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Adventure + Scenario Exporter

Export any adventure or scenario to a local file.

// ==UserScript==
// @version      1.0.0
// @name         Adventure + Scenario Exporter
// @description  Export any adventure or scenario to a local file.
// @author       Magic <[email protected]>
// @supportURL   https://github.com/magicoflolis/userscriptrepo/issues
// @namespace    https://github.com/magicoflolis/userscriptrepo/tree/master/userscripts/AIDungeon
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/magicoflolis/userscriptrepo/tree/master/userscripts/AIDungeon
// @icon         
// @license      MIT
// @compatible     chrome
// @compatible     firefox
// @compatible     edge
// @compatible     opera
// @compatible     safari
// @connect     play.aidungeon.com
// @grant     unsafeWindow
// @match     https://play.aidungeon.com/*
// @noframes
// @run-at     document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
'use strict';
const inIframe = () => {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
if (inIframe()) {
let userjs = self.userjs;
* Skip text/plain documents, based on uBlock Origin `vapi.js` file
* [Source Code](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/blob/master/platform/common/vapi.js)
if (
(document instanceof Document ||
(document instanceof XMLDocument && document.createElement('div') instanceof HTMLDivElement)) &&
/^image\/|^text\/plain/.test(document.contentType || '') === false &&
(self.userjs instanceof Object === false || userjs.UserJS !== true)
) {
userjs = self.userjs = { UserJS: true };
if (!(typeof userjs === 'object' && userjs.UserJS)) {
// #region Console
const err = (...msg) => {
'[%cAI Dungeon Script%c] %cERROR',
'color: rgb(69, 91, 106);',
'color: rgb(249, 24, 128);',
const a = typeof alert !== 'undefined' && alert;
for (const ex of msg) {
if (typeof ex === 'object' && 'cause' in ex && a) {
a(`[AI Dungeon Script] (${ex.cause}) ${ex.message}`);
// #endregion
function getUAData() {
if (userjs.isMobile !== undefined) {
return userjs.isMobile;
try {
if (navigator) {
const { userAgent, userAgentData } = navigator;
const { platform, mobile } = userAgentData ? Object(userAgentData) : {};
userjs.isMobile =
/Mobile|Tablet/.test(userAgent ? String(userAgent) : '') ||
Boolean(mobile) ||
/Android|Apple/.test(platform ? String(platform) : '');
} else {
userjs.isMobile = false;
} catch (ex) {
userjs.isMobile = false;
ex.cause = 'getUAData';
return userjs.isMobile;
const isMobile = getUAData();
const win = unsafeWindow ?? window;
// #region Utilities
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").qs }
const qs = (selector, root) => {
try {
return (root || document).querySelector(selector);
} catch (ex) {
return null;
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").objToStr }
const objToStr = (obj) => Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").isElem }
const isElem = (obj) => {
const s = objToStr(obj);
return s.includes('Element');
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").isObj }
const isObj = (obj) => {
const s = objToStr(obj);
return s.includes('Object');
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").isFN }
const isFN = (obj) => {
const s = objToStr(obj);
return s.includes('Function');
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").isNull }
const isNull = (obj) => {
return Object.is(obj, null) || Object.is(obj, undefined);
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").isBlank }
const isBlank = (obj) => {
return (
(typeof obj === 'string' && Object.is(obj.trim(), '')) ||
((obj instanceof Set || obj instanceof Map) && Object.is(obj.size, 0)) ||
(Array.isArray(obj) && Object.is(obj.length, 0)) ||
(isObj(obj) && Object.is(Object.keys(obj).length, 0))
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").isEmpty }
const isEmpty = (obj) => {
return isNull(obj) || isBlank(obj);
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").normalizeTarget }
const normalizeTarget = (target, toQuery = true, root) => {
if (Object.is(target, null) || Object.is(target, undefined)) {
return [];
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
return target;
if (typeof target === 'string') {
return toQuery ? Array.from((root || document).querySelectorAll(target)) : [target];
if (isElem(target)) {
return [target];
return Array.from(target);
* @type { import("../typings/UserJS.d.ts").observe }
const observe = (element, listener, options = { subtree: true, childList: true }) => {
const observer = new MutationObserver(listener);
observer.observe(element, options);
listener.call(element, [], observer);
return observer;
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").ael }
const ael = (el, type, listener, options = {}) => {
try {
for (const elem of normalizeTarget(el)) {
if (!elem) {
if (isMobile && type === 'click') {
elem.addEventListener('touchstart', listener, options);
elem.addEventListener(type, listener, options);
} catch (ex) {
ex.cause = 'ael';
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").make }
const make = (tagName, cname, attrs) => {
let el;
try {
* @type { import("../typings/types.d.ts").formAttrs }
const formAttrs = (elem, attr = {}) => {
if (!elem) {
return elem;
for (const key in attr) {
if (typeof attr[key] === 'object') {
formAttrs(elem[key], attr[key]);
} else if (isFN(attr[key])) {
if (/^on/.test(key)) {
elem[key] = attr[key];
ael(elem, key, attr[key]);
} else if (key === 'class') {
elem.className = attr[key];
} else {
elem[key] = attr[key];
return elem;
el = document.createElement(tagName);
if (!isEmpty(cname)) {
if (typeof cname === 'string') {
el.className = cname;
} else if (isObj(cname)) {
formAttrs(el, cname);
if (!isEmpty(attrs)) {
if (typeof attrs === 'string') {
el.textContent = attrs;
} else if (isObj(attrs)) {
formAttrs(el, attrs);
} catch (ex) {
ex.cause = 'make';
return el;
* @type { import("../typings/UserJS.d.ts").Network }
const Network = {
async req(url, method = 'GET', responseType = 'json', data) {
if (isEmpty(url)) {
throw new Error('"url" parameter is empty');
data = Object.assign({}, data);
method = this.bscStr(method, false);
responseType = this.bscStr(responseType);
const params = {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(url, params)
.then((response_1) => {
if (!response_1.ok) reject(response_1);
const check = (str_2 = 'text') => {
return isFN(response_1[str_2]) ? response_1[str_2]() : response_1;
if (responseType.match(/buffer/)) {
} else if (responseType.match(/json/)) {
} else if (responseType.match(/text/)) {
} else if (responseType.match(/blob/)) {
} else if (responseType.match(/formdata/)) {
} else if (responseType.match(/clone/)) {
} else if (responseType.match(/document/)) {
const respTxt = check('text');
const domParser = new DOMParser();
if (respTxt instanceof Promise) {
respTxt.then((txt) => {
const doc = domParser.parseFromString(txt, 'text/html');
} else {
const doc = domParser.parseFromString(respTxt, 'text/html');
} else {
bscStr(str = '', lowerCase = true) {
const txt = str[lowerCase ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase']();
return txt.replaceAll(/\W/g, '');
const getToken = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (userjs.accessToken !== undefined) {
const dbReq = win.indexedDB.open('firebaseLocalStorageDb');
dbReq.onerror = reject;
dbReq.onsuccess = (event) => {
const transaction = event.target.r###lt.transaction(['firebaseLocalStorage'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore('firebaseLocalStorage');
const allKeys = objectStore.getAllKeys();
allKeys.onerror = reject;
allKeys.onsuccess = (evt) => {
const key = evt.target.r###lt.find((r) => r.includes('firebase:authUser:'));
objectStore.get(key).onsuccess = (evt) => {
const { value } = evt.target.r###lt;
userjs.accessToken = value.stsTokenManager.accessToken;
* @param {string} pathname
const getAdventure = async (pathname) => {
try {
const parts = /\/(adventure|scenario)\/([\w-]+)\/.+(\/)?/.exec(pathname);
if (!parts) {
const resp = {
data: {}
const shortId = parts[2];
const type = {
adventure: {
headers: {
'x-gql-operation-name': 'GetGameplayAdventure'
body: {
operationName: 'GetGameplayAdventure',
variables: { shortId, limit: 100, desc: true },
'query GetGameplayAdventure($shortId: String, $limit: Int, $offset: Int, $desc: Boolean) {\n  adventure(shortId: $shortId) {\n    id\n    publicId\n    shortId\n    scenarioId\n    instructions\n    title\n    description\n    tags\n    nsfw\n    isOwner\n    userJoined\n    gameState\n    actionCount\n    contentType\n    createdAt\n    showComments\n    commentCount\n    allowComments\n    voteCount\n    userVote\n    editedAt\n    published\n    unlisted\n    deletedAt\n    saveCount\n    isSaved\n    user {\n      id\n      isCurrentUser\n      isMember\n      profile {\n        id\n        title\n        thumbImageUrl\n        __typename\n      }\n      __typename\n    }\n    shortCode\n    thirdPerson\n    imageStyle\n    memory\n    authorsNote\n    image\n    actionWindow(limit: $limit, offset: $offset, desc: $desc) {\n      id\n      imageText\n      ...ActionSubscriptionAction\n      __typename\n    }\n    allPlayers {\n      ...PlayerSubscriptionPlayer\n      __typename\n    }\n    storyCards {\n      id\n      ...StoryCard\n      __typename\n    }\n    __typename\n  }\n}\n\nfragment ActionSubscriptionAction on Action {\n  id\n  text\n  type\n  imageUrl\n  shareUrl\n  imageText\n  adventureId\n  decisionId\n  undoneAt\n  deletedAt\n  createdAt\n  logId\n  __typename\n}\n\nfragment PlayerSubscriptionPlayer on Player {\n  id\n  userId\n  characterName\n  isTypingAt\n  user {\n    id\n    isMember\n    profile {\n      id\n      title\n      thumbImageUrl\n      __typename\n    }\n    __typename\n  }\n  createdAt\n  deletedAt\n  blockedAt\n  __typename\n}\n\nfragment StoryCard on StoryCard {\n  id\n  type\n  keys\n  value\n  title\n  useForCharacterCreation\n  description\n  updatedAt\n  deletedAt\n  __typename\n}'
scenario: {
headers: {
'x-gql-operation-name': 'GetScenario'
body: {
operationName: 'GetScenario',
variables: { shortId },
'query GetScenario($shortId: String) {\n  scenario(shortId: $shortId) {\n    id\n    contentType\n    createdAt\n    editedAt\n    publicId\n    shortId\n    title\n    description\n    prompt\n    memory\n    authorsNote\n    image\n    isOwner\n    published\n    unlisted\n    allowComments\n    showComments\n    commentCount\n    voteCount\n    userVote\n    saveCount\n    storyCardCount\n    isSaved\n    tags\n    adventuresPlayed\n    thirdPerson\n    nsfw\n    contentRating\n    contentRatingLockedAt\n    contentRatingLockedMessage\n    tags\n    type\n    details\n    parentScenario {\n      id\n      shortId\n      title\n      __typename\n    }\n    user {\n      isCurrentUser\n      isMember\n      profile {\n        title\n        thumbImageUrl\n        __typename\n      }\n      __typename\n    }\n    options {\n      id\n      userId\n      shortId\n      title\n      prompt\n      parentScenarioId\n      deletedAt\n      __typename\n    }\n    storyCards {\n      id\n      ...StoryCard\n      __typename\n    }\n    ...CardSearchable\n    __typename\n  }\n}\n\nfragment CardSearchable on Searchable {\n  id\n  contentType\n  publicId\n  shortId\n  title\n  description\n  image\n  tags\n  userVote\n  voteCount\n  published\n  unlisted\n  publishedAt\n  createdAt\n  isOwner\n  editedAt\n  deletedAt\n  blockedAt\n  isSaved\n  saveCount\n  commentCount\n  userId\n  contentRating\n  user {\n    id\n    isMember\n    profile {\n      id\n      title\n      thumbImageUrl\n      __typename\n    }\n    __typename\n  }\n  ... on Adventure {\n    actionCount\n    userJoined\n    playPublicId\n    unlisted\n    playerCount\n    __typename\n  }\n  ... on Scenario {\n    adventuresPlayed\n    __typename\n  }\n  __typename\n}\n\nfragment StoryCard on StoryCard {\n  id\n  type\n  keys\n  value\n  title\n  useForCharacterCreation\n  description\n  updatedAt\n  deletedAt\n  __typename\n}'
const accessToken = await getToken();
const adventure = await Network.req('https://api.aidungeon.com/graphql', 'POST', 'json', {
headers: {
authorization: `firebase ${accessToken}`,
'content-type': 'application/json',
'Sec-GPC': '1',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site',
Priority: 'u=4',
referrer: 'https://play.aidungeon.com/',
body: JSON.stringify(type[parts[1]].body)
if (parts[1] === 'adventure') {
const state = await Network.req('https://api.aidungeon.com/graphql', 'POST', 'json', {
headers: {
authorization: `firebase ${accessToken}`,
'content-type': 'application/json',
'x-gql-operation-name': 'GetGameplayAdventure',
'Sec-GPC': '1',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site',
Priority: 'u=4'
referrer: 'https://play.aidungeon.com/',
body: JSON.stringify({
operationName: 'GetAdventureDetails',
variables: { shortId },
'query GetAdventureDetails($shortId: String) {\n  adventureState(shortId: $shortId) {\n    id\n    details\n    __typename\n  }\n}'
Object.assign(resp.data, {...adventure.data, ...state.data});
} else {
Object.assign(resp, adventure);
return resp;
} catch (ex) {
return {};
* @param {HTMLElement} parent
* @param {string} type
const inject = (parent, type = 'play') => {
if (!parent) {
if (qs('.mujs-btn')) {
const parts = /\/(adventure|scenario)\/([\w-]+)\/.+(\/)?/.exec(location.pathname);
const rootType = parts && parts[1];
const cl = {
play: 'mujs-btn is_Button _bg-0hover-513675900 _btc-0hover-1394778429 _brc-0hover-1394778429 _###-0hover-1394778429 _blc-0hover-1394778429 _bxsh-0hover-448821143 _bg-0active-744986709 _btc-0active-1163467620 _brc-0active-1163467620 _###-0active-1163467620 _blc-0active-1163467620 _bxsh-0active-680131952 _bg-0focus-455866976 _btc-0focus-1452587353 _brc-0focus-1452587353 _###-0focus-1452587353 _blc-0focus-1452587353 _bxsh-0focus-391012219 _dsp-flex _fb-auto _bxs-border-box _pos-relative _mih-0px _miw-0px _fs-1 _cur-pointer _ox-hidden _oy-hidden _jc-center _ai-center _h-606181790 _btlr-1307609905 _btrr-1307609905 _bbrr-1307609905 _bblr-1307609905 _pr-1481558338 _pl-1481558338 _fd-row _bg-1633501478 _btc-2122800589 _brc-2122800589 _###-2122800589 _blc-2122800589 _btw-1px _brw-1px _bbw-1px _blw-1px _gap-1481558369 _outlineColor-43811550 _fg-1 _bbs-solid _bts-solid _bls-solid _brs-solid _bxsh-1445571361',
'mujs-btn is_Row _dsp-flex _fb-auto _bxs-border-box _pos-relative _mih-0px _miw-0px _fs-1 _fd-row _ai-center _gap-1481558369 _w-5037 _pt-1481558338 _pb-1481558338 _fg-1'
const btn = make('div', cl[type], {
id: 'game-blur-button'
const txt = make(
'is_ButtonText font_body _ff-2###67014 _dsp-inline _bxs-border-box _ww-break-word _whiteSpace-pre-wrap _mt-0px _mr-0px _mb-0px _ml-0px _col-675002279 _fos-229441189 _lh-222976573 _tt-uppercase _mah-606181790 _pe-none _zi-1',
textContent: `Export ${rootType} (JSON)`
const ico = make(
'is_Paragraph font_icons _dsp-inline _bxs-border-box _ww-break-word _mt-0px _mr-0px _mb-0px _ml-0px _col-675002279 _ff-2###67014 _fow-233016109 _ls-167744028 _fos-229441158 _lh-222976511 _ussel-auto _whiteSpace-1357640891 _pe-none _pt-1316335105 _pb-1316335105',
textContent: 'w_export'
let span;
ico.importantforaccessibility = 'no';
ico['aria-hidden'] = true;
btn.append(ico, txt);
ael(btn, 'click', async (evt) => {
const obj = await getAdventure(location.pathname);
const root = obj.data.adventure ?? obj.data.scenario;
const str = JSON.stringify(obj, null, ' ');
const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(str);
const blob = new Blob([bytes], { type: 'application/json;charset=utf-8' });
const e = make('a', 'mujs-exporter', {
href: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
download: `${root.title}_${root.shortId}.${rootType}.json`
if (type === 'play') {
span = make('span', 't_sub_theme t_coreA1 _dsp_contents is_Theme', {
style: 'color: var(--color);'
} else if (type === 'preview') {
span = make(
'is_Row _dsp-flex _fb-auto _bxs-border-box _pos-relative _miw-0px _fs-0 _fd-row _pe-auto _jc-441309761 _ai-center _gap-1481558307 _btw-1px _btc-43811426 _mt--1px _mih-606181883 _bts-solid '
btn.style = 'cursor: pointer;';
* @template { Function } F
* @param { (this: F, doc: Document) => * } onDomReady
const loadDOM = (onDomReady) => {
if (isFN(onDomReady)) {
if (document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (evt) => onDomReady(evt.target), {
once: true
loadDOM((doc) => {
try {
if (window.location === null) {
throw new Error('"window.location" is null, reload the webpage or use a different one', {
cause: 'loadDOM'
if (doc === null) {
throw new Error('"doc" is null, reload the webpage or use a different one', {
cause: 'loadDOM'
const ignoreTags = new Set(['br', 'head', 'link', 'meta', 'script', 'style']);
observe(doc, (mutations) => {
try {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType !== 1) {
if (ignoreTags.has(node.localName)) {
if (node.parentElement === null) {
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
if (qs('div._pt-1481558307._btrr-1881205710', node)) {
inject(qs('div._pt-1481558307._btrr-1881205710', node), 'play');
if (qs('div.is_Column._pt-1481558400[role="list"]', node)) {
inject(qs('div.is_Column._pt-1481558400[role="list"]', node), 'preview');
} catch (ex) {
} catch (ex) {