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Shell Shockers Aimbot & ESP of the highest level. Best menu in 2025 with NO ADS! Many cheats such as Aimbot, PlayerESP, AmmoESP, Chams, Nametags, Join/Leave alerts, Chat Filter Bypass, AntiAFK, FOV Slider, Zooming, Player Stats, Auto Reload, Auto Unban and many more whilst having unsurpassed customisation options such as binding to any key, easily editable color scheme and themes - all on the fly!
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Ender Cheats is a insane cheat the allows you to surpass your enemies on shell shockers by suing AIMBOT and more unluck SF which you can get banned easily using Ender can unban faster and makes aimbot so much better. This Hack includes
Aimbot - locks onto targeted player.
TargetMode - decides the priority for which player aimbot should target.
Pointing At - closest to direction the camera is pointing.
Nearest - closest to the player in proximity.
Lowest HP - players with the lowest hp
Most Kills - players with the most kills in the server
TargetVisibile - a filter, applied after TargetMode helping to pick the aimbot target
Disabled - track the person TargetMode strictly decides
Prioritise Visible - visible players are the PRIORITY, only targets players behind walls if none are visible.
Only Visible - only targets visible players. if none are visible, nobody is targeted.
ToggleRM - modifies aimbot to only lock when the right mouse button is held.
SilentAim - shoots without moving the camera. ONLY visual, VERY blatant cheating. more information
SemiSilent - SilentAimbot behavior, but will move the camera after a shot has been fired.
NoWallTrack - aimbot ignores the player if they're behind obstacles.
Prediction - predicts where the player will be when the bullet reaches them and adjusts the aimbot accordingly.
AntiBloom - calculates and adjusts for weapon bloom to ensure shots are more accurate. Ideal for accuracy while moving.
AntiSwitch - prevents the aimbot from changing the target until they die.
1Kill - disables aimbot when the targeted player dies.
MinAngle - prevents you from targetting a player if the angle between you and the player is greater than the value.
AntiSnap - this makes snapping smooth at higher values. useful to avoid being spotted.
AntiSneak - recommended distance under 2. this automatically kills players in this range.
ESPColor - the color used to highlight the ESP line of a targeted player. does nothing if PlayerESP is disabled.
AutoRefill - this automatically reloads your gun if there is no more ammo.
SmartRefill - this makes your weapon refill at the best moment, which reduces reload time.
AutoFire - automatically shoot the gun.
AutoFireType - picks how to shoot the gun
Triggerbot - Automatically shoots the gun based off TriggerType
Force Automatic - changes guns which normally aren't automatic into ones that are.
While Visible - automatically shoots the gun when a player is visible.
While Aimbotting - automatically shoot the gun when you're aimbotting.
Visible and Aimbotting - the above two things, together.
Always - forever shoot the gun like a maniac.
GrenadeMAX - sets grenades to be thrown to max power immediately without the need of charging.
PlayerESP - creates boxes around enemy players.
Tracers - creates lines pointing from the center of the screen to the location of enemy players.
Chams - renders players through walls.
Trajectories - generates the path your granade will take once thrown
Targets - render a red sphere inside players that deals the most damage to them when shot.
PredictionESP - creates an ESP box at the predicted position of the player.
NameTagESP - enlarges nametags and makes them visible through walls.
NameTagInfo - adds extra info to player nametags such as HP, Score, KDR, and ammo.
Info Update Interval - updates nametaginfo every set interval, recommend increasing the value on lowend devices
Player ESP/Tracers options - various options for the modules above.
TargetedRGB - makes the aimbot target ESP rainbow
Type - how should PlayerESP color behave. Options are self-explanatory.
RGBColor1 - makes the esp RGB
PredictionESP Color - what color to use for the PredictionESP box
Ammo ESP/Tracers options - displays where ammo/grenades are on the map
ESP - outlines the ammo/grenades
Tracers - adds tracers like the ones with normal ESP to ammo/grenades
Regime - allows you to configure when to trace
ShowLookDir - renders the looking direction of each player as a line
Render Above - renders above obstacles
FOV - controls the FOV of the game.
ZoomFOV - controls how zoomed in/out you are. default is C to zoom
Perspective - Allows you to switch between third and first person. Default bind is 5 (5).
Perspective Options - options for the Perspective.
Alpha Effect - Makes your own player a bit transparent (currently affects ALL players though!).
Y Offset - offset of the camera in y-direction (how far behind should it be?)
Z Offset - offset of the camera in z-direction (how far above should it be?)
CamWIP - Work-in-progress module. Not recommended if you are not a dev.
Wireframe - outlines map objects to allow you to see directly though walls.
EggSize - changes how big eggs are. This does not affect hitboxes and is client-side only.
Particle Speed - adjusts speed of particles
SetDetail - changes quality of game graphics.
Textures - disables some textures. primarily, the sky.
RenderDelay - basically, this adds extra FPS buffer.
and so much more this byfar is the best hack in shell shockerswith the best being it unbanning you :)