Showing r###lts for all languages. Show Dansk r###lts only.
Auto Skip YouTube AdsJS-Automatically skip YouTube ads instantly. Undetected by YouTube ad blocker warnings.
【玩的嗨】VIP工具箱,夸克网盘直链批量获取,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,获取B站封面,下载B站视频等众多功能聚合 长期更新,放心使用JS-🔥功能介绍🔥:🎉 1、Vip视频解析;🎉 2、一站式音乐搜索解决方案;🎉 3、bilibili视频封面获取;🎉 4、bilibili视频下载(已支持分P下载);🎉 5、夸克网盘直链批量获取;🎉 6、CSDN页面、剪切板清理;🎉 7、页面自动展开(更多网站匹配中,欢迎提交想要支持的网站) 🎉 8、YouTube视频下载🎉 9、中间页自动跳转;🎉 10、搜索引擎快速跳转
Simple YouTube Age Restriction BypassJS-Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎
YouTube 视频下载助手|多种清晰度HD/2K/4K🔥|Video&Audio 📥JS-YouTube视频下载神器,支持1080P/2K高清视频下载,支持字幕下载,支持视频/音频分离下载,支持短视频下载,完全免费无广告
youtube-adbJS-A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
YouTube™ Multi Downloader v9.2 🌐🚀💯 - (NO ADS & NEW LAYOUT FOR YT! 🚫🤩)JS-This script adds a download button, a faster way to download audio and video from YouTube with guaranteed quality. This site is very simple, fast and effective to download! Best of all!
Youtube-værktøjer Alt i én lokal Download MP4, MP3JS-Youtube-værktøjer Alt i ét lokalt Download mp4, MP3
一键下载 youtube 高清视频(最高支持 4K 视频)JS-在YouTube视频浏览页的左下角生成一个下载按钮,点击可以一键下载Youtube1080P高清视频
YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrameJS-Reducer browserens energipåvirkning for at afspille YouTube-video
Bypass ItJS-Automatically Bypass Restrictions and Get Straight to Your Destination!
Youtube Multiple Downloader devJS-Open third-party websites directly to get video and audio download links
YouTube Video Downloader 🤩& Ad Blocker| HD/2K/4K Quality | Video&Audio&Cover🔥📥JS-Download YouTube videos in HD(1080P/2K), subtitles support, video/audio separate download, shorts download, completely free & no ads
Gastons - Video/Image DownloaderJS-Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (ofte opdateret)
YouTube Direct DownloaderJS-Video/short download button next to subscribe button. Downloads MP4, WEBM, MP3 or subtitles from youtube + option to redirect shorts to normal videos. Choose your preferred quality from 8k to audio only, codec (h264, vp9 or av1) or service provider (cobalt, y2mate, yt1s, yt5s) in settings.
StarTubeJS-More layouts and customization options for V3
Youtube HD PremiumJS-Automatically switches to your pre-selected resolution. Enables premium when possible.
Advanced YouTube Age Restriction BypassJS-Bypass YouTube age restrictions for test purposes only.
Youtube double language subtitle / Youtube 双语字幕JS-Youtube double language subtitle / Youtube 双语字幕. 如果不能自动加载,请关闭字幕再次打开即可。默认语言为浏览器首选语言。
YouTube Super Fast ChatJS-Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats
免费YouTube™ Downloader,YouTube HTML5视频&MP3音频播放工具,把油管当播客听MP3,本地油管视频通用下载器 🚀💯 - ADS 🚫)!JS-免###网工具/##在线看油管,快速搜索,中文字幕下载/双语翻译,把油管当播客听MP3,将YouTube当Podcast听,可以订阅自己喜欢的油管博主及频道,收藏自己喜欢的视频,极速加载无需等待,免费YouTube™ Downloader,本地YouTube油管下载器,YouTube视频下载,油管视频通用下载器,不需要通过第三方的服务就能下载YouTube油管视频,支持MP3/MP4/HD/SD/FullHD/3GP等高清高码率格式,YouTube MP3音频&HTML5视频播放工具!
YouTube JS Engine TamerJS-To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
🎃👻 THE BEST SCRIPT 👻🎃 Youtube Downloader (MP3-MP4-HD-FullHD)JS-Dette script er en downloadknap til YouTube uden annoncer, der fungerer korrekt ANBEFALING TIL AT BRUGE ADBLOCK TIL BEDRE AUTONOMI MED SKRIPTET
Disable YouTube Video AdsJS-Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.
Return YouTube DislikeJS-Return of the YouTube Dislike, Based off
YouTube downloaderJS-A simple userscript to download YouTube videos in MAX QUALITY
YouTube Shorts To Normal VideoJS-Instantly redirect YouTube Shorts videos to normal video view, allowing you to save, download, choose quality, etc.
B站,1905,专用。VIP视频解析,支持 B站,1905 ,Youtube,优#,#奇艺,腾讯,#果,LeTV,PPTV,华数TV,56,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告 www.a12w.comJS-B站,1905,专用。看有的不支持B站,1905。我就做一个支持的版本。
Youtube dual subtitleJS-Fix for mobile devices on YouTube bilingual captions. It works on both mobile and desktop, and supports the Via browser.
YouTube Anti-AdBlock Bypass via YouTube EnhancerJS-A simple method of bypassing YouTube's AdBlock Detection using Enhancer for YouTube's "Remove Ads" button, featuring a GUI for easy configuration! Does not require the use of any external website like similar tools do.
YouTube CPU Tamer by DOMMutationJS-Reducer browserens energipåvirkning for at afspille YouTube-video
No Ads - YouTube AdBlocker | Ad Skipper | Free YouTube Music | Ad Remover | Remove Adblock WarningJS-Skips all YouTube ads instantly and removes banners/overlays. Completely undetectable ad blocker. Enjoy ad-free YouTube music playlists and videos with no interruptions. Removes adblock detection warnings.
YouTube Restriction BypassJS-Bypass age/content restrictions on YouTube
Youtube Age Confirmation BypassJS-Prevents you from having to sign in to view age restricted videos on YouTube
Auto Close YouTube AdsJS-Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
Bypass YouTube age verificationJS-Bypass YouTube age verification without logging in.
Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works)JS-(Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly
Open the F**king URL Right NowJS-自动跳转某些网站不希望用户直达的外链
redirect 外链跳转JS-自动跳转(重定向)到目标链接,免去点击步骤。适配了简书、知乎、微博、QQ邮箱、QQPC、QQNT、印象笔记、贴吧、CSDN、YouTube、微信、企业微信、微信开放社区、开发者知识库、豆瓣、个人图书馆、Pixiv、搜狗、Google、站长之家、OS#####、掘金、腾讯文档、pc6下载站、#发电、Gitee、天眼查、#企查、企查查、优设网、51CTO、力扣、花瓣网、飞书、Epic、Steam、语雀、牛客网、哔哩哔哩、少数派、5ch、金山文档、石墨文档、urlshare、#安、网盘分享、腾讯云开发者社区、腾讯兔小巢、云栖社区、NodeSeek、亿企查、异次元软件、HelloGitHub
屏蔽所有Youtube广告 Youtube AD blocker (Block all ad). Including blocking Youtube Music.JS-Block all video ads, insert ads, page ads. Including Youtube Music. 屏蔽所有视频广告、插入广告、页面广告。包括Youtube Music
YouTube H.264 + FPSJS-Clone of h264ify with optional limit up to 30 FPS.
Tabview YouTube TotaraJS-To make tabs for Info, Comments, Videos and Playlist
快捷键控制视频倍速、超级快进JS-快捷键倍速播放(支持B站、腾#优、百度网盘、油管)。其中B站还可连按箭头超级快进。加速:C +0.25,S +0.5;减速:X -0.25,A -0.5。快进:3次右箭头+30s;4次右箭头+60s。
Video Background Play FixJS-Prevents YouTube and Vimeo from pausing videos when minimizing or switching tabs. Cross-browser port of
Omdirigeringsenhed for privatlivets fredJS-Omdirigering af sociale medieplatforme til deres privatlivsvenlige forsider
Pre 2024 Youtube UIJS-Revert to old Youtube UI
YouTube Default Audio TrackJS-Makes it possible to select the desired Audio Track played by default.
Youtube HDJS-Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Direct links outJS-Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
YouTube CenterJS-YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Download Youtube videos and subtitlesJS-获取youtube视频和字幕的下载链接
Youtube Video Download LinkerJS-A video download linker for youtube. Provides download links on youtube video pages. Does not need javascript enabled for (NoScript compatible), does not use a third-party website, and does not use unsafeWindow.
YouTube DownloadJS-On youtube click the download link to download youtube video.
YouTube LinksJS-Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Youtube Download ALL VIDEOJS-Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Hide youtube google adJS-hide youtube google ad,auto click "skip ad"
YouTube Live CPU TamerJS-It reduces the high CPU usage on Super Chats with nothing to lose.
Youtube Music fix volume ratioJS-Makes the YouTube music volume slider exponential so it's easier to select lower volumes.
Flow Youtube ChatJS-Youtubeのチャットをニコニコ風に画面上へ流す(再アップ) Make youtube chats move in danmaku-style.
Play-With-MPVJS-使用 mpv 播放网页中的视频,并支持 potplayer 及自定义播放器
YouTube - Non-Rounded DesignJS-This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
YouTube Fixed Video QualityJS-Remember video quality without any additional user interface.
YouTube Lite (bedste oplevelse)JS-Gør YouTube-grænsefladen lettere, skjuler videoer med søgeord, tilføjer en downloadknap og åbner videoen på en reklamefri side (indlejre youtube-nocookie).
Remove Youtube Adblock Warnings!JS-No more 'Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube'
YouTube Anti-Anti-AdblockJS-Removes all the "ad blockers are not allowed on youtube" popups.
Youtube Bilingual Subtitles DownloadJS-YouTube bilingual subtitles with download button.
Classic Youtube LayoutJS-Revert to old Youtube UI Layout. Comments below the video and recommendations in the sidebar. Forked from v.1.1.0 by KartongFace on 4/22/2024
YouTube Bỏ qua quảng cáo video tự độngJS-Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube
Simple YouTube Age Restriction BypassJS-Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎
YouTube Boost ChatJS-Full Replacement of YouTube Chat Message List
视频倍速播放增强版JS-长按右方向键倍速播放,松开恢复原速。按+/-键调整倍速,按]/[键快速调整倍速,按P键恢复1.0倍速。上/下方向键调节音量,回车键切换全屏。左/右方向键快退/快进5秒。支持YouTube、Bilibili等大多数视频网站(可通过修改脚本的 @match 规则扩展支持的网站)。
Open Youtube video links in new tabJS-Opens Youtube video links in new tab
anti-redirectJS-去除重定向, 支持谷歌/百度/搜狗/360/知乎/贴吧/简书/豆瓣/微博...
Youtube UnblockerJS-Automatically forwards country-blocked YouTube videos to and unblocks the video.
YouTube - Always Theater ModeJS-Set the default viewing mode to Theater Mode.
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 DownloadJS-Youtube Mp3 Download
YouTube: Expand All Video CommentsJS-Adds a "Expand all" button to video comments which expands every comment and replies - no more clicking "Read more".
YouTube Rotate 90°JS-把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
YouTube Live Filled Up ViewJS-Get maximized video-and-chat view with no margins on YouTube Live or Premieres.
YT redirect to Invidious on login requestJS-Redirects youtube links to invidious instances if youtube requires you to login for geo-blocking or age restriction
Youtube - dismiss sign-inJS-Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.
YouTube Flere HastighederJS-Tilføjer knapper under en YouTube-video med flere afspilningshastigheder.
bypass per i limiti di età di YouTubeJS-Visualizza i video soggetti a limiti di età su YouTube senza verifica e accesso
Tabview YoutubeJS-Lav kommentarer og lister til faner for YouTube-videoer
【自用】YoutubeToolsJS-1.恢复页面布局,2.增加按钮,方便IDM下载(配合IDM使用)【需配合Local YouTube Downloader使用】,3.增加按钮,一键重绘下载png格式的cover,4.增加按钮生成合并命令行,5.用clipboard,火狐v99之后抽风
7ktTube | 2016 REDUXJS-Old YouTube 2016 Layout | Old watchpage | Change thumbnail & video player size | grayscale seen video thumbnails | Hide suggestion blocks, category/filter bars | Square profile-pictures | Disable hover thumbnail previews | and much more!
YouTube Clickbait-BusterJS-Check whether it's worth watching a video before actually clicking on it by peeking it's visual or verbal content, description, comments, viewing the thumbnail in full-size and displaying the full title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts, and is also compatible with dark theme.
Youtube shorts redirectJS-Youtuebe shorts > watch redirect
Youtube Anti ShortsJS-shorts is a shit, #### you youtube
YouTube Web TweaksJS-This script optimizes YouTube's performance by modified configs, shorts redirect and much more!
Simple Sponsor SkipperJS-Skips annoying intros, sponsors and w/e on YouTube and its frontends like Invidious and CloudTube using the SponsorBlock API.
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