scale + p610.getScale()) / (player.maxSpeed * items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].spdMult) + (p610.dmg && !p610.isTeamObject(player) ? 35 : 0); if (p610.colDiv == 0.5) { return p610.scale * p610.colDiv; } else if (!p610.isTeamObject(player) && p610.dmg) { return p610.scale + player.scale; } else if (p610.isTeamObject(player) && p610.trap) { return 0; } else { return p610.scale; } } function checkObject() { let v392 = gameObjects.filter(p611 => player.canSee(p611) && p611.active); for (let v393 = 0; v393 < pathFind.grid; v393++) { grid[v393] = []; for (let v394 = 0; v394 < pathFind.grid; v394++) { let v395 = { x: player.x2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid * v394, y: player.y2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid * v393 }; if (UTILS.getDist(pathFind.chaseNear ? near : pathFind, v395, pathFind.chaseNear ? 2 : 0, 0) <= (pathFind.chaseNear ? 35 : 60)) { pathFind.lastX = v394; pathFind.lastY = v393; grid[v393][v394] = 0; continue; } let v396 = v392.find(p612 => UTILS.getDist(p612, v395, 0, 0) <= chechPathColl(p612)); if (v396) { if (v396.trap) { grid[v393][v394] = 0; continue; } grid[v393][v394] = 1; } else { grid[v393][v394] = 0; } } } } function createPath() { grid = []; checkObject(); } function Pathfinder() { pathFind.scale = config.maxScreenWidth / 2 * 1.3; if (!traps.inTrap && (pathFind.chaseNear ? enemy.length : true)) { if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) { packet("f", undefined, 1); } else { createPath(); easystar.setGrid(grid); easystar.setAcceptableTiles([0]); easystar.enableDiagonals(); easystar.findPath(grid[0].length / 2, grid.length / 2, pathFind.lastX, pathFind.lastY, function (p613) { if (p613 === null) { pathFind.array = []; if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) { packet("f", undefined, 1); } else { packet("f", near.aim2, 1); } } else { pathFind.array = p613; if (pathFind.array.length > 1) { let v397 = { x: player.x2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid * p613[1].x, y: player.y2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid * p613[1].y }; packet("f", UTILS.getDirect(v397, player, 0, 2), 1); } } }); easystar.calculate(); } } } let isItemSetted = []; function updateItemCountDisplay(p614 = undefined) { for (let v398 = 3; v398 < items.list.length; ++v398) { let v399 = items.list[v398].group.id; let v400 = items.weapons.length + v398; if (!isItemSetted[v400]) { isItemSetted[v400] = document.createElement("div"); isItemSetted[v400].id = "itemCount" + v400; getEl("actionBarItem" + v400).appendChild(isItemSetted[v400]); isItemSetted[v400].style = "\n display: block;\n position: absolute;\n padding-left: 5px;\n font-size: 20px;\n font-family: 'Hammersmith One', cursive;\n color: #fff;\n "; isItemSetted[v400].innerHTML = player.itemCounts[v399] || 0; } else if (p614 == v399) { isItemSetted[v400].innerHTML = player.itemCounts[p614] || 0; } } } function fgdo(p615, p616) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p616.y - p615.y, 2) + Math.pow(p616.x - p615.x, 2)); } function autoPush() { let v401 = liztobj.filter(p617 => p617.trap && p617.active && p617.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(p617, near, 0, 2) <= near.scale + p617.getScale() + 5).sort(function (p618, p619) { return UTILS.getDist(p618, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p619, near, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v401) { let v402 = liztobj.filter(p620 => p620.dmg && p620.active && p620.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(p620, v401, 0, 0) <= near.scale + v401.scale + p620.scale).sort(function (p621, p622) { return UTILS.getDist(p621, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p622, near, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v402) { let v403 = Math.atan2(near.y2 - v402.y, near.x2 - v402.x); let v404 = { x: v402.x + Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(near, v402, 2, 0)) * 250, y: v402.y + Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(near, v402, 2, 0)) * 250, x2: v402.x + (UTILS.getDist(near, v402, 2, 0) + player.scale) * Math.cos(UTILS.getDirect(near, v402, 2, 0)) + Math.cos(25), y2: v402.y + (UTILS.getDist(near, v402, 2, 0) + player.scale) * Math.sin(UTILS.getDirect(near, v402, 2, 0)) + Math.sin(25) }; let v405 = liztobj.filter(p623 => p623.active).find(p624 => { let v406 = p624.getScale(); if (!p624.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(p624.x - v406, p624.y - v406, p624.x + v406, p624.y + v406, player.x2, player.y2, v404.x2, v404.y2)) { return true; } }); if (v405) { if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("f", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } else { my.autoPush = true; my.pushData = { x: v402.x + Math.cos(v403), y: v402.y + Math.sin(v403), x2: player.x2 + 30, y2: player.y2 + 30 }; let v407 = { x: near.x2 + Math.cos(v403) * 30, y: near.y2 + Math.sin(v403) * 60 }; let v408 = Math.atan2(v407.y - player.y2, v407.x - player.x2); packet("f", v408, 1); let v409 = player.scale / 10; if (UTILS.lineInRect(player.x2 - v409, player.y2 - v409, player.x2 + v409, player.y2 + v409, near.x2, near.y2, v404.x, v404.y)) { packet("f", near.aim2, 1); } else { packet("f", UTILS.getDirect(v404, player, 2, 2), 1); } } } else if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("f", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } else if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("f", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } } function knockBackPredict() { let v410 = { x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 0, y1: 0, instax: 0, instay: 0, turretx: 0, turrety: 0 }; let v411 = Math.atan2(near.y2 - player.y2, near.x2 - player.x2); let vInfinity = Infinity; let v412 = gameObjects.filter(p625 => p625.name == "pit trap" && p625.active && p625.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(p625, near, 0, 2) <= p625.getScale() + player.scale + 5).sort((p626, p627) => { return UTILS.getDist(p626, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.UTILS.getDist(p627, near, 0, 2); })[0]; if (near.dist2 - player.scale * 1.8 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range && !v412) { for (let v413 of gameObjects) { let vV410 = v410; if (v413.dmg && v413.active && v413.isTeamObject(player)) { let v414 = (items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].knock || 0) * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 2; let v415 = ![undefined, 9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1]) ? (items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].knock || 0) * items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].range + player.scale * 2 - 10 : player.weapons[1] != undefined ? 60 : 0; let v416 = v414 + v415; let v417 = player.reloads[53] == 0 ? v414 + v415 + 75 : v416; let v418 = near.x2 + v414 * Math.cos(v411); let v419 = near.y2 + v414 * Math.sin(v411); let v420 = near.x2 + v415 * Math.cos(v411); let v421 = near.y2 + v415 * Math.sin(v411); let v422 = near.x2 + v416 * Math.cos(v411); let v423 = near.y2 + v416 * Math.sin(v411); let v424 = near.x2 + v417 * Math.cos(v411); let v425 = near.y2 + v417 * Math.sin(v411); vV410.x0 = v418; vV410.y0 = v419; vV410.x1 = v420; vV410.y1 = v421; vV410.instax = v422; vV410.instay = v423; vV410.turretx = v424; vV410.turrety = v425; if (UTILS.getDist({ x: v418, y: v419 }, v413, 0, 0) <= v413.scale + player.scale && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) { return "insta them"; } if (UTILS.getDist({ x: v422, y: v423 }, v413, 0, 0) <= v413.scale + player.scale && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) { return "insta them"; } } } } else { v410 = { x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 0, y1: 0, instax: 0, instay: 0, turretx: 0, turrety: 0 }; } return false; } function addDeadPlayer(p628) { deadPlayers.push(new DeadPlayer(p628.x, p628.y, p628.dir, p628.buildIndex, p628.weaponIndex, p628.weaponVariant, p628.skinColor, p628.scale, p628.name)); } function setInitData(p629) { alliances = p629.teams; } function setupGame(p630) { keys = {}; macro = {}; playerSID = p630; attackState = 0; inGame = true; packet("F", 0, getAttackDir(), 1); my.ageInsta = true; if (firstSetup) { firstSetup = false; gameObjects.length = 0; liztobj.length = 0; } } function addPlayer(p631, p632) { let vFindPlayerByID = findPlayerByID(p631[0]); if (!vFindPlayerByID) { vFindPlayerByID = new Player(p631[0], p631[1], config, UTILS, projectileManager, objectManager, players, ais, items, hats, accessories); players.push(vFindPlayerByID); if (p631[1] != playerSID) { notif2("Encountered", p631[2]); } } else if (p631[1] != playerSID) { notif2("Encountered", p631[2]); } vFindPlayerByID.spawn(p632 ? true : null); vFindPlayerByID.visible = false; vFindPlayerByID.oldPos = { x2: undefined, y2: undefined }; vFindPlayerByID.x2 = undefined; vFindPlayerByID.y2 = undefined; vFindPlayerByID.x3 = undefined; vFindPlayerByID.y3 = undefined; vFindPlayerByID.setData(p631); if (p632) { if (!player) { window.prepareUI(vFindPlayerByID); } player = vFindPlayerByID; camX = player.x; camY = player.y; my.lastDir = 0; updateItems(); updateAge(); updateItemCountDisplay(); if (player.skins[7]) { my.reSync = true; } } } function removePlayer(p633) { for (let v426 = 0; v426 < players.length; v426++) { if (players[v426].id == p633) { players.splice(v426, 1); break; } } } Math.getDist = function (p634, p635) { try { let v427 = p635.x2 || p635.x; let v428 = p635.y2 || p635.y; let v429 = p634.x2 || p634.x; let v430 = p634.y2 || p634.y; return Math.sqrt((v429 -= v427) * v429 + (v430 -= v428) * v430); } catch (_0x3459c0) { return Infinity; } }; Math.getDir = function (p636, p637) { try { return Math.atan2((p637.y2 || p637.y) - (p636.y2 || p636.y), (p637.x2 || p637.x) - (p636.x2 || p636.x)); } catch (_0x182e83) { return 0; } }; let potSpikeReplace = 0; function dmgPot() { let v431 = 0; if (nears.length && player) { nears.forEach(p638 => { if (Math.getDist(player, p638) <= 300) { if (p638.primaryIndex && Math.getDist(player, p638) <= items.weapons[p638.primaryIndex].range + player.scale * 2) { if (p638.reloads[p638.primaryIndex] <= 0.2) { v431 += items.weapons[p638.primaryIndex].dmg * config.weaponVariants[p638.primaryVariant].val * 1.5; if (config.weaponVariants[p638.primaryVariant].src === "_r") { v431 += 5; } } else if (!p638.primaryIndex) { v431 += 60; } } if (p638.secondaryIndex && p638.reloads[p638.secondaryIndex] <= 0.2) { const v432 = p638.secondaryIndex === 10 ? items.weapons[p638.secondaryIndex].dmg : items.weapons[p638.secondaryIndex].Pdmg; v431 += v432; } else if (!p638.secondaryIndex) { v431 += 50; } if (p638.reloads[53] <= 0.2 || p638.reloads[53] >= 0.8 && Math.getDist(player, p638) >= 160) { v431 += 25; } else if (!p638.reloads[53]) { v431 += 25; } } }); liztobj.forEach(p639 => { if (p639.dmg && p639.active && p639.ownerSID != player.sid && !p639.isTeamObject(player)) { if (Math.getDist(p639, player) <= p639.scale + player.scale + 20) { v431 += p639.dmg; } } }); if (player.skinIndex === 7) { v431 += 5; } else if (player.skinIndex === 6) { v431 = v431 * 0.75; } else if (player.skinIndex === 13) { v431 = v431 - 3; } else if (player.skinIndex === 55) { if (player.currentReloads.primary === 1) { v431 = v431 - items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * 0.25; } } else if (player.skinIndex === 58) { if (player.currentReloads.primary === 1) { v431 = v431 - items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * 0.4; } } if (player.tailIndex === 13) { v431 = v431 - 3; } else if (player.tailIndex === 18) { if (player.currentReloads.primary === 1) { v431 = v431 - items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * 0.2; } } } return v431; } let prevTrap = false; let prevEnemyBullTick = 0; let enemyBullTick = 0; let lastTickDamage = 0; let skippedTicks = 0; let countBTicks = 0; let prevBullTick = 0; let lastBullTick = 0; function updateHealth(p640, p641) { let vFindPlayerBySID = findPlayerBySID(p640); let v433 = { weapon: this.secondaryIndex, variant: this.secondaryVariant }; if (!vFindPlayerBySID) { return; } if (vFindPlayerBySID) { vFindPlayerBySID.oldHealth = vFindPlayerBySID.health; vFindPlayerBySID.health = p641; vFindPlayerBySID.judgeShame(); if (vFindPlayerBySID.oldHealth > vFindPlayerBySID.health) { vFindPlayerBySID.timeDamaged = Date.now(); vFindPlayerBySID.damaged = vFindPlayerBySID.oldHealth - vFindPlayerBySID.health; let v434 = vFindPlayerBySID.damaged; vFindPlayerBySID = findPlayerBySID(p640); let v435 = false; if (vFindPlayerBySID.health <= 0) { if (!vFindPlayerBySID.death) { vFindPlayerBySID.death = true; addDeadPlayer(vFindPlayerBySID); } } if (vFindPlayerBySID == player) { if (vFindPlayerBySID.skinIndex == 7 && (v434 == 5 || vFindPlayerBySID.latestTail == 13 && v434 == 2)) { if (my.reSync) { my.reSync = false; vFindPlayerBySID.setBullTick = true; } v435 = true; } let v436 = true; let v437 = false; let v438 = player.empAnti; let v439 = true; let v440 = false; let v441 = true; let v442 = 85; let vGetAttacker = getAttacker(v434); let v443 = [0.25, 0.45].map(p642 => p642 * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg); let v444 = near.length ? !v435 && v443.includes(v434) && near[0].skinIndex == 11 && near[0].tailIndex == 21 : false; function f31(p643) { if (v438) { setTimeout(() => { healer(); }, p643); } ; } ; if (vGetAttacker.length) { let v445 = vGetAttacker.filter(p644 => { if (p644.dist2 <= (p644.weaponIndex < 9 ? 300 : 700)) { tmpDir = UTILS.getDirect(player, p644, 2, 2); if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, p644.d2) <= Math.PI) { return p644; } } }); if (v442 && player.dmg) { if (v442) { v442 = 65 || 80; if (v445.length) { let v446 = v444 ? 10 : 10; if (v434 > v446 && game.tick - vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer > 1) { vFindPlayerBySID.canEmpAnti = true; vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer = game.tick; let v447 = 4; if (vFindPlayerBySID.shameCount < v447) { healer(); } else { f31(v442); } } else { f31(v442); } } else { f31(v442); } } ; } ; } ; if (inGame) { let v448 = vFindPlayerBySID.weapons[0] == 4 ? 2 : 5; let v449 = v434 >= (v444 ? 8 : 20) && vFindPlayerBySID.damageThreat >= 20; if (v449 && v441 && game.tick - vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer > 1) {} if (v449 && v440) { setTimeout(() => { healer(); }, 120); } if (v449 && v436 && vFindPlayerBySID.primaryIndex !== "4" && game.tick - vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer > 1) ; if (v434 >= 20 && player.skinIndex == 11 && player.shameCount <= 3) { instaC.canCounter = true; } if (v434 >= 0 && v434 <= 66 && player.shameCount === 4 && vFindPlayerBySID.primaryIndex !== "4") { v440 = true; v436 = false; v437 = false; v441 = false; } else if (player.shameCount !== 4) { v440 = false; v436 = true; v441 = true; } if (v434 <= 66 && player.shameCount === 3 && vFindPlayerBySID.primaryIndex !== "4") { v436 = false; } else if (player.shameCount !== 3) { v436 = true; } if (v434 <= 66 && player.shameCount === 4 && vFindPlayerBySID.primaryIndex !== "4") { v437 = true; } else if (player.shameCount !== 4) { v437 = false; } if (v434 <= 66 && player.skinIndex != 6 && enemy.weaponIndex === 4) { game.tickBase(() => { healer1(); }, 2); } } ; let v450 = 100 - player.health; if (v434 >= (v444 ? 8 : 20) && vFindPlayerBySID.damageThreat >= 20 && v441 && game.tick - vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer > 1) { if (vFindPlayerBySID.reloads[53] == 0 && vFindPlayerBySID.reloads[vFindPlayerBySID.weapons[1]] == 0) { vFindPlayerBySID.canEmpAnti = true; } else { player.soldierAnti = true; } vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer = game.tick; let v451 = vFindPlayerBySID.weapons[0] == 4 ? 2 : 5; if (vFindPlayerBySID.shameCount < v451) { healer(); } else { game.tickBase(() => { healer(); }, 2); } if (v434 >= (v444 ? 8 : 20) && vFindPlayerBySID.damageThreat >= 20 && v440) { setTimeout(() => { healer(); }, 120); } let v452 = 100 - player.health; if (v434 >= (v444 ? 8 : 20) && vFindPlayerBySID.damageThreat >= 20 && v436 && vFindPlayerBySID.primaryIndex !== "4" && game.tick - vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer > 1) { if (vFindPlayerBySID.reloads[53] == 0 && vFindPlayerBySID.reloads[vFindPlayerBySID.weapons[1]] == 0) { vFindPlayerBySID.canEmpAnti = true; } else { player.soldierAnti = true; } vFindPlayerBySID.antiTimer = game.tick; let v453 = vFindPlayerBySID.weapons[0] == 4 ? 2 : 5; if (vFindPlayerBySID.shameCount < v453) { healer(); } else { game.tickBase(() => { healer(); }, 2); } } if (v434 >= 20 && player.skinIndex == 11 && player.shameCount <= 3) { instaC.canCounter = true; } } else { game.tickBase(() => { healer(); }, 2); } } else { vFindPlayerBySID.maxShameCount = Math.max(vFindPlayerBySID.maxShameCount, vFindPlayerBySID.shameCount); } } else if (!vFindPlayerBySID.setPoisonTick && (vFindPlayerBySID.damaged == 5 || vFindPlayerBySID.latestTail == 13 && vFindPlayerBySID.damaged == 2)) { vFindPlayerBySID.setPoisonTick = true; } } if (nears.length && vFindPlayerBySID.shameCount <= 5 && nears.some(p645 => [9, 12, 17, 15].includes(v433.weapon))) { if (near.reloads[near.secondaryIndex] == 0) { my.empAnti = true; my.soldierAnti = false; } else { my.soldierAnti = true; my.empAnti = false; } } } function killPlayer() { inGame = false; lastDeath = { x: player.x, y: player.y }; } function updateItemCounts(p646, p647) { if (player) { player.itemCounts[p646] = p647; updateItemCountDisplay(p646); } } function updateAge(p648, p649, p650) { var v454 = document.getElementById("ageText"); var v455 = document.getElementById("ageBarBody"); var v456 = document.getElementById("ageBarContainer"); document.getElementById("woodDisplay").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("stoneDisplay").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("foodDisplay").style.display = "none"; if (p648 !== undefined) { player.XP = p648; } if (p649 !== undefined) { player.maxXP = p649; } if (p650 !== undefined) { player.age = p650; } if (player.age >= 9) { v454.style.display = "none"; v455.style.display = "block"; v456.style.display = "block"; } else { v454.style.display = "none"; v455.style.display = "block"; v456.style.display = "block"; v454.innerHTML = "AGE " + player.age; v455.style.width = player.XP / player.maxXP * 100 + "%"; } } function updateUpgrades(p651, p652) { player.upgradePoints = p651; player.upgrAge = p652; if (p651 > 0) { tmpList.length = 0; UTILS.removeAllChildren(upgradeHolder); for (let v458 = 0; v458 < items.weapons.length; ++v458) { if (items.weapons[v458].age == p652 && (items.weapons[v458].pre == undefined || player.weapons.indexOf(items.weapons[v458].pre) >= 0)) { let v459 = UTILS.generateElement({ id: "upgradeItem" + v458, class: "actionBarItem", onmouseout: function () { showItemInfo(); }, parent: upgradeHolder }); v459.style.backgroundImage = getEl("actionBarItem" + v458).style.backgroundImage; tmpList.push(v458); } } for (let v460 = 0; v460 < items.list.length; ++v460) { if (items.list[v460].age == p652 && (items.list[v460].pre == undefined || player.items.indexOf(items.list[v460].pre) >= 0)) { let v461 = items.weapons.length + v460; let v462 = UTILS.generateElement({ id: "upgradeItem" + v461, class: "actionBarItem", onmouseout: function () { showItemInfo(); }, parent: upgradeHolder }); v462.style.backgroundImage = getEl("actionBarItem" + v461).style.backgroundImage; tmpList.push(v461); } } for (let v463 = 0; v463 < tmpList.length; v463++) { (function (p653) { let vGetEl = getEl("upgradeItem" + p653); vGetEl.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { packet("H", p653); }); UTILS.hookTouchEvents(vGetEl); if (getEl("autoUpgrade").checked) { let vParseInt = parseInt(getEl("autoUpgrade").checked); if (tmpList.length == 1) { packet("H", p653); } else if (["17", "31", "23", vParseInt].find(p654 => vGetEl.id.includes(p654))) { packet("H", p653); } } })(tmpList[v463]); } if (tmpList.length) { upgradeHolder.style.display = "block"; upgradeCounter.style.display = "block"; upgradeCounter.innerHTML = "SELECT ITEMS (" + p651 + ")"; } else { upgradeHolder.style.display = "none"; upgradeCounter.style.display = "none"; showItemInfo(); } } else { upgradeHolder.style.display = "none"; upgradeCounter.style.display = "none"; showItemInfo(); } } function killObject(p655) { let vFindObjectBySid2 = findObjectBySid(p655); objectManager.disableBySid(p655); if (player) { for (let v464 = 0; v464 < breakObjects.length; v464++) { if (breakObjects[v464].sid == p655) { breakObjects.splice(v464, 1); break; } } if (!player.canSee(vFindObjectBySid2)) { breakTrackers.push({ x: vFindObjectBySid2.x, y: vFindObjectBySid2.y }); } if (breakTrackers.length > 8) { breakTrackers.shift(); } traps.replacer(vFindObjectBySid2); } } function dotProduct(p656, p657) { return p656.x * p657.x + p656.y * p657.y; } function magnitude(p658) { return Math.sqrt(p658.x * p658.x + p658.y * p658.y); } function vectorDifference(p659, p660) { return { x: p660.x - p659.x, y: p660.y - p659.y }; } function calculateAngleUsingDotProduct(p661, p662) { let vVectorDifference = vectorDifference(p661, p662); let v465 = { x: Math.cos(player.dir), y: Math.sin(player.dir) }; let vDotProduct = dotProduct(v465, vVectorDifference); let v466 = magnitude(v465) * magnitude(vVectorDifference); let v467 = vDotProduct / v466; let v468 = Math.acos(v467); v468 *= 180 / Math.PI; if (v468 < 0) { v468 += 360; } return v468; } function calculatePerfectAngle(p663, p664, p665, p666) { return Math.atan2(p666 - p664, p665 - p663); } function killObjects(p667) { if (player) { objectManager.removeAllItems(p667); } } function setTickout(p668, p669) { if (!ticks.manage[ticks.tick + p669]) { ticks.manage[ticks.tick + p669] = [p668]; } else { ticks.manage[ticks.tick + p669].push(p668); } } function isAlly(p670, p671) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(p670); if (!tmpObj) { return; } if (p671) { let vFindPlayerBySID2 = findPlayerBySID(p671); if (!vFindPlayerBySID2) { return; } if (vFindPlayerBySID2.sid == p670) { return true; } else if (tmpObj.team) { if (tmpObj.team === vFindPlayerBySID2.team) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } if (!tmpObj) { return; } if (player.sid == p670) { return true; } else if (tmpObj.team) { if (tmpObj.team === player.team) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function caf(p672, p673) { try { return Math.atan2((p673.y2 || p673.y) - (p672.y2 || p672.y), (p673.x2 || p673.x) - (p672.x2 || p672.x)); } catch (_0x5de0cb) { return 0; } } let found = false; let autoQ = false; let autos = { insta: { todo: false, wait: false, count: 4, shame: 5 }, bull: false, antibull: 0, reloaded: false, stopspin: true }; let placeableSpikes = []; let placeableTraps = []; let placeableSpikesPREDICTS = []; function getDir(p674, p675) { try { return Math.atan2((p675.y2 || p675.y) - (p674.y2 || p674.y), (p675.x2 || p675.x) - (p674.x2 || p674.x)); } catch (_0x137f8a) { return 0; } } const getDistance = (p676, p677, p678, p679) => { let v469 = p678 - p676; let v470 = p679 - p677; return Math.sqrt(v469 * v469 + v470 * v470); }; const getPotentialDamage = (p680, p681) => { const v471 = p681.weapons[1] === 10 && !player.reloads[p681.weapons[1]] ? 1 : 0; const v472 = p681.weapons[v471]; if (player.reloads[v472]) { return 0; } const v473 = items.weapons[v472]; const v474 = getDistance(p680.x, p680.y, p681.x2, p681.y2) <= p680.getScale() + v473.range; if (p681.visible && v474) { return v473.dmg * (v473.sDmg || 1) * 3.3; } else { return 0; } }; const findPlacementAngle = (p682, p683, p684) => { if (!p684) { return null; } const v475 = Math.PI * 2; const v476 = Math.PI / 360; const v477 = items.list[p682.items[p683]]; let v478 = Math.atan2(p684.y - p682.y, p684.x - p682.x); let v479 = p682.scale + (v477.scale || 1) + (v477.placeOffset || 0); for (let v480 = 0; v480 < v475; v480 += v476) { let v481 = [(v478 + v480) % v475, (v478 - v480 + v475) % v475]; for (let v482 of v481) { let v483 = p682.x + v479 * Math.cos(v482); let v484 = p682.y + v479 * Math.sin(v482); if (objectManager.customCheckItemLocation(v483, v484, v477.scale, 0.6, v477.id, false, p682, p684, gameObjects, UTILS, config)) { return v482; } } } return null; }; const AutoReplace = () => { const v485 = []; const v486 = player.x; const v487 = player.y; const v488 = gameObjects.length; for (let v489 = 0; v489 < v488; v489++) { const v490 = gameObjects[v489]; if (v490.isItem && v490.active && v490.health > 0) { let v491 = players.reduce((p685, p686) => p685 + getPotentialDamage(v490, p686), 0); if (v490.health <= v491) { v485.push(v490); } } } const vF5 = () => { let v492 = gameObjects.filter(p687 => p687.trap && p687.active && p687.isTeamObject(player) && getDistance(p687.x, p687.y, v486, v487) <= p687.getScale() + 5); let v493 = gameObjects.find(p688 => p688.dmg && p688.active && p688.isTeamObject(player) && getDistance(p688.x, p688.y, v486, v487) < 87 && !v492.length); const v494 = v493 ? 4 : 2; v485.forEach(p689 => { let vFindPlacementAngle = findPlacementAngle(player, v494, p689); if (vFindPlacementAngle !== null) { place(v494, vFindPlacementAngle); if (getEl("placeVis").checked) { tracker.draw2.active = true; tracker.draw2.x = p689.x; tracker.draw2.y = p689.y; tracker.draw2.scale = p689.scale; } } }); }; const v495 = game.tickSpeed - (window.pingTime || 0) + (game.tickSpeed < 110 ? 15 : 15); if (near && near.dist2 <= 280) { let v496 = window.pingTime; if (v496 + 40 < window.pingTime) { v496 += 40; } else if (v496 + 25 < window.pingTime) { v495 += 25; } setTimeout(vF5, v495); tracker.draw2.active = false; } }; let lastPos = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let mills = { x: undefined, y: undefined, size: function (p690) { return p690 * 1.45; }, dist: function (p691) { return p691 * 1.8; }, active: config.isSandbox ? false : false, count: 0 }; let laztPoz = {}; let oldXY = { x: undefined, y: undefined }; function notif2(p692, p693) { let v497 = document.getElementById("notification-container"); if (!v497) { v497 = document.createElement("div"); v497.id = "notification-container"; v497.style.position = "fixed"; v497.style.top = "10%"; v497.style.left = "50%"; v497.style.transform = "translateX(-50%)"; v497.style.zIndex = "9999"; document.body.appendChild(v497); } const v498 = document.createElement("div"); v498.innerHTML = p692 + ": " + p693; v498.style.fontSize = "1.5rem"; v498.style.color = "white"; v498.style.opacity = "0"; v498.style.transition = "opacity 0.5s ease-in-out"; v498.style.padding = "10px"; v498.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)"; v498.style.borderRadius = "5px"; v498.style.boxShadow = "0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)"; v498.style.marginBottom = "10px"; v497.appendChild(v498); const v499 = new Audio("https://cdn.glitch.global/4c998580-5aaf-4a1a-8da3-e0c6b9f241a7/Audio_-_notification3_-_Creator_Store%20(1).mp3?v=1709582087126"); v499.volume = 0.4; v499.play(); setTimeout(function () { v498.style.opacity = "1"; }, 100); setTimeout(function () { v498.style.opacity = "0"; setTimeout(function () { v498.remove(); }, 500); }, 3000); } function notif(p694, p695) { let vPlayer = player; let vTextManager = textManager; if (typeof p694 !== "undefined") { vTextManager.showText(vPlayer.x, vPlayer.y, 40, 0.18, 1000, p694, "white"); } if (typeof p695 !== "undefined") { vTextManager.showText(vPlayer.x, vPlayer.y + 40, 30, 0.18, 1000, p695, "white"); } } const safeWalk = () => { let v500 = false; let v501 = null; let v502 = false; my.autoPush = false; pathFind.active = false; pathFind.chaseNear = false; const v503 = liztobj.sort((p696, p697) => Math.hypot(player.y2 - p696.y, player.x2 - p696.x) - Math.hypot(player.y2 - p697.y, player.x2 - p697.x)); const v504 = v503.filter(p698 => { return (p698.name === "spikes" || p698.name === "greater spikes" || p698.name === "spinning spikes" || p698.name === "poison spikes") && !isAlly(p698.owner.sid) && p698.owner.sid !== player.sid && fgdo(player, p698) < 250 && p698.active; }); const v505 = { x: player.x2 + (player.x2 - lastPos.x) * 1.2 + Math.cos(player.moveDir) * 50, y: player.y2 + (player.y2 - lastPos.y) * 1.2 + Math.sin(player.moveDir) * 50 }; for (let v506 = 0; v506 < v504.length; v506++) { if (fgdo(v504[v506], v505) < v504[v506].scale + player.scale + 3) { v500 = true; v501 = v504[v506]; break; } } const vF6 = () => { packet("D", Math.atan2(v501.y - player.y2, v501.x - player.x2)); }; const vF7 = () => { my.autoPush = false; pathFind.active = false; pathFind.chaseNear = false; selectWeapon(player.weapons[player.weapons[1] === 10 ? 1 : 0]); sendAutoGather(); buyEquip(40, 0); vF6(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); }; if (v500 && !traps.inTrap && !phantom.find(p699 => p699.sid === v501.sid)) { if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] === 0 && !instaC.isTrue && !clicks.left && !clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] === 0) { vF7(); } ; packet("e"); my.autoPush = false; pathFind.active = false; pathFind.chaseNear = false; v502 = true; tracker.draw3.active = true; tracker.draw3.x = v501.x; tracker.draw3.y = v501.y; tracker.draw3.scale = v501.scale; if (getEl("notifs").checked) { notif("Stop!"); } } else { v502 = false; tracker.draw3.active = false; packet("f", lastMoveDir, 1); } lastPos.x = player.x2; lastPos.y = player.y2; }; function updatePlayers(p700) { safeWalk(); if (player.shameCount > 0) { my.reSync = true; } else { my.reSync = false; } if (player.shameCount > 4) { player.chat.message = "danger"; player.chat.count = 1000; } if (near.shameCount > 4) { near.chat.message = "killable"; near.chat.count = 1000; } if (tmpObj == player) { if (!mills.x || !oldXY.x) { mills.x = oldXY.x = tmpObj.x2; } if (!mills.y || !oldXY.y) { mills.y = oldXY.y = tmpObj.y2; } } if (textManager.stack.length) { let v507 = []; let v508 = []; let v509 = 0; let v510 = 0; let v511 = { x: null, y: null }; let v512 = { x: null, y: null }; textManager.stack.forEach(p701 => { if (p701.value >= 0) { if (v509 == 0) { v511 = { x: p701.x, y: p701.y }; } v509 += Math.abs(p701.value); } else { if (v510 == 0) { v512 = { x: p701.x, y: p701.y }; } v510 += Math.abs(p701.value); } }); if (v510 > 0) { textManager.showText(v512.x, v512.y, Math.max(45, Math.min(50, v510)), 0.18, 500, v510, "#8ecc51"); } if (v509 > 0) { textManager.showText(v511.x, v511.y, Math.max(45, Math.min(50, v509)), 0.18, 500, v509, "#fff"); } textManager.stack = []; } if (runAtNextTick.length) { runAtNextTick.forEach(p702 => { checkProjectileHolder(...p702); }); runAtNextTick = []; } function f32(p703) { let v513 = liztobj.sort((p704, p705) => Math.hypot(p703.y - p704.y, p703.x - p704.x) - Math.hypot(p703.y - p705.y, p703.x - p705.x)); let v514 = v513.filter(p706 => p706.dmg && cdf(player, p706) < 200 && !p706.isTeamObject(player) && p706.active); let v515 = { x: p703.x + (player.oldPos.x2 - p703.x) * -2, y: p703.y + (player.oldPos.y2 - p703.y) * -2, x: player.x2 + (player.oldPos.x2 - player.x2) * -1, y: player.y2 + (player.oldPos.y2 - player.y2) * -1 }; let v516 = false; for (let v517 = 0; v517 < v514.length; v517++) { if (cdf(v515, v514[v517]) < player.scale + v514[v517].scale) { v516 = true; } } player.oldPos.x2 = p703.x2; player.oldPos.y2 = p703.y2; } game.tick++; enemy = []; nears = []; near = []; game.tickSpeed = performance.now() - game.lastTick; game.lastTick = performance.now(); players.forEach(p707 => { p707.forcePos = !p707.visible; p707.visible = false; if (p707.timeHealed - p707.timeDamaged > 0 && p707.lastshamecount < p707.shameCount) { p707.pinge = p707.timeHealed - p707.timeDamaged; } }); for (let v518 = 0; v518 < p700.length;) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(p700[v518]); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.t1 = tmpObj.t2 === undefined ? game.lastTick : tmpObj.t2; tmpObj.t2 = game.lastTick; tmpObj.oldPos.x2 = tmpObj.x2; tmpObj.oldPos.y2 = tmpObj.y2; tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x; tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y; tmpObj.x2 = p700[v518 + 1]; tmpObj.y2 = p700[v518 + 2]; tmpObj.x3 = tmpObj.x2 + (tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.oldPos.x2); tmpObj.y3 = tmpObj.y2 + (tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.oldPos.y2); tmpObj.d1 = tmpObj.d2 === undefined ? p700[v518 + 3] : tmpObj.d2; tmpObj.d2 = p700[v518 + 3]; tmpObj.dt = 0; tmpObj.buildIndex = p700[v518 + 4]; tmpObj.weaponIndex = p700[v518 + 5]; tmpObj.weaponVariant = p700[v518 + 6]; tmpObj.team = p700[v518 + 7]; tmpObj.isLeader = p700[v518 + 8]; tmpObj.oldSkinIndex = tmpObj.skinIndex; tmpObj.oldTailIndex = tmpObj.tailIndex; tmpObj.skinIndex = p700[v518 + 9]; tmpObj.tailIndex = p700[v518 + 10]; tmpObj.iconIndex = p700[v518 + 11]; tmpObj.zIndex = p700[v518 + 12]; tmpObj.visible = true; tmpObj.update(game.tickSpeed); tmpObj.dist2 = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 2, 2); tmpObj.aim2 = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 2, 2); tmpObj.dist3 = UTILS.getDist(tmpObj, player, 3, 3); tmpObj.aim3 = UTILS.getDirect(tmpObj, player, 3, 3); tmpObj.damageThreat = 0; if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 45 && tmpObj.shameTimer <= 0) { tmpObj.addShameTimer(); } if (tmpObj.oldSkinIndex == 45 && tmpObj.skinIndex != 45) { tmpObj.shameTimer = 0; tmpObj.shameCount = 0; if (tmpObj == player) { healer(); } } botSkts.forEach(p708 => { p708.showName = "YEAHHH"; }); for (let v519 = 0; v519 < players.length; v519++) { for (let v520 = 0; v520 < botSkts.length; v520++) { if (player.id === v520.id) { v520.showName = "YEAHHHHHH"; } } } if (player.shameCount < 3 && near.dist3 <= 300 && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] <= game.tickRate * (window.pingTime >= 150 ? 2 : 1)) { autoQ = true; healer(); } else { if (autoQ) { healer(); } autoQ = false; } if (phantom.length > 0) { for (let v521 of phantom) { objectManager.disableBySid(v521.sid); } phantom = []; } if (tmpObj == player) { if (liztobj.length) { liztobj.forEach(p709 => { p709.onNear = false; if (p709.active) { if (!p709.onNear && UTILS.getDist(p709, tmpObj, 0, 2) <= p709.scale + items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[0]].range) { p709.onNear = true; } if (p709.isItem && p709.owner) { p709.breakObj = true; breakObjects.push({ x: p709.x, y: p709.y, sid: p709.sid }); } } }); let v522 = liztobj.filter(p710 => p710.trap && p710.active && UTILS.getDist(p710, tmpObj, 0, 2) <= tmpObj.scale + p710.getScale() + 25 && !p710.isTeamObject(tmpObj)).sort(function (p711, p712) { return UTILS.getDist(p711, tmpObj, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p712, tmpObj, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v522) { let v523 = liztobj.filter(p713 => p713.dmg && cdf(tmpObj, p713) <= tmpObj.scale + v522.scale / 2 && !p713.isTeamObject(tmpObj) && p713.active)[0]; traps.dist = UTILS.getDist(v522, tmpObj, 0, 2); traps.aim = UTILS.getDirect(v523 ? v523 : v522, tmpObj, 0, 2); tracker.draw3.active = true; traps.protect(caf(v522, tmpObj) - Math.PI); traps.inTrap = true; traps.info = v522; } else { if (traps.inTrap) { Leuchtturm = true; setTimeout(() => { Leuchtturm = false; }, 240); } else { Leuchtturm = false; } traps.inTrap = false; traps.info = {}; } } else { tracker.draw3.active = false; traps.inTrap = false; } } if (tmpObj.weaponIndex < 9) { tmpObj.primaryIndex = tmpObj.weaponIndex; tmpObj.primaryVariant = tmpObj.weaponVariant; } else if (tmpObj.weaponIndex > 8) { tmpObj.secondaryIndex = tmpObj.weaponIndex; tmpObj.secondaryVariant = tmpObj.weaponVariant; } } v518 += 13; } if (runAtNextTick.length) { runAtNextTick.forEach(p714 => { checkProjectileHolder(...p714); }); runAtNextTick = []; } for (let v524 = 0; v524 < p700.length;) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(p700[v524]); if (tmpObj) { if (!tmpObj.isTeam(player)) { enemy.push(tmpObj); if (tmpObj.dist2 <= items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 5 : tmpObj.primaryIndex].range + player.scale * 2) { nears.push(tmpObj); } } tmpObj.manageReload(); if (tmpObj != player) { tmpObj.addDamageThreat(player); } } v524 += 13; } if (player && player.alive) { if (enemy.length) { near = enemy.sort(function (p715, p716) { return p715.dist2 - p716.dist2; })[0]; } else {} if (game.tickQueue[game.tick]) { game.tickQueue[game.tick].forEach(p717 => { p717(); }); game.tickQueue[game.tick] = null; } if (advHeal.length) { advHeal.forEach(p718 => { if (window.pingTime < 150) { let v525 = p718[0]; let v526 = p718[1]; let v527 = 100 - v526; let v528 = p718[2]; tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(v525); let v529 = false; if (tmpObj && tmpObj.health <= 0) { if (!tmpObj.death) { tmpObj.death = true; if (tmpObj != player) { notif2("KILLED : ", tmpObj.name); } addDeadPlayer(tmpObj); } } if (tmpObj == player) { if (tmpObj.skinIndex == 7 && (v528 == 5 || tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && v528 == 2)) { if (my.reSync) { my.reSync = false; tmpObj.setBullTick = true; } v529 = true; } if (inGame) { let vGetAttacker2 = getAttacker(v528); let v530 = [0.25, 0.45].map(p719 => p719 * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * soldierMult()); let v531 = enemy.length ? !v529 && v530.includes(v528) && near.skinIndex == 11 : false; let v532 = 140 - window.pingTime; let v533 = 100 - player.health; let vF8 = function (p720, p721) { if (!p721) { setTimeout(() => { healer(); }, p720); } else { game.tickBase(() => { healer(); }, 2); } }; if (getEl("healingBeta").checked) { if (enemy.length) { if ([0, 7, 8].includes(near.primaryIndex)) { if (v528 < 75) { vF8(v532); } else { healer(); } } if (!Leuchtturm && v528 >= 20 && player.skinIndex == 6 && player.shameCount <= 4 && getEl("antiBullType").value == "abalway" && near.dist2 <= 150 && (player.weapons[0] == 4 || player.weapons[0] == 3) && near.primaryIndex != 5) { instaC.canCounter = true; } if (player.weapons[1] == 11) { if ([15, 9, 12, 13].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.reloads[near.secondaryIndex] == 1) { if (v528 < 75) { my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); vF8(v532); setTimeout(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); my.autoAim = false; }, 250); } } } else if (player.weapons[1] == 11) { if (near.skinIndex == 53) { my.autoAim = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); vF8(v532); setTimeout(() => { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); my.autoAim = false; }, 250); } } if ([1, 2, 6].includes(near.primaryIndex)) { if (v528 >= 25 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 5) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } if (near.primaryIndex == 5 && near.secondaryIndex == 10 && traps.inTrap && v533 >= 10 && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0) { healer(); } if (near.primaryIndex == 3) { if (near.secondaryIndex == 15) { if (near.primaryVariant < 2) { if (v528 >= 35 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 6) { tmpObj.canEmpAnti = true; healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if (v528 > 35 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 6 && game.tick - player.antiTimer > 1) { tmpObj.canEmpAnti = true; tmpObj.antiTimer = game.tick; healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if (v528 >= 25 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 4) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } if (near.primaryIndex == 4) { if (near.primaryVariant >= 1) { if (v528 >= 10 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 4) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if (v528 >= 35 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 3) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } if ([undefined, 5].includes(near.primaryIndex)) { if (near.secondaryIndex == 10) { if (v533 >= (v531 ? 10 : 20) && tmpObj.damageThreat + v533 >= 80 && tmpObj.shameCount < 6) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if (near.primaryVariant >= 2 || near.primaryVariant == undefined) { if (v533 >= (v531 ? 15 : 20) && tmpObj.damageThreat + v533 >= 50 && tmpObj.shameCount < 6) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if ([undefined || 15].includes(near.secondaryIndex)) { if (v528 > (v531 ? 8 : 20) && player.damageThreat >= 25 && game.tick - player.antiTimer > 1) { if (tmpObj.shameCount < 5) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else { vF8(v532); } } else if ([9, 12, 13].includes(near.secondaryIndex)) { if (v533 >= 25 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 70 && tmpObj.shameCount < 6) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if (v528 > 25 && player.damageThreat + v533 >= 95) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } if (near.primaryIndex == 6) { if (near.secondaryIndex == 15) { if (v528 >= 25 && tmpObj.damageThreat + v533 >= 95 && tmpObj.shameCount < 4) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else if (v528 >= 70 && tmpObj.shameCount < 4) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } if (v528 >= 30 && near.reloads[near.secondaryIndex] == 0 && near.dist2 <= 150 && player.skinIndex == 11 && player.tailIndex == 21) { instaC.canCounter = true; } } else if (v528 >= 70) { healer(); } else { vF8(v532); } } else { if (v528 >= (v531 ? 8 : 25) && v533 + player.damageThreat >= 80 && game.tick - player.antiTimer > 1) { if (tmpObj.reloads[53] == 0 && tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[1]] == 0) { tmpObj.canEmpAnti = true; } else { player.soldierAnti = true; } tmpObj.antiTimer = game.tick; let v534 = [0, 4, 6, 7, 8].includes(near.primaryIndex) ? 2 : 5; if (tmpObj.shameCount < v534) { healer(); } else if (near.primaryIndex == 7 || player.weapons[0] == 7 && (near.skinIndex == 11 || near.tailIndex == 21)) { vF8(v532); } else { vF8(v532, 1); } } else if (near.primaryIndex == 7 || player.weapons[0] == 7 && (near.skinIndex == 11 || near.tailIndex == 21)) { vF8(v532); } else { vF8(v532, 1); } if (v528 >= 25 && near.dist2 <= 140 && player.skinIndex == 11 && player.tailIndex == 21) { instaC.canCounter = true; } } } else if (!tmpObj.setPoisonTick && (tmpObj.damaged == 5 || tmpObj.latestTail == 13 && tmpObj.damaged == 2)) { tmpObj.setPoisonTick = true; } } } else { let [v535, v536, v537] = p718; let v538 = 100 - v536; let vFindPlayerBySID3 = findPlayerBySID(v535); let v539 = false; if (vFindPlayerBySID3 == player) { if (vFindPlayerBySID3.skinIndex == 7 && (v537 == 5 || vFindPlayerBySID3.latestTail == 13 && v537 == 2)) { if (my.reSync) { my.reSync = false; vFindPlayerBySID3.setBullTick = true; v539 = true; } } if (inGame) { let vGetAttacker3 = getAttacker(v537); let v540 = [0.25, 0.45].map(p722 => p722 * items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * soldierMult()); let v541 = enemy.length ? !v539 && v540.includes(v537) && near.skinIndex == 11 : false; let v542 = 60; let v543 = 100 - player.health; let v544 = [2, 5][[0, 4, 6, 7, 8].includes(near.primaryIndex) ? 0 : 1]; let vF9 = function (p723, p724) { if (!p724) { setTimeout(() => healer(), p723); } else { game.tickBase(() => healer(), 2); } }; if (getEl("healingBeta").checked) { let v545 = [0, 7, 8].includes(near.primaryIndex) ? v537 < 75 : [1, 2, 6].includes(near.primaryIndex) ? v537 >= 25 && player.damageThreat + v543 >= 95 && vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < 5 : [undefined, 5].includes(near.primaryIndex) ? v543 >= (v541 ? 15 : 20) && vFindPlayerBySID3.damageThreat + v543 >= 50 && vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < 6 : near.primaryIndex == 3 && near.secondaryIndex == 15 ? v537 >= 35 && player.damageThreat + v543 >= 95 && vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < 5 && game.tick - player.antiTimer > 1 : near.primaryIndex == 4 ? near.primaryVariant >= 1 ? v537 >= 10 && player.damageThreat + v543 >= 95 && vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < 4 : v537 >= 35 && player.damageThreat + v543 >= 95 && vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < 3 : near.primaryIndex == 6 && near.secondaryIndex == 15 ? v537 >= 25 && vFindPlayerBySID3.damageThreat + v543 >= 95 && vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < 4 : v537 >= 25 && player.damageThreat + v543 >= 95; if (v545) { healer(); } else { vF9(v542); } } else { let v546 = v537 >= (v541 ? 8 : 25) && v543 + player.damageThreat >= 80 && game.tick - player.antiTimer > 1; if (v546) { if (vFindPlayerBySID3.reloads[53] == 0 && vFindPlayerBySID3.reloads[vFindPlayerBySID3.weapons[1]] == 0) { vFindPlayerBySID3.canEmpAnti = true; } else { player.soldierAnti = true; } vFindPlayerBySID3.antiTimer = game.tick; if (vFindPlayerBySID3.shameCount < v544) { healer(); } else { vF9(v542, near.primaryIndex == 7 || player.weapons[0] == 7 && (near.skinIndex == 11 || near.tailIndex == 21) ? 0 : 1); } } else { vF9(v542, near.primaryIndex == 7 || player.weapons[0] == 7 && (near.skinIndex == 11 || near.tailIndex == 21) ? 0 : 1); } } } else if (!vFindPlayerBySID3.setPoisonTick && (vFindPlayerBySID3.damaged == 5 || vFindPlayerBySID3.latestTail == 13 && vFindPlayerBySID3.damaged == 2)) { vFindPlayerBySID3.setPoisonTick = true; } } } }); advHeal = []; } players.forEach(p725 => { if (!p725.visible && player != p725) { p725.reloads = { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 53: 0 }; } if (p725.setBullTick) { p725.bullTimer = 0; } if (p725.setPoisonTick) { p725.poisonTimer = 0; } p725.updateTimer(); }); if (inGame) { if (enemy.length) { if (!instaC.isTrue && getEl("preTick").checked && my.anti0Tick <= 0) { let vKnockBackPredict = knockBackPredict(); if (vKnockBackPredict == "insta them" && (![9, 12, 13, 15].includes(player.weapons[1]) || near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].range + player.scale * 1.8)) { instaC.changeType(configs.revTick || player.weapons[1] == 10 ? "rev" : "normal"); if (getEl("notifs").checked) { notif("KBSpikeTick"); } } if (vKnockBackPredict == "primary sync") { instaC.spikeTickType("rev"); } } let v547 = gameObjects.filter(p726 => p726.dmg && p726.active && p726.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(p726, near, 0, 3) <= p726.scale + near.scale).sort(function (p727, p728) { return UTILS.getDist(p727, near, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p728, near, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v547) { if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && getEl("preTick").checked) { instaC.canSpikeTick = true; instaC.syncHit = true; if (getEl("notifs").checked) { notif("AKH"); } if (getEl("revTick").checked && player.weapons[1] == 15 && player.reloads[53] == 0 && instaC.perfCheck(player, near)) { instaC.revTick = true; if (getEl("notifs").checked) { notif("revTick"); } } } } let vUndefined = undefined; let v548 = tmpObj.damaged; let v549 = gameObjects.filter(p729 => p729.dmg && p729.active && !p729.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(p729, player, 0, 3) < p729.scale + 40 + player.scale).sort(function (p730, p731) { return UTILS.getDist(p730, player, 0, 5) - UTILS.getDist(p731, player, 0, 5); })[0]; let v550 = v549 && vUndefined <= 45 && near.primaryIndex == [5, 4, 3, 7]; let v551 = near.skinIndex == 7 && vUndefined <= 60; let v552 = near.dist2 <= items.weapons[near.primaryIndex || 5].range + near.scale * 1.2; let v553 = near.skinIndex == 7; let v554 = near.primaryIndex == 5 && vUndefined >= 45 && f37(); let v555 = near.secondaryIndex == 0 && vUndefined >= 10 && f38(); let v556 = near.primaryIndex == 3 && vUndefined >= 30 && f41(); let v557 = near.secondaryIndex == 15 && vUndefined >= 30 && f40(); let v558 = near.secondaryIndex == 13 && vUndefined && f34(); let v559 = near.primaryIndex == 5 && vUndefined && f42(); let v560 = near.secondaryIndex == 15 && vUndefined && f43(); let v561 = near.primaryIndex == 5 && vUndefined >= 45 && f39(); let v562 = near.primaryIndex == 4 && vUndefined >= 33 && f36(); let v563 = near.secondaryIndex == 9 && vUndefined >= 25 && f35(); let v564 = [5, 7, 4, 3].includes(near.primaryIndex) && player.damageThreat && vUndefined >= 20; let v_0x16c8be = f33; let v_0x2bc614 = f37; async function f33() { while (traps.inTrap) { await new Promise(p732 => setTimeout(p732, 1)); if (v549 && vUndefined >= 70 || v549 && v548 >= 70) { while (v549 && vUndefined >= 70 || v549 && v548 >= 70) { await new Promise(p733 => setTimeout(p733, 1)); if (vUndefined <= 70 && !v548) { return; } } } } } async function f34() { while (near.secondaryIndex == 13) { await new Promise(p734 => setTimeout(p734, 1)); if (near.primaryIndex == 5 && near.secondaryIndex != 13 && vUndefined >= 37) { return; } } } async function f35() { while (near.secondaryIndex == 9) { await new Promise(p735 => setTimeout(p735, 1)); if (near.primaryIndex == 4 && near.secondaryIndex != 9 && vUndefined >= 30) { return; } } } async function f36() { while (near.primaryIndex == 4) { await new Promise(p736 => setTimeout(p736, 1)); if (near.secondaryIndex == 9 && near.primaryIndex != 4 && vUndefined >= 18) { return; } } } async function f37() { while (near.primaryIndex == 5) { await new Promise(p737 => setTimeout(p737, 1)); if (near.secondaryIndex == 0 && near.primaryIndex != 5 && vUndefined >= 5) { return; } } } async function f38() { while (near.secondaryIndex == 0) { await new Promise(p738 => setTimeout(p738, 1)); if (near.primaryIndex == 5 && near.secondaryIndex != 0 && vUndefined >= 40) { return; } } } async function f39() { while (near.primaryIndex == 5) { await new Promise(p739 => setTimeout(p739, 1)); if (near.secondaryIndex == 15 && near.primaryIndex != 5 && vUndefined >= 30) { return; } } } async function f40() { while (near.secondaryIndex == 15) { await new Promise(p740 => setTimeout(p740, 1)); if (near.primaryIndex == 3 && near.secondaryIndex != 15 && vUndefined >= 20) { return; } } } async function f41() { while (near.primaryIndex == 3) { await new Promise(p741 => setTimeout(p741, 1)); if (near.secondaryIndex == 15 && near.primaryIndex != 3 && vUndefined >= 37) { return; } } } async function f42() { while (near.primaryIndex == 5) { await new Promise(p742 => setTimeout(p742, 1)); if (near.secondaryIndex == 13 && near.primaryIndex != 5 && vUndefined >= 30) { return; } } } async function f43() { while (near.secondaryIndex == 15) { await new Promise(p743 => setTimeout(p743, 1)); if (near.primaryIndex == 5 && near.secondaryIndex != 15 && vUndefined >= 35) { return; } } } async function f44() { while (near.secondaryIndex == 0) { await new Promise(p744 => setTimeout(p744, 1)); if (near.primaryIndex == 4 && near.secondaryIndex != 0 && vUndefined >= 30) { return; } } } if (instaC.can && !traps.inTrap || traps.inTrap && player.skinIndex == 40) { if ([0].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.secondaryIndex == 0 && player.damageThreat && f44 && vUndefined >= 10 || v553 && [9].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 4 && player.damageThreat && v563 && vUndefined >= 10 || v553 && [4].includes(near.primaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 4 && player.damageThreat && v562 && vUndefined >= 33 || v553 && [4].includes(near.primaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 4 && player.damageThreat && f37 && vUndefined >= 45 || [15].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.secondaryIndex == 15 && player.damageThreat && v557 && vUndefined >= 30 || v553 && [3].includes(near.primaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 3 && player.damageThreat && v556 && vUndefined >= 30 || [0].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.secondaryIndex == 0 && player.damageThreat && v555 && vUndefined >= 10 || v553 && [5].includes(near.primaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 5 && player.damageThreat && v554 && vUndefined >= 45 || v553 && [5].includes(near.primaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 5 && player.damageThreat && v559 && vUndefined >= 45 || [5].includes(near.primaryIndex) && near.primaryIndex == 5 && player.damageThreat && v561 && vUndefined >= 45 || [15].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.secondaryIndex == 15 && player.damageThreat && v560 && vUndefined >= 30 || [0].includes(near.secondaryIndex) && near.secondaryIndex == 13 && player.damageThreat && f34 && vUndefined >= 10) { autoQ = true; buyEquip(6, 0); } } let v565 = gameObjects.filter(p745 => p745.dmg && p745.active && !p745.isTeamObject(player) && UTILS.getDist(p745, player, 0, 3) < p745.scale + player.scale).sort(function (p746, p747) { return UTILS.getDist(p746, player, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p747, player, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v565 && !traps.inTrap) { if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[5].range + near.scale * 1.8) { my.anti0Tick = 1; buyEquip(6, 0); } if (v565 && traps.inTrap) { if (near.dist3 <= items.weapons[5].range + near.scale * 1.8) { my.anti0Tick = 4; buyEquip(6, 0); } } } } if ((useWasd ? true : (player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100 ? player.checkCanInsta(true) : player.checkCanInsta(false)) >= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 95 : 100)) && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && (instaC.wait || useWasd && Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) == 0) && !instaC.isTrue && !my.waitHit && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && (useWasd ? true(player.reloads[53] <= (player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 0 : game.tickRate)) : true) && instaC.perfCheck(player, near)) { if (player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100) { instaC.nobull = useWasd ? false : instaC.canSpikeTick ? false : true; } else { instaC.nobull = false; } instaC.can = true; } else { instaC.can = false; } if (macro.q) { place(0, getAttackDir()); } if (macro.f) { place(4, getSafeDir()); } if (macro.v) { place(2, getSafeDir()); } if (macro.y) { place(5, getSafeDir()); } if (macro.h) { place(player.getItemType(22), getSafeDir()); } if (macro.n) { place(3, getSafeDir()); } laztPoz.x = player.x; laztPoz.y = player.y; let v566 = mills.size(items.list[player.items[3]].scale); let v567 = mills.dist(items.list[player.items[3]].scale); if (UTILS.getDist(mills, player, 0, 2) > v567 + items.list[player.items[3]].placeOffset && game.tick % 2 == 0) { if (mills.place) { let v568 = { x: mills.x, y: mills.y }; let v569 = UTILS.getDirect(v568, player, 0, 2); checkPlace(3, v569 + UTILS.toRad(v566)); checkPlace(3, v569 - UTILS.toRad(v566)); checkPlace(3, v569); mills.count = Math.max(0, mills.count - 1); } mills.x = player.x2; mills.y = player.y2; } if (pads.placeSpawnPads) { for (let v570 = 0; v570 < Math.PI * 2; v570 += Math.PI / 2) { checkPlace(player.getItemType(20), UTILS.getDirect(player.oldPos, player, 2, 2) + v570); } } if (instaC.can) { instaC.changeType(player.weapons[1] == 10 ? "rev" : "normal"); } if (getEl("smartInsta").checked) { if (player.weapons[1] == 15 || player.weapons[1] == 9 || player.weapons[1] == 12 || player.weapons[1] == 13) { if (getEl("AutoInsta").value == "smart") { if (near.shameCount >= 5 && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] === 0 && !instaC.isTrue && !clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] === 0 && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && player.weapons[1] !== 10) { instaC.changeType(player.weapons[1] == 9 || player.weapons[1] == 12 || player.weapons[1] == 13 ? "rev" : "normal"); if (getEl("notifs").checked) { notif("AutoInsta:5 Shame"); } } } } if (getEl("AutoInsta").value == "always" && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] === 0 && !instaC.isTrue && !clicks.right && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] === 0 && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + player.scale * 1.8 && player.weapons[1] !== 10) { instaC.changeType(player.weapons[1] == 9 || player.weapons[1] == 12 || player.weapons[1] == 13 ? "rev" : "normal"); } } if (instaC.canCounter && !Leuchtturm) { instaC.canCounter = false; if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) { instaC.counterType(); } } if (instaC.canSpikeTick) { instaC.canSpikeTick = false; if (instaC.revTick) { instaC.revTick = false; if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(player.weapons[0]) && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) { instaC.changeType("rev"); } } else if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(player.weapons[0]) && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !instaC.isTrue) { instaC.spikeTickType(); if (instaC.syncHit) {} } } if (!clicks.middle && (clicks.left || clicks.right) && !instaC.isTrue) { if (player.weaponIndex != (clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]); } if (player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); } } if (useWasd && !clicks.left && !clicks.right && !instaC.isTrue && near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); } if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); } new ver(); } if (getEl("snow").checked) { snowflakeContainer.style.display = "block"; } else { snowflakeContainer.style.display = "none"; } if (traps.inTrap) { let v571 = liztobj.sort((p748, p749) => fgdo(player, p748) - fgdo(player, p749)); let v572 = v571.filter(p750 => (p750.name == "spikes" || p750.name == "greater spikes" || p750.name == "spinning spikes" || p750.name == "poison spikes") && fgdo(player, p750) < player.scale + p750.scale + 20 && !isAlly(p750.owner.sid) && p750.active)[0]; if (!clicks.left && !clicks.right && !instaC.isTrue) { if (v572 && player.weapons[1] === 10) { tracker.draw3.active = true; traps.aim = Math.atan2(v572.y - player.y, v572.x - player.x); } if (player.weaponIndex != (traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]) || player.buildIndex > -1) { tracker.draw3.active = true; selectWeapon(traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]); } if (player.reloads[traps.notFast() ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 && !my.waitHit) { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 1; game.tickBase(() => { sendAutoGather(); my.waitHit = 0; }, 1); } } } if (clicks.middle && !traps.inTrap) { if (!instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) { if (my.ageInsta && player.weapons[0] != 4 && player.weapons[1] == 9 && player.age >= 9 && enemy.length) { instaC.bowMovement(); } else { instaC.rangeType(); } } } if (player.weapons[1] && !clicks.left && !clicks.right && !traps.inTrap && !instaC.isTrue && (!useWasd || !(near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8))) { if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0) { if (!my.reloaded) { my.reloaded = true; let v573 = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].spdMult < items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].spdMult ? 1 : 0; if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[v573] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[v573]); } } } else { my.reloaded = false; if (useWasd) { autos.stopspin = false; } if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] > 0) { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[0] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); } } else if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] > 0) { if (player.weaponIndex != player.weapons[1] || player.buildIndex > -1) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); } if (useWasd) { if (!autos.stopspin) { setTimeout(() => { autos.stopspin = true; }, 750); } } } } } if (!instaC.isTrue && !traps.inTrap && !traps.replaced) { traps.autoPlace(); } if (!macro.q && !macro.f && !macro.v && !macro.h && !macro.n) { packet("D", getAttackDir()); } let vF10 = function () { if (my.anti0Tick > 0 || Leuchtturm) { buyEquip(6, 0); } else if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) && (near && near.dist2 > 140 || !near)) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else if (clicks.left) { buyEquip(player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? 40 : 7 : player.empAnti ? 22 : player.soldierAnti ? 6 : getEl("antiBullType").value == "abreload" && near.antiBull > 0 ? 6 : near.dist2 <= 275 ? getEl("antiBullType").value == "abalway" && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0 && (player.weapons[0] == 4 || player.weapons[0] == 3) && near.primaryIndex != 5 ? 6 : 6 : 6, 0); } else if (clicks.right) { buyEquip(player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 40 : player.empAnti ? 22 : player.soldierAnti ? 6 : getEl("antiBullType").value == "abreload" && near.antiBull > 0 ? 6 : near.dist2 <= 275 ? getEl("antiBullType").value == "abalway" && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0 && (player.weapons[0] == 4 || player.weapons[0] == 3) && near.primaryIndex != 5 ? 6 : 6 : biomeGear(1, 1), 0); } } else if (traps.inTrap) { if (traps.info.health <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg ? false : player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { buyEquip(40, 0); } else if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 7 || 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) && (near && near.dist2 > 140 || !near)) { buyEquip(6, 0); setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(7, 0); }, 120); } else { buyEquip(player.empAnti || near.dist2 > 300 || !enemy.length ? 22 : 6, 0); } } else if (player.empAnti || player.soldierAnti) { buyEquip(player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } else if ((player.shameCount > 0 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) && (near && near.dist2 > 140 || !near)) { buyEquip(7, 0); setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(7, 0); }, 120); } else if (near.dist2 <= 275) { buyEquip(getEl("antiBullType").value == "abreload" && near.antiBull > 0 ? 6 : getEl("antiBullType").value == "abalway" && near.reloads[near.primaryIndex] == 0 ? 6 : 6, 0); } else { biomeGear(1); } }; let vF11 = function () { if (instaC.can && player.checkCanInsta(true) >= 100) { buyEquip(21, 1); } else if (clicks.left) { setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(21, 1); }, 100); } else if (clicks.right) { setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(21, 1); }, 50); } else if (near.dist2 <= 350 && !traps.inTrap) { buyEquip(19, 1); } else if (traps.inTrap) { buyEquip(21, 1); } else { buyEquip(11, 1); } }; let vF12 = function () { if (my.anti0Tick > 0) { buyEquip(6, 0); } else if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { if (player.shameCount > 4320 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else if (clicks.left) { buyEquip(player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? getEl("weaponGrind").checked ? 40 : 7 : 11); } else if (clicks.right) { buyEquip(player.reloads[clicks.right && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 40 : player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } } else if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) { if (player.shameCount > 4320 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0 ? 7 : player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } } else if (traps.inTrap) { if (traps.info.health <= items.weapons[player.weaponIndex].dmg ? false : player.reloads[player.weapons[1] == 10 ? player.weapons[1] : player.weapons[0]] == 0) { buyEquip(40, 0); } else if (player.shameCount > 4320 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(player.empAnti ? 22 : 6, 0); } } else if (player.empAnti) { buyEquip(22, 0); } else if (player.shameCount > 4320 && (game.tick - player.bullTick) % config.serverUpdateRate === 0 && player.skinIndex != 45 || my.reSync) { buyEquip(7, 0); } else { buyEquip(6, 0); } if (clicks.left || clicks.right) { if (clicks.left) { setTimeout(() => { buyEquip(0, 1); }, 50); } else if (clicks.right) { buyEquip(11, 1); } } else if (near.dist2 <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + near.scale * 1.8 && !traps.inTrap) { buyEquip(0, 1); } else if (traps.inTrap) { buyEquip(0, 1); } else { buyEquip(11, 1); } }; if (near.weaponIndex > 1 && near.dist2 <= 150) { buyEquip(6, 0); } if (storeMenu.style.display != "block" && !instaC.isTrue && !instaC.ticking) { if (useWasd) { vF12(); } else { vF10(); vF11(); } } if (player.alive && inGame && getEl("safeWalk").checked) { safeWalk(); } if (getEl("autoPush").checked && enemy.length && !traps.inTrap && !instaC.ticking) { autoPush(); } else if (my.autoPush) { my.autoPush = false; packet("f", lastMoveDir || undefined, 1); } if (!my.autoPush && pathFind.active) { Pathfinder(); } instaC.ticking &&= false; instaC.syncHit &&= false; player.empAnti &&= false; player.soldierAnti &&= false; if (my.anti0Tick > 0) { my.anti0Tick--; } traps.replaced &&= false; traps.antiTrapped &&= false; } } if (botSkts.length) { botSkts.forEach(p751 => { if (true) { p751[0].showName = "YEAHHH"; } }); } AutoReplace(); } for (var i1 = 0; i1 < liztobj.length; i1++) { if (liztobj[i1].active && liztobj[i1].health > 0 && UTILS.getDist(liztobj[i1], player, 0, 2) < 150 && getEl("antipush").checked) { tracker.draw3.active = true; if (liztobj[i1].name.includes("spike") && liztobj[i1]) { tracker.draw3.active = true; if (liztobj[i1].owner.sid != player.sid && clicks.left == false && tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.secondaryIndex] == 0) { tracker.draw3.active = true; selectWeapon(player.weapons[1]); buyEquip(40, 0); packet("D", UTILS.getDirect(liztobj[i1], player, 0, 2)); setTickout(() => { buyEquip(6, 0); }, 1); } } } ; } function ez(p752, p753, p754) { p752.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.2)"; p752.beginPath(); p752.arc(p753, p754, 55, 0, Math.PI * 2); p752.fill(); p752.closePath(); p752.globalAlpha = 1; } var leaderboard = getEl("leaderboard"); function updateLeaderboard(p755) { lastLeaderboardData = p755; UTILS.removeAllChildren(leaderboardData); let v574 = 1; for (let v575 = 0; v575 < p755.length; v575 += 3) { (function (p756) { UTILS.generateElement({ class: "leaderHolder", parent: leaderboardData, children: [UTILS.generateElement({ class: "leaderboardItem", style: "font-family: 'Hammersmith One', cursive; color:" + (p755[p756] == playerSID ? "#fff" : "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)") + "; font-size: 16px;", text: p755[p756 + 1] != "" ? p755[p756 + 1] + " " : "unknown" }), UTILS.generateElement({ class: "leaderScore", style: "font-family: 'Hammersmith One', cursive; font-size: 16px; color: #fff;", text: UTILS.sFormat(p755[p756 + 2]) || "0" })] }); })(v575); v574++; } } $("#leaderboard").css({ "-webkit-border-radius": "0px", "-moz-border-radius": "0px", "border-radius": "15px", "background-color": "transparent", "box-shadow": "0 0 5px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.6)", "text-align": "center" }); var leaderboardElement = document.getElementById("leaderboard"); leaderboardElement.style.position = "fixed"; leaderboardElement.style.top = "10px"; leaderboardElement.style.right = "10px"; var killCounterElement = document.getElementById("killCounter"); killCounterElement.style.position = "fixed"; killCounterElement.style.bottom = "220px"; killCounterElement.style.left = "20px"; killCounterElement.style.width = "25px"; var allianceButton = getEl("allianceButton"); var storeButton = getEl("storeButton"); allianceButton.style.right = "330px"; allianceButton.style.width = "40px"; storeButton.style.right = "270px"; storeButton.style.width = "40px"; function loadGameObject(p757) { for (let v576 = 0; v576 < p757.length;) { objectManager.add(p757[v576], p757[v576 + 1], p757[v576 + 2], p757[v576 + 3], p757[v576 + 4], p757[v576 + 5], items.list[p757[v576 + 6]], true, p757[v576 + 7] >= 0 ? { sid: p757[v576 + 7] } : null); v576 += 8; } } function loadAI(p758) { for (let v577 = 0; v577 < ais.length; ++v577) { ais[v577].forcePos = !ais[v577].visible; ais[v577].visible = false; } if (p758) { let v578 = performance.now(); for (let v579 = 0; v579 < p758.length;) { tmpObj = findAIBySID(p758[v579]); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.index = p758[v579 + 1]; tmpObj.t1 = tmpObj.t2 === undefined ? v578 : tmpObj.t2; tmpObj.t2 = v578; tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x; tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y; tmpObj.x2 = p758[v579 + 2]; tmpObj.y2 = p758[v579 + 3]; tmpObj.d1 = tmpObj.d2 === undefined ? p758[v579 + 4] : tmpObj.d2; tmpObj.d2 = p758[v579 + 4]; tmpObj.health = p758[v579 + 5]; tmpObj.dt = 0; tmpObj.visible = true; } else { tmpObj = aiManager.spawn(p758[v579 + 2], p758[v579 + 3], p758[v579 + 4], p758[v579 + 1]); tmpObj.x2 = tmpObj.x; tmpObj.y2 = tmpObj.y; tmpObj.d2 = tmpObj.dir; tmpObj.health = p758[v579 + 5]; if (!aiManager.aiTypes[p758[v579 + 1]].name) { tmpObj.name = config.cowNames[p758[v579 + 6]]; } tmpObj.forcePos = true; tmpObj.sid = p758[v579]; tmpObj.visible = true; } v579 += 7; } } } function animateAI(p759) { tmpObj = findAIBySID(p759); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.startAnim(); } } function gatherAnimation(p760, p761, p762) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(p760); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.startAnim(p761, p762); tmpObj.gatherIndex = p762; tmpObj.gathering = 1; if (near.dist2 >= 150 && near.dist2 <= 300 && !tmpObj.isTeam(player) && tmpObj.weaponIndex === 5 && tmpObj.primaryVariant >= 1 && !tmpObj.secondaryIndex !== undefined && tmpObj.skinIndex === 53 && (player.canEmpAnti = true)) { buyEquip(6, 0); healer(); } if (p761) { let v580 = objectManager.hitObj; objectManager.hitObj = []; game.tickBase(() => { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(p760); let v581 = items.weapons[p762].dmg * config.weaponVariants[tmpObj[(p762 < 9 ? "prima" : "seconda") + "ryVariant"]].val * (items.weapons[p762].sDmg || 1) * (tmpObj.skinIndex == 40 ? 3.3 : 1); v580.forEach(p763 => { p763.health -= v581; if (getEl("dmgtext").checked) { const v582 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 128) + 128; const v583 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 128) + 128; const v584 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 128) + 128; const v585 = "rgb(" + v582 + ", " + v583 + ", " + v584 + ")"; textManager.showText(p763.x, p763.y, 30, 0.1, 400, Math.round(v581), v585); } }); }, 1); } } } if (nears.filter(p764 => p764.gathering).length > 1) { healer(); } function wiggleGameObject(p765, p766) { tmpObj = findObjectBySid(p766); if (tmpObj) { tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(p765); tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(p765); if (tmpObj.health) { tmpObj.damaged = Math.min(255, tmpObj.damaged + 60); objectManager.hitObj.push(tmpObj); } } } function shootTurret(p767, p768) { tmpObj = findObjectBySid(p767); if (tmpObj) { if (config.anotherVisual) { tmpObj.lastDir = p768; } else { tmpObj.dir = p768; } tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(p768 + Math.PI); tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(p768 + Math.PI); } } function updatePlayerValue(p769, p770, p771) { if (player) { player[p769] = p770; if (p769 == "points") { if (getEl("autoBuy").checked) { autoBuy.hat(); autoBuy.acc(); } } else if (p769 == "kills") { if (getEl("killChat").checked) { const v586 = document.getElementById("killChatInput").value; sendChat(v586); setTimeout(() => { sendChat(p770 + " =Nubs Which Magmamod killed"); }, 1000); } } } } function updateItems(p772, p773) { if (p772) { if (p773) { player.weapons = p772; player.primaryIndex = player.weapons[0]; player.secondaryIndex = player.weapons[1]; if (!instaC.isTrue) { selectWeapon(player.weapons[0]); } } else { player.items = p772; } } for (let v587 = 0; v587 < items.list.length; v587++) { let v588 = items.weapons.length + v587; let vGetEl2 = getEl("actionBarItem" + v588); vGetEl2.style.display = player.items.indexOf(items.list[v587].id) >= 0 ? "inline-block" : "none"; } for (let v589 = 0; v589 < items.weapons.length; v589++) { let vGetEl3 = getEl("actionBarItem" + v589); vGetEl3.style.display = player.weapons[items.weapons[v589].type] == items.weapons[v589].id ? "inline-block" : "none"; } let v590 = player.weapons[0] == 3 && player.weapons[1] == 15; if (v590) { getEl("actionBarItem3").style.display = "none"; getEl("actionBarItem4").style.display = "inline-block"; } } function addProjectile(p774, p775, p776, p777, p778, p779, p780, p781) { projectileManager.addProjectile(p774, p775, p776, p777, p778, p779, null, null, p780, inWindow).sid = p781; runAtNextTick.push(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); } function remProjectile(p782, p783) { for (let v591 = 0; v591 < projectiles.length; ++v591) { if (projectiles[v591].sid == p782) { projectiles[v591].range = p783; let v592 = objectManager.hitObj; objectManager.hitObj = []; game.tickBase(() => { let v593 = projectiles[v591].dmg; v592.forEach(p784 => { if (p784.projDmg) { p784.health -= v593; } }); }, 1); } } } let noob = false; let serverReady = true; var isProd = location.hostname !== "" && !location.hostname.startsWith("192.168."); let wssws = isProd ? "wss" : "ws"; let project = new WebSocket(wssws + "://beautiful-sapphire-toad.glitch.me"); let withSync = true; project.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; project.onmessage = function (p785) { let v594 = p785.data; if (v594 == "isready") { serverReady = true; } if (v594 == "fine") { noob = false; } if (v594 == "tezt") {} if (v594 == "yeswearesyncer") { let v595 = Date.now() - wsDelay; withSync = true; if (player) {} } }; function allianceNotification(p786, p787) { let vFindSID = findSID(bots, p786); if (vFindSID) {} } function setPlayerTeam(p788, p789) { if (player) { player.team = p788; player.isOwner = p789; if (p788 == null) { alliancePlayers = []; } } } function setAlliancePlayers(p790) { alliancePlayers = p790; } function updateStoreItems(p791, p792, p793) { if (p793) { if (!p791) { player.tails[p792] = 1; } else { player.latestTail = p792; } } else if (!p791) { player.skins[p792] = 1; if (p792 == 7) { my.reSync = true; } } else { player.latestSkin = p792; } } function isTeam(p794) { return p794 == player || p794.team && p794.team == player.team; } function receiveChat(p795, p796, p797) { let vFindPlayerBySID4 = findPlayerBySID(p795); let v596 = ["cunt", "whore", "####", "shit", "faggot", "nigger", "nigga", "dick", "vagina", "minge", "cock", "rape", "cum", "sex", "tits", "penis", "clit", "pussy", "meatcurtain", "jizz", "prune", "douche", "wanker", "damn", "bitch", "dick", "fag", "bastard"]; if (player == vFindPlayerBySID4) { if (p796.includes(".dc")) { setTimeout(() => { window.leave(); }, 50); } else if (p796.startsWith(".create")) { let v597 = p796.split(" ")[1]; if (!v597) { v597 = "1l1l1l1l1l1l1l"; } packet("L", v597); } else if (p796.includes(".leave")) { packet("N"); } } if (getEl("autoSync").checked) { if (isTeam(vFindPlayerBySID4) || player == vFindPlayerBySID4) { if (p796.includes(".sync") && !instaC.isTrue && player.reloads[player.weapons[1]] == 0 && player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] == 0) { instaC.syncTry(); sendChat("Delay: " + window.pingTime + "ms"); } } } if (p796.includes("dc unknownclientuser")) { window.leave(); } if (getEl("autorespond").checked) { if (p796.includes("mod")) { packet("6", "Shut up beggar"); } } if (vFindPlayerBySID4) { if (!config.anotherVisual) { allChats.push(new addCh(vFindPlayerBySID4.x, vFindPlayerBySID4.y, p796, vFindPlayerBySID4)); } else { vFindPlayerBySID4.chatMessage = (p798 => { let v598; v596.forEach(p799 => { if (p798.indexOf(p799) > -1) { v598 = ""; for (var v599 = 0; v599 < p799.length; ++v599) { v598 += v598.length ? "o" : "M"; } var v600 = new RegExp(p799, "g"); p798 = p798.replace(v600, v598); } }); return p798; })(p796); vFindPlayerBySID4.chatCountdown = config.chatCountdown; } } else {} } function updateMinimap(p800) { minimapData = p800; } function showText(p801, p802, p803, p804, p805) { if (getEl("healAnim").checked) { textManager.stack.push({ x: p801, y: p802, value: p803 }); } } let bots = []; let ranLocation = { x: UTILS.randInt(35, 14365), y: UTILS.randInt(35, 14365) }; setInterval(() => { ranLocation = { x: UTILS.randInt(35, 14365), y: UTILS.randInt(35, 14365) }; }, 60000); class Bot { constructor(p806, p807, p808, p809) { this.millPlace = true; this.id = p806; this.sid = p807; this.team = null; this.skinIndex = 0; this.tailIndex = 0; this.hitTime = 0; this.iconIndex = 0; this.enemy = []; this.near = []; this.dist2 = 0; this.aim2 = 0; this.tick = 0; this.itemCounts = {}; this.latestSkin = 0; this.latestTail = 0; this.points = 0; this.tails = {}; for (let v601 = 0; v601 < p809.length; ++v601) { if (p809[v601].price <= 0) { this.tails[p809[v601].id] = 1; } } this.skins = {}; for (let v602 = 0; v602 < p808.length; ++v602) { if (p808[v602].price <= 0) { this.skins[p808[v602].id] = 1; } } this.spawn = function (p810) { this.upgraded = 0; this.enemy = []; this.near = []; this.active = true; this.alive = true; this.lockMove = false; this.lockDir = false; this.minimapCounter = 0; this.chatCountdown = 0; this.shameCount = 0; this.shameTimer = 0; this.sentTo = {}; this.gathering = 0; this.autoGather = 0; this.animTime = 0; this.animSpeed = 0; this.mouseState = 0; this.buildIndex = -1; this.weaponIndex = 0; this.dmgOverTime = {}; this.noMovTimer = 0; this.maxXP = 300; this.XP = 0; this.age = 1; this.kills = 0; this.upgrAge = 2; this.upgradePoints = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.zIndex = 0; this.xVel = 0; this.yVel = 0; this.slowMult = 1; this.dir = 0; this.nDir = 0; this.dirPlus = 0; this.targetDir = 0; this.targetAngle = 0; this.maxHealth = 100; this.health = this.maxHealth; this.oldHealth = this.maxHealth; this.scale = config.playerScale; this.speed = config.playerSpeed; this.resetMoveDir(); this.resetResources(p810); this.items = [0, 3, 6, 10]; this.weapons = [0]; this.shootCount = 0; this.weaponXP = []; this.isBot = false; this.reloads = { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 53: 0 }; this.timeZinceZpawn = 0; this.whyDie = ""; this.clearRadius = false; this.circlee = 0; }; this.resetMoveDir = function () { this.moveDir = undefined; }; this.resetResources = function (p811) { for (let v603 = 0; v603 < config.resourceTypes.length; ++v603) { this[config.resourceTypes[v603]] = p811 ? 100 : 0; } }; this.setData = function (p812) { this.id = p812[0]; this.sid = p812[1]; this.name = p812[2]; this.x = p812[3]; this.y = p812[4]; this.dir = p812[5]; this.health = p812[6]; this.maxHealth = p812[7]; this.scale = p812[8]; this.skinColor = p812[9]; }; this.judgeShame = function () { if (this.oldHealth < this.health) { if (this.hitTime) { let v604 = this.tick - this.hitTime; this.hitTime = 0; if (v604 < 2) { this.lastshamecount = this.shameCount; this.shameCount++; } else { this.lastshamecount = this.shameCount; this.shameCount = Math.max(0, this.shameCount - 2); } } } else if (this.oldHealth > this.health) { this.hitTime = this.tick; } }; this.manageReloadaa = function () { if (this.shooting[53]) { this.shooting[53] = 0; this.reloads[53] = 2500 - 1000 / 9; } else if (this.reloads[53] > 0) { this.reloads[53] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[53] - 1000 / 9); } if (this.gathering || this.shooting[1]) { if (this.gathering) { this.gathering = 0; this.reloads[this.gatherIndex] = items.weapons[this.gatherIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 20 ? 0.78 : 1); this.attacked = true; } if (this.shooting[1]) { this.shooting[1] = 0; this.reloads[this.shootIndex] = items.weapons[this.shootIndex].speed * (this.skinIndex == 20 ? 0.78 : 1); this.attacked = true; } } else { this.attacked = false; if (this.buildIndex < 0) { if (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] > 0) { this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] - game.tickRate); } } } }; this.closeSockets = function (p813) { p813.close(); }; this.whyDieChat = function (p814, p815) { p814.sendWS("6", "why die XDDD " + p815); }; } } ; class BotObject { constructor(p816) { this.sid = p816; this.init = function (p817, p818, p819, p820, p821, p822, p823) { p822 = p822 || {}; this.active = true; this.x = p817; this.y = p818; this.scale = p820; this.owner = p823; this.id = p822.id; this.dmg = p822.dmg; this.trap = p822.trap; this.teleport = p822.teleport; this.isItem = this.id != undefined; }; } } ; class BotObjManager { constructor(p824, p825) { this.disableObj = function (p826) { p826.active = false; if (config.anotherVisual) {} else { p826.alive = false; } }; let v605; this.add = function (p827, p828, p829, p830, p831, p832, p833, p834, p835) { v605 = p825(p827); if (!v605) { v605 = p824.find(p836 => !p836.active); if (!v605) { v605 = new BotObject(p827); p824.push(v605); } } if (p834) { v605.sid = p827; } v605.init(p828, p829, p830, p831, p832, p833, p835); }; this.disableBySid = function (p837) { let vP825 = p825(p837); if (vP825) { this.disableObj(vP825); } }; this.removeAllItems = function (p838, p839) { p824.filter(p840 => p840.active && p840.owner && p840.owner.sid == p838).forEach(p841 => this.disableObj(p841)); }; } } ; let botz = []; function botSpawn(p842) { let v606; console.log(WS); let v607 = WS.url.split("wss://")[1].split("?")[0]; v606 = p842 && new WebSocket("wss://" + v607 + "?token=re:" + encodeURIComponent(p842)); let v608 = new Map(); botSkts.push([v608]); botz.push([v606]); let v609; let v610 = []; let v611 = []; let v612 = { x: 0, y: 0, inGame: false, closeSocket: false, whyDie: "" }; let v613 = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let v614 = 0; let v615 = new BotObjManager(v610, function (p843) { return findSID(v610, p843); }); v606.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; v606.first = true; v606.sendWS = function (p844) { let v616 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); let v617 = window.msgpack.encode([p844, v616]); v606.send(v617); }; v606.spawn = function () { v606.sendWS("M", { name: "unknown1l", moofoll: 1, skin: "__proto__" }); }; v606.sendUpgrade = function (p845) { v606.sendWS("H", p845); }; v606.place = function (p846, p847) { try { let v618 = items.list[v608.items[p846]]; if (v608.itemCounts[v618.group.id] == undefined ? true : v608.itemCounts[v618.group.id] < (config.isSandbox ? 296 : v618.group.limit ? v618.group.limit : 296)) { v606.sendWS("G", v608.items[p846]); v606.sendWS("d", 1, p847); v606.sendWS("G", v608.weaponIndex, true); } } catch (_0x500fa2) {} }; v606.buye = function (p848, p849) { let v619 = 0; if (v608.alive && v608.inGame) { if (p849 == 0) { if (v608.skins[p848]) { if (v608.latestSkin != p848) { v606.sendWS("c", 0, p848, 0); } } else { let vFindID5 = findID(hats, p848); if (vFindID5) { if (v608.points >= vFindID5.price) { v606.sendWS("c", 1, p848, 0); v606.sendWS("c", 0, p848, 0); } else if (v608.latestSkin != v619) { v606.sendWS("c", 0, v619, 0); } } else if (v608.latestSkin != v619) { v606.sendWS("c", 0, v619, 0); } } } else if (p849 == 1) { if (v608.tails[p848]) { if (v608.latestTail != p848) { v606.sendWS("c", 0, p848, 1); } } else { let vFindID6 = findID(accessories, p848); if (vFindID6) { if (v608.points >= vFindID6.price) { v606.sendWS("c", 1, p848, 1); v606.sendWS("c", 0, p848, 1); } else if (v608.latestTail != 0) { v606.sendWS("c", 0, 0, 1); } } else if (v608.latestTail != 0) { v606.sendWS("c", 0, 0, 1); } } } } }; v606.fastGear = function () { if (v608.y2 >= config.mapScale / 2 - config.riverWidth / 2 && v608.y2 <= config.mapScale / 2 + config.riverWidth / 2) { v606.buye(31, 0); } else if (v608.moveDir == undefined) { v606.buye(22, 0); } else if (v608.y2 <= config.snowBiomeTop) { v606.buye(15, 0); } else { v606.buye(12, 0); } }; v606.selectWeapon = function (p850) { packet("G", p850, 1); }; function f45(p851, p852) { try { return Math.atan2((p852.y2 || p852.y) - (p851.y2 || p851.y), (p852.x2 || p852.x) - (p851.x2 || p851.x)); } catch (_0x2209f6) { return 0; } } v606.heal = function () { if (v608.health < 100) { v606.place(0, 0); } }; function f46(p853, p854) { try { return Math.hypot((p854.y2 || p854.y) - (p853.y2 || p853.y), (p854.x2 || p854.x) - (p853.x2 || p853.x)); } catch (_0x18ce1c) { return Infinity; } } let v620 = "no"; v606.zync = function (p855) { if (!v608.millPlace) { v620 = "yeah"; v606.place(5, f45(v608, p855)); let v621 = { x: v608.x + Math.cos(f45(p855, v608) - Math.PI) * 80, y: v608.y + Math.sin(f45(p855, v608) - Math.PI) * 80, x2: v608.x + Math.cos(f45(p855, v608) - Math.PI) * 80, y2: v608.y + Math.sin(f45(p855, v608) - Math.PI) * 80 }; function f47(p856, p857, p858, p859) { let v622 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p858 - p856, 2) + Math.pow(p859 - p857, 2)); return v622; } function f48() { v606.sendWS("6", f47(v621.x, v621.y, v608.x, v608.y) + ""); v606.sendWS("D", f45(p855, v608) - Math.PI); } let vSetInterval3 = setInterval(() => { v606.sendWS("G", v608.weapons[1], true); if (v614 == 0) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 1; } setTimeout(() => { v606.sendWS("G", v608.weapons[0], true); }, 2000); v606.buye(53, 0); if (f47(v621.x, v621.y, v608.x, v608.y) > 5) { v606.sendWS("f", f45(v608, v621)); } else { v606.sendWS("6", f47(v621.x, v621.y, v608.x, v608.y) + ""); v620 = "no"; v606.sendWS("f", undefined); f48(); clearInterval(vSetInterval3); } }, 150); setTimeout(() => { v620 = "no"; clearInterval(vSetInterval3); }, 500); } }; v606.onmessage = function (p860) { let v623 = new Uint8Array(p860.data); let v624 = window.msgpack.decode(v623); let v625 = v624[0]; v623 = v624[1]; if (v625 == "io-init") { v606.spawn(); } if (v625 == "1") { v609 = v623[0]; console.log(v609); } if (v625 == "D") { if (v623[1]) { v608 = new Bot(v623[0][0], v623[0][1], hats, accessories); v608.setData(v623[0]); v608.inGame = true; v608.alive = true; v608.x2 = undefined; v608.y2 = undefined; v608.spawn(1); v608.oldHealth = 100; v608.health = 100; v608.showName = "YEAHHH"; v613 = { x: v623[0][3], y: v623[0][4] }; v612.inGame = true; if (v606.first) { v606.first = false; bots.push(v612); } } } if (v625 == "P") { v606.spawn(); v608.inGame = false; v612.inGame = false; } if (v625 == "f") { let v626 = v623[0]; v608.tick++; v608.enemy = []; v608.near = []; v606.showName = "YEAHHH"; v611 = []; for (let v627 = 0; v627 < v626.length;) { if (v626[v627] == v608.sid) { v608.x2 = v626[v627 + 1]; v608.y2 = v626[v627 + 2]; v608.d2 = v626[v627 + 3]; v608.buildIndex = v626[v627 + 4]; v608.weaponIndex = v626[v627 + 5]; v608.weaponVariant = v626[v627 + 6]; v608.team = v626[v627 + 7]; v608.isLeader = v626[v627 + 8]; v608.skinIndex = v626[v627 + 9]; v608.tailIndex = v626[v627 + 10]; v608.iconIndex = v626[v627 + 11]; v608.zIndex = v626[v627 + 12]; v608.visible = true; v612.x2 = v608.x2; v612.y2 = v608.y2; } v627 += 13; } for (let v628 = 0; v628 < v626.length;) { tmpObj = findPlayerBySID(v626[v628]); if (tmpObj) { if (!tmpObj.isTeam(v608)) { enemy.push(tmpObj); if (tmpObj.dist2 <= items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 5 : tmpObj.primaryIndex].range + v608.scale * 2) { nears.push(tmpObj); } } } v628 += 13; } if (enemy.length) { v608.near = enemy.sort(function (p861, p862) { return p861.dist2 - p862.dist2; })[0]; } if (v614 == 1) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 0; } if (v612.closeSocket) { v608.closeSockets(v606); } if (v612.whyDie != "") { v608.whyDieChat(v606, v612.whyDie); v612.whyDie = ""; } if (v608.alive) { if (player.team) { if (v608.team != player.team && v608.tick % 9 === 0) { if (v608.team) { v606.sendWS("N"); } v606.sendWS("b", player.team); } } let v629 = items.list[v608.items[3]]; let v630 = v608.itemCounts[v629.group.id]; if ((v630 != undefined ? v630 : 0) < 201 && v608.millPlace) { if (v608.inGame) { v606.sendWS("D", v608.moveDir); if (v614 == 0) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 1; } if (UTILS.getDist(v613, v608, 0, 2) > 90) { let v631 = UTILS.getDirect(v613, v608, 0, 2); v606.place(3, v631 + 7.7); v606.place(3, v631 - 7.7); v606.place(3, v631); v613 = { x: v608.x2, y: v608.y2 }; } if (v608.tick % 90 === 0) { let v632 = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; v608.moveDir = v632; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); } } v606.fastGear(); } else if ((v630 != undefined ? v630 : 0) > 296 && v608.millPlace) { v608.millPlace = false; v606.fastGear(); } else if (v608.inGame) { if (v610.length > 0) { let v633 = v610.filter(p863 => p863.active && p863.isItem && UTILS.getDist(p863, player, 0, 2) <= 600); if (getEl("mode").value == "####emup") { v606.selectWeapon(v608.weapons[1]); let v634 = UTILS.getDist(v633[0], v608, 0, 2); let v635 = UTILS.getDirect(v633[0], v608, 0, 2); v611 = v610.filter(p864 => p864.active && (findSID(v633, p864.sid) ? true : !p864.trap || player.sid != p864.owner.sid && !player.findAllianceBySid(p864.owner.sid)) && p864.isItem && UTILS.getDist(p864, v608, 0, 2) <= items.weapons[v608.weaponIndex].range + p864.scale + 10).sort(function (p865, p866) { return UTILS.getDist(p865, v608, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p866, v608, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v611) { let v636 = UTILS.getDist(v633[0], v611, 0, 0); if (v634 - v636 > 0) { if (findSID(v633, v611.sid) ? true : v611.dmg || v611.trap) { if (v608.moveDir != undefined) { v608.moveDir = undefined; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } } else { v608.moveDir = v635; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } if (v608.nDir != UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2)) { v608.nDir = UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } if (v614 == 0) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 1; } v606.buye(40, 0); } else { v608.moveDir = v635; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); v606.fastGear(); } } else { v608.moveDir = v635; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); v606.fastGear(); } } } if (v610.length > 0) { if (getEl("mode").value == "flex") { const v637 = v608.sid * (Math.PI * 2 / v608.sid); const v638 = Math.cos(Date.now() * 0.01) * 300 + player.x; const v639 = Math.sin(Date.now() * 0.01) * 300 + player.x; v606.sendWS("f", Math.atan2(v639 - v608.y, v638 - v608.x)); const v640 = Math.hypot(v638 - v608.x, v639 - v608.y); if (v640 > 22) { return; } } } if (v610.length > 0) { v611 = v610.filter(p867 => p867.active && p867.isItem && UTILS.getDist(p867, v608, 0, 2) <= items.weapons[v608.weaponIndex].range).sort(function (p868, p869) { return UTILS.getDist(p868, v608, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p869, v608, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v611) { if (v614 == 0) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 1; } if (v608.nDir != UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2)) { v608.nDir = UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } v606.buye(40, 0); v606.buye(11, 1); } else { v606.fastGear(); v606.buye(11, 1); } v606.buye(11, 1); if (breakObjects.length > 0 && getEl("mode").value == "clear") { v606.selectWeapon(v608.weapons[1]); let v641 = UTILS.getDist(breakObjects[0], v608, 0, 2); let v642 = UTILS.getDirect(breakObjects[0], v608, 0, 2); v611 = v610.filter(p870 => p870.active && (findSID(breakObjects, p870.sid) ? true : !p870.trap || player.sid != p870.owner.sid && !player.findAllianceBySid(p870.owner.sid)) && p870.isItem && UTILS.getDist(p870, v608, 0, 2) <= items.weapons[v608.weaponIndex].range + p870.scale).sort(function (p871, p872) { return UTILS.getDist(p871, v608, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p872, v608, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v611) { let v643 = UTILS.getDist(breakObjects[0], v611, 0, 0); if (v641 - v643 > 0) { if (findSID(breakObjects, v611.sid) ? true : v611.dmg || v611.trap) { if (v608.moveDir != undefined) { v608.moveDir = undefined; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } } else { v608.moveDir = v642; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } if (v608.nDir != UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2)) { v608.nDir = UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } if (v614 == 0) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 1; } v606.buye(40, 0); v606.fastGear(); } else { v608.moveDir = v642; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); v606.fastGear(); } } else { v608.moveDir = v642; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); v606.fastGear(); } if (v641 > 300) { if (UTILS.getDist(v613, v608, 0, 2) > 90) { let v644 = UTILS.getDirect(v613, v608, 0, 2); v606.place(3, v644 + 7.7); v606.place(3, v644 - 7.7); v606.place(3, v644); v613 = { x: v608.x2, y: v608.y2 }; } } } } if (v610.length > 0 && getEl("mode").value == "zync") { let v645 = v610.filter(p873 => p873.active && p873.isItem && UTILS.getDist(p873, player, 0, 2) <= items.weapons[v608.weaponIndex].range + p873.scale); if (!v645.length) { if (v620 == "no") { v606.sendWS("D", UTILS.getDirect(player, v608, 0, 2)); } v606.sendWS("f", f45(player, v608) + Math.PI); } if (v645.length) { let v646 = UTILS.getDist(v645[0], v608, 0, 2); let v647 = UTILS.getDirect(v645[0], v608, 0, 2); v611 = v610.filter(p874 => p874.active && (findSID(v645, p874.sid) ? true : !p874.trap || player.sid != p874.owner.sid && !player.findAllianceBySid(p874.owner.sid)) && p874.isItem && UTILS.getDist(p874, v608, 0, 2) <= items.weapons[v608.weaponIndex].range + p874.scale).sort(function (p875, p876) { return UTILS.getDist(p875, v608, 0, 2) - UTILS.getDist(p876, v608, 0, 2); })[0]; if (v611) { let v648 = UTILS.getDist(v645[0], v611, 0, 0); if (v646 - v648 > 0) { if (findSID(v645, v611.sid) ? true : v611.dmg || v611.trap) { if (v608.moveDir != undefined) { v608.moveDir = undefined; v606.sendWS("f", v608.moveDir); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } } else { v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } if (v608.nDir != UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2)) { v608.nDir = UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2); v606.sendWS("D", v608.nDir); } if (v614 == 0) { v606.sendWS("K", 1); v614 = 1; } v606.buye(40, 0); v606.fastGear(); } else { if (v620 == "no") { v606.sendWS("D", UTILS.getDirect(v611, v608, 0, 2)); } if (f46(player, v608) <= 110) { v606.sendWS("f", undefined); } else { v606.sendWS("f", f45(player, v608) + Math.PI); } } } else if (v645.length) { if (v620 == "no") { v606.sendWS("D", UTILS.getDirect(v645[0], v608, 0, 2)); } if (f46(player, v608) <= 110) { v606.sendWS("f", undefined); } else { v606.sendWS("f", f45(player, v608) + Math.PI); } } else { if (v620 == "no") { v606.sendWS("D", UTILS.getDirect(player, v608, 0, 2)); } if (f46(player, v608) <= 110) { v606.sendWS("f", undefined); } else { v606.sendWS("f", f45(player, v608) + Math.PI); } } } } } } } if (v625 == "H") { let v649 = v623[0]; for (let v650 = 0; v650 < v649.length;) { v615.add(v649[v650], v649[v650 + 1], v649[v650 + 2], v649[v650 + 3], v649[v650 + 4], v649[v650 + 5], items.list[v649[v650 + 6]], true, v649[v650 + 7] >= 0 ? { sid: v649[v650 + 7] } : null); v650 += 8; } } if (v625 == "N") { let v651 = v623[0]; let v652 = v623[1]; if (v608) { v608[v651] = v652; } } if (v625 == "O") { if (v623[0] == v608.sid) { v608.oldHealth = v608.health; v608.health = v623[1]; v608.judgeShame(); if (v608.oldHealth > v608.health) { if (v608.shameCount < 5) { for (let v653 = 0; v653 < 2; v653++) { v606.place(0, v608.nDir); } } else { setTimeout(() => { for (let v654 = 0; v654 < 2; v654++) { v606.place(0, v608.nDir); } }, 95); } } } } if (v625 == "Q") { let v655 = v623[0]; v615.disableBySid(v655); } if (v625 == "R") { let v656 = v623[0]; if (v608.alive) { v615.removeAllItems(v656); } } if (v625 == "S") { let v657 = v623[0]; let v658 = v623[1]; if (v608) { v608.itemCounts[v657] = v658; } } if (v625 == "U") { if (v623[0] > 0) { if (getEl("setup").value == "dm") { if (v608.upgraded == 0) { v606.sendUpgrade(7); } else if (v608.upgraded == 1) { v606.sendUpgrade(17); } else if (v608.upgraded == 2) { v606.sendUpgrade(31); } else if (v608.upgraded == 3) { v606.sendUpgrade(23); } else if (v608.upgraded == 4) { v606.sendUpgrade(9); } else if (v608.upgraded == 5) { v606.sendUpgrade(34); } else if (v608.upgraded == 6) { v606.sendUpgrade(12); } else if (v608.upgraded == 7) { v606.sendUpgrade(15); } } else if (getEl("setup").value == "dr") { if (v608.upgraded == 0) { v606.sendUpgrade(7); } else if (v608.upgraded == 1) { v606.sendUpgrade(17); } else if (v608.upgraded == 2) { v606.sendUpgrade(31); } else if (v608.upgraded == 3) { v606.sendUpgrade(23); } else if (v608.upgraded == 4) { v606.sendUpgrade(9); } else if (v608.upgraded == 5) { v606.sendUpgrade(34); } else if (v608.upgraded == 6) { v606.sendUpgrade(12); } else if (v608.upgraded == 7) { v606.sendUpgrade(13); } } else if (getEl("setup").value == "kh") { if (v608.upgraded == 0) { v606.sendUpgrade(3); } else if (v608.upgraded == 1) { v606.sendUpgrade(17); } else if (v608.upgraded == 2) { v606.sendUpgrade(31); } else if (v608.upgraded == 3) { v606.sendUpgrade(27); } else if (v608.upgraded == 4) { v606.sendUpgrade(10); } else if (v608.upgraded == 5) { v606.sendUpgrade(34); } else if (v608.upgraded == 6) { v606.sendUpgrade(4); } else if (v608.upgraded == 7) { v606.sendUpgrade(25); } } else if (getEl("setup").value == "zd") { if (v608.upgraded == 0) { v606.sendUpgrade(3); } else if (v608.upgraded == 1) { v606.sendUpgrade(17); } else if (v608.upgraded == 2) { v606.sendUpgrade(31); } else if (v608.upgraded == 3) { v606.sendUpgrade(27); } else if (v608.upgraded == 4) { v606.sendUpgrade(9); } else if (v608.upgraded == 5) { v606.sendUpgrade(34); } else if (v608.upgraded == 6) { v606.sendUpgrade(12); } else if (v608.upgraded == 7) { v606.sendUpgrade(15); } } v608.upgraded++; } } if (v625 == "V") { let v659 = v623[0]; let v660 = v623[1]; if (v659) { if (v660) { v608.weapons = v659; } else { v608.items = v659; } } } if (v625 == "5") { let v661 = v623[0]; let v662 = v623[1]; let v663 = v623[2]; if (v663) { if (!v661) { v608.tails[v662] = 1; } else { v608.latestTail = v662; } } else if (!v661) { v608.skins[v662] = 1; } else { v608.latestSkin = v662; } } if (v625 == "6") { let v664 = v623[0]; let v665 = v623[1] + ""; if (v664 == player.sid && v665.includes("syncon")) { v606.zync(v608.near); } } }; v606.onclose = function () { v608.inGame = false; v612.inGame = false; }; } let spikes = { near: [], aim: undefined, nearSpike: false, nearBreak: false }; let trapData = { sid: undefined, hitCount: 0 }; let tracker = { draw3: { active: false, x: 0, y: 0, scale: 0 }, draw2: { active: false, x: 0, y: 0, scale: 0 }, moveDir: undefined, lastPos: { x: 0, y: 0 } }; function renderLeaf(p877, p878, p879, p880, p881) { let v666 = p877 + p879 * Math.cos(p880); let v667 = p878 + p879 * Math.sin(p880); let v668 = p879 * 0.4; p881.moveTo(p877, p878); p881.beginPath(); p881.quadraticCurveTo((p877 + v666) / 2 + v668 * Math.cos(p880 + Math.PI / 2), (p878 + v667) / 2 + v668 * Math.sin(p880 + Math.PI / 2), v666, v667); p881.quadraticCurveTo((p877 + v666) / 2 - v668 * Math.cos(p880 + Math.PI / 2), (p878 + v667) / 2 - v668 * Math.sin(p880 + Math.PI / 2), p877, p878); p881.closePath(); p881.fill(); p881.stroke(); } function renderCircle(p882, p883, p884, p885, p886, p887) { p885 = p885 || mainContext; p885.beginPath(); p885.arc(p882, p883, p884, 0, Math.PI * 2); if (!p887) { p885.fill(); } if (!p886) { p885.stroke(); } } function renderHealthCircle(p888, p889, p890, p891, p892, p893) { p891 = p891 || mainContext; p891.beginPath(); p891.arc(p888, p889, p890, 0, Math.PI * 2); if (!p893) { p891.fill(); } if (!p892) { p891.stroke(); } } function renderStar(p894, p895, p896, p897) { let v669 = Math.PI / 2 * 3; let v670; let v671; let v672 = Math.PI / p895; p894.beginPath(); p894.moveTo(0, -p896); for (let v673 = 0; v673 < p895; v673++) { v670 = Math.cos(v669) * p896; v671 = Math.sin(v669) * p896; p894.lineTo(v670, v671); v669 += v672; v670 = Math.cos(v669) * p897; v671 = Math.sin(v669) * p897; p894.lineTo(v670, v671); v669 += v672; } p894.lineTo(0, -p896); p894.closePath(); } function renderHealthStar(p898, p899, p900, p901) { let v674 = Math.PI / 2 * 3; let v675; let v676; let v677 = Math.PI / p899; p898.beginPath(); p898.moveTo(0, -p900); for (let v678 = 0; v678 < p899; v678++) { v675 = Math.cos(v674) * p900; v676 = Math.sin(v674) * p900; p898.lineTo(v675, v676); v674 += v677; v675 = Math.cos(v674) * p901; v676 = Math.sin(v674) * p901; p898.lineTo(v675, v676); v674 += v677; } p898.lineTo(0, -p900); p898.closePath(); } function renderRect(p902, p903, p904, p905, p906, p907, p908) { if (!p908) { p906.fillRect(p902 - p904 / 2, p903 - p905 / 2, p904, p905); } if (!p907) { p906.strokeRect(p902 - p904 / 2, p903 - p905 / 2, p904, p905); } } function renderHealthRect(p909, p910, p911, p912, p913, p914, p915) { if (!p915) { p913.fillRect(p909 - p911 / 2, p910 - p912 / 2, p911, p912); } if (!p914) { p913.strokeRect(p909 - p911 / 2, p910 - p912 / 2, p911, p912); } } function renderRectCircle(p916, p917, p918, p919, p920, p921, p922, p923) { p921.save(); p921.translate(p916, p917); p920 = Math.ceil(p920 / 2); for (let v679 = 0; v679 < p920; v679++) { renderRect(0, 0, p918 * 2, p919, p921, p922, p923); p921.rotate(Math.PI / p920); } p921.restore(); } function renderBlob(p924, p925, p926, p927) { let v680 = Math.PI / 2 * 3; let v681; let v682; let v683 = Math.PI / p925; let v684; p924.beginPath(); p924.moveTo(0, -p927); for (let v685 = 0; v685 < p925; v685++) { v684 = UTILS.randInt(p926 + 0.9, p926 * 1.2); p924.quadraticCurveTo(Math.cos(v680 + v683) * v684, Math.sin(v680 + v683) * v684, Math.cos(v680 + v683 * 2) * p927, Math.sin(v680 + v683 * 2) * p927); v680 += v683 * 2; } p924.lineTo(0, -p927); p924.closePath(); } function renderTriangle(p928, p929) { p929 = p929 || mainContext; let v686 = p928 * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2); p929.beginPath(); p929.moveTo(0, -v686 / 2); p929.lineTo(-p928 / 2, v686 / 2); p929.lineTo(p928 / 2, v686 / 2); p929.lineTo(0, -v686 / 2); p929.fill(); p929.closePath(); } function prepareMenuBackground() {} const speed = 1; function renderDeadPlayers(p930, p931) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db"; const v687 = Date.now(); deadPlayers.filter(p932 => p932.active).forEach(p933 => { if (!p933.startTime) { p933.startTime = v687; p933.angle = 0; p933.radius = 0.1; } const v688 = v687 - p933.startTime; const v689 = 1; p933.alpha = Math.max(0, v689 - v688 / 3000); p933.animate(delta); mainContext.globalAlpha = p933.alpha; mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(p933.x - p930, p933.y - p931); p933.radius -= 0.001; p933.angle += 10; const v690 = 1; const v691 = p933.radius * Math.cos(p933.angle); const v692 = p933.radius * Math.sin(p933.angle); p933.x += v691 * v690; p933.y += v692 * v690; mainContext.rotate(p933.angle); renderDeadPlayer(p933, mainContext); mainContext.restore(); mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db"; if (v688 >= 3000) { p933.active = false; p933.startTime = null; } }); } function renderPlayers(p934, p935, p936) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db"; for (var v693 = 0; v693 < players.length; ++v693) { tmpObj = players[v693]; if (tmpObj.zIndex == p936) { tmpObj.animate(delta); if (tmpObj.visible) { let vParseInt2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("playerShadowIntensity").value, 10); tmpObj.skinRot += delta * 0.002; tmpDir = !getEl("showDir").checked && !useWasd && tmpObj == player ? getEl("attackDir").checked ? getVisualDir() : getSafeDir() : tmpObj.dir || 0; mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - p934, tmpObj.y - p935); mainContext.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; mainContext.shadowBlur = vParseInt2; mainContext.shadowOffsetX = 0; mainContext.shadowOffsetY = 0; if (getEl("spinner").checked && tmpObj == player) { mainContext.rotate(tmpDir + tmpObj.dt); } else { mainContext.rotate(tmpDir + tmpObj.dirPlus); } renderPlayer(tmpObj, mainContext); mainContext.shadowColor = "none"; mainContext.shadowBlur = 0; mainContext.restore(); } } } } function renderDeadPlayer(p937, p938) { p938 = p938 || mainContext; p938.lineWidth = outlineWidth; p938.lineJoin = "miter"; let v694 = Math.PI / 4 * (items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].armS || 1); let v695 = p937.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].hndS || 1 : 1; let v696 = p937.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].hndD || 1 : 1; renderTail2(13, p938, p937); if (p937.buildIndex < 0 && !items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[p937.weaponVariant || 0].src || "", p937.scale, 0, p938); if (items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(p937.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } p938.fillStyle = "#ececec"; renderCircle(p937.scale * Math.cos(v694), p937.scale * Math.sin(v694), 14); renderCircle(p937.scale * v696 * Math.cos(-v694 * v695), p937.scale * v696 * Math.sin(-v694 * v695), 14); if (p937.buildIndex < 0 && items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[p937.weaponVariant || 0].src || "", p937.scale, 0, p938); if (items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(p937.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[p937.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } if (p937.buildIndex >= 0) { var vGetItemSprite = getItemSprite(items.list[p937.buildIndex]); p938.drawImage(vGetItemSprite, p937.scale - items.list[p937.buildIndex].holdOffset, -vGetItemSprite.width / 2); } renderCircle(0, 0, p937.scale, p938); renderSkin2(48, p938, null, p937); } function renderPlayer(p939, p940) { p940 = p940 || mainContext; p940.lineWidth = outlineWidth; p940.lineJoin = "miter"; let v697 = Math.PI / 4 * (items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].armS || 1); let v698 = p939.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].hndS || 1 : 1; let v699 = p939.buildIndex < 0 ? items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].hndD || 1 : 1; let v700 = p939 == player && p939.weapons[0] == 3 && p939.weapons[1] == 15; if (p939.tailIndex > 0) { renderTailTextureImage(p939.tailIndex, p940, p939); } if (p939.buildIndex < 0 && !items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[v700 ? 4 : p939.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[p939.weaponVariant].src, p939.scale, 0, p940); if (items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(p939.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } p940.fillStyle = config.skinColors[p939.skinColor]; renderCircle(p939.scale * Math.cos(v697), p939.scale * Math.sin(v697), 14); renderCircle(p939.scale * v699 * Math.cos(-v697 * v698), p939.scale * v699 * Math.sin(-v697 * v698), 14); if (p939.buildIndex < 0 && items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].aboveHand) { renderTool(items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex], config.weaponVariants[p939.weaponVariant].src, p939.scale, 0, p940); if (items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].projectile != undefined && !items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].hideProjectile) { renderProjectile(p939.scale, 0, items.projectiles[items.weapons[p939.weaponIndex].projectile], mainContext); } } if (p939.buildIndex >= 0) { var vGetItemSprite2 = getItemSprite(items.list[p939.buildIndex]); p940.drawImage(vGetItemSprite2, p939.scale - items.list[p939.buildIndex].holdOffset, -vGetItemSprite2.width / 2); } renderCircle(0, 0, p939.scale, p940); if (p939.skinIndex > 0) { p940.rotate(Math.PI / 2); renderTextureSkin(p939.skinIndex, p940, null, p939); } } var skinSprites2 = {}; var skinPointers2 = {}; function renderSkin2(p941, p942, p943, p944) { tmpSkin = skinSprites2[p941]; if (!tmpSkin) { var v701 = new Image(); v701.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v701.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/hats/hat_" + p941 + ".png"; skinSprites2[p941] = v701; tmpSkin = v701; } var v702 = p943 || skinPointers2[p941]; if (!v702) { for (var v703 = 0; v703 < hats.length; ++v703) { if (hats[v703].id == p941) { v702 = hats[v703]; break; } } skinPointers2[p941] = v702; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) { p942.drawImage(tmpSkin, -v702.scale / 2, -v702.scale / 2, v702.scale, v702.scale); } if (!p943 && v702.topSprite) { p942.save(); p942.rotate(p944.skinRot); renderSkin2(p941 + "_top", p942, v702, p944); p942.restore(); } } function renderTextureSkin(p945, p946, p947, p948) { if (!(tmpSkin = skinSprites[p945 + (txt ? "lol" : 0)])) { var v704 = new Image(); v704.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v704.src = setSkinTextureImage(p945, "hat", p945); skinSprites[p945 + (txt ? "lol" : 0)] = v704; tmpSkin = v704; } var v705 = p947 || skinPointers[p945]; if (!v705) { for (var v706 = 0; v706 < hats.length; ++v706) { if (hats[v706].id == p945) { v705 = hats[v706]; break; } } skinPointers[p945] = v705; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) { p946.drawImage(tmpSkin, -v705.scale / 2, -v705.scale / 2, v705.scale, v705.scale); } if (!p947 && v705.topSprite) { p946.save(); p946.rotate(p948.skinRot); renderSkin(p945 + "_top", p946, v705, p948); p946.restore(); } } var FlareZHat = { 6: "https://i.imgur.com/HjWADL7.png", 7: "http://i.imgur.com/wqG2CBb.png" }; function setSkinTextureImage(p949, p950, p951) { if (true) { if (FlareZHat[p949] && p950 == "hat") { return FlareZHat[p949]; } else if (p950 == "acc") { return ".././img/accessories/access_" + p949 + ".png"; } else if (p950 == "hat") { return ".././img/hats/hat_" + p949 + ".png"; } else { return ".././img/weapons/" + p949 + ".png"; } } else if (p950 == "acc") { return ".././img/accessories/access_" + p949 + ".png"; } else if (p950 == "hat") { return ".././img/hats/hat_" + p949 + ".png"; } else { return ".././img/weapons/" + p949 + ".png"; } } let skinSprites = {}; let skinPointers = {}; let tmpSkin; function renderSkin(p952, p953, p954, p955) { tmpSkin = skinSprites[p952]; if (!tmpSkin) { let v707 = new Image(); v707.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v707.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/hats/hat_" + p952 + ".png"; skinSprites[p952] = v707; tmpSkin = v707; } let v708 = p954 || skinPointers[p952]; if (!v708) { for (let v709 = 0; v709 < hats.length; ++v709) { if (hats[v709].id == p952) { v708 = hats[v709]; break; } } skinPointers[p952] = v708; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) { p953.drawImage(tmpSkin, -v708.scale / 2, -v708.scale / 2, v708.scale, v708.scale); } if (!p954 && v708.topSprite) { p953.save(); p953.rotate(p955.skinRot); renderSkin(p952 + "_top", p953, v708, p955); p953.restore(); } } var FlareZAcc = {}; function setTailTextureImage(p956, p957, p958) { if (true) { if (FlareZAcc[p956] && p957 == "acc") { return FlareZAcc[p956]; } else if (p957 == "acc") { return ".././img/accessories/access_" + p956 + ".png"; } else if (p957 == "hat") { return ".././img/hats/hat_" + p956 + ".png"; } else { return ".././img/weapons/" + p956 + ".png"; } } else if (p957 == "acc") { return ".././img/accessories/access_" + p956 + ".png"; } else if (p957 == "hat") { return ".././img/hats/hat_" + p956 + ".png"; } else { return ".././img/weapons/" + p956 + ".png"; } } function renderTailTextureImage(p959, p960, p961) { if (!(tmpSkin = accessSprites[p959 + (txt ? "lol" : 0)])) { var v710 = new Image(); v710.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v710.src = setTailTextureImage(p959, "acc"); accessSprites[p959 + (txt ? "lol" : 0)] = v710; tmpSkin = v710; } var v711 = accessPointers[p959]; if (!v711) { for (var v712 = 0; v712 < accessories.length; ++v712) { if (accessories[v712].id == p959) { v711 = accessories[v712]; break; } } accessPointers[p959] = v711; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) { p960.save(); p960.translate(-20 - (v711.xOff || 0), 0); if (v711.spin) { p960.rotate(p961.skinRot); } p960.drawImage(tmpSkin, -(v711.scale / 2), -(v711.scale / 2), v711.scale, v711.scale); p960.restore(); } } let accessSprites = {}; let accessPointers = {}; var txt = true; function renderTail(p962, p963, p964) { tmpSkin = accessSprites[p962]; if (!tmpSkin) { let v713 = new Image(); v713.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v713.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/accessories/access_" + p962 + ".png"; accessSprites[p962] = v713; tmpSkin = v713; } let v714 = accessPointers[p962]; if (!v714) { for (let v715 = 0; v715 < accessories.length; ++v715) { if (accessories[v715].id == p962) { v714 = accessories[v715]; break; } } accessPointers[p962] = v714; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) { p963.save(); p963.translate(-20 - (v714.xOff || 0), 0); if (v714.spin) { p963.rotate(p964.skinRot); } p963.drawImage(tmpSkin, -(v714.scale / 2), -(v714.scale / 2), v714.scale, v714.scale); p963.restore(); } } var accessSprites2 = {}; var accessPointers2 = {}; function renderTail2(p965, p966, p967) { tmpSkin = accessSprites2[p965]; if (!tmpSkin) { var v716 = new Image(); v716.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v716.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/accessories/access_" + p965 + ".png"; accessSprites2[p965] = v716; tmpSkin = v716; } var v717 = accessPointers2[p965]; if (!v717) { for (var v718 = 0; v718 < accessories.length; ++v718) { if (accessories[v718].id == p965) { v717 = accessories[v718]; break; } } accessPointers2[p965] = v717; } if (tmpSkin.isLoaded) { p966.save(); p966.translate(-20 - (v717.xOff || 0), 0); if (v717.spin) { p966.rotate(p967.skinRot); } p966.drawImage(tmpSkin, -(v717.scale / 2), -(v717.scale / 2), v717.scale, v717.scale); p966.restore(); } } let toolSprites = {}; function renderTool(p968, p969, p970, p971, p972) { let v719 = p968.src + (p969 || ""); let v720 = toolSprites[v719]; if (!v720) { v720 = new Image(); v720.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; v720.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/weapons/" + v719 + ".png"; toolSprites[v719] = v720; } if (v720.isLoaded) { p972.drawImage(v720, p970 + p968.xOff - p968.length / 2, p971 + p968.yOff - p968.width / 2, p968.length, p968.width); } } function renderProjectiles(p973, p974, p975) { for (let v721 = 0; v721 < projectiles.length; v721++) { tmpObj = projectiles[v721]; if (tmpObj.active && tmpObj.layer == p973 && tmpObj.inWindow) { tmpObj.update(delta); if (tmpObj.active && isOnScreen(tmpObj.x - p974, tmpObj.y - p975, tmpObj.scale)) { mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - p974, tmpObj.y - p975); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir); renderProjectile(0, 0, tmpObj, mainContext, 1); mainContext.restore(); } } } ; } let projectileSprites = {}; function renderProjectile(p976, p977, p978, p979, p980) { if (p978.src) { let v722 = items.projectiles[p978.indx].src; let v723 = projectileSprites[v722]; if (!v723) { v723 = new Image(); v723.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; v723.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/weapons/" + v722 + ".png"; projectileSprites[v722] = v723; } if (v723.isLoaded) { p979.drawImage(v723, p976 - p978.scale / 2, p977 - p978.scale / 2, p978.scale, p978.scale); } } else if (p978.indx == 1) { p979.fillStyle = "#939393"; renderCircle(p976, p977, p978.scale, p979); } } let aiSprites = {}; function renderAI(p981, p982) { let v724 = p981.index; let v725 = aiSprites[v724]; if (!v725) { let v726 = new Image(); v726.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; this.onload = null; }; v726.src = "https://moomoo.io/img/animals/" + p981.src + ".png"; v725 = v726; aiSprites[v724] = v725; } if (v725.isLoaded) { let v727 = p981.scale * 1.2 * (p981.spriteMlt || 1); p982.drawImage(v725, -v727, -v727, v727 * 2, v727 * 2); } } function renderWaterBodies(p983, p984, p985, p986) { let v728 = config.riverWidth + p986; let v729 = config.mapScale / 2 - p984 - v728 / 2; if (v729 < maxScreenHeight && v729 + v728 > 0) { p985.fillRect(0, v729, maxScreenWidth, v728); } } let gameObjectSprites = {}; function getResSprite(p987) { let v730 = p987.y >= config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop ? 2 : p987.y <= config.snowBiomeTop ? 1 : 0; let v731 = p987.type + "_" + p987.scale + "_" + v730; let v732 = gameObjectSprites[v731]; if (!v732) { let v733 = 6; let v734 = document.createElement("canvas"); v734.width = v734.height = p987.scale * 2.1 + outlineWidth; let v735 = v734.getContext("2d"); v735.translate(v734.width / 2, v734.height / 2); v735.rotate(UTILS.randFloat(0, Math.PI)); v735.strokeStyle = outlineColor; v735.lineWidth = outlineWidth; if (p987.type == 0) { let v736; let v737 = 8; v735.globalAlpha = cdf(p987, player) <= 250 ? 0.5 : 0.5; for (let v738 = 0; v738 < 2; ++v738) { v736 = tmpObj.scale * (!v738 ? 1 : 0.5); renderBlob(v735, v737, v736, v736 * 0.7); v735.fillStyle = !v730 ? !v738 ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62" : !v738 ? "#e3f1f4" : "#fff"; v735.fill(); if (!v738) { v735.stroke(); v735.globalAlpha = 1; } if (!v738) {} else {} } } else if (p987.type == 1) { if (v730 == 2) { v735.fillStyle = "#606060"; renderStar(v735, 6, p987.scale * 0.3, p987.scale * 0.71); v735.fill(); v735.stroke(); v735.fillStyle = "#89a54c"; renderCircle(0, 0, p987.scale * 0.55, v735); v735.fillStyle = "#a5c65b"; renderCircle(0, 0, p987.scale * 0.3, v735, true); } else { renderBlob(v735, 6, tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.scale * 0.7); v735.fillStyle = v730 ? "#e3f1f4" : "#89a54c"; v735.fill(); v735.stroke(); v735.fillStyle = v730 ? "#6a64af" : "#c15555"; let v739; let v740 = 4; let v741 = Math.PI * 2 / v740; for (let v742 = 0; v742 < v740; ++v742) { v739 = UTILS.randInt(tmpObj.scale / 3.5, tmpObj.scale / 2.3); renderCircle(v739 * Math.cos(v741 * v742), v739 * Math.sin(v741 * v742), UTILS.randInt(10, 12), v735); } } } else if (p987.type == 2 || p987.type == 3) { v735.fillStyle = p987.type == 2 ? v730 == 2 ? "#938d77" : "#939393" : "#e0c655"; renderStar(v735, 3, p987.scale, p987.scale); v735.fill(); v735.stroke(); v735.fillStyle = p987.type == 2 ? v730 == 2 ? "#b2ab90" : "#bcbcbc" : "#ebdca3"; renderStar(v735, 3, p987.scale * 0.55, p987.scale * 0.65); v735.fill(); } v732 = v734; gameObjectSprites[v731] = v732; } return v732; } let itemSprites = []; function getItemSprite(p988, p989) { let v743 = itemSprites[p988.id]; if (!v743 || p989) { let v744 = !p989 ? 20 : 5; let v745 = document.createElement("canvas"); let v746 = !p989 && p988.name == "windmill" ? items.list[4].scale : p988.scale; v745.width = v745.height = v746 * 2.5 + outlineWidth + (items.list[p988.id].spritePadding || 0) + v744; let v747 = v745.getContext("2d"); v747.translate(v745.width / 2, v745.height / 2); v747.rotate(p989 ? 0 : Math.PI / 2); v747.strokeStyle = outlineColor; v747.lineWidth = outlineWidth * (p989 ? v745.width / 81 : 1); if (!p989) {} if (p988.name == "apple") { v747.fillStyle = "#c15555"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale, v747); v747.fillStyle = "#89a54c"; let v748 = -(Math.PI / 2); renderLeaf(p988.scale * Math.cos(v748), p988.scale * Math.sin(v748), 25, v748 + Math.PI / 2, v747); } else if (p988.name == "cookie") { v747.fillStyle = "#cca861"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale, v747); v747.fillStyle = "#937c4b"; let v749 = 4; let v750 = Math.PI * 2 / v749; let v751; for (let v752 = 0; v752 < v749; ++v752) { v751 = UTILS.randInt(p988.scale / 2.5, p988.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(v751 * Math.cos(v750 * v752), v751 * Math.sin(v750 * v752), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), v747, true); } } else if (p988.name == "cheese") { v747.fillStyle = "#f4f3ac"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale, v747); v747.fillStyle = "#c3c28b"; let v753 = 4; let v754 = Math.PI * 2 / v753; let v755; for (let v756 = 0; v756 < v753; ++v756) { v755 = UTILS.randInt(p988.scale / 2.5, p988.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(v755 * Math.cos(v754 * v756), v755 * Math.sin(v754 * v756), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), v747, true); } } else if (p988.name == "wood wall" || p988.name == "stone wall" || p988.name == "castle wall") { v747.fillStyle = p988.name == "castle wall" ? "#83898e" : p988.name == "wood wall" ? "#a5974c" : "#939393"; let v757 = p988.name == "castle wall" ? 4 : 3; renderStar(v747, v757, p988.scale * 1.1, p988.scale * 1.1); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = p988.name == "castle wall" ? "#9da4aa" : p988.name == "wood wall" ? "#c9b758" : "#bcbcbc"; renderStar(v747, v757, p988.scale * 0.65, p988.scale * 0.65); v747.fill(); } else if (p988.name == "spikes" || p988.name == "greater spikes" || p988.name == "poison spikes" || p988.name == "spinning spikes") { v747.fillStyle = p988.name == "poison spikes" ? "#7b935d" : "#939393"; let v758 = p988.scale * 0.6; renderStar(v747, p988.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, p988.scale, v758); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v758, v747); v747.fillStyle = "#c9b758"; renderCircle(0, 0, v758 / 2, v747, true); } else if (p988.name == "windmill" || p988.name == "faster windmill" || p988.name == "power mill") { v747.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v746, v747); v747.fillStyle = "#c9b758"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, v746 * 1.5, 29, 4, v747); v747.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v746 * 0.5, v747); } else if (p988.name == "mine") { v747.fillStyle = "#939393"; renderStar(v747, 3, p988.scale, p988.scale); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = "#bcbcbc"; renderStar(v747, 3, p988.scale * 0.55, p988.scale * 0.65); v747.fill(); } else if (p988.name == "sapling") { for (let v759 = 0; v759 < 2; ++v759) { let v760 = p988.scale * (!v759 ? 1 : 0.5); renderStar(v747, 7, v760, v760 * 0.7); v747.fillStyle = !v759 ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62"; v747.fill(); if (!v759) { v747.stroke(); } } } else if (p988.name == "pit trap") { v747.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderStar(v747, 3, p988.scale * 1.1, p988.scale * 1.1); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = outlineColor; renderStar(v747, 3, p988.scale * 0.65, p988.scale * 0.65); v747.fill(); } else if (p988.name == "boost pad") { v747.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p988.scale * 2, p988.scale * 2, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = "#dbd97d"; renderTriangle(p988.scale * 1, v747); } else if (p988.name == "turret") { v747.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = "#939393"; let v761 = 50; renderRect(0, -v761 / 2, p988.scale * 0.9, v761, v747); renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale * 0.6, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); } else if (p988.name == "platform") { v747.fillStyle = "#cebd5f"; let v762 = 4; let v763 = p988.scale * 2; let v764 = v763 / v762; let v765 = -(p988.scale / 2); for (let v766 = 0; v766 < v762; ++v766) { renderRect(v765 - v764 / 2, 0, v764, p988.scale * 2, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v765 += v763 / v762; } } else if (p988.name == "healing pad") { v747.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p988.scale * 2, p988.scale * 2, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = "#db6e6e"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p988.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, v747, true); } else if (p988.name == "spawn pad") { v747.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p988.scale * 2, p988.scale * 2, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.fillStyle = "#71aad6"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale * 0.6, v747); } else if (p988.name == "blocker") { v747.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.rotate(Math.PI / 4); v747.fillStyle = "#db6e6e"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p988.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, v747, true); } else if (p988.name == "teleporter") { v747.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale, v747); v747.fill(); v747.stroke(); v747.rotate(Math.PI / 4); v747.fillStyle = "#d76edb"; renderCircle(0, 0, p988.scale * 0.5, v747, true); } v743 = v745; if (!p989) { itemSprites[p988.id] = v743; } } return v743; } function getItemSprite2(p990, p991, p992) { let vMainContext = mainContext; let v767 = p990.name == "windmill" ? items.list[4].scale : p990.scale; vMainContext.save(); vMainContext.translate(p991, p992); vMainContext.rotate(p990.dir); vMainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; vMainContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; if (p990.name == "apple") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#c15555"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale, vMainContext); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#89a54c"; let v768 = -(Math.PI / 2); renderLeaf(p990.scale * Math.cos(v768), p990.scale * Math.sin(v768), 25, v768 + Math.PI / 2, vMainContext); } else if (p990.name == "cookie") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#cca861"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale, vMainContext); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#937c4b"; let v769 = 4; let v770 = Math.PI * 2 / v769; let v771; for (let v772 = 0; v772 < v769; ++v772) { v771 = UTILS.randInt(p990.scale / 2.5, p990.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(v771 * Math.cos(v770 * v772), v771 * Math.sin(v770 * v772), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), vMainContext, true); } } else if (p990.name == "cheese") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#f4f3ac"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale, vMainContext); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#c3c28b"; let v773 = 4; let v774 = Math.PI * 2 / v773; let v775; for (let v776 = 0; v776 < v773; ++v776) { v775 = UTILS.randInt(p990.scale / 2.5, p990.scale / 1.7); renderCircle(v775 * Math.cos(v774 * v776), v775 * Math.sin(v774 * v776), UTILS.randInt(4, 5), vMainContext, true); } } else if (p990.name == "wood wall" || p990.name == "stone wall" || p990.name == "castle wall") { vMainContext.fillStyle = p990.name == "castle wall" ? "#83898e" : p990.name == "wood wall" ? "#a5974c" : "#939393"; let v777 = p990.name == "castle wall" ? 4 : 3; renderStar(vMainContext, v777, p990.scale * 1.1, p990.scale * 1.1); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = p990.name == "castle wall" ? "#9da4aa" : p990.name == "wood wall" ? "#c9b758" : "#bcbcbc"; renderStar(vMainContext, v777, p990.scale * 0.65, p990.scale * 0.65); vMainContext.fill(); } else if (p990.name == "spikes" || p990.name == "greater spikes" || p990.name == "poison spikes" || p990.name == "spinning spikes") { vMainContext.fillStyle = p990.name == "poison spikes" ? "#7b935d" : "#939393"; let v778 = p990.scale * 0.6; renderStar(vMainContext, p990.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, p990.scale, v778); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v778, vMainContext); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758"; renderCircle(0, 0, v778 / 2, vMainContext, true); } else if (p990.name == "windmill" || p990.name == "faster windmill" || p990.name == "power mill") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v767, vMainContext); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, v767 * 1.5, 29, 4, vMainContext); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v767 * 0.5, vMainContext); } else if (p990.name == "mine") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#939393"; renderStar(vMainContext, 3, p990.scale, p990.scale); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#bcbcbc"; renderStar(vMainContext, 3, p990.scale * 0.55, p990.scale * 0.65); vMainContext.fill(); } else if (p990.name == "sapling") { for (let v779 = 0; v779 < 2; ++v779) { let v780 = p990.scale * (!v779 ? 1 : 0.5); renderStar(vMainContext, 7, v780, v780 * 0.7); vMainContext.fillStyle = !v779 ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62"; vMainContext.fill(); if (!v779) { vMainContext.stroke(); } } } else if (p990.name == "pit trap") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderStar(vMainContext, 3, p990.scale * 1.1, p990.scale * 1.1); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = outlineColor; renderStar(vMainContext, 3, p990.scale * 0.65, p990.scale * 0.65); vMainContext.fill(); } else if (p990.name == "boost pad") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p990.scale * 2, p990.scale * 2, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#dbd97d"; renderTriangle(p990.scale * 1, vMainContext); } else if (p990.name == "turret") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#939393"; let v781 = 50; renderRect(0, -v781 / 2, p990.scale * 0.9, v781, vMainContext); renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale * 0.6, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); } else if (p990.name == "platform") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#cebd5f"; let v782 = 4; let v783 = p990.scale * 2; let v784 = v783 / v782; let v785 = -(p990.scale / 2); for (let v786 = 0; v786 < v782; ++v786) { renderRect(v785 - v784 / 2, 0, v784, p990.scale * 2, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); v785 += v783 / v782; } } else if (p990.name == "healing pad") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p990.scale * 2, p990.scale * 2, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p990.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, vMainContext, true); } else if (p990.name == "spawn pad") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p990.scale * 2, p990.scale * 2, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#71aad6"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale * 0.6, vMainContext); } else if (p990.name == "blocker") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p990.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, vMainContext, true); } else if (p990.name == "teleporter") { vMainContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale, vMainContext); vMainContext.fill(); vMainContext.stroke(); vMainContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); vMainContext.fillStyle = "#d76edb"; renderCircle(0, 0, p990.scale * 0.5, vMainContext, true); } vMainContext.restore(); } let objSprites = []; function getObjSprite(p993) { let v787 = objSprites[p993.id]; if (!v787) { let v788 = 0; let v789 = document.createElement("canvas"); v789.width = v789.height = p993.scale * 2.5 + outlineWidth + (items.list[p993.id].spritePadding || 0) + v788; let v790 = v789.getContext("2d"); v790.translate(v789.width / 2, v789.height / 2); v790.rotate(Math.PI / 2); v790.strokeStyle = outlineColor; v790.lineWidth = outlineWidth; if (p993.name == "spikes" || p993.name == "greater spikes" || p993.name == "poison spikes" || p993.name == "spinning spikes") { v790.fillStyle = p993.name == "poison spikes" ? "#7b935d" : "#939393"; let v791 = p993.scale * 0.6; renderStar(v790, p993.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, p993.scale, v791); v790.fill(); v790.stroke(); v790.shadowColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)"; v790.shadowBlur = 20; v790.shadowOffsetX = 0; v790.shadowOffsetY = 0; v790.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v791, v790); v790.shadowColor = "transparent"; v790.shadowBlur = 0; v790.shadowOffsetX = 0; v790.shadowOffsetY = 0; } else if (p993.name == "pit trap") { v790.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderStar(v790, 3, p993.scale * 1.1, p993.scale * 1.1); v790.fill(); v790.stroke(); v790.fillStyle = "#cc5151"; renderStar(v790, 3, p993.scale * 0.65, p993.scale * 0.65); v790.fill(); } v787 = v789; objSprites[p993.id] = v787; } return v787; } function getMarkSprite(p994, p995, p###, p997) { let v792 = { x: screenWidth / 2, y: screenHeight / 2 }; p995.lineWidth = outlineWidth; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.2; p995.strokeStyle = outlineColor; p995.save(); p995.translate(p###, p997); p995.rotate(34867844010000000000); if (p994.name == "spikes" || p994.name == "greater spikes" || p994.name == "poison spikes" || p994.name == "spinning spikes") { p995.fillStyle = p994.name == "poison spikes" ? "#7b935d" : "#939393"; var v793 = p994.scale; renderStar(p995, p994.name == "spikes" ? 5 : 6, p994.scale, v793); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); p995.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, v793, p995); if (player && p994.owner && player.sid != p994.owner.sid && !tmpObj.findAllianceBySid(p994.owner.sid)) { p995.fillStyle = "#a34040"; } else { p995.fillStyle = "#c9b758"; } renderCircle(0, 0, v793 / 2, p995, true); } else if (p994.name == "turret") { renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); p995.fillStyle = "#939393"; let v794 = 50; renderRect(0, -v794 / 2, p994.scale * 0.9, v794, p995); renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 0.6, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); } else if (p994.name == "teleporter") { p995.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); p995.rotate(Math.PI / 4); p995.fillStyle = "#d76edb"; renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 0.5, p995, true); } else if (p994.name == "platform") { p995.fillStyle = "#cebd5f"; let v795 = 4; let v796 = p994.scale * 2; let v797 = v796 / v795; let v798 = -(p994.scale / 2); for (let v799 = 0; v799 < v795; ++v799) { renderRect(v798 - v797 / 2, 0, v797, p994.scale * 2, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); v798 += v796 / v795; } } else if (p994.name == "healing pad") { p995.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p994.scale * 2, p994.scale * 2, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); p995.fillStyle = "#db6e6e"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, p995, true); } else if (p994.name == "spawn pad") { p995.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderRect(0, 0, p994.scale * 2, p994.scale * 2, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); p995.fillStyle = "#71aad6"; renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 0.6, p995); } else if (p994.name == "blocker") { p995.fillStyle = "#7e7f82"; renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale, p995); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); p995.rotate(Math.PI / 4); p995.fillStyle = "#db6e6e"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, p995, true); } else if (p994.name == "windmill" || p994.name == "faster windmill" || p994.name == "power mill") { p995.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale, p995); p995.fillStyle = "#c9b758"; renderRectCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 1.5, 29, 4, p995); p995.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderCircle(0, 0, p994.scale * 0.5, p995); } else if (p994.name == "pit trap") { p995.fillStyle = "#a5974c"; renderStar(p995, 3, p994.scale * 1.1, p994.scale * 1.1); p995.fill(); p995.stroke(); if (player && p994.owner && player.sid != p994.owner.sid && !tmpObj.findAllianceBySid(p994.owner.sid)) { p995.fillStyle = "#a34040"; } else { p995.fillStyle = outlineColor; } renderStar(p995, 3, p994.scale * 0.65, p994.scale * 0.65); p995.fill(); } p995.restore(); } function isOnScreen(p998, p999, p1000) { return p998 + p1000 >= 0 && p998 - p1000 <= maxScreenWidth && p999 + p1000 >= 0 && (p999, p1000, maxScreenHeight); } function renderGameObjects(p1001, p1002, p1003) { let v800; let v801; let v802; liztobj.forEach(p1004 => { tmpObj = p1004; if (tmpObj.active && liztobj.includes(p1004) && tmpObj.render) { v801 = tmpObj.x + tmpObj.xWiggle - p1002; v802 = tmpObj.y + tmpObj.yWiggle - p1003; if (p1001 == 0) { tmpObj.update(delta); } mainContext.globalAlpha = tmpObj.alpha; if (tmpObj.layer == p1001 && isOnScreen(v801, v802, tmpObj.scale + (tmpObj.blocker || 0))) { if (tmpObj.isItem) { if ((tmpObj.dmg || tmpObj.trap) && !tmpObj.isTeamObject(player)) { v800 = getObjSprite(tmpObj); } else { v800 = getItemSprite(tmpObj); } mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(v801, v802); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir); if (!tmpObj.active) { mainContext.scale(tmpObj.visScale / tmpObj.scale, tmpObj.visScale / tmpObj.scale); } mainContext.drawImage(v800, -(v800.width / 2), -(v800.height / 2)); if (tmpObj.blocker) { mainContext.strokeStyle = "#db6e6e"; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.3; mainContext.lineWidth = 6; renderCircle(0, 0, tmpObj.blocker, mainContext, false, true); } mainContext.restore(); } else { v800 = getResSprite(tmpObj); mainContext.drawImage(v800, v801 - v800.width / 2, v802 - v800.height / 2); } } if (p1001 == 3) { if (tmpObj.health < tmpObj.maxHealth && getEl("BuildHealth").value == "bh1") { mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect(v801 - config.healthBarWidth / 2 - config.healthBarPad, v802 - config.healthBarPad, config.healthBarWidth + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj.isTeamObject(player) ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.roundRect(v801 - config.healthBarWidth / 2, v802, config.healthBarWidth * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7); mainContext.fill(); } if (tmpObj.health < tmpObj.maxHealth && getEl("BuildHealth").value == "bh2") { mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(v801, v802, config.healthBarWidth / 2 + config.healthBarPad, 0, Math.PI * 2); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj.isTeamObject(player) ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.beginPath(); const v803 = tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth; mainContext.arc(v801, v802, config.healthBarWidth / 2, -Math.PI / 2, -Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI * 2 * v803); mainContext.lineTo(v801, v802); mainContext.fill(); } if (tmpObj.health < tmpObj.maxHealth && getEl("BuildHealth").value == "bh3") { const v804 = tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth * 360 * (Math.PI / 180); const v805 = 14; const v806 = 22; mainContext.save(); mainContext.lineWidth = 9; mainContext.lineCap = "round"; mainContext.translate(v801, v802); mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(0, 0, v806, 0, v804); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.restore(); mainContext.save(); mainContext.strokeStyle = tmpObj.isTeamObject(player) ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.lineCap = "round"; mainContext.translate(v801, v802); mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(0, 0, v806, 0, v804); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.restore(); } } } }); if (p1001 == 0) { if (placeVisible.length) { placeVisible.forEach(p1005 => { v801 = p1005.x - p1002; v802 = p1005.y - p1003; markObject(p1005, v801, v802); }); } } } function markObject(p1006, p1007, p1008) { yen(mainContext, p1007, p1008); } function yen(p1009, p1010, p1011) { p1009.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5)"; p1009.beginPath(); p1009.arc(p1010, p1011, 55, 0, Math.PI * 2); p1009.fill(); p1009.closePath(); p1009.globalAlpha = 1; } class MapPing { constructor(p1012, p1013) { this.init = function (p1014, p1015) { this.scale = 0; this.x = p1014; this.y = p1015; this.active = true; }; this.update = function (p1016, p1017) { if (this.active) { this.scale += p1017 * 0.05; if (this.scale >= p1013) { this.active = false; } else { p1016.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.max(0, this.scale / p1013); p1016.beginPath(); p1016.arc(this.x / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, this.y / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, this.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2); p1016.stroke(); } } }; this.color = p1012; } } let relMin = 55; let relMax = 385; function getBarColor(p1018, p1019) { let vTmpObj = tmpObj; if (p1019) { if (p1018 <= 0.3703703703703704) { return "#8ecc51"; } else if (p1018 <= 0.7407407407407408) { return "hsl(" + relMin + ", 50%, 60%)"; } else { return "#f9f64f"; } } else { let v807 = 1 - p1018; if (vTmpObj.secondary != 10) { let v808 = "hsl(" + Math.round(relMax + v807 * (relMin - relMax)) % 360 + ", 50%, 60%)"; if (p1018 == 1) { return "#f4f259"; } else { return v808; } } else if (vTmpObj.secondary == 10) { let v809 = "hsl(" + Math.round(relMax + v807 * (relMin - relMax)) % 360 + ", 50%, 60%)"; if (p1018 <= 0.3703703703703704) { return "#73bfa2"; } else if (p1018 <= 0.7407407407407408) { return "#8ecc51"; } else { return "#f9f64f"; } } } } function pingMap(p1020, p1021) { tmpPing = mapPings.find(p1022 => !p1022.active); if (!tmpPing) { tmpPing = new MapPing("#fff", config.mapPingScale); mapPings.push(tmpPing); } tmpPing.init(p1020, p1021); } function updateMapMarker() { mapMarker.x = player.x; mapMarker.y = player.y; } function renderMinimap(p1023) { if (player && player.alive) { mapContext.clearRect(0, 0, mapDisplay.width, mapDisplay.height); mapContext.lineWidth = 4; for (let v810 = 0; v810 < mapPings.length; ++v810) { tmpPing = mapPings[v810]; mapContext.strokeStyle = tmpPing.color; tmpPing.update(mapContext, p1023); } mapContext.globalAlpha = 1; mapContext.fillStyle = "#ff0000"; if (breakTrackers.length) { mapContext.fillStyle = "#abcdef"; mapContext.font = "34px Hammersmith One"; mapContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mapContext.textAlign = "center"; for (let v811 = 0; v811 < breakTrackers.length;) { mapContext.fillText("!", breakTrackers[v811].x / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, breakTrackers[v811].y / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.height); v811 += 2; } } mapContext.globalAlpha = 1; mapContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; renderCircle(player.x / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, player.y / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, true); mapContext.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.35)"; if (player.team && minimapData) { for (let v812 = 0; v812 < minimapData.length;) { renderCircle(minimapData[v812] / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, minimapData[v812 + 1] / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, true); v812 += 2; } } if (bots.length) { bots.forEach(p#### => { if (p####.inGame) { mapContext.globalAlpha = 1; mapContext.strokeStyle = "#cc5151"; renderCircle(p####.x2 / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, p####.y2 / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.height, 7, mapContext, false, true); } }); } if (lastDeath) { mapContext.fillStyle = "#fc5553"; mapContext.font = "34px Hammersmith One"; mapContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mapContext.textAlign = "center"; mapContext.fillText("x", lastDeath.x / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, lastDeath.y / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.height); } if (mapMarker) { mapContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mapContext.font = "34px Hammersmith One"; mapContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mapContext.textAlign = "center"; mapContext.fillText("x", mapMarker.x / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.width, mapMarker.y / config.mapScale * mapDisplay.height); } } } let crossHairs = ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Crosshairs_Red.svg/1200px-Crosshairs_Red.svg.png", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Crosshairs_Red.svg/1200px-Crosshairs_Red.svg.png"]; let crossHairSprites = {}; let iconSprites = {}; let icons = ["crown", "skull"]; function loadIcons() { for (let v813 = 0; v813 < icons.length; ++v813) { let v814 = new Image(); v814.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; v814.src = "./../img/icons/" + icons[v813] + ".png"; iconSprites[icons[v813]] = v814; } for (let v815 = 0; v815 < crossHairs.length; ++v815) { let v816 = new Image(); v816.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; }; v816.src = crossHairs[v815]; crossHairSprites[v815] = v816; } } loadIcons(); function cdf(p1025, p1026) { try { return Math.hypot((p1026.y2 || p1026.y) - (p1025.y2 || p1025.y), (p1026.x2 || p1026.x) - (p1025.x2 || p1025.x)); } catch (_0x216fef) { return Infinity; } } function updateGame() { if (gameObjects.length && inGame) { gameObjects.forEach(p1027 => { if (UTILS.getDistance(p1027.x, p1027.y, player.x, player.y) <= 1200) { if (!liztobj.includes(p1027)) { liztobj.push(p1027); p1027.render = true; } } else if (liztobj.includes(p1027)) { if (UTILS.getDistance(p1027.x, p1027.y, player.x, player.y) >= 1200) { p1027.render = false; const v817 = liztobj.indexOf(p1027); if (v817 > -1) { liztobj.splice(v817, 1); } } } else if (UTILS.getDistance(p1027.x, p1027.y, player.x, player.y) >= 1200) { p1027.render = false; const v818 = liztobj.indexOf(p1027); if (v818 > -1) { liztobj.splice(v818, 1); } } else { p1027.render = false; const v819 = liztobj.indexOf(p1027); if (v819 > -1) { liztobj.splice(v819, 1); } } }); } mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, gameCanvas.width, gameCanvas.height); mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; function f49(p1028, p1029, p1030 = 25) { camX = (camX * (p1030 - 1) + p1028) / p1030; camY = (camY * (p1030 - 1) + p1029) / p1030; } if (player) { let v820 = player.x; let v821 = player.y; if (near.dist2 <= 1000 && inGame || !getEl("combatZoom").checked) { maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth * 1; maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight * 1; } else { maxScreenWidth = config.maxScreenWidth * 1.4; maxScreenHeight = config.maxScreenHeight * 1.4; } let v822 = getEl("cameramodes").value; if (v822 === "camera3") { f49(v820, v821); let v823 = (mouseX - window.innerWidth / 2) / 175; let v824 = (mouseY - window.innerHeight / 2) / 175; camX += v823; camY += v824; resize(); let v825 = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, v820, v821); let v826 = UTILS.getDirection(v820, v821, camX, camY); let v827 = 0.0001; let v828 = v825 * v827; if (v825 > 1e-19) { camX += (v828 * Math.cos(v826) - camX) * v827; camY += (v828 * Math.sin(v826) - camY) * v827; } else { camX = v820; camY = v821; } } else if (v822 === "camera2") { f49(v820, v821); let v829 = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, v820, v821); let v830 = UTILS.getDirection(v820, v821, camX, camY); let v831 = 0.0001; let v832 = v829 * v831; if (v829 > 1e-19) { camX += (v832 * Math.cos(v830) - camX) * v831; camY += (v832 * Math.sin(v830) - camY) * v831; } else { camX = v820; camY = v821; } } else if (v822 === "camera1") { camX = v820; camY = v821; let v833 = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, v820, v821); let v834 = UTILS.getDirection(v820, v821, camX, camY); let v835 = Math.min(v833 * 0.005 * delta, v833); if (v833 > 0.05) { camX += v835 * Math.cos(v834); camY += v835 * Math.sin(v834); } else { camX = v820; camY = v821; } } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } } else { camX = config.mapScale / 2; camY = config.mapScale / 2; } let v836 = now - 1000 / config.serverUpdateRate; let v837; for (let v838 = 0; v838 < players.length + ais.length; ++v838) { tmpObj = players[v838] || ais[v838 - players.length]; if (tmpObj && tmpObj.visible) { if (tmpObj.forcePos) { tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x2; tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y2; tmpObj.dir = tmpObj.d2; } else { let v839 = tmpObj.t2 - tmpObj.t1; let v840 = v836 - tmpObj.t1; let v841 = v840 / v839; let v842 = 170; tmpObj.dt += delta; let v843 = Math.min(1.7, tmpObj.dt / v842); v837 = tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.x1; tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x1 + v837 * v843; v837 = tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.y1; tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y1 + v837 * v843; if (config.anotherVisual) { tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, v841)); } else { tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, v841)); } } } } let v844 = camX - maxScreenWidth / 2; let v845 = camY - maxScreenHeight / 2; if (config.snowBiomeTop - v845 <= 0 && config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - v845 >= maxScreenHeight) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#b6db66"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else if (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - v845 <= 0) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#dbc666"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else if (config.snowBiomeTop - v845 >= maxScreenHeight) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else if (config.snowBiomeTop - v845 >= 0) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, config.snowBiomeTop - v845); mainContext.fillStyle = "#b6db66"; mainContext.fillRect(0, config.snowBiomeTop - v845, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight - (config.snowBiomeTop - v845)); } else { mainContext.fillStyle = "#b6db66"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - v845); mainContext.fillStyle = "#dbc666"; mainContext.fillRect(0, config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - v845, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight - (config.mapScale - config.snowBiomeTop - v845)); } if (!firstSetup) { waterMult += waterPlus * config.waveSpeed * delta; if (waterMult >= config.waveMax) { waterMult = config.waveMax; waterPlus = -1; } else if (waterMult <= 1) { waterMult = waterPlus = 1; } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = "#dbc666"; renderWaterBodies(v844, v845, mainContext, config.riverPadding); mainContext.fillStyle = "#91b2db"; renderWaterBodies(v844, v845, mainContext, (waterMult - 1) * 250); } if (getEl("showgrid").checked) { mainContext.lineWidth = 4; mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000"; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.06; } else { mainContext.lineWidth = 0; mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000"; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0; } for (let v846 = -camX; v846 < maxScreenWidth; v846 += maxScreenHeight / 18) { if (v846 > 0) { mainContext.moveTo(v846, 0); mainContext.lineTo(v846, maxScreenHeight); } } for (let v847 = -camY; v847 < maxScreenHeight; v847 += maxScreenHeight / 18) { if (v847 > 0) { mainContext.moveTo(0, v847); mainContext.lineTo(maxScreenWidth, v847); } } mainContext.stroke(); if (pathFind.active) { if (pathFind.array && (pathFind.chaseNear ? enemy.length : true)) { mainContext.lineWidth = 3; mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = "cyan"; mainContext.beginPath(); pathFind.array.forEach((p1031, p1032) => { let v848 = { x: pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid * p1031.x, y: pathFind.scale / pathFind.grid * p1031.y }; let v849 = { x: player.x2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + v848.x - v844, y: player.y2 - pathFind.scale / 2 + v848.y - v845 }; if (p1032 == 0) { mainContext.moveTo(v849.x, v849.y); } else { mainContext.lineTo(v849.x, v849.y); } }); mainContext.stroke(); } } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; renderDeadPlayers(v844, v845); mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor; renderGameObjects(-1, v844, v845); mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth; renderProjectiles(0, v844, v845); renderPlayers(v844, v845, 0); mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; for (let v850 = 0; v850 < ais.length; ++v850) { tmpObj = ais[v850]; if (tmpObj.active && tmpObj.visible) { tmpObj.animate(delta); mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(tmpObj.x - v844, tmpObj.y - v845); mainContext.rotate(tmpObj.dir + tmpObj.dirPlus - Math.PI / 2); renderAI(tmpObj, mainContext); mainContext.restore(); } } renderGameObjects(0, v844, v845); renderProjectiles(1, v844, v845); renderGameObjects(1, v844, v845); renderPlayers(v844, v845, 1); renderGameObjects(2, v844, v845); renderGameObjects(3, v844, v845); mainContext.fillStyle = "#000"; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.09; if (v844 <= 0) { mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, -v844, maxScreenHeight); } if (config.mapScale - v844 <= maxScreenWidth) { let v851 = Math.max(0, -v845); mainContext.fillRect(config.mapScale - v844, v851, maxScreenWidth - (config.mapScale - v844), maxScreenHeight - v851); } if (v845 <= 0) { mainContext.fillRect(-v844, 0, maxScreenWidth + v844, -v845); } if (config.mapScale - v845 <= maxScreenHeight) { let v852 = Math.max(0, -v844); let v853 = 0; if (config.mapScale - v844 <= maxScreenWidth) { v853 = maxScreenWidth - (config.mapScale - v844); } mainContext.fillRect(v852, config.mapScale - v845, maxScreenWidth - v852 - v853, maxScreenHeight - (config.mapScale - v845)); } if (getEl("daytime").checked) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.35)"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } else { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.6)"; mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight); } if (tracker.draw3.active) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; let v854 = { x: tracker.draw3.x - v844, y: tracker.draw3.y - v845, scale: tracker.draw3.scale }; mainContext.strokeStyle = "#cc5151"; mainContext.lineWidth = 3.25; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(v854.x, v854.y, v854.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2); mainContext.stroke(); } if (tracker.draw2.active) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.5; let v855 = { x: tracker.draw2.x - v844, y: tracker.draw2.y - v845, scale: tracker.draw2.scale }; mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.arc(v855.x, v855.y, v855.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.closePath(); mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; } mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.beginPath(); for (let v856 = 0; v856 < players.length + ais.length; ++v856) { tmpObj = players[v856] || ais[v856 - players.length]; if (tmpObj.visible) { mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor; let v857 = (tmpObj.team ? "[" + tmpObj.team + "] " : "") + (tmpObj.name || ""); if (v857 != "") { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.font = (tmpObj.nameScale || 30) + "px Hammersmith One"; mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mainContext.textAlign = "center"; mainContext.lineWidth = tmpObj.nameScale ? 11 : 8; mainContext.lineJoin = "round"; mainContext.strokeText(v857, tmpObj.x - v844, tmpObj.y - v845 - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY); mainContext.fillText(v857, tmpObj.x - v844, tmpObj.y - v845 - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY); if (tmpObj.isLeader && iconSprites.crown.isLoaded) { let v858 = config.crownIconScale; let v859 = tmpObj.x - v844 - v858 / 2 - mainContext.measureText(v857).width / 2 - config.crownPad; mainContext.drawImage(iconSprites.crown, v859, tmpObj.y - v845 - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY - v858 / 2 - 5, v858, v858); } if (tmpObj.iconIndex == 1 && iconSprites.skull.isLoaded) { let v860 = config.crownIconScale; let v861 = tmpObj.x - v844 - v860 / 2 + mainContext.measureText(v857).width / 2 + config.crownPad; mainContext.drawImage(iconSprites.skull, v861, tmpObj.y - v845 - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY - v860 / 2 - 5, v860, v860); } if (tmpObj.isPlayer && instaC.wait && near == tmpObj && (tmpObj.backupNobull ? crossHairSprites[1].isLoaded : crossHairSprites[0].isLoaded) && enemy.length && !useWasd) { let v862 = tmpObj.scale * 2.2; mainContext.drawImage(tmpObj.backupNobull ? crossHairSprites[1] : crossHairSprites[0], tmpObj.x - v844 - v862 / 2, tmpObj.y - v845 - v862 / 2, v862, v862); } } if (!getEl("cleanmode").checked) { if (tmpObj.isPlayer) { let v863 = tmpObj.x - v844 + mainContext.measureText(v857).width / 2 + config.crownPad; let v864 = tmpObj.y - v845 - tmpObj.scale - config.nameY; if (tmpObj.iconIndex == 1) { v863 = tmpObj.x - v844 - 30 + mainContext.measureText(v857).width / 2 + config.crownPad * 3.5 + 5; } mainContext.font = (tmpObj.nameScale || 30) + "px Hammersmith One"; if (tmpObj.shameCount > 4) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#cc5151"; } else if (tmpObj.shameCount > 2) { mainContext.fillStyle = "#ffff00"; } else { mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj == player || tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team ? "#8ecc51" : "#fff"; } mainContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mainContext.textAlign = "center"; mainContext.lineWidth = tmpObj.nameScale ? 11 : 8; mainContext.lineJoin = "round"; mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.shameCount, v863, v864); mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.shameCount, v863, v864); } } if (tmpObj.health > 0) { if (tmpObj.name != "") { mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - v844 - config.healthBarWidth - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - v845 + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY, config.healthBarWidth * 2 + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 8); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj == player || tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - v844 - config.healthBarWidth, tmpObj.y - v845 + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY + config.healthBarPad, config.healthBarWidth * 2 * (tmpObj.health / tmpObj.maxHealth), 17 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 7); mainContext.fill(); } if (tmpObj.isPlayer && !getEl("cleanmode").checked) { mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; let v865 = { primary: tmpObj.primaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : (items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.primaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.primaryIndex].speed, secondary: tmpObj.secondaryIndex == undefined ? 1 : (items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.secondaryIndex]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.secondaryIndex].speed, turret: (2500 - tmpObj.reloads[53]) / 2500 }; if (!tmpObj.currentReloads) { tmpObj.currentReloads = { primary: v865.primary, secondary: v865.secondary, turret: v865.turret }; } const v866 = 0.3; tmpObj.currentReloads.primary = (1 - v866) * tmpObj.currentReloads.primary + v866 * v865.primary; tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary = (1 - v866) * tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary + v866 * v865.secondary; tmpObj.currentReloads.turret = (1 - v866) * tmpObj.currentReloads.turret + v866 * v865.turret; if (tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary < 0.999) { let v867 = tmpObj.currentReloads.secondary; mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - v844 + 2 - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - v845 + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 13, 47 + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 10); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj == player || tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - v844 + 2, tmpObj.y - v845 + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad, v867 * 47, 16 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 10); mainContext.fill(); } if (tmpObj.currentReloads.primary < 0.999) { let v868 = tmpObj.currentReloads.primary; mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - v844 - 50 - config.healthBarPad, tmpObj.y - v845 + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 13, 47 + config.healthBarPad * 2, 17, 10); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj == player || tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - v844 - 50, tmpObj.y - v845 + tmpObj.scale + config.nameY - 13 + config.healthBarPad, v868 * 47, 16 - config.healthBarPad * 2, 10); mainContext.fill(); } if (tmpObj == player) {} } if (inGame) { f50(0, 20, 20, "rgba(0,0,0,5)", "auto", 6, true); } } } } function f50(p1033, p1034, p1035, p1036, p1037, p1038 = 0, p1039) { let v869 = p1039 == true ? tmpObj.isPlayer && tmpObj != player : tmpObj.isPlayer && tmpObj.sid != player.sid && (!isAlly(tmpObj.sid) || tmpObj.sid == player.sid); let v870 = { x: screenWidth / 2, y: screenHeight / 2 }; let v871 = Math.min(1, UTILS.getDistance(0, 0, player.x - tmpObj.x, (player.y - tmpObj.y) * (16 / 9)) * 100 / (config.maxScreenHeight / 2) / v870.y); if (v869 && !tmpObj.isTeam(player)) { let v872 = Math.sqrt((tmpObj.x - player.x) ** 2 + (tmpObj.x - player.x) ** 2); let v873 = player.x + v872 * 0.5 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(tmpObj.y - player.y, tmpObj.x - player.x)); let v874 = player.y + v872 * 0.5 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(tmpObj.y - player.y, tmpObj.x - player.x)); mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(v873 - v844, v874 - v845); mainContext.rotate(Math.atan2(tmpObj.y - player.y, tmpObj.x - player.x) + Math.PI / 2); mainContext.fillStyle = p1036; mainContext.globalAlpha = p1037 == "auto" ? v871 : p1037; mainContext.lineWidth = p1038; mainContext.lineCap = "round"; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.strokeStyle = "transparent"; mainContext.moveTo(p1033, p1033); mainContext.lineTo(p1034, p1034); mainContext.lineTo(-p1035, p1035); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.closePath(); mainContext.restore(); } } function f51(p1040, p1041, p1042, p1043, p1044, p1045, p1046, p1047) { mainContext.save(); mainContext.translate(p1042 - p1040, p1043 - p1041); mainContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4); mainContext.rotate(p1046); mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; mainContext.strokeStyle = p1045; mainContext.lineCap = "round"; mainContext.lineWidth = p1047; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.moveTo(-p1044, -p1044); mainContext.lineTo(p1044, -p1044); mainContext.lineTo(p1044, p1044); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.closePath(); mainContext.restore(); } if (player) { if (my.autoPush && my.pushData) { let v875 = near.dist2; mainContext.lineWidth = 5; mainContext.globalAlpha = Math.max(0.5, 1 - v875 / 1000000); mainContext.lineCap = "round"; mainContext.beginPath(); mainContext.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF"; let v876 = Math.max(5, Math.min(20, v875 / 100)); mainContext.setLineDash([v876, v876 * 2]); mainContext.moveTo(player.x - v844, player.y - v845); let v877 = (player.x + my.pushData.x) / 2 - v844; let v878 = (player.y + my.pushData.y) / 2 - v845 - 100; mainContext.quadraticCurveTo(v877, v878, my.pushData.x - v844, my.pushData.y - v845); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.setLineDash([]); mainContext.lineWidth = 9; mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.2; mainContext.stroke(); } } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; renderMinimap(delta); textManager.update(delta, mainContext, v844, v845); for (let v879 = 0; v879 < players.length; ++v879) { tmpObj = players[v879]; if (tmpObj.visible) { if (tmpObj.chatCountdown > 0) { tmpObj.chatCountdown -= delta; if (tmpObj.chatCountdown <= 0) { tmpObj.chatCountdown = 0; } mainContext.font = "22px Lilita One"; let v880 = mainContext.measureText(tmpObj.chatMessage); mainContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mainContext.textAlign = "center"; let v881 = tmpObj.x - v844; let v882 = tmpObj.y - tmpObj.scale - v845 - 130; let v883 = 47; let v884 = v880.width + 17; mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"; mainContext.roundRect(v881 - v884 / 2, v882 - v883 / 2, v884, v883, 6); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.chatMessage, v881, v882); } if (tmpObj.chat.count > 0) { tmpObj.chat.count -= delta; if (tmpObj.chat.count <= 0) { tmpObj.chat.count = 0; } mainContext.font = "25px Lilita One"; let v885 = mainContext.measureText(tmpObj.chat.message); mainContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mainContext.textAlign = "center"; let v886 = tmpObj.x - v844; let v887 = tmpObj.y - tmpObj.scale - v845 + 140; let v888 = 47; let v889 = v885.width + 17; mainContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; mainContext.roundRect(v886 - v889 / 2, v887 - v888 / 2, v889, v888, 6); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = "#cc5151"; mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.chat.message, v886, v887); } else { tmpObj.chat.count = 0; } } } if (allChats.length) { allChats.filter(p1048 => p1048.active).forEach(p1049 => { if (!p1049.alive) { if (p1049.alpha <= 1) { p1049.alpha += delta / 250; if (p1049.alpha >= 1) { p1049.alpha = 1; p1049.alive = true; } } } else { p1049.alpha -= delta / 5000; if (p1049.alpha <= 0) { p1049.alpha = 0; p1049.active = false; } } if (p1049.active) { mainContext.font = "20px Hammersmith One"; let v890 = mainContext.measureText(p1049.chat); mainContext.textBaseline = "middle"; mainContext.textAlign = "center"; let v891 = p1049.x - v844; let v892 = p1049.y - v845 - 90; let v893 = 40; let v894 = v890.width + 15; mainContext.globalAlpha = p1049.alpha; mainContext.fillStyle = p1049.owner.isTeam(player) ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151"; mainContext.strokeStyle = "rgb(25, 25, 25)"; mainContext.strokeText(p1049.owner.name, v891, v892 - 45); mainContext.fillText(p1049.owner.name, v891, v892 - 45); mainContext.lineWidth = 5; mainContext.fillStyle = "#ccc"; mainContext.strokeStyle = "rgb(25, 25, 25)"; mainContext.roundRect(v891 - v894 / 2, v892 - v893 / 2, v894, v893, 6); mainContext.stroke(); mainContext.fill(); mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; mainContext.strokeStyle = "#000"; mainContext.strokeText(p1049.chat, v891, v892); mainContext.fillText(p1049.chat, v891, v892); p1049.y -= delta / 100; } }); } mainContext.globalAlpha = 1; renderMinimap(delta); } window.requestAnimFrame = function () { return null; }; window.rAF = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (p1050) { window.setTimeout(p1050, 1000 / 9); }; }(); function doUpdate() { now = performance.now(); delta = now - lastUpdate; lastUpdate = now; let v895 = performance.now(); let v896 = v895 - fpsTimer.last; if (v896 >= 1000) { fpsTimer.ltime = fpsTimer.time * (1000 / v896); fpsTimer.last = v895; fpsTimer.time = 0; } fpsTimer.time++; let v897 = Math.ceil(window.pingTime * 136136126); if (getEl("fakePing").checked) { getEl("pingFps").innerHTML = v897 + " | FPS: " + Math.round(fpsTimer.ltime) + " | Packet: " + secPacket + " | AutoMills: " + mills.place + " | CanInsta?: " + instaC.isTrue; } else { getEl("pingFps").innerHTML = window.pingTime + " | FPS: " + Math.round(fpsTimer.ltime) + " | Packet: " + secPacket + " | AutoMills: " + mills.place + " | CanInsta?: " + instaC.isTrue; } updateGame(); rAF(doUpdate); ms.avg = Math.round((ms.min + ms.max) / 2); } prepareMenuBackground(); doUpdate(); function toggleUseless(p1051) { getEl("antiBullType").disabled = p1051; getEl("BuildHealth").disabled = p1051; } toggleUseless(useWasd); let changeDays = {}; window.debug = function () { my.waitHit = 0; my.autoAim = false; instaC.isTrue = false; traps.inTrap = false; my.autoPush = false; pathFind.active = false; pathFind.chaseNear = false; itemSprites = []; objSprites = []; gameObjectSprites = []; sendChat("debugging."); setTimeout(() => { sendChat("debugging.."); }, 1000); setTimeout(() => { sendChat("debugging..."); }, 2000); }; window.wasdMode = function () { useWasd = !useWasd; toggleUseless(useWasd); }; window.startGrind = function () { if (getEl("weaponGrind").checked) { for (let v898 = 0; v898 < Math.PI * 2; v898 += Math.PI / 2) { checkPlace(player.getItemType(22), v898); } } }; let projects = ["adorable-eight-guppy", "galvanized-bittersweet-windshield"]; let botIDS = 0; window.connectFillBots = function () { botSkts = []; botIDS = 0; for (let v899 = 0; v899 < projects.length; v899++) { let v900 = new WebSocket("wss://" + projects[v899] + ".glitch.me"); v900.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; v900.onopen = function () { v900.ssend = function (p1052) { let v901 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); let v902 = window.msgpack.encode([p1052, v901]); v900.send(v902); }; for (let v903 = 0; v903 < 4; v903++) { window.grecaptcha.execute("6LfahtgjAAAAAF8SkpjyeYMcxMdxIaQeh-VoPATP", { action: "homepage" }).then(function (p1053) { let v904 = WS.url.split("wss://")[1].split("?")[0]; v900.ssend("bots", "wss://" + v904 + "?token=re:" + encodeURIComponent(p1053), botIDS); botSkts.push([v900]); botIDS++; }); } }; v900.onmessage = function (p1054) { let v905 = new Uint8Array(p1054.data); let v906 = window.msgpack.decode(v905); let v907 = v906[0]; v905 = v906[1]; }; } }; window.destroyFillBots = function () { botSkts.forEach(p1055 => { p1055[0].close(); }); botSkts = []; }; window.tryConnectBots = function () { for (let v908 = 0; v908 < (bots.length < 3 ? 3 : 4); v908++) { window.grecaptcha.execute("6LfahtgjAAAAAF8SkpjyeYMcxMdxIaQeh-VoPATP", { action: "homepage" }).then(function (p1056) { botSpawn(p1056); }); } }; window.destroyBots = function () { bots.forEach(p1057 => { p1057.closeSocket = true; }); bots = []; }; window.resBuild = function () { if (gameObjects.length) { gameObjects.forEach(p1058 => { p1058.breakObj = false; }); breakObjects = []; } }; window.toggleBotsCircle = function () { player.circle = !player.circle; }; window.toggleVisual = function () { config.anotherVisual = !config.anotherVisual; gameObjects.forEach(p1059 => { if (p1059.active) { p1059.dir = p1059.lastDir; } }); }; window.prepareUI = function (p1060) { resize(); var v909 = document.getElementById("chatBox"); var v910 = document.getElementById("chatHolder"); var v911 = document.createElement("div"); v911.id = "suggestBox"; var v912 = []; var v913 = 0; function f52() { if (!usingTouch) { if (v910.style.display == "block") { if (v909.value) { sendChat(v909.value); } f53(); } else { storeMenu.style.display = "none"; allianceMenu.style.display = "none"; v910.style.display = "block"; v909.focus(); resetMoveDir(); } } else { setTimeout(function () { var vPrompt2 = prompt("chat message"); if (vPrompt2) { sendChat(vPrompt2); } }, 1); } v909.value = ""; (() => { v913 = 0; })(); } function f53() { v909.value = ""; v910.style.display = "none"; } UTILS.removeAllChildren(actionBar); for (let v914 = 0; v914 < items.weapons.length + items.list.length; ++v914) { (function (p1061) { UTILS.generateElement({ id: "actionBarItem" + p1061, class: "actionBarItem", onmouseout: function () { showItemInfo(); }, parent: actionBar }); })(v914); } for (let v915 = 0; v915 < items.list.length + items.weapons.length; ++v915) { (function (p1062) { let v916 = document.createElement("canvas"); v916.width = v916.height = 66; let v917 = v916.getContext("2d"); v917.translate(v916.width / 2, v916.height / 2); v917.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; v917.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; v917.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; if (items.weapons[p1062]) { v917.rotate(Math.PI); let v918 = new Image(); toolSprites[items.weapons[p1062].src] = v918; v918.onload = function () { this.isLoaded = true; let v919 = 1 / (this.height / this.width); let v920 = items.weapons[p1062].iPad || 1; v917.drawImage(this, -(v916.width * v920 * config.iconPad * v919) / 2, -(v916.height * v920 * config.iconPad) / 2, v916.width * v920 * v919 * config.iconPad, v916.height * v920 * config.iconPad); v917.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.2)"; v917.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop"; v917.fillRect(-v916.width / 2, -v916.height / 2, v916.width, v916.height); getEl("actionBarItem" + p1062).style.backgroundImage = "url(" + v916.toDataURL() + ")"; }; v918.src = "./../img/weapons/" + items.weapons[p1062].src + ".png"; let vGetEl4 = getEl("actionBarItem" + p1062); vGetEl4.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { selectWeapon(p1060.weapons[items.weapons[p1062].type]); }); UTILS.hookTouchEvents(vGetEl4); } else { let vGetItemSprite3 = getItemSprite(items.list[p1062 - items.weapons.length], true); let v921 = Math.min(v916.width - config.iconPadding, vGetItemSprite3.width); v917.globalAlpha = 1; v917.drawImage(vGetItemSprite3, -v921 / 2, -v921 / 2, v921, v921); v917.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.1)"; v917.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop"; v917.fillRect(-v921 / 2, -v921 / 2, v921, v921); getEl("actionBarItem" + p1062).style.backgroundImage = "url(" + v916.toDataURL() + ")"; let vGetEl5 = getEl("actionBarItem" + p1062); vGetEl5.onclick = UTILS.checkTrusted(function () { selectToBuild(p1060.items[p1060.getItemType(p1062 - items.weapons.length)]); }); UTILS.hookTouchEvents(vGetEl5); } })(v915); } }; window.profineTest = function (p1063) { if (p1063) { let v922 = p1063 + ""; v922 = v922.slice(0, config.maxNameLength); return v922; } }; var uwu = document.getElementById("foodDisplay"); var da = document.getElementById("woodDisplay"); var das = document.getElementById("stoneDisplay"); var dsa = document.getElementById("killCounter"); var ds312a = document.getElementById("scoreDisplay"); var dsa2 = document.getElementById("chatBox"); var ds312a2 = document.getElementById("leaderboard"); var ds312a3 = document.getElementById("ageText"); var ds312a4 = document.getElementById("actionBar"); var ds312a5 = document.getElementById("pingDisplay"); var ds312a6 = document.getElementById("upgradeCounter"); var elements = [uwu, da, das, dsa, ds312a, dsa2, ds312a2, ds312a3, ds312a4, ds312a5, ds312a6]; elements.forEach(function (p1064) { if (p1064) { p1064.style.fontFamily = "Lilita One"; } }); const getContextHandler = { apply(p1065, p1066, p1067) { const v923 = p1065.apply(p1066, p1067); if (p1066.id == "gameCanvas") { context = v923; } return v923; } }; const requestAnimationFrameHandler = { apply(p1068, p1069, p1070) { if (context) { context.globalAlpha = 0.3; } return p1068.apply(p1069, p1070); } }; let context = null; Object.setPrototypeOf(getContextHandler, null); Object.setPrototypeOf(requestAnimationFrameHandler, null); HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = new Proxy(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext, getContextHandler); window.requestAnimationFrame = new Proxy(window.requestAnimationFrame, requestAnimationFrameHandler); // ==UserScript== // @name MooMoo.io Script Unpatcher (Any Hack) (All patches, fixes packets) // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 100000 // @description Rewrites packets to most recent version (e.g. 33 -> f) // @author JavedPension // @match *://*.moomoo.io/* // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/423602-msgpack/code/msgpack.js // @grant none // @license MIT // @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/520849/MooMooio%20Script%20Unpatcher%20%28Any%20Hack%29%20%28All%20patches%2C%20fixes%20packets%29.user.js // @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/520849/MooMooio%20Script%20Unpatcher%20%28Any%20Hack%29%20%28All%20patches%2C%20fixes%20packets%29.meta.js // ==/UserScript== /* How to use Copy and paste the code below to the end of your hack. This technically will auto-fix all hacks after the first update in 2021. If you do not have msgpack locally referencable, include the `// @require` line in your mod metadata as done above. */ const PACKET_MAP = { // wont have all old packets, since they conflict with some of the new ones, add them yourself if you want to unpatch mods that are that old. "33": "9", // "7": "K", "ch": "6", "pp": "0", "13c": "c", // most recent packet changes "f": "9", "a": "9", "d": "F", "G": "z" } let originalSend = WebSocket.prototype.send; WebSocket.prototype.send = new Proxy(originalSend, { apply: ((target, websocket, argsList) => { let decoded = msgpack.decode(new Uint8Array(argsList[0])); if (PACKET_MAP.hasOwnProperty(decoded[0])) { decoded[0] = PACKET_MAP[decoded[0]]; } return target.apply(websocket, [msgpack.encode(decoded)]); }) });