Showing r###lts for all languages. Show Dansk r###lts only.
WME Invalidated Camera Mass EraserJS-Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
Pretome LoginJS-Logs in your user automatically
Remove Gdajie 14 Secs Waiting TimeJS-去除逛电驴14秒等待时间
click_confirmJS-Confirm if you want to follow certain links.
Switch Flash embed to secureJS-Workaround for Flash 14 on Firefox 30 not loading Flash videos on HTTP pages
Background tab setTimeout mufflerJS-Defers setTimeout calls if no user input has been received for 15 seconds. Useful for stopping background tabs from continuing to use CPU cycles.
tsdm no PopupsJS-天使动漫论坛签到点击表情防弹窗处理
Ascunde temele care nu au mesaje noiJS-descriere
Jira Deployment HelperJS-Adds Jira Code Review button to Subversion Commits tab, highlights database changes in the comments or description that have "dbo." in them or say "ERRORFIXED", "ERRORIGNORED" or "STILLOCCURRING", highlights tasks in list view and dashboard gadgets based on original time estimate and due date.
Agilebits Blog Print-FriedlyJS-Makes the Agilebits blog print only the article content.
BillMonk Image AdderJS-Creates images from first comment, if its format is img:http://...
Gmail Label Hider (pref-based)JS-Hide certain Gmail labels
Gmail Themes: Cold Shower TweaksJS-Removes pink from the Cold Shower theme
Google Calendar Show AllJS-Removes scrollbars and displays entire schedule.
TradingViewJS-Maximizes tradingview charts.
Mangaupdates Covers Button SearchJS-Creates a button inside the mangaupdate's manga pages for search its related covers at Manga Cover Database
Sparpa Military ProspectJS-Voi venite qua e il tool dello Sparpa vi dice quanti generali sono :) e quanto vi costa
Tumblr-image-sorter-getJS-Format file name & save path for current image by its tags
Tumblr-image-sorter-postJS-Store tags for images and indicate saved state
Alex:hide-hasreplies-forum-support-blackberryJS-hide threads with at least one reply
Alex:BSCF : image to macroJS-version 3
Alex:BSCF : activate spellchecker despite TinyMCEJS-version 3
Alex:BSCF : forum search opens in new tabJS-version 1
Alex:BSCF : move page under bannerJS-version 1
Alex:BSCF : add BTSC search formJS-version 3
Alex:BTSC articles : add title to PermalinkJS-version 4
Alex:BSCF : image selector : add images from the 'Favorites' folderJS-version 0.2
Alex:BTSC : reformat DocInformation block for easy copy pasteJS-BTSC:reformat DocInformation block for easy copy paste
BSCF:sdgardne hide-nonew-forum-support-blackberryJS-hide threads with no new messages
BSCF:sdgardne hide-hasreplies-forum-support-blackberryJS-hide threads with at least one reply
BSCF : sdgardne image to macroJS-version 3
BSCF : sdgardne activate spellchecker despite TinyMCEJS-version 3
BSCF : sdgardne move page under bannerJS-version 1
BSCF : sdgardne image selector : add images from the 'Favorites' folderJS-version 0.2
Disqus Downvote ExposerJS-This is a port of the "Disqus Downvote Exposer"-addon for Chrome.
Bangumi-History-DiffJS-compare two versions of subject history
NGU SBPM Fix (beta)JS-Allows click to SBPM one letter and other usernames
Fallen London - Dressing RoomJS-Script for storing and changing into outfits.
Bangumi-Reply-ExtendJS-Edit/delete your reply, no refresh required.
MTurk David White - Two Music Links: Same Album or Different Album?JS-Use 1 - 4 to select Yes, No, 404, or Cannot Tell, and Ctrl+S or Enter to submit. Opens both links automatically (must have MTurk Message Receiver installed)
MTurk Message ReceiverJS-Used in conjuction with other scripts to automatically open windows from links contained in HITs
Fic's Mixify Auto Welcome ScriptJS-This script can be used on while streaming your DJ set. The main reason why I created this script is that I couldn't see every single person who enters the stream so I thought it could be nice if script can annonce in chat who entered the stream with a warm welcome message.
Bangumi-Index-Batch-EditJS-Easilly modify multiple subjects in your index by drag-and-sort, and more!
Google Search Terms HighlightJS-Automatically highlights search terms & full phrases in pages opened by Google search r###lts.
Force language for Firefox spellcheckerJS-Forces language (used by Firefox spellchecker) in textareas and input text fields
2-columns facebook layoutJS-2-columns facebook layout script
_Domain force top galleryJS-Forces domain to use it's new gallery on all listings
Hack Forums Add to Group (Axiom)JS-Adds people to groups
WME Validator Localization for CanadaJS-This script localizes WME Validator for Canada. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
VozHideLongPostsJS-Chống Rết, Truyện Kiều các kiểu con đà điểu
Tiberium Alliances Attack RangeJS-Helps to see what bases come in attack range when you select to "move base".The bases in range will become highlighted... Forgotten bases in green colour and player bases in orange colour
WME Layers Link RemoverJS-Removes layers from links clicked/opened in Waze
Bangumi-Rename-Related-SubjectsJS-Quickly rename all related subjects at the same time.
Bangumi-ISBN-Amazon-LinkJS-Add amazon link by ISBN
Bangumi-Drag2Sort-RelationshipJS-It's BDSR, not BDSM.
ReminderJS-To remind you to be more productive
Slicer Arrow Key TraversalJS-Traverse through Slicer using your arrow keys!
YouTube force httpsJS-Forsed https: for youtube. No more irritating page reloads. Very simple script.
iPmart Forum LinkDecode FixerJS-Fixes the redirection problem on urls via AdsBypasser
Passe ton code - SHORTCUTJS-Cette userscript propose des raccourcis clavier dédié au site "Passe ton code" qui propose des séries de code totalement gratuite sur Internet
TVShow Time - T411, CPasBien and Google search buttonJS-Provide a "Search in , CPasBien or Google" button in the "show" and "to-watch" pages
Reddit - restart failed Never Ending Reddit at old positionJS-When using the "Reddit Enhancement Suite" with "Never Ending Reddit" option, at some point the next page cannot be loaded anymore. Currently your only option is to reload Reddit and start from the top. This script searches bottom up for the next working entry it can use as starting point. This way you can continue browsing from the same position.
Temas Equipo-DJS-creador de temas predeterminado para denuncias (Taringa!) ||
No reShoutsJS-Oculta reshouts automaticamente en el mi! Taringa
Fallen London - Wiki LinkingJS-Adds Fallen London Archives wiki links to storylet titles and options.
Better JCA BetaJS-A better Jive Cloud Admin experience. Remove VideoJS-This script hides the video displayed on
HG-OptimierungJS-Vereinfachte Navigation auf
@-postingJS-Link to posts in the same 4chan thread with "@".
@-postingJS-Link to posts in the same 4chan thread with "@".
Markdown toolbar for reddit.comJS-Creates a Markdown toolbar whenever you make/edit text posts or comments in
MTurk Myhobnob - Analyze party invitations to understand user demographicsJS-Float information tables and event image to enable quick completion of HIT
2ch Thread ViewerJS-2ちゃんねるのスレッドビューワ
IT之家新闻生成UBB代码JS-快速将本页IT之家新闻生成Discuz! X论坛用UBB代码
OneDrive Show long file nameJS-長いファイル名をポップアップで表示
Google CleanerJS-Makes Google search page more compact and removes some unnecessary information.
Kıpraşmayan sitesindeki hareket edip dikkati dağıtan öğeleri yok eder (manşet haberlerinin kendiliğinden ilerlemesi, doviz, hava durumu, sayfanın yeniden yüklenmesi)
Howrse smiley:3JS-old smileys
TVTime fast search episodes at many torrent sitesJS-Create links on each to-watch episodes to easily search and download it from many torrent sites, like 1337x, The Pirate Bay, EZTV, RARBG and others, that you can manually choose as your favorite torrent provider.
Virtonomica:СнабжениеJS-Добавление расширенной функциональности вкладки Снабжение
ABPVN Custom CSSJS-Tùy chỉnh CSS trang web theo ý bạn
WME Polygon Kab Aceh BaratJS-Polygons Kabupaten di WME layer
Polygon Kecamatan di PIDIE JAYAJS-Kab. PIDIE JAYA
Kab. PIDIEJS-Polygon Kecamatan di PIDIE.kml
Kab. ACEH TIMURJS-Polygon Kecamatan di ACEH TIMUR.kml
WME Polygon LangsaJS-Polygons Kabupaten di WME layer
Kab ACEH JAYAJS-Polygon Kecamatan di ACEH JAYA
GitHub-Maintainer-ButtonsJS-Adds four Buttons To each Commit in a GitHub pull request for selecting comment templates.
My Golf Club ScoresJS-Just for the Chilean Golf Federation. Get the golf scores off all players of your club in a given period of time and rank them.
More UI part3JS-The third part to The GT UI+
More UI part2JS-The second part to The GT UI+
Font Substitution v3JS-Substitutes arbitrary fonts on webpages
Stig's Flickr FixrJS-Show photographer's albums on photostream-pages, Photographer's other photos by tag-links, Links to album-map and album-comments, Actually show a geotagged photo on the associated map, Top-pagers - And more...
Envato Forum OldyJS-Styles new envato forum to resamble more to old one
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