Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count
// ==UserScript== // @name MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations // @namespace // @description Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count // @icon // @version 8.5.3 // @author akarin // @include /^https?:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/profile/ // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== /* eslint-env es6, browser, jquery */ /* jshint esversion: 6, browser: true, jquery: true */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; if ($('#malLogin').length > 0) { return; } const mal = { title: 'Missing Relations', name: '', type: 'anime', forceUpdate: false, forceFrom: 0, forceTo: 0 }; const USER_STATUS = { IN_PROCESS: 1, COMPLETED: 2, ON_HOLD: 3, DROPPED: 4, PLAN_TO: 6 }; const SERIES_STATUS = { IN_PROCESS: 1, COMPLETED: 2, NOT_YET: 3 }; const OPTS = { CACHE_VERSION: '8.3', EXPAND_LONG: 100, EXPAND_LONG_R: 101, HIDE_NOTYET: 102, HIDE_AIRING: 103 }; class Cache { constructor (name, username) { = name; this.username = username; this.objects = { left: true, graph: false, title: false, airing: false, status: true, wrong: true, hidden: true }; = {}; this.init(); } init (id) { id = parseInt(id); Object.keys(this.objects).forEach(obj => { if (isNaN(id)) {[obj] = {}; } else { delete[obj][id]; } }); } load (obj) { if (obj == null) { Object.keys(this.objects).forEach(obj => this.load(obj)); } else {[obj] = this.loadValue('mal.entries.' + obj,[obj], mal.type, this.objects[obj]); } } save (obj) { if (obj == null) { Object.keys(this.objects).forEach(obj =>; } else { this.saveValue('mal.entries.' + obj,[obj], mal.type, this.objects[obj]); } } clear (id) { const hidden =, 'hidden') ? : {}; this.init(id); = hidden; } encodeKey (key, type, userobj) { const username = userobj === true ? this.username : ''; return + '#' + OPTS.CACHE_VERSION + '#' + username + '#' + type + '#' + key; } loadValue (key, value, type, userobj) { try { let r###lt = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.encodeKey(key, type, userobj))); if (r###lt == null) { r###lt = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.encodeKey(key, type, !userobj))); if (r###lt != null) { console.log(`Migrate cache key "${key}"`); this.clearValue(key, type, !userobj); this.saveValue(key, r###lt, type, userobj); } } return r###lt == null ? value : r###lt; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return value; } } saveValue (key, value, type, userobj) { localStorage.setItem(this.encodeKey(key, type, userobj), JSON.stringify(value)); } clearValue (key, type, userobj) { localStorage.removeItem(this.encodeKey(key, type, userobj)); } export (type) { const json = {}; Object.keys(this.objects).forEach(obj => { json[obj] = this.loadValue('mal.entries.' + obj, {}, type, this.objects[obj]); }); return json; } import (type, json) { if (json !== Object(json)) { return; } Object.keys(this.objects).forEach(obj => { this.saveValue('mal.entries.' + obj, json[obj], type, this.objects[obj]); }); } } class MalData { constructor (username, type, offset) { this.username = username; this.type = type; this.offset = offset; this.running = false; = {}; this.size = 0; } clear () { this.running = false; = {}; this.size = 0; } load (callbacks, filter, offset) { if (!this.running) { return; } const hasFilter = Array.isArray(filter) && filter.length > 0; $.ajax({ url: '/' + this.type + 'list/' + this.username + '/load.json?status=7&offset=' + offset, dataType: 'json' }) .done((data) => { if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0) { data.forEach((entry) => {[entry[this.type + '_id']] = hasFilter ? Object.keys(entry) .filter(key => filter.includes(key)) .reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = entry[key]; return obj; }, {}) : entry; }); this.size += data.length; if (, 'onNext')) { callbacks.onNext(this.size); } this.load(callbacks, filter, offset + this.offset); } else { this.running = false; if (, 'onFinish')) { callbacks.onFinish(Object.assign({},; } this.clear(); } }) .fail(() => { this.clear(); if (, 'onError')) { callbacks.onError(); } }); } populate (callbacks, filter) { if (this.running) { return; } this.clear(); this.running = true; this.load(callbacks, filter, 0); } } function toHtmlId (str) { return String(str).trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '_').replace(/[^\w]/g, '_'); } function toHtmlStr (str) { return String(str).trim().replace(/"/g, '"'); } mal.settings = { ajaxDelay: 3000, windowWidth: 700, windowHeight: 820, footerHeight: 88, footerSwitchHeight: 10, availableRelations: [ 'Alternative Setting', 'Alternative Version', 'Character', 'Full Story', 'Other', 'Parent Story', 'Prequel', 'Sequel', 'Side Story', 'Spin-off', 'Summary' ], availableStatus: { anime: ['Watching', 'Completed', 'On-Hold', 'Dropped', 'Plan to Watch'], manga: ['Reading', 'Completed', 'On-Hold', 'Dropped', 'Plan to Read'] }, otherSettings: { anime: [ { id: OPTS.EXPAND_LONG, text: 'Expand long lists (both)', footer: true, def: false, val: false }, { id: OPTS.EXPAND_LONG_R, text: 'Expand long lists (right)', footer: true, def: false, val: false }, { id: OPTS.HIDE_NOTYET, text: 'Hide unaired entries (from your list)', footer: false, def: false, val: false }, { id: OPTS.HIDE_AIRING, text: 'Hide airing entries (from your list)', footer: false, def: false, val: false } ], manga: [ { id: OPTS.EXPAND_LONG, text: 'Expand long lists (both)', footer: true, def: false, val: false }, { id: OPTS.EXPAND_LONG_R, text: 'Expand long lists (right)', footer: true, def: false, val: false }, { id: OPTS.HIDE_NOTYET, text: 'Hide unpublished entries (from your list)', footer: false, def: false, val: false }, { id: OPTS.HIDE_AIRING, text: 'Hide publishing entries (from your list)', footer: false, def: false, val: false } ] }, excludedRelations: { anime: [], manga: [] }, excludedStatus: { left: { anime: [], manga: [] }, right: { anime: [], manga: [] } }, load: function () { ['anime', 'manga'].forEach(function (type) { mal.settings.excludedRelations[type] = ['Adaptation']; mal.settings.availableRelations.forEach(function (val) { const id = 'mr_xr' + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val); const flag = mal.cache.loadValue(id, 'false', 'global'); if (flag === 'true' || flag === true) { mal.settings.excludedRelations[type].push(val); } }); ['left', 'right'].forEach(function (status) { mal.settings.excludedStatus[status][type] = ['Empty Status']; mal.settings.availableStatus[type].forEach(function (val) { const id = 'mr_xs' + status[0] + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val); const flag = mal.cache.loadValue(id, 'false', 'global'); if (flag === 'true' || flag === true) { mal.settings.excludedStatus[status][type].push(val); } }); }); mal.settings.otherSettings[type].forEach(function (opt) { const id = 'mr_xo' + type[0] + '_' +; const flag = mal.cache.loadValue(id, opt.def === true ? 'true' : 'false', 'global'); opt.val = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); }); }); }, export: function (type) { const json = {}; json.relations = {}; mal.settings.availableRelations.forEach((val) => { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xr' + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val), 'false', 'global'); json.relations[val] = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); }); ['left', 'right'].forEach((status) => { json['hide_' + status] = {}; mal.settings.availableStatus[type].forEach((val) => { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xs' + status[0] + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val), 'false', 'global'); json['hide_' + status][val] = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); }); }); { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xsr' + type[0] + '_empty_status', 'false', 'global'); json.hide_right.empty_status = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); } json.other = {}; mal.settings.otherSettings[type].forEach((opt) => { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xo' + type[0] + '_' +, opt.def === true ? 'true' : 'false', 'global'); json.other[] = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); }); { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xo' + type[0] + '_quick_settings', 'false', 'global'); json.other.quick_settings = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); } return json; }, import: function (type, json) { if (json !== Object(json)) { return; } { const key = 'relations'; const keys =, key) ? Object.keys(json[key]) : []; keys.forEach((val) => { const flag = json.relations[val] === true ? 'true' : 'false'; mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xr' + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val), flag, 'global'); }); } ['left', 'right'].forEach((status) => { const key = 'hide_' + status; const keys =, key) ? Object.keys(json[key]) : []; keys.forEach((val) => { const flag = json['hide_' + status][val] === true ? 'true' : 'false'; mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xs' + status[0] + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val), flag, 'global'); }); }); if (, 'hide_right') && json.hide_right === Object(json.hide_right)) { const flag = json.hide_right.empty_status === true ? 'true' : 'false'; mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xsr' + type[0] + '_empty_status', flag, 'global'); } { const key = 'other'; const keys =, key) ? Object.keys(json[key]) : []; keys.forEach((id) => { const flag = json.other[id] === true ? 'true' : 'false'; mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xo' + type[0] + '_' + id, flag, 'global'); }); } if (, 'other') && json.other === Object(json.other)) { const flag = json.other.quick_settings === true ? 'true' : 'false'; mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xo' + type[0] + '_quick_settings', flag, 'global'); } }, reset: function () { ['anime', 'manga'].forEach(function (type) { mal.settings.availableRelations.forEach(function (val) { mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xr' + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val), 'false', 'global'); }); ['left', 'right'].forEach(function (status) { mal.settings.availableStatus[type].forEach(function (val) { mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xs' + status[0] + type[0] + '_' + toHtmlId(val), 'false', 'global'); }); }); mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xsr' + type[0] + '_empty_status', 'false', 'global'); mal.settings.otherSettings[type].forEach(function (opt) { opt.val = opt.def === true; mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xo' + type[0] + '_' +, opt.def === true ? 'true' : 'false', 'global'); }); mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xo' + type[0] + '_quick_settings', 'false', 'global'); }); } }; $.fn.myfancybox = function (onstart) { return $(this).click(function () {; }); }; mal.fancybox = { body: $('<div id="mr_fancybox_inner">'), outer: $('<div id="mr_fancybox_outer">'), wrapper: $('<div id="mr_fancybox_wrapper">'), init: function (el) { mal.fancybox.outer.hide().append(mal.fancybox.body).insertAfter(el); mal.fancybox.wrapper.hide().click(mal.fancybox.hide).insertAfter(el); }, show: function (onstart) { mal.fancybox.body.children().hide(); if (!onstart()) { mal.fancybox.hide(); return; };; }, hide: function () { mal.fancybox.outer.hide(); mal.fancybox.wrapper.hide(); } }; mal.entries = { status: { updating: false, total: 0, done: 0, fail: 0, skip: 0, clear: function () { = 0; mal.entries.status.done = 0; = 0; mal.entries.status.skip = 0; } }, updating: function (strict) { return (strict && mal.entries.status.updating) || ((mal.entries.status.done + + mal.entries.status.skip) <; }, update: function (rescan) { let entrylist = []; let rightlist = []; const processed = {}; const excludedRelationsRe = new RegExp('^(' + mal.settings.excludedRelations[mal.type].join('|') + ')$', 'i'); function setRelations (idLeft, idRight) { [{ x: idLeft, y: idRight }, { x: idRight, y: idLeft }].forEach(function (rel) { const graph =[rel.x]; if (!Array.isArray(graph)) {[rel.x] = [rel.y]; } else if (!graph.includes(rel.y)) { graph.push(rel.y); } }); } function getRelations (idLeft, data) { const graph =[idLeft]; if (!Array.isArray(graph)) {[idLeft] = []; } $('#dialog .normal_header + form > br ~ div > small', data).each(function () { const val = $('input[id^="relationGen"]', this).val(); if (!val.match(/^\d+\s\(/) || val.match(/^\d+\s\(\)$/)) { console.log(`Empty relation /${mal.type}/${idLeft}`); return; } const idRight = parseInt(val.match(/\d+/)[0]); if (!isNaN(idRight) && !$('select[name^="relationTypeId"] option:selected', this).text().match(excludedRelationsRe)) { setRelations(idLeft, idRight); if (processed[idRight] !== true && !rightlist.includes(idRight)) { rightlist.push(idRight); } } }); } function loadRight () { if (mal.entries.updating(false)) { return; } rightlist = rightlist.filter(id => processed[id] !== true); mal.content.status.done = mal.entries.status.done; =; mal.content.status.skip = mal.entries.status.skip; =; mal.entries.status.clear(); = rightlist.length; mal.content.status.update(); function fetchRight () { if (rightlist.length === 0) { mal.content.status.update(); mal.content.list.update(true); return; } const id = parseInt(rightlist.shift()); processed[id] = true; setTimeout(function () { $.ajax({ url: '/dbchanges.php?' + mal.type[0] + 'id=' + id + '&t=relations', dataType: 'html' }) .done(function (data) {[id] = toHtmlStr($('#dialog .normal_header > a', data).text()); const length = rightlist.length; getRelations(id, data); += rightlist.length - length; mal.entries.status.done += 1; mal.content.status.update(); fetchRight(); }) .fail(function () { console.log(`Failed to update /${mal.type}/${id}`); += 1; mal.content.status.update(); fetchRight(); }); }, mal.settings.ajaxDelay); } fetchRight(); } function loadLeft () { if (mal.entries.updating(false)) { return; } mal.entries.status.clear(); = entrylist.length; mal.content.status.update(); Object.keys( => parseInt(id)).filter(id => !isNaN(id)).forEach(id => { const graph =[id]; if (Array.isArray(graph)) { processed[id] = true; } else { delete[id]; } }); entrylist.forEach(entry => { const id =; const graph =[id]; if (Array.isArray(graph)) {[id] = true; processed[id] = true; } else { delete[id]; delete[id]; } }); entrylist = entrylist.filter(function (entry) { if (processed[] === true) { mal.entries.status.skip += 1; mal.content.status.update(); return false; } return true; }); function fetchLeft () { if (entrylist.length === 0) { loadRight(); return; } const id = parseInt(entrylist.shift().id); processed[id] = true; setTimeout(function () { $.ajax({ url: '/dbchanges.php?' + mal.type[0] + 'id=' + id + '&t=relations', dataType: 'html' }) .done(function (data) {[id] = true; getRelations(id, data); mal.entries.status.done += 1; mal.content.status.update(); fetchLeft(); }) .fail(function () { console.log(`Failed to update /${mal.type}/${id}`); += 1; mal.content.status.update(); fetchLeft(); }); }, mal.settings.ajaxDelay); } fetchLeft(); } function loadUserList () { mal.entries.status.updating = true; mal.content.status.clear(); mal.content.status.body.text('Loading...'); mal.loader[mal.type].populate({ onFinish: (data) => { $.each(data, (id, entry) => { const isAnime = mal.type === 'anime'; const isManga = !isAnime; const title = entry[mal.type + '_title']; const status = parseInt(entry[isAnime ? 'anime_airing_status' : 'manga_publishing_status']); const episodes = isAnime ? parseInt(entry.anime_num_episodes) : 0; const chapters = isManga ? parseInt(entry.manga_num_chapters) : 0; const volumes = isManga ? parseInt(entry.manga_num_volumes) : 0; const userStatus = parseInt(entry.status); const userEpisodes = isAnime ? parseInt(entry.num_watched_episodes) : 0; const userChapters = isManga ? parseInt(entry.num_read_chapters) : 0; const userVolumes = isManga ? parseInt(entry.num_read_volumes) : 0; const rewatching = parseInt(entry[isAnime ? 'is_rewatching' : 'is_rereading']); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ] --> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] let userStatusID = userStatus - (userStatus === USER_STATUS.PLAN_TO ? 2 : 1); if (userStatusID < 0 || userStatusID >= mal.settings.availableStatus[mal.type].length) { userStatusID = -1; } const listEntry = { id: parseInt(id), title: toHtmlStr(title), correct: !(userStatusID < 0 || (userStatus !== USER_STATUS.PLAN_TO && status === SERIES_STATUS.NOT_YET) || (userStatus === USER_STATUS.COMPLETED && rewatching === 0 && (status !== SERIES_STATUS.COMPLETED || episodes !== userEpisodes || chapters !== userChapters || volumes !== userVolumes)) || (userStatus !== USER_STATUS.COMPLETED && status === SERIES_STATUS.COMPLETED && ((episodes > 0 && userEpisodes >= episodes) || (volumes > 0 && userVolumes >= volumes) || (chapters > 0 && userChapters >= chapters))) ) };[] = listEntry.title;[] = status; if (userStatusID !== -1) {[] = userStatusID; } if (!listEntry.correct) {[] = true; } entrylist.push(listEntry); }); loadLeft(); }, onNext: (count) => { mal.content.status.body.html('Loading... (' + count + ' entries)'); }, onError: () => { mal.content.status.body.html('Loading... (failed)'); mal.entries.status.updating = false; } }, [ mal.type + '_title', // title 'status', // userStatus 'num_watched_episodes', // userEpisodes 'num_read_chapters', // userChapters 'num_read_volumes', // userVolumes 'anime_num_episodes', // episodes 'manga_num_chapters', // chapters 'manga_num_volumes', // volumes 'anime_airing_status', // status 'manga_publishing_status', // status 'is_rewatching', // rewatching 'is_rereading' // rewatching ]); } if (!mal.entries.updating(true)) { mal.entries.status.updating = true; mal.content.status.clear(); mal.content.status.body.text('Loading...'); if (rescan) { mal.entries.status.clear(); mal.cache.clear(); } else { if (mal.forceUpdate) { for (let id = mal.forceFrom; id <= mal.forceTo; ++id) { if (, id)) { console.log(`Force update /${mal.type}/${id} - "${[id]}"`); mal.cache.clear(id); } } } = {}; = {}; = {}; } mal.content.list.body.empty() .append('<p id="mr_information">' + (rescan ? 'Recalculating' : 'Updating') + ' missing relations...</p>') .append('<input type="hidden" id="mr_list_type" value="' + mal.type + '">'); loadUserList(); } }, getTitle: function (id) { const r###lt =, id) ? String([id]) : ''; return r###lt.length > 0 ? r###lt : '?'; }, getStatus: function (id) { const r###lt = parseInt([id]); if (isNaN(r###lt) || r###lt < 0 || r###lt >= mal.settings.availableStatus[mal.type].length) { return ''; } return mal.settings.availableStatus[mal.type][r###lt]; }, getGraph: function () { const graph = {}; const used = {}; function dfs (id, r###lt) { id = parseInt(id); if (isNaN(id)) { return r###lt; } used[id] = true; r###lt.push(id);[id] .map(id => parseInt(id)) .filter(id => !isNaN(id) && Array.isArray([id])) .forEach(id => { if (used[id] !== true) { dfs(id, r###lt); } }); return r###lt; } Object.keys( .map(id => parseInt(id)) .filter(id => !isNaN(id) && Array.isArray([id])) .forEach(id => { if (used[id] !== true) { const r###lt = dfs(id, []); if (r###lt.length > 1) { graph[id] = r###lt; } } }); return graph; }, comparator: function (a, b) { const aTitle = mal.entries.getTitle(a).toLowerCase(); const bTitle = mal.entries.getTitle(b).toLowerCase(); return aTitle.localeCompare(bTitle); } }; mal.content = { body: $('<div class="mr_body mr_body_list">'), show: function (type) { if (type !== mal.type) { if (!mal.entries.updating(true)) { mal.content.status.body.empty(); } else { alert('Updating in process!'); return false; } } const listType = $('#mr_list_type', mal.content.body); mal.type = type; $('#mr_links_settings > #mr_link_switch', mal.content.body) .text(mal.type === 'anime' ? 'Manga' : 'Anime'); if (listType.length === 0 || listType.val() !== mal.type) { mal.settings.load(); mal.cache.load(); mal.content.list.update(false); }; return true; }, status: { body: $('<span id="mr_status_msg">'), done: 0, fail: 0, skip: 0, total: 0, update: function () { if ( > 0 && === 0) { mal.content.status.set(mal.content.status.done + + mal.content.status.skip,, mal.content.status.skip,; } else if ( === 0 && > 0) { mal.content.status.set(mal.entries.status.done + + mal.entries.status.skip,, mal.entries.status.skip,; } else if ( > 0 && > 0) { mal.content.status.set((mal.content.status.done + + mal.content.status.skip) + '+' + (mal.entries.status.done + + mal.entries.status.skip), + '+' +, mal.content.status.skip + '+' + mal.entries.status.skip, + '+' +; } else { mal.content.status.set(0, 0, 0, 0); } }, set: function (done, fail, skip, total) { done = 'Done: <b><span style="color: green;">' + done + '</span></b>'; fail = 'Failed: <b><span style="color: #c32;">' + fail + '</span></b>'; skip = 'Skipped: <b><span style="color: gray;">' + skip + '</span></b>'; total = 'Total: <b><span style="color: #444;">' + total + '</span></b>'; mal.content.status.body.html(done + ' <small>(' + fail + ', ' + skip + ')</small> - ' + total); }, clear: function () { mal.content.status.body.empty(); mal.content.status.done = 0; = 0; mal.content.status.skip = 0; = 0; } }, footer: { body: $('<div class="mr_footer">'), footerSwitch: $('<div class="mr_footer_switch" title="Show/hide quick settings">').click(function () { mal.content.footer.toggle(!mal.content.list.body.hasClass('mr_has_footer')); }), show: function () { mal.content.footer.update();; mal.content.list.body.addClass('mr_has_footer'); }, hide: function () { mal.content.footer.body.hide().empty(); mal.content.list.body.removeClass('mr_has_footer'); }, toggle: function (state) { if (state) {; } else { mal.content.footer.hide(); } mal.cache.saveValue('mr_xo' + mal.type[0] + '_quick_settings', state.toString(), 'global'); }, update: function () { const table = $('<table class="mr_footer_table" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr>' + '<td class="mr_footer_td mr_footer_td_left"></td>' + '<td class="mr_footer_td mr_footer_td_right"></td>' + '<td class="mr_footer_td mr_footer_td_other"></td>' + '</tr></table>'); const tableIgnoreLeft = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th colspan="2">Treat as missing relations:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const tableIgnoreRight = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th colspan="2">Hide from missing relations:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const tableOther = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th>Other settings:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const getCbSetting = function (str, id, state) { id = toHtmlId(id); const flag = mal.cache.loadValue(id, state.toString(), 'global'); return $('<div class="mr_checkbox">') .append($('<input name="' + id + '" id="mr_footer_cb_' + id + '" type="checkbox">') .prop('checked', flag === 'true' || flag === true) .change(function () { const idCb =^mr_footer_cb_/, ''); mal.cache.saveValue(idCb, this.checked.toString(), 'global'); mal.settings.load(); mal.content.list.update(false); })) .append('<label for="mr_footer_cb_' + id + '">' + str + '</label>'); }; // Add ignore left & right statuses const tbodyLeft = $('tbody', tableIgnoreLeft); const tbodyRight = $('tbody', tableIgnoreRight); let trLeft = $(); let trRight = $(); $.each(mal.settings.availableStatus[mal.type], function (i, status) { if (i % 2 > 0) { $('<td class="mr_td_right">') .append(getCbSetting(status, 'mr_xsl' + mal.type[0] + '_' + status, false)) .appendTo(trLeft); $('<td class="mr_td_right">') .append(getCbSetting(status, 'mr_xsr' + mal.type[0] + '_' + status, false)) .appendTo(trRight); trLeft = $(); trRight = $(); } else { trLeft = $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">').appendTo(tbodyLeft); trRight = $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">').appendTo(tbodyRight); $('<td class="mr_td_left">') .append(getCbSetting(status, 'mr_xsl' + mal.type[0] + '_' + status, false)) .appendTo(trLeft); $('<td class="mr_td_left">') .append(getCbSetting(status, 'mr_xsr' + mal.type[0] + '_' + status, false)) .appendTo(trRight); } }); // Add 'Other' status let td; if (trRight.length === 0) { trRight = $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">').appendTo(tbodyRight); td = $('<td class="mr_td_left">'); } else { td = $('<td class="mr_td_right">'); } td.append(getCbSetting('Other', 'mr_xsr' + mal.type[0] + '_empty_status', false)) .appendTo(trRight); // Add other settings const tbody = $('tbody', tableOther); mal.settings.otherSettings[mal.type].forEach(function (opt) { if (!opt.footer) { return; } $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">') .append(getCbSetting(opt.text, 'mr_xo' + mal.type[0] + '_' +, false))) .appendTo(tbody); }); $('.mr_footer_td_left', table).append(tableIgnoreLeft); $('.mr_footer_td_right', table).append(tableIgnoreRight); $('.mr_footer_td_other', table).append(tableOther); mal.content.footer.body.empty().append(table); } }, list: { body: $('<div class="mr_list">'), update: function (save) { if (mal.entries.updating(false)) { return; } mal.entries.status.updating = false; if (save) {; } $('.mr_body_title', mal.content.body) .text(mal.title + ' — ' + (mal.type === 'anime' ? 'Anime' : 'Manga') + ' · ' +; const opts = { expandLong: false, expandLongR: false, quickSettings: false, hideEmpty: false, hideNotYet: false, hideAiring: false }; mal.settings.otherSettings[mal.type].forEach(function (opt) { switch ( { case OPTS.EXPAND_LONG: opts.expandLong = opt.val; break; case OPTS.EXPAND_LONG_R: opts.expandLongR = opt.val; break; case OPTS.HIDE_NOTYET: opts.hideNotYet = opt.val; break; case OPTS.HIDE_AIRING: opts.hideAiring = opt.val; break; } }); { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xsr' + mal.type[0] + '_empty_status', 'false', 'global'); opts.hideEmpty = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); } { const flag = mal.cache.loadValue('mr_xo' + mal.type[0] + '_quick_settings', 'false', 'global'); opts.quickSettings = (flag === 'true' || flag === true); } const listType = $('<input type="hidden" id="mr_list_type" value="' + mal.type + '">'); const graph = mal.entries.getGraph(); const wrong = Object.keys( => parseInt(id)).filter(id =>[id] === true); if (wrong.length === 0 && Object.keys(graph).length === 0) { mal.content.list.body.empty().append('<p id="mr_information">No missing relations found.</p>').append(listType); mal.content.footer.toggle(opts.quickSettings); return; } const table = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th>Entries in your list:</th><th>Found missing relations:</th></tr></table>'); const undel = $('<div id="mr_undelete"><p id="mr_undelete_msg" style="display: none;">' + 'There are <span id="mr_undelete_num" style="font-weight: bold;"></span> hidden relations. ' + '<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Show hidden relations" onclick="window.showHiddenRelations();">Show them</a></p></div>'); const tfoot = $('<tfoot><tr><td class="mr_td_left"><div class="mr_count"><span></span></div></td>' + '<td class="mr_td_right"><div class="mr_count"><span></span></div></td></tr></tfoot>'); const getEntryLink = function (id, title) { const hint = mal.entries.getStatus(id) || ''; const status = hint.length > 0 ? toHtmlId(hint) : 'none'; const tooltip = hint.length > 0 ? (' title="' + hint + '"') : ''; const url = '/' + mal.type + '/' + id + '/' + title .replace(/[)(]/g, '') .replace(/[^\w\d-]/g, ' ') .replace(/\s/g, '_') .replace(/^_+/, '') .replace(/_+$/, ''); return $('<a title="' + title + '" href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + title + '</a>') .prepend('<i class="mr_icon mr_icon-' + status + '"' + tooltip + '>'); }; const getLiLeft = function (id) { return $('<li>').append(getEntryLink(id, mal.entries.getTitle(id))); }; const getLiRight = function (id) { const btnHide = $('<div class="mr_hide"><span><a href="javascript:void(0);" ' + 'title="Hide this relation" onclick="window.hideRelation(' + id + ');">x</a></span></div>'); return $('<li>').append(btnHide).append(getEntryLink(id, mal.entries.getTitle(id))); }; const getMoreLink = function () { return $('<td colspan="2">').append( $('<a class="mr_more" href="javascript:void(0);">show more</a>').click(function () { const tr = $(this).closest('tr'); tr.prev('.mr_tr_data').removeClass('mr_tr_collapsed'); tr.remove(); }) ); }; // red relations if (wrong.length > 0) { const ul = $('<ul>'); let size = 0; wrong.sort(mal.entries.comparator).forEach(function (id) { getLiLeft(id).prop('id', 'mr_li_red_' + id).appendTo(ul); size += 1; }); const warning = $('<div class="mr_warning"><span>Wrong status or ' + (mal.type === 'anime' ? 'episode' : 'volume/chapter') + ' count</span></div>'); const rbodyRed = $('<tbody>'); const trRed = $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(ul)) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(warning)) .appendTo(rbodyRed); if (!opts.expandLong && size > 6) { trRed.addClass('mr_tr_collapsed'); $('<tr class="mr_tr_more">').append(getMoreLink()).insertAfter(trRed); } rbodyRed.appendTo(table); } const excludedStatusLeftRe = new RegExp('^(' + mal.settings.excludedStatus.left[mal.type].join('|') + ')$', 'i'); const excludedStatusRightRe = new RegExp('^(' + mal.settings.excludedStatus.right[mal.type].join('|') + ')$', 'i'); // normal relations Object.keys(graph).sort(mal.entries.comparator).forEach(function (key) { const ulLeft = $('<ul>'); const ulRight = $('<ul>'); let lSize = 0; let rSize = 0; graph[key].sort(mal.entries.comparator).forEach(function (id) { const status = mal.entries.getStatus(id) || ''; if ([id] === true) { if (!status.match(excludedStatusLeftRe)) { if (!(opts.hideNotYet &&[id] === SERIES_STATUS.NOT_YET) && !(opts.hideAiring &&[id] === SERIES_STATUS.IN_PROCESS)) { getLiLeft(id).prop('id', 'mr_li_' + id).appendTo(ulLeft); lSize += 1; } } else if (!status.match(excludedStatusRightRe)) { if (!(opts.hideNotYet &&[id] === SERIES_STATUS.NOT_YET) && !(opts.hideAiring &&[id] === SERIES_STATUS.IN_PROCESS)) { getLiRight(id).prop('id', 'mr_li_' + id).appendTo(ulRight); rSize += 1; } } } else if (!(opts.hideEmpty && status.length === 0)) { if (!(opts.hideNotYet &&[id] === SERIES_STATUS.NOT_YET) && !(opts.hideAiring &&[id] === SERIES_STATUS.IN_PROCESS)) { getLiRight(id).prop('id', 'mr_li_' + id).appendTo(ulRight); rSize += 1; } } }); if (lSize > 0 && rSize > 0) { const tbody = $('<tbody>'); const tr = $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(ulLeft)) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(ulRight)) .appendTo(tbody); if (!opts.expandLong && (lSize > 6 || rSize > 6) && !(opts.expandLongR && (lSize <= 6 || rSize > 6))) { tr.addClass('mr_tr_collapsed'); $('<tr class="mr_tr_more">').append(getMoreLink()).insertAfter(tr); } tbody.appendTo(table); } }); mal.content.list.body.empty() .append(undel) .append(table.append(tfoot)) .append(listType); mal.content.list.updateHiddenRelations(); mal.content.list.updateLineCount(); mal.content.footer.toggle(opts.quickSettings); }, updateLineCount: function () { const totalLeft = $('.relTable td.mr_td_left li', mal.content.list.body).length; const visibleLeft = $('.relTable tbody:not([style*="display: none"]) td.mr_td_left li', mal.content.list.body).length; $('tfoot td.mr_td_left .mr_count span', mal.content.list.body) .text('Total: ' + totalLeft + ', Visible: ' + visibleLeft); const totalRight = $('.relTable td.mr_td_right li', mal.content.list.body).length; const visibleRight = $('.relTable td.mr_td_right li:not([style*="display: none"])', mal.content.list.body).length; $('tfoot td.mr_td_right .mr_count span', mal.content.list.body) .text('Total: ' + totalRight + ', Visible: ' + visibleRight); }, hideRelation: function (id, save) { id = parseInt(id); if (isNaN(id)) { return; } const li = $('td.mr_td_right li[id="mr_li_' + id + '"]', mal.content.list.body); if (li.length === 0) { delete[id]; if (save) { mal.cache.saveHiddenRelations(); } return; } const row = li.hide().closest('tbody'); const lSize = $('td.mr_td_left li', row).length; const rSize = $('td.mr_td_right li:not([style*="display: none;"])', row).length; row.toggle(rSize > 0); if (lSize <= 6 && rSize <= 6) { $('a.mr_more', row).trigger('click'); }[id] = true; if (save) { mal.cache.saveValue('mal.entries.hidden',, mal.type, true); const count = Object.keys(; $('#mr_undelete_num', mal.content.list.body).text(count); $('#mr_undelete_msg', mal.content.list.body).toggle(count > 0); } }, showHiddenRelations: function (save) { $('#mr_undelete_msg', mal.content.list.body).hide(); $('li[id^="mr_li_"]', mal.content.list.body).show(); $('tbody', mal.content.list.body).show(); if (save) { = {}; mal.cache.saveValue('mal.entries.hidden',, mal.type, true); } }, updateHiddenRelations: function () { mal.content.list.showHiddenRelations(false); $.each(, function (id, val) { if (val === true) { mal.content.list.hideRelation(id, false); } }); const count = Object.keys(; $('#mr_undelete_num', mal.content.list.body).text(count); $('#mr_undelete_msg', mal.content.list.body).toggle(count > 0); mal.cache.saveValue('mal.entries.hidden',, mal.type, true); } }, storage: { body: $('<div class="mr_body mr_body_storage">' + '<textarea class="mr_textarea"></textarea><div class="mr_buttons"></div></div>'), update: function () { $('.mr_body_title', + ' — Import'); const textarea = $('.mr_textarea',; textarea.val(JSON.stringify({ name:, version: OPTS.CACHE_VERSION, username: mal.cache.username, anime: { settings: mal.settings.export('anime'), cache: mal.cache.export('anime') }, manga: { settings: mal.settings.export('manga'), cache: mal.cache.export('manga') } })); const buttons = $('.mr_buttons',; if (mal.entries.updating(true)) { buttons .append('<div class="mr_warning_bottom">The storage can\'t be changed during relations calculation!</div>') .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="OK" type="button">').click(function () { () {; return true; }); })) .insertAfter(textarea); } else { buttons .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="Import" type="button">').click(function () {; })) .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="Cancel" type="button">').click(function () { textarea.val(''); () {; return true; }); })) .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="Reset" type="button">').click(function () {; })); }; }, import: function () { const textarea = $('.mr_textarea',; const text = textarea.val(); let json = null; try { json = JSON.parse(text); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return; } if (json === Object(json) && String( === && String(json.version) === OPTS.CACHE_VERSION) { ['anime', 'manga'].forEach((type) => { if (json[type] == null) { return; } if (json[type].settings === Object(json[type].settings)) { mal.settings.import(type, json[type].settings); } if (json[type].cache === Object(json[type].cache)) { mal.cache.import(type, json[type].cache); } }); textarea.val(''); () { mal.settings.load(); mal.cache.load(); mal.content.list.update(false);; return true; }); } } }, settings: { body: $('<div class="mr_body mr_body_settings"><div class="mr_list"></div><div class="mr_buttons"></div></div>'), update: function () { $('.mr_body_title', mal.content.settings.body).text(mal.title + ' — Settings'); const tableExclude = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th>Exclude anime relations from scan:</th><th>Exclude manga relations from scan:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const tableIgnoreLeft = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th>Treat anime entries as missing relations:</th><th>Treat manga entries as missing relations:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const tableIgnoreRight = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th>Hide anime entries from missing relations:</th><th>Hide manga entries from missing relations:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const tableOther = $('<table class="relTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><thead><tr>' + '<th>Other anime settings:</th><th>Other manga settings:</th></tr><tbody></tbody></table>'); const getCbSetting = function (str, id, state) { id = toHtmlId(id); const flag = mal.cache.loadValue(id, state.toString(), 'global'); return $('<div class="mr_checkbox">') .append($('<input name="' + id + '" id="' + id + '" type="checkbox">') .prop('checked', flag === 'true' || flag === true)) .append('<label for="' + id + '">' + str + '</label>'); }; // Add exclude relations { const tbody = $('tbody', tableExclude); mal.settings.availableRelations.forEach(function (rel) { $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(getCbSetting(rel, 'mr_xra_' + rel, false))) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(getCbSetting(rel, 'mr_xrm_' + rel, false))) .appendTo(tbody); }); // Add ignore left & right statuses const tbodyLeft = $('tbody', tableIgnoreLeft); const tbodyRight = $('tbody', tableIgnoreRight); $.each(mal.settings.availableStatus.anime, function (i, statusA) { const statusM = mal.settings.availableStatus.manga[i]; $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(getCbSetting(statusA, 'mr_xsla_' + statusA, false))) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(getCbSetting(statusM, 'mr_xslm_' + statusM, false))) .appendTo(tbodyLeft); $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(getCbSetting(statusA, 'mr_xsra_' + statusA, false))) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(getCbSetting(statusM, 'mr_xsrm_' + statusM, false))) .appendTo(tbodyRight); }); $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(getCbSetting('Other', 'mr_xsra_empty_status', false))) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(getCbSetting('Other', 'mr_xsrm_empty_status', false))) .appendTo(tbodyRight); } // Add other settings { const tbody = $('tbody', tableOther); $.each(mal.settings.otherSettings.anime, function (i, optA) { const optM = mal.settings.otherSettings.manga[i]; $('<tr class="mr_tr_data">') .append($('<td class="mr_td_left">').append(getCbSetting(optA.text, 'mr_xoa_' +, false))) .append($('<td class="mr_td_right">').append(getCbSetting(optM.text, 'mr_xom_' +, false))) .appendTo(tbody); }); } const list = $('.mr_list', mal.content.settings.body).empty() .append(tableExclude) .append(tableIgnoreLeft) .append(tableIgnoreRight) .append(tableOther); const buttons = $('.mr_buttons', mal.content.settings.body).empty(); if (mal.entries.updating(true)) { buttons .append('<div class="mr_warning_bottom">The settings can\'t be changed during relations calculation!</div>') .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="OK" type="button">').click(function () { () {; return true; }); })) .insertAfter(list); } else { buttons .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="Save" type="button">').click(function () { $('input[type="checkbox"]', mal.content.settings.body).each(function () { mal.cache.saveValue(, this.checked.toString(), 'global'); }); mal.settings.load(); () { mal.content.list.update(false);; return true; }); })) .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="Cancel" type="button">').click(function () { () {; return true; }); })) .append($('<input class="inputButton" value="Reset" type="button">').click(function () { if (!confirm('Reset all settings?')) { return; } mal.settings.reset(); mal.settings.load(); () { mal.content.list.update(false);; return true; }); })); }; } } }; window.hideRelation = function (id) { mal.content.list.hideRelation(id, true); mal.content.list.updateLineCount(); }; window.showHiddenRelations = function () { mal.content.list.showHiddenRelations(true); mal.content.list.updateLineCount(); }; function main () { = $('.user-profile .user-function .icon-user-function#comment').prop('href').match(/\/([^/]+)#lastcomment$/)[1].trim(); mal.cache = new Cache('mal_track_missing_relations',; mal.fancybox.init('#contentWrapper'); const panel = $('<div class="mr_panel">').append(mal.content.status.body).prependTo(mal.content.body); const links = $('<div class="mr_links">').prependTo(panel); $('<span id="mr_links_settings">').prependTo(links) .append($('<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Switch lists" id="mr_link_switch">Manga</a>').click(function () { if (mal.entries.updating(true)) { alert('Updating in process!'); } else { () { return === 'anime' ? 'manga' : 'anime'); }); } })) .append(' - ').append($('<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Import script data">Import</a>').myfancybox(function () {; return true; })) .append(' - ').append($('<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Change calculation settings">Settings</a>').myfancybox(function () { mal.content.settings.update(); return true; })) .append(' - ').append($('<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Recalculate missing relations">Rescan</a>').click(function () { if (mal.entries.updating(true)) { alert('Updating in process!'); } else if (confirm('Recalculate missing relations?')) { mal.entries.update(true); } })) .append(' - ').append($('<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Find new missing relations">Update</a>').click(function () { if (mal.entries.updating(true)) { alert('Updating in process!'); } else if (confirm('Find new missing relations?')) { mal.entries.update(false); } })); mal.content.body .prepend('<h2 class="mr_body_title">' + mal.title + '</h2>') .append(mal.content.list.body) .append(mal.content.footer.body.hide()) .append(mal.content.footer.footerSwitch) .appendTo(mal.fancybox.body); .prepend('<h2 class="mr_body_title">' + mal.title + '</h2>') .appendTo(mal.fancybox.body); mal.content.settings.body .prepend('<h2 class="mr_body_title">' + mal.title + '</h2>') .appendTo(mal.fancybox.body); mal.loader = {}; ['anime', 'manga'].forEach(function (type) { mal.loader[type] = new MalData(, type, 300); const el = $('.profile .user-statistics .user-statistics-stats .updates.' + type + ' > h5 > a[href*="/history/"]'); if (el.length > 0) { el.text(el.text().replace(/^(Anime|Manga)\sHistory$/i, 'History')); } $('<a class="floatRightHeader ff-Verdana mr4" href="javascript:void(0);">' + mal.title + '</a>').myfancybox(function () { return; }) .appendTo('.profile .user-statistics .user-statistics-stats .updates.' + type + ' > h5') .before('<span class="floatRightHeader ff-Verdana mr4">-</span>'); }); } $('<style type="text/css">').html( 'div#mr_fancybox_wrapper { position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.3); z-index: 99990; }' + 'div#mr_fancybox_inner { width: ' + mal.settings.windowWidth + 'px !important; height: ' + mal.settings.windowHeight + 'px !important; overflow: hidden; }' + 'div#mr_fancybox_outer { position: absolute; display: block; width: auto; height: auto; padding: 10px; border-radius: 8px; top: 80px; left: 50%; margin-top: 0 !important; margin-left: ' + (-mal.settings.windowWidth / 2) + 'px !important; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.4); z-index: 99991; }' + 'div.mr_body { text-align: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 42px 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; }' + 'div.mr_body.mr_body_list { padding-top: 65px; }' + 'div.mr_body a, div.mr_body a:visited { color: #1969cb; text-decoration: none; }' + 'div.mr_body a:hover { color: #2d7de0; text-decoration: underline; }' + 'div.mr_body .mr_body_title { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; width: ' + mal.settings.windowWidth + 'px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; margin: 0; border: 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .mr_body_title:after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -14px; width: 100%; height: 8px; border-top: 1px solid #eee; background: center bottom no-repeat radial-gradient(#f6f6f6, #fff 70%); background-size: 100% 16px; }' + 'div.mr_body .mr_panel { position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 10px; text-align: left; width: ' + mal.settings.windowWidth + 'px; height: 2em; margin: 0 0 1em; }' + 'div.mr_body .mr_links { float: right; }' + 'div.mr_body p#mr_information { margin: 10px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body #mr_undelete { background-color: #fff; padding: 0; margin: 0; }' + 'div.mr_body #mr_undelete_msg { margin: 4px 0 6px; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; line-height: 20px; font-size: 11px; }' + 'div.mr_body .mr_list { width: 100%; height: ' + (mal.settings.windowHeight - mal.settings.footerSwitchHeight - 65) + 'px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; margin: 0 auto; border: 1px solid #eee; box-sizing: border-box; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable { border: none; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable thead { background-color: #f5f5f5; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable th { background-color: transparent; width: 50%; padding: 5px 0 5px 6px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; line-height: 20px !important; box-shadow: none; cursor: default; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable tbody { background-color: #fff; }' + 'div.mr_body.mr_body_list .mr_list .relTable th { padding-left: 26px; }' + 'div.mr_body.mr_body_list .mr_list .relTable tbody:hover { background-color: #f5f5f5; }' + 'div.mr_body.mr_body_list .mr_list .relTable tbody tr:first-of-type td { box-shadow: 0px 1em 1em -1em #ddd inset; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td { background-color: transparent; width: 50%; padding: 5px 0 5px 6px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; line-height: 20px !important; vertical-align: top; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td div span { line-height: 20px !important; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable tr.mr_tr_collapsed td ul { height: 100px; overflow-y: hidden; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td ul li { width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td ul li > a { display: block; width: ' + (mal.settings.windowWidth / 2 - 40) + 'px !important; line-height: 20px !important; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-decoration: none !important; transition: all 0.2s; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td.mr_td_left ul li > a { width: ' + (mal.settings.windowWidth / 2 - 25) + 'px !important; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon { display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-top; line-height: 16px; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 1px 4px 0 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(); }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-none { background-image: none; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-watching { background-position: -34px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-reading { background-position: -34px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-completed { background-position: 0 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-on_hold { background-position: -51px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-dropped { background-position: -17px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-plan_to_watch { background-position: -68px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable i.mr_icon-plan_to_read { background-position: -68px 0; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable tfoot td { border-top: 1px solid #f5f5f5; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td .mr_count { color: #666; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; padding-left: 20px; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td .mr_warning { width: ' + (mal.settings.windowWidth / 2 - 75) + 'px; color: #c56; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; padding-left: 20px; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td .mr_hide { display: inline-block !important; width: 15px; float: right; text-align: left; font-size: 11px; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable td .mr_hide a { color: #888 !important; line-height: 20px !important; font-style: normal !important; text-decoration: none !important; }' + 'div.mr_body .relTable tr.mr_tr_more td { padding: 0 0 2px 0; 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