Adds download links to TVmaze website
// ==UserScript== // @name TVmaze Downloader // @description Adds download links to TVmaze website // @namespace // @include* // @version 1.3 // @Author Bunta // @license // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* Console import for testing: var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = ""; body.appendChild(script); var $ = JQuery */ (function() { function Tracker(shortname, icon, searchurl, useNumbers) { this.shortname = shortname; this.icon = icon; this.searchurl = searchurl; this.useNumbers = useNumbers; this.getHTML = function (query, episode) { var tShortname = this.shortname; var tIcon = this.icon; var tSearchURL = this.searchurl; var tUseNumbers = this.useNumbers; // Alter search or link parameters for special cases switch (query) { case "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D": query = "Marvels Agents"; break; case "DC's Legends of Tomorrow": query = "DCs Legends of Tomorrow"; break; case "Ash vs Evil Dead": tSearchURL = " -720 -1080 "; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Kickass"; break; case "Fairy Tail": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "Fairy Tail Zero": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "Hunter x Hunter": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "God Eater": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "Naruto: Shippuuden": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "Kiseijuu": query = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; case "One Piece": query = ""; //tSearchURL = ""; tUseNumbers = false; tSearchURL = ""; tIcon = ""; tShortname = "Anime"; break; default: break; } var search = ""; if(tUseNumbers){ search = query + " " + episode; } else { search = query; } var html = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + tSearchURL; html += escape(search); html += "\">"; if (tIcon != "") { html += "<img width=\"14\" heigth=\"14\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + tIcon + "\" alt=\"" + tShortname + "\">"; } else { html += tShortname; } html += "</a>"; return html; } // Used for old EZTV site POST process this.getEZTVPostHTML = function (query) { var html = "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"-2\">" + "<form target=\"_blank\" action=\"\" method=\"POST\" name=\"search\" id=\"search\">" + //"<script type=\"text/javascript\">function search_submit_form( obj ) { $( '#' + obj ).click(); return false; }</script>" + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" name=\"search\" id=\"search_submit\" style=\"display: none;\" />" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SearchString1\" value=\"" html += query; html += "\" /><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"parentNode.submit()\">"; if (this.icon != "") { html += "<img width=\"14\" heigth=\"14\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + this.icon + "\" alt=\"" + this.shortname + "\">"; } else { html += this.shortname; } html += "</a></form></font>"; return html; } } function addDownloadWatchList(downloadURL) { // iterate through all series tables $("table.table-striped").each(function() { // Create Download column $(this).find("thead tr th").last().attr({ colspan: '2' }); // Remove "Mark as watched" text $(this).find("").text("Mark as acquired"); // Get series title var showTitle = $(this).parent().parent().prev().children("a").text(); $(this).find("tbody tr").each(function() { // Get episode number var ep = $(this).find("td").first().text().split(":")[0].replace("x","E"); var episode = (ep.split("E")[0].length > 1) ? "S" + ep : "S0" + ep; // Add download link to each episode $(this).append("<td style='width:40px'>" + downloadURL.getHTML(showTitle, episode) + "</td>"); }); }); } function addDownloadEpisodeList(downloadURL) { // Get series title var showTitle = $("h1").text().replace(" - Episode List",""); // iterate through all series tables $("table.table-striped").each(function() { // Alter "Watched" column header $(this).find("thead tr th").last().children("a").text(""); // Create Download column $(this).find("thead tr").append("<th></th>"); // Get Season var season = $(this).parent().prev().attr("name"); $(this).find("tbody tr").each(function() { // Get episode number var episode = season + "E" + $(this).find("td").first().text(); // Add download link to each episode $(this).append("<td style='width:5px'>" + downloadURL.getHTML(showTitle, episode) + "</td>"); }); }); } // --------------- downloadURL --------------- // FORMAT: Tracker(shortName, iconURL, searchURL, useNumbers) // shortName - Alt display name for link // iconURL - icon displayed for link created // searchURL - URL that search string is appended to // useNumbers - if true adds the episode number to the search URL var downloadURL = new Tracker("EZTV", "", "", false); //downloadURL = new Tracker("Kickass", "", " -720p -1080p ", false); // --------------- END OF downloadURL --------------- if($("title").text().contains("Watch List")){ addDownloadWatchList(downloadURL); } else if($("title").text().contains("Episode List")){ addDownloadEpisodeList(downloadURL); }// else if($("title").text().contains("Episode")){ // addDownloadEpisode(downloadURL); // } })();