Adds handy links to top-menu, footer and inner-pages
// ==UserScript== // @name SGLinkies // @namespace // @version 1.6.4 // @description Adds handy links to top-menu, footer and inner-pages // @author Mullins // @match* // @match* // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // script $(function() { // toggle dropdown $("html").click(function() { $("nav .nav__button, .page__heading__button--is-dropdown").removeClass("is-selected"), $("nav .nav__relative-dropdown").addClass("is-hidden"); // jshint ignore:line }), $("nav .nav__button--is-dropdown-arrow2").click(function(e) { var t = $(this).hasClass("is-selected"); $("nav .nav__button").removeClass("is-selected"), $("nav .nav__relative-dropdown").addClass("is-hidden"), t || $(this).addClass("is-selected").siblings(".nav__relative-dropdown").removeClass("is-hidden"), e.stopPropagation(); // jshint ignore:line }); // jshint ignore:line }); // add class to faq button $( ".nav__button-container:nth-child(7)>.nav__button" ).addClass( "nav__button--is-dropdown" ); // inject custom style function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } // define styles /*jshint multistr: true */ var styles = []; styles.push('.sg-info { background-image: '+ $('header').css('background-image') +' !important; color: '+ $('.nav__notification').css('color') +'; position: static; top: auto; width: auto; z-index: auto; padding: 6px 15px; text-shadow: none; color: #ffffff; cursor: pointer; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-txt { color: #ffffff; font: bold 11px/15px Arial,sans-serif; text-align: center; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row { padding: 6px 15px; text-shadow: none; display: flex; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row:hover .nav__row__summary__name, .sg-info-row:hover i { color: #ffffff; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row i { font-size: 16px; margin-right: 15px; color: #464F60; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row .sg-icon-black, .nav__row .sg-icon-black { color: #2E2E2E; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row .sg-icon-grey, .nav__row .sg-icon-grey { color: #585858; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row .sg-icon-green, .nav__row .sg-icon-green { color: #3D8532; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row .sg-icon-red, .nav__row .sg-icon-red { color: #CB1D1D; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row .sg-icon-blue, .nav__row .sg-icon-blue { color: #63a0f4; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row .sg-icon-lightgreen, .nav__row .sg-icon-lightgreen { color: #96c468; }'); styles.push('.nav__button--is-dropdown-arrow2 { padding: 0 10px;border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; }'); styles.push('.sgl-reposition { left: -54px; border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; }'); styles.push('.sgl-faq-btn1 { border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0 !important; }'); styles.push('.sgl-faq-btn2 { border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px !important; }'); styles.push('.nav__left-container .nav__button-container:last-child a { border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; }'); styles.push('.sg-info-row-subtitle { font-size: 10px; margin-top: -2px;}'); /*styles.push(' .sg-info-row-subtitle { color: #eee;}');*/ addGlobalStyle(styles.join('')); // add buttons to giveaways /*jshint multistr: true */ $(".nav__left-container .nav__button[href='/']").parent().children(':first-child').children(':first-child').append (' \ <a class="nav__row" href="/account/settings/giveaways/filters"> \ <i class="sg-icon-black fa fa-fw fa-eye-slash"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Hidden Giveaways</p> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__description">View all games you have hidden.</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row" href="/bundle-games"> \ <i class="sg-icon-green fa fa-fw fa-cube"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Bundle List</p> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__description">List with all bundled games.</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ ' ); // add menu to giveaways $(".nav__left-container .nav__button[href='/']").parent().children(':first-child').children(':first-child').append (' \ <div class="sg-info"> \ <p class="sg-info-txt">« Giveaway Filters »</p> \ </div> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/giveaways/search?type=wishlist"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Wishlist</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/giveaways/search?type=recommended"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Recommended</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/giveaways/search?type=group"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Group and Whitelist</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/giveaways/search?type=new"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">New</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/giveaways/search?region_restricted=true"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Region Restricted</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/giveaways/search?dlc=true"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">DLC</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ ' ); // add menu to discussions $(".nav__left-container .nav__button[href='/discussions']").parent().children(':first-child').children(':first-child').append (' \ <div class="sg-info"> \ <p class="sg-info-txt">« Pinned Threads »</p> \ </div> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/trade/ERWWE/"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Find User by Steam ID</p> \ <p class="sg-info-row-subtitle nav__row__summary__description">By CG</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/discussion/GeDfy/"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-check-circle"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">How to Check Your GA Winners</p> \ <p class="sg-info-row-subtitle nav__row__summary__description">By Khalaq</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/discussion/XaCbA/"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-star"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">List of All CV Levels</p> \ <p class="sg-info-row-subtitle nav__row__summary__description">By Kiru</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/discussion/C0hpX/"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-book"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Master List of Ongoing Bundles #2</p> \ <p class="sg-info-row-subtitle nav__row__summary__description">By InquisitorAles</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/discussion/Zevqn/"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">SG Add-ons Registry #2</p> \ <p class="sg-info-row-subtitle nav__row__summary__description">By Sighery/Perm</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ ' ); // add menu to support $(".nav__left-container .nav__button[href='/support']").parent().children(':first-child').children(':first-child').append (' \ <div class="sg-info"> \ <p class="sg-info-txt">« SG Tools (links open in a new page) »</p> \ </div> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="" target="_blank"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-money"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Real Contributor Value</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="" target="_blank"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Non Activated Wins</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="" target="_blank"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-repeat"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Multiple Wins</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="" target="_blank"> \ <i class="sg-icon-grey fa fa-fw fa-list-alt"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">List of Last Bundled Games</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ ' ); // add menu to help $(".nav__left-container .nav__button[href='/about/faq']").parent().children(':first-child').children(':first-child').append (' \ <a class="nav__row" href="/discussion/e9zDo/"> \ <i class="sg-icon-blue fa fa-fw fa-calendar"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Change Log</p> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__description">List of updates to the site.</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ ' ); // add menu to user $(".nav__right-container .nav__button[href='/account']").parent().children(':last-child').children(':last-child').append (' \ <div class="sg-info"> \ <p class="sg-info-txt">« My Profile »</p> \ </div> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/account/manage/blacklist"> \ <i class="sg-icon-black fa fa-fw fa-minus-circle"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Blacklist</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ \ <a class="nav__row sg-info-row" href="/account/manage/whitelist"> \ <i class="sg-icon-blue fa fa-fw fa-heart"></i> \ <div class="nav__row__summary"> \ <p class="nav__row__summary__name">Whitelist</p> \ </div> \ </a> \ ' ); // add buttons to footer $(".footer__inner-wrap>div:last-child").append ( ' \ <div> \ <i class="fa fa-flag"></i> \ <a href="/stats/community/regions">Regions</a> \ </div> \ \ <div> \ <i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> \ <a href="/group/SJ7Bu/">SG Group</a> \ </div> \ ' );