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Omdirigeringsenhed for privatlivets fred JS - Omdirigering af sociale medieplatforme til deres privatlivsvenlige forsider
Pixiv Auto Like JS - Click **like** automatically in new illust pages
Pixiv easy save image JS - Save pixiv image easily with custom name format and shortcut key.
Pixiv Additional Navigator JS - Add navigation menu.
Save Pixiv Pictures to Eagle JS - Collect pictures in pixiv to eagle.
Better Pixiv Discovery JS - Zoom in; Remove footer.
Pixiv Faview JS - Automatically adds links to your favorite works on a specific artist page(/users/xxxxxxxx).
Pixiv ranking scatter plot JS - Show a scatter plot of date versus rank
pixiv blacklist JS - hide unwant artist in search
Pixiv-JoystickControl JS - Implement joystick control in Pixiv using the HTML5 Gamepad API.
Phixiv Share JS - Add Phixiv Share button to pixiv
Pixiv AdBlock JS - Block ads on Pixiv
Pixiv Novel Download King JS - Your best Pixiv novel downloader, supporting downloads of single works, series, author collections, tag-based collections, and bookmarks
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