This script will show a mini map and your location on
// ==UserScript== // @name agar-mini-map // @namespace // @version 0.46 // @description This script will show a mini map and your location on // @author dimotsai // @license MIT // @match* // @require // @grant none // @run-at document-body // ==/UserScript== window.msgpack = this.msgpack; (function() { var _WebSocket = window._WebSocket = window.WebSocket; var $ = window.jQuery; var msgpack = window.msgpack; var options = { enableMultiCells: true, enablePosition: true, enableCross: true }; // game states var agar_server = null; var map_server = null; var player_name = []; var players = []; var id_players = []; var cells = []; var current_cell_ids = []; var start_x = -7000, start_y = -7000, end_x = 7000, end_y = 7000, length_x = 14000, length_y = 14000; var render_timer = null; function miniMapSendRawData(data) { if (map_server !== null && map_server.readyState === window._WebSocket.OPEN) { var array = new Uint8Array(data); map_server.send(array.buffer); } } function miniMapConnectToServer(address, onOpen, onClose) { try { var ws = new window._WebSocket(address); } catch (ex) { onClose(); console.error(ex); return false; } ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; ws.onopen = function() { onOpen(); console.log(address + ' connected'); } ws.onmessage = function(event) { var buffer = new Uint8Array(; var packet = msgpack.unpack(buffer); switch(packet.type) { case 128: for (var i=0; i <; ++i) { var cell =[i]; if (! miniMapIsRegisteredToken( { miniMapRegisterToken(, miniMapCreateToken(, cell.color) ); } var size_n = cell.size/length_x; miniMapUpdateToken(, (cell.x - start_x)/length_x, (cell.y - start_y)/length_y, size_n); } for (var i=0; i <; ++i) { var id =[i]; miniMapUnregisterToken(id); } break; case 129: players =; for (var p in players) { var player = players[p]; var ids = player.ids; for (var i in ids) { id_players[ids[i]] =; } } mini_map_party.trigger('update-list'); break; case 130: if (agar_server != { var region_name = $('#region > option[value="' + + '"]').text(); var gamemode_name = $('#gamemode > option[value="' + + '"]').text(); var title = 'Agar Server Mismatched'; var content = ('You are now at: <strong>' + agar_server + '</strong><br>Your team members are all at: <strong>' + + ', ' + region_name + ':' + gamemode_name + + '</strong>.<br>The minimap server has disconnected automatically.'); $('#mini-map-connect-btn').popover('destroy').popover({ animation: false, placement: 'top', title: title, content: content, container: document.body, html: true }).popover('show'); } else { $('#mini-map-content-btn').popover('hide'); } break; } } ws.onerror = function() { onClose(); console.error('failed to connect to map server'); } ws.onclose = function() { onClose(); map_server = null; console.log('map server disconnected'); } map_server = ws; } function miniMapRender() { var canvas = window.mini_map; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for (var id in window.mini_map_tokens) { var token = window.mini_map_tokens[id]; var x = token.x * canvas.width; var y = token.y * canvas.height; var size = token.size * canvas.width; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc( x, y, size, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false ); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = token.color; ctx.fill(); if (options.enableCross && -1 != current_cell_ids.indexOf( miniMapDrawCross(token.x, token.y); if (id_players[id] !== undefined) { ctx.font = size * 2 + 'px Arial'; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.fillText(id_players[id] + 1, x, y); } }; } function miniMapDrawCross(x, y) { var canvas = window.mini_map; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.lineWidth = 0.5; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, y * canvas.height); ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, y * canvas.height); ctx.moveTo(x * canvas.width, 0); ctx.lineTo(x * canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF'; ctx.stroke(); } function miniMapCreateToken(id, color) { var mini_map_token = { id: id, color: color, x: 0, y: 0, size: 0 }; return mini_map_token; } function miniMapRegisterToken(id, token) { if (window.mini_map_tokens[id] === undefined) { // window.mini_map.append(token); window.mini_map_tokens[id] = token; } } function miniMapUnregisterToken(id) { if (window.mini_map_tokens[id] !== undefined) { // window.mini_map_tokens[id].detach(); delete window.mini_map_tokens[id]; } } function miniMapIsRegisteredToken(id) { return window.mini_map_tokens[id] !== undefined; } function miniMapUpdateToken(id, x, y, size) { if (window.mini_map_tokens[id] !== undefined) { window.mini_map_tokens[id].x = x; window.mini_map_tokens[id].y = y; window.mini_map_tokens[id].size = size; return true; } else { return false; } } function miniMapUpdatePos(x, y) { window.mini_map_pos.text('x: ' + x.toFixed(0) + ', y: ' + y.toFixed(0)); } function miniMapReset() { cells = []; window.mini_map_tokens = []; } function miniMapInit() { window.mini_map_tokens = []; cells = []; current_cell_ids = []; start_x = -7000; start_y = -7000; end_x = 7000; end_y = 7000; length_x = 14000; length_y = 14000; // minimap dom if ($('#mini-map-wrapper').length === 0) { var wrapper = $('<div>').attr('id', 'mini-map-wrapper').css({ position: 'fixed', bottom: 10, right: 10, width: 300, height: 300, background: 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.58)' }); var mini_map = $('<canvas>').attr({ id: 'mini-map', width: 300, height: 300 }).css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', position: 'relative' }); wrapper.append(mini_map).appendTo(document.body); window.mini_map = mini_map[0]; } // minimap renderer if (render_timer === null) render_timer = setInterval(miniMapRender, 1000 / 30); // minimap location if ($('#mini-map-pos').length === 0) { window.mini_map_pos = $('<div>').attr('id', 'mini-map-pos').css({ bottom: 10, right: 10, color: 'white', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 800, position: 'fixed' }).appendTo(document.body); } // minimap options if ($('#mini-map-options').length === 0) { window.mini_map_options = $('<div>').attr('id', 'mini-map-options').css({ bottom: 315, right: 10, color: '#666', fontSize: 14, position: 'fixed', fontWeight: 400, zIndex: 1000 }).appendTo(document.body); var container = $('<div>') .css({ background: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.58)', padding: 5, borderRadius: 5 }) .hide(); for (var name in options) { var label = $('<label>').css({ display: 'block' }); var checkbox = $('<input>').attr({ type: 'checkbox' }).prop({ checked: options[name] }); label.append(checkbox); label.append(' ' + camel2cap(name));, name) { return function(evt) { options[name] =; console.log(name,; }}(options, name)); label.appendTo(container); } container.appendTo(window.mini_map_options); var form = $('<div>') .addClass('form-inline') .css({ opacity: 0.7, marginTop: 2 }) .appendTo(window.mini_map_options); var form_group = $('<div>') .addClass('form-group') .appendTo(form); var setting_btn = $('<button>') .addClass('btn') .css({ float: 'right', fontWeight: 800, marginLeft: 2 }) .on('click', function() { container.toggle(); setting_btn.blur(); return false; }) .append($('<i>').addClass('glyphicon glyphicon-cog')) .appendTo(form_group); var help_btn = $('<button>') .addClass('btn') .text('?') .on('click', function(e) {''); help_btn.blur(); return false; }) .appendTo(form_group); var addressInput = $('<input>') .css({ marginLeft: 2 }) .attr('placeholder', 'ws://') .attr('type', 'text') .addClass('form-control') .val('ws://') .appendTo(form_group); var connect = function (evt) { var address = addressInput.val(); connectBtn.popover('destroy'); connectBtn.text('Disconnect'); miniMapConnectToServer(address, function onOpen() { miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack({ type: 0, data: player_name })); for (var i in current_cell_ids) { miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack({ type: 32, data: current_cell_ids[i] })); } miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack({ type: 100, data: {url: agar_server, region: $('#region').val(), gamemode: $('#gamemode').val(), party: location.hash} }));; }, function onClose() { players = []; id_players = []; window.mini_map_party.hide(); disconnect(); });'click'); connectBtn.on('click', disconnect); miniMapReset(); connectBtn.blur(); }; var disconnect = function() { connectBtn.text('Connect');'click'); connectBtn.on('click', connect); connectBtn.blur(); if (map_server) map_server.close(); miniMapReset(); }; var connectBtn = $('<button>') .attr('id', 'mini-map-connect-btn') .css({ marginLeft: 2 }) .text('Connect') .click(connect) .addClass('btn') .appendTo(form_group); } // minimap party if ($('#mini-map-party').length === 0) { var mini_map_party = window.mini_map_party = $('<div>') .css({ top: 50, left: 10, width: 200, color: '#FFF', fontSize: 20, position: 'fixed', fontWeight: 600, background: 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.58)', textAlign: 'center', padding: 10 }) .attr('id', 'mini-map-party') .appendTo(window.document.body) .append( $('<h3>').css({ margin: 0, padding: 0 }).text('Party') ); var mini_map_party_list = $('<ol>') .attr('id', 'mini-map-party-list') .css({ listStyle: 'none', padding: 0, margin: 0 }) .appendTo(mini_map_party); mini_map_party.on('update-list', function(e) { mini_map_party_list.empty(); for (var p in players) { var player = players[p]; var name = String.fromCharCode.apply(null,; name = (name == '' ? 'anonymous' : name); $('<li>') .text( + 1 + '. ' + name) .appendTo(mini_map_party_list); } }); mini_map_party.hide(); } } // cell constructor function Cell(id, x, y, size, color, name) { cells[id] = this; = id; this.ox = this.x = x; this.oy = this.y = y; this.oSize = this.size = size; this.color = color; this.points = []; this.pointsAcc = []; this.setName(name); } Cell.prototype = { id: 0, points: null, pointsAcc: null, name: null, nameCache: null, sizeCache: null, x: 0, y: 0, size: 0, ox: 0, oy: 0, oSize: 0, nx: 0, ny: 0, nSize: 0, updateTime: 0, updateCode: 0, drawTime: 0, destroyed: false, isVirus: false, isAgitated: false, wasSimpleDrawing: true, destroy: function() { delete cells[]; id = current_cell_ids.indexOf(; -1 != id && current_cell_ids.splice(id, 1); this.destroyed = true; if (map_server === null || map_server.readyState !== window._WebSocket.OPEN) { miniMapUnregisterToken(; } }, setName: function(name) { = name; }, updatePos: function() { if (map_server === null || map_server.readyState !== window._WebSocket.OPEN) { if (options.enableMultiCells || -1 != current_cell_ids.indexOf( { if (! miniMapIsRegisteredToken( { miniMapRegisterToken(, miniMapCreateToken(, this.color) ); } var size_n = this.nSize/length_x; miniMapUpdateToken(, (this.nx - start_x)/length_x, (this.ny - start_y)/length_y, size_n); } } if (options.enablePosition && -1 != current_cell_ids.indexOf( {; miniMapUpdatePos(this.nx, this.ny); } else { window.mini_map_pos.hide(); } } }; String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); }; function camel2cap(str) { return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(s){return ' ' + s.toLowerCase();}).capitalize(); }; // create a linked property from slave object // whenever master[prop] update, slave[prop] update function refer(master, slave, prop) { Object.defineProperty(master, prop, { get: function(){ return slave[prop]; }, set: function(val) { slave[prop] = val; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); }; // extract a websocket packet which contains the information of cells function extractCellPacket(data, offset) { //// var dataToSend = { destroyQueue : [], nodes : [], nonVisibleNodes : [] }; //// var I = +new Date; var qa = false; var b = Math.random(), c = offset; var size = data.getUint16(c, true); c = c + 2; // Nodes to be destroyed (killed) for (var e = 0; e < size; ++e) { var p = cells[data.getUint32(c, true)], f = cells[data.getUint32(c + 4, true)], c = c + 8; p && f && ( f.destroy(), f.ox = f.x, f.oy = f.y, f.oSize = f.size, f.nx = p.x, f.ny = p.y, f.nSize = f.size, f.updateTime = I, dataToSend.destroyQueue.push(; } // Nodes to be updated for (e = 0; ; ) { var d = data.getUint32(c, true); c += 4; if (0 == d) { break; } ++e; var p = data.getInt32(c, true), c = c + 4, f = data.getInt32(c, true), c = c + 4; g = data.getInt16(c, true); c = c + 2; for (var h = data.getUint8(c++), m = data.getUint8(c++), q = data.getUint8(c++), h = (h << 16 | m << 8 | q).toString(16); 6 > h.length; ) h = "0" + h; var h = "#" + h, k = data.getUint8(c++), m = !!(k & 1), q = !!(k & 16); k & 2 && (c += 4); k & 4 && (c += 8); k & 8 && (c += 16); for (var n, k = ""; ; ) { n = data.getUint16(c, true); c += 2; if (0 == n) break; k += String.fromCharCode(n) } n = k; k = null; var updated = false; // if d in cells then modify it, otherwise create a new cell cells.hasOwnProperty(d) ? (k = cells[d], k.updatePos(), k.ox = k.x, k.oy = k.y, k.oSize = k.size, k.color = h, updated = true) : (k = new Cell(d, p, f, g, h, n), k.pX = p, k.pY = f); k.isVirus = m; k.isAgitated = q; k.nx = p; k.ny = f; k.nSize = g; k.updateCode = b; k.updateTime = I; n && k.setName(n); // ignore food creation if (updated) { dataToSend.nodes.push({ id:, x: k.nx, y: k.ny, size: k.nSize, color: k.color }); } } // Destroy queue + nonvisible nodes b = data.getUint32(c, true); c += 4; for (e = 0; e < b; e++) { d = data.getUint32(c, true); c += 4, k = cells[d]; null != k && k.destroy(); dataToSend.nonVisibleNodes.push(d); } var packet = { type: 16, data: dataToSend } miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack(packet)); } // extract the type of packet and dispatch it to a corresponding extractor function extractPacket(event) { var c = 0; var data = new DataView(; 240 == data.getUint8(c) && (c += 5); var opcode = data.getUint8(c); c++; switch (opcode) { case 16: // cells data extractCellPacket(data, c); break; case 20: // cleanup ids current_cell_ids = []; break; case 32: // cell id belongs me var id = data.getUint32(c, true); if (current_cell_ids.indexOf(id) === -1) current_cell_ids.push(id); miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack({ type: 32, data: id })); break; case 64: // get borders start_x = data.getFloat64(c, !0), c += 8, start_y = data.getFloat64(c, !0), c += 8, end_x = data.getFloat64(c, !0), c += 8, end_y = data.getFloat64(c, !0), c += 8, center_x = (start_x + end_x) / 2, center_y = (start_y + end_y) / 2, length_x = Math.abs(start_x - end_x), length_y = Math.abs(start_y - end_y); } }; function extractSendPacket(data) { var view = new DataView(data); switch (view.getUint8(0, true)) { case 0: player_name = []; for (var i=1; i < data.byteLength; i+=2) { player_name.push(view.getUint16(i, true)); } miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack({ type: 0, data: player_name })); break; } } // the injected point, overwriting the WebSocket constructor window.WebSocket = function(url, protocols) { console.log('Listen'); if (protocols === undefined) { protocols = []; } var ws = new _WebSocket(url, protocols); refer(this, ws, 'binaryType'); refer(this, ws, 'bufferedAmount'); refer(this, ws, 'extensions'); refer(this, ws, 'protocol'); refer(this, ws, 'readyState'); refer(this, ws, 'url'); this.send = function(data){ extractSendPacket(data); return, data); }; this.close = function(){ return; }; this.onopen = function(event){}; this.onclose = function(event){}; this.onerror = function(event){}; this.onmessage = function(event){}; ws.onopen = function(event) { miniMapInit(); agar_server = url; miniMapSendRawData(msgpack.pack({ type: 100, data: {url: url, region: $('#region').val(), gamemode: $('#gamemode').val(), party: location.hash} })); if (this.onopen) return, event); }.bind(this); ws.onmessage = function(event) { extractPacket(event); if (this.onmessage) return, event); }.bind(this); ws.onclose = function(event) { if (this.onclose) return, event); }.bind(this); ws.onerror = function(event) { if (this.onerror) return, event); }.bind(this); }; window.WebSocket.prototype = _WebSocket; $(window.document).ready(function() { miniMapInit(); }); $(window).load(function() { var main_canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); if (main_canvas && main_canvas.onmousemove) { document.onmousemove = main_canvas.onmousemove; main_canvas.onmousemove = null; } }); })();