- 如果您在学习过程中退出单元(例如点击退出按钮,而不是直接关闭浏览器或标签页),即使血量请求被拦截,前端界面依然可能显示血量减少。幸运的是,这种显示问题不会影响实际血量,因为后端血量保持不变。If you exit the unit during the learning process (for example, by clicking the exit button instead of directly closing the browser or tab), the front-end interface may still display a decrease in blood even if the blood request is intercepted. Fortunately, this display issue does not affect the actual blood, as the blood on the backend remains unchanged.
- 在退出后,刷新页面时,血量会恢复为正确的数值,确保您的学习数据始终准确。After exiting, when you refresh the page, the blood will recover to the correct value, ensuring that your learning data is always accurate.
- 如果您完成了整个单元并且有错误,DuoLingo 会根据错误的数量返还相应的血量。此时,前端显示的血量会自动更新,以反映后端的数据,无需任何额外操作。If you complete the entire unit and have errors, DuoLingo will return the corresponding blood based on the number of errors. At this time, the blood displayed on the front-end will automatically update to reflect the data on the backend, without any additional operation.