A Library for UserScripts.
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/10546/57895/MUJS%2020.js
var sel = function(id){ var sel = document.querySelector(id); return sel; } var selAll = function(id){ var selAll = document.querySelectorAll(id); return selAll; } var del = function(elem){ sel(elem).parentNode.removeChild(sel(elem)); } var write = function(left,top,text){ var a = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var b = document.createElement('div'); b.innerHTML = text; b.style.position = 'absolute'; b.style.left = left+'px'; b.style.top = top+'px'; a.appendChild(b); } var bgColor = function(color){ document.body.style.background = color; } var display = function(element,attr){ var x = document.querySelector(element); if(attr==0||attr=='none'||attr=='hide'||attr=='false'){x.style.display = 'none';} if(attr==1||attr=='block'||attr=='show'||attr=='true'){x.style.display = 'block';} } var move = function(id,pos,left,top){ sel(id).style.position=pos; sel(id).style.left=left+'px'; sel(id).style.top=top+'px'; } var injectCss = function(css){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = css; head.insertBefore(style,head.childNodes[1]); } var bakeCookie = function(name,content,toDate){ var hdate = new Date(); hdate.setDate(hdate.getDate() + toDate).toLocaleString(); str=name+'='+content; document.cookie= str+';expires='+hdate; //syntax for naming cookies //bakeCookie("cookiename","content",10000); } var analyzeCookie = function(name){ c = document.cookie.toString(); var cookie_array = document.cookie.toString().split(';'); pos = c.search(name); r = cookie_array[pos]; f=r.toString().split('=')[1]; return f; //analyzeCookie("cookieName") //returns the content of the cookie } var eatCookie = function(name){ c = document.cookie.toString(); var cookie_array = document.cookie.toString().split(';'); pos = c.search(name); r = cookie_array[pos]; var hexp_date = new Date(); hexp_date.setDate(hexp_date.getDate() - 10000).toLocaleString(); document.cookie = r+';expires='+hexp_date; //eatCookie("cookieName") //without content or date } var pushTo = function(elem,id,host,loc){ var host = document.querySelector(host); var x = document.createElement(elem); x.id = id; if(loc==1||loc==null||loc=='after'){host.appendChild(x);} if(loc==0||loc=='before'){host.parentNode.insertBefore(x,host);} } var typeTo = function(element,html){ var x = document.querySelector(element); x.innerHTML = html; } var getData = function(site,target,type){ if(target=='crossDomain'){ var link='http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from html where url="'+site+'"&format='+type+'';} else if(target=='localDomain'||target==null){var link=site;} else{alert("Target parameter has to be either localDomain or crossDomain");} xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); xml.open('get',link,false);xml.send(); queryData = xml.responseText; return queryData; } var showQueryData = function(qData){ pushTo('textarea','queryDataContainer','body') typeTo('#queryDataContainer',qData); sel('#queryDataContainer').rows=15; sel('#queryDataContainer').cols=150; } var mouse = function(event,id){ x=document.querySelector(id); y=x.href; //getting link o=x.onclick; //check whether there is an onclick function t=x.target; //check target if(t==""){t="_self"} //assign target if none if(o==null && y!=null){ //This is for links without onclick functions with href x.onclick=function(){ window.open(y,t); } //This is the if statement to fire the event if(event=='click' && id!=null){ //Firing the click event x.onclick(); } }else if(o!=null && y!=null){ //This is for links with onclick functions & href if(event=='click' && id!=null){ //Firing the click event x.onclick(); } window.open(y,t); }else if(o!=null && y==null){ //This is for links with onclick function without href x.onclick(); } if(event=='mouseover'){ x.onmouseover(); } //mouse('click','#id'); //mouse('mouseover','#id'); }