试试 by 魏魏魏
Showing Dansk r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
Pixiv PlusJS-Focus on immersive experience, 1. Block ads, directly access popular pictures 2. Use user to enter the way to search 3. Search pid and uid 4. Display original image and size, picture rename, download original image | gif map | Zip|multiple map zip 5. display artist id, artist background image 6. auto load comment 7. dynamic markup work type 8. remove redirection 9. single page sort 10. control panel select desired function github: https:/ /github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey, welcome to star and fo
解除B站区域限制JS-通过替换获取视频地址接口的方式, 实现解除B站区域限制;
RSS+ : Show Site All RSSJS-Show All RSS Of The Site (If Any)
bilibili merged flv+mp4+ass+enhanceJS-bilibili/哔哩哔哩:超清FLV下载,FLV合并,原生MP4下载,弹幕ASS下载,CC字幕转码ASS下载,AAC音频下载,MKV打包,播放体验增强,原生appsecret,不借助其他网站
Yet Another Weibo FilterJS-Sina Weibo feed filter by keywords, authors, topics, source, etc.; Modifying webpage layout
百度搜索 - 优化JS-1、屏蔽百度推广 2、居中单列(可选) 3、居中双列(可选) 4.自动下一页(可选)
Bing Image Download ButtonJS-Add an image download button on Bing's home page.
remove page limitJS-Remove various page limit, check the code for website list, or add other websites
哔哩哔哩去除 6 分钟限制及 APP 下载JS-去除手机版 6 分钟限制,添加网页跳转
自动展开全文(停更,详细请看说明)JS-自动展开网站内容而无需点击。【本脚本停更(详情请看: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/397476 ),转入 Beta 版】, Beta 版地址: https://meta.appinn.net/t/17991
网页翻译JS-给每个非中文的网页右下角(可以调整到左下角)添加一个google翻译图标,直接调用 Google 的翻译接口对非中文网页进行翻译
Forum Grandmaster for Discuz! (Final Version)JS-🔊论坛网站页面美化、广告移除、功能增强。美轮美奂的视觉享受,安然恬静的论坛时光……
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