Showing r###lts for all languages. Show Dansk r###lts only.
ConductorrJS-Searches across multiple sources at once.
Kongregate Ad BypassJS-Bypasses Kongregate Ads
Wanikani Review Count AnalysisJS-Reports review counts.
VozResponsiveJS-Help You Surf VozForums in limited-width window
Wanikani Review Count AnalysisJS-Reports review counts.
BovverzoomJS-View linked images and animated GIFs on Reddit by hovering instead of having to click and navigate away.
Cpasbien - Direct downloadJS-Provide a direct download link to torrent in the search r###lts
YoutubeInMP3JS-simple button to download an mp3 from youtube
Cpasbien - Vert sur French Rouge sur VOST et ScreanerJS-Colore en vert les torrent FRENCH
Blackbird Technologies: Tag short text segments for a given characteristicJS-Auto select true
Hide /r/UnexpectedCenaJS-FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY NIGHT AT THE WWE SUUUUPER SLAM (changes /r/UnexpectedCena to /r/videos on reddit)
WK Alternate F GameJS-Assigns the effect of your F'd up F key to some random F'ing key. Good luck finding it!
WaniKani Nippongrammar ExtensionJS-Svg Canvas used to draw Kanji on reviews and lessons, using website code. AAO Script by Amtsleiter - HogsmeadeJS-Vorschlag fuer Fahrzeuge bei Einsaetzen auf und andere Hilfen
4chan Text FunctionsJS-Allows usage of [spoiler]Spoilers[/spoiler] and >greentext inside of picarto chats
WordPress - Sort My FavoritesJS-Sort WordPress favorites alphabetically.
UabInject BlockerJS-#### Da Ads
Wanikani Review Count Analysis [TEST]JS-Reports review counts.
Local drupal imagesJS-Fix local drupal image issue
Gmail - Remove "Empty Trash Now" linkJS-Removes the "Empty Trash Now" link when in the Trash
Gmail:Filter Query Area Expander (multi line text area)JS-Gmail filter query input box replace text area. So you can write down multi lines.Gmailのフィルタ機能で、マッチングルールを複数行のテキストエリアに置き換えます。
Vulcun Jackpot AutoclickerJS-Autoclicker for the Vulcun's jackpot
Tool Get Link Fshare,, NhaccuatuiJS-Download nhạc nhất lượng cao tại, NCT
PHP Documentation Columnify & Other ImprovementsJS-View the PHP document front page in a multi-column layout and some other small improvements.
ZyXEL password clearerJS-Auto clear router login page password field
mozillaZine Forums - insert titles to bug linksJS-Inserts titles to bug links that are plain URLs, in
Lik###cksJS-Ersetzt auf 'Gefällt mir' durch 'Danke'.
Outlook People Show Missing Details (Aug 2015)JS-Make embedded information visible
PyratorJS-po najechaniu na nicki plusujących wyświetla datę i czas
WME MapRaid 2 West Texas OverlayJS-Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "MapRaid 2 West Texas Groups" layer
Panther RefreshJS-Refresh/Filter
RF tickerJS-is a ticker
WPorg-DevJS-A userscript to help developers access certain plugin information and pages a lot easier.
GLB Player Page Enhancements Warrior GeneralJS-adds a few options when displaying the atribute values, with or with out items, also displayes ALG values
Ignore InsideNU commentersJS-Ignore specific users' comments to avoid obnoxious flame wars
Multi tab for MturkJS-Adds Multi Tab link to open hits in 6 tabs junk listing filterJS-This extension filters 'application received' and 'deposit taken' style listings from summary view on the Domain website.
More UI part4JS-The fourth part to The GT UI+
IPT Search for IMDB, TVmaze, next-episodeJS-Adds a button to "IMDB", "TVmaze" and "" to search for the current title on IPTorrents
RF ticker freezeJS-is a ticker
Hupu HighlightJS-突出今日主题;
Remove Netflix's Zoom on HoverJS-This script will prevent movies listed in the sliders from enlarging when you hover over them, thus stopping movies from moving around and making the site easier to use.
Bitsoup Stop WhiningJS-Removes begspam from Bitsoup
KAT - Hide XXX RequestsJS-Hides XXX requests if you have family safe filter on
Steam Screenshot Arrow and Wheel ControlsJS-Allows you to use the arrow keys to switch screenshots.
WoTStatScript - ClanpageJS-More info for World of ####s clan page. Random Topics BarJS-Places links to random topics at the top of the frontpage
Empeopled Minor EnhancementsJS-Provides minor enhancements for
GitHub Your ForkJS-Shows a 'your fork is at' link below the title
GitHub StatusJS-Changes the colour of the main Github octocat icon according to
Bahamut AD RemoverJS-Remove the AD of the Bahumut forum.
Google Logo Reviver (Chrome)JS-for the chrome users who hate every single change anybody makes
Next/Forward Page for EPVPJS-Press Left/Right arrow key for previous/next page
Tumblr Reblog Fix TwoJS-Fixes reblogs to allow them to be edited (for September 2015 update) ModificationsJS-Change font to Verdana & full width content Video.js replacerJS-Replaces the player on with one which works with Firefox on Linux
Unionfansub Kill Adf.lyJS-Kill Unionfansub ADF.LY, facebook api and google plus.
Adventure of Chaos helperJS-helper for AOC
lacucaracha.hatenablog ad killJS-ad kill for lacucaracha.hatenablog
JoKes: Rotate ImagesJS-Rotate all loaded images on webpages
JoKes: Rotate ALLJS-Rotate all content on webpages
Tumblr TamerJS-Restyles Tumblr's new reblogging template, and makes it look like before. Plus adds some bonus features!
Majomparádé borito nezet script (cover view)JS-poster view
Better GoogleJS-Add 'quick search' input and 'go to top' button for Google. Also highlight search terms.
Explain XKCDJS-Adds Explain XKCD links to each XKCD comic page
DC - Chat EnhancerJS-Amélioration du chat du jeu. Idée originale par Odul, adapté par Ianouf, puis ici un peu améliorée. Texte entre étoiles de la même couleur que les lignes de /me. Ajout des mêmes fonctionnalités (étoiles et guillemets) pour les commandes /w, /wme, /we, /weme, /wi, /wime, /y, /yme, /ye, /yeme, /yi, et /yime. Ne fonctionne pas si les modes chuchotement et cri (natifs au jeu) sont activés.
Google Search old favicon (2012—2015)JS-Use old favicon for Google Search (pre September 2015)
Yahoo Fantasy Football RankJS-Very simple script to conveniently see how many points a team gives up
Agar-Mass-EjectorJS-enter something useful
Ocultar actividad de dimekariJS-Elimina la activdad de @dimekari en "En Vivo"
Drag sidebarJS-Permite arrastrar los elementos de la barra lateral de taringa/mi
CNKI Download Link Fix (For WHU ###)JS-修复通过 WHU ### WEB 服务访问知网时出现链接解析错误而无法下载或无法访问的问题
Seach Movie from DoubanJS-Add a movie searching field in Douban Movie
Tweetdeck url extanderJS-getting over the redirection
Twitter Timeline URL ExpandJS-Replace href of A tag with real url.
facebook tracker kickerJS-removing all the ugly onclick redirection stuff
Disable ConfirmationsJS-Disables the are you sure you want to leave this page confirmations.
Google Logo Reviver (Firefox)JS-for the firefox users who hate every single change anybody makes
SGLinkiesJS-Adds handy links to top-menu, footer and inner-pages
IMDb Netflix ButtonJS-Adds Netflix Button
IMDB Watchlist on Netflix?JS-Add Netflix availablity to IMDB watchlist
MiWiFi in EnglishJS-Xiaomi AC Router Translation in English (Google Chrome)
Google old faviconJS-Restores oldest google favicon. Motty Katan(c) 05-09-2015 last updated 15-09-2015
himado Bugger Ban ScriptJS-ひまわり動画において、さまざまな視聴の障害に対して自動で対処しスッキリ快適にするスクリプトです。 - ethereal skinJS-přidává hromadu nastavení - např. široký režim nebo menší font
PCGarage remove top promotion bannersJS-Remove top promotion banners for a cleaner look.
WME Add addresses for placesJS-Добавление альтернативных названий (адресов)
PicartoTV Chat Link parsing fixJS-Fix HTTP links not being recognized as links
sharkbotJS-This script was deleted from Greasy Fork, and due to its negative effects, it has been automatically removed from your browser.
TimeFor.TV, ChannelsJS-Add TV channels for TimeFor.TV Direct download linksJS-Replaces links in the Files tab on with direct download links
NeoQuest II Remote ControlJS-Automatically moves character based on user defined path. (1=north, 2=south, 3=west, 4=east, 5=northwest, 6=southwest, 7=northeast, 8=southeast
Lichess auto confirm resign in bullet onlyJS-Automatically confirms resign in bullet only
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