Linkify all dependencies found in an JSON file.
// ==UserScript== // @name Github JSON Dependencies Linker // @id Github_JSON_Dependencies_Linker@ // @namespace // @description Linkify all dependencies found in an JSON file. // @author jerone // @copyright 2015+, jerone ( // @license CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @homepage // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // @version 0.3.2 // @icon // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @run-at document-end // @include*/package.json // @include*/npm-shrinkwrap.json // @include*/bower.json // @include*/project.json // ==/UserScript== // cSpell:ignore linkify, Sindre Sorhus /* eslint security/detect-object-injection: "off" */ (function () { var blobElm = document.querySelector(".highlight"), blobLineElms = blobElm.querySelectorAll(".blob-code > span"), pkg = (function () { try { // JSON parser could fail on JSON with comments. return JSON.parse(blobElm.textContent); } catch (ex) { // Strip out comments from the JSON and try again. return JSON.parse(stripJsonComments(blobElm.textContent)); } })(), isNPM = location.pathname.endsWith("/package.json") || location.pathname.endsWith("/npm-shrinkwrap.json"), isBower = location.pathname.endsWith("/bower.json"), isNuGet = location.pathname.endsWith("/project.json"), isAtom = (function () { if (location.pathname.endsWith("/package.json")) { if (pkg.atomShellVersion) { return true; } else if (pkg.engines && pkg.engines.atom) { return true; } } return false; })(), dependencyKeys = [ "dependencies", "devDependencies", "peerDependencies", "bundleDependencies", "bundledDependencies", "packageDependencies", "optionalDependencies", ], modules = (function () { var _modules = {}; dependencyKeys.forEach(function (dependencyKey) { _modules[dependencyKey] = []; }); return _modules; })(); // Get an unique list of all modules. function fetchModules(root) { dependencyKeys.forEach(function (dependencyKey) { var dependencies = root[dependencyKey] || {}; Object.keys(dependencies).forEach(function (module) { if (modules[dependencyKey].indexOf(module) === -1) { modules[dependencyKey].push(module); } fetchModules(dependencies[module]); }); }); } fetchModules(pkg); // Linkify module. function linkify(module, url) { // Try to find the module; could be multiple locations. var moduleFilterText = '"' + module + '"'; var moduleElms = blobLineElms, function (blobLineElm) { if (blobLineElm.textContent.trim() === moduleFilterText) { // Module name preceding a colon is never a key. var prev = blobLineElm.previousSibling; return !(prev && prev.textContent.trim() === ":"); } return false; }, ); // Modules could exist in multiple dependency lists., function (moduleElm) { // Module names are textNodes on Github. var moduleElmText = moduleElm.childNodes, function (moduleElmChild) { return moduleElmChild.nodeType === 3; }, ); var moduleElmLink = document.createElement("a"); moduleElmLink.setAttribute("href", url); moduleElmLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(module)); // Replace textNode, so we keep surrounding elements (like the highlighted quotes). moduleElm.replaceChild(moduleElmLink, moduleElmText); }); } /*! strip-json-comments Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files! by Sindre Sorhus MIT License */ function stripJsonComments(str) { var currentChar; var nextChar; var insideString = false; var insideComment = false; var ret = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { currentChar = str[i]; nextChar = str[i + 1]; if (!insideComment && str[i - 1] !== "\\" && currentChar === '"') { insideString = !insideString; } if (insideString) { ret += currentChar; continue; } if (!insideComment && currentChar + nextChar === "//") { insideComment = "single"; i++; } else if ( insideComment === "single" && currentChar + nextChar === "\r\n" ) { insideComment = false; i++; ret += currentChar; ret += nextChar; continue; } else if (insideComment === "single" && currentChar === "\n") { insideComment = false; } else if (!insideComment && currentChar + nextChar === "/*") { insideComment = "multi"; i++; continue; } else if ( insideComment === "multi" && currentChar + nextChar === "*/" ) { insideComment = false; i++; continue; } if (insideComment) { continue; } ret += currentChar; } return ret; } // Init. Object.keys(modules).forEach(function (dependencyKey) { modules[dependencyKey].forEach(function (module) { if (isAtom && dependencyKey === "packageDependencies") { // Atom needs to be before NPM. let url = "" + module; linkify(module, url); } else if (isNPM) { let url = "" + module; linkify(module, url); } else if (isBower) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "" + module, onload: function (response) { var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); var re = /github\.com\/([\w\-.]+)\/([\w\-.]+)/i; var parsedUrl = re.exec(data.url.replace(/\.git$/, "")); if (parsedUrl) { var user = parsedUrl[1]; var repo = parsedUrl[2]; var url = "" + user + "/" + repo; linkify(module, url); } else { linkify(module, data.url); } }, }); } else if (isNuGet) { var url = "" + module; linkify(module, url); } }); }); })();