Shows in instagram profile pages how many images out of total (as a number and as a percentage) are currently visible, as you scroll down the page.
This script in profile pages in Instagram.
It adds a static element in the upper right corner of the page,
showing how many images out of total are visible (and also as a percentage) (see screenshot in the end).
The instagram site uses single-page application workflow (i.e. the history API).
Since v2016.08.02 it's no no longer needed to open a profile page in a new tab (now using the excellent library arrive.js).
Thanks a lot to wOxxOm for his valuable help in here.
The script works and is tested on Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey.
Greasemonkey -any version- is not supported (the script might work, but is not tested).
If you have any bugs, bug fixes or ideas, please report at my GitHub repo