Favoritter by br52
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Direct links outJS-Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Title ManagerJS-Manage page titles per (sub)domain. On any website, click Greasemonkey > User Script Commands > Title Manager's menu.
AO3: Kudos/hits ratioJS-Replace hitcount with kudos/hits percentage. Sort works on the page by this ratio.
ao3 saved filtersJS-Adds fields for persistent global & fandom filters to works index pages on AO3
AdsBypasserLiteJS-Bypass Ads
General URL CleanerJS-Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Goodreads - Sort lists by rating or votesJS-Sort lists
Feedly filtering and sortingJS-Enhance the feedly website with advanced filtering, sorting and more
IMDb Full SummaryJS-Automatically show the full plot summary on IMDb
TwitterUnfollowJS-Quick Unfollow button for every tweet and mass unfollow button for the following page.
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