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3D Game for Drawaria

3D Game on drawaria.online

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### Game Interface
1. **Main Screen**:
- When you first load the page, you will see a logo and a "Start Game" button.
- Clicking the "Start Game" button will initialize the game and display the 3D environment.

2. **Gameplay**:
- The game features a car that you control using the left and right arrow keys.
- The car moves along a road, and obstacles appear randomly.
- Your goal is to avoid the obstacles by moving the car left or right.
- The score increases as you avoid obstacles and continue driving.

3. **Game Over**:
- If the car collides with an obstacle, the game will end.
- A "Game Over" screen will appear, displaying your final score.
- You will have two options:
- **Play Again**: This button will restart the game without reloading the page.
- **Restart Page**: This button will reload the entire page, effectively restarting the game from the beginning.

### Technical Details
1. **Three.js Setup**:
- The script uses the Three.js library to create the 3D environment.
- It sets up a scene, camera, and renderer to display the 3D graphics.
- The car and road are created using basic geometries and materials provided by Three.js.

2. **Game Logic**:
- The game logic includes handling user input (arrow keys) to move the car.
- Obstacles are generated randomly and move towards the car.
- Collision detection is implemented to check if the car hits an obstacle.
- The score is updated continuously as the game progresses.

3. **Audio**:
- Background music and crash sound effects are included to enhance the game experience.
- The background music plays in a loop during the game.
- The crash sound effect plays when the car collides with an obstacle.

4. **User Interface**:
- The script creates a game container that overlays the entire page.
- The main screen and game over screen are displayed using HTML and CSS.
- The score is displayed in the top-left corner of the screen.

5. **Event Handling**:
- The script listens for keydown and keyup events to control the car.
- It also handles window resize events to ensure the game display adapts to different screen sizes.

### Summary
This script transforms the `drawaria.online` page into a 3D game where you control a car to avoid obstacles. It uses the Three.js library for 3D graphics and includes game logic, user input handling, and audio effects to create an engaging gaming experience. The game over screen provides options to play again or restart the page, giving you flexibility in how you want to continue playing.