// ==UserScript== // @name 微博图片全显示 // @namespace hzhbest // @include http://weibo.com/* // @include https://weibo.com/* // @include http://www.weibo.com/* // @include https://www.weibo.com/* // @description 同屏显示多图微博的全部大图。 // @version 4.22 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @run-at document-end // @license GNU GPLv3 // ==/UserScript== (function () { // --这里是设置区-- // var topheight = 60; //微博顶栏高度 var topspare = 125; //滚动预留顶部高度 var autorefresh = true; //是否定时自动检测页面变化 var loadLargeGif = GM_getValue('WBimgAll') || false; //是否载入大型动图 // --以下是代码区,请不要随意改动-- // // http://weibo.com/2710065263/BmxiVDCgt?from=page_1005052710065263_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment#_rnd1436436058420 // http://weibo.com/2328516855/CnYCvixUq?type=comment#_rnd1436493435761 var regex = /weibo\.com\/\d{8,10}\/[a-z0-9A-Z]{9}\??/; var cur = -1 // “当前图片”序 pinit(); function pinit() { //检查是否已开大图,否则进入初始化进程;如果已开大图但网址已非单一微博网址则去除按钮;一秒检测一次 var bpimg = document.querySelector("img.big_pic"); console.log("matched?: ", regex.test(document.location.href)); if (regex.test(document.location.href)) { //console.log(document.location.href); if (!bpimg) init(); } else { var buttonbox = document.querySelector(".big_pic_b"); if (!!buttonbox) buttonbox.parentNode.removeChild(buttonbox); } if (autorefresh) { setTimeout(pinit, 1000); //console.log("wait 1 sec"); } } function init() { //通过评论框架确定页面载入完成,通过附加媒体容器确定有需要展开大图的情况,都成立时进入处理进程 var list_ul = document.querySelector("div.vue-recycle-scroller__item-view"); //评论框架 var expbox = document.querySelector('div[class*="picture-box_row_"'); //附加媒体容器 document.querySelector('main>div[class^="Main_full_"]').style = "width: 800px;"; if (!list_ul && !expbox) { console.log("no1"); // * [no1]未加载评论框架,等候 setTimeout(init, 1000); return; } else if (!!list_ul && !expbox) { console.log("no2", expbox); // * [no2]评论框架已加载却无附加媒体容器,退出 //getlongtext() return; } else { // * [go]一切正常,开始处理 // 应对超过九图的情况 var nyimg = document.querySelector( '[class*="woo-box-justifyCenter picture_mask_"]' ); if (!!nyimg) { //识别出超九图特征,将预览容器展开,以预览容器来获取图片 nyimg.click(); setTimeout(() => { expbox = document.querySelector('div[class*="picture-viewer_wrap_"]'); console.log("go9"); go(expbox); //console.log(expbox); }, 600); } else { console.log("go"); go(expbox); } } } function go(expbox) { var feedbox = document.querySelector(".vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper"); //评论区容器元素 var appbox = document.querySelector("WB_app_view"); //应用容器?? var videobox = document.querySelector('div[class*="card-video_videoBox_"'); //视频容器 var maintextimgs = document.querySelectorAll( '[class^="detail_wbtext_"]>a[target]' ); //正文中的图片?? var dbox = document.body.getElementsByTagName("main")[0].parentNode.parentNode; //主容器 dbox.style.maxWidth = "none"; // Insert CSS var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var cssNode = creaElemIn("style", headID); cssNode.type = "text/css"; cssNode.innerHTML = [ ".big_pic{max-width: 890px;}", ".big_pic_n{max-width: 500px;}", ".big_pic:hover, .big_pic_n:hover{box-shadow: 0 0 30px 2px #f1ecdf;}", ".big_pic_poster{outline: 2px dashed #fcde44; outline-offset: -2px; cursor: pointer;}", ".big_pic_v{max-width: 90%; max-height: 80vh; cursor: pointer;}" ].join(""); //大图样式 cssNode.innerHTML += [ 'main>div[class^="Main_full_"] {width: auto !important;min-width:800px;}', ".WB_frame_c {width: auto !important; max-width: 920px; min-width: 600px;}", ".WB_text.W_f14, .repeat_list .list_box .WB_text, .WB_expand>.WB_text{width: 490px;}", ".WB_frame_c .media_box{display: none !important;}", 'div[node-type="comment_list"] .media_box{display: block !important;}', 'div[id^="Pl_Core_RecommendFeed__"]{right: 150px; width: 100px !important; max-height: 35px; overflow: hidden; transition: all ease 0.2s 0.5s;}', 'div[id^="Pl_Core_RecommendFeed__"]:hover{width: 300px !important; max-height: 1000px;}', 'div[id^="Pl_Core_RecommendFeed__"] .opt_box{display:none;}', 'div[id^="Pl_Core_RecommendFeed__"]:hover .opt_box{display: inline-block;}' ].join(""); //微博自身框架样式 cssNode.innerHTML += [ ".big_pic_b{position: fixed; left: 10px; top: 200px;}", ".big_pic_btn{height: 20px; min-width: 50px; width: fit-content; padding: 3px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid white; color: white; background: rgba(133,133,133,0.6); cursor: pointer; user-select: none;}", ".big_pic_btn:hover{background: rgba(133,133,200,0.6);}", ".big_pic_ns{margin-bottom: 20px; width: 62px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 3px;}", ".big_pic_ns > div{font-size: 10px; line-height: 28px; text-align: right; height: 15px; width: 15px; background-clip: border-box; background-position: center; background-size: cover; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid #7a7a7a; color: white; text-shadow: 0 0 2px black,0 0 2px black,0 0 2px black; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; opacity: 0.7;}", ".big_pic_ns > div:hover{font-size: 0px; outline: 1px solid #f8f87b; opacity: 1;}", ".big_pic_ns > div.curr{outline: 3px solid #f87bce; opacity: 0.9;}" ].join(""); //按钮样式 var buttonbox = creaElemIn("div", document.body); buttonbox.className = "big_pic_b"; var sclink = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //直达评论链接 var tplink = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //直达页顶链接 var nclink = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //图片限宽链接 var n1link = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //首个图片链接 var n2link = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //上个图片链接 var nslink = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //图片导航按钮 var n3link = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //下个图片链接 var swmode = creaElemIn("div", buttonbox); //切换动图模式链接 sclink.className = "big_pic_btn"; sclink.innerHTML = "直达评论"; sclink.addEventListener( "click", function () { var commentbox = document.querySelector("div.wbpro-tab3") || document.querySelector("#composerEle"); scrollto(getTop(commentbox) - topheight * 2); }, false ); tplink.className = "big_pic_btn"; tplink.innerHTML = "回到页顶"; tplink.addEventListener( "click", function () { var headerbox = document.querySelector("header"); scrollto(getTop(headerbox) - topheight * 2); }, false ); if (!!videobox) { cssNode.innerHTML = [ ".big_pic_sc{position: fixed; left:10px; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid white; color: white; background: rgba(133,133,133,0.6); cursor: pointer;} ", ".big_pic_sc{top: 430px}", ].join(""); return; } if (!!appbox) { //检测到应用容器(微博文章或视频)时退出 // box.appendChild(appbox); // if (!!wrpbox) expbox.removeChild(wrpbox); // cssNode.innerHTML = [ // '.media_box{display: none !important;}', // '.big_pic_sc{position: fixed; left:10px; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid white; color: white; background: rgba(133,133,133,0.6); cursor: pointer;} ', // '.big_pic_sc{top: 430px}'].join(""); return; } if (!!maintextimgs) { for (const i in maintextimgs) { if (/sinaimg.c(om|n)\/large/.test(maintextimgs[i].href)) { var mtimg = document.createElement("img"); maintextimgs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(mtimg, maintextimgs[i]); mtimg.src = maintextimgs[i].href; mtimg.style = "border: 3px dotted #64882e; width: auto !important; height: auto !important; max-width: 500px;"; maintextimgs[i].parentNode.removeChild(maintextimgs[i]); } } } //超过九图的应对 var imgboxes; if (!!expbox.querySelector('[class*="picture-viewer_preview_"]')) { console.log("nine imgs"); imgboxes = expbox.querySelectorAll( '[class*="picture-viewer_listContent_"]>div>div' ); console.log(imgboxes.length); } else { imgboxes = expbox.querySelectorAll( 'div[class*="woo-box-item-inlineBlock picture_item_"]' ); } // 建立大图框架,用于插入大图 var bpboxes = [], imgsrc, imgn, imgl = imgboxes.length; var _limited = false; var root = expbox.parentNode; nslink.className = "big_pic_ns"; var nslinks = []; var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < imgl; i++) { //提取大图 // https://wx2.sinaimg.cn/orj360/006QkcF9ly1gz75df9qmuj30nn061dj1.jpg // https://wx2.sinaimg.cn/large/006QkcF9ly1gz75df9qmuj30nn061dj1.jpg // https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/large/002MwiQagy1gz7le15xtyj60k06851kx02.jpg // https://wx3.sinaimg.cn/large/003nJ9EBly1hakhpjuqugj60dc336n5l02.jpg bpboxes[i] = creaElemIn("div", root); nslinks[i] = creaElemIn("div", nslink); nslinks[i].innerHTML = (i + 1); nslinks[i].name = i; creaElemIn("br", root); var imgnode = imgboxes[i].querySelector("img"); var imgvnode = imgboxes[i].querySelector("video"); //“动图”(实际上是mp4视频) // console.log('imgtest: #',i,/sinaimg.c(om|n)/.test(imgnode.src)); if (/sinaimg.c(om|n)/.test(imgnode.src)) { // 普通大图提取 if (/sinaimg.c(om|n)\/(orj|thumb)\d{3}/.test(imgnode.src)) { imgsrc = imgnode.src.replace( /(sinaimg\.c(om|n)\/)(orj|thumb)\d{3}/, "$1large" ); } else if (/sinaimg.c(om|n)\/large/.test(imgnode.src)) { imgsrc = imgnode.src; } imgn = creaElemIn("img", bpboxes[i]); imgn.src = imgsrc; imgn.className = "big_pic"; imgn.title = "[ " + (i + 1) + " / " + imgl + " ]"; nslinks[i].style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + imgnode.src + '")'; } else if (!!imgvnode) { if (/sinaimg.c(om|n)\/(orj|thumb)\d{3}/.test(imgvnode.poster)) { // 动图大图提取 imgsrc = loadLargeGif ? imgvnode.poster.replace( // 动大图模式,使用封面的大图 /(sinaimg\.c(om|n)\/)(orj|thumb)\d{3}/, "$1large" ) : imgvnode.poster; // 封面模式,直接用封面 } else if (/sinaimg.c(om|n)\/large/.test(imgvnode.poster)) { // 封面直接就是大图 imgsrc = imgvnode.poster; } imgn = creaElemIn("img", bpboxes[i]); imgn.src = imgsrc; imgn.className = "big_pic" + ((loadLargeGif) ? "" : " big_pic_poster"); imgn.title = "[ " + (i + 1) + " / " + imgl + " ] 点击以视频方式播放"; imgn.onclick = function (event) { let pnode = event.target; let vnode = pnode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("video")[0]; pnode.style.display = "none"; vnode.style.display = "block"; vnode.play(); console.log("p: ", "played"); }; nslinks[i].style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + imgvnode.poster + '")'; bpboxes[i].appendChild(imgvnode); // 将动图视频附在动图大图上,点击显示 imgvnode.className = "big_pic_v"; imgvnode.controls = true; imgvnode.style.display = "none"; imgvnode.addEventListener("ended", function (event) { let vnode = event.target; let pnode = vnode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; console.log("p: ", pnode); vnode.style.display = "none"; pnode.style.display = "block"; }); // imgvnode.onclick = function (event) { // console.log("v: ", "clicked"); // //(vnode.paused)? vnode.play() : vnode.pause(); // }; } else { j += 1; continue; } nslinks[i].addEventListener( "click", function (e) { scrollto(getTop(bpboxes[e.target.name]) - topspare + 25); }, false ); if (j == imgl) return; } if (j == imgl) { //没找到符合条件的大图,退出 cssNode.innerHTML = ".big_pic_sc{position: fixed; left:10px; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid white; color: white; background: rgba(133,133,133,0.6); cursor: pointer;} .big_pic_sc{top: 430px}"; return; } imgl = bpboxes.length; if (!!root) root.removeChild(expbox); nclink.className = "big_pic_btn"; nclink.innerHTML = "图片限宽"; nclink.addEventListener( "click", function () { var i; if (_limited) { for (i = 0; i < imgl; i++) { bpboxes[i].querySelector("img").className = "big_pic"; } _limited = false; } else { for (i = 0; i < imgl; i++) { bpboxes[i].querySelector("img").className = "big_pic_n"; } _limited = true; } }, false ); n1link.className = "big_pic_btn"; n1link.innerHTML = "△首个图片"; n1link.addEventListener( "click", function () { scrollto(getTop(bpboxes[0]) - topspare +25); }, false ); n2link.className = "big_pic_btn"; n2link.innerHTML = "▲上个图片"; n2link.addEventListener( "click", function () { var t = document.documentElement.scrollTop; for (var j = imgl - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (t > getTop(bpboxes[j]) + bpboxes[j].offsetHeight - topspare) { scrollto(getTop(bpboxes[j]) - topspare + 25); return; } } }, false ); n3link.className = "big_pic_btn"; n3link.innerHTML = "▼下个图片"; n3link.addEventListener( "click", function () { var t = document.documentElement.scrollTop; for (var j = 0; j < imgl; j++) { if (t < getTop(bpboxes[j]) - topspare) { scrollto(getTop(bpboxes[j]) - topspare + 25); return; } } }, false ); swmode.className = "big_pic_btn"; swmode.innerHTML = "↔切换动图模式"; swmode.title = "切换为" + ((loadLargeGif) ? "显示封面静图" : "显示动图大图") + "并刷新页面"; swmode.addEventListener( "click", function () { loadLargeGif = !loadLargeGif; GM_setValue('WBimgAll', loadLargeGif); location.reload(); }, false ); waitscroll(); document.onscroll = function () { var t = document.documentElement.scrollTop; // 当前滚动位置(视框顶y) var w = window.innerHeight; // 当前视框高度 var percentage = 1 / 4; // 视框内“注视框”距视框顶底距离(1-2*percentage 为注视框高度占比) var linetop = t + w * percentage - topspare; // 注视框顶位置 var linebtm = t + w * (1 - percentage); // 注视框底位置 var j, vh, vhmax = 0; // 检查图片序、图片在注视框内高度、注视框内最大高度 if (getTop(bpboxes[0]) >= linebtm || getTop(bpboxes[imgl - 1]) + bpboxes[imgl - 1].offsetHeight <= linetop) { cur = -1; // 若首图在注视框底之下或末图在注视框顶之上,则无当前图 } else { for (j = imgl - 1; j >= 0; j--) { // 从底部检查各图片 let ti = getTop(bpboxes[j]), hi = bpboxes[j].offsetHeight; // 检查图片位置、检查图片高度 if (ti < linebtm && (ti + hi) > linetop) { // 若图片顶端在注视框底之上、底端在注视框顶之下 vh = Math.min(linebtm, ti + hi) - Math.max(linetop, ti); // 计算注视框内高度 if (vh >= vhmax) { // 当检查图片拥有更大的注视框内高度,则其为“当前图片”(等高则更前) vhmax = vh; cur = j; } } } } if (cur !== -1) { for (j = imgl - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (j !== cur) { nslinks[j].classList.remove("curr"); } else { nslinks[j].classList.add("curr"); } } } else { for (j = imgl - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (j !== cur) { nslinks[j].classList.remove("curr"); } } } }; } function waitscroll() { //等待页面完全载入再滚动 var list_ul = document.querySelector("div.list_ul"); //↓等待评论框架载入,如果评论框架就位就等待评论区或无评论提示载入,再视滚动位置判断 if ( !list_ul || !list_ul.getElementsByTagName("div")[0] || !document.querySelector("div.tips_rederror") || document.documentElement.scrollTop < topheight + 70 ) { setTimeout(waitscroll, 300); //console.log("wait"); return; } else { scrollto(topheight); //console.log("scroll"); } } function scrollto(pos) { //滚动 document.documentElement.scrollTop = pos; } // Create an element function creaElemIn(tagname, destin) { var theElem = destin.appendChild(document.createElement(tagname)); return theElem; } // Get the first element by xpath function getElem(xpath) { return document .evaluate( xpath, document, null, XPathR###lt.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ) .snapshotItem(0); } // Get the absolute top of an element function getTop(e) { var offset = e.offsetTop; if (e.offsetParent != null) offset += getTop(e.offsetParent); return offset; } })();