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steamgifts.com improved game filter

Makes hiding giveaways for specific games much quicker and easier

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        steamgifts.com improved game filter
// @description Makes hiding giveaways for specific games much quicker and easier
// @namespace   Barefoot Monkey
// @include     https://www.steamgifts.com/
// @include     https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?*
// @require     https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.0.0/jquery.min.js
// @version     2.1.2
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
var version = '2.1.2'
var OLD_VERSION_KEY = 'previous version'
'.BarefootMonkey-popup-bg {'
+'	background: #3C424D;'
+'	position: fixed;'
+'	top: 0;'
+'	bottom: 0;'
+'	left: 0;'
+'	right: 0;'
+'	opacity: 0.85;'
+'	z-index: 9988;'
+'	cursor: pointer;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup ul {'
+'	list-style: inside;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup p {'
+'	margin: 0.7em 0;'
+'	text-align: justify;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup h1 i {'
+'	font-size: 0.5em;'
+'	font-weight: bold;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup a {'
+'	color: #4B72D4;'
+'	font-weight: bold;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup em {'
+'	font-style: italic;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup h1 {'
+'	font-size: 1.5em;'
+'	margin: 0px 0px 0.5em;'
+'	border-bottom: 1px solid #6B7A8C;'
+'	padding-bottom: 0.5em;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup key, .BarefootMonkey-popup b {'
+'	font-weight: bold;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-popup {'
+'	background: #F0F2F5 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;'
+'	z-index: 9999;'
+'	position: fixed;'
+'	left: calc(50vw - 18em);'
+'	top: 20vh;'
+'	border-radius: 4px;'
+'	color: #6B7A8C;'
+'	font: 300 17px "Open Sans",sans-serif;'
+'	padding: 1em;'
+'	width: 36em;'
+'	max-height: calc(80vh - 3em);'
+'	overflow: auto;'
function cmpVersion(a, b) {
var i, cmp, len, re = /(\.0)+[^\.]*$/;
a = (a + '').replace(re, '').split('.');
b = (b + '').replace(re, '').split('.');
len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
cmp = parseInt(a[i], 10) - parseInt(b[i], 10);
if( cmp !== 0 ) {
return cmp;
return a.length - b.length;
function close_popup() {
GM_setValue(OLD_VERSION_KEY, version)
$('.BarefootMonkey-popup-bg, .BarefootMonkey-popup').fadeOut(500, function() { $(this).remove() })
function open_popup() {
var bg = $('<div class="BarefootMonkey-popup-bg">')
var popup = $('<aside class="BarefootMonkey-popup">')
.html('<h1>improved game filter <i>steamgifts.com userscript, version '+version+'</i></h1>'
+"<p>This script replaces steamgifts.com's default \"Hide Game\" interface with one that's a bit more practical.</p>"
+"<p>Click on the <i class=\"giveaway__icon giveaway__hide fa fa-eye-slash\"></i> icon next to the name of a game you want to hide and the game will be hidden without asking you for confirmation.</p>"
+"<p>Skipping the confirmation makes hiding games quicker, but increases the chance that you accidentally hide the wrong game. To solve that problem, <b>improved game filter</b> doesn't actually remove games from the page as soon as you hide them - it merely adds a visual indication that they're hidden. That way you can see what games you've just hidden and undo any accidents by clicking on the <i class=\"giveaway__icon giveaway__hide fa fa-eye-slash\"></i> icons again to undo hiding them.</p>"
+"<p>If you have any comments or questions about the <b>improved game filter</b> userscript then feel free to <a href=\"http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/c1xhr/userscript-improved-game-filter\">join this discussion</a>.</p>"
+"<h1>recent changes</h1>"
+"<li>Fixed regression in previous update, which affected users running this script through Tampermonkey on Chrome.</li>"
+"<li>General site compatiblity update. You may have noticed the noticed the regular \"hide game\" popups appearing recently despite having improved game filter installed. Version 2.1 fixes this issue.</li>"
$('.BarefootMonkey-popup-bg, .BarefootMonkey-popup').fadeIn(500)
var old_version = GM_getValue(OLD_VERSION_KEY)
if (old_version == null || cmpVersion(old_version, version) < 0) {
'@keyframes rotate-right-60px {'
+'	from {'
+'		background-position: 0px 0;'
+'	}'
+'	to {'
+'		background-position: 300px 0;'
+'	}'
+'@keyframes rotate-left-60px {'
+'	from {'
+'		background-position: 0px 0;'
+'	}'
+'	to {'
+'		background-position: -300px 0;'
+'	}'
+'.giveaway__row-outer-wrap {'
+'	transition: opacity 1s linear;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-hidden {'
+'	opacity: 0.6;'
+'	background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 0px, transparent 10px, #ccc, 10px, #ccc 12px, transparent 12px), repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 0px, transparent 10px, #ccc, 10px, #ccc 12px, transparent 12px);'
+'.BarefootMonkey-hiding, .BarefootMonkey-unhiding {'
+'	opacity: 0.6;'
+'	animation-duration: 12s;'
+'	animation-iteration-count: infinite;'
+'	animation-timing-function: linear;'
+'.BarefootMonkey-hiding {'
+'	animation-name: rotate-right-60px;'
+'	background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 0px, transparent 10px, #ccc, 10px, #ccc 12px);'
+'.BarefootMonkey-unhiding {'
+'	animation-name: rotate-left-60px;'
+'	background: repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 0px, transparent 10px, #ccc, 10px, #ccc 12px);'
function update_filter(id, token, action, url, prior_class, progress_class, complete_class) {
url: url,
method: 'POST',
context: {id: id, progress_class: progress_class, complete_class: complete_class},
data: {
'do': action
'error': function() {
'success': function() {
function callback(event) {
var closest = $(this).closest('.giveaway__row-outer-wrap[data-game-id]')
if (closest.length > 0) {
// get id and token
var id = closest.data('game-id')
var token = $('.popup--hide-games form input[name="xsrf_token"]').val()
// hide or unhide the game
if (id && token) {
if (closest.hasClass('BarefootMonkey-hidden')) {
update_filter(id, token, 'remove_filter', '/ajax.php', 'BarefootMonkey-hidden', 'BarefootMonkey-unhiding', null)
} else if (!closest.hasClass('BarefootMonkey-unhiding') && !closest.hasClass('BarefootMonkey-hiding')) {
update_filter(id, token, 'hide_giveaways_by_game_id', '/ajax.php', null, 'BarefootMonkey-hiding', 'BarefootMonkey-hidden')
setTimeout(function() {
// remove existing click handlers
// handle clicking on hide button
// observe DOM tree mutations to improve compatibility with endless scrolling userscripts
var container = document.querySelector('.page__outer-wrap>.page__inner-wrap>.widget-container>.sidebar+div')
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var added = mutation.addedNodes
for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i += 1) {
var node = $(mutation.addedNodes[i])
observer.observe(container, {childList:true});
}, 10)