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add H6 for screenreaders

adds a H6 element before an answer to aid screenreaders in finding the start of an answer

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         add H6 for screenreaders
// @namespace    http://your.homepage/
// @version      0.1
// @description  adds a H6 element before an answer to aid screenreaders in finding the start of an answer
// @author       rene
// @match        *://*.stackexchange.com/questions/*
// @match        *://*.stackoverflow.com/questions/*
// @match        *://*.superuser.com/questions/*
// @match        *://*.serverfault.com/questions/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function (){
var hide = true; // for testing set to false
$('.answer').before(function(index) {
var score = $(this).find('.vote-count-post').text(),
accepted = $(this).find('span.vote-accepted-on'),
h6 = $('<h6>').html('Answer ' +
(index + 1) +
'(score ' + score +
(accepted.length > 0?', accepted answer':'') +
// form http://webaim.org/techniques/css/invisiblecontent/
if (hide) {
.css('left', '-10000px')
.css('top', 'autor')
.css('width', '1px')
.css('height', '1px')
.css('overflow', 'hidden');
return h6;