TWSweets Addon - Gold and silver jobs!
// ==UserScript== // @name The-West Deluxe Jobs // @namespace TWS // @author Shelimov (updated by Tom Robert) // @description TWSweets Addon - Gold and silver jobs! // @include https://*.the-west.*/game.php* // @version 2.3.9 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // translation: Shelimov(Russian),Tom Robert(German),pepe100(Spanish),jccwest(Portuguese),Lutte Finale(French),anto81(Italian),0ndra(Polish),JackJeruk(Hungarian),Jamza(Czech&Slovak) (function (fn) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'application/javascript'); script.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();'; document.body.appendChild(script); document.body.removeChild(script); })(function () { DJ = { version: '2.3.9', name: 'Deluxe Jobs', author: 'Shelimov (updated by Tom Robert)', website: '//', url: '//', langs: { en: { dx_input: 'Job or product name', jobs_type_all: 'All', jobs_type_gold: 'Gold', jobs_type_silver: 'Silver', dx_update: 'Update data', dx_jobs_list: 'List of jobs', dx_sort_distance: 'Sort by range', distance: 'Distance', dx_sort_name: 'Sort by name">Name', open_job: 'Open job', dx_show_on_map: 'Center job on map', work_out: '15s start job', dx_expired: 'Maybe the cached data is outdated. Update?', }, ru: { dx_input: 'Продукт или работа', jobs_type_all: 'Все', jobs_type_gold: 'Золотые', jobs_type_silver: 'Серебряные', dx_update: 'Обновить', dx_jobs_list: 'Список работ', dx_sort_distance: 'Сортировать по расстоянию', distance: 'Расстояние', dx_sort_name: 'Сортировать по названию">Название', open_job: 'Открыть работу', dx_show_on_map: 'Показать на карте', work_out: 'Приступить к работе: 15с.', dx_expired: 'Возможно, что загруженные данные устарели. Обновить?', }, de: { dx_input: 'Arbeit oder Produktname', jobs_type_all: 'Alle', jobs_type_gold: 'Gold', jobs_type_silver: 'Silber', dx_update: 'Daten aktualisieren', dx_jobs_list: 'Liste der Arbeiten', dx_sort_distance: 'Nach Distanz sortieren', distance: 'Distanz', dx_sort_name: 'Nach Name sortieren">Name', open_job: 'Arbeit öffnen', dx_show_on_map: 'Arbeit auf der Karte zeigen', work_out: '15s Arbeit starten', dx_expired: 'Der Cache ist möglicherweise nicht mehr aktuell. Aktualisieren?', }, es: { dx_input: 'Nombre trabajo o rendimiento', jobs_type_all: 'Todo', jobs_type_gold: 'Oro', jobs_type_silver: 'Plata', dx_update: 'Actualizar datos', dx_jobs_list: 'Lista de trabajos', dx_sort_distance: 'Ordenar por rango', distance: 'Distancia', dx_sort_name: 'Ordenar por nombre">Nombre', open_job: 'Abrir trabajo', dx_show_on_map: 'Centrar mapa en el trabajo', work_out: '15s comenzar trabajo', dx_expired: 'Tal vez los datos de la caché no estén actualizados. ¿Actualizarlos?', }, pt: { dx_input: 'Nome do trabalho ou do item', jobs_type_all: 'Todos', jobs_type_gold: 'Ouro', jobs_type_silver: 'Prata', dx_update: 'Atualização dos dados', dx_jobs_list: 'Lista dos trabalhos', dx_sort_distance: 'Ordenar por Distância', distance: 'Distância', dx_sort_name: 'Ordenar por nome">Nome', open_job: 'Abrir trabalho', dx_show_on_map: 'Localizar Trabalho no mapa', work_out: '15s começar trabalho', dx_expired: 'Os dados podem estar desatualizados. Atualizar?', }, fr: { dx_input: 'Titre du travail ou du produit', jobs_type_all: 'Tous', jobs_type_gold: 'Or', jobs_type_silver: 'Argent', dx_update: 'Les données mise à jour', dx_jobs_list: 'Liste des travaux', dx_sort_distance: 'Classer par distance', distance: 'Distance', dx_sort_name: 'Trier par nom">Nom', open_job: 'Ouvrir travail', dx_show_on_map: 'Centrer le travail sur la carte', work_out: '15s commencer le travail', dx_expired: 'Données chargées est trop vieux.<br>Télécharger de nouvelles données?', }, it: { dx_input: 'Nome del lavoro o del prodotto', jobs_type_all: 'Tutti', jobs_type_gold: 'Oro', jobs_type_silver: 'Argento', dx_update: 'Aggiornare i dati', dx_jobs_list: 'Elenco dei lavori', dx_sort_distance: 'Ordina per distanza', distance: 'Distanza', dx_sort_name: 'Ordina per nome">Nome', open_job: 'Apri lavoro', dx_show_on_map: 'Centra il lavoro sulla mappa', work_out: '15s inizia lavoro', dx_expired: 'I dati caricati sono vecchi.<br>Scaricare i nuovi dati?', }, pl: { dx_input: 'Podaj szukaną frazę', jobs_type_all: 'Wszystko', jobs_type_gold: 'Złoto', jobs_type_silver: 'Srebrny', dx_update: 'Aktualizowania danych', dx_jobs_list: 'Lista prac', dx_sort_distance: 'Sortuj według odległości', distance: 'Odległość', dx_sort_name: 'Sortuj według nazwy">Nazwa', open_job: 'Rozwinąć pracy', dx_show_on_map: 'Pokaż pracy na mapie', work_out: 'Rozpoczęcia pracy 15s', dx_expired: 'Załadowane dane są zbyt stare.<br>Pobrać nowe dane?', }, hu: { dx_input: 'Munka vagy Termék megnevezése', jobs_type_all: 'Minden', jobs_type_gold: 'Arany', jobs_type_silver: 'Ezüst', dx_update: 'Adatok frissítése', dx_jobs_list: 'Munkák listája', dx_sort_distance: 'Rendezés Távolság alapján', distance: 'Távolság', dx_sort_name: 'Rendezés Név alapján">Név', open_job: 'Nyílt munkahely', dx_show_on_map: 'Center munkát a térképen', work_out: '15s kezdeni munkát', dx_expired: 'A jelenlegi adatok túl régiek.<br>Frissítsem az adatokat?', }, cs: { dx_input: 'Název práce nebo produktu', jobs_type_all: 'Všechny', jobs_type_gold: 'Zlaté', jobs_type_silver: 'Stříbrné', dx_update: 'Aktualizovat data', dx_jobs_list: 'Seznam prác', dx_sort_distance: 'Seřadit podle vzdálenosti', distance: 'Vzdálenost', dx_sort_name: 'Seřadit podle názvu">Název', open_job: 'Otevřít práci', dx_show_on_map: 'Zobrazit práci na mapě', work_out: '15s začít práci', dx_expired: 'Možná data v medzipaměti jsou zastaralá. Aktualizovat?', update: 'Aktualizovat', updateAvailable: 'Nová verze scriptu je dostupná', }, sk: { dx_input: 'Názov práce alebo produktu', jobs_type_all: 'Všetky', jobs_type_gold: 'Zlaté', jobs_type_silver: 'Strieborné', dx_update: 'Aktualizovať dáta', dx_jobs_list: 'Zoznam prác', dx_sort_distance: 'Zoradiť podľa vzdialenosti', distance: 'Vzdialenosť', dx_sort_name: 'Zoradiť podľa názvu">Názov', open_job: 'Otvoriť prácu', dx_show_on_map: 'Zobraziť prácu na mape', work_out: '15s začať prácu', dx_expired: 'Možno dáta v medzipamäti sú zastaralé. Aktualizovať?', update: 'Aktualizovať', updateAvailable: 'Nová verzia scriptu je dostupná', }, }, updateLang: function () { var lg = DJ.langs; DJ.lang = lg[localStorage.getItem('scriptsLang')] ? localStorage.getItem('scriptsLang') : lg[Game.locale.substr(0, 2)] ? Game.locale.substr(0, 2) : 'en'; DJlang = lg[DJ.lang]; }, }; DJ.updateLang(); $.getScript('//', function () { west.define('TWS.Components.ExtraTextfield', west.gui.Component, { divMain: null, groupFrame: null, listeners: null, items: null, fakeSpan: null, init: function (id, placeholder, add_on_enter) { this.placeholder = placeholder || ''; this.textField = $('<input type="text" size="45"></input>'); this.listeners = [ ]; this.items = [ ]; this.container = $('<div id="container"></div>'); this.fakeSpan = $('<span style="opacity: 0; position: absolute;"></span>'); this.container.append(this.textField).append(this.fakeSpan); this.groupFrame = new west.gui.Groupframe('tws_extratextfield').setId(id).appendToContentPane(this.container); this.divMain = $(this.groupFrame.getMainDiv()); this._build(add_on_enter); }, _build: function (add_on_enter) { var that = this, preparetodel = false, lastkey, tmp = $('<span>' + this.placeholder + '</span>').appendTo('body'); this.textField.css({ minWidth: tmp.width(), width: tmp.width() }); tmp.remove(); this.textField.on('focus', function () { if (that.textField.val() == that.placeholder) that.textField.val(''); }); this.textField.on('blur', function () { if (that.textField.val() == '') that.textField.val(that.placeholder); }); this.textField.on('keydown', function (e) { lastkey = e.which; if (that.getLength() == 0) return; if (e.which != 8) { preparetodel = false; that.getLastChild().className = 'item'; } if (preparetodel && lastkey == 8 && e.which == 8) { preparetodel = false; that.deleteItem(that.getLastChild().innerHTML.replace(/<a.+a>/i, '')); return; } if (e.which == 8 && that.textField.val() == '' && that.getLength() != 0) { preparetodel = true; that.getLastChild().className = 'item highlight'; } }); this.textField.on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.which == 13 && add_on_enter) { that.addItem(that.textField.val()); } that.fakeSpan.html(that.textField.val()); that.textField.css('width', that.fakeSpan.width() > that.container.width() - 30 ? that.container.width : that.fakeSpan.width() + 30); that._callListeners(e.which); }); }, keyCodes: { BACKSPACE: 8, ALT: 18, SHIFT: 16, ENTER: 13 }, addListener: function (fn, ctx, data) { this.listeners.push({ f: fn, c: ctx, d: data }); }, _blink: function (obj, times) { var iterate = 0; blink(); function blink() { if (iterate == times) return; obj.className += ' highlight'; setTimeout(function () { obj.className = obj.className.replace(' highlight', ''); setTimeout(blink, 150); }, 150); iterate++; } }, _each: function (fn) { var childrens = this.container.children('.item'); for (var i = 0, l = childrens.length; i < l; i++)[i], i); }, _callListeners: function (key) { for (var i = 0, l = this.listeners.length; i < l; i++) { var li = this.listeners[i]; li.f.apply(li.c, [ key, this.getValues(), li.d ]); } }, isUnique: function (text) { return this.getItem(text) == null; }, addItem: function (text, data) { var that = this, el; if (!this.isUnique(text)) { this._blink(this.getItem(text), 2); return; } text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); el = $('<span class="item">' + text + '</span>').attr('data-value', data).append($('<a href="#">×</a>').click(function () { that.deleteItem(text); })); if ($('.item', this.container).length) el.insertAfter($('.item:last', this.container)); else this.container.prepend(el); if (text == this.textField.val()); this.textField.val(''); this._callListeners(null); }, getItem: function (text) { var r###lt = null; this._each(function () { if (this.innerHTML.replace(/<a.+a>/i, '').toLowerCase() == text.toLowerCase()) r###lt = this; }); return r###lt; }, getValues: function () { var vals = [ ]; this._each(function (i) { vals.push({ text: this.innerHTML.replace(/<a.+a>/i, ''), data: this.getAttribute('data-value'), node: this }); }); return vals; }, getLastChild: function () { var childrens = this.container.children('.item'); if (childrens.length != 0) return childrens.last()[0]; }, getLength: function () { return this.container.children('.item').length; }, getTextfieldVal: function () { return this.textField.val(); }, blinkItem: function (text, times) { var item = this.getItem(text); if (item == null) return; this._blink(item, times); }, deleteItem: function (text) { var el = this.getItem(text); if (el != null) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); this._callListeners(null); }, setPlaceholder: function (text) { this.backgroundText.html(text); }, clear: function () { var a = this.getValues(); for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) a[i].node.parentNode.removeChild(a[i].node); this._callListeners(null); } }); TWS.GUIControl.Style.append('.tws_extratextfield input { z-index: 1; float: left; height: 20px; position: relative; border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; -moz-box-shadow: none !important; -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; outline: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; margin: 4px 3px 0; background-color: transparent !important;}\n' + '.tws_extratextfield .placeholder { position: relative; left: 12px; }\n' + '.tws_extratextfield .item { -webkit-transition: background .15s linear; background: rgba(211, 186, 3, 0.3); border-radius: 2px; float: left; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid #000; margin-right: 3px; margin-bottom: 2px; }\n' + '.tws_extratextfield .item.highlight { background: #FFF; }\n' + '.tws_extratextfield a { border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; line-height: 0px; display: inline-block; padding: 4px 0 4px 0; font-size: 15px; color: rgb(150,0,0); margin-left: 5px; }'); TWS.DeluxeJobs = TWS.Module({ name: 'Deluxe Jobs', tid: 'dx', type: TWS.Module.TAB, version: DJ.version, onOpen: function (_window) { TWS.DeluxeJobs.init(); TWS.DeluxeJobs.checkPosition(); } }, { loaded: null, reload: function () { this.Cache.clear(); this.loaded = false; this.init(); }, parseOpenData: function (data) { var fl = this.getGUI().Filter; fl.clear(); for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { fl.addJobs(isNaN( + data[i]) ? data[i] : + data[i]); } fl.filter.textField.trigger('focus'); }, init: function (force) { var that = this; this.loaded = false; this.filterData = { jobs: {}, yields: {} }; this.finderData = {}; if (!force) { EventHandler.listen('itemmanager_loaded', function () { if (that.loaded) return; that.init(true); }); return; } this._getJobsPositions(); this.QuestHelper.init(); this.init = function () { if (this.loaded) return; var that = this, gui = this.getGUI();; function draw(data) { var tmpCoord; gui.clear(); $.each(data, function (coords, jobs_arr) { tmpCoord = coords.split('_'); gui.addJobs(jobs_arr, { x: tmpCoord[0], y: tmpCoord[1] }); }); gui.dxMap.addOneself(); gui.List.sort(); gui.showJobs(); that.loaded = true; } TWS.DeluxeJobs.getData(function (data, state) { if (state == undefined) { gui.Loader.hide(); draw(data); return; } gui.Loader.set(state); if (state == 9) draw(data); }); }; }, checkPosition: function () { if (this.loaded) this.getGUI().dxMap.addOneself(); }, QuestHelper: { init: function () { this.rewrite(); }, rewrite: function () { if (window.MinimapWindow && MinimapWindow.getQuicklink && window.QuestTrackerWindow && QuestTrackerWindow.window && QuestTrackerWindow.window.divMain) { var body = MinimapWindow.getQuicklink.toString().replace(/function ?\(name, ?type\) ?{/, '').slice(0, -1).replace(' "', ' " + TWS.DeluxeJobs.QuestHelper.getIcon(name);'); MinimapWindow.getQuicklink = new Function('name', 'type', body); QuestTrackerWindow.reload(); } else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100); }, getIcon: function (name) { return '<img src="' + to_cdn('images/window/job/jobstar_small_gold.png') + '" onclick="void([\'' + name + '\']))" title="Search job in Deluxe Jobs" style="cursor: pointer; width: 18px; height: 18px;"> '; } }, Cache: { data: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tws_dj_cache')), hoursToExpire: 8, hoursToNextDay: 16, setData: function (d) { = { 0: d, timestamp: Math.round( + new Date() / 1000) }; localStorage.setItem('tws_dj_cache', JSON.stringify(; }, _hasData: function () { return != null; }, _getStamp: function () { if (this._hasData()) return; return null; }, isNDay: function () { if (this._hasData()) return (Math.round( + new Date() / 1000) - this._getStamp()) >= 3600 * this.hoursToNextDay; }, isExpired: function () { if (this._hasData()) return (Math.round( + new Date() / 1000) - this._getStamp()) >= 3600 * this.hoursToExpire; else return null; }, getData: function () { if (this._hasData()) return[0]; return null; }, clear: function () { = null; localStorage.setItem('tws_dj_cache', JSON.stringify(; } }, _getJobsPositions: function () { var temp, that = this; Ajax.get('map', 'get_minimap', {}, function (data) { $.each(data.job_groups, function (group, coords) { that.finderData[group] = [ ]; $.each(JobList.getJobsByGroupId(group), function (k, jobObj) {[] =; $.each(jobObj.yields, function (yieldId, obj) { temp = that.filterData.yields[yieldId] = that.filterData.yields[yieldId] || { jobs: [ ], name: ItemManager.get(yieldId).name };; }); }); $.each(coords, function (index, coord_a) { that.finderData[group].push([Math.floor(coord_a[0] / GameMap.tileSize), Math.floor(coord_a[1] / GameMap.tileSize)]); }); }); }); }, getData: function (callback) { var data = this.Cache.getData(), that = this; if (data !== null && !this.Cache.isExpired()) return callback(data); if (data !== null && this.Cache.isExpired() && !this.Cache.isNDay()) { new west.gui.Dialog('TWSweets Deluxe Jobs', '<div>' + DJlang.dx_expired + '</div>', 'warning').addButton('yes', function () { that.Cache.clear(); that._loadData(callback); }).addButton('no', function () { callback(that.Cache.getData()); }).setWidth(470).show(); return; } this._loadData(callback); }, _loadData: function (callback) { var i = 1, state = 0, toCache = {}, that = this, fd = this.finderData, l = objectLength(fd); function get() { if (l - i == 0 || l - i < 4) { if (i == l) { callback(toCache, ++state); that.Cache.setData(toCache); } else { var to_get = [ ]; for (var s = 0; s < l % 4; s++) to_get = to_get.concat(fd[i + s]); that._getTilesData(to_get, last); } return; } that._getTilesData(fd[i].concat(fd[i + 1]).concat(fd[i + 2]).concat(fd[i + 3]), function (data) { $.extend(toCache, data); state++; callback(toCache, state); get(); }); i += 4; } get(); function last(data) { $.extend(toCache, data); state++; callback(toCache, state); that.Cache.setData(toCache); } }, _getTilesData: function (tiles, cb) { var that = this; Ajax.get('map', 'get_complete_data', { tiles: JSON.stringify(tiles) }).done(function (r###lt) { cb(that._parseData(r###lt)); }); }, _parseData: function (data) { var sub, x, y, i, entry, job, jobs = {}; data = data.dynamic; for (sub in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(sub)) continue; for (x in data[sub]) { if (!data[sub].hasOwnProperty(x)) continue; for (y in data[sub][x]) { if (!data[sub][x].hasOwnProperty(y)) continue; dataMatched: for (i in data[sub][x][y]) { if (!data[sub][x][y].hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; entry = data[sub][x][y][i]; job = entry[1]; if (job.job_id) { jobs[job.x + '_' + job.y] = jobs[job.x + '_' + job.y] || [ ]; jobs[job.x + '_' + job.y].push({ type: ? 'gold' : 'silver', id: job.job_id }); } } } } } return jobs; } }, { loaded: null, currentJobs: null, currentType: null, sort_by: 'range', control: function (Module) { this.loaded = false; this.currentJobs = [ ]; this.currentType = 'all'; this.List.DOM = this.List.init(this); this.dxMap.DOM = this.dxMap.init(this); this.Filter.DOM = this.Filter.init(this); this.Control.DOM = this.Control.init(this); this.Loader.DOM = this.Loader.init(this); this.DOM.append(this.Loader.DOM).append(this.dxMap.DOM).append(this.Filter.DOM).append(this.Control.DOM).append(this.List.DOM); EventHandler.listen('char_position_changed', function () { if (!$('._tab_id_dx').length) return; TWS.DeluxeJobs.checkPosition(); }); }, addJobs: function (jobs, pos) { var that = this, mark = this.dxMap.addJobs(jobs, pos); $.each(jobs, function (index, job_obj) { that.List.addJob(job_obj, pos).on('mouseenter', function () { mark.addClass('focus'); }).on('mouseleave', function () { mark.removeClass('focus'); }); }); }, showJobs: function (type, ids) { ids = ids || this.currentJobs; type = type || this.currentType; this.dxMap.showJobs(type, ids); this.List.showJobs(type, ids); this.List.sort(); this.currentJobs = ids; this.currentType = type; }, clear: function () { this.List.list.clearBody(); this.dxMap.clear(); }, Loader: { progressBar: null, init: function () { this.progressBar = new west.gui.Progressbar(0, 9); return $('<div id="tws_dj_loader"></div>').append('<div id="tws_dj_loader_fade"></div>').append(this.progressBar.getMainDiv()).hide(); }, show: function () { this.progressBar.setValue(0);; }, set: function (value) { this.progressBar.setValue(value); if (value == 9) this.hide(); }, hide: function () { this.DOM.hide(); } }, Filter: { jobs_list: null, yields_list: null, to: null, init: function () { this.jobs_list = JobList.getSortedJobs('id'); this.initYields(); var that = this, DOM = $('<div id="tws_dj_filter"></div>'), mouseisover = false; this.filter = new TWS.Components.ExtraTextfield('tws_dj_filter_input', DJlang.dx_input + '.....'); this.filter.addListener(this.filterHandler, this); this.filter.getMainDiv().on('mouseenter', function () { that.filter.removeClass('minimized'); that.filter.textField.trigger('focus'); mouseisover = true; }).on('mouseleave', function () { mouseisover = false; if (':focus') && that.filter.getTextfieldVal() != '') return; that.filter.textField.trigger('blur'); that.filter.addClass('minimized'); }); this.filter.textField.on('blur', function () { if (mouseisover) return; that.filter.addClass('minimized'); }); return DOM.append(this.filter.getMainDiv()); }, addJobs: function (nameid, isjobid) { var name, ids; if (!nameid) return; if (typeof nameid == 'number') { if (isjobid) { name = JobList.getJobById(nameid).name; ids = [ nameid ]; } else { name = ItemManager.get(nameid).name; ids =; } } else { name = nameid; ids =; } if (!this.filter.isUnique(name)) { this.filter.blinkItem(name, 2); return; } if (ids.length != 0) { if (ids.length == 1 && typeof nameid == 'string') name = JobList.getJobById(ids[0]).name; this.filter.addItem(name, ids); this.filter.textField.val(''); } }, initYields: function () { this.yields_list = {}; for (var i = 0, l = this.jobs_list.length; i < l; i++) { for (var y_id in this.jobs_list[i].yields) { this.yields_list[y_id] = [ ] || this.yields_list[y_id]; this.yields_list[y_id].push(this.jobs_list[i].id); } } }, filterHandler: function (key, values) { var that = this, gui = TWS.DeluxeJobs.getGUI(), ids = [ ]; for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) { var tmp = values[i].data.split(','); for (var j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) tmp[j] = + tmp[j]; values[i].data = tmp; } if ( window.clearTimeout(; if (!that.filter.getLength() && that.filter.getTextfieldVal() == '') { gui.showJobs(null, [ ]); return; } if (key == this.filter.keyCodes.ENTER) { this.addJobs(this.filter.getTextfieldVal()); return; } else if (key == null) { for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) { var tmp = values[i].data; for (var j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) tmp[j] = + tmp[j]; ids = ids.concat(tmp); } gui.showJobs(null, ids); return; } = setTimeout(function () { for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) { var tmp = values[i].data; ids = ids.concat(tmp); } var input_txt = that.filter.getTextfieldVal(), tmp; if (input_txt != '') { tmp =; if (tmp.length == 1) { that.filter.addItem([tmp[0]], tmp); that.filter.textField.val(''); } ids = ids.concat(tmp); } gui.showJobs(null, ids); }, 400); }, search: function (text) { var regexp = new RegExp(text.toLowerCase(), 'i'), l = this.jobs_list.length, i, y_id, found = [ ]; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (regexp.test(this.jobs_list[i].name.toLowerCase())) found.push(this.jobs_list[i].id); for (y_id in this.yields_list) if (regexp.test(ItemManager.get(y_id).name.toLowerCase())) found = found.concat(this.yields_list[y_id]); return found; }, clear: function () { this.filter.clear(); } }, Control: { init: function () { var that = this, radio_all = new west.gui.Checkbox(DJlang.jobs_type_all, 'tws_dj_jobs_type', function () { that.radioHandler(0); }).setRadiobutton().setSelected(true, true), radio_gold = new west.gui.Checkbox(DJlang.jobs_type_gold, 'tws_dj_jobs_type', function () { that.radioHandler(1); }).setRadiobutton(), radio_silver = new west.gui.Checkbox(DJlang.jobs_type_silver, 'tws_dj_jobs_type', function () { that.radioHandler(2); }).setRadiobutton(), update_button = new west.gui.Button(DJlang.dx_update, function () { TWS.DeluxeJobs.reload(); }), $radios = $('<div id="tws_dj_radios"></div>'), $control = $('<div id="tws_dj_control"></div>'); $radios.append(radio_all.getMainDiv()).append(radio_gold.getMainDiv()).append(radio_silver.getMainDiv()); $control.append($radios).append(update_button.getMainDiv()); return $control; }, radioHandler: function (state) { var type; switch (state) { case 0: type = 'all'; break; case 1: type = 'gold'; break; case 2: type = 'silver'; break; } TWS.DeluxeJobs.getGUI().showJobs(type); } }, Sets: {}, dxMap: { map2img: 112, $: function (selector) { return $(selector, this.DOM); }, init: function (Module) { var that = this, map = $('<div id="tws_dj_map"></div>').click(function (e) { var offset = $(this).offset(), left = e.pageX - offset.left, top = e.pageY -; * that.map2img, top * that.map2img); }); return map; }, addOneself: function () { var mark = $('.my_pos', this.DOM), pos = { x: Math.round(Character.position.x / this.map2img) - 3, y: Math.round(Character.position.y / this.map2img) + 7 }, mark2; if (mark.length) mark.remove(); mark2 = $('<div class="tws_dj_mark my_pos" style="left:' + pos.x + 'px;top:' + pos.y + 'px"></div>'); this.DOM.append(mark2); return mark2; }, addJob: function (job, pos) { return this.addJobs([job], pos); }, sumRGB: function () { if (arguments.length < 2) return arguments[0]; for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { if (arguments[i + 1] == undefined) break; arguments[i + 1] = sum(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]); } function sum(a, b) { var tmp = [ ]; for (var l = 0; l < 3; l++) tmp[l] = a[l] + Math.round((b[l] - a[l]) / 2); return tmp; } return arguments[arguments.length - 1]; }, addJobs: function (jobs, pos) { var left = Math.round(pos.x / this.map2img) - 3, top = Math.round(pos.y / this.map2img) + 7, title = '', type, tmpType = null, tmpColor = null, data_ids = [ ], that = this; if (jobs.length == 1) { title = GameMap.PopupHandler.getJobPopup(JobList.getJobById(jobs[0].id)); type = jobs[0].type; data_ids.push(jobs[0].id); } else { tmpColor = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; $.each(jobs, function (index, job_obj) { if (tmpType && tmpType != job_obj.type) type = 'mixed'; tmpType = job_obj.type; tmpColor = that.sumRGB(tmpColor, job_obj.type == 'gold' ? [ 255, 215, 0 ] : [ 192, 192, 192 ]); title += '<strong>' + JobList.getJobById(; if (index != jobs.length - 1) title += '</strong><div class="marker_popup_divider"></div>'; data_ids.push(; }); } var r###lt = $('<div class="tws_dj_mark" title="' + title.escapeHTML() + '" style="left:' + left + 'px;top:' + top + 'px ;" data-id="' + data_ids.join() + '"></div>'); if (tmpColor) r###lt.css('background-color', 'rgb(' + tmpColor.join(', ') + ')'); r###lt.addClass(type); this.DOM.append(r###lt); return r###lt; }, _compareIds: function (el, ids) { var elAttr = el.getAttribute('data-id'), elIds, number, returnValue = false; if (elAttr == null) return true; elIds = elAttr.split(','); $.each(elIds, function (i, value) { number = parseInt(value); if (ids.indexOf(number) != - 1) { returnValue = true; return false; } }); return returnValue; }, _thatType: function (el, type) { var isGold = el.getAttribute('class').match('gold') != null; if (type == 'silver') return !isGold; else if (type == 'gold') return isGold; else return true; }, showJobs: function (type, ids) { var that = this; if (!ids.length) { if (type == 'silver') { that.$('.gold').hide(); that.$('.silver').show(); that.$('.mixed').show(); } else if (type == 'gold') { that.$('.gold').show(); that.$('.silver').hide(); that.$('.mixed').show(); } else that.showAll(); } else { that.DOM.children().each(function () { if (that._compareIds(this, ids) && that._thatType(this, type)) { = ''; return; } = 'none'; }); } }, showAll: function () { this.$('.gold').show(); this.$('.silver').show(); this.$('.mixed').show(); }, clear: function () { this.DOM.empty(); this.addOneself(); } }, List: { $: function (selector) { return $(selector, this.DOM); }, list: new west.gui.Table().addColumn('jobs_list').appendToCell('head', 'jobs_list', DJlang.dx_jobs_list).setId('tws_dj_list'), init: function () { var that = this, cont = $('<div id="tws_dj_sort"></div>'), range = $('<cite title="' + DJlang.dx_sort_distance + '">' + DJlang.distance + '</cite>').click(function () { that.sortBy('range'); }), abc = $('<cite title="' + DJlang.dx_sort_name + '</cite>').click(function () { that.sortBy('abc'); }); cont.append(range).append(' | ').append(abc); $('.row_head', this.list.getMainDiv()).append(cont); this.list.tbody.append('<b style=\'position: absolute; top: 25px; margin-left: -64px; left: 50%\'></b>'); return this.list.getMainDiv(); }, sort: function (by) { this.sortBy(TWS.DeluxeJobs.getGUI().sort_by); }, sortBy: function (by) { if (by == 'range') tinysort(this.$('.tw2gui_scrollpane_clipper_contentpane').children(), '.tws_dj_job_range'); else tinysort(this.$('.tw2gui_scrollpane_clipper_contentpane').children(), '.tws_dj_job_name'); TWS.DeluxeJobs.getGUI().sort_by = by; }, addJob: function (job_obj, pos) { var job = JobList.getJobById(, range = GameMap.calcWayTime(Character.position, pos).formatDuration(), name = > 20 ?,, '..') :; var r###lt = $('<div class="tws_dj_job_block ' + job_obj.type + '" data-id="' + + '"></div>').append($('<div class="tws_dj_job_centermap" title="' + DJlang.dx_show_on_map + '"></div>').click(function () {, pos.y); })).append($('<div class="tws_dj_job_start" title="' + DJlang.work_out + '"></div>').click(function () { JobWindow.startJob(, pos.x, pos.y, 15); })).append($('<div class="tws_dj_job_ico" title="' + DJlang.open_job + '" style="background: url(' + to_cdn('images/jobs/') + job.shortname + '.png) no-repeat;"></div>').click(function () { GameMap.JobHandler.openJob(, pos); }).append('<img style="width: 87px; height: 87px;" src="' + (job_obj.type == 'gold' ? to_cdn('images/jobs/featured/goldjob.png') : to_cdn('images/jobs/featured/silverjob.png')) + '"></img>')).append('<div class="tws_dj_job_info"><p class="tws_dj_job_range">' + DJlang.distance + ': ' + range + '</p><p class="tws_dj_job_name" title="<b>' + + '</b>">' + name + '</p></div>'); this.list.appendRow(r###lt); return r###lt; }, scrollToTop: function () { this.list.$('.tw2gui_scrollbar_pulley').css('top', '0px'); this.list.$('.tw2gui_scrollpane_clipper_contentpane').css('top', '0px'); }, _compareIds: function (el, ids) { var elAttr = el.getAttribute('data-id'); if (ids.indexOf(parseInt(elAttr)) != - 1) return true; return false; }, _thatType: function (el, type) { var isGold = el.getAttribute('class').match('gold') != null; if (type == 'silver') return !isGold; else if (type == 'gold') return isGold; else return true; }, showJobs: function (type, ids) { var that = this; this.scrollToTop(); if (!ids.length) { if (type == 'silver') { that.list.$('.gold').parent().hide(); that.list.$('.silver').parent().show(); } else if (type == 'gold') { that.list.$('.gold').parent().show(); that.list.$('.silver').parent().hide(); } else that.showAll(); } else { that.$('.tws_dj_job_block').each(function () { if (that._compareIds(this, ids) && that._thatType(this, type)) { = ''; return; } = 'none'; }); } }, showAll: function () { this.list.$('.gold').parent().show(); this.list.$('.silver').parent().show(); }, clear: function () { this.list.clearBody(); } } }, '#tws_dj { padding: 10px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_sort { float: right; font-weight: normal; }\n' + '#tws_dj_sort cite { cursor: pointer; font-size: 10px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_loader { width: 700px; height: 362px; position: absolute; top: 5px; left: -3px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_loader_fade { position: absolute; z-index: 3; background: #fff; height: 362px; width: 100%; opacity: 0.5; border-radius: 5px;}\n' + '#tws_dj_loader .tw2gui_progressbar { z-index: 3; top: 50px; width: 70%; margin: 0 auto; }\n' + '.tws.premium-buy .tw2gui_inner_window_bg2 { background-repeat: repeat-y; }\n' + '#tws_dj_control { width: 56%; border: 1px solid #000; float: left; background: rgba(0,0,0,.1); padding: 7px; margin-top:85px; margin-left: 5px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_control .tw2gui_checkbox { float: left; clear: left; margin-bottom: 2px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_control .tw2gui_button { width: 50%; margin-top: 14px; margin-left: 50px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_list { width: 285px; right: -2px; position: absolute; top: 5px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_list .tw2gui_scrollpane { height: 290px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_list .row { height: 89px; margin-bottom: -6px; margin-top: -4px; background: transparent; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_block { height: 73px; margin: 5px; float: left; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_ico { width: 67px; height: 67px; float: left; position: relative; cursor: pointer; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_ico img { position: relative; top: -13px; left: -10px; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_centermap { background: url(' + to_cdn('images/map/icons/instantwork.png') + '); width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; left: 45px; z-index: 1; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_start { width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; left: 45px; top: 46px; position: absolute; z-index: 1; background-image: url(' + to_cdn('images/map/icons/instant-work-1.png') + '); }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_start:hover { background-image: url(' + to_cdn('images/map/icons/instant-work-1_hover.png') + '); background-position: -2px -2px; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_info { float: left; background: url(' + to_cdn('images/interface/tasks/time.png') + ') no-repeat; width: 200px; margin-left: -30px; margin-top: 5px; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_info p { margin-left: 30px; margin-top: -4px; }\n' + '.tws_dj_job_name { margin-top: -5px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_filter { float: left; position: absolute; margin-top: 195px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_filter_input { z-index: 2; }\n' + '#tws_dj_filter_input.minimized #container { width: 387px; height: 26px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_filter_input #container { min-width: 387px; min-height: 26px; max-height:142px; overflow: hidden; }\n' + '.tws_dj_icon { background: url(images/tw2gui/iconset.png); width: 16px; height: 16px; position: absolute; }\n' + '#tws_dj_help { background-position: -67px -64px; top: 254px; left: 224px; cursor: help;}\n' + '.tws_dj_mark { position: absolute; width: 4px; height: 4px; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid #fff; }\n' + ' { background-color: rgb(255,215,0); }\n' + '.tws_dj_mark.silver { background-color: silver; }\n' + '.tws_dj_mark.my_pos { background-color: blue; width: 6px; height: 6px; }\n' + '.tws_dj_mark.focus { background-color: black; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-radius: 4px; margin-left: -1px; margin-top:-1px; }\n' + '#tws_dj_map { background: url(images/map/minimap/worldmap_500.jpg) no-repeat; width: 416px; height: 183px; background-size: contain; cursor: pointer; float:left; margin-top: 9px;}'); }); (DJ.Updater = function () { if (!window.scriptRequest) { scriptRequest = true; $.getScript(DJ.url + 'sUp.js'); } var intVal = setInterval(function () { if (window.scriptUp) { scriptUp.c('DJ', DJ.version,, '',, DJ.lang); clearInterval(intVal); } }, 2000); })(); });