Greasy Fork is available in English.
Open YouTube videos in new tab with intelligent filtering
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube新标签页打开 // @namespace your_namespace // @version 2.1.0 // @description:zh-cn YouTube视频新标签页打开点击油猴图标可以切换首页非首页模式 // @author YourName // @match *://** // @license 无 // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @description Open YouTube videos in new tab with intelligent filtering // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // 配置存储(默认全局模式) const CONFIG = { globalMode: GM_getValue('globalMode', true) }; // 清理旧菜单项 let currentMenuIds = []; const updateMenu = () => { currentMenuIds.forEach(id => GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id)); currentMenuIds = []; currentMenuIds.push(GM_registerMenuCommand( `${CONFIG.globalMode ? "✅" : "❌"} 全局模式(所有页面生效)`, () => setMode(true) )); currentMenuIds.push(GM_registerMenuCommand( `${!CONFIG.globalMode ? "✅" : "❌"} 首页模式(主页+频道页生效)`, () => setMode(false) )); }; // 模式切换 const setMode = (global) => { CONFIG.globalMode = global; GM_setValue('globalMode', global); location.reload(); }; // 页面类型判断 const isHomePage = () => window.location.pathname === "/"; const isChannelPage = () => /^\/(channel\/|user\/|c\/|@)/.test(window.location.pathname); const isSearchPage = () => window.location.pathname === "/r###lts"; // 新增搜索页判断 // 链接类型判断 const isSpecialLink = (target) => { // 用户资料链接检测 try { const url = new URL(target.href); if (/^\/(channel\/|user\/|c\/|@)/.test(url.pathname)) { return !target.closest('ytd-channel-name, ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer'); } } catch {} // 视频链接检测 return /(\/watch\?v=|\/shorts\/)/.test(target.href) && !target.closest('ytd-channel-name, ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer'); }; // 主处理逻辑 const initHandler = () => { document.addEventListener('click', (event) => { let target =; while (target?.parentElement && target.tagName !== 'A') { target = target.parentElement; } if (!target?.href) return; // 强制处理用户资料链接 try { const url = new URL(target.href); if (/^\/(channel\/|user\/|c\/|@)/.test(url.pathname)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();, '_blank'); return; } } catch {} // 修改后的判断条件(新增搜索页判断) const shouldHandle = isSearchPage() || // 搜索页强制生效 CONFIG.globalMode || // 全局模式 (isHomePage() || isChannelPage()) && !CONFIG.globalMode; // 首页模式 if (shouldHandle && isSpecialLink(target)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const isShort = target.href.includes('/shorts/');, '_blank'); if (isShort && window.location.pathname.startsWith('/shorts/')) { window.location.replace("about:blank"); } } }, true); }; // 初始化 updateMenu(); initHandler(); })();