Fold and unfold arbitrary comment subtrees.
// ==UserScript== // @name Hacker News - Folding Subtrees // @namespace // @description Fold and unfold arbitrary comment subtrees. // @include* // @version 1.2 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* hacker_news-folding_subtrees.user.js A user script to fold Hacker News.comments. Copyright (C) 2015 Brent Sanders This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ (function () { var icon_padding_px = 6; var post_selector = '.athing'; var indent_selector = '.ind'; var header_selector = '.default div:nth-child(1)'; var votebox_selector = 'tr td:nth-child(2)'; var style_r90 = ".rotate90 { transform: rotate(90deg); }"; var style_r270 = ".rotate270 { transform: rotate(270deg); }"; var style_foldunfold = ".foldunfoldbtn { position: relative; top: -1px; }"; var style_fold = '.foldbtn { opacity: 0.5; }'; var style_unfold = '.unfoldbtn { opacity: 0.7; }'; var style_ctlbox = '.foldctlbox { position: absolute; padding-left: ' + icon_padding_px + 'px; }'; var style_list = [style_r90, style_r270, style_foldunfold, style_fold, style_unfold, style_ctlbox]; var extra_style_sheet = document.createElement('style'); extra_style_sheet.type = 'text/css'; extra_style_sheet.appendChild(document.createTextNode(style_list.join("\n"))); var head = document.querySelector('head'); head.appendChild(extra_style_sheet); var foldified_count = 0; function hide (el) { = 'none'; } function show_element (el, mode) { if (el) { = mode; } } function show_block (el) { show_element(el, 'block' ); } function show_inline (el) { show_element(el, 'inline' ); } function show_inline_block (el) { show_element(el, 'inline-block'); } function set_toggle_button_fold (btn) { btn.classList.add('foldbtn'); btn.classList.add('rotate90'); btn.classList.remove('unfoldbtn'); btn.classList.remove('rotate270'); } function set_toggle_button_unfold (btn) { btn.classList.remove('foldbtn'); btn.classList.remove('rotate90'); btn.classList.add('unfoldbtn'); btn.classList.add('rotate270'); } function make_toggle_button (btn_type, rotation_class) { var btn = document.createElement('div'); btn.classList.add('votearrow'); btn.classList.add('foldunfoldbtn'); set_toggle_button_fold(btn); show_inline_block(btn); return btn; } function each_subtree_post (post, func) { if (!post.hasOwnProperty('indent_width')) { return; } var width = post.indent_width || 0; post = post.nextElementSibling; while (post && post.hasOwnProperty('indent_width') && (post.indent_width > width)) { func(post); post = post.nextElementSibling; } } function foldify_post(post_el, idx) { var ind_el = post_el.querySelector(indent_selector); if (!ind_el) { return; } var spacer_img = ind_el.firstChild; if (!spacer_img) { return; } post_el.indent_width = spacer_img.width; var header_el = post_el.querySelector(header_selector); var votebox_el = post_el.querySelector(votebox_selector); var votepad_el = null; var body_br_el = null; var body_comment_el = null; var body_pad_el = null; if (header_el) { post_el.header_el = header_el; votepad_el = document.createElement('span'); = 'none'; body_pad_el = document.createElement('div'); body_pad_el.classList.add('comment'); var comhead_el = header_el.querySelector('.comhead'); if (votebox_el) { var icon_width = votebox_el.offsetWidth; = icon_width; if (comhead_el) { var comhead_width = comhead_el.offsetWidth; = '' + (comhead_width + icon_width + icon_padding_px) + 'px'; } } header_el.insertBefore(votepad_el, header_el.firstChild); body_br_el = header_el.parentElement.children[1]; body_comment_el = header_el.parentElement.children[2]; header_el.parentElement.appendChild(body_pad_el); } var toggle_btn = make_toggle_button(); post_el.fold_self = function () { post_el.is_folded = true; set_toggle_button_unfold(toggle_btn); hide(votebox_el); show_inline_block(votepad_el); hide(body_br_el); hide(body_comment_el); show_block(body_pad_el); }; post_el.unfold_self = function () { post_el.is_folded = false; set_toggle_button_fold(toggle_btn); show_block(votebox_el); hide(votepad_el); show_inline(body_br_el); show_block(body_comment_el); hide(body_pad_el); }; post_el.fold_subtree = function () { each_subtree_post(post_el, function (post) { post.fold_self(); }); }; post_el.unfold_subtree = function () { each_subtree_post(post_el, function (post) { post.unfold_self(); }); }; post_el.fold = function () { post_el.fold_self(); post_el.fold_subtree(); }; post_el.unfold = function () { post_el.unfold_self(); post_el.unfold_subtree(); }; post_el.is_folded = false; post_el.toggle_fold = function () { if (post_el.is_folded) { post_el.unfold(); } else { post_el.fold(); } }; var toggle_event = function (event) { post_el.toggle_fold(); }; toggle_btn.addEventListener('click', toggle_event, false); var ctl_box = document.createElement('div'); ctl_box.classList.add('foldctlbox'); ctl_box.appendChild(toggle_btn); show_inline_block(ctl_box); header_el.appendChild(ctl_box); foldified_count = foldified_count + 1; } function setup_posts () { var posts = document.querySelectorAll(post_selector); /*console.log('found ' + posts.length + ' posts');*/ if (posts) {, foldify_post); } } setup_posts(); /*console.log("foldified " + foldified_count + ' posts');*/ })();