Preload, navigation and other enhancements for comics viewer
// ==UserScript== // @name Enhanced viewer for // @name:ru Улучшенный просмотрщик для // @description:ru Предзагрузка, удобная навигация и прочие улучшения для сайта // @description Preload, navigation and other enhancements for comics viewer // @author Sanya_Zol ( // @license Unlicense // @icon  // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @namespace Sanya_Zol // @version 0.3.0 // @match* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== // @ts-check // Greasy Fork: // Github: /** @typedef {{Page:number,LastPage:number,Image:string|null,ContentSerialNomargin:string,ContentMargin:string,Title:string}} parsedPage */ (function () { class AcomicsViewer { settings = { // Блокировать случайное закрытие страницы blockUnload: false, // таймаут запроса в милисекундах (секундах*1000) AjaxRequestTimeoutMs: 10000, // чтобы деактивировать или снова активировать быстрый скролл, нажми Shift+[˄] или Shift+[˅] scrollFasterDefault: true, // сейчас при скролле страницы стрелками по вертикали [˄] и [˅] будет быстрый скролл на 300 пикселей scrollFasterPx: 300, // а при зажатом Ctrl - на 100 scrollFasterCtrlPx: 100, // время в милисекундах, за которое скроллить при использовании быстрого скролла scrollFasterSpeed: 75, // время в милисекундах, за которое скроллить наверх при смене страниц scrollSpeed: 75, // выпилить комментарии - они будут вылазить при нажатии [˄]+[˃] // (стрелки вправо при зажатой стрелке вверх) и выезжать при нажатии [˂]+[˃] contentMarginMover: false, // выводить отладочную информацию в левом верхнем углу страницы visualLog: false, }; constants = { eventNamespace: 'acomics-enhanced-viewer-userscript', // префикс localStorage localStorageKeyPrefix: '**zol**page**', logPrefix: '[acViewer] ', }; stage = 'noInit'; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement> | null} */ logOverlay = null; log(text) { let s = `[${this.stage}] ${text}`; if (this.settings.visualLog) { if (!this.logOverlay) { this.logOverlay = $('<div/>'); this.logOverlay.css({ position: 'fixed', // absolute zIndex: 1e6, left: '1px', top: '1px', padding: '1px', fontFamily: 'Verdana', fontSize: '7px', color: '#fff', textShadow: '#000 0px 0px 1px',//, #000 2px 2px 2px background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)', borderRadius: '2px', border: '1px rgba(255,255,255,0.5) solid', overflowY: 'hidden', maxHeight: '60px' }).appendTo('body'); } $('<div/>').text(s).hide().prependTo(this.logOverlay).slideDown(200).delay(5000).slideUp(200, function () { $(this).remove(); }); this.logOverlay.fadeIn().finish().delay(5000).slideUp(200); } console.log(`${this.constants.logPrefix}${s}`); } preInitFailed = false; preInitGuard = false; preInitSucceeded = false; /** @type {string|null} */ comicsName = null; /** @type {number|null} */ comicsPage = null; /** * @param {number} id * @returns {string} */ makeUrl(id) { if (!this.comicsName) throw new Error("makeUrl() requires this.comicsName to be set"); if (id === null) throw new Error("makeUrl() requires id to be set"); return '/~' + this.comicsName + '/' + id; } /** @type {string|null} */ localStorageKey = null; /** @type {string|null} */ localStorageKeyPage = null; /** @returns {void} */ store() { if (!this.localStorageKey || this.comicsPage === null) throw new Error("store() requires this.localStorageKey to be set"); if (this.comicsPage !== this.wantPage) throw new Error("store() requires this.comicsPage === this.wantPage"); window.localStorage.setItem(this.localStorageKey, `${this.comicsPage}`); } /** @type {number|null} */ wantPage = null; static _rx1 = /(?:(?:Мой )?(?:патреон|яндекс|yandex|paypal|wm(?:z|r|e|u)|кошелек|счет)[\s.-]*(?:кошелек|money|деньги)?:?|(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?\/[^\s]*|41\d{13}\b|(?:wm)?(?:z|r|e|u)\d{12}\b)/gi; static _rx2 = /(?:(?:\s*(?:<p>\s*<\/p>|<br ?\/? ?>)\s*)+|^(?:\s*<br ?\/? ?>)+|(?:<br ?\/? ?>\s*)+$)/gi; static _dangerous_tags = (['script', 'style', 'link', 'embed', 'object'].join(', ')); static removeInlineHandlers(element) { // for (var i = element.attributes.length; i-- > 0;) { var attr = element.attributes[i]; if (attr.nodeName.toLowerCase().indexOf('on') == 0) { element.removeAttributeNode(attr); } } } static removeScripts(el) { var f; while (f = el.querySelector(AcomicsViewer._dangerous_tags)) { // we querying selector every time because tags can contain each other f.parentNode.removeChild(f); } var f = el.querySelectorAll('*'); for (var i = f.length; i-- > 0;) { AcomicsViewer.removeInlineHandlers(f[i]); } } /** * * @param {string} s * @returns {parsedPage|null} */ parsePageString(s) { // TODO: validate comics page is really from the comics that is in URL var o = {}; var parser = new DOMParser(); var d = parser.parseFromString(s, "text/html"); { let x1 = d.querySelector('.common-content .button-goto span'); if (!x1) { return null; } let x = $.trim(x1.innerHTML).match(/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/); if (!x) { return null; } o.Page = parseInt(x[1]); o.LastPage = parseInt(x[2]); } { let x = d.querySelector('.common-content .issue-description-buttons'); if (x) { x.parentNode?.removeChild(x); }; } { let x = d.querySelector('.common-content .reader-comment-form'); if (x) { x.parentNode?.removeChild(x); }; } { let x = d.querySelector('.common-content .reader-issue img.issue')?.getAttribute('src'); o.Image = x || null; } { let x = d.querySelector('.common-content .reader-issue'); if (!x) return null; AcomicsViewer.removeScripts(x); o.ContentSerialNomargin = x.innerHTML; } { let x = d.querySelector('.common-content .view-container .view-article'); if (!x) return null; AcomicsViewer.removeScripts(x); let y = x.querySelector('.issue-description-text'); if (y) y.innerHTML = y.innerHTML.replace(AcomicsViewer._rx1, '').replace(AcomicsViewer._rx2, ''); o.ContentMargin = x.innerHTML; } { let x = d.querySelector('title'); o.Title = x ? ($.trim(x.innerText)) : '?'; } return o; } /** @type {number|null} */ comicsLastPage = null; /** @type {number|null} */ init_comicsPage = null; /** @type {number|null} */ init_wantPage = null; /** @type {parsedPage|null} */ tmp_curr = null; /** @returns {boolean} */ preInit() { if (this.preInitSucceeded) return true; if (this.preInitFailed || this.preInitGuard) { return false; } this.preInitFailed = true; this.preInitGuard = true; this.stage = 'preInit.1'; { const m = /^\/~([^\/]+)\/(\d*)(?:\D|$)/.exec(location.pathname.toString()); if (!m) { return false; } if (!window.$) { this.log('no window.$'); return false; } this.comicsName = m[1]; const page = parseInt(m[2], 10); if (m[2] == '' || isNaN(page) || page < 1) { return false; } this.comicsPage = page; } this.localStorageKey = this.constants.localStorageKeyPrefix + this.comicsName; this.localStorageKeyPage = this.localStorageKey + '*'; { /** @var {number|null} */ let stored = null; const storedString = window.localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageKey); if (storedString) { stored = parseInt(storedString, 10) || null; } if (stored !== null && stored != this.comicsPage) { this.wantPage = stored; } else { this.wantPage = this.comicsPage; } } this.stage = 'preInit.2'; let curr = this.parsePageString($('html')[0].outerHTML); if (!curr) { return false; } this.comicsLastPage = curr.LastPage; this.comicsPageTitle = curr.Title; this.init_comicsPage = this.comicsPage; this.init_wantPage = this.wantPage; this.stage = 'preInit.3'; if (this.comicsPage != curr.Page) { if ( confirm( 'Что-то пошло не так.' + '\n' + '\n[1] Сохраненная страница:\t' + this.comicsPage + '\n[2] Страница комикса (html):\t' + curr.Page + '\n[3] Максимальная страница (html):\t' + this.comicsLastPage + '\n' + '\nЗаменить сохраненную страницу ' + this.comicsPage + ' на ' + curr.Page + '?' ) ) { this.wantPage = this.comicsPage = curr.Page;; location.href = this.makeUrl(this.comicsPage); } return false; } this.tmp_curr = curr; // this.putCached( this.comicsPage, curr ); // this.putCached( this.tmp_curr.Page, this.tmp_curr ); delete this.tmp_curr; this.stage = 'preInit.4'; this.preInitSucceeded = true; return true; } initSucceeded = false; initFailed = false; initGuard = false; noPushState = false; firstPushState = false; changeHandlers() {; this.ShouldIDoSomething(); if (this.noPushState) { this.noPushState = false; return; } let stateObj = { page: this.comicsPage }; let title = `#${this.comicsPage} | ${this.comicsPageTitle}`; let url = this.makeUrl(this.comicsPage); if (this.firstPushState) { this.firstPushState = false; history.replaceState(stateObj, title, url); } else { history.pushState(stateObj, title, url); } } $htmlbody = null; doScroll(relative, scrollAmount) { this.$htmlbody || (this.$htmlbody = $('html,body')); if (relative) { this.$htmlbody.finish().animate({ scrollTop: Math.max(0, $(window).scrollTop() + scrollAmount) }, this.settings.scrollFasterSpeed); } else { this.$htmlbody.finish().animate({ scrollTop: scrollAmount }, this.settings.scrollSpeed); } } SessCacheQuery(page) { if (!this.localStorageKeyPage) throw new Error("No localStorageKeyPage"); var r = window.sessionStorage.getItem(this.localStorageKeyPage + page); if (!r) return false; try { r = JSON.parse(r); } catch (e) { return false; } return r; }; SessCachePut(page, data) { if (!this.localStorageKeyPage) throw new Error("No localStorageKeyPage"); var d = JSON.stringify(data); window.sessionStorage.setItem(this.localStorageKeyPage + page, d); }; /** @type {number|null} */ handleSwapTimeout = null; handleSwap(page, o) { this.log('page.swap: swapping page to #' + page + ( o.Preloaded ? '' : ' which doesn\'t have preloaded image' )); this.$contentMargin.html(o.ContentMargin); this.$contentSer.find('img.issue').attr('src', o.Image); if (this.handleSwapTimeout !== null) clearTimeout(this.handleSwapTimeout); this.handleSwapTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.$contentSer.html(o.ContentSerialNomargin); this.handleSwapTimeout = null; }, 50); this.$contentCounter.html(`${o.Page}/${o.LastPage}`); if (o.Page < 2) this.$contentBtnPrev.addClass('button-inactive'); else this.$contentBtnPrev.removeClass('button-inactive'); if (o.Page >= o.LastPage) this.$contentBtnNext.addClass('button-inactive'); else this.$contentBtnNext.removeClass('button-inactive'); // title this.comicsPageTitle = o.Title; this.comicsPage = page; document.title = '#' + this.comicsPage + ' | ' + this.comicsPageTitle; // $(window).scrollTop(0); this.doScroll(false, 0); this.changeHandlers(); }; /** @type {Object} */ plData = Object.create(null); putCached(page, data) { this.plData[page] = data; this.SessCachePut(page, data); this.putCachedPreloadImage(page); }; putCachedPreloadImage(page) { this.plData[page].Preloaded = false; this.plData[page].DomImage = new Image(); this.plData[page].DomImage.onerror = (err) => { console.error('Cannot load image #' + page + ' (window._err_img): ' + this.plData[page].Image); console.error({ "this.plData[page].Image": this.plData[page].Image, "err (event)": err }); // TODO: debugger; window._err_img = this.plData[page].Image; if (typeof (this.plData[page]) != 'undefined') { delete this.plData[page]; } }; var log = false; this.plData[page].DomImage.onload = () => { delete this.plData[page].DomImage.onload; if (typeof (this.plData[page]) == 'object') { if (log) { this.log('page.cache: IMG preloaded #' + page); } this.plData[page].Preloaded = true; } else { this.log('page.cache: IMG preloaded #' + page + ' but OBJ DOES NOT EXISTS!!'); } }; this.plData[page].DomImage.src = this.plData[page].Image; setTimeout(() => { log = true; }, 30); }; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>|null} */ $contentMargin = null; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>|null} */ $content = null; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>|null} */ $contentSer = null; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLImageElement>|null} */ $contentImage = null; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>|null} */ $contentCounter = null; /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>|null} */ $contentBtnPrev = $('.common-content .button-previous'); /** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>|null} */ $contentBtnNext = $('.common-content .button-next'); gcAllowed = false; gcAllowedSet() { this.gcAllowed = true; } gc() { if (!this.gcAllowed) { return; } var r = this.populateList(5); r.push(this.wantPage); for (var page_str in this.plData) { page = parseInt(page_str, 10); if ($.inArray(page, r) == -1) { this.log('this.gc: removing old page #' + page); delete this.plData[page]; window.sessionStorage.removeItem(this.localStorageKeyPage + page); } } var prefixl = this.localStorageKeyPage.length; for (var i = window.sessionStorage.length; i-- > 0;) { var k = window.sessionStorage.key(i); if (typeof (k) == 'string' && k.indexOf(this.localStorageKeyPage) == 0) { var page = parseInt(k.substr(prefixl), 10); if ($.inArray(page, r) == -1) { this.log('this.gc: removing sessionStorage page #' + page); window.sessionStorage.removeItem(this.localStorageKeyPage + page); } } } // key() this.gcAllowed = false; setTimeout(() => this.gcAllowedSet(), 10000); }; swapPage() { var page = this.wantPage; if (typeof (this.plData[page]) == 'undefined') { this.log('page.swap: NO CACHE FOR #' + page); return false; } if (typeof (this.plData[page]) == 'boolean') { this.log('page.swap: CACHE STILL WAITING #' + page); return true; } if (typeof (this.plData[page]) == 'object') { var o = this.plData[page]; this.handleSwap(page, o); } return true; }; ShouldIDoSomething() { if (this.wantPage < 1) { this.log('page.swap: wrong wantPage = ' + this.wantPage); this.wantPage = 1; } else if (this.wantPage > this.comicsLastPage) { this.log('page.swap: wrong wantPage = ' + this.wantPage); this.wantPage = this.comicsLastPage; } if (this.wantPage != this.comicsPage) { if (!this.swapPage()) { this.log('page.cache: requesting non-preloaded page #' + this.wantPage); this.ajaxPreload(this.wantPage); return true; } } var r = this.populateList(0); var rl = r.length; for (var i = 0; i < rl; i++) { var page = r[i]; if (typeof (this.plData[page]) == 'undefined') { var cached = this.ajaxPreload(page); if (!cached) { this.log('page.cache: preloading page #' + page); return true; } } } this.gc(); return false; }; ticker() { var to = this.ShouldIDoSomething() ? 300 : 1000; this.tickerTO = setTimeout(() => this.ticker(), to); }; populateList(Add) { var a = []; for (var i = 1; i <= (4 + Add); i++) { var np = this.wantPage + i; if (np <= this.comicsLastPage) { a.push(np); } } for (var i = 1; i <= (2 + Add); i++) { var np = this.wantPage - i; if (np >= 1) { a.push(np); } } return a; }; ajaxPreload(page) { // return cached var sc = this.SessCacheQuery(page); if (sc) { this.plData[page] = sc; // this.SessCachePut( page, data ); this.putCachedPreloadImage(page); return true; } this.plData[page] = true; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'text', cache: true, url: this.makeUrl(page), timeout: this.settings.AjaxRequestTimeoutMs, error: (...args) => { console.error({ _: `ajaxPreload(${page}) failed!`, args }); if (typeof (this.plData[page]) != 'undefined') { delete this.plData[page]; } }, success: (d) => { var parsed = this.parsePageString(d); if (!parsed) { console.error('Cannot parse data (see window._err_data)'); window._err_data = d; if (typeof (this.plData[page]) != 'undefined') { delete this.plData[page]; } } else { this.log('page.ajax: preloaded #' + page); this.putCached(page, parsed); this.ShouldIDoSomething(); } } }); return false; }; handlePrev() { // this.wantPage = this.comicsPage; this.wantPage--; this.ShouldIDoSomething(); }; handleNext() { this.wantPage++; this.ShouldIDoSomething(); }; uparrow_pressed = false; last_scroll = 0; documentKeydown(e) { var prevent = true; // if( e.which==13 && e.shiftKey ) { // Shift+Enter // } else if ((e.which == 38 || e.which == 40) && e.shiftKey) { // ^/v this.scroll_faster = !this.scroll_faster; } if (e.which == 37) { // < if (this.settings.contentMarginMover) { this.$contentMargin.hide(); } if (this.uparrow_pressed) { if (this.settings.contentMarginMover) { $(window).scrollTop(this.last_scroll); } this.$content.addClass('notitle'); } else { this.handlePrev(); } } else if (e.which == 39) { // > if (this.uparrow_pressed) { if (this.settings.contentMarginMover) { this.$; } this.$content.removeClass('notitle'); // $(window).scrollTop(0); this.doScroll(false, 0); } else { if (this.settings.contentMarginMover) { this.$contentMargin.hide(); } this.handleNext(); } } else if (e.which == 38) { // ^ this.uparrow_pressed = true; this.last_scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (this.settings.scrollFasterPx && this.scroll_faster) { // $(window).scrollTop( Math.max( 0, $(window).scrollTop()-this.settings.scrollFasterPx ) ); this.doScroll(true, -(e.ctrlKey ? this.settings.scrollFasterCtrlPx : this.settings.scrollFasterPx)); } else { prevent = false; } } else if (e.which == 40) { // v if (this.settings.scrollFasterPx && this.scroll_faster) { // $(window).scrollTop( $(window).scrollTop()+this.settings.scrollFasterPx ); this.doScroll(true, (e.ctrlKey ? this.settings.scrollFasterCtrlPx : this.settings.scrollFasterPx)); } else { prevent = false; } } else { prevent = false; } if (prevent) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } } documentKeyup(e) { if (e.which == 38) { // ^ this.uparrow_pressed = false; } } scroll_faster = false; /** @returns {boolean} */ init() { if (!this.preInit()) { return false; } if (this.initSucceeded) return true; if (this.initFailed || this.initGuard) { return false; } this.initFailed = true; this.initGuard = true; this.stage = 'init.1'; this.noPushState = false; // this.firstPushState = true; $(window) .off(`popstate.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`) .on(`popstate.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, (e) => { var d = e?.originalEvent?.state || false; if (d && { this.wantPage =; this.noPushState = true; this.ShouldIDoSomething(); } }); // TODO: add button and click event for this thing and script settings window.eval('window.z_SetPage=function(){ $(window).trigger(\'' + this.constants.localStorageKeyPrefix + ':setpage' + '\') };'); this.storePage = () => { // z_SetPage var p = parseInt(prompt('Set page to:', this.comicsPage), 10); if (isNaN(p) || p < 1 || p > this.comicsLastPage) { alert('Wrong page!\nMust be: 1 < page < ' + this.comicsLastPage); return; } if (!confirm('Warning! Really update page from ' + this.comicsPage + ' to ' + p + ' ?')) { return; } this.wantPage = p; this.ShouldIDoSomething(); }; $(window).on(this.constants.localStorageKeyPrefix + ':setpage', this.storePage); // this.wantPage = this.comicsPage; setTimeout(() => { if (this.wantPage == this.comicsPage) { this.swapPage(); } else { this.ShouldIDoSomething(); } }, 1); this.plData = Object.create(null); // this.wantPage = this.comicsPage; this.$content = $('.common-content'); this.$contentMargin = $('.common-content .view-container .view-article'); this.$contentSer = $('.common-content .reader-issue'); // this.$contentImage = $('.common-content .reader-issue img.issue'); this.$contentCounter = $('.common-content .button-goto span, .common-content .reader-issue-title > .number-without-name'); this.$contentBtnPrev = $('.common-content .button-previous'); this.$contentBtnNext = $('.common-content .button-next'); // custom stylesheets $('<style/>').attr('type', 'text/css').html('' + ' .common-header-background, .common-header {display:none !important;}' + ' .common-content > .serial-header, .common-content > .serial-reader-menu {display:none;}' + ' .common-content .reader-issue-title > a, .common-content #title > a {display:none;}' + ' .common-content .reader-issue-title, .common-content #title {padding:0 !important;min-height:0 !important;}' + ' .common-content.notitle .reader-issue-title, .common-content.notitle #title {display:none;}' // + ' .common-content img.issue {max-width: none !important; width: auto; }' + ' .page-margins {max-width: none !important;}' + ' .page-margins {background-color: transparent !important;}' + ' {padding-top: 0 !important;}' + ' .common-footer {display:none;}' + ' body {grid-template-rows: 1fr !important;}' + ' .view-container {max-width:var(--max-width);margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;background-color:#fff;box-shadow:0 3px 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);}' + ' .common-content .reader-navigator .button-content>* {display:none;}' + ' .common-content .reader-navigator .button-first>* {display:none;}' + ' .common-content .reader-navigator .button-last>* {display:none;}' + ' .common-content .reader-navigator .button-random>* {display:none;}' ).appendTo('body'); this.$content.addClass('notitle'); if (this.settings.contentMarginMover) { this.$contentMargin .detach() .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '5px', top: '64px', border: '1px #000 solid', background: '#fff' }) .appendTo('body') .hide(); } this.gcAllowedSet(); this.tickerTO = setTimeout(() => this.ticker(), 10); this.uparrow_pressed = false; this.last_scroll = 0; this.scroll_faster = this.settings.scrollFasterDefault; $(document) .off(`keydown.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`) .on(`keydown.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, (e) => this.documentKeydown(e)) .off(`keyup.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`) .on(`keyup.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, (e) => this.documentKeyup(e)) ; this.$contentSer .off(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, 'a.reader-issue-next') .on(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, 'a.reader-issue-next', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.handleNext(); }); this.$contentSer .off(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, 'a.reader-issue-previous') .on(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, 'a.reader-issue-previous', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.handlePrev(); }); this.$contentBtnPrev.find('a') .attr('href', '#js-prev') .off(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`) .on(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.handlePrev(); return false; }); this.$contentBtnNext.find('a') .attr('href', '#js-next') .off(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`) .on(`click.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.handleNext(); return false; }); $(window) .off(`beforeunload.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`) .on(`beforeunload.${this.constants.eventNamespace}`, (event) => { if (this.settings.blockUnload) { event.preventDefault(); return 'You shall not pass.'; } }); this.putCached(this.tmp_curr.Page, this.tmp_curr); this.tmp_curr = null; enableIntercept = true; this.stage = 'init.2'; this.log('init(finish)'); }; createRunInterface() { var current = this.init_comicsPage == this.init_wantPage; var label = 'Запуск читалки'; if (!current) { label = 'Продолжить чтение (стр. ' + this.init_wantPage + ')'; } var d = $('<div/>'); $('<button/>').html('×').css({ color: '#F00', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '16px', position: 'absolute', left: '-10px', top: '-10px', width: '20px', height: '20px', padding: '1px' }).click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); d.remove(); }).appendTo(d); $('<button/>').html(label).css({ fontSize: '14px' }).click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); d.remove(); this.init(); // w.history.pushState({a:location.href}, "* Супер-читалка", location.href); }).appendTo(d); if (!current) { d.append('<div>Произойдет переход на стр. ' + this.init_wantPage + '</div>'); $('<button/>').html( 'Читать со страницы ' + this.init_comicsPage + '' ).css({ fontSize: '12px' }).click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (confirm('' + 'Вы собираетесь удалить закладку со страницы ' + this.init_wantPage + '\nи продолжить чтение со страницы ' + this.init_comicsPage + '\n\nВсё верно?' )) { this.wantPage = this.comicsPage = this.init_comicsPage; //; // location.href = this.makeUrl(this.comicsPage); d.remove(); this.init(); } }).appendTo(d); d.append('<div style="font-size:10px;">Закладка со стр. ' + this.init_wantPage + ' будет удалена.</div>'); } d.css({ borderRadius: '4px', position: 'fixed', // absolute zIndex: 1e6, right: '3px', top: '3px', padding: '4px', background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)', color: '#fff', border: '2px rgba(0,0,0,0.9) solid' }).appendTo('body'); setTimeout(() => { var inner = $('header.common > div.inner'); if (!inner.length) return; if (d.offset().left < (inner.offset().left + inner.width() + 55)) { d.css({ top: Math.round(inner.height() + 3) + 'px' }); } }, 1); } } var enableIntercept = false; // disable built-in navigation with left/right arrow keys. let _addEventListener = document.addEventListener; document.addEventListener = function (en, fn, { if (en == 'keydown') { let fnStr = fn?.toString(); if (fnStr.indexOf(`navElement.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href')`) !== -1) { let origFn = fn; fn = function (e) { if (enableIntercept) return; return origFn(e); }; } } return, en, fn,; }; class AcomicsViewerList2 { static makeUrlReference(id, comicsName) { return '/~' + comicsName + '/' + id; }; initGuard = false; init() { if (this.initGuard) return; this.initGuard = true; if (!/\/-[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/list2/.test(location.pathname)) { return; } // $('div.contentSerialMargin > div.agrHolder >table.agr >tbody>tr:first-child>td.agrBody>div.numbers') var div = $('div.agrHolder'); if (!div.length) { return; } div.find('>table.agr').css({ marginBottom: '4px' }).each(function () { // var a = $(this).find('>tbody>tr:first-child>td.agrBody>h3>a'); // if(!a.length){return;} // a = a[0].pathname; // if( a.substr(0,2)!='/~' ){return;} // a=a.substr(2); var b = $(this).find('>tbody>tr:first-child>td.agrBody>div.numbers a').eq(0); if (!b.length) { return; } b = b[0].pathname; var m = /^\/~([^\/]+)\/(\d*)(?:\D|$)/.exec(b); if (!m) { return; } // parse page info var comicsName = m[1]; var comicsPage = parseInt(m[2], 10); if (m[2] == '' || isNaN(comicsPage) || comicsPage < 1) { return; } var k = this.constants.localStorageKeyPrefix + comicsName; // stored shit var stored = window.localStorage.getItem(k); if (stored) { stored = parseInt(stored, 10) || false; } else { stored = false; } if (!stored) { return; } if (stored == comicsPage) { $(this).css({ backgroundColor: '#ccc', outline: '1px #999 solid' }); } else if (stored < comicsPage) { $(this).css({ backgroundColor: '#cff', outline: '1px #9ff solid' }); var link = $('<a/>').addClass('agr-today').attr( 'href', AcomicsViewerList2.makeUrlReference(stored, comicsName) ).text( 'Продолжить чтение со страницы ' + stored + ' (из ' + comicsPage + ')' ).css({ fontSize: '18px' }); $(this).find('>tbody>tr:first-child>td.agrBody>div.numbers').prepend('<hr/>').prepend(link); } // this.comicsName = m[1]; // var comicsPage = parseInt(m[2],10); }); } } $(function () { (function () { // $('.common .inner td.nainmenu > nav > a[href$="/list2"]').css({backgroundColor:'#f00'}); var a = $('.common .inner td.logo > a'); var img = a.find('> img'); if (!img.length) { return; } var div = $('<div style="display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;width:55px;height:54px;height:100%;vertical-align:middle;padding-top:7px;" />'); img.detach(); div.append(img).appendTo(a); $('.common .inner td.logo').css('width', 'auto'); var x = $('.common .inner td.nainmenu > nav > a[href$="/list2"]'); x.css({ fontWeight: 'bold' }); var y = $('<div/>').html('обновления').css({ display: 'inline-block', background: '#99f', borderRadius: '4px', border: '1px #66f solid', position: 'absolute', marginTop: '-12px', marginLeft: '-48px', width: '64px', height: '14px', fontSize: '10px', fontFamily: 'sans-serif', textTransform: 'none', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'normal' }); y.insertBefore(x.find('>span')); var live = $('.common .inner td.nainmenu > nav > a[href$="/live"]').contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3; }).eq(0); if (live.length) { live[0].textContent = 'Live'; } var Top = $('.common .inner td.nainmenu > nav > a[href$="//"]').contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3; }).eq(0); if (Top.length) { Top[0].textContent = 'ТОП'; } // window.lol_y = y; // window.lol_x = x; })(); let acomicsViewer = new AcomicsViewer(); if (!acomicsViewer.preInit()) { let list2 = new AcomicsViewerList2(); list2.init(); return; } acomicsViewer.createRunInterface(); }); })();