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Amazon Sponsored Products removerJS-Removes the terrible sponsored products from Amazon.
Amazon URL ShortenerJS-Replaces the current Amazon URL with a shorter version.
Amazon Price Checker (FR, DE, ES, IT, BE, NL, UK, COM, PL) by bNjJS-Compare Amazon prices across different country sites with a leaner, faster script.
Amazon to Annas ArchiveJS-Enhances Amazon book pages by adding a direct link to search for the book on Annas Archive. The link appears next to the reviews, providing a convenient way to find additional information and resources related to the book on Annas Archive.
Stig's Art GrabrJS-Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
Amazon - Show absolute review numbersJS-Adds the number of reviews to each rating separately
Amazon short urlJS-Replaces the current Amazon product URL in the address bar with a shorter version.
Amazon - Highlight resellersJS-See instantly if the product really comes from Amazon or from a reseller
Prevent OBJECT InsertionJS-To avoid a problem of Amazon, maybe. See Bug 1172205.
SoldBy - Reveal Sellers on AmazonJS-Shows name, country of origin and ratings for third party sellers on Amazon (and highlights Chinese sellers)
Country of origin for Amazon productsJS-userscript to fetch and display the country of origin for amazon products. initially developed to make boycotting the ### more easy.
Netflix Marathon (Pausable)JS-A configurable script that automatically skips recaps, intros, credits, and ads, and clicks "next episode" prompts on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+, and Hotstar. Customizable hotkey to pause/r###me the auto-skipping functionality. Alt + N for settings.
Amazon ReviewMetaJS-Analyze Amazon product reviews and filters out reviews that may be unnatural
Amazon NotepadJS-Lets you annotate Amazon products. Uses localStorage.
amazonReviewWallJS-View Amazon review images in a zoomable wall
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪JS-First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Wishlist Steal Deal CheckerJS-A user script to check if the wishlist item has best price
亚马逊评论计算(Amazon Review Calculation)JS-计算每个评分等级的Review数量,以及如果需要提成评分至4.3分需要补充多少个五星好评。
Prime Video - Vis kun Prime-indholdJS-Skjuler købs- eller lejefelterne på Amazon Prime Video
Open in GoodreadsJS-Adds a button to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads page based on ASIN/ISBN
Amazon Redirect UKJS-Redirects Amazon sites to
Amazon Sponsored Products dimmerJS-Dims sponsored products on, based on
Simplify Amazon URLsJS-This script replaces Amazon URLs with a simple format:*/dp/[ASIN]
Auto hide next up card for Amazon Prime VideoJS-Hide next up card and other obtrusive elements of Amazon Prime Video.
[BROKEN] Show Amazon Questions button + context menuJS-Creates a "Show questions" button for Amazon. Once clicked it opens a new tab of the questions.
Amazon eBook "Download & transfer via USB" easy device clickJS-When downloading Amazon eBooks ("Content & Devices" -> "Books" -> "More actions" -> "Download & transfer via USB") you can now click in the whole box of the device instead of just the little radio button
Open in Goodreads+ Anna's Archive and LibGenJS-Adds buttons to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads, Anna's Archive, or LibGen search pages based on ASIN/ISBN-10/ISBN-13. This has been modified from SirGryphin's code for "Open in Goodreads" using ChatGPT.
Stream SkipperJS-skip intro and ending
Amazon Sponsored Content DimmerJS-Oscurece parcialmente el contenido patrocinado en Amazon sin eliminarlo
Amazon URL ShortenerJS-Adds a button to copy the short link of Amazon products and optionally modifies the URL in the address bar
Amazon Cart for quotationJS-Save time and improve the presentation of your Amazon quotes. This script eliminates clutter and ads from the cart, allowing you to generate clean and professional quotes in seconds.
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